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*Speak with the pumpkin-headed apparition.
*Speak with the pumpkin-headed apparition.
Perhaps put off by the ghoulish ambience of the amphitheatere, Philcox complains of being unable to concentrate and takes his leave. You set off after him, steeling yourself for whatever shenanigans await.
Philcox's grasp of Gridanian geography appears to be somewhat lacking. He has requested that you, with your superior knowledge of the local thoroughfares, lead him to the flustered fellow he has located with his powers.
Together with Philcox, you locate your quarry, who proceeds to divulge the source of his woes. It seems he found and promptly ''un''found a lost child, and lacks the time to look for her due to a prior engagement. You and the fiend offer to look for her in his stead, and set off towards Westshore Pier to search for the distressed damsel.
Brimming with confidence and buoyed by his recent successes, Philcox manages to reunite the young girl with her mother. He then sets out to find yet another despairing personage, and this time without your assistance. At his suggestion, you return to the pumpkin-headed apparition at Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre, bearing news of Philcox's exploits.
The vying voidsent can only boast a single cookie apiece, and so their contest ends in a draw. A slightly defiant Philcox gets the recognition he has long sought from his former partnet, before being reminded that the prize for which he should strive is the affection of the good folk of Gridania—and the foodstuffs that may be had into the bargain. Fiend-sitting duties at an end, you are free to make the most of All Saints' Wake.

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====Optional Dialogue at conversation point====
====Optional Dialogue at conversation point====
'''Elezen Woman:''' That clown was amazing!
'''Hyuran Woman:''' Turning a pumpkin into a little pup? Whatever will they do next!?
'''Puppy:''' Woof, woof!
(Discuss the delighted women.)
  '''Philcox:''' Ah, such glee. They mentioned a clown─I'd wager they've just had the, err...privilege of seeing one of Papa Gruff's performances.
  '''Philcox:''' Ah, such glee. They mentioned a clown─I'd wager they've just had the, err...privilege of seeing one of Papa Gruff's performances.
  '''Philcox:''' Listen, I'll be the first to admit that he's an expert illusionist, and you've only got to look at folk like these ladies to see that he knows how to work a crowd.
  '''Philcox:''' Listen, I'll be the first to admit that he's an expert illusionist, and you've only got to look at folk like these ladies to see that he knows how to work a crowd.

Latest revision as of 01:03, 4 November 2024

Quest icon.png

All Fiends Sated on All Saints' Wake

All Fiends Sated on All Saints' Wake.png
Quest giver
Old Gridania (X:10.4, Y:8.5)
Quest line
All Saints' Wake (2024)
Experience 0
Gil 305
Previous quest
Side QuestThe Aether-starved Ahriman

After a nudge in the right direction, Philcox is ready to embark on his mission.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.

— In-game description




  • Speak with Philcox and have him accompany you.
  • Speak with the flustered fellow while Philcox is accompanying you.
  • Speak with the distressed damsel while Philcox is accompanying you.
  • Speak with the pumpkin-headed apparition.


Perhaps put off by the ghoulish ambience of the amphitheatere, Philcox complains of being unable to concentrate and takes his leave. You set off after him, steeling yourself for whatever shenanigans await.

Philcox's grasp of Gridanian geography appears to be somewhat lacking. He has requested that you, with your superior knowledge of the local thoroughfares, lead him to the flustered fellow he has located with his powers.

Together with Philcox, you locate your quarry, who proceeds to divulge the source of his woes. It seems he found and promptly unfound a lost child, and lacks the time to look for her due to a prior engagement. You and the fiend offer to look for her in his stead, and set off towards Westshore Pier to search for the distressed damsel.

Brimming with confidence and buoyed by his recent successes, Philcox manages to reunite the young girl with her mother. He then sets out to find yet another despairing personage, and this time without your assistance. At his suggestion, you return to the pumpkin-headed apparition at Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre, bearing news of Philcox's exploits.

The vying voidsent can only boast a single cookie apiece, and so their contest ends in a draw. A slightly defiant Philcox gets the recognition he has long sought from his former partnet, before being reminded that the prize for which he should strive is the affection of the good folk of Gridania—and the foodstuffs that may be had into the bargain. Fiend-sitting duties at an end, you are free to make the most of All Saints' Wake.


Accepting the Quest

Philcox: How about we try and find a troubled soul in need of aid? Ah, but let's get out of here first.
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Heh heh heh... I trust you will do everything in your power to assist Philcox in his endeavors.

Speak with Philcox and have him accompany you

Philcox: Right. Time to look for folk harboring negative feelings. Give me a moment.
Philcox: I don't know if it has anything to do with that pumpkin-headed lady's enchantment, but my powers feel more potent than ever─I've already found someone! And whoever they are, they're awfully flustered.
Philcox: They're to the northeast, I think...though I'm not sure where exactly. The roads here can be confusing.
Philcox: Truth be told, this is my first time in the city. I've got a decent sense of direction, but I've yet to grasp the lie of the land. Could I trouble you to lead the way?
Philcox: Our flustered target is northeast of here. I'll be right behind you!
Philcox is now accompanying you. Keep him at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
You can leave Philcox behind by entering a different area, or by speaking with him and selecting the option to part ways.
If you wish to have Philcox join you again, return and speak with him at the original location.
While you are accompanied, you may encounter “conversation points” along the way which offer additional topics of discussion.
Enter the glowing area and speak with your quest companions to initiate these bonus conversations. Enjoy exploring your surroundings together!
(Small talk with Philcox)
Philcox: Say, did I tell you that “Philcox” is just an alias? The pumpkin-headed lady suggested I use it to better engage with you mortals. My real name is actually...ah, what does it matter? It's not like we'll see each other again when this is over and done with.

Optional Dialogue at conversation point

Elezen Woman: That clown was amazing!
Hyuran Woman: Turning a pumpkin into a little pup? Whatever will they do next!?
Puppy: Woof, woof!
(Discuss the delighted women.)
Philcox: Ah, such glee. They mentioned a clown─I'd wager they've just had the, err...privilege of seeing one of Papa Gruff's performances.
Philcox: Listen, I'll be the first to admit that he's an expert illusionist, and you've only got to look at folk like these ladies to see that he knows how to work a crowd.
Philcox: But I won't be upstaged! I'll prove there's more than one way to win over an audience─by following your timely advice, that is!
Philcox: Given the delight written on their faces, our opponent must have earned himself some sustenance. Which means we've no time to lose! Onward!

Speak with the flustered fellow while Philcox is accompanying you

Flustered Fellow: Oh gods, where has she gotten to!?
Philcox: Ah, this must be the fellow my senses were leading me to. Shall we find out what ails him?
Philcox: You, there. What's gotten you so worked up?
Flustered Fellow: Oh, forgive me! There was this poor little girl who'd been separated from her mother. I was helping her to look, but she suddenly disappeared!
Flustered Fellow: I can't simply abandon her─but then again, I have an urgent personal matter to attend to, and... <sigh> I don't know what to do!
Philcox: In that case, why don't I and my associate look for the girl? Then you can see to your affairs without worry.
Flustered Fellow: Thank you, thank you! She's a young lass dressed in blue! I hope you're able to find her forthwith!
Philcox: Hmm... He certainly was appreciative, yet here I am, empty-handed. Ah, forget the food, we have a lost child to find!
Philcox: I'm detecting a despairing presence to the east of here. Odds are it's the girl. Which means I have need of your navigational nous once again. After you!

Speak with the distressed damsel while Philcox is accompanying you (Cutscene)

Papa Gruff: I should've known you'd turn up sooner or later.
Papa Gruff: I thought this would be a fine opportunity to accrue some appreciation, but the poor girl is beside herself─she keeps calling out for her “Mama”... Might I enlist your help?
Philcox: This must be the lost lass we've been looking for. If we want to earn her thanks, we'll need to reunite her with her mother, wouldn't you say?
Philcox: Which means we now have a lady to locate... Any suggestions?
(What will you say?)
(Use your senses to search for someone feeling anxious.)
Philcox: Ah. You're saying that the mother will be worried about her daughter having gone missing? Brilliant! This is exactly why I had you accompany me! Right then...
(Why don't you try coming up with an idea yourself?)
Philcox: I know I can't keep relying on you, but just thinking about having to think for myself is making me anxious...
Philcox: Ah, that's it: anxiety! That's how one would feel having misplaced their offspring, right? Then that's the emotion I need to find...
Philcox: Come, say something! Your silence is making me anxious...
Philcox: Ah, anxiety! I imagine that's how one would feel having lost their daughter! Hmm, let's see...
Philcox: Found her! I don't know which is the bigger boon, having you by my side, or this fancy finery.
Philcox: I think I've learned my way around the city, more or less. I'll handle this next part on my own. Wait here, I'll be back with the girl's mother in no time!
Elezen Mother: Twelve be praised, you're safe!
Elezen Mother: You have my eternal gratitude!
Formerly Distressed Damsel: Thanks for finding Mama, mister!
Philcox: Do you believe me now, Papa Gruff!? Sweet, sweet appreciation, and all courtesy of my special talent!
Papa Gruff: I can't help but notice they didn't offer you anything edible by way of thanks... For my part, I've already been rewarded with a tasty morsel.
Papa Gruff: That said, the gift of food is far from guaranteed... Indeed, perseverance is key. Which is why I find myself performing show after show. I suggest you approach this contest with the same tenacity, Philcox.
Philcox: I'm afraid he's right. Constant effort is key. Luckily, I sensed another troubled soul while I was tracking down the girl's mother. I'd better see what I can do to help.
Philcox: You know, I think I'm ready to go it alone now. Why don't you let our pumpkin-headed benefactor know? I'll come and find you when I'm done.
Papa Gruff: Well, I'm afraid my next performance calls. Until we meet again, adventurer.

Speak with the pumpkin-headed apparition (Cutscene)

Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Heh heh heh... The adventurer returns, and at the precise moment I predicted. I do hope keeping Philcox company wasn't too taxing. What of our fiend and his endeavors?
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: You have my thanks, truly. Ah, speak of the devils. Here they come.
Papa Gruff: Dear oh dear, that turned out to be a damn sight harder than I'd anticipated. And all I have to show for my travails is a single cookie. To think the first gift I'd receive would prove to be the last...
Philcox: Curses! I didn't receive so much as a crumb! I suppose this means you win... <sigh> Very well, I am yours to command, Papa Gruff.
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Heh heh... You admit defeat far too readily, Philcox.
Formerly Distressed Damsel: Hooray! We found you! I wanted to thank you properly for helping me and Mama. I brought you a pumpkin cookie!
Philcox: Simply...scrumptious!
Formerly Distressed Damsel: Hehe, I'm glad you like it! Farewell!
Papa Gruff: That makes it one apiece. A draw, then... Still, Philcox─while you had some assistance along the way, you've nevertheless done yourself proud.
Philcox: To think I'd live to see the day Papa Gruff sings my praises. Awfully kind of you to finally admit that I might have worth!
Papa Gruff: Hmph. Is that all you desire? My begrudging acceptance? Have you forgotten your reasons for joining in the festivities in the first place?
Philcox: O-Of course I haven't! The good people of Gridania are still in need of my help! And where there are commonfolk in need, there are cookies to be freed...and err, given to me.
Philcox: Adventurer, I had better get going. But before I do, let me say this. I might have found a way to make the most of my talents, but I wouldn't have been able to do so without you and the pumpkin-headed lady. I'm sure we'll run into each other again one of these days. Till then!
Papa Gruff: The promise I sensed in Philcox when he and I first met wasn't illusory after all. I should take my leave, too. 'Twould be remiss of me to allow him to garner all the glory...to say nothing of the cookies.
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Heh heh... I'd say those two fiends ended up having themselves a frightfully fun-filled All Saints' Wake. Wouldn't you agree?
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: And for your part in this, a fitting reward. I present to you a set of finery, as worn by Gridania's most emotionally-perceptive ahriman.
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Ah... Perhaps you wonder if your outfit is endowed with the same enchantment? You needn't worry. There never was an enchantment.
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Heh heh heh... That little charade was my way of giving Philcox the confidence he so sorely lacked. Although, I daresay such a measure was unnecessary, given he had you to cheer him on.
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Ah, before I forget, you are hereby cordially invited to my humble abode for a get together of sorts. Do drop by─I assure you it will be frightfully entertaining...
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Anyway, your help is much appreciated. At this rate, my vision of an All Saints' Wake for mortals and voidsent alike might not be such a distant prospect. Though I do hope that these shenanigans haven't dulled your enthusiasm for this most occult of occasions...
System: You now have access to Sneaky Hollow. Speak with the unusual usher at Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre to be escorted to the costume party.

Optional Dialogue in Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre

Papa Gruff: As you can see, I'm having no trouble earning myself a cookie or two. Now, if you don't mind, I'm in the middle of a show. Do me a favor and go bother Philcox instead.
Philcox: Oh, it's you! I'm definitely starting to get the hang of this whole helping mortals lark─hells, I think I'm enjoying myself!