Emotes | Icon | Type | Command | Can-use-while |
Aback | | General | /aback | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Advent of Light | | General | /advent /adventoflight | |
Air Quotes | | General | /airquotes | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Alert | | Emotes | /alert | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
All Saints' Charm | | General | /allsaintscharm | |
Amazed | | Emotes | /amazed | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Angry | | General | /angry | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Annoyed | | Emotes | /annoyed | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
At Ease | | Special | /atease | Standing |
Attend | | Special | /attend | |
Attention | | Special | /attention | Standing |
Backflip (Emote) | | General | /backflip /bflip | Standing |
Ball Dance | | Special | /balldance | Standing |
Battle Stance | | General | /battlestance /bstance | Standing |
Beam | | Emotes | /beam | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Beckon | | General | /beckon | Standing |
Bee's Knees | | Special | /beesknees | |
Big Grin | | Emotes | /biggrin | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Black Ranger Pose A | | Special | /blackrangerposea /brpa | Standing |
Black Ranger Pose B | | Special | /blackrangerposeb /brpb | Standing |
Blow Kiss | | General | /blowkiss | Standing |
Blush | | General | /blush | Standing |
Bomb Dance | | Special | /bombdance | Standing |
Bouquet | | Special | /bouquet | |
Bow | | General | /bow | Standing |
Box | | General | /box | Standing |
Box Step | | Special | /boxstep | |
Break Fast | | General | /bread /breakfast | |
Breath Control | | Special | /breathcontrol | Standing |
Change Pose | | Special | /changepose | Standing Seated Lying down |
Charmed | | Special | /charmed | Standing |
Cheer | | General | /cheer | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Cheer Jump | | Special | /cheerjump | Standing |
Cheer Jump: Green | | Special | /cheergreen /cheerjumpgreen | |
Cheer On | | Special | /cheeron | Standing |
Cheer On: Bright | | Special | /cheerbright /cheeronbright | |
Cheer Wave | | Special | /cheerwave | Standing |
Cheer Wave: Violet | | Special | /cheerviolet /cheerwaveviolet | |
Chuckle | | General | /chuckle | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Clap | | General | /clap | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Clutch Head | | General | /clutchhead | |
Comfort | | General | /comfort | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Concentrate | | Emotes | /concentrate | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Confirm | | Special | /confirm | Standing |
Confused (Emote) | | Emotes | /disturbed | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Congratulate | | General | /congratulate | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Consider | | General | /consider | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Content | | Emotes | /content | |
Converse | | General | /converse | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Crimson Lotus | | General | /crimsonlotus | Standing |
Cry | | General | /cry | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Dance | | General | /dance | Standing |
Deny | | General | /deny | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Deride | | General | /deride /pagaga | |
Determined | | General | /determined | Standing Seated Mounted |
Diamond Dust (Emote) | | Special | /iceheart | |
Disappointed | | General | /disappointed | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Dote | | General | /dote | Standing |
Doubt | | General | /doubt | Standing |
Doze | | General | /doze | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Draw Weapon | | General | /draw | |
Drink Tea | | General | /tea | |
Ear Wiggle | | General | /earwiggle | |
Eastern Bow | | General | /easternbow /ebow | Standing |
Eastern Dance | | Special | /edance | Standing |
Eastern Greeting | | General | /easterngreeting | |
Eastern Stretch | | General | /estretch | |
Eat Apple | | General | /apple /eatapple | |
Eat Chicken | | General | /eatchicken | |
Eat Chocolate | | General | /choco /eatchocolate | |
Eat Egg | | General | /eategg /egg | |
Eat Pizza | | General | /eatpizza /pizza | |
Eat Pumpkin Cookie | | General | /cookie /eatpumpkincookie | |
Eat Rice Ball | | General | /eatriceball /riceball | |
Elucidate | | General | /elucidate | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Embrace (Emote) | | General | /embrace | |
Endure | | Emotes | /endure | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Eureka (Emote) | | General | /eureka | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Examine Self | | General | /examineself | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Facepalm | | General | /facepalm | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Fake Smile | | Emotes | /fakesmile | |
Fist Bump | | General | /fistbump | |
Fist Pump | | Special | /fistpump | Standing |
Flame Dance | | Special | /flamedance | Standing |
Flame Salute | | General | /flamesalute | Standing |
Flex | | General | /flex | Standing |
Flower Shower | | General | /flowershower /petals | Standing |
Frighten | | General | /frighten | |
Fry Egg | | General | /fryegg | |
Fume | | General | /fume | Standing |
Furious | | General | /furious | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Furrow | | Emotes | /furrow | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Get Fantasy | | Special | /getfantasy | Standing |
Gold Dance | | Special | /gdance /golddance | Standing |
Goobbue Do | | Special | /goobbuedo /mysterymachine | |
Goodbye | | General | /goodbye | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Gratuity | | General | /gratuity /makeithail | Standing |
Greeting | | General | /greet | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Grin | | Emotes | /grin | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Grovel | | General | /grovel | Standing |
Guard (Emote) | | Special | /guard | |
Hand Over | | General | /handover | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Hand to Heart | | General | /handtoheart | Standing Seated Mounted |
Happy | | General | /happy | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Harvest Dance | | Special | /harvestdance | Standing |
Haurchefant (Emote) | | General | /haurchefant | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Headache | | General | /headache | |
Heel Toe | | Special | /heeltoe | |
High Five | | General | /hfive /highfive | |
Hug | | General | /hug | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Huh | | General | /huh | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Hum | | Special | /hum | Standing |
Humble Triumph | | General | /humbletriumph /waitforit | |
Huzzah | | General | /hurray /huzzah | Standing |
Imperial Salute | | General | /imperialsalute | Standing |
Insist | | General | /insist | |
Joy | | General | /joy | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Jump for Joy 1 | | General | /jumpforjoy1 | |
Jump for Joy 2 | | General | /jumpforjoy2 | |
Jump for Joy 3 | | General | /jumpforjoy3 | |
Jump for Joy 4 | | General | /jumpforjoy4 | |
Jump for Joy 5 | | General | /jumpforjoy5 | |
Kneel | | General | /kneel | Standing |
Lali Hop | | Special | /lalihop | |
Lali-ho | | General | /laliho | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Laugh | | General | /laugh | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Lean | | Special | /lean | |
Linkpearl | | General | /linkpearl | |
Little Ladies' Dance | | General | /ladance /littleladiesdance | |
Lookout | | General | /lookout | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Lop Hop | | Special | /lophop | Standing |
Love Heart | | Special | /heart /loveheart | |
Magic Trick | | General | /magictrick | |
Malevolence | | Special | /malevolence | Standing |
Manderville Dance | | Special | /mandervilledance | Standing |
Manderville Mambo | | Special | /mandervillemambo /mmambo | Standing |
Me | | General | /me | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Megaflare | | General | /megaflare | |
Moogle Dance | | Special | /mogdance | Standing |
Moonlift Dance | | Special | /moonlift | Standing |
Most Gentlemanly | | Special | /hildy | Standing |
No | | General | /no | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Ohokaliy | | General | /ohokaliy | |
Ouch | | Emotes | /ouch | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Paint It Black | | General | /paintblack | |
Paint It Blue | | General | /paintblue | |
Paint It Red | | General | /paintred | |
Paint It Yellow | | General | /paintyellow | |
Panic | | General | /panic | Standing |
Pantomime | | General | /mime /pantomime | Standing |
Pay Respects | | General | /respect | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Pet | | General | /pet /stroke | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Play Dead | | Special | /pdead /playdead | Standing |
Point | | General | /point | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Poke | | General | /poke | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Ponder | | Emotes | /makeyougohmmm /ponder | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Popoto Step | | Special | /popotostep | |
Pose | | General | /pose | Standing |
Pose of the Unbound | | General | /poseoftheunbound /unbound | |
Power Up | | General | /powerup | |
Pray | | General | /pray | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Pretty Please | | General | /pplease /prettyplease | |
Psych | | General | /psych | Standing |
Pucker Up | | Emotes | /puckerup | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Push-ups | | Special | /pushups | Standing |
Rally | | General | /rally | Standing |
Read | | General | /read | |
Red Ranger Pose A | | Special | /redrangerposea /rrpa | Standing |
Red Ranger Pose B | | Special | /redrangerposeb /rrpb | Standing |
Reference | | General | /reference | |
Reflect (Emote) | | Emotes | /reflect | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Reprimand | | Special | /reprimand | |
Ritual Prayer | | Special | /ritualprayer | Standing |
Sad | | Emotes | /sad | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Salute | | General | /salute | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Scared | | Emotes | /scared | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Scheme | | General | /scheme | |
Scoff | | Emotes | /scoff | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Senor Sabotender (Emote) | | Special | /sabotender | Standing |
Serpent Salute | | General | /serpentsalute | Standing |
Shake Drink | | Special | /shakedrink | |
Sheathe Weapon | | General | /sheathe | |
Shiver | | General | /shiver | Standing |
Shocked | | General | /shocked | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Show Left | | Special | /showleft | Standing |
Show Right | | Special | /showright | Standing |
Shrug | | General | /shrug | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Shush | | General | /shh /shush | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Shut Eyes | | Emotes | /shuteyes | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Side Step | | Special | /sidestep | |
Simper | | Emotes | /simper | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Simulation F | | Special | /simulationf | |
Simulation M | | Special | /simulationm | |
Sit | | Special | /sit | Fisher Standing |
Sit on Ground | | Special | /groundsit | Fisher Standing |
Sit-ups | | Special | /situps | Standing |
Slap | | General | /slap | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Slump | | General | /slump | |
Smile | | Emotes | /smile | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Smirk | | Emotes | /smirk | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Snap | | General | /snap | |
Sneer | | Emotes | /sneer | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Songbird | | Special | /songbird | Standing |
Soothe | | General | /soothe | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Spectacles | | General | /spectacles | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Spirit | | General | /spirit | Standing Seated Mounted |
Splash | | General | /splash | Standing Swimming and Diving |
Squats | | Special | /squats | Standing |
Stagger | | General | /stagger | Standing |
Stand Up | | General | /standup | Fisher Standing |
Step Dance | | Special | /stepdance | Standing |
Storm Salute | | General | /stormsalute | Standing |
Straight Face | | Emotes | /straightface | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Stretch | | General | /stretch | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Sulk | | General | /sulk | Standing |
Sundering | | Special | /sundering | |
Sundrop Dance | | Special | /sundance /sundropdance | Standing |
Surprised | | General | /surprised | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Sweat | | General | /sweat | Standing |
Sweep Up | | Special | /broom /sweep | |
Taunt | | Emotes | /taunt | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Thavnairian Dance | | Special | /thavnairiandance | Standing |
Think | | General | /think | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Throw | | General | /throw | Standing |
Thumbs Up | | General | /thumbsup | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Toast | | General | /toast | |
Tomestone (Emote) | | General | /tomestone | Standing Underwater Seated Mounted |
Tremble | | Special | /tremble | Standing |
Uchiwasshoi | | General | /bigfan /uchiwasshoi | Standing |
Ultima (Emote) | | Special | /ultima | |
Upset | | General | /upset | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Vexed | | General | /vexed | Standing Seated Mounted |
Victory | | General | /vpose | Standing |
Victory Reveal | | General | /victoryreveal /vreveal | |
Visor | | Special | /visor | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Wasshoi | | Special | /wasshoi | Standing |
Water (emote) | | Special | /water | |
Water Flip | | General | /waterflip | Underwater |
Water Float | | Special | /waterfloat | Swimming and Diving |
Wave | | General | /wave | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Welcome | | General | /welcome | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted |
Winded | | Special | /winded | Standing |
Wink (Left) | | Emotes | /leftwink | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Wink (Right) | | Emotes | /rightwink /wink | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Worried | | Emotes | /worried | Fisher Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Wow | | General | /wow | |
Wring Hands | | Special | /wringhands | |
Yellow Ranger Pose A | | Special | /yellowrangerposea /yrpa | Standing |
Yellow Ranger Pose B | | Special | /yellowrangerposeb /yrpb | Standing |
Yes | | General | /yes | Standing Swimming and Diving Underwater Seated Mounted Lying down |
Yol Dance | | Special | /yoldance | Standing |
Zantetsuken (Emote) | | Special | /zantetsuken /ztk | Standing |