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===Long-Forgotten Seashell===
===Long-Forgotten Seashell===
{{Quotation|Long-Forgotten Seashell|
{{Quotation|Long-Forgotten Seashell #2|
The world is not the boundless paradise we were promised.  <br>
The world is not the boundless paradise we were promised.  <br>
Our population quickly outstripped the habitable land, while seas we thought would shine forever blue ran dry, spoiled in forging the tools of conquest. Cramped homes turned to squalor, and then came the sickness. <br>
Our population quickly outstripped the habitable land, while seas we thought would shine forever blue ran dry, spoiled in forging the tools of conquest. Cramped homes turned to squalor, and then came the sickness. <br>

Revision as of 17:37, 8 January 2023


The Dead Ends

The Dead Ends.png
90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
540 (Sync: 570)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (Endwalker)
Level 90 Dungeons"Level 90 Dungeons" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest Endwalker
Ultima Thule (X:21.4, Y:21.2)
Duty Support, Trust, Explorer
Trust EXP

Here, at the edge of the universe, await as many stories as there are stars in its sea. Of rises and falls, of beginnings and ends...of a little bird who left home with hope, yet nested in sorrow. Hearken unto these tales to be told...

— In-game description

The Dead Ends is a level 90 dungeon introduced in patch 6.0 with Endwalker.


  • Meet the sixth end: 0/1
  • Leave the sixth end behind: 0/1
  • Meet the eighth end: 0/1
  • Leave the eighth end behind: 0/1
  • Meet the seventeenth end: 0/1
  • Leave the seventeenth end behind: 0/1


Dungeon Guide by MTQcapture

Players should be aware that stepping in any of the puddles on the ground in the Pestilent Sands or the Grebuloff Pillars will debuff them with a potent poison Damage over Time debuff called Toxicosis icon1.png Toxicosis, which deals about 10,000 damage per second until they step out.

Note that failing any mechanics in these fights will result in the player who failed them receiving a two minute stacking Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Caustic Grebuloff

  • Miasmata: Roomwide AoE that additionally spawns AoE circles around the arena. These AoEs will move across the arena in the direction of the wind, so players must position themselves to avoid them. If hit, a player will receive the Necrosis icon1.png Necrosis debuff, which must be cleansed with Esuna.png  Esuna or The Warden's Paean.png  The Warden's Paean, or it will kill them if the debuff timer expires.
  • Cough Up: Drops 3 sets of AoEs on each player, spread apart to avoid overlapping. After the AoE circles players will receive a red arrow above their head and the Craven companionship icon1.png Craven Companionship debuff. Players must be stacked when the debuff timer expires or they will be inflicted with Hysteria icon1.png Hysteria for several seconds.
  • Wave of Nausea: A telegraphed donut AoE around the boss. Being hit will inflict Necrosis icon1.png Necrosis.
  • Pox Flail: Tankbuster.
  • Blighted Water: Stack marker.
  • Befoulment: Targeted AoE circles, spread to avoid overlap.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Peacekeeper

  • Decimation: Raid-wide AoE that also covers the outer part of the arena in fire. Contacting it will inflict Burns icon1.png Burns, dealing damage-over-time.
  • Electromagnetic Repellant: The boss summons a field that fills its hitbox, that debuffs players with Electrocution icon1.png Electrocution and deals damage as long as they stand in it.
  • Order To Fire: Spawns a number of turrets around the boss, which then shoot line AoEs directly outward from the boss. The line AoEs converge at the edge of the boss's hitbox, leaving narrow cone safe-zones between the line AoEs between the boss's hitbox and the edge of the arena. Usually combined with a targeted AoE, so spread to avoid overlapping.
  • No Future: Spawns a pattern of targeting circles, which will hit every area of the arena at some point. Stand in areas that don't yet have targeting circles, or ones that spawned later, then move into ones that just exploded. This attack has two patterns: the AoEs will spawn under the boss and move outwards, or will start from outside the arena and move inwards. The hitbox under the boss is never a safe zone, so players should avoid standing there. If the AoEs spawn from the edge inward, players can identify the safe space and move into it. If they spawn from the center of the arena, players can stand at the point where the AoEs overlap, as the next ones to spawn will spawn outward from the first and not be touching. The attack will fire two sets of circles on the first time, and three sets per cast from the second cast onward. Each successive cast is rotated such that the areas that were initially safe in the prior cast are now targeting circles, requiring players to adjust their positioning.
  • Peacefire: Spawns AoEs that will keep rotating around the boss, avoid by rotating with the AoEs. Always cast alongside Electromagnetic Repellant, forcing players to stand in the area the circles rotate through. This can be cast alongside Order To Fire, requiring the players to find a position ahead of the rotating AoEs and within the narrow cone safe zones.
  • Eclipsing Exhaust: Spawns AoE circles around the edges, with several gaps between them, then triggers a telegraphed knockback from the center of the room. Get knocked into a gap.
  • Elimination: Tankbuster. The boss fires a wide beam that will hit other players if they are too close, almost certainly killing them.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png The Last Mercy: Ra-la

  • Warm Glow: Raid-wide AoE.
  • Pity: Tankbuster.
  • Prance: Boss jumps 4 times, dealing no damage, but dropping golden circular zones that will grow, then explode in the order they were spawned in. Move into one of the last two circles, then move into where the first circle was after it explodes.
  • Lifesbreath: The boss jumps to the edge of the arena, then shoots a line AoEs through the middle. After the line AoE, a line of butterflies will spawn in the same location, facing one half of the arena in alternating pairs. (⬆⬆⬇⬇⬆⬆⬇⬇ etc...) After a short delay, the butterflies will fire a line AoE (Lamellar Light) in the direction they are facing. Players must position themselves behind a butterfly to avoid the attack. Note that you can move through the line of butterflies before they fire. If hit by the butterflies players will receive Doom Doom and must be healed up to full health to recover, or they will die. The second cast of this is accompanied by Loving Embrace, making one half of the arena unsafe to stand on. Loving Embrace fires off slightly after the butterflies' attack, allowing melee DPS to swap sides if necessary.
  • Benevolence: Stack marker.
  • Loving Embrace: The boss will raise a glowing wing, then cleave that entire side of the stage from the middle of its hitbox outwards. Move to the other side to avoid.
  • Still Embrace: Targeted AoE circles, spread to avoid overlapping.


Silver Coffer (small).png Caustic Grebuloff

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last earring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Earring of Aiming Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of casting icon1.png  The Last Earring of Casting Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of fending icon1.png  The Last Earring of Fending Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of healing icon1.png  The Last Earring of Healing Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Earring of Slaying Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of aiming icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Aiming Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of casting icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Casting Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of fending icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Fending Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of healing icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Healing Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of slaying icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Slaying Necklace 560 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Peacekeeper

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
The last bracelet of aiming icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of casting icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of fending icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of healing icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of slaying icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Ring of Aiming Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of casting icon1.png  The Last Ring of Casting Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of fending icon1.png  The Last Ring of Fending Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of healing icon1.png  The Last Ring of Healing Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Ring of Slaying Ring 560 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png The Last Mercy: Ra-la

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Of countless stars orchestrion roll icon1.png  Of Countless Stars Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Starbird icon2.png  Starbird Minion N/A ABasic 1
The last earring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Earring of Aiming Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of casting icon1.png  The Last Earring of Casting Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of fending icon1.png  The Last Earring of Fending Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of healing icon1.png  The Last Earring of Healing Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Earring of Slaying Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of aiming icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Aiming Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of casting icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Casting Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of fending icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Fending Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of healing icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Healing Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of slaying icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Slaying Necklace 560 BGreen 1

Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X:11.6 Y:12.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X:10.3 Y:9.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last bracelet of fending icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of slaying icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of aiming icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of casting icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of healing icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of fending icon1.png  The Last Ring of Fending Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Ring of Slaying Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Ring of Aiming Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of casting icon1.png  The Last Ring of Casting Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of healing icon1.png  The Last Ring of Healing Ring 560 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X:11.2 Y:11.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last earring of fending icon1.png  The Last Earring of Fending Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Earring of Slaying Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Earring of Aiming Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of casting icon1.png  The Last Earring of Casting Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of healing icon1.png  The Last Earring of Healing Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of fending icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Fending Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of slaying icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Slaying Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of aiming icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Aiming Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of casting icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Casting Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of healing icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Healing Necklace 560 BGreen 1
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X:9.3 Y:9.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last bracelet of fending icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of slaying icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of aiming icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of casting icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of healing icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of fending icon1.png  The Last Ring of Fending Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Ring of Slaying Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Ring of Aiming Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of casting icon1.png  The Last Ring of Casting Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of healing icon1.png  The Last Ring of Healing Ring 560 BGreen 1
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm the dead ends icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Dead Ends 10 Discover every location within the Dead Ends. - 6.0


Gear Images

Dungeon Images


Long-Forgotten Seashell

The world is not the boundless paradise we were promised.
Our population quickly outstripped the habitable land, while seas we thought would shine forever blue ran dry, spoiled in forging the tools of conquest. Cramped homes turned to squalor, and then came the sickness.
Our undoing--and the final blessing this star has to offer.
We are no longer the fools we once were. Wheresoever life goes, death will follow. Indeed, existence is but the most painful path unto nothingness--and the wise embrace their obliteration wholeheartedly.

— Long-Forgotten Seashell #2