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===Side Quests===
===Side Quests===
{{see also|Middle La Noscea Sidequests}}
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{{see also|Middle La Noscea FATEs}}
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Revision as of 20:56, 2 September 2019

Three-malm Bend

Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Fog.png Clouds.png Rain.png Wind.png
Middle La Noscea
(La Noscea)
Connects to
Western La Noscea (NW)
Eastern La Noscea (NE)

Three-malm Bend1.jpg

That's some cliff, ain't it? Ye'd never get cargo up an' down that thing without this great bloody mess o' wood an' pulleys.

— In-game description

Three-malm Bend is an area in Middle La Noscea, La Noscea.

Woad Whisper Canyon.
De Nevelle Checkpoint.

Three-malm Bend is an area making up the northern portion of Middle La Noscea. Though formerly level with the area of Summerford to the south, the Calamity caused the land to the south to shift upwards, creating the Descent in the process. In order to traverse the new cliff, merchants operating out of Limsa Lominsa banded together to create the Skylift, allowing land-based traffic and trade to once again flow smoothly through the region.


The Descent

A land formation created due to the effects of the Calamity. The land broke apart here, with the southern section pushing upwards and apart.

Nym River

The river running through the Descent. Flows from Woad Whisper Canyon out to the ocean.


A series of stairs, bridges, scaffolds, and a pulley system made to accommodate traders after the Descent formed. Allows easy access up and down the otherwise steep and dangerous cliff. Built by a collection of freight companies headed by Wyrkrhit.

Woad Whisper Canyon

A canyon formed when the land broke apart during the Calamity.


A new Yellowjacket garrison. Its name reflects its troops' willingness to fight on the front lines of battle.

De Nevelle Checkpoint

An outpost guarding the road between Middle La Noscea and the town of Wineport in Eastern La Noscea. Its main purpose is to be one of Limsa Lominsa's last lines of defense against the nearby Garlean military base, Castrum Occidens.


Side Quests

See also: Middle La Noscea Sidequests
Quest Level NPC Location
Out to Dry 10 W'dhovaka (x15,y16)
Keeping It Fresh 10 Kazai Buoyzai (x15,y16)
Baiting Buzzards 10 Kazai Buoyzai (x15,y16)


See also: Middle La Noscea FATEs
FATE Level Type Coordinates
Shearing is Caring 10 Kill Boss (x16,y14)
Sister Crustacean 12 Kill Enemies (x16,y12)
Go Wespe 13 Kill Enemies (x14,y15)
The Truth Is out There 14 Kill Boss (x16,y9)
The Boy Who Cried Jackal 14 Kill Enemies (x17,y9)
A Mad, Mad, Mad Sergeant 14 Defend (x17,y5)