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==Walkthrough== | ==Walkthrough== | ||
{{#ev:youtube|6JC_HORsVLE|350|left|PART 1: Her Children, One and All - full cutscenes + The Aitiascope dungeon}} | |||
{{#ev:youtube|a8-Xaw6we2o|350|center|PART 2: Her Children, One and All - full cutscenes + The Mothercrystal Trial}}<br><br><br> | |||
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==Dialogue== | ==Dialogue== |
Revision as of 22:59, 13 December 2021
Her Children, One and All
- Quest giver
- Fourchenault
- Location
- Labyrinthos (X:13.3, Y:27.5)
- Quest line
- Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 89
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Bonds of Adamant(ite)
- Next quest
A Bold Decision
- Patch
- 6.0
“Fourchenault is ready to lead you to Hydaelyn at last.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Use the Duty Finder to enter the Aitiascope.
- Confront Hydaelyn at the Mothercrystal.
- Speak to Fourchenault.
- Speak with Ojika Tsunjika.
- We make for the lift at the center of this chamber. Come.
<missing dialogue here>
- My very essence...begins to wane. Sweet, sweet agony...
- Leave this to her.
- Come to deal the coup de grâce?
- Good... Watching you struggle against the inevitable is bad comedy. Erase me from existence, soul and all.
- How would you know that name?
- Then it was you─in Elpis, with Emet-Selch. Ha! The final pieces fall into place.
- In my halcyon days as the mortal Amon, I was haunted by a dream...
- Night after night, the faceless multitude. The voiceless cries. Shards of shattered memories.
- But slowly the fog began to clear. This was Elpis, and I...I was Hermes.
- Recurring though it was, I paid this dream little heed.
- It was only when I was granted the seat─and memories─of Fandaniel that I knew these visions to be true.
- They were the memories of Hermes, that he himself erased using the power of Kairos.
- Or so he thought. In his attempt to burn away the events of that fateful day, he succeeded only in searing them more deeply into his soul. My soul.
- Death failed to expunge them, no matter how many times it came. Rebirth after rebirth, from one Fandaniel to the next.
- I wonder─is Emet-Selch adrift somewhere in this aetherial sea, in defeat finally remembering your time together in Elpis?
- How it must gall him─to be entrusted with knowledge of the Final Days, only to be rendered powerless to act upon it! So many lifetimes dedicated to restoring his beloved Amaurot in blissful ignorance. Oh, folly.
- But make no mistake... My life as Hermes is not the reason I invited the world's end.
- I have lived. I have struggled. I have dredged the very depths of despair. And in the detritus of existence, I found the truth.
- I served a great ruler, powerful beyond measure, the world his dominion. Yet even he and his vast empire were destined to fall─to become one with oblivion. At the end of life's journey...lies only death.
- So I ask you─why live at all?
- We betray, we torment, we murder. We are wicked, spiteful creatures─without exception!
- If life is so sacred, so precious, why fill it with such misery?
- Man wallows in a hell of his own making, without purpose or meaning.
- To live is to suffer... And I would end that suffering by my own hand!
- It matters not if it flies in the face of all believed right and just. Death is the only solution!
- That is my truth. My answer to the question, and yet...
- ...Even as the words pass my lips, I am filled with doubt.
- Has my search reached its end?
- Was this the only way?
- After all these years...
- Is this the answer I was hoping for?
- The lamentations of the damned... How it vexes me, to see your conviction falter at the last.
- Fandaniel... Still clinging to existence, I see.
- You, who champion death so fervently, unwilling to accept your own. Refusing to be purified and swept into the sea of souls─as do I.
- We prisoners to memory, watching as the world turns...
- Though unlike me, you will be spared the ignominy of having your corpse made a puppet, dancing to another's tune.
- Is that...Asahi?
- How very astute. But let me be clear─I have not come to consort with the likes of you.
- Nor have I come to bemoan the state of the world following my untimely demise. In fact, I delight in mankind's downfall and the anguish it brings the savior of the savages.
- If I played some small part in the chaos, all the better. Not that I was in any position to resist.
- But to be made accomplice to the betrayal of Lord Zenos...
- ...I would die a thousand deaths to exact my vengeance!
- Now you are at my mercy. I shall drag us both into oblivion, and you will never see the fulfillment of your magnum opus!
- Even should you be reborn, your desperate search for answers must start again!
- Even here. Even now...
- You have every right to hate me. For the fool I was, for the monster I became.
- But I will not beg forgiveness. The tale of Hermes─the man who knew so much, yet understood so little─ends here.
- Don't try to follow me. I had more of you people than I could stomach in life, never mind in death.
- Likewise. I pray we do not meet again.
- Hmph. You had better hope not.
- Come. Hydaelyn is waiting.
- Brave travelers, I welcome you.
- I see... Thou didst journey unto Elpis.
- And now, the rivers of time converge.
- I know why you have come, yet I would hear you speak your reasons, all the same.
- You created the moon to deliver mankind from the Final Days.
- But is that really how it has to end? We do not wish to abandon this world. We want to protect the Source, and all of its shards!
- To flee is but one of two paths.
- The other leadeth to Meteion, far beyond the stars, where she doth chant creation's requiem.
- Her domain is formed of dynamis. Pure. Absolute.
- Where emotion and memory govern all, aether will avail you naught.
- Meteion hath gathered the pain and despair of countless stars, and to go unprepared is to go unto your doom.
- We'll beat her. We'll win. I swear it!
- ...Is what I might've said, once.
- After everything I've seen, all the times I've succumbed to my own anger and fear...
- ...I can no longer pretend that courage and faith will be enough.
- But are we truly so powerless? That our only choice is to flee?
- Far from it, my child.
- Long ago, the inhabitants of myriad stars─many more prosperous than Etheirys─sought to free their worlds from life's woes.
- Sorrow and anger, conflict and hostility, despair...and even death itself. But as Meteion reported, every attempt ended in failure.
- Darkness abideth within every living being, and can never be cast out.
- Neither reason nor faith can challenge this immutable truth.
- To live is to suffer.
- And in suffering find strength, and purpose. And hope.
- As you have done so many times before.
- Thou dost pursue an impossible dream, yet knowing this, you pursue it nevertheless. And thou hast learned to depend on others, as they do thee.
- Thy yearning for the power to save the powerless hath ever driven thee to greater heights. Thou hast grown strong.
- Though those closest to thee no longer walketh by thy side, their love remaineth thy guiding light.
- For duty's sake, thou hast been bound by truths unutterable, time and time again. Yet thy heart hath never wavered, as thy companions will attest.
- In thy pursuit of mysteries great, all thou believest is brought into question. Undaunted, thy thirst for knowledge remaineth unquenched.
- The fires of hatred that once burned in thy heart burneth no more. From their ashes doth spring the light of love, warm and pure.
- As witness to black calamity, thou despaired at man's helplessness. Resolved, thou didst unite a distant world on the brink of collapse.
- And thou...my champion. When all did seem lost, thou never abandoned hope.
- For every trial and every foe that did bar thy way, thou hast proven equal to the challenge, drawing courage from the many bonds forged on thy journey.
- You have all known despair, and though the end approacheth, you walk on, heads held high.
- Therein lieth your power. The strength to silence the song of oblivion.
- Then there is a means to confront her?
- Yes, if you should prove yourselves worthy.
- Hark...
- Nigh impossible is it to send mortals to the edge of the universe. Should you fail, there will be no second chance.
- As the will of the star, I ask of you this...
- Do you possess the fortitude to stand firm when all around you doth crumble? Do you possess the faith to vanquish despair itself?
- Should you lack the strength to best a supreme deity, I cannot allow you to make the journey.
- You must leave this star and never return.
- Prepare yourselves!
- Prove ourselves worthy, eh? Sounds straightforward enough.
- Aye, no room for confusion there...
- In any case, we've come too far to back down now.
- I am of the same mind. What power I have, I shall bring to bear.
- The three of you seem to be forgetting who we're up against... It's not every day we battle a divine being of untold power. Well, not quite every day.
- Do try not to get underfoot. Needless to say, there'll be no margin for error.
G'raha Tia:
- Let us hold nothing back! For the people of this world and those beyond the rift!
- Alas, the question I posed to thee in Elpis hath remained unanswered these long years.
- I would hear thy response, Warrior of Light, shouldst thou emerge victorious!
- No! This can't be happening!
- Though my power is in constant flux, I have always kept a reserve for this very moment.
- It was a true test of your prowess. You have done well.
- There is one thing I must ask.
- By sundering the world into fourteen shards, the aether of all living beings too was divided. This reduction would in theory allow us to more easily interact with dynamis.
- Having seen mankind brought to the very precipice of extinction, you wished for us to develop a means to overcome despair.
- You believed we had the potential, and sundered all creation to see it fulfilled. To deliver us to that swirling maelstrom of dynamis in which our foe hides, and grant us the power to defeat her once and for all. Is this not true?
- It is as thou sayest. 'Twas the trial to which I subjected mankind, and it hath led to untold bloodshed and suffering. There was no kindness nor justice in the tragedy I wrought.
- When confronted with the almighty Zodiark, my only recourse was to rend Him and the world asunder, that His power be diminished for a time.
- And so it came to pass. Now you, my chosen, have surpassed my expectations. Surpassed me.
- I entrust the fate of the universe...unto you.
- This crystal contains the memory of Meteion's passage through the stars.
- Deliver it unto the Loporrits. They will guide you to her.
- Though they may be capable of crossing great distances, there is a vast difference between traveling to the moon and the furthermost reaches of the great expanse.
- And unlike Meteion, we cannot simply soar on waves of dynamis to our destination.
- Indeed. To make such a journey would require an astronomical amount of aether.
- But a solution lieth close at hand.
- Of course!
- Yes, my child.
- Ever since I became the will of the star, the aether drawn here hath slowly crystallized.
- They who have answered my call know it well.
- While I have remained hidden, it hath become the embodiment of the planet's will in my place. A faceless, omnipotent force of nature.
- The Mothercrystal...our final hope.
- Alas, I can do no more. The fulfillment of this task doth fall to you, my chosen.
- Now, heed these words.
- Darkness and Light. Despair and hope. As goeth one, so goeth the other. Become Light. Become hope.
- I have a gift for thee... Come closer.
- Long have I searched for a means to safeguard the future of this star.
- Though I knew failure after failure, by recalling thy tales─and my promise to thee─I found the strength to carry on.
- Though the world is ever changing, thy thirst for adventure hath never waned.
- Thine unshakable resolve never ceaseth to amaze. To inspire.
- As a mark of my gratitude, I bestow this final gift.
- Thou dost possess the crystal of Azem, yes?
- As Hydaelyn, I preside over the forces of stasis, tranquility, peace. The laws which impart stability to existence itself.
- I will weave this selfsame power into the crystal, granting thee mastery over matter, to give form to the formless. Use it wisely, for it will not last indefinitely.
- As thou hast seen on thy journey through the aetherial sea, souls are drawn to thee. Mayhap this trait will prove to be a boon rather than a hindrance...
- It is thy hopes and prayers that enable Azem's invocations and give them life, so keep them close. But pray, remember this...
- When the way forward is hidden even from the mind's eye, look not to the invocation, but within yourself.
- These were the words of the crystal's original bearer.
- With that...my work is finished.
- Fulfill our promise. Right the wrongs committed when the world was yet whole. Silence the song of oblivion...
- Teach her a brighter melody. Show her...our journey is far from over.
- Of this, I have no doubt. For yours is a light brilliant beyond measure.
- Long after I have gone, though not even my soul remaineth...
- My love will be with you forever, my dearest children.
- I am glad to see you well. Though we could roughly place your souls, deep as you went, we could neither see nor hear you...
- The fluctuations in your aether near the end gave me quite a fright! What in the world happened?
- You mean to say Hydaelyn is...is...
- No, there's no time to feel our feelings! We must carry out Hydaelyn's will without delay.
- We'll find Meteion if it's the last thing we do!
- ...If you wouldn't mind handing over the crystal, that is. The fancy navigatory one.
- To the edge of the universe, where congregates the despair of countless stars... You are determined to see this through?
- We are. Should words fail us, we will fight...to the bitter end.
- I know that it pains you to accept this. Would that I need ask nothing more of you...
- Yet we have only two means to travel the great expanse─the moon, and Sharlayan's ark. I am all too aware that without both of them, there will be no exodus...but I nevertheless beg you to honor the agreement we made.
- The Forum's decision will be honored. You have earned the right to use the ship as you see fit, and I could not rescind it even if I wanted to.
- As it happens, I do not, and would do all within my power to aid your cause.
- With that settled, might I suggest you rest a while?
- Proving oneself to Hydaelyn is never easy...and despite our unparalleled genius, we'll need a day to make the necessary calculations. You may as well take advantage of it!
G'raha Tia:
- You can chart a course through the sea of stars in a single day!? Ye gods...
- Shall we head above ground for some fresh air, then? And perhaps a nap...
Ojika Tsunjika:
- Aha! I've been expecting you.
- I heard about your foray into the aetherial sea. The Students have ventured far and wide, but never quite so deep as that!
- Are you experiencing any aftereffects from your prolonged exposure? Nausea? Dizziness? Hauntings? Hmm...
- Well, have a pleasant sleep! And if you do experience any unusual phenomena, please let me know. I shall add it to our records!