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{{Dungeon Infobox
{{other uses|the optional level 60 [[dungeon]]|the [[Main Scenario Quests|Main Scenario]] [[dungeon]]|Sohm Al}}
|name=Sohm Al (Hard)
{{Duty infobox
|image= [[File:sohm al hard1.jpg|350px]]
| name = Sohm Al (Hard)
|type= dungeon4
| description = The fall of Nidhogg brought an end not only to the Dragonsong War, but also to the hierarchy of power that reigned upon Sohm Al. Bereft of its dreaded leader, the Horde scattered to the four winds, leaving the dragons' sacred grounds untended and unguarded. All manner of beastly intruders now skitter within, irresistibly drawn by the energies of bountiful crystal lodes. And the molten heart at the mountain's core beats with feverish intensity, as if seeking to expel some nesting parasite. Answer Vidofnir's plea! Cleanse the stone halls of their infestations, and return Sohm Al to its former tranquility.
|patch= 3.5
| image = Sohm Al (Hard).png
|level= 60
| type = dungeon
|ilevel= 230
| level = 60
|player= 4 (1 Tank / 1 Healer / 2 DPS)
| level-sync = 60
|time= 90 Minutes
| ilvl = 230
|roulette= expert
| ilvl-sync =
|tomestone= {{Tomestone Reward|Lore|80}}<br />{{Tomestone Reward|Scripture|50}}
| difficulty = hard
|entrance= [[The Churning Mists]]<br />(x26.1, y36.7, z0.1)
| size = 4man
|questtype= side
| time-limit = 90
|quest= [[The Fires of Sohm Al]]
| duty-finder = Dungeons (Heavensward)
|boss=[[The Leightonward]]<br />[[Gowrow]]<br />[[Lava Scorpion]]
| roulette = High-level Dungeons
| tomestones = 100 Poetics
| entrance = The Churning Mists
{{Quote|The fall of Nidhogg brought an end not only to the Dragonsong War, but also to the hierarchy of power that reigned upon Sohm Al. Bereft of its dreaded leader, the Horde scattered to the four winds, leaving the dragons' sacred grounds untended and unguarded. All manner of beastly intruders now skitter within, irresistibly drawn by the energies of bountiful crystal lodes. And the molten heart at the mountain's core beats with feverish intensity, as if seeking to expel some nesting parasite. Answer Vidofnir's plea! Cleanse the stone halls of their infestations, and return Sohm Al to its former tranquility.|Game Description}}
| entrance-coordinates = 26.1,36.7
{{TOC limit|3}}
| req-quest = The Fires of Sohm Al
| modes = explorer
Level 60 players need to start the level 60 [[Sidequest]] [[The Fires of Sohm Al]]. Players can start the quest by talking to [[Gossamer Moogle]] in [[Idyllshire]] (x4.6 y8.4). To unlock the quest, players need to complete the level 60 [[Main Scenario Quest]] [[Heavensward (Quest)]].
| patch = 3.5
| release = heavensward
}} {{TOC limit|3}}
#Arrive at the Wound. 0/1
#Defeat [[The Leightonward]]. 0/1
#Arrive in the Fever. 0/1
#Defeat [[Gowrow]]. 0/1
#Clear the Heart. 0/1
#Defeat the [[Lava Scorpion|lava scorpion]]. 0/1

*[[Nesting Anzu]]
*[[Abalathian Vulture]]
*[[Blooming Chichu]]
*[[Mountaintop Miacid]]
*[[Mountaintop Hropken]]
*[[Mountaintop Opken]]
*[[Overgrown Difflugia]]
*[[Abalathian Ogrebon]]
*[[Giant Netherworm]]
*[[Abalathian Clay Golem]]
*[[Blood of the Mountain]]
*[[Lava Crab (Enemy)|Lava Crab]]
*[[Volcano Anala]]
*[[The Scorpion's Claw]]
*[[The Scorpion's Tail]]

===The Leightonward===
{{#ev:youtube|Wcv7U3HPH9c|350|right|Sohm Al (Hard) Dungeon Guide}}
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[The Leightonward]]===
* '''Excretion''' Targeted attack with Heavy component.
* '''Wild Horn''' Mini TB.
* '''Spore Sac''' Spawns many spores which will explode shortly.
* '''Inflamable Fumes''' Raidwide.
* '''Inflamable Fumes''' Room wide AoE.
* '''Spore Sac''' Spawns many untargetable small spore sacs, which each explode in an AoE after a while.
* '''Glorious Blaze''' A proximity based explosion.
** After the first cast, each successive cast spawns an additional (bigger) spore sac, which instead explodes in a proximity AoE. i.e. the second cast has 1 spore sac, the third cast has 2 spore sacs etc.
* '''Excretion''' Damages a target. Inflicts 30s of {{status effect|heavy}}[[Heavy]].

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[Gowrow]]===

* '''Volcanic Howl''' Room wide AoE
This boss incorporates standard [[cyclops]] and [[diresaur]] mechanics. It uses telegraphed attacks with invisible castbars. Similar bosses are the [[Coincounter]] (cyclops) from [[The Aurum Vale]] and the [[Giruveganaus]]es (diresaurs) from [[The Stone Vigil (Hard)]].
* Untelegraphed frontal cleave.  Moderate damage.  Can be dodged by tank.
* 360° Swipe.
* Faces target and unleashes a fireball.
* Faces target and unleashes a linear flame breath.
* Faces target and charges.

Very similar to Giruveganaus in Stone Vigil and Coincounter in The Aurum Vale. Most of this boss' attacks are untelegraphed. Move away if he faces you. Melee should learn to tell if he's doing a frontal cleave or a 360° swipe.
* '''Volcanic Howl''' Raidwide. The boss gains temporary {{buff|damage up}}[[Damage Up]], which makes it glow red and enhances its attacks.
* '''Ripper Claw''' Dodgeable cleave. Telegraphed by the boss raising its left arm.
** When the boss is buffed, also spawns a tornado where the MT was that explodes with knockback after a few seconds.
* '''Tail Smash''' Dodgeable backwards cleave with knockback. Telegraphed by the boss twisting to its left and raising its tail.
** '''Tail Swing''' Dodgeable melee-range circular cleave with knockback. Used instead of Tail Smash when the boss is buffed, and has the same telegraph.
* '''Fireball''' Faces a target and remembers their location, then does an AoE there. Telegraphed by the boss standing upright and putting its hands together.
** '''Lava Flow''' Faces a target, then channels a continuous cone AoE. Used instead of Fireball when the boss is buffed, and has the same telegraph.
* '''Wild Charge''' Charges up to a target in a line AoE with knockback. Telegraphed by the boss taking a shoulder charge stance.
** '''Hot Charge''' Charges in the direction of a target in a line AoE with massive knockback. Used instead of Wild Charge when the boss is buffed, and has the same telegraph.

Most of his attacks also leave behind a healing-down debuff if it connects with a player.
All the above attacks except Volcanic Howl (but including the tornado) inflict 8s of uncleansable {{status effect|infirmity}}[[Infirmity]]. If 0 damage is taken, such as due to shields or invincibility, the debuff is not applied (like in [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5|T5]]).

===Lava Scorpion===
Despite the invisible castbars, the boss's telegraphs can be seen in the battle log when the animation starts, e.g. "Gowrow readies Ripper Claw."

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Lava Scorpion]]===
* '''Molten Silk''' 270° telegraphed close range cleave.  Safe zone is directly behind.  Often turns around and repeats from the other side.
* '''Molten Silk''' 270° telegraphed close range cleave.  Safe zone is directly behind.  Often turns around and repeats from the other side.
* '''Deadly Thrust''' Very high damage attack on primary target.
* '''Deadly Thrust''' Very high damage attack on primary target.
* '''Hiss''' Summons 2-4 Scorpions which should be killed.
* '''Hiss''' Summons 2-4 Scorpions which should be killed.
* '''Realm Shaker''' Short range circular AoE around boss.
* '''Realm Shaker''' Short range circular AoE around boss.
* '''Flying Press''' Randomly marks a party member for a moderate attack with splash damage.  Will create lava puddles randomly(?) around the room.
* '''Flying Press''' Randomly marks a party member for a moderate attack with splash damage.  Will create lava puddles near point of impact, as well as expanding existing puddles.

The lava puddles left behind by some of his attacks do high damage.  Move toward the boss if necessary so you don't have to run through them to get back.
The lava puddles left behind by some of his attacks do high damage.  Move toward the boss if necessary so you don't have to run through them to get back.
'''Scorpion's Claw''' adds will also create lava puddles and need to be killed before they complete the Borehole cast. '''Scorpion's Tail''' adds use a less powerful version of Deadly Thrust.

Beware Deadly Thrust in conjunction with damage from adds.  Healers should be ready and tanks may want to use cooldowns.
Beware Deadly Thrust in conjunction with damage from adds.  Healers should be ready and tanks may want to use cooldowns.

{{see also|Filibuster Armor|Filibuster Accessories}}
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[The Leightonward]]===
*{{Item reward|20|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|The Leightonward}}
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Gowrow]]===
*{{Item reward|30|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Gowrow}}
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Lava Scorpion]]===
*{{Item reward|50|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*{{Item icon|Lava Scorpion Card}} (Drops at a fixed rate.)
{{Drops list|Lava Scorpion}}

===Additional Treasure Coffers===
===Additional Treasure Coffers===
====Treasure Coffer 1====
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 11.7 Y: 12.2)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Heavy Boots of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Heavy Boots of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Thighboots of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Boots of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Thighboots of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Boots of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Boots of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 12.8 Y: 10.9)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Helm of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Helm of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Scope of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Halfmask of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Beret of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Hood of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Hood of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Gauntlets of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Armguards of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Gauntlets of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Armguards of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Gloves of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Gloves of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

====Treasure Coffer 2====
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.1 Y: 12.0)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Heavy Gambison of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Heavy Filibuster's Gambison of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Gambison of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Gambison of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Gambison of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Coat of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Coat of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Trousers of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Trousers of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Trousers of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Trousers of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Trousers of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Trousers of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Trousers of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Bracelet of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Ring of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

====Treasure Coffer 3====
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 8.8 Y: 11.2)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Earring of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Filibuster's Choker of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

====Treasure Coffer 4====
This duty is associated with the following [[achievements]]:

====Treasure Coffer 5====
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Sohm Al}}

[[File:sohm al hard2.jpg|400px]] [[File:sohm al hard3.jpg|400px]] [[File:sohm al hard4.jpg|400px]]
===Gear Images===
[[File:Baelsars Wall Sohm Al (Hard) gear1.jpg|center|400px]]

===Dungeon Images===
<gallery mode="packed">
File:sohm al hard1.jpg
File:sohm al hard2.jpg
File:sohm al hard3.jpg
File:sohm al hard4.jpg

{{Duties nav|dungeon}}

Latest revision as of 00:05, 2 February 2025

Disambig icon.png This article is about the optional level 60 dungeon. For the Main Scenario dungeon, see Sohm Al.


Sohm Al (Hard)

Sohm Al (Hard).png
60 (Sync: 60)
Item Level
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (Heavensward)
High-level Dungeons
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 
Req. quest
Feature quest The Fires of Sohm Al
The Churning Mists (X:26.1, Y:36.7)

The fall of Nidhogg brought an end not only to the Dragonsong War, but also to the hierarchy of power that reigned upon Sohm Al. Bereft of its dreaded leader, the Horde scattered to the four winds, leaving the dragons' sacred grounds untended and unguarded. All manner of beastly intruders now skitter within, irresistibly drawn by the energies of bountiful crystal lodes. And the molten heart at the mountain's core beats with feverish intensity, as if seeking to expel some nesting parasite. Answer Vidofnir's plea! Cleanse the stone halls of their infestations, and return Sohm Al to its former tranquility.

— In-game description

Sohm Al (Hard) is a level 60 dungeon introduced in patch 3.5 with Heavensward.


  1. Arrive at the Wound. 0/1
  2. Defeat The Leightonward. 0/1
  3. Arrive in the Fever. 0/1
  4. Defeat Gowrow. 0/1
  5. Clear the Heart. 0/1
  6. Defeat the lava scorpion. 0/1



Sohm Al (Hard) Dungeon Guide

Aggressive difficulty r5.png The Leightonward

  • Wild Horn Mini TB.
  • Inflamable Fumes Raidwide.
  • Spore Sac Spawns many untargetable small spore sacs, which each explode in an AoE after a while.
    • After the first cast, each successive cast spawns an additional (bigger) spore sac, which instead explodes in a proximity AoE. i.e. the second cast has 1 spore sac, the third cast has 2 spore sacs etc.
  • Excretion Damages a target. Inflicts 30s of Heavy icon1.pngHeavy.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Gowrow

This boss incorporates standard cyclops and diresaur mechanics. It uses telegraphed attacks with invisible castbars. Similar bosses are the Coincounter (cyclops) from The Aurum Vale and the Giruveganauses (diresaurs) from The Stone Vigil (Hard).

  • Volcanic Howl Raidwide. The boss gains temporary Damage up icon1.pngDamage Up, which makes it glow red and enhances its attacks.
  • Ripper Claw Dodgeable cleave. Telegraphed by the boss raising its left arm.
    • When the boss is buffed, also spawns a tornado where the MT was that explodes with knockback after a few seconds.
  • Tail Smash Dodgeable backwards cleave with knockback. Telegraphed by the boss twisting to its left and raising its tail.
    • Tail Swing Dodgeable melee-range circular cleave with knockback. Used instead of Tail Smash when the boss is buffed, and has the same telegraph.
  • Fireball Faces a target and remembers their location, then does an AoE there. Telegraphed by the boss standing upright and putting its hands together.
    • Lava Flow Faces a target, then channels a continuous cone AoE. Used instead of Fireball when the boss is buffed, and has the same telegraph.
  • Wild Charge Charges up to a target in a line AoE with knockback. Telegraphed by the boss taking a shoulder charge stance.
    • Hot Charge Charges in the direction of a target in a line AoE with massive knockback. Used instead of Wild Charge when the boss is buffed, and has the same telegraph.

All the above attacks except Volcanic Howl (but including the tornado) inflict 8s of uncleansable Infirmity icon1.pngInfirmity. If 0 damage is taken, such as due to shields or invincibility, the debuff is not applied (like in T5).

Despite the invisible castbars, the boss's telegraphs can be seen in the battle log when the animation starts, e.g. "Gowrow readies Ripper Claw."

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Lava Scorpion

  • Molten Silk 270° telegraphed close range cleave. Safe zone is directly behind. Often turns around and repeats from the other side.
  • Deadly Thrust Very high damage attack on primary target.
  • Hiss Summons 2-4 Scorpions which should be killed.
  • Realm Shaker Short range circular AoE around boss.
  • Flying Press Randomly marks a party member for a moderate attack with splash damage. Will create lava puddles near point of impact, as well as expanding existing puddles.

The lava puddles left behind by some of his attacks do high damage. Move toward the boss if necessary so you don't have to run through them to get back. Scorpion's Claw adds will also create lava puddles and need to be killed before they complete the Borehole cast. Scorpion's Tail adds use a less powerful version of Deadly Thrust.

Beware Deadly Thrust in conjunction with damage from adds. Healers should be ready and tanks may want to use cooldowns.


See also: Filibuster Armor and Filibuster Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png The Leightonward

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Filibusters boots of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Boots of Casting Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters boots of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Boots of Healing Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters boots of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Boots of Scouting Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters heavy boots of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Heavy Boots of Fending Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters heavy boots of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Heavy Boots of Maiming Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Aiming Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Casting Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Fending Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Healing Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Slaying Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters thighboots of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Thighboots of Aiming Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters thighboots of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Thighboots of Striking Feet 245 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Gowrow

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Filibusters armguards of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Armguards of Maiming Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters armguards of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Armguards of Scouting Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters beret of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Beret of Aiming Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Aiming Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Casting Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Fending Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Healing Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Slaying Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Aiming Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Casting Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Fending Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Healing Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Slaying Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Gauntlets of Fending Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gauntlets of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Gauntlets of Striking Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gloves of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Gloves of Casting Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gloves of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Gloves of Healing Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters halfmask of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Halfmask of Scouting Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters helm of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Helm of Fending Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters helm of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Helm of Maiming Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters hood of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Hood of Casting Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters hood of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Hood of Healing Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters scope of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Scope of Striking Head 245 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Lava Scorpion

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Filibusters coat of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Coat of Casting Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters coat of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Coat of Healing Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gambison of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Gambison of Aiming Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gambison of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Gambison of Scouting Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gambison of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Gambison of Striking Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters heavy gambison of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Heavy Gambison of Fending Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Aiming Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Casting Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Fending Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Healing Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Maiming Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Scouting Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Striking Legs 245 BGreen 1
Heavy filibusters gambison of maiming icon1.png  Heavy Filibuster's Gambison of Maiming Body 245 BGreen 1

Additional Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 11.7 Y: 12.2)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Filibusters heavy boots of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Heavy Boots of Fending Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters heavy boots of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Heavy Boots of Maiming Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters thighboots of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Thighboots of Striking Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters boots of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Boots of Scouting Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters thighboots of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Thighboots of Aiming Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters boots of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Boots of Casting Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters boots of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Boots of Healing Feet 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Fending Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Slaying Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Aiming Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Casting Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Healing Ring 245 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 12.8 Y: 10.9)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Filibusters helm of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Helm of Fending Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters helm of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Helm of Maiming Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters scope of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Scope of Striking Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters halfmask of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Halfmask of Scouting Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters beret of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Beret of Aiming Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters hood of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Hood of Casting Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters hood of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Hood of Healing Head 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Gauntlets of Fending Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters armguards of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Armguards of Maiming Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gauntlets of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Gauntlets of Striking Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters armguards of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Armguards of Scouting Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gloves of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Gloves of Casting Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gloves of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Gloves of Healing Hands 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Fending Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Slaying Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Aiming Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Casting Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Healing Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Fending Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Slaying Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Aiming Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Casting Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Healing Necklace 245 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.1 Y: 12.0)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Filibusters heavy gambison of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Heavy Gambison of Fending Body 245 BGreen 1
Heavy filibusters gambison of maiming icon1.png  Heavy Filibuster's Gambison of Maiming Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gambison of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Gambison of Striking Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gambison of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Gambison of Scouting Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters gambison of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Gambison of Aiming Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters coat of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Coat of Casting Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters coat of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Coat of Healing Body 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Fending Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of maiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Maiming Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of striking icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Striking Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of scouting icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Scouting Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Aiming Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Casting Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters trousers of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Trousers of Healing Legs 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters bracelet of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Fending Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Slaying Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Aiming Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Casting Ring 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters ring of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Ring of Healing Ring 245 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 8.8 Y: 11.2)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Filibusters earring of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Fending Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Slaying Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Aiming Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Casting Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters earring of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Earring of Healing Earrings 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of fending icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Fending Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of slaying icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Slaying Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of aiming icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Aiming Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of casting icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Casting Necklace 245 BGreen 1
Filibusters choker of healing icon1.png  Filibuster's Choker of Healing Necklace 245 BGreen 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Remapping the realm sohm al icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Sohm Al 10 Discover every location within Sohm Al (Hard). - 3.5


Gear Images

Baelsars Wall Sohm Al (Hard) gear1.jpg

Dungeon Images