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[[Category:Sidequests]] [[Category:Eastern Thanalan quests]] [[Category:Patch 2.0 quests]]

Revision as of 15:48, 26 June 2018

Sidequest.pngEastern Thanalan Quest Template:Quest




  • Slay earth sprites.
  • Speak with Reremaki at Camp Drybone.


  • Lululo of the Golden Bazaar once more seeks an adventurer to kill the beasts that vex her.
  • An attack by a group of earth sprites has resulted in the shipment of Lululo's mining tools being delayed. Slay three earth sprites in the area to clear the road for safe passage.
  • You have slain the earth sprites. Travel to Camp Drybone and tell the merchant Reremaki that the road is safe for delivery of the mining tools.
  • Reremaki assures you that he will be taking the tools to the Golden Bazaar as soon as he and his chocobo are able.