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(Mooch > Requirements, added a blurb about legendary fish)
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[[File:Bigfish_lodestone.png|250px|right]]{{Quotation|[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/fdcac38ca1a190627bf4e5b1362cae51e70137f7 Crafting and Gathering Preview (03/18/2014)]|Fishers of surpassing skill can try their hand at reeling in impressive denizens of the deep once thought to be mere legend, earning an array of achievements in the process. Do you have what it takes to stake your claim as one of Eorzea's master anglers?}}
Big Fishing was introduced in patch 2.2. To participate in Big Fishing, the player has to be a level 50 [[Fisher]].

[[Big Fishing]] was first introduced in [[Patch 2.2]] on March 26, 2014. All big fish are of {{rarity|dungeon|Green}} [[rarity]].<ref>Similarly, all green-rarity overworld fish are considered big fish (note that green-rarity fish in [[Ocean Fishing]] are not included).</ref> Not to be confused with [[Gatherer's Boon|large-sized]] fish that replaced [[High Quality]] {{HQ}} fish after ''[[Endwalker]]''&apos;s release with [[patch 6.0]]. Subsequent to this change, the last six Big Fish released in an expansion are now officially referred to as '''Legendary Fish'''.<ref>[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/bdd208b52ddababad086dc9679e96a8412962edf/ Patch 6.0 Notes]</ref>
To unlock Big Fishing, players need to complete the quest [[The Beast of Brewer's Beacon]]. Talk to [[Sisipu]] in [[Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks]] (x7,y14) to receive the quest.
Big fish are much harder to catch than regular fish and have specific time, [[weather]], [[bait]], {{action icon|Mooch}}, and/or {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] prerequisites. Some weather requirements may require one specific weather to occur immediately after another weather type, creating very limited windows of opportunity to catch the fish. Big fish usually have at least a 15% chance to escape the hook regardless of player stats, with some fish having a significantly lower success rate. The legendary fish released at the end of each expansion are even harder to catch.
==Unlock Requirements==
*Fisher unlocked
*A [[Gathering (Attribute) | Gathering]] stat of at least 290.
Beginning with [[Heavensward]], most of these fish also require [[Tomes of Regional Folklore]].
Side quests {{questlink|side|The Beast of Brewer's Beacon}} and {{questlink|side|Feast of Famine}} function as an introduction to [[Big Fishing]].
{{main|Fisher Achievements}}
Big Fishing is associated with the following [[achievements]]:
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home I}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home II}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home III}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home IV}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home V}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home VI}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home VII}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home VIII}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home IX}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home X}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home XI}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home XII}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home XIII}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home XIV}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home XV}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big or Go Home XVI}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Far from Home I}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Far from Home II}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Far from Home III}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Far from Home IV}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Far from Home V}}
{{achievement table row|No River Wide Enough}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Till the End I}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Till the End II}}
{{achievement table row|Go Big Till the End III}}
'''Useful Resources:'''
:[https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/ FFX|V Fish Tracker App]
:[https://garlandtools.org/bell/ https://garlandtools.org/bell/]<br>
As of [[Patch 5.2]] all big fish now show a !!! animation when they bite, as shown on the right. This does not necessarily mean {{item icon|Powerful Hookset}} should be used; that depends on the specific fish.<br>
There are also ordinary fish that use the !!! animation, so it is not a guarantee.
[[File:Fishing Effect 5.2.png]]
All times are given in [[Eorzea Time]] / in-game time. '''{{action icon|Fish Eyes}}''' will not negate any of these time requirements, except for non-legendary big fish in A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, and Stormblood zones.
<br style="clear:both;">

==Big Fish==
==Big Fish==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
===[[A Realm Reborn]]===
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Goldenfin|size=big}}|| [[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]] ||[[Fishing Log: Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks|Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]]||Any||data-sort-value="09:00 to 14:00" | 9 AM <br>to <br> 2 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Pill Bug}} || ||301+ || {{item icon|Venture}}
| {{item icon|Octomammoth|size=big}}|| [[Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks]] ||[[Fishing Log: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks|Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks]]||Any||data-sort-value="07:00 to 17:00" | 7 AM <br>to <br>5 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Pill Bug}}, <br>{{item icon|Floating Minnow}} || Mooch {{item icon|Harbor Herring}} ||301+ || {{item icon|Sea Breeze Summer Pareo}}, <br> {{item icon|Blue Summer Maro}}
| {{item icon|Zalera|size=big}}|| [[Middle La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Zephyr Drift|Zephyr Drift]]|| (18,21)||data-sort-value="09:00 to 14:00" | 9 AM <br>to<br> 2 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Rat Tail}} || ||335+ || {{item icon|Paralyzing Potion}}
| {{item icon|Beguiler Chub|size=big}}|| [[Middle La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Rogue River|Rogue River]]|| (22,22)|| data-sort-value="09:00 to 14:00" | 9 AM <br>to <br>2 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Moth Pupa}} || ||308+ ||
| {{item icon|Great Gudgeon|size=big}}|| [[Middle La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: West Agelyss River|West Agelyss River]]||(20,18)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Crayfish Ball}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Gigantshark|size=big}}|| [[Middle La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Summerford|Summerford]]||(14,15)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Floating Minnow}} || Mooch {{item icon|Harbor Herring}} ||301+ || {{item icon|Sea Breeze Summer Halter}}, <br>{{item icon|South Seas Talisman}}
| {{item icon|High Perch|size=big}}|| [[Middle La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Nym River|Nym River]]|| (17,14)||data-sort-value="05:00 to 08:00" | 5 AM<br> to<br> 8 AM||Any|| {{item icon|Sinking Minnow}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Crystal Perch|size=big}}|| [[Middle La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Woad Whisper Canyon|Woad Whisper Canyon]]||(21,12)||Anytime ||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br> {{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]]|| {{item icon|Butterworm}} || ||301+ || {{item icon|Zircon}}
| {{item icon|Caterwauler|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Mourning Widow|The Mourning Widow]]||(24,22)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Moth Pupa}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Oschon's Print|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Moraby Bay|Moraby Bay]]||(26,25)|| Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Goby Ball}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Syldra|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Cedarwood|Cedarwood]]||(34,17)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Spoon Worm}} || ||339+ ||
| {{item icon|Silver Sovereign|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Oschon's Torch|Oschon's Torch]]||(24,39)|| Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Yumizuno}} || ||301+ || {{item icon|Venture}}
| {{item icon|Sabertooth Cod|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Candlekeep Quay|Candlekeep Quay]]|| (20,39)|| data-sort-value="16:00 to 22:00" | 4 PM<br> to<br> 10 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Goby Ball}}, <br>{{item icon|Rat Tail}} || ||315+ || {{item icon|Aetheryte Ring}}
| {{item icon|Jacques the Snipper|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Moraby Drydocks|Moraby Drydocks]]|| (26,34)|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 03:00" | 9 PM<br> to <br>3 AM||Any|| {{item icon|Goby Ball}}, <br> {{item icon|Rat Tail}} || ||301+ || {{item icon|Aqueous Whetstone}}
| {{item icon|Faerie Queen|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Empty Heart|Empty Heart]]||(21,34)|| Anytime||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br> {{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]]|| {{item icon|Spinnerbait}} || ||351+ ||
| {{item icon|Meteor Survivor|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Salt Strand|The Salt Strand]]|| (17,35)|| data-sort-value="03:00 to 05:00" | 3 AM<br> to <br>5 AM||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]]<br>{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]<br>{{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]]|| {{item icon|Rat Tail}} || ||340+ ||
| {{item icon|Cupfish|size=big}}|| [[Lower La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Blind Iron Mines|Blind Iron Mines]]|| (26,15)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 19:00" | 5 PM<br> to<br> 7 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]|| {{item icon|Syrphid Basket}} || ||340+ || {{item icon|Minium}}
| {{item icon|The Greatest Bream in the World|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: South Bloodshore|South Bloodshore]]|| (32,34)|| data-sort-value="20:00 to 22:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br>10 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Shrimp Cage Feeder}} || ||343+ || {{item icon|Oschon Roselle Capeline}}
| {{item icon|Shark Tuna|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Costa del Sol|Costa del Sol]]|| (34,29)|| data-sort-value="19:00 to 21:00" | 7 PM <br>to <br>9 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]|| {{item icon|Spoon Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Fullmoon Sardine}} ||339+ || {{item icon|Summer Sandals}}
| {{item icon|Bombardfish|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: North Bloodshore|North Bloodshore]]|| (32,24)|| data-sort-value="09:00 to 14:00" | 9 AM<br> to<br> 2 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Herring Ball}} || ||347+ ||
| {{item icon|The Old Man in the Sea|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Rhotano Sea (Privateer Forecastle)|Rhotano Sea (Privateer Forecastle)]]||(39,24)|| Anytime||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] <br>to<br> {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> (a weather chain)|| {{item icon|Pill Bug}} || Mooch {{item icon|Harbor Herring}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Ogre Barracuda}} ||393+||
| {{item icon|The Salter|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Hidden Falls|Hidden Falls]]|| (31,23)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 20:00" | 5 PM <br>to <br>8 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || ||357+ ||
| {{item icon|The Drowned Sniper|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: East Agelyss River|East Agelyss River]]||(21,25)|| Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Snurble Fly}} ||  ||349+ || {{item icon|Brass Ring}}
| {{item icon|The Terpsichorean|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Raincatcher Gully|Raincatcher Gully]]||(20,30)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || ||359+||
| {{item icon|Mirrorscale|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Juggernaut|The Juggernaut]]|| (16,31)|| data-sort-value="09:00 to 16:00" | 9 AM<br> to <br>4 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Midge Basket}} || Mooch {{item icon|Copperfish}} || 357+ || {{item icon|Silver Ring}}
| {{item icon|Imperial Goldfish|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] || [[Fishing Log: Red Mantis Falls|Red Mantis Falls]] || (15,27) || Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Silverfish}} <br> Must catch 3x {{item icon|Jungle Catfish}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| 372+ ||
| {{item icon|Armorer (Seafood)|size=big}}|| [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Swiftperch|Swiftperch]]|| (33,30)|| data-sort-value="19:00 to 04:00" | 7 PM <br>to<br> 4 AM||Any|| {{item icon|Northern Krill}} || ||308+ ||
| {{item icon|Junkmonger (Seafood)|size=big}}|| [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Skull Valley|Skull Valley]]|| (27,29)|| data-sort-value="16:00 to 02:00" | 4 PM<br> to<br> 2 AM||Any|| {{item icon|Pill Bug}} || Mooch {{item icon|Merlthor Goby}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Wahoo}} ||311+ || {{item icon|Militia Earrings}}
| {{item icon|Navigator's Brand|size=big}}|| [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Brewer's Beacon|The Brewer's Beacon]]|| (30,30)|| data-sort-value="08:00 to 15:00" | 8 AM<br> to <br>3 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Yumizuno}} || ||290+ ||
| {{item icon|The Lone Ripper|size=big}}|| [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Halfstone|Halfstone]]||(16,22)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|Gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]]|| {{item icon|Heavy Steel Jig}} || ||353+ || {{item icon|Waterproof Cotton Cloth}}
| {{item icon|Helmsman's Hand|size=big}}|| [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Isles of Umbra Northshore|Isles of Umbra Northshore]]|| (15,29)|| data-sort-value="09:00 to 14:00" | 9 AM<br> to<br> 2 PM||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]]|| {{item icon|Pill Bug}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ocean Cloud}} ||360+ ||
| {{item icon|Frilled Shark|size=big}}|| [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Ship Graveyard|The Ship Graveyard]]|| (15,35)|| data-sort-value="20:00 to 01:00" | 8 PM <br>to<br> 1 AM||{{weather icon|Gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]]<br>{{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]]|| {{item icon|Floating Minnow}} || Mooch {{item icon|Fullmoon Sardine}} || 373+ || {{item icon|Coronal Summer Halter}},<br> {{item icon|Ti Leaf Lei}}
| {{item icon|The Captain's Chalice|size=big}}|| [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Sapsa Spawning Grounds|Sapsa Spawning Grounds]]|| (16,14)|| data-sort-value="23:00 to 01:00" | 11 PM <br>to<br> 1 AM||Any|| {{item icon|Steel Jig}} || Mooch {{item icon|Fullmoon Sardine}} || 358+ ||
| {{item icon|Toramafish|size=big}}|| [[Upper La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Oakwood|Oakwood]]|| (15,23)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 20:00" | 5 PM<br> to<br> 8 PM||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Spinnerbait}} || Mooch {{item icon|Common Sculpin}} || 336+ || {{item icon|Gold Roselle Capeline}}
| {{item icon|Joan of Trout|size=big}}|| [[Upper La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Fool Falls|Fool Falls]]|| (9,20) || data-sort-value="04:00 to 06:00" | 4 AM<br> to<br> 6 AM || Any || {{item icon|Crow Fly}} || ||339+ ||
| {{item icon|Worm of Nym|size=big}}|| [[Upper La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Bronze Lake Shallows|Bronze Lake Shallows]]|| (33,24)|| data-sort-value="19:00 to 22:00" | 7 PM<br> to<br> 10 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Butterworm}} ||  ||359+ || {{item icon|Jadeite}}
| {{item icon|King of the Spring|size=big}}|| [[Upper La Noscea]]<br>[[Outer La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Northeast Bronze Lake|Northeast Bronze Lake]]<br>[[Fishing Log: Northwest Bronze Lake|Northwest Bronze Lake]]|| (27,22)|| data-sort-value="16:00 to 18:00" | 4 PM<br> to<br> 6 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br> {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunder]]|| {{item icon|Spinnerbait}} || ||359+ ||
| {{item icon|Thundergut|size=big}}|| [[Outer La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Long Climb|The Long Climb]]|| (15,11)|| data-sort-value="19:00 to 23:00" | 7 PM <br>to <br>11 PM || {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Stem Borer}} || ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Twitchbeard|size=big}}|| [[Mist]] ||[[Fishing Log: Mist|Mist]]|| (10,10)|| data-sort-value="04:00 to 06:00" | 4 AM <br>to<br> 6 AM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]|| {{item icon|Spoon Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Fullmoon Sardine}} ||384+ || {{item icon|Red Summer Maro}}, <br>{{item icon|Red Summer Pareo}}
| {{item icon|Stormdancer|size=big}}|| [[New Gridania]] ||[[Fishing Log: Jadeite Flood|Jadeite Flood]]|| (12,14)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 02:00" | 5 PM <br>to <br>2 AM||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Stem Borer}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Bloody Brewer|size=big}}|| [[New Gridania]] ||[[Fishing Log: Lower Black Tea Brook|Lower Black Tea Brook]]||(10,11)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Crayfish Ball}} || ||301+ || {{item icon|Spoken Blood}}
| {{item icon|Matron Carp|size=big}}|| [[Old Gridania]] ||[[Fishing Log: Whispering Gorge|Whispering Gorge]]|| (16,6)|| data-sort-value="15:00 to 21:00" | 3 PM <br>to<br> 9 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Bloodworm}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Carp Diem|size=big}}|| [[Old Gridania]] ||[[Fishing Log: Upper Black Tea Brook|Upper Black Tea Brook]]|| (8,8)|| data-sort-value="09:00 to 14:00" | 9 AM<br> to<br> 2 PM||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Crow Fly}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Chirurgeon|size=big}}|| [[Central Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Vein|The Vein]]||(22,22)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]]<br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Moth Pupa}} || Mooch {{item icon|Striped Goby}} ||301+ || {{item icon|Aqueous Whetstone}}
| {{item icon|Ghost Carp|size=big}}|| [[Central Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Mirror|The Mirror]]|| (25,27)|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 03:00" | 9 PM<br> to<br> 3 AM||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Butterworm}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Levinlight|size=big}}|| [[Central Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Everschade|Everschade]]|| (15,24)|| data-sort-value="18:00 to 22:00" | 6 PM <br>to<br> 10 PM||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]]  <br> {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Syrphid Basket}} || ||349+ || {{item icon|Astral Eye}}
| {{item icon|Bloodbath (Seafood)|size=big}}|| [[Central Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Haukke Manor|Haukke Manor]]||(10,23)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunder]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Silverfish}}  ||350+ || {{item icon|Gold Roselle Capeline}}
| {{item icon|The Green Jester|size=big}}|| [[Central Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Hopeseed Pond|Hopeseed Pond]]|| (13,21)|| data-sort-value="18:00 to 21:00" | 6 PM<br> to <br>9 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || ||357+ ||
| {{item icon|Dark Ambusher|size=big}}|| [[East Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Sweetbloom Pier|Sweetbloom Pier]]|| (10,22)|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 03:00" | 9 PM <br>to<br> 3 AM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br>{{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Moth Pupa}} || Mooch {{item icon|Striped Goby}} ||344+ ||
| {{item icon|Moldva|size=big}}|| [[East Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Springripple Brook|Springripple Brook]]|| (24,25)|| data-sort-value="18:00 to 01:00" | 6 PM<br> to<br> 1 AM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Midge Basket}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish}} ||331+ ||
| {{item icon|The Assassin|size=big}}|| [[East Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Sanctum of the Twelve|Sanctum of the Twelve]]|| (17,16)|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 22:00" | 9 PM<br> to <br>10 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]]|| {{item icon|Butterworm}} || ||357+ ||
| {{item icon|Sylphsbane|size=big}}|| [[East Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Verdant Drop|Verdant Drop]]||(20,21)|| Anytime || {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Butterworm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Copperfish}} ||348+ ||
| {{item icon|Blue Widow|size=big}}|| [[North Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Murmur Rills|Murmur Rills]]|| (26,25)|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 14:00" | 9 PM<br> to <br>2 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Floating Minnow}} || ||325+ ||
| {{item icon|Judgeray|size=big}}|| [[North Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Fallgourd Float|Fallgourd Float]]|| (21,24)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 21:00" | 5 PM<br> to<br> 9 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Wildfowl Fly}} || ||344+ || {{item icon|Potent Poisoning Potion}}
| {{item icon|Shadowstreak|size=big}}|| [[North Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Proud Creek|Proud Creek]]|| (20,20)|| data-sort-value="04:00 to 09:00" | 4 AM <br>to<br> 9 AM||{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Topwater Frog}} || ||368+ ||
| {{item icon|Cornelia|size=big}}|| [[North Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Lake Tahtotl|Lake Tahtotl]]||(17,19)|| Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Rainbow Spoon Lure}} ||Must catch 5x {{item icon|Boxing Pleco}} to trigger {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] ||378+ ||
| {{item icon|Son of Levin|size=big}}|| [[South Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Rootslake|Rootslake]]||(18,29)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]]|| {{item icon|Caddisfly Larva}} || ||349+ || {{item icon|Eye of Lightning}}
| {{item icon|The Gobfather|size=big}}|| [[South Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Goblinblood|Goblinblood]]|| (27,21)|| data-sort-value="00:00 to 06:00" | 12 AM<br> to <br>6 AM||{{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunder]] <br> {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Silverfish}} ||378+ || {{item icon|Nicked Viking Sword}}
| {{item icon|Vip Viper|size=big}}|| [[South Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Upper Hathoeva River|Upper Hathoeva River]]|| (18,19)|| data-sort-value="18:00 to 19:00" | 6 PM <br>to<br> 7 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]|| {{item icon|Butterworm}} || ||367+ ||
| {{item icon|Floating Boulder|size=big}}|| [[South Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Lower Hathoeva River|Lower Hathoeva River]]|| (18,24)|| data-sort-value="01:00 to 05:00" | 1 AM <br>to<br> 5 AM || {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Bass Ball}} || ||358+ ||
| {{item icon|The Grinner|size=big}}|| [[South Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: East Hathoeva River|East Hathoeva River]]||(24,22)|| Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Syrphid Basket}} || ||339+ ||
| {{item icon|The Sinker|size=big}}|| [[South Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Middle Hathoeva River|Middle Hathoeva River]]|| (19,22)|| data-sort-value="22:00 to 03:00" | 10 PM<br> to <br>3 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Sinking Minnow}} || ||352+ ||
| {{item icon|Sweetnewt|size=big}}|| [[Lavender Beds]] ||[[Fishing Log: Lavender Beds|Lavender Beds]]|| Any|| data-sort-value="23:00 to 03:00" | 11 PM <br>to<br> 3 AM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Midge Basket}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish}} ||359+ || {{item icon|Waterproof Cotton Cloth}}
| {{item icon|Glimmerscale|size=big}}|| [[Western Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Nophica's Wells|Nophica's Wells]]||(24,21)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Butterworm}} || ||301+ || {{item icon|Copper Ring}}
| {{item icon|Mud Golem|size=big}}|| [[Western Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Footfalls|The Footfalls]]|| (17,15)|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 03:00" | 9 PM<br> to<br> 3 AM||Any|| {{item icon|Butterworm}} || ||310+ || {{item icon|Mudstone}}
| {{item icon|Rivet Oyster|size=big}}|| [[Western Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Vesper Bay|Vesper Bay]]||(11,14)|| Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Heavy Steel Jig}} || ||356+ ||
| {{item icon|Pirate's Bane|size=big}}|| [[Western Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Cape Westwind|Cape Westwind]]||(9,6)|| Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Lugworm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Merlthor Goby}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Wahoo}}<br>Must catch 6x {{item icon|Wahoo}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] ||370+ || {{item icon|Sapphire Ring}}
| {{item icon|Fingers|size=big}}|| [[Western Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Crescent Cove|Crescent Cove]]|| (14,18)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 18:00" | 5 PM <br>to<br> 6 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]]|| {{item icon|Northern Krill}} || ||361+ || {{item icon|Toadskin Ring}}
| {{item icon|Dirty Herry|size=big}}|| [[Western Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Silver Bazaar|The Silver Bazaar]]|| (15,29)|| data-sort-value="20:00 to 21:00" | 8 PM<br> to<br> 9 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]]|| {{item icon|Northern Krill}} || ||343+ ||
| {{item icon|Dream Goby|size=big}}|| [[Central Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Upper Soot Creek|Upper Soot Creek]]|| (23,18)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 03:00" | 5 PM<br> to <br>3 AM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Crayfish Ball}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Slime King|size=big}}|| [[Central Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Lower Soot Creek|Lower Soot Creek]]|| (16,23)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 00:00" | 5 PM<br> to <br>12 AM||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]]|| {{item icon|Crayfish Ball}} || ||357+ ||
| {{item icon|Old Softie|size=big}}|| [[Central Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Clutch|The Clutch]]|| (29,21)|| data-sort-value="16:00 to 22:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br>10 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Bloodworm}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Dark Knight (Seafood)|size=big}}|| [[Central Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Unholy Heir|The Unholy Heir]]||(27,19)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] <br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Crow Fly}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Marrow Sucker|size=big}}|| [[Eastern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: North Drybone|North Drybone]]|| (13,20)|| data-sort-value="20:00 to 03:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br>3 AM||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Syrphid Basket}} || ||301+ || {{item icon|Bone Chip}}
| {{item icon|Mud Pilgrim|size=big}}|| [[Eastern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: South Drybone|South Drybone]]|| (17,24)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 07:00" | 5 PM <br>to <br>7 AM||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]|| {{item icon|Midge Basket}} || ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|The Warden's Wand|size=big}}|| [[Eastern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Yugr'am River|Yugr'am River]]|| (25,22)|| data-sort-value="17:00 to 19:00" | 5 PM<br> to<br> 7 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || ||338+ || {{item icon|Native Gold}}
| {{item icon|The Thousand-year Itch|size=big}}|| [[Eastern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Burning Wall|The Burning Wall]]||(30,26)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Stem Borer}} || ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Olgoi-Khorkhoi|size=big}}|| [[Southern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Sagolii Dunes|Sagolii Dunes]]||(27,37)|| Anytime || {{weather icon|heat waves}}[[Heat Waves]]|| {{item icon|Sand Leech}} || Mooch {{item icon|Storm Rider}} ||348+ || {{item icon|Waterproof Cotton Cloth}}
| {{item icon|Magic Carpet|size=big}}|| [[Southern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Sagolii Desert|Sagolii Desert]]|| (12,35)|| data-sort-value="09:00 to 16:00" | 9 AM <br>to<br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|heat waves}}[[Heat Waves]] || {{item icon|Sand Leech}} || Mooch {{item icon|Storm Rider}} ||359? || {{item icon|Summer Sandals}}
| {{item icon|Old Hollow Eyes|size=big}}|| [[Southern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Burnt Lizard Creek|Burnt Lizard Creek]]||(21,15)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Midge Basket}} || Mooch {{item icon|Copperfish}} ||344+ ||
| {{item icon|Discobolus|size=big}}|| [[Southern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Zahar'ak|Zahar'ak]]|| (25,21)|| data-sort-value="12:00 to 16:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br>4 PM|| {{weather icon|heat waves}}[[Heat Waves]] || {{item icon|Glowworm}} || ||368+ ||
| {{item icon|Iron Noose|size=big}}|| [[Southern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Forgotten Springs|Forgotten Springs]]||(15,31)|| Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Spinner}} || ||348+ ||
| {{item icon|Hannibal|size=big}}|| [[Northern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Bluefog|Bluefog]]|| (24,25)|| data-sort-value="01:00 to 04:00" | 1 AM <br>to <br>4 AM||{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Spinner}} || Mooch {{item icon|Common Sculpin}} ||367+ || {{item icon|Peiste Skin}}
| {{item icon|Spearnose|size=big}}|| [[The Goblet]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Goblet|The Goblet]]|| Any|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 00:00" | 9 PM <br>to <br>12 AM||{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Caddisfly Larva}} || ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|The Matriarch|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: Exploratory Ice Hole|Exploratory Ice Hole]]||(6,22)|| Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Abalathian Smelt}} ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Anomalocaris|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: Sea of Clouds|Sea of Clouds]]|| (13,14)|| data-sort-value="10:00 to 14:00" | 10 AM<br> to <br>2 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Hoverworm}} || ||358+ ||
| {{item icon|Charon's Lantern|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: Daniffen Pass|Daniffen Pass]]|| (13,23)|| data-sort-value="00:00 to 03:00" | 12 AM<br> to <br>3 AM|| {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]] <br> {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]]|| {{item icon|Glowworm}} || ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Daniffen's Mark|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: Coerthas River|Coerthas River]]|| (20,30)|| data-sort-value="03:00 to 09:00" | 3 AM<br> to <br>9 AM|| {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]] || {{item icon|Wildfowl Fly}} || ||347+ ||
| {{item icon|Dawn Maiden|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: Dragonhead Latrines|Dragonhead Latrines]]|| (28,17)|| data-sort-value="05:00 to 07:00" | 5 AM <br>to <br>7 AM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Wildfowl Fly}}|| ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Starbright|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Nail|The Nail]]|| (16,21)|| data-sort-value="21:00 to 02:00" | 9 PM <br>to<br> 2 AM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Syrphid Basket}} || Mooch {{item icon|Abalathian Smelt}}||350+ || {{item icon|Astral Eye}}
| {{item icon|Mahar|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: Witchdrop|Witchdrop]]|| (33,19)|| data-sort-value="Anytime" | Anytime||{{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]] after<br>{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Hoverworm}}<br>{{item icon|Balloon Bug}} || Mooch {{item icon|Cloud Cutter}} ||363+ || {{item icon|Eye of Ice}}
| {{item icon|Aetherlouse|size=big}}|| [[Mor Dhona]] ||[[Fishing Log: North Silvertear|North Silvertear]]|| (24,13)|| data-sort-value="03:00 to 13:00" | 3 AM <br>to <br>1 PM|| {{weather icon|gloom}} [[Gloom]] || {{item icon|Glowworm}} || ||345+ ||
| {{item icon|Void Bass|size=big}}|| [[Mor Dhona]] ||[[Fishing Log: Rathefrost|Rathefrost]]|| (19,18)|| data-sort-value="Anytime" | Anytime|| Any || {{item icon|Glowworm}} || || |||
| {{item icon|Ninja Betta|size=big}}|| [[Mor Dhona]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Tangle|The Tangle]]|| (14,13)|| data-sort-value="18:00 to 08:59" | 6 PM <br>to <br> 9 AM|| {{weather icon|gloom}} [[Gloom]] || {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Silverfish}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Assassin Betta}} ||359+|| {{item icon|Assassin Fry}}
| {{item icon|Ignus Horn|size=big}}|| [[Mor Dhona]] ||[[Fishing Log: The Deep Tangle|The Deep Tangle]]|| (12,11)|| data-sort-value="Anytime" | Anytime||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or<br>{{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|gloom}} [[Gloom]]|| {{item icon|Glowworm}} ||||383+||
| {{item icon|Blood Red Bonytongue|size=big}}|| [[Mor Dhona]] ||[[Fishing Log: Singing Shards|Singing Shards]]|| (28,8)|| data-sort-value="04:00 to 11:59" | 4 AM<br>to<br>1 PM||{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] after<br>{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or<br>{{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Silverfish}} ||375+||
| {{item icon|Canavan|size=big}}|| [[Mor Dhona]] ||[[Fishing Log: The North Shards|The North Shards]]|| (31,6)|| data-sort-value="08:00 to 17:59" | 8 AM<br>to<br>6 PM||{{weather icon|gloom}} [[Gloom]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Silverfish}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Goldfish}} ||387+||
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Fish
! Zone          
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! (X,Y)
! Location
! Eorzea Time
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Weather
! Bait
! Bait
! Mooch
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
! Desynth Rewards
|Goldenfin||[[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]]||Any||Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks||9am <br>to <br> 2pm||Any||[[Pill Bug]]|| ||315+ ||[[Venture]]
| {{item icon|Fat Purse|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Riversmeet|Riversmeet]] || (24,24) ||Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || ||  
|Octomammoth||[[Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks]]||Any||Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks||7am <br>to <br>5pm||Any||[[Pill Bug]], <br>[[Floating Minnow]]||[[Merlthor Goby|Merlthor Goby (HQ)]] <br>or<br> [[Harbor Herring| Harbor Herring (HQ)]]||301+ ||[[Sea Breeze Summer Pareo]], <br> [[Blue Summer Maro]]
| {{item icon|La Reale|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Ashpool|Ashpool]] || (14,15) ||Anytime ||Any|| {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || ||  
|Zalera||[[Middle La Noscea]]||(18,21)||Zephyr Drift||9am <br>to<br> 2pm||Any||[[Rat Tail]]|| ||335+ ||[[Paralyzing Potion]]
| {{item icon|Bishopfish|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Clearpool|Clearpool]] || (36,6) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 14:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br>2 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia IV}}
|Beguiler Chub||[[Middle La Noscea]]||(22,22)||Rogue River||9am <br>to <br>2pm||Any||[[Moth Pupa]]|| ||308+ ||
| {{item icon|Hailfinder|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Greytail Falls|Greytail Falls]] || (35,26) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]]<br>after {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]] or {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]]|| {{item icon|Red Balloon}} || Mooch {{item icon|Glacier Core}} || || {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia V}}
|Great Gudgeon||[[Middle La Noscea]]||(20,18)||West Agelyss River||All Day||Any||[[Crayfish Ball]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Captain Nemo|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: South Banepool|South Banepool]] || (21,11) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]]<br>after {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]] || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || ||  
|Gigantshark||[[Middle La Noscea]]||(14,15)||Summerford||All Day||Clear Skies <br> Fair Skies||[[Floating Minnow]]||[[Harbor Herring |Harbor Herring (HQ)]]||301+ ||[[Sea Breeze Summer Halter]], <br>[[South Seas Talisman]]
| {{item icon|Flarefish|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Unfrozen Pond|Unfrozen Pond]] || (28,18) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 16:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br>4 PM|| {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]] || {{item icon|Metal Spinner}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ice Faerie}} || || {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia V}}
|High Perch||[[Middle La Noscea]]||(17,14)||Nym River||5am<br> to<br> 8am||Any||[[Sinking Minnow]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Merciless|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: West Banepool|West Banepool]] || (13,8) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]]<br>after {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]] or {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]] || {{item icon|Caddisfly Larva}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ice Faerie}} || ||  
|Crystal Perch||[[Middle La Noscea]]||(21,12)||Woad Whisper Canyon||All Day||Clouds <br> Fog <br> Wind||[[Butterworm]]|| ||301+ ||[[Zircon]]
| {{item icon|Inkfish|size=big}}|| [[The Sea of Clouds]] || [[Fishing Log: Voor Sian Siran|Voor Sian Siran]] || (29,35) ||data-sort-value="14:00 to 16:00" | 2 PM <br>to <br>4 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia V}}, {{item icon|Soot Black Dye}}
|Caterwauler||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(24,22)||Mourning Widow||All Day||Clear Skies<br> Fair Skies <br> Rain||[[Moth Pupa]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Cirrostratus|size=big}}|| [[The Sea of Clouds]] || [[Fishing Log: Cloudtop|Cloudtop]] || (14,38) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 13:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br>1 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || || ||  
|Oschon's Print||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(26,25)||Moraby Bay||All Day||Any||[[Goby Ball]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Basking Shark|size=big}}|| [[The Sea of Clouds]] || [[Fishing Log: Mok Oogl Island|Mok Oogl Island]] || (15,7) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Metal Spinner}} || Mooch {{item icon|Sky Faerie}} || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia IV}}
|Syldra||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(34,17)||Cedarwood||All Day||Rain||[[Spoon Worm]]|| ||339+ ||
| {{item icon|The Second One|size=big}}|| [[The Sea of Clouds]] || [[Fishing Log: The Blue Window|The Blue Window]] || (7,11) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || || ||  
|Silver Sovereign||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(24,39)||Oschon's Torch||All Day||Any||[[Yumizuno]]|| ||301+ ||[[Venture]]
| {{item icon|Paikiller|size=big}}|| [[The Sea of Clouds]] || [[Fishing Log: The Eddies|The Eddies]] || (30,39) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 12:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br>12 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Bladed Steel Jig}} || Mooch {{item icon|Bullfrog}} || || {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia V}}
|Sabertooth Cod||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(20,39)||Candlekeep Quay||4pm<br> to<br> 10pm||Any||[[Goby Ball]], <br>[[Rat Tail]]|| ||315+ ||[[Aetheryte Ring]]
| {{item icon|Scaleripper|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: The Hundred Throes|The Hundred Throes]] || (31,10) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]], {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]], or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia IV}}
|Jacques the Snipper||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(26,34)||Moraby Drydocks||9pm<br> to <br>3am||Any||[[Goby Ball]], <br> [[Rat Tail]]|| ||301+ ||[[Aqueous Whetstone]]
| {{item icon|Riddle|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: Anyx Old|Anyx Old]] || (19,10) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 16:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br>4 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Magma Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Granite Crab}} || || {{item icon|Fieldcraft Demimateria II}}
|Faerie Queen||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(21,34)||Empty Heart||All Day||Clouds <br> Fog <br> Wind||[[Spinnerbait]]|| ||351+ ||
| {{item icon|The Lord of Lords|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: Halo|Halo]] || (7,5) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 16:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br>4 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]], {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]], or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Metal Spinner}} || Mooch {{item icon|Granite Crab}} || || {{item icon|Scintillant Ingot}}, {{item icon|Sun Mica}}
|Meteor Survivor||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(17,35)||The Salt Strand||3am<br> to <br>5am||Clouds<br>Fog<br>Wind||[[Rat Tail]]|| ||340+ ||
| {{item icon|Meteortoise|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: Mourn|Mourn]] || (13,13) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Magma Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Granite Crab}} || || {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia V}}
|Cupfish||[[Lower La Noscea]]||(26,15)||Blind Iron Mines||5pm<br> to<br> 7pm||Clear Skies||[[Syrphid Basket]]|| ||340+ ||[[Minium]]
| {{item icon|The Dreamweaver|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: The Smoldering Wastes|The Smoldering Wastes]] || (26.6,26.1) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 02:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br>2 AM || {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]], {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]], or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || ||  
|Armorer||[[Western La Noscea]]||(33,30)||Swiftperch||7pm <br>to<br> 4am||Any||[[Northern Krill]]|| ||308+ ||
| {{item icon|Hraesvelgr's Tear|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: West Mourn|West Mourn]] || (9,7) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Magma Worm}} || || || {{item icon|Glass Fiber}}, {{item icon|Luminous Fiber}}
|Junkmonger||[[Western La Noscea]]||(27,29)||Skull Valley||4pm<br> to<br> 3am||Any||[[Pill Bug]]||[[Merlthor Goby|Merlthor Goby (HQ)]],<br> then <br> [[Wahoo|Wahoo (HQ)]]||311+ || [[Militia Earrings]]
| {{item icon|Twin-tongued Carp|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: Whilom River|Whilom River]] || (30,14) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 16:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br>4 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia V}}
|Navigator's Brand||[[Western La Noscea]]||(30,30)||Brewer's Beacon||8am<br> to <br>3pm||Any||[[Yumizuno]]|| ||290+ ||
| {{item icon|Vidofnir (Seafood)|size=big}}|| [[The Churning Mists]] || [[Fishing Log: Eil Tohm|Eil Tohm]] || (36,30) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 10:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br>10 AM || Any || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || || {{item icon|Piety Materia V}}
|The Lone Ripper||[[Western La Noscea]]||(16,22)||Halfstone||All Day||Gales||[[Heavy Steel Jig]]||||353+ ||[[Waterproof Cotton]]
| {{item icon|Moggle Mogpom|size=big}}|| [[The Churning Mists]] || [[Fishing Log: Greensward|Greensward]] || (8,34) (14,35) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 13:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br>1 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]] || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia IV}}
|Helmsman's Hand||[[Western La Noscea]]||(15,29)||Isles of Umbra Northshore||9am<br> to<br> 2pm||Clouds||[[Pill Bug]]||[[Ocean Cloud|Ocean Cloud (HQ)]]||360+ ||
| {{item icon|The Soul of the Martyr|size=big}}|| [[The Churning Mists]] || [[Fishing Log: Landlord Colony|Landlord Colony]] || (29,25) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 06:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br>6 AM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || || ||  
|Frilled Shark||[[Western La Noscea]]||(15,35)||The Ship Graveyard||8pm <br>to<br> 1am||Gales<br>Wind||[[Floating Minnow]]||[[Fullmoon Sardine|Fullmoon Sardine (HQ)]]||373+ ||[[Coronal Summer Halter]],<br> [[Ti Leaf Lei]]
| {{item icon|Dimorphodon|size=big}}|| [[The Churning Mists]] || [[Fishing Log: Sohm Al Summit|Sohm Al Summit]] || (18,39) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]]<br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || Mooch {{item icon|Rudderfish}} || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Savage Might Materia V}}
|The Captain's Chalice||[[Western La Noscea]]||(16,14)||Sapsa Spawning Grounds||11pm <br>to<br> 1am||Any||[[Iron Jig]]|| [[Fullmoon Sardine|Fullmoon Sardine (HQ)]] ||358+ ||
| {{item icon|Bloodchaser|size=big}}|| [[The Churning Mists]] || [[Fishing Log: Tharl Oom Khash|Tharl Oom Khash]] || (20,6) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]]<br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || || || {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia V}}
|Shark Tuna||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(34,29)||Costa del Sol||7pm <br>to <br>9pm||Clear Skies||[[Spoon Worm]]||[[Fullmoon Sardine|Fullmoon Sardine (HQ)]]||339+ ||[[Summer Sandals]]
| {{item icon|Thousand Fin|size=big}}|| [[The Churning Mists]] || [[Fishing Log: Weston Waters|Weston Waters]] || (9,8) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]]<br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Brute Leech}} || || || {{item icon|Magnanimous Mogcrown}}, {{item icon|Moogle Miniature}}
|Bombardfish||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(32,24)||North Bloodshore||9am<br> to<br> 2pm|| Clear Skies ||[[Herring Ball]]|| ||347+ ||
| {{item icon|The Ewer King|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Hinterlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Thaliak River|Thaliak River]] || (23,23) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Bladed Steel Jig}} || Mooch {{item icon|Sweetfish}} || ||  
|The Salter||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(31,23)||Hidden Falls||5pm <br>to <br>8pm||Clear Skies||[[Honey Worm]]|| *Big Fish rod animation currently uses small tug animation. Catch all fish to ensure hooking The Salter.||357+ ||
| {{item icon|Bobgoblin Bass|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Hinterlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Middle Thaliak River|Middle Thaliak River]] || (20,25) ||data-sort-value="02:00 to 06:00" | 2 AM <br>to <br>6 AM || {{weather icon|showers}} [[Showers]]<br>after {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Goblin Jig}} || Mooch {{item icon|Sweetfish}} || || {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia IV}}
|The Old Man in the Sea||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(39,24)||Rhotano Sea (Privateer Forecastle)||All Day||From<br>Rain <br><b><u>to</u></b><br> Clear Skies (a weather chain)||[[Pill Bug]]||[[Harbor Herring|Harbor Herring (HQ)]], <br>then<br>[[Ogre Barracuda|Ogre Barracuda (HQ)]]||||
| {{item icon|Madam Butterfly|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Hinterlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Quickspill Delta|Quickspill Delta]] || (11,24) ||data-sort-value="21:00 to 02:00" | 9 PM <br>to <br>2 AM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Purse Web Spider}} || Mooch {{item icon|Hedgemole Cricket}} || || {{item icon|Piety Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Piety Materia V}}
|Nepto Dragon||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(38,24)||Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle)||All Day||Rain<br>Showers||[[Northern Krill]]||[[Little Thalaos]] (to trigger Fisher's Intuition. May require a few of them in a row to work), then use [[Northern Krill]] again. Can also mooch [[Merlthor Goby|Merlthor Goby (HQ)]].||||
| {{item icon|The Speaker|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Hinterlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Upper Thaliak River|Upper Thaliak River]] || (22,35) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|showers}} [[Showers]]<br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Purse Web Spider}} || Mooch {{item icon|Hedgemole Cricket}} || || {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia V}}
|Mirrorscale||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(16,31)||The Juggernaut||9am<br> to <br>4pm||Clear Skies <br> Fair Skies||[[Midge Basket]]|| ||357+ ||[[Silver Ring]]
| {{item icon|Augmented High Allagan Helmet|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: Alpha Quadrant|Alpha Quadrant]] || (16,12) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Fiend Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Platinum Fish}} || || {{item icon|Allagan Wootz Nugget}}, {{item icon|Wootz Ingot}}
|The Drowned Sniper||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(21,25)||East Agelyss River||All Day|| Clear Skies ||[[Snurble Fly]]|| ||349+ ||[[Brass Ring]]
| {{item icon|Aetherochemical Compound 666|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: Aetherochemical Spill|Aetherochemical Spill]] || (30,6) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Fiend Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Platinum Fish}} || || {{item icon|Mudstone Whetstone}}, {{item icon|Allagan Catalyst}}
|The Greatest Bream in the World||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(32,34)||South Bloodshore||8pm <br>to <br>10pm || Clear Skies ||[[Shrimp Cage Feeder]]|| ||343+ ||[[Oschon Roselle Capeline]]
| {{item icon|Aphotic Pirarucu|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: Delta Quadrant|Delta Quadrant]] || (10,31) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 02:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br>2 AM || {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Purse Web Spider}} || Mooch {{item icon|Aether Eye}} || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia V}}
|The Terpsichorean||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||(20,30)||Raincatcher Gully||All Day||Fog||[[Honey Worm]]||||359+||
| {{item icon|Ceti|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: Hyperstellar Downconverter|Hyperstellar Downconverter]] || (6,16) ||data-sort-value="18:00 to 22:00" | 6 PM <br>to <br>10 PM || {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]]<br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Fiend Worm}} || || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Quickarm Materia V}}
|Twitchbeard||[[Mist ]]||(10,10)||Mist||4am <br>to<br> 6am||Clear Skies||[[Spoon Worm]]||[[Fullmoon Sardine|Fullmoon Sardine (HQ)]]||384+ ||[[Red Summer Maro]],<br> [[Red Summer Pareo]]
| {{item icon|Allagan Bladeshark|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: The Flagship|The Flagship]] || (21,21) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]]<br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Fiend Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Platinum Fish}} || || {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia V}}
|Toramafish||[[Upper La Noscea]]||(15,23)||Oakwood||5pm<br> to<br> 8pm||Clouds <br> Fog||[[Spinnerbait]]||[[Common Sculpin|Common Sculpin (HQ)]]||336+ ||[[Gold Roselle Capeline]]
| {{item icon|Crystal Pigeon|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: The Habisphere|The Habisphere]] || (40,18) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]]<br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || Mooch {{item icon|Rudderfish}} || || {{item icon|Piety Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Piety Materia V}}
|Joan of Trout||[[Upper La Noscea]]||(9,20) ||Fool Falls|| 4am<br> to<br> 5am || Any ||[[Crow Fly]]|| ||339+ ||
| {{item icon|Hundred-eyed Axolotl|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: The Pappus Tree|The Pappus Tree]] || (6,35) ||data-sort-value="06:00 to 10:00" | 6 AM <br>to <br>10 AM || {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]<br>{{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]]<br>{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Purse Web Spider}} || Mooch {{item icon|Aether Eye}} || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia IV}}
|Worm of Nym||[[Upper La Noscea]]||(33,24)||Bronze Lake Shallows||7pm<br> to<br> 10pm|| Clouds ||[[Butterworm]]|| ||359+ ||[[Jadeite]]
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Downstream Loach|size=big}}|| [[The Fringes]] || [[Fishing Log: The Velodyna River|The Velodyna River]] || (19.1,4.3) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Raw Triphane}}
| {{item icon|Sapphire Fan|size=big}}|| [[The Fringes]] || [[Fishing Log: Dimwold|Dimwold]] || (9.6,29) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia VI}}, {{item icon|Star Sapphire}}
| {{item icon|Corpse Chub|size=big}}|| [[The Fringes]] || [[Fishing Log: Mirage Creek|Mirage Creek]] || (27.5,16.5) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia V}}, {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia VI}}
| {{item icon|The Archbishop|size=big}}|| [[The Fringes]] || [[Fishing Log: The Comet's Tail|The Comet's Tail]] || (13,31) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 16:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || || {{item icon|Cane of the Round}}, {{item icon|Piety Materia VI}}
| {{item icon|Hardhead Trout|size=big}}|| [[The Fringes]] || [[Fishing Log: Timmon Beck|Timmon Beck]] || (11.4,18.0) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 20:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Battledance Materia V}}, {{item icon|Battledance Materia VI}}
| {{item icon|Hookstealer|size=big}}|| [[Rhalgr's Reach]] || [[Fishing Log: Upper Mirage Creek|Upper Mirage Creek]] || (11,14) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Midge Larva}} || Mooch {{item icon|Gyr Abanian Trout}} || || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}}
| {{item icon|Watcher Catfish|size=big}}|| [[Rhalgr's Reach]] || [[Fishing Log: Rhalgr's Reach|Rhalgr's Reach]] || (11,10) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Midge Larva}} || Mooch {{item icon|Gyr Abanian Trout}} || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia V}}, {{item icon|Quickarm Materia VI}}
| {{item icon|Bloodtail Zombie|size=big}}|| [[Rhalgr's Reach]] || [[Fishing Log: The Outer Fist|The Outer Fist]] || (12,6) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 12:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Salmon Roe}} || Mooch {{item icon|Balloon Frog}} || ||
| {{item icon|Bondsplitter|size=big}}|| [[The Peaks]] || [[Fishing Log: Grymm & Enid|Grymm & Enid]] || (6.5,15.6) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || ||  
| {{item icon|The Last Tear|size=big}}|| [[The Peaks]] || [[Fishing Log: Heather Falls|Heather Falls]] || (31.8,7.1) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Salmon Roe}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia VI}}
|King of the Spring||[[Upper La Noscea]]||(27,22)||North Bronze Lake||4pm<br> to<br> 6pm || Clear Skies<br> Thunder||[[Spinnerbait]]|| ||359+ ||
| {{item icon|Lily of the Veil|size=big}}|| [[The Peaks]] || [[Fishing Log: The Arms of Meed|The Arms of Meed]] || (9.3,37.5) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia V}}, {{item icon|Savage Might Materia VI}}
|Thundergut||[[Outer La Noscea]]||(15,11)||The Long Climb||7pm <br>to <br>11pm || Rain||[[Stem Borer]]|| ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Hemon|size=big}}|| [[The Peaks]] || [[Fishing Log: The Bull's Bath|The Bull's Bath]] || (25.0,32.7) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 20:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia V}}
|Storm Dancer||[[New Gridania]]||(12,14)||Jadeite Flood||5pm <br>to <br>2am||Rain||[[Stem Borer]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Moksha|size=big}}|| [[The Peaks]] || [[Fishing Log: The Ephor|The Ephor]] || (31,17) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] or {{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]] or {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || || {{item icon|Piety Materia VI}}
|Bloody Brewer||[[New Gridania]]||(10,11)||Lower Black Tea Brook||All Day||Clear Skies <br> Fair Skies||[[Crayfish Ball]]|| ||301+ || [[Spoken Blood]]
| {{item icon|The Undecided|size=big}}|| [[The Peaks]] || [[Fishing Log: The Slow Wash|The Slow Wash]] || (23.5,9.0) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 12:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Midge Larva}} || Mooch {{item icon|Gyr Abanian Trout}} || || {{item icon|Battledance Materia VI}}
|Matron Carp||[[Old Gridania]]||(16,6)||Whispering Gorge||3pm <br>to<br> 9pm||Any||[[Bloodworm]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Diamond-eye|size=big}}|| [[The Lochs]] || [[Fishing Log: Loch Seld|Loch Seld]] || (21,21) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Silkworm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Rock Saltfish}} || || {{item icon|Diamond}}, {{item icon|Ala Mhigan Salt Crystal}}
|Carp Diem||[[Old Gridania]]||(8,8)||Upper Black Tea Brook||9am<br> to<br> 2pm||Clouds <br> Fog||[[Crow Fly]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Rising Dragon|size=big}}|| [[Kugane]] || [[Fishing Log: Kugane Piers|Kugane Piers]] || Any ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Metal Spinner}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ruby Shrimp}} || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia V}}, {{item icon|Savage Might Materia VI}}
|Chirurgeon||[[Central Shroud]]||(22,22)||The Vein||All Day||Clear Skies<br> Clouds<br> Fair Skies <br> Rain||[[Moth Pupa]]||[[Striped Goby|Striped Goby (HQ)]]||301+ || [[Aqueous Whetstone]]
| {{item icon|The Gambler|size=big}}|| [[Shirogane]] || [[Fishing Log: Shirogane|Shirogane]] || (8,14) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Blue Bobbit}} || || || {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia VI}}, {{item icon|Potent Poisoning Potion}}
|Ghost Carp||[[Central Shroud]]||(25,27)||The Mirror||9pm<br> to<br> 3am||Fog <br> Rain||[[Butterworm]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Princess Killifish|size=big}}|| [[Shirogane]] || [[Fishing Log: The Silver Canal|The Silver Canal]] || (10,11) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 06:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 6 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Nightcrawler}} || || ||  
|Levinlight||[[Central Shroud]]||(15,24)||Everschade||6pm <br>to<br> 10pm||Clouds <br> Rain||[[Syrphid Basket]]|| ||349+ ||[[Astral Eye]]
| {{item icon|Ku'er|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: The Ruby Price|The Ruby Price]] || (38.4,38.5) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 08:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br>after {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Blue Bobbit}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia VI}}, {{item icon|Grade 2 Infusion of Strength}}
|Bloodbath||[[Central Shroud]]||(10,23)||Haukke Manor||All Day||Thunder||[[Honey Worm]]||[[Silverfish|Silverfish (HQ)]]  ||350+ || [[Gold Roselle Capeline]]
| {{item icon|The Vegetarian|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: Hells' Lid|Hells' Lid]] || (25.9,33.3) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Live Shrimp}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ruby Shrimp}} || || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia V}}, {{item icon|Savage Might Materia VI}}
|The Green Jester||[[Central Shroud]]||(13,21)||Hopeseed Pond||6pm<br> to <br>9pm||Any||[[Honey Worm]]|| ||357+ ||
| {{item icon|Pinhead|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: Isari|Isari]] || (8.5,12.0) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 24:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Live Shrimp}} || || || {{item icon|Bombfish Spine}}, {{item icon|Battledance Materia VI}}
|Dark Ambusher||[[East Shroud]]||(10,22)||Sweetbloom Pier||9pm <br>to<br> 3am||Clear Skies <br> Clouds <br>Fair Skies||[[Moth Pupa]]||[[Striped Goby|Striped Goby (HQ)]]||344+ ||
| {{item icon|Argonautica|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: Onokoro|Onokoro]] || (22.1,11.0) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 24:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]] || {{item icon|Live Shrimp}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ruby Shrimp}} || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia V}}, {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia VI}}
|Moldva||[[East Shroud]]||(24,25)||Springripple Brooke||6pm<br> to<br> 1am||Clear Skies <br> Clouds <br> Fair Skies||[[Midge Basket]]||[[Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish|Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish (HQ)]]||331+ ||
| {{item icon|The Winter Queen|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: Shoal Rock|Shoal Rock]] || (32.5,8.3) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 20:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Blue Bobbit}} || || || {{item icon|Pink Cherry Blossom Corsage}}, {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia VI}}
|The Assassin||[[East Shroud]]||(17,16)||Sanctum of the Twelve||9pm<br> to <br>10pm || Clear Skies <br> Clouds||[[Butterworm]]|| ||357+ ||
| {{item icon|Seven Stars|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: The Isle of Bekko|The Isle of Bekko]] || (34.6,19.7) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 18:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br> 6 PM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Blue Bobbit}} || || || {{item icon|Shark Oil}}, {{item icon|Battledance Materia VI}}
|Sylphsbane||[[East Shroud]]||(20,21)||Verdant Drop||All Day|| Rain ||[[Butterworm]]||[[Copperfish|Copperfish (HQ)]] ||348+ ||
| {{item icon|Rakshasa|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: The Isle of Zekki|The Isle of Zekki]] || (8.3,26.6) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Metal Spinner}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ruby Shrimp}} || ||  
|Blue Widow||[[North Shroud]]||(26,25)||Murmur Rills||9am<br> to <br>2pm||Any||[[Floating Minnow]]|| ||325+ ||
| {{item icon|Hermit's End|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: Namai|Namai]] || (29.5,15.5) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Gatherer's Guile Materia VI}}
|Judgeray||[[North Shroud]]||(21,24)||Fallgourd Float||5pm<br> to<br> 9pm||Any||[[Wildfowl Fly]]|| ||344+ ||[[Potent Poisoning Potion]]
| {{item icon|Suiten Ippeki|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: Mercantile Docks|Mercantile Docks]] || (14,14) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 24:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|showers}} [[Showers]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Craftsman's Competence Materia V}}, {{item icon|Craftsman's Competence Materia VI}}
|Shadowstreak||[[North Shroud]]||(20,20)||Proud Creek||4am <br>to<br> 9am||Fog||[[Topwater Frog]]|| ||368+ ||
| {{item icon|Hagoromo Koi|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: Plum Spring|Plum Spring]] || (36,23) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Thavnairian Silk}}, {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia VI}}
|Son of Levin||[[South Shroud]]||(18,29)||Rootslake||All Day||Thunderstorms||[[Caddisfly Larva]]||||349+ ||[[Eye of Lightning]]
| {{item icon|The Unraveled Bow|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: Prism Canyon|Prism Canyon]] || (31,7) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 16:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || || {{item icon|Imperial Jade}}, {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia VI}}
|The Gobfather||[[South Shroud]]||(27,21)||Goblinsblood||12am<br> to <br>6am||Thunderstorms||[[Honey Worm]]||[[Silverfish|Silverfish (HQ)]]||378+ || [[Nicked Viking Sword]]
| {{item icon|Pomegranate Trout|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: The Heron's Nest|The Heron's Nest]] || (34.7,14.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Nightcrawler}} || || || {{item icon|Crimson Pepper}}, {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia VI}}
|Vip Viper||[[South Shroud]]||(18,19)||Upper Hathoeva River||6pm <br>to<br> 7pm|| Clear Skies||[[Butterworm]]|| ||367+ ||
| {{item icon|Glarramundi|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: The Heron's Way|The Heron's Way]] || (35.6,17.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || || {{item icon|Onishi Dogi}}
|Floating Boulder||[[South Shroud]]||(18,24)||Lower Hathoeva River||1am <br>to<br> 5am || Clouds <br> Fog ||[[Bass Ball]]|| ||358+ ||
| {{item icon|Axelrod|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: The One River (East)|The One River (East)]] || (20,24) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 08:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || ||  
|The Grinner||[[South Shroud]]||(24,22)||East Hathoeva River||All Day|| Any ||[[Syrphid Basket]]||||339+ ||
| {{item icon|Hagoromo Bijin|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: The One River (West)|The One River (West)]] || (11.0,33.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Thavnairian Silk}}, {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia VI}}
|The Sinker||[[South Shroud]]||(19,22)||Middle Hathoeva River||10pm<br> to <br>3am|| Clear Skies ||[[Sinking Minnow]]|| ||352+ ||
| {{item icon|Banderole|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Hak Khaal|Hak Khaal]] || (29,20) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 08:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Nightcrawler}} || Mooch {{item icon|Zagas Khaal}} || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia VI}}
|Sweetnewt||[[Lavender Beds]]||Any||Lavender Beds||11pm <br>to<br> 3am|| Fog ||[[Midge Basket]]||[[Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish|Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish (HQ)]] ||359+ || [[Waterproof Cotton]]
| {{item icon|Duskfish|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Azim Khaat|Azim Khaat]] || (23,23) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 16:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br>after {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] or {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]] || {{item icon|Nightcrawler}} || Mooch {{item icon|Zagas Khaal}} || ||  
|Glimmerscale||[[Western Thanalan]]||(24,21)||Nophica's Wells||All Day||Clear Skies <br> Fair Skies||[[Butterworm]]|| ||301+ ||[[Copper Ring]]
| {{item icon|Nhaama's Treasure|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Dotharl Khaa|Dotharl Khaa]] || (12.4,33.1) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 08:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia V}}
|Mud Golem||[[Western Thanalan]]||(17,15)||The Footfalls||9pm<br> to<br> 3am||Any||[[Butterworm]]|| ||310+ || [[Mudstone]]
| {{item icon|Yat Khan|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Lower Yat Khaal|Lower Yat Khaal]] || (22,28) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || ||  
|Rivet Oyster||[[Western Thanalan]]||(11,14)||Vesper Bay||All Day||Any||[[Heavy Steel Jig]]|| ||356+ ||
| {{item icon|Garden Skipper|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Nem Khaal|Nem Khaal]] || (31,26) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 12:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Midge Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia VI}}
|Fingers||[[Western Thanalan]]||(14,18)||Crescent Cove||5pm <br>to<br> 6pm||Clear Skies <br> Clouds||[[Northern Krill]]|| ||361+ || [[Toadskin Ring]]
| {{item icon|The Word of God|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Tao Khaal|Tao Khaal]] || (16,14) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || || || {{item icon|Quickarm Materia VI}}, {{item icon|Stormsap}}
|Dirty Herry||[[Western Thanalan]]||(15,29)||The Silver Bazaar||8pm<br> to<br> 9pm||Clear Skies <br> Clouds||[[Northern Krill]]||||343+ ||
| {{item icon|Blade Skipper|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Upper Yat Khaal|Upper Yat Khaal]] || (17,18) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 08:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || || ||  
|Dream Goby||[[Central Thanalan]]||(23,18)||Upper Soot Creek||5pm<br> to <br>3am||Clear Skies <br> Dust Storms <br> Fair Skies||[[Crayfish Ball]]|| ||301+ ||
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Loose Pendant|size=big}}|| [[The Crystarium]] || [[Fishing Log: Crystarium Personal Suites|Crystarium Personal Suites]] || (12.0,16.0) ||data-sort-value="18:00 to 21:00" | 6 PM <br>to <br> 9 PM||Any|| {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || ||  
|Slime King||[[Central Thanalan]]||(16,23)||Lower Soot Creek||5pm<br> to <br>12am||Clouds <br> Dust Storms||[[Crayfish Ball]]|| ||357+ ||
| {{item icon|The Sinsteeped|size=big}}|| [[The Crystarium]] || [[Fishing Log: The Quadrivium|The Quadrivium]] || (10.0,15.0) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 24:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Fruit Worm}} || || 1900+ ||  
|Old Softie||[[Central Thanalan]]||(29,21)||The Clutch||4pm <br>to <br>10pm||Any||[[Bloodworm]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Aster Trivi|size=big}}|| [[The Crystarium]] || [[Fishing Log: The Trivium|The Trivium]] || (8.0,7.0) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 24:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM||From {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>to {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] (a weather chain) || {{item icon|Marble Nymph}} || || 2150+ ||  
|Dark Knight||[[Central Thanalan]]||(27,19)||Unholy Heir||All Day||Clouds <br> Dust Storms <br> Fog||[[Crow Fly]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|Winged Dame|size=big}}|| [[Eulmore]], [[The Buttress]] || [[Fishing Log: The Derelicts|The Derelicts]] || (11.0,11.0) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 19:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 7 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || || || {{item icon|Quicktongue Materia VII}}
|Marrow Sucker||[[Eastern Thanalan]]||(13,20)||North Drybone||8pm <br>to <br>3am||Rain||[[Syrphid Basket]]|| ||301+ ||[[Bone Chip]]
| {{item icon|Sweetheart|size=big}}|| [[Lakeland]] || [[Fishing Log: The Rift of Sighs|The Rift of Sighs]] || (31.0,11.0) ||Anytime ||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]<br>after {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 1900+ ||  
|Mud Pilgrim||[[Eastern Thanalan]]||(17,24)||South Drybone||5pm <br>to <br>7am||Rain||[[Midge Basket]]|| ||301+ ||
| {{item icon|The Unforgiven|size=big}}|| [[Lakeland]] || [[Fishing Log: The Source|The Source]] || (13.0,29.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia VIII}}
|The Warden's Wand||[[Eastern Thanalan]]||(25,22)||Yugr'am River||5pm<br> to<br> 7pm||Clear Skies||[[Honey Worm]]|| ||338+ ||[[Native Gold]]
| {{item icon|Python Discus|size=big}}|| [[Lakeland]] || [[Fishing Log: Sullen|Sullen]] || (19.0,35.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]] <br>after {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Fruit Worm}} || || 2150+ ||  
|The Thousand-Year Itch||[[Eastern Thanalan]]||(30,26)||The Burning Wall||All Day ||Fog||[[Stem Borer]]|| ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Moonlight Guppy|size=big}}|| [[Lakeland]] || [[Fishing Log: The Rusted Reservoir|The Rusted Reservoir]] || (12.0,21.0) ||data-sort-value="06:00 to 08:00" | 6 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 1950+ ||  
|Olgoi-Khorkhoi||[[Southern Thanalan]]||(27,37)||Sagolii Dunes||All Day|| Heat Waves||[[Sand Leech]]||[[Storm Rider|Storm Rider (HQ)]]||348+ ||[[Waterproof Cotton]]
| {{item icon|The Jaws of Undeath|size=big}}|| [[Lakeland]] || [[Fishing Log: The Isle of Ken|The Isle of Ken]] || (9.0,37.0) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 24:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || ||  
|Magic Carpet||[[Southern Thanalan]]||(12,35)||Sagolii Desert||9am <br>to<br> 4pm|| Heat Waves ||[[Sand Leech]]||[[Storm Rider|Storm Rider (HQ)]]||359? ||[[Summer Sandals]]
| {{item icon|White Ronso|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: Lower Watts River|Lower Watts River]] || (30.0,27.0) ||data-sort-value="24:00 to 02:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 2 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || || {{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia VIII}}
|Old Hollow Eyes||[[Southern Thanalan]]||(21,15)||Burnt Lizard Creek||All Day||Fog||[[Midge Basket]]||[[Copperfish|Copperfish (HQ)]]||344+ ||
| {{item icon|Bronze Sole|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: Sharptongue Drip|Sharptongue Drip]] || (20.0,24.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Marble Nymph}} || || ||  
|Discobolus||[[Southern Thanalan]]||(25,21)||Zahar'ak||12pm <br>to <br>4pm|| Heat Waves ||[[Glowworm]]|| ||368+ ||
| {{item icon|Steel Fan|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: White Oil Falls|White Oil Falls]] || (29.0,21.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Marble Nymph}} || || 1950+ || {{item icon|Spirit Extract}}
|Iron Noose||[[Southern Thanalan]]||(15,31)||Forgotten Springs||All Day|| Fog ||[[Spinner]]|| ||348+ ||
| {{item icon|Henodus Grandis|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: The Eastern Kholusian Coast|The Eastern Kholusian Coast]] || (35.0,35.0) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 24:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Short Bill Minnow}} || Mooch  {{item icon|Spearhead Squid}} || 1950+ ||  
|Hannibal||[[Northern Thanalan]]||(24,25)||Bluefog||1am <br>to <br>4am||Fog||[[Spinner]]||[[Common Sculpin|Common Sculpin (HQ)]]||367+ ||[[Peiste Skin]]
| {{item icon|Steel Razor|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: The Western Kholusian Coast|The Western Kholusian Coast]] || (8.0,35.0) ||data-sort-value="06:00 to 08:00" | 6 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Moyebi Shrimp}} || || 2150+ ||  
|Spearnose||[[The Goblet]]||Any||The Goblet||9pm <br>to <br>12am||Clouds <br> Fog ||[[Caddisfly Larva]]|| ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Shadeshifter|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: Seagazer Shoals|Seagazer Shoals]] || (16.0,35.0) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 14:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br> 2 PM|| {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || || 2150+ ||  
|The Matriarch||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||(6,22)||Exploratory Ice Hole||All Day||Any||[[Honey Worm]]||[[Abalathian Smelt|Abalathian Smelt (HQ)]] ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Giant Taimen|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: Upper Watts River|Upper Watts River]] || (27.0,14.0) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 1900+ ||
| {{item icon|The Horned King|size=big}}|| [[Amh Araeng]] || [[Fishing Log: The River of Sand|The River of Sand]] || (31.0,12.0) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 06:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 6 AM|| {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] || {{item icon|Jerked Ovim}} || Mooch {{item icon|Hornhelm}} ||  ||
| {{item icon|Nabaath Saw|size=big}}|| [[Amh Araeng]] || [[Fishing Log: The Nabaath Severance|The Nabaath Severance]] || (31.0,31.0) ||data-sort-value="06:00 to 10:00" | 6 AM <br>to <br> 10 AM|| {{weather icon|heat waves}} [[Heat Waves]] after<br> {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] or {{weather icon|heat waves}} [[Heat Waves]] || {{item icon|Jerked Ovim}} || Mooch {{item icon|Desert Saw}} || 2150+ ||
| {{item icon|Ambling Caltrop|size=big}}|| [[Amh Araeng]] || [[Fishing Log: The Hills of Amber|The Hills of Amber]] || (15.0,14.0) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 16:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Desert Dessert Frog}} || Mooch {{item icon|Web-footed Sand Gecko}} ||  ||
| {{item icon|Leannisg|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: Handmirror Lake|Handmirror Lake]] || (4.0,22.0) ||data-sort-value="06:00 to 8:00" | 6 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Marble Nymph}} || || 1900+ || {{item icon|Dried Hi-Ether}}
| {{item icon|The Sound of Fury|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: Longmirror Lake|Longmirror Lake]] || (21.0,22.0) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || || {{item icon|Savage Aim Materia VIII}}
| {{item icon|Gold Hammer|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: Saint Fathric's Temple|Saint Fathric's Temple]] || (34.0,26.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 1900+ ||
| {{item icon|Sunken Tome|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: The Haughty One|The Haughty One]] || (22.0,9.0) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 16:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Marble Nymph}} || || 1950+ ||
| {{item icon|Fae Rainbow|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: The Jealous One|The Jealous One]] || (25.0,9.0) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Marble Nymph}} || || || {{item icon|Dried Hi-Ether}}
| {{item icon|Dammroen Herring|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: The Spoiled One|The Spoiled One]] || (28.0,13.0) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 2150+ || {{item icon|Spirit Extract}}
| {{item icon|Celestial|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: Father Collard's Failings|Father Collard's Failings]] || (28.0,13.0) ||data-sort-value="07:00 to 17:00" | 7 AM <br>to <br> 5 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 2150+ || {{item icon|Piety Materia VIII}}
| {{item icon|Priest of Yx'Lokwa|size=big}}|| [[The Rak'tika Greatwood]] || [[Fishing Log: Lake Tusi Mek'ta|Lake Tusi Mek'ta]] || (28.0,13.0) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 12:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Robber Ball}} || Mooch {{item icon|Clown Tetra}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Eryops}} || || {{item icon|Battledance Materia VIII}}
| {{item icon|Golden Pipira|size=big}}|| [[The Rak'tika Greatwood]] || [[Fishing Log: Mjrl's Tears|Mjrl's Tears]] || (25.2,36.6) ||data-sort-value="06:00 to 07:00" | 6 AM <br>to <br> 7 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Robber Ball}} || || 2150+ ||
| {{item icon|Recordkiller|size=big}}|| [[The Rak'tika Greatwood]] || [[Fishing Log: South Mjrl's Regret|South Mjrl's Regret]] || (24.0,31.0) ||data-sort-value="18:00 to 24:00" | 6 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 1900+ ||
| {{item icon|Black Jet|size=big}}|| [[The Rak'tika Greatwood]] || [[Fishing Log: Mjrl's Tears|Mjrl's Tears]] || (25.2,36.6) ||data-sort-value="02:00 to 12:00" | 2 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Robber Ball}} || || || {{item icon|Battledance Materia VIII}}
| {{item icon|Pearl Pipira|size=big}}|| [[The Rak'tika Greatwood]] || [[Fishing Log: The Red Chalice|The Red Chalice]] || (9.0,20.0) ||data-sort-value="17:00 to 20:00" | 5 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Robber Ball}} || Mooch {{item icon|Diamond Pipira}} || 1950+ ||
| {{item icon|Deephaunt|size=big}}|| [[The Rak'tika Greatwood]] || [[Fishing Log: Woven Oath|Woven Oath]] || (7.0,16.0) ||data-sort-value="02:00 to 6:00" | 2 AM <br>to <br> 6 AM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 2150+ ||
| {{item icon|Mora Tecta|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: Northwest Caliban Gorge|Northwest Caliban Gorge]] || (11.0,10.0) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 24:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Short Bill Minnow}} || || 2150+ || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia VIII}},<br>{{item icon|Spirit Extract}}
| {{item icon|Starchaser|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: Purpure|Purpure]] || (33.0,30.0) ||data-sort-value="06:00 to 10:00" | 6 AM <br>to <br> 10 AM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || || ||
| {{item icon|The Ondotaker|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: Where the Dry Return|Where the Dry Return]] || (37.0,7.0) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 10:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 10 AM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || || 1950+ ||
| {{item icon|The Mother of All Pancakes|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: East Caliban Gap|East Caliban Gap]] || (8.0,15.0) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 03:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 3 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || || 1900+ || {{item icon|Dried Hi-Ether}}
| {{item icon|Ondo Sigh|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: The Flounders' Floor|The Flounders' Floor]] || (8.0,15.0) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 02:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 2 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || || || {{item icon|Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VIII}}
| {{item icon|Opal Shrimp|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: The Norvrandt Slope|The Norvrandt Slope]] || (29.0,14.0) ||data-sort-value="18:00 to 20:00" | 6 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM||{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] or {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || || 1900+ || {{item icon|Dried Hi-Ether}}
| {{item icon|Maru Crab|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: West Caliban Gap|West Caliban Gap]] || (6.0,13.0) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 20:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Short Bill Minnow}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ancient Shrimp}} || 2150+ || {{item icon|Battledance Materia VIII}}
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Aetherolectric Guitarfish|size=big}}|| [[Old Sharlayan]] || [[Fishing Log: Scholar's Harbor|Scholar's Harbor]] || (11.6,16.0) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Mackerel Strip}} || ||  ||
| {{item icon|Greatsword Snook|size=big}}|| [[Old Sharlayan]] || [[Fishing Log: Oinops|Oinops]] || (11.2,8.2) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 20:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || ||  ||
| {{item icon|Catastrophizer|size=big}}|| [[Old Sharlayan]] || [[Fishing Log: Reflecting Pool|Reflecting Pool]] || (7.7,10.5) || data-sort-value="08:00 to 14:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 2 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] after<br>{{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Jumbo Snook|size=big}}|| [[Labyrinthos]] || [[Fishing Log: Unmoved Source Alpha|Unmoved Source Alpha]] || (17.7,5.3) ||data-sort-value="18:00 to 22:00" | 6 PM <br>to <br> 10 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || ||  ||
| {{item icon|Swampsucker Bowfin|size=big}}|| [[Labyrinthos]] || [[Fishing Log: Unmoved Source Beta|Unmoved Source Beta]] || (32,8) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 16:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] after<br> {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Mossgill Salmon|size=big}}|| [[Labyrinthos]] || [[Fishing Log: The Mover Alpha|The Mover Alpha]] || (18.5,10.9) || Anytime || {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] after<br>{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Sky Spoon Lure}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Earful|size=big}}|| [[Radz-at-Han]] || [[Fishing Log: Meghaduta|Meghaduta]] || (5.5,11.0) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 08:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Lale Crab|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: Yedlihmad|Yedlihmad]] || (25.5,36.5) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] after<br> {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Shrimp Ball}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Hippo Frog|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: Giantsgall Grounds|Giantsgall Grounds]] || (21.1,8.2) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|showers}} [[Showers]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Bigcuda|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: Ksiroda|Ksiroda]] || (30.4,21.3) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 16:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] or {{weather icon|Showers}} [[Showers]] after<br> {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Sky Spoon Lure}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Browned Banana Eel|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: Pavana's Remorse|Pavana's Remorse]] || (23.8,14.2) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 02:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br> 2 AM|| {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Vidyutvat Wrasse|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: The Great Runoff|The Great Runoff]] || (10.8,22.2) || data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] after<br>{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Shrimp Ball}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Sovereign Shadow|size=big}}|| [[Garlemald]] || [[Fishing Log: The Stainless Course|The Stainless Course]] || (23,6.8) ||data-sort-value="02:00 to 08:00" | 2 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]] after<br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Rimepike|size=big}}|| [[Garlemald]] || [[Fishing Log: The Eblan Thaw|The Eblan Thaw]] || (11.3,30.4) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]] || {{item icon|Gold Salmon Roe}} || Mooch {{item icon|Cerule Core}} || ||
| {{item icon|Disappirarucu|size=big}}|| [[Mare Lamentorum]] || [[Fishing Log: Greatest Endsvale|Greatest Endsvale]] || (32.6,12.4) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 02:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 2 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Frozen Regotoise|size=big}}|| [[Mare Lamentorum]] || [[Fishing Log: The Frozen Fissure|The Frozen Fissure]] || (32.6,12.4) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 13:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br> 1 PM|| {{weather icon|umbral wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] || {{item icon|Chimera Worm}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Foun Ahlm|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Apohelos 18-β|Apohelos 18-β]] || (9.3,30.8) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 14:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br> 2 PM|| {{weather icon|umbral wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] || {{item icon|Chimera Worm}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Starscryer|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: The Wellspring of Regret|The Wellspring of Regret]] || (15.0,11.6) ||data-sort-value="02:00 to 4:00" | 2 AM <br>to <br> 4 AM|| {{weather icon|astromagnetic storm}} [[Astromagnetic Storm]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Forbiddingway|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Limne 18|Limne 18]] || (7.3,35.4) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 12:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| {{weather icon|astromagnetic storm}} [[Astromagnetic Storm]] || {{item icon|Stardust}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Argonauta argo|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Limne 3-α|Limne 3-α]] || (32,9) ||data-sort-value="02:00 to 04:00" | 2 AM <br>to <br> 4 AM|| {{weather icon|Umbral Wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] || {{item icon|Stardust}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Cosmic Haze|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Apohelos 18-γ|Apohelos 18-γ]] || (20.6,36.5) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 04:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 4 AM|| {{weather icon|astromagnetic storm}} [[Astromagnetic Storm]] || {{item icon|Grey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Vacuum Shrimp}} || ||
| {{item icon|Planetes|size=big}}|| [[Elpis]] || [[Fishing Log: Rumination's Ramble|Rumination's Ramble]] || (11,19) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|Umbral Wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] || {{action icon|Gold Salmon Roe}}, {{action icon|Leech}}, {{action icon|Sky Spoon Lure}} || Mooch {{item icon|Albino Loach}} || ||
| {{item icon|Antheian Dahlia|size=big}}|| [[Elpis]] || [[Fishing Log: Lethe|Lethe]] || (33.5,15.0) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 10:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 10 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Basilosaurus Rex|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: The Perfumed Tides|The Perfumed Tides]] || (??.?,??.?) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Mackerel Strip}} || Mooch {{item icon|Puff-paya}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Basilosaurus}} || ||
| {{item icon|Onyx Knifefish|size=big}}|| [[Labyrinthos]] || [[Fishing Log: The Mover Beta|The Mover Beta]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 02:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br> 2 AM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Eehs Fan|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Apohelos 18-α|Apohelos 18-α]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 20:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| {{weather icon|umbral wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] after<br> {{weather icon|astromagnetic storm}} [[Astromagnetic Storm]] || {{item icon|Chimera Worm}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Wakeful Warden|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: The Wakeful Torana|The Wakeful Torana]] || (??.?,??.?) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] after<br> {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Leech}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Gilt Dermogenys|size=big}}|| [[Elpis]] || [[Fishing Log: The Lower Hungering Gardens|The Lower Hungering Gardens]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 22:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 10 PM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|umbral wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] || {{item icon|Sky Spoon Lure}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Mayaman|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: The Font of Maya|The Font of Maya]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 08:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || Must catch 5x {{item icon|Thavnairian Caiman}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] || ||
| {{item icon|Starscale Ephemeris|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Abode of the Ea|Abode of the Ea]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="18:00 to 22:00" | 6 PM <br>to <br> 10 PM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|astromagnetic storm}} [[Astromagnetic Storm]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Chlorophos Deathworm|size=big}}|| [[Mare Lamentorum]] || [[Fishing Log: The Chlorophospond|The Chlorophospond]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="02:00 to 08:00" | 2 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|moon dust}} [[Moon Dust]] after<br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Chimera Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Calicia}} || ||
| {{item icon|Durdina Fish|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: The Thavnairian Coast|The Thavnairian Coast]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 04:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 4 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Shrimp Ball}} || Mooch {{item icon|Shadowdart Sardine}} || ||
| {{item icon|E.B.E.-852738|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Limne 3-β|Limne 3-β]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 16:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|umbral wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] after<br> {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Stardust}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Circuit Tilapia|size=big}}|| [[Labyrinthos]] || [[Fishing Log: Deepmoat|Deepmoat]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 12:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] after<br> {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || Mooch {{item icon|Astacus Aetherius}} || ||
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Icuvlo's Barter|size=big}}|| [[Tuliyollal]] || [[Fishing Log: Downripple|Downripple]] || (9.0,10.5) || Anytime || {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]]|| {{item icon|Red Maggots}} || ||  ||
| {{item icon|Moongripper|size=big}}|| [[Urqopacha]] || [[Fishing Log: Sunken Stars|Sunken Stars]] || (20.4,28.0) ||data-sort-value="12:00 to 14:00" | 12 PM <br>to <br> 2 PM|| Any || {{item icon|White Worm}} || Must use {{action icon|Modest Lure}} to get "A pair of powerful pincers pierce the water's surface!" message ||  ||
| {{item icon|Cazuela Crab|size=big}}|| [[Kozama'uka]] || [[Fishing Log: Waters Hanu|Waters Hanu]] || (23.2,13.4) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 20:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Red Maggots}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Ilyon Asoh Cichlid|size=big}}|| [[Yak T'el]] || [[Fishing Log: Xd'aa Talat Tsoly|Xd'aa Talat Tsoly]] || (8.0,11.0) || Anytime || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Red Maggots}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Stardust Sleeper|size=big}}|| [[Yak T'el]] || [[Fishing Log: Xty'iinbek Tsoly|Xty'iinbek Tsoly]] || (37.0,25.0) ||data-sort-value="20:00 to 24:00" | 8 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Crimson Lugworm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Sharknose Goby}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Yak T'el Crab}} || ||
| {{item icon|Hwittayoanaan Cichlid|size=big}}|| [[Shaaloani]] || [[Fishing Log: Niikwerepi|Niikwerepi]] || (29.0,7.0) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 08:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Red Maggots}} || || ||
| {{item icon|Thunderswift Trout|size=big}}|| [[Heritage Found]] || [[Fishing Log: The Driftdowns|The Driftdowns]] || (13.0,18.7) ||data-sort-value="09:00 to 11:00" | 9 AM <br>to <br> 11 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Red Maggots}} || Must use {{action icon|Ambitious Lure}} to get "A lightning-fast flash disturbs the water!" message|| ||
| {{item icon|Pixel Loach|size=big}}|| [[Solution Nine]] || [[Fishing Log: Residential Sector|Residential Sector]] || (6.0,18.0) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 04:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 4 AM|| Any || {{item icon|Red Maggots}} || || ||
==Legendary Fish==
'''Legendary Fish''' are the last six big fish (one per zone) released in an expansion. Compared to "regular" big fish, legendary fish have even stricter requirements, ranging from catch windows once a week or rare, short 90-second catch windows, bite rates under 1%, extremely high slip rates over 90%, mooch or intuition requirements involving other big fish, or some combination of the above.
The quest {{questlink|side|Feast of Famine}} involves catching all six legendary fish in A Realm Reborn.
===[[A Realm Reborn]]===
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Namitaro|size=big}} || [[South Shroud]] ||[[Fishing Log: Urth's Gift|Urth's Gift]]|| (32,23)|| Anytime||{{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder]] or {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]]|| {{item icon|Topwater Frog}} || Must catch {{item icon|Giant Takitaro}} first<br>to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]||399+||
| {{item icon|Endoceras|size=big}} || [[Western La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Isles of Umbra Southshore|Isles of Umbra Southshore]]|| (12,36)|| data-sort-value="20:00 to 03:59" | 8 PM<br>to<br>4 AM||{{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] or {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|wind}} [[Wind]] after<br>{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Spoon Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Fullmoon Sardine}}||399+||
| {{item icon|Helicoprion|size=big}} || [[Southern Thanalan]] ||[[Fishing Log: Sagolii Desert|Sagolii Desert]]|| (12,35)|| data-sort-value="08:00 to 19:59" | 8 AM<br>to<br>8 PM||{{weather icon|heat waves}} [[Heat Wave]] after<br>{{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] or {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] || {{item icon|Sand Leech}} || Mooch {{item icon|Storm Rider}} ||399+||
| {{item icon|Kuno the Killer|size=big}} || [[Mor Dhona]] ||[[Fishing Log: The North Shards|The North Shards]]|| (31,6)|| data-sort-value="09:00 to 22:59" | 9 AM<br>to<br>11 PM||{{weather icon|gloom}} [[Gloom]]|| {{item icon|Honey Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Silverfish}} into<br>{{item icon|Assassin Betta}}<br>Must catch {{item icon|Canavan}} first<br>to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]||399+|| {{item icon|The Emperor's New Ring}}<br>{{item icon|Heavens' Eye Materia IV}}
| {{item icon|Shonisaurus|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Central Highlands]] ||[[Fishing Log: Witchdrop|Witchdrop]]|| (33,19)|| data-sort-value="Anytime" | Anytime||{{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]] after<br>{{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Hoverworm}}<br>{{item icon|Balloon Bug}} || Mooch {{item icon|Cloud Cutter}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Mahar}} ||403+ || {{item icon|Battledance Materia IV}}
| {{item icon|Nepto Dragon|size=big}}|| [[Eastern La Noscea]] ||[[Fishing Log: Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle)|Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle)]]||(38,24)|| Anytime ||{{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]]<br>{{weather icon|showers}} [[Showers]]|| {{item icon|Northern Krill}} || Must catch 3x {{item icon|Little Thalaos}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] ||403+|| {{item icon|Savage Might Materia IV}}
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Armor Fish|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Hinterlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Upper Thaliak River|Upper Thaliak River]] || (22,35) ||data-sort-value="01:00 to 04:00" | 1 AM <br>to <br>4 AM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Purse Web Spider}} || Mooch {{item icon|Hedgemole Cricket}}<br>Must catch 6x {{item icon|Hedgemole Cricket}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| || {{item icon|Glass Fiber}}
| {{item icon|Problematicus|size=big}}|| [[The Dravanian Forelands]] || [[Fishing Log: Halo|Halo]] || (7,5) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 15:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br>3 PM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Metal Spinner}} || Mooch {{item icon|Granite Crab}}<br>Must catch 3x {{item icon|Fossiltongue}} and 5x {{item icon|Granite Crab}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| ||
| {{item icon|Opabinia|size=big}}|| [[Azys Lla]] || [[Fishing Log: The Flagship|The Flagship]] || (21,21) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Fiend Worm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Platinum Fish}}<br>Must catch 3x {{item icon|Functional Proto-hropken}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| ||
| {{item icon|Raimdellopterus|size=big}}|| [[The Churning Mists]] || [[Fishing Log: Tharl Oom Khash|Tharl Oom Khash]] || (20,6) ||data-sort-value="05:00 to 08:00" | 5 AM <br>to <br>8 AM || {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || Mooch {{item icon|Rudderfish}}<br>Must catch 5x {{item icon|Rudderfish}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| || {{item icon|Savage Might Materia IV}}, {{item icon|Wool Top}}
| {{item icon|Charibenet|size=big}}|| [[Coerthas Western Highlands]] || [[Fishing Log: Clearpool|Clearpool]] || (36,6) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 03:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br>3 AM|| {{weather icon|blizzards}} [[Blizzards]] || {{item icon|Purse Web Spider}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ice Faerie}}<br>Must catch 5x {{item icon|Ice Faerie}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| || {{item icon|Piety Materia IV}}
| {{item icon|Sea Butterfly|size=big}}|| [[The Sea of Clouds]] || [[Fishing Log: Mok Oogl Island|Mok Oogl Island]] || (15,7) ||data-sort-value="05:00 to 07:00" | 5 AM <br>to <br>7 AM || {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Giant Crane Fly}} || Must catch 3x {{item icon|Scorpionfly}} and 3x {{item icon|Sky Faerie}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| || {{item icon|Invisible Silk}}, {{item icon|New World Macrame}}
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Drepanaspis|size=big}}|| [[The Peaks]] || [[Fishing Log: Grymm & Enid|Grymm & Enid]] || (6.5,15.6) ||Anytime || {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] || {{item icon|Suspending Minnow}} || Must catch 2x {{item icon|Bondsplitter}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| ||
| {{item icon|The Unconditional|size=big}}|| [[The Azim Steppe]] || [[Fishing Log: Dotharl Khaa|Dotharl Khaa]] || (12.4,33.1) ||data-sort-value="05:00 to 07:00" | 5 AM <br>to <br> 7 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} ||  || || {{item icon|Veteran Tree Sap}}, {{item icon|Stormsap}}
| {{item icon|Warden of the Seven Hues|size=big}}|| [[Yanxia]] || [[Fishing Log: Prism Lake|Prism Lake]] || (29,6) ||Anytime || Any || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || Must catch 3x {{item icon|Indigo Prismfish}}, 3x {{item icon|Firelight Goldfish}}, and 5x {{item icon|Green Prismfish}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| ||
| {{item icon|Xenacanthus|size=big}}|| [[The Fringes]] || [[Fishing Log: Timmon Beck|Timmon Beck]] || (11.4,18.0) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 20:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 8 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Stonefly Larva}} || Mooch {{item icon|Hardhead Trout}} || ||
| {{item icon|Stethacanthus|size=big}}|| [[The Lochs]] || [[Fishing Log: Loch Seld|Loch Seld]] || (21,21) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 18:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 6 PM|| {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]] || {{item icon|Silkworm}} || Mooch {{item icon|Rock Saltfish}}<br>Must catch 2x {{item icon|Sculptor}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| ||
| {{item icon|The Ruby Dragon|size=big}}|| [[The Ruby Sea]] || [[Fishing Log: The Ruby Price|The Ruby Price]] || (38.4,38.5) ||data-sort-value="04:00 to 08:00" | 4 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br>after {{weather icon|thunder}} [[Thunder (Weather)|Thunder]] || {{item icon|Blue Bobbit}} || Mooch {{item icon|Ku'er}} || ||
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
| {{item icon|Listracanthus|size=big}}|| [[Lakeland]] || [[Fishing Log: The Isle of Ken|The Isle of Ken]] || (9.0,37.0) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 24:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|fog}} [[Fog]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || Mooch {{item icon|The Jaws of Undeath}} || 2250+ || {{item icon|Duskcourt Cloth}}
| {{item icon|Aquamaton|size=big}}|| [[Kholusia]] || [[Fishing Log: Seagazer Shoals|Seagazer Shoals]] || (16.0,35.0) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 16:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|gales}} [[Gales (Weather)|Gales]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] or {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]]|| {{item icon|Short Bill Minnow}} || Must catch 5x {{item icon|Shapeshifter}} and<br>1x {{item icon|Shadeshifter}} first to get Fisher's Intuition || 2250+ ||
| {{item icon|Cinder Surprise|size=big}}|| [[Amh Araeng]] || [[Fishing Log: The River of Sand|The River of Sand]] || (31.0,12.0) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 02:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 2 AM|| {{weather icon|heat waves}} [[Heat Waves]] <br>after {{weather icon|dust storms}} [[Dust Storms]] || {{item icon|Desert Dessert Frog}} || Must catch 10x {{item icon|Sand Egg}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| 2250+ ||
| {{item icon|Ealad Skaan|size=big}}|| [[Il Mheg]] || [[Fishing Log: Longmirror Lake|Longmirror Lake]] || (21.0,22.0) ||data-sort-value="23:00 to 24:00" | 11 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|thunderstorms}} [[Thunderstorms]] || {{item icon|Baitbugs}} || || 2250+ ||
| {{item icon|Greater Serpent of Ronka|size=big}}|| [[The Rak'tika Greatwood]] || [[Fishing Log: Lake Tusi Mek'ta|Lake Tusi Mek'ta]] || (28.0,13.0) ||data-sort-value="10:00 to 12:00" | 10 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| Any || {{item icon|Robber Ball}} || Mooch {{item icon|Clown Tetra}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Eryops}}<br>into<br>{{item icon|Priest of Yx'Lokwa}} || 2250+ ||
| {{item icon|Lancetfish|size=big}}|| [[The Tempest]] || [[Fishing Log: Northwest Caliban Gorge|Northwest Caliban Gorge]] || (11.0,10.0) ||data-sort-value="22:00 to 24:00" | 10 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|clouds}} [[Clouds]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Squid Strip}} || Must catch 2x {{item icon|Mora Tecta}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]]|| 2250+ ||  
{| {{STDT|gathering-role sortable}}
! Fish
! Zone
! Fishing Hole
! (X,Y)
! Eorzea Time
! Weather
! Bait
! Requirements
! Gathering
! Desynth Rewards
|Anomalocaris||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||(13,14)||Sea of Clouds||10am<br> to <br>2pm|| Clear Skies ||[[Hoverworm]]|| ||358+ ||
| {{item icon|Hyphalosaurus|size=big}}|| [[Labyrinthos]] || [[Fishing Log: Deepmoat|Deepmoat]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="09:00 to 12:00" | 9 AM <br>to <br> 12 PM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || Mooch {{item icon|Astacus Aetherius}}<br>Must catch 3x {{item icon|Astacus Aetherius}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] || ||  
|Charon's Lantern||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||(13,23)||Daniffen Pass||12am<br> to <br>3am|| Blizzard <br> Snow||[[Glowworm]]|| ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Gharlichthys|size=big}}|| [[Thavnair]] || [[Fishing Log: The Perfumed Tides|The Perfumed Tides]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="14:00 to 16:00" | 2 PM <br>to <br> 4 PM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|showers}} [[Showers]] || {{item icon|Mackerel Strip}} || Must catch 12x {{item icon|Basilosaurus}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] || ||  
|Daniffen's Mark||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||(20,30)||Coerthas River||3am<br> to <br>9pm|| Blizzard ||[[Wildfowl Fly]]|| ||347+ ||
| {{item icon|Snowy Parexus|size=big}}|| [[Garlemald]] || [[Fishing Log: The Eblan Thaw|The Eblan Thaw]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="16:00 to 24:00" | 4 PM <br>to <br> 12 AM|| {{weather icon|snow}} [[Snow]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Mayfly}} || Must catch 3x {{item icon|Cerule Core}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] || ||  
|Dawn Maiden||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||(28,17)||Dragonhead Latrines||5am <br>to <br>7am || Clear Skies <br> Fair Skies ||[[Wildfowl Fly]]|| ||349+ ||
| {{item icon|Lopoceras Elegans|size=big}}|| [[Mare Lamentorum]] || [[Fishing Log: The Chlorophospond|The Chlorophospond]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="08:00 to 10:00" | 8 AM <br>to <br> 10 AM|| {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br>after {{weather icon|moon dust}} [[Moon Dust]] || {{item icon|Chimera Worm}} || || ||  
|Starbright||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||(16,21)||The Nail||9pm <br>to<br> 2am || Clear Skies ||[[Syrphid Basket]]|| [[Abalathian Smelt|Abalathian Smelt (HQ)]]||350+ || [[Astral Eye]]
| {{item icon|Furcacauda|size=big}}|| [[Elpis]] || [[Fishing Log: Lethe|Lethe]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="15:30 to 16:30" | 3:30 PM <br>to <br> 4:30 PM|| {{weather icon|umbral wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] <br>after {{weather icon|fair Skies}} [[Fair Skies]] || {{item icon|Sky Spoon Lure}} || || ||  
|Aetherlouse||[[Mor Dhona]]||(24,12)||North Silvertear||3am <br>to <br>1pm|| Gloom ||[[Glowworm]]|| ||345+ ||
| {{item icon|Sidereal Whale|size=big}}|| [[Ultima Thule]] || [[Fishing Log: Limne 3-β|Limne 3-β]] || (??.?,??.?) ||data-sort-value="00:00 to 08:00" | 12 AM <br>to <br> 8 AM|| {{weather icon|astromagnetic storm}} [[Astromagnetic Storm]] <br>after {{weather icon|umbral wind}} [[Umbral Wind]] || {{item icon|Stardust}} || Mooch {{item icon|Horizon Event}}<br>Must catch 1x {{item icon|Phallaina}}, 2x {{item icon|Unbegotten}}, and 3x {{item icon|E.B.E.-9318}} first to get {{buff|fishers intuition}} [[Fisher's Intuition]] || ||  

Fishers of surpassing skill can try their hand at reeling in impressive denizens of the deep once thought to be mere legend, earning an array of achievements in the process. Do you have what it takes to stake your claim as one of Eorzea's master anglers?
{{Types of Nodes}}
[[Category:Patch 2.2 Features‎]]

Latest revision as of 21:52, 24 January 2025

Bigfish lodestone.png

Fishers of surpassing skill can try their hand at reeling in impressive denizens of the deep once thought to be mere legend, earning an array of achievements in the process. Do you have what it takes to stake your claim as one of Eorzea's master anglers?

Crafting and Gathering Preview (03/18/2014)

Big Fishing was first introduced in Patch 2.2 on March 26, 2014. All big fish are of BGreen rarity.[1] Not to be confused with large-sized fish that replaced High Quality HQ icon.png fish after Endwalker's release with patch 6.0. Subsequent to this change, the last six Big Fish released in an expansion are now officially referred to as Legendary Fish.[2]

Big fish are much harder to catch than regular fish and have specific time, weather, bait, Mooch.png  Mooch, and/or Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition prerequisites. Some weather requirements may require one specific weather to occur immediately after another weather type, creating very limited windows of opportunity to catch the fish. Big fish usually have at least a 15% chance to escape the hook regardless of player stats, with some fish having a significantly lower success rate. The legendary fish released at the end of each expansion are even harder to catch.

Unlock Requirements

Beginning with Heavensward, most of these fish also require Tomes of Regional Folklore.

Side quests Side QuestThe Beast of Brewer's Beacon and Side QuestFeast of Famine function as an introduction to Big Fishing.


Main article: Fisher Achievements

Big Fishing is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Go big or go home i icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home I 5 Catch your first big fish in an area explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.2
Go big or go home ii icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home II 10 Catch 16 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.2
Go big or go home iii icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home III 20 Catch 37 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.2
Go big or go home iv icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home IV 20 Catch 56 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.3
Go big or go home v icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home V 20 Catch 71 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.3
Go big or go home vi icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home VI 20 Catch 81 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.3
Go big or go home vii icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home VII 20 Catch 87 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.3
Go big or go home viii icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home VIII 20 Catch 94 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 2.4
Go big or go home ix icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home IX 20 Catch 100 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. Achievement title icon.png Master Caster 2.4
Go big or go home x icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home X 20 Catch 106 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. Ironworks fishing rod icon1.png  Ironworks Fishing Rod 2.4
Go big or go home xi icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home XI 20 Catch 119 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 3.3
Go big or go home xii icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home XII 20 Catch 135 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 3.4
Go big or go home xiii icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home XIII 20 Catch 156 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 3.5
Go big or go home xiv icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home XIV 20 Catch 170 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 4.3
Go big or go home xv icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home XV 20 Catch 185 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. - 4.4
Go big or go home xvi icon1.png  Go Big or Go Home XVI 20 Catch 204 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. Achievement title icon.png Grandmaster Caster 4.56
Go big far from home i icon1.png  Go Big Far from Home I 10 Catch 8 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Shadowbringers. - 5.1
Go big far from home ii icon1.png  Go Big Far from Home II 10 Catch 14 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Shadowbringers. - 5.2
Go big far from home iii icon1.png  Go Big Far from Home III 10 Catch 22 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Shadowbringers. - 5.3
Go big far from home iv icon1.png  Go Big Far from Home IV 10 Catch 28 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Shadowbringers. - 5.4
Go big far from home v icon1.png  Go Big Far from Home V 10 Catch 45 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Shadowbringers. Achievement title icon.png Lord of Far Waters (Male) / Lady of Far Waters (Female) 5.55
No river wide enough icon1.png  No River Wide Enough 20 Obtain the achievements Go Big or Go Home XVI and Go Big Far from Home V. Achievement title icon.png Big Fish 5.55
Go big till the end i icon1.png  Go Big Till the End I 10 Catch 7 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Endwalker. - 6.1
Go big till the end ii icon1.png  Go Big Till the End II 10 Catch 23 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Endwalker. - 6.3
Go big till the end iii icon1.png  Go Big Till the End III 10 Catch 40 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Endwalker. Achievement title icon.png Wavewalker 6.55


Useful Resources:

FFX|V Fish Tracker App

As of Patch 5.2 all big fish now show a !!! animation when they bite, as shown on the right. This does not necessarily mean Powerful Hookset.png  Powerful Hookset should be used; that depends on the specific fish.
There are also ordinary fish that use the !!! animation, so it is not a guarantee.

Fishing Effect 5.2.png

All times are given in Eorzea Time / in-game time. Fish Eyes.png  Fish Eyes will not negate any of these time requirements, except for non-legendary big fish in A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, and Stormblood zones.

Big Fish

A Realm Reborn

Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Goldenfin icon1.png  Goldenfin Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Any 9 AM
2 PM
Any Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug 301+ Venture icon1.png Venture
Octomammoth icon1.png  Octomammoth Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Any 7 AM
5 PM
Any Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug,
Floating minnow icon1.png  Floating Minnow
Mooch Harbor herring icon1.png  Harbor Herring 301+ Sea breeze summer pareo icon1.png  Sea Breeze Summer Pareo,
Blue summer maro icon1.png  Blue Summer Maro
Zalera icon1.png  Zalera Middle La Noscea Zephyr Drift (18,21) 9 AM
2 PM
Any Rat tail icon1.png  Rat Tail 335+ Paralyzing potion icon1.png  Paralyzing Potion
Beguiler chub icon1.png  Beguiler Chub Middle La Noscea Rogue River (22,22) 9 AM
2 PM
Any Moth pupa icon1.png  Moth Pupa 308+
Great gudgeon icon1.png  Great Gudgeon Middle La Noscea West Agelyss River (20,18) Anytime Clouds.png Clouds
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Crayfish ball icon1.png  Crayfish Ball 301+
Gigantshark icon1.png  Gigantshark Middle La Noscea Summerford (14,15) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Floating minnow icon1.png  Floating Minnow Mooch Harbor herring icon1.png  Harbor Herring 301+ Sea breeze summer halter icon1.png  Sea Breeze Summer Halter,
South seas talisman icon1.png  South Seas Talisman
High perch icon1.png  High Perch Middle La Noscea Nym River (17,14) 5 AM
8 AM
Any Sinking minnow icon1.png  Sinking Minnow 301+
Crystal perch icon1.png  Crystal Perch Middle La Noscea Woad Whisper Canyon (21,12) Anytime Clouds.png Clouds
Fog.png Fog
Wind.png Wind
Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm 301+ Zircon icon1.png  Zircon
Caterwauler icon1.png  Caterwauler Lower La Noscea The Mourning Widow (24,22) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Rain.png Rain
Moth pupa icon1.png  Moth Pupa 301+
Oschons print icon1.png  Oschon's Print Lower La Noscea Moraby Bay (26,25) Anytime Any Goby ball icon1.png  Goby Ball 301+
Syldra icon2.png  Syldra Lower La Noscea Cedarwood (34,17) Anytime Rain.png Rain Spoon worm icon1.png  Spoon Worm 339+
Silver sovereign icon1.png  Silver Sovereign Lower La Noscea Oschon's Torch (24,39) Anytime Any Yumizuno icon1.png  Yumizuno 301+ Venture icon1.png Venture
Sabertooth cod icon1.png  Sabertooth Cod Lower La Noscea Candlekeep Quay (20,39) 4 PM
10 PM
Any Goby ball icon1.png  Goby Ball,
Rat tail icon1.png  Rat Tail
315+ Aetheryte ring icon1.png  Aetheryte Ring
Jacques the snipper icon1.png  Jacques the Snipper Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (26,34) 9 PM
3 AM
Any Goby ball icon1.png  Goby Ball,
Rat tail icon1.png  Rat Tail
301+ Aqueous whetstone icon1.png  Aqueous Whetstone
Faerie queen icon1.png  Faerie Queen Lower La Noscea Empty Heart (21,34) Anytime Clouds.png Clouds
Fog.png Fog
Wind.png Wind
Spinnerbait icon1.png  Spinnerbait 351+
Meteor survivor icon1.png  Meteor Survivor Lower La Noscea The Salt Strand (17,35) 3 AM
5 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
Fog.png Fog
Wind.png Wind
Rat tail icon1.png  Rat Tail 340+
Cupfish icon1.png  Cupfish Lower La Noscea Blind Iron Mines (26,15) 5 PM
7 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Syrphid basket icon1.png  Syrphid Basket 340+ Minium icon1.png  Minium
The greatest bream in the world icon1.png  The Greatest Bream in the World Eastern La Noscea South Bloodshore (32,34) 8 PM
10 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Shrimp cage feeder icon1.png  Shrimp Cage Feeder 343+ Oschon roselle capeline icon1.png  Oschon Roselle Capeline
Shark tuna icon1.png  Shark Tuna Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (34,29) 7 PM
9 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Spoon worm icon1.png  Spoon Worm Mooch Fullmoon sardine icon1.png  Fullmoon Sardine 339+ Summer sandals icon1.png  Summer Sandals
Bombardfish icon1.png  Bombardfish Eastern La Noscea North Bloodshore (32,24) 9 AM
2 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Herring ball icon1.png  Herring Ball 347+
The old man in the sea icon1.png  The Old Man in the Sea Eastern La Noscea Rhotano Sea (Privateer Forecastle) (39,24) Anytime Rain.png Rain
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
(a weather chain)
Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug Mooch Harbor herring icon1.png  Harbor Herring
Ogre barracuda icon1.png  Ogre Barracuda
The salter icon1.png  The Salter Eastern La Noscea Hidden Falls (31,23) 5 PM
8 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm 357+
The drowned sniper icon1.png  The Drowned Sniper Eastern La Noscea East Agelyss River (21,25) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Snurble fly icon1.png  Snurble Fly 349+ Brass ring icon1.png  Brass Ring
The terpsichorean icon1.png  The Terpsichorean Eastern La Noscea Raincatcher Gully (20,30) Anytime Fog.png Fog Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm 359+
Mirrorscale icon1.png  Mirrorscale Eastern La Noscea The Juggernaut (16,31) 9 AM
4 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Midge basket icon1.png  Midge Basket Mooch Copperfish icon1.png  Copperfish 357+ Silver ring icon1.png  Silver Ring
Imperial goldfish icon1.png  Imperial Goldfish Eastern La Noscea Red Mantis Falls (15,27) Anytime Any Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Silverfish icon1.png  Silverfish
Must catch 3x Jungle catfish icon1.png  Jungle Catfish first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Armorer seafood icon1.png  Armorer Western La Noscea Swiftperch (33,30) 7 PM
4 AM
Any Northern krill icon1.png  Northern Krill 308+
Junkmonger seafood icon1.png  Junkmonger Western La Noscea Skull Valley (27,29) 4 PM
2 AM
Any Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug Mooch Merlthor goby icon1.png  Merlthor Goby
Wahoo icon1.png  Wahoo
311+ Militia earrings icon1.png  Militia Earrings
Navigators brand icon1.png  Navigator's Brand Western La Noscea The Brewer's Beacon (30,30) 8 AM
3 PM
Any Yumizuno icon1.png  Yumizuno 290+
The lone ripper icon1.png  The Lone Ripper Western La Noscea Halfstone (16,22) Anytime Gales.png Gales Heavy steel jig icon1.png  Heavy Steel Jig 353+ Waterproof cotton cloth icon1.png  Waterproof Cotton Cloth
Helmsmans hand icon1.png  Helmsman's Hand Western La Noscea Isles of Umbra Northshore (15,29) 9 AM
2 PM
Clouds.png Clouds Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug Mooch Ocean cloud icon1.png  Ocean Cloud 360+
Frilled shark icon1.png  Frilled Shark Western La Noscea The Ship Graveyard (15,35) 8 PM
1 AM
Gales.png Gales
Wind.png Wind
Floating minnow icon1.png  Floating Minnow Mooch Fullmoon sardine icon1.png  Fullmoon Sardine 373+ Coronal summer halter icon1.png  Coronal Summer Halter,
Ti leaf lei icon1.png  Ti Leaf Lei
The captains chalice icon1.png  The Captain's Chalice Western La Noscea Sapsa Spawning Grounds (16,14) 11 PM
1 AM
Any Steel jig icon1.png  Steel Jig Mooch Fullmoon sardine icon1.png  Fullmoon Sardine 358+
Toramafish icon1.png  Toramafish Upper La Noscea Oakwood (15,23) 5 PM
8 PM
Clouds.png Clouds
Fog.png Fog
Spinnerbait icon1.png  Spinnerbait Mooch Common sculpin icon1.png  Common Sculpin 336+ Gold roselle capeline icon1.png  Gold Roselle Capeline
Joan of trout icon1.png  Joan of Trout Upper La Noscea Fool Falls (9,20) 4 AM
6 AM
Any Crow fly icon1.png  Crow Fly 339+
Worm of nym icon1.png  Worm of Nym Upper La Noscea Bronze Lake Shallows (33,24) 7 PM
10 PM
Clouds.png Clouds Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm 359+ Jadeite icon1.png  Jadeite
King of the spring icon1.png  King of the Spring Upper La Noscea
Outer La Noscea
Northeast Bronze Lake
Northwest Bronze Lake
(27,22) 4 PM
6 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Thunderstorms.png Thunder
Spinnerbait icon1.png  Spinnerbait 359+
Thundergut icon1.png  Thundergut Outer La Noscea The Long Climb (15,11) 7 PM
11 PM
Rain.png Rain Stem borer icon1.png  Stem Borer 349+
Twitchbeard icon1.png  Twitchbeard Mist Mist (10,10) 4 AM
6 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Spoon worm icon1.png  Spoon Worm Mooch Fullmoon sardine icon1.png  Fullmoon Sardine 384+ Red summer maro icon1.png  Red Summer Maro,
Red summer pareo icon1.png  Red Summer Pareo
Stormdancer icon1.png  Stormdancer New Gridania Jadeite Flood (12,14) 5 PM
2 AM
Rain.png Rain Stem borer icon1.png  Stem Borer 301+
Bloody brewer icon1.png  Bloody Brewer New Gridania Lower Black Tea Brook (10,11) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Crayfish ball icon1.png  Crayfish Ball 301+ Spoken blood icon1.png  Spoken Blood
Matron carp icon1.png  Matron Carp Old Gridania Whispering Gorge (16,6) 3 PM
9 PM
Any Bloodworm icon1.png  Bloodworm 301+
Carp diem icon1.png  Carp Diem Old Gridania Upper Black Tea Brook (8,8) 9 AM
2 PM
Clouds.png Clouds
Fog.png Fog
Crow fly icon1.png  Crow Fly 301+
Chirurgeon icon1.png  Chirurgeon Central Shroud The Vein (22,22) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Clouds.png Clouds
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Rain.png Rain
Moth pupa icon1.png  Moth Pupa Mooch Striped goby icon1.png  Striped Goby 301+ Aqueous whetstone icon1.png  Aqueous Whetstone
Ghost carp icon1.png  Ghost Carp Central Shroud The Mirror (25,27) 9 PM
3 AM
Rain.png Rain Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm 301+
Levinlight icon1.png  Levinlight Central Shroud Everschade (15,24) 6 PM
10 PM
Clouds.png Clouds
Rain.png Rain
Syrphid basket icon1.png  Syrphid Basket 349+ Astral eye icon1.png  Astral Eye
Bloodbath icon1.png  Bloodbath Central Shroud Haukke Manor (10,23) Anytime Thunderstorms.png Thunder Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Silverfish icon1.png  Silverfish 350+ Gold roselle capeline icon1.png  Gold Roselle Capeline
The green jester icon1.png  The Green Jester Central Shroud Hopeseed Pond (13,21) 6 PM
9 PM
Any Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm 357+
Dark ambusher icon1.png  Dark Ambusher East Shroud Sweetbloom Pier (10,22) 9 PM
3 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Clouds.png Clouds
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Moth pupa icon1.png  Moth Pupa Mooch Striped goby icon1.png  Striped Goby 344+
Moldva icon1.png  Moldva East Shroud Springripple Brook (24,25) 6 PM
1 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Clouds.png Clouds
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Midge basket icon1.png  Midge Basket Mooch Ala mhigan fighting fish icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish 331+
The assassin icon1.png  The Assassin East Shroud Sanctum of the Twelve (17,16) 9 PM
10 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Clouds.png Clouds
Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm 357+
Sylphsbane icon1.png  Sylphsbane East Shroud Verdant Drop (20,21) Anytime Rain.png Rain Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm Mooch Copperfish icon1.png  Copperfish 348+
Blue widow icon1.png  Blue Widow North Shroud Murmur Rills (26,25) 9 PM
2 PM
Any Floating minnow icon1.png  Floating Minnow 325+
Judgeray icon1.png  Judgeray North Shroud Fallgourd Float (21,24) 5 PM
9 PM
Any Wildfowl fly icon1.png  Wildfowl Fly 344+ Potent poisoning potion icon1.png  Potent Poisoning Potion
Shadowstreak icon1.png  Shadowstreak North Shroud Proud Creek (20,20) 4 AM
9 AM
Fog.png Fog Topwater frog icon1.png  Topwater Frog 368+
Cornelia icon1.png  Cornelia North Shroud Lake Tahtotl (17,19) Anytime Any Rainbow spoon lure icon1.png  Rainbow Spoon Lure Must catch 5x Boxing pleco icon1.png  Boxing Pleco to trigger Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition 378+
Son of levin icon1.png  Son of Levin South Shroud Rootslake (18,29) Anytime Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms Caddisfly larva icon1.png  Caddisfly Larva 349+ Eye of lightning icon1.png  Eye of Lightning
The gobfather icon1.png  The Gobfather South Shroud Goblinblood (27,21) 12 AM
6 AM
Thunderstorms.png Thunder
Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms
Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Silverfish icon1.png  Silverfish 378+ Nicked viking sword icon1.png  Nicked Viking Sword
Vip viper icon1.png  Vip Viper South Shroud Upper Hathoeva River (18,19) 6 PM
7 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm 367+
Floating boulder icon1.png  Floating Boulder South Shroud Lower Hathoeva River (18,24) 1 AM
5 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
Fog.png Fog
Bass ball icon1.png  Bass Ball 358+
The grinner icon1.png  The Grinner South Shroud East Hathoeva River (24,22) Anytime Any Syrphid basket icon1.png  Syrphid Basket 339+
The sinker icon1.png  The Sinker South Shroud Middle Hathoeva River (19,22) 10 PM
3 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Sinking minnow icon1.png  Sinking Minnow 352+
Sweetnewt icon1.png  Sweetnewt Lavender Beds Lavender Beds Any 11 PM
3 AM
Fog.png Fog Midge basket icon1.png  Midge Basket Mooch Ala mhigan fighting fish icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish 359+ Waterproof cotton cloth icon1.png  Waterproof Cotton Cloth
Glimmerscale icon1.png  Glimmerscale Western Thanalan Nophica's Wells (24,21) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm 301+ Copper ring icon1.png  Copper Ring
Mud golem icon1.png  Mud Golem Western Thanalan The Footfalls (17,15) 9 PM
3 AM
Any Butterworm icon1.png  Butterworm 310+ Mudstone icon1.png  Mudstone
Rivet oyster icon1.png  Rivet Oyster Western Thanalan Vesper Bay (11,14) Anytime Any Heavy steel jig icon1.png  Heavy Steel Jig 356+
Pirates bane icon1.png  Pirate's Bane Western Thanalan Cape Westwind (9,6) Anytime Any Lugworm icon1.png  Lugworm Mooch Merlthor goby icon1.png  Merlthor Goby
Wahoo icon1.png  Wahoo
Must catch 6x Wahoo icon1.png  Wahoo first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
370+ Sapphire ring icon1.png  Sapphire Ring
Fingers icon1.png  Fingers Western Thanalan Crescent Cove (14,18) 5 PM
6 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Clouds.png Clouds
Northern krill icon1.png  Northern Krill 361+ Toadskin ring icon1.png  Toadskin Ring
Dirty herry icon1.png  Dirty Herry Western Thanalan The Silver Bazaar (15,29) 8 PM
9 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Clouds.png Clouds
Northern krill icon1.png  Northern Krill 343+
Dream goby icon1.png  Dream Goby Central Thanalan Upper Soot Creek (23,18) 5 PM
3 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Dust Storms.png Dust Storms
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Crayfish ball icon1.png  Crayfish Ball 301+
Slime king icon1.png  Slime King Central Thanalan Lower Soot Creek (16,23) 5 PM
12 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
Dust Storms.png Dust Storms
Crayfish ball icon1.png  Crayfish Ball 357+
Old softie icon1.png  Old Softie Central Thanalan The Clutch (29,21) 4 PM
10 PM
Any Bloodworm icon1.png  Bloodworm 301+
Dark knight seafood icon1.png  Dark Knight Central Thanalan The Unholy Heir (27,19) Anytime Clouds.png Clouds
Dust Storms.png Dust Storms
Fog.png Fog
Crow fly icon1.png  Crow Fly 301+
Marrow sucker icon1.png  Marrow Sucker Eastern Thanalan North Drybone (13,20) 8 PM
3 AM
Rain.png Rain Syrphid basket icon1.png  Syrphid Basket 301+ Bone chip icon1.png  Bone Chip
Mud pilgrim icon1.png  Mud Pilgrim Eastern Thanalan South Drybone (17,24) 5 PM
7 AM
Rain.png Rain Midge basket icon1.png  Midge Basket 301+
The wardens wand icon1.png  The Warden's Wand Eastern Thanalan Yugr'am River (25,22) 5 PM
7 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm 338+ Native gold icon1.png  Native Gold
The thousand-year itch icon1.png  The Thousand-year Itch Eastern Thanalan The Burning Wall (30,26) Anytime Fog.png Fog Stem borer icon1.png  Stem Borer 349+
Olgoi-khorkhoi icon1.png  Olgoi-Khorkhoi Southern Thanalan Sagolii Dunes (27,37) Anytime Heat Waves.pngHeat Waves Sand leech icon1.png  Sand Leech Mooch Storm rider icon1.png  Storm Rider 348+ Waterproof cotton cloth icon1.png  Waterproof Cotton Cloth
Magic carpet icon1.png  Magic Carpet Southern Thanalan Sagolii Desert (12,35) 9 AM
4 PM
Heat Waves.pngHeat Waves Sand leech icon1.png  Sand Leech Mooch Storm rider icon1.png  Storm Rider 359? Summer sandals icon1.png  Summer Sandals
Old hollow eyes icon1.png  Old Hollow Eyes Southern Thanalan Burnt Lizard Creek (21,15) Anytime Fog.png Fog Midge basket icon1.png  Midge Basket Mooch Copperfish icon1.png  Copperfish 344+
Discobolus icon1.png  Discobolus Southern Thanalan Zahar'ak (25,21) 12 PM
4 PM
Heat Waves.pngHeat Waves Glowworm icon1.png  Glowworm 368+
Iron noose icon1.png  Iron Noose Southern Thanalan Forgotten Springs (15,31) Anytime Fog.png Fog Spinner icon1.png  Spinner 348+
Hannibal icon1.png  Hannibal Northern Thanalan Bluefog (24,25) 1 AM
4 AM
Fog.png Fog Spinner icon1.png  Spinner Mooch Common sculpin icon1.png  Common Sculpin 367+ Peiste skin icon1.png  Peiste Skin
Spearnose icon1.png  Spearnose The Goblet The Goblet Any 9 PM
12 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
Fog.png Fog
Caddisfly larva icon1.png  Caddisfly Larva 349+
The matriarch icon1.png  The Matriarch Coerthas Central Highlands Exploratory Ice Hole (6,22) Anytime Any Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Abalathian smelt icon1.png  Abalathian Smelt 349+
Anomalocaris icon1.png  Anomalocaris Coerthas Central Highlands Sea of Clouds (13,14) 10 AM
2 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Hoverworm icon1.png  Hoverworm 358+
Charons lantern icon1.png  Charon's Lantern Coerthas Central Highlands Daniffen Pass (13,23) 12 AM
3 AM
Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards
Snow.png Snow
Glowworm icon1.png  Glowworm 349+
Daniffens mark icon1.png  Daniffen's Mark Coerthas Central Highlands Coerthas River (20,30) 3 AM
9 AM
Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards Wildfowl fly icon1.png  Wildfowl Fly 347+
Dawn maiden icon1.png  Dawn Maiden Coerthas Central Highlands Dragonhead Latrines (28,17) 5 AM
7 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Wildfowl fly icon1.png  Wildfowl Fly 349+
Starbright icon1.png  Starbright Coerthas Central Highlands The Nail (16,21) 9 PM
2 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Syrphid basket icon1.png  Syrphid Basket Mooch Abalathian smelt icon1.png  Abalathian Smelt 350+ Astral eye icon1.png  Astral Eye
Mahar icon1.png  Mahar Coerthas Central Highlands Witchdrop (33,19) Anytime Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Hoverworm icon1.png  Hoverworm
Balloon bug icon1.png  Balloon Bug
Mooch Cloud cutter icon1.png  Cloud Cutter 363+ Eye of ice icon1.png  Eye of Ice
Aetherlouse icon1.png  Aetherlouse Mor Dhona North Silvertear (24,13) 3 AM
1 PM
Gloom.png Gloom Glowworm icon1.png  Glowworm 345+
Void bass icon1.png  Void Bass Mor Dhona Rathefrost (19,18) Anytime Any Glowworm icon1.png  Glowworm
Ninja betta icon1.png  Ninja Betta Mor Dhona The Tangle (14,13) 6 PM
9 AM
Gloom.png Gloom Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Silverfish icon1.png  Silverfish
Assassin betta icon1.png  Assassin Betta
359+ Assassin fry icon2.png  Assassin Fry
Ignus horn icon1.png  Ignus Horn Mor Dhona The Deep Tangle (12,11) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Gloom.png Gloom
Glowworm icon1.png  Glowworm 383+
Blood red bonytongue icon1.png  Blood Red Bonytongue Mor Dhona Singing Shards (28,8) 4 AM
1 PM
Fog.png Fog after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Silverfish icon1.png  Silverfish 375+
Canavan icon1.png  Canavan Mor Dhona The North Shards (31,6) 8 AM
6 PM
Gloom.png Gloom Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Silverfish icon1.png  Silverfish
Goldfish icon1.png  Goldfish


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Fat purse icon1.png  Fat Purse Coerthas Western Highlands Riversmeet (24,24) Anytime Any Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech
La reale icon1.png  La Reale Coerthas Western Highlands Ashpool (14,15) Anytime Any Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech
Bishopfish icon1.png  Bishopfish Coerthas Western Highlands Clearpool (36,6) 10 AM
2 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Savage might materia iv icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IV
Hailfinder icon1.png  Hailfinder Coerthas Western Highlands Greytail Falls (35,26) Anytime Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards
after Snow.png Snow or Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards
Red balloon icon1.png  Red Balloon Mooch Glacier core icon1.png  Glacier Core Quicktongue materia iv icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IV, Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
Captain nemo icon1.png  Captain Nemo Coerthas Western Highlands South Banepool (21,11) Anytime Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards
after Snow.png Snow
Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech
Flarefish icon1.png  Flarefish Coerthas Western Highlands Unfrozen Pond (28,18) 10 AM
4 PM
Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner Mooch Ice faerie icon1.png  Ice Faerie Savage aim materia iv icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IV, Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
Merciless icon1.png  Merciless Coerthas Western Highlands West Banepool (13,8) Anytime Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards
after Snow.png Snow or Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards
Caddisfly larva icon1.png  Caddisfly Larva Mooch Ice faerie icon1.png  Ice Faerie
Inkfish icon1.png  Inkfish The Sea of Clouds Voor Sian Siran (29,35) 2 PM
4 PM
Any Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V, Soot black dye icon1.png  Soot Black Dye
Cirrostratus icon1.png  Cirrostratus The Sea of Clouds Cloudtop (14,38) 10 AM
1 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly
Basking shark icon1.png  Basking Shark The Sea of Clouds Mok Oogl Island (15,7) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Fog.png Fog
Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner Mooch Sky faerie icon1.png  Sky Faerie Quickarm materia iv icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IV
The second one icon1.png  The Second One The Sea of Clouds The Blue Window (7,11) Anytime Wind.png Wind Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly
Paikiller icon1.png  Paikiller The Sea of Clouds The Eddies (30,39) 8 AM
12 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Fog.png Fog
Bladed steel jig icon1.png  Bladed Steel Jig Mooch Bullfrog icon1.png  Bullfrog Savage aim materia iv icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IV, Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
Scaleripper icon1.png  Scaleripper The Dravanian Forelands The Hundred Throes (31,10) Anytime Clouds.png Clouds, Dust Storms.png Dust Storms, or Fog.png Fog Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Quickarm materia iv icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IV
Riddle icon1.png  Riddle The Dravanian Forelands Anyx Old (19,10) 8 AM
4 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Magma worm icon1.png  Magma Worm Mooch Granite crab icon1.png  Granite Crab Fieldcraft demimateria ii icon1.png  Fieldcraft Demimateria II
The lord of lords icon1.png  The Lord of Lords The Dravanian Forelands Halo (7,5) 8 AM
4 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Clouds.png Clouds, Dust Storms.png Dust Storms, or Fog.png Fog
Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner Mooch Granite crab icon1.png  Granite Crab Scintillant ingot icon1.png  Scintillant Ingot, Tungstite icon1.png  Sun Mica
Meteortoise icon1.png  Meteortoise The Dravanian Forelands Mourn (13,13) Anytime Any Magma worm icon1.png  Magma Worm Mooch Granite crab icon1.png  Granite Crab Quicktongue materia iv icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IV, Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
The dreamweaver icon1.png  The Dreamweaver The Dravanian Forelands The Smoldering Wastes (26.6,26.1) 10 PM
2 AM
Clouds.png Clouds, Dust Storms.png Dust Storms, or Fog.png Fog Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech
Hraesvelgrs tear icon1.png  Hraesvelgr's Tear The Dravanian Forelands West Mourn (9,7) Anytime Any Magma worm icon1.png  Magma Worm Glass fiber icon1.png  Glass Fiber, Luminous fiber icon1.png  Luminous Fiber
Twin-tongued carp icon1.png  Twin-tongued Carp The Dravanian Forelands Whilom River (30,14) 12 PM
4 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Clouds.png Clouds or Dust Storms.png Dust Storms
Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Heavens eye materia iv icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IV, Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
Vidofnir icon1.png  Vidofnir The Churning Mists Eil Tohm (36,30) 8 AM
10 AM
Any Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
Moggle mogpom icon1.png  Moggle Mogpom The Churning Mists Greensward (8,34) (14,35) 10 AM
1 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Gales.png Gales
Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Savage might materia iv icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IV
The soul of the martyr icon1.png  The Soul of the Martyr The Churning Mists Landlord Colony (29,25) 4 AM
6 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly
Dimorphodon icon1.png  Dimorphodon The Churning Mists Sohm Al Summit (18,39) Anytime Gales.png Gales
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Mooch Rudderfish icon1.png  Rudderfish Savage might materia iv icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IV, Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
Bloodchaser icon1.png  Bloodchaser The Churning Mists Tharl Oom Khash (20,6) Anytime Gales.png Gales
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Quicktongue materia iv icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IV, Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
Thousand fin icon1.png  Thousand Fin The Churning Mists Weston Waters (9,8) Anytime Gales.png Gales
after Clouds.png Clouds
Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Magnanimous mogcrown icon1.png  Magnanimous Mogcrown, Moogle miniature icon1.png  Moogle Miniature
The ewer king icon1.png  The Ewer King The Dravanian Hinterlands Thaliak River (23,23) Anytime Any Bladed steel jig icon1.png  Bladed Steel Jig Mooch Sweetfish icon1.png  Sweetfish
Bobgoblin bass icon1.png  Bobgoblin Bass The Dravanian Hinterlands Middle Thaliak River (20,25) 2 AM
6 AM
Showers.png Showers
after Rain.png Rain
Goblin jig icon1.png  Goblin Jig Mooch Sweetfish icon1.png  Sweetfish Quicktongue materia iv icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IV
Madam butterfly icon1.png  Madam Butterfly The Dravanian Hinterlands Quickspill Delta (11,24) 9 PM
2 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider Mooch Hedgemole cricket icon1.png  Hedgemole Cricket Piety materia iv icon1.png  Piety Materia IV, Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
The speaker icon1.png  The Speaker The Dravanian Hinterlands Upper Thaliak River (22,35) Anytime Showers.png Showers
after Clouds.png Clouds or Fog.png Fog
Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider Mooch Hedgemole cricket icon1.png  Hedgemole Cricket Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
Augmented high allagan helmet icon1.png  Augmented High Allagan Helmet Azys Lla Alpha Quadrant (16,12) Anytime Any Fiend worm icon1.png  Fiend Worm Mooch Platinum fish icon1.png  Platinum Fish Allagan wootz nugget icon1.png  Allagan Wootz Nugget, Wootz ingot icon1.png  Wootz Ingot
Aetherochemical compound 666 icon1.png  Aetherochemical Compound #666 Azys Lla Aetherochemical Spill (30,6) Anytime Any Fiend worm icon1.png  Fiend Worm Mooch Platinum fish icon1.png  Platinum Fish Mudstone whetstone icon1.png  Mudstone Whetstone, Allagan catalyst icon1.png  Allagan Catalyst
Aphotic pirarucu icon1.png  Aphotic Pirarucu Azys Lla Delta Quadrant (10,31) 10 PM
2 AM
Clouds.png Clouds Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider Mooch Aether eye icon1.png  Aether Eye Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
Ceti icon1.png  Ceti Azys Lla Hyperstellar Downconverter (6,16) 6 PM
10 PM
Thunder weather.png Thunder
after Clouds.png Clouds
Fiend worm icon1.png  Fiend Worm Quickarm materia iv icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IV, Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
Allagan bladeshark icon1.png  Allagan Bladeshark Azys Lla The Flagship (21,21) Anytime Thunder weather.png Thunder
after Clouds.png Clouds
Fiend worm icon1.png  Fiend Worm Mooch Platinum fish icon1.png  Platinum Fish Savage aim materia iv icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IV, Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
Crystal pigeon icon1.png  Crystal Pigeon Azys Lla The Habisphere (40,18) Anytime Thunder weather.png Thunder
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Mooch Rudderfish icon1.png  Rudderfish Piety materia iv icon1.png  Piety Materia IV, Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
Hundred-eyed axolotl icon1.png  Hundred-eyed Axolotl Azys Lla The Pappus Tree (6,35) 6 AM
10 AM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Thunder weather.png Thunder
Clouds.png Clouds
Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider Mooch Aether eye icon1.png  Aether Eye Heavens eye materia iv icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IV


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Downstream loach icon1.png  Downstream Loach The Fringes The Velodyna River (19.1,4.3) Anytime Fog.png Fog Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Raw triphane icon1.png  Raw Triphane
Sapphire fan icon1.png  Sapphire Fan The Fringes Dimwold (9.6,29) Anytime Thunder weather.png Thunder Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Heavens eye materia vi icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VI, Star sapphire icon1.png  Star Sapphire
Corpse chub icon1.png  Corpse Chub The Fringes Mirage Creek (27.5,16.5) 8 PM
12 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V, Savage aim materia vi icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VI
The archbishop icon1.png  The Archbishop The Fringes The Comet's Tail (13,31) 12 PM
4 PM
Any Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Cane of the round icon1.png  Cane of the Round, Piety materia vi icon1.png  Piety Materia VI
Hardhead trout icon1.png  Hardhead Trout The Fringes Timmon Beck (11.4,18.0) 4 PM
8 PM
Any Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V, Battledance Materia VI.png  Battledance Materia VI
Hookstealer icon1.png  Hookstealer Rhalgr's Reach Upper Mirage Creek (11,14) Anytime Any Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva Mooch Gyr abanian trout icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Trout Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow
Watcher catfish icon1.png  Watcher Catfish Rhalgr's Reach Rhalgr's Reach (11,10) Anytime Thunder weather.png Thunder Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva Mooch Gyr abanian trout icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Trout Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V, Quickarm materia vi icon1.png  Quickarm Materia VI
Bloodtail zombie icon1.png  Bloodtail Zombie Rhalgr's Reach The Outer Fist (12,6) 8 AM
12 PM
Any Salmon roe icon1.png  Salmon Roe Mooch Balloon frog icon1.png  Balloon Frog
Bondsplitter icon1.png  Bondsplitter The Peaks Grymm & Enid (6.5,15.6) Anytime Dust Storms.png Dust Storms Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow
The last tear icon1.png  The Last Tear The Peaks Heather Falls (31.8,7.1) Anytime Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Fog.png Fog
Salmon roe icon1.png  Salmon Roe Savage might materia vi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VI
Lily of the veil icon1.png  Lily of the Veil The Peaks The Arms of Meed (9.3,37.5) Anytime Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V, Savage might materia vi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VI
Hemon icon1.png  Hemon The Peaks The Bull's Bath (25.0,32.7) 4 PM
8 PM
Clouds.png Clouds Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
Moksha icon1.png  Moksha The Peaks The Ephor (31,17) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Clouds.png Clouds or Fog.png Fog or Wind.png Wind or Dust Storms.png Dust Storms
Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Piety materia vi icon1.png  Piety Materia VI
The undecided icon1.png  The Undecided The Peaks The Slow Wash (23.5,9.0) 8 AM
12 PM
Any Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva Mooch Gyr abanian trout icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Trout Battledance Materia VI.png  Battledance Materia VI
Diamond-eye icon1.png  Diamond-eye The Lochs Loch Seld (21,21) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Silkworm icon1.png  Silkworm Mooch Rock saltfish icon1.png  Rock Saltfish Diamond icon1.png  Diamond, Ala mhigan salt crystal icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Salt Crystal
Rising dragon icon1.png  Rising Dragon Kugane Kugane Piers Any Anytime Any Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner Mooch Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V, Savage might materia vi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VI
The gambler icon1.png  The Gambler Shirogane Shirogane (8,14) Anytime Any Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit Quicktongue materia vi icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia VI, Potent poisoning potion icon1.png  Potent Poisoning Potion
Princess killifish icon1.png  Princess Killifish Shirogane The Silver Canal (10,11) 4 AM
6 AM
Any Nightcrawler icon1.png  Nightcrawler
Kuer icon1.png  Ku'er The Ruby Sea The Ruby Price (38.4,38.5) 12 AM
8 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
after Thunder weather.png Thunder
Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit Savage might materia vi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VI, Grade 2 infusion of strength icon1.png  Grade 2 Infusion of Strength
The vegetarian icon1.png  The Vegetarian The Ruby Sea Hells' Lid (25.9,33.3) 8 PM
12 AM
Thunder weather.png Thunder Live shrimp icon1.png  Live Shrimp Mooch Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V, Savage might materia vi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VI
Pinhead icon1.png  Pinhead The Ruby Sea Isari (8.5,12.0) 4 PM
12 AM
Thunder weather.png Thunder
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Live shrimp icon1.png  Live Shrimp Bombfish spine icon1.png  Bombfish Spine, Battledance Materia VI.png  Battledance Materia VI
Argonautica icon1.png  Argonautica The Ruby Sea Onokoro (22.1,11.0) 4 PM
12 AM
Wind.png Wind Live shrimp icon1.png  Live Shrimp Mooch Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V, Heavens eye materia vi icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VI
The winter queen icon1.png  The Winter Queen The Ruby Sea Shoal Rock (32.5,8.3) 4 PM
8 PM
Any Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit Pink cherry blossom corsage icon1.png  Pink Cherry Blossom Corsage, Savage aim materia vi icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VI
Seven stars icon1.png  Seven Stars The Ruby Sea The Isle of Bekko (34.6,19.7) 10 AM
6 PM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Thunder weather.png Thunder
Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit Shark oil icon1.png  Shark Oil, Battledance Materia VI.png  Battledance Materia VI
Rakshasa icon1.png  Rakshasa The Ruby Sea The Isle of Zekki (8.3,26.6) Anytime Thunder weather.png Thunder Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner Mooch Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp
Hermits end icon1.png  Hermit's End Yanxia Namai (29.5,15.5) 8 PM
12 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Gatherers guile materia vi icon1.png  Gatherer's Guile Materia VI
Suiten ippeki icon1.png  Suiten Ippeki Yanxia Mercantile Docks (14,14) 4 PM
12 AM
Showers.png Showers
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Craftsman's Competence Materia V.png  Craftsman's Competence Materia V, Craftsman's Competence Materia VI.png  Craftsman's Competence Materia VI
Hagoromo koi icon1.png  Hagoromo Koi Yanxia Plum Spring (36,23) Anytime Fog.png Fog Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Thavnairian silk icon1.png  Thavnairian Silk, Quicktongue materia vi icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia VI
The unraveled bow icon1.png  The Unraveled Bow Yanxia Prism Canyon (31,7) 12 PM
4 PM
Fog.png Fog Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Imperial jade icon1.png  Imperial Jade, Heavens eye materia vi icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VI
Pomegranate trout icon1.png  Pomegranate Trout Yanxia The Heron's Nest (34.7,14.0) Anytime Rain.png Rain Nightcrawler icon1.png  Nightcrawler Crimson pepper icon1.png  Crimson Pepper, Savage aim materia vi icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VI
Glarramundi icon1.png  Glarramundi Yanxia The Heron's Way (35.6,17.0) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Onishi dogi icon1.png  Onishi Dogi
Axelrod icon1.png  Axelrod Yanxia The One River (East) (20,24) 12 AM
8 AM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Clouds.png Clouds
Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva
Hagoromo bijin icon1.png  Hagoromo Bijin Yanxia The One River (West) (11.0,33.0) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Clouds.png Clouds
Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Thavnairian silk icon1.png  Thavnairian Silk, Quicktongue materia vi icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia VI
Banderole icon1.png  Banderole The Azim Steppe Hak Khaal (29,20) 12 AM
8 AM
Fog.png Fog
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Nightcrawler icon1.png  Nightcrawler Mooch Zagas khaal icon1.png  Zagas Khaal Quickarm materia vi icon1.png  Quickarm Materia VI
Duskfish icon1.png  Duskfish The Azim Steppe Azim Khaat (23,23) 8 AM
4 PM
Clouds.png Clouds
after Rain.png Rain or Gales.png Gales
Nightcrawler icon1.png  Nightcrawler Mooch Zagas khaal icon1.png  Zagas Khaal
Nhaamas treasure icon1.png  Nhaama's Treasure The Azim Steppe Dotharl Khaa (12.4,33.1) 4 AM
8 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Rain.png Rain
Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
Yat khan icon1.png  Yat Khan The Azim Steppe Lower Yat Khaal (22,28) Anytime Gales.png Gales Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva
Garden skipper icon1.png  Garden Skipper The Azim Steppe Nem Khaal (31,26) 8 AM
12 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva Quickarm materia vi icon1.png  Quickarm Materia VI
The word of god icon1.png  The Word of God The Azim Steppe Tao Khaal (16,14) 8 PM
12 AM
Any Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Quickarm materia vi icon1.png  Quickarm Materia VI, Stormsap icon1.png  Stormsap
Blade skipper icon1.png  Blade Skipper The Azim Steppe Upper Yat Khaal (17,18) 4 AM
8 AM
Fog.png Fog Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Loose pendant icon1.png  Loose Pendant The Crystarium Crystarium Personal Suites (12.0,16.0) 6 PM
9 PM
Any Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs
The sinsteeped icon1.png  The Sinsteeped The Crystarium The Quadrivium (10.0,15.0) 10 PM
12 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Fruit worm icon1.png  Fruit Worm 1900+
Aster trivi icon1.png  Aster Trivi The Crystarium The Trivium (8.0,7.0) 10 PM
12 AM
From Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
to Clear Skies.png Clear Skies (a weather chain)
Marble nymph icon1.png  Marble Nymph 2150+
Winged dame icon1.png  Winged Dame Eulmore, The Buttress The Derelicts (11.0,11.0) 12 PM
7 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip Quicktongue materia vii icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia VII
Sweetheart icon1.png  Sweetheart Lakeland The Rift of Sighs (31.0,11.0) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Fog.png Fog
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 1900+
The unforgiven icon1.png  The Unforgiven Lakeland The Source (13.0,29.0) Anytime Fog.png Fog Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs Heavens eye materia viii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VIII
Python discus icon1.png  Python Discus Lakeland Sullen (19.0,35.0) Anytime Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms
after Rain.png Rain
Fruit worm icon1.png  Fruit Worm 2150+
Moonlight guppy icon1.png  Moonlight Guppy Lakeland The Rusted Reservoir (12.0,21.0) 6 AM
8 AM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 1950+
The jaws of undeath icon1.png  The Jaws of Undeath Lakeland The Isle of Ken (9.0,37.0) 4 PM
12 AM
Clouds.png Clouds or Fog.png Fog
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs
White ronso icon1.png  White Ronso Kholusia Lower Watts River (30.0,27.0) 12 AM
2 AM
Any Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs Heavens eye materia viii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VIII
Bronze sole icon1.png  Bronze Sole Kholusia Sharptongue Drip (20.0,24.0) Anytime Rain.png Rain Marble nymph icon1.png  Marble Nymph
Steel fan icon1.png  Steel Fan Kholusia White Oil Falls (29.0,21.0) Anytime Fog.png Fog
after Clouds.png Clouds
Marble nymph icon1.png  Marble Nymph 1950+ Spirit extract icon1.png  Spirit Extract
Henodus grandis icon1.png  Henodus Grandis Kholusia The Eastern Kholusian Coast (35.0,35.0) 10 PM
12 AM
Clouds.png Clouds Short bill minnow icon1.png  Short Bill Minnow Mooch Spearhead squid icon1.png  Spearhead Squid 1950+
Steel razor icon1.png  Steel Razor Kholusia The Western Kholusian Coast (8.0,35.0) 6 AM
8 AM
Any Moyebi shrimp icon1.png  Moyebi Shrimp 2150+
Shadeshifter icon1.png  Shadeshifter Kholusia Seagazer Shoals (16.0,35.0) 10 AM
2 PM
Gales.png Gales
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip 2150+
Giant taimen icon1.png  Giant Taimen Kholusia Upper Watts River (27.0,14.0) Anytime Any Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 1900+
The horned king icon1.png  The Horned King Amh Araeng The River of Sand (31.0,12.0) 12 AM
6 AM
Dust Storms.png Dust Storms Jerked ovim icon1.png  Jerked Ovim Mooch Hornhelm icon1.png  Hornhelm
Nabaath saw icon1.png  Nabaath Saw Amh Araeng The Nabaath Severance (31.0,31.0) 6 AM
10 AM
Heat Waves.png Heat Waves after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies or Heat Waves.png Heat Waves
Jerked ovim icon1.png  Jerked Ovim Mooch Desert saw icon1.png  Desert Saw 2150+
Ambling caltrop icon1.png  Ambling Caltrop Amh Araeng The Hills of Amber (15.0,14.0) 12 PM
4 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Desert dessert frog icon1.png  Desert Dessert Frog Mooch Web-footed sand gecko icon1.png  Web-footed Sand Gecko
Leannisg icon1.png  Leannisg Il Mheg Handmirror Lake (4.0,22.0) 6 AM
8 AM
Rain.png Rain Marble nymph icon1.png  Marble Nymph 1900+ Dried hi-ether icon1.png  Dried Hi-Ether
The sound of fury icon1.png  The Sound of Fury Il Mheg Longmirror Lake (21.0,22.0) 8 PM
12 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs Savage aim materia viii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VIII
Gold hammer icon1.png  Gold Hammer Il Mheg Saint Fathric's Temple (34.0,26.0) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 1900+
Sunken tome icon1.png  Sunken Tome Il Mheg The Haughty One (22.0,9.0) 12 PM
4 PM
Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Marble nymph icon1.png  Marble Nymph 1950+
Fae rainbow icon1.png  Fae Rainbow Il Mheg The Jealous One (25.0,9.0) Anytime Fog.png Fog
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Marble nymph icon1.png  Marble Nymph Dried hi-ether icon1.png  Dried Hi-Ether
Dammroen herring icon1.png  Dammroen Herring Il Mheg The Spoiled One (28.0,13.0) Anytime Any Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 2150+ Spirit extract icon1.png  Spirit Extract
Celestial icon1.png  Celestial Il Mheg Father Collard's Failings (28.0,13.0) 7 AM
5 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 2150+ Piety materia viii icon1.png  Piety Materia VIII
Priest of yxlokwa icon1.png  Priest of Yx'Lokwa The Rak'tika Greatwood Lake Tusi Mek'ta (28.0,13.0) 10 AM
12 PM
Any Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball Mooch Clown tetra icon1.png  Clown Tetra
Eryops icon1.png  Eryops
Battledance materia viii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VIII
Golden pipira icon1.png  Golden Pipira The Rak'tika Greatwood Mjrl's Tears (25.2,36.6) 6 AM
7 AM
Any Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball 2150+
Recordkiller icon1.png  Recordkiller The Rak'tika Greatwood South Mjrl's Regret (24.0,31.0) 6 PM
12 AM
Fog.png Fog
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 1900+
Black jet icon1.png  Black Jet The Rak'tika Greatwood Mjrl's Tears (25.2,36.6) 2 AM
12 PM
Clouds.png Clouds or Fog.png Fog
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball Battledance materia viii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VIII
Pearl pipira icon1.png  Pearl Pipira The Rak'tika Greatwood The Red Chalice (9.0,20.0) 5 PM
8 PM
Fog.png Fog Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball Mooch Diamond pipira icon1.png  Diamond Pipira 1950+
Deephaunt icon1.png  Deephaunt The Rak'tika Greatwood Woven Oath (7.0,16.0) 2 AM
6 AM
Fog.png Fog
after Clouds.png Clouds
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 2150+
Mora tecta icon1.png  Mora Tecta The Tempest Northwest Caliban Gorge (11.0,10.0) 10 PM
12 AM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Short bill minnow icon1.png  Short Bill Minnow 2150+ Savage might materia viii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VIII,
Spirit extract icon1.png  Spirit Extract
Starchaser icon1.png  Starchaser The Tempest Purpure (33.0,30.0) 6 AM
10 AM
Clouds.png Clouds Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip
The ondotaker icon1.png  The Ondotaker The Tempest Where the Dry Return (37.0,7.0) 8 AM
10 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip 1950+
The mother of all pancakes icon1.png  The Mother of All Pancakes The Tempest East Caliban Gap (8.0,15.0) 12 AM
3 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Clouds.png Clouds
Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip 1900+ Dried hi-ether icon1.png  Dried Hi-Ether
Ondo sigh icon1.png  Ondo Sigh The Tempest The Flounders' Floor (8.0,15.0) 12 PM
2 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip Gatherers guerdon materia viii icon1.png  Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VIII
Opal shrimp icon1.png  Opal Shrimp The Tempest The Norvrandt Slope (29.0,14.0) 6 PM
8 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies after
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies or Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Clouds.png Clouds
Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip 1900+ Dried hi-ether icon1.png  Dried Hi-Ether
Maru crab icon1.png  Maru Crab The Tempest West Caliban Gap (6.0,13.0) 4 PM
8 PM
Clouds.png Clouds Short bill minnow icon1.png  Short Bill Minnow Mooch Ancient shrimp icon1.png  Ancient Shrimp 2150+ Battledance materia viii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VIII


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Aetherolectric guitarfish icon1.png  Aetherolectric Guitarfish Old Sharlayan Scholar's Harbor (11.6,16.0) 8 PM
12 AM
Any Mackerel strip icon1.png  Mackerel Strip
Greatsword snook icon1.png  Greatsword Snook Old Sharlayan Oinops (11.2,8.2) 4 PM
8 PM
Snow.png Snow Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Catastrophizer icon1.png  Catastrophizer Old Sharlayan Reflecting Pool (7.7,10.5) 8 AM
2 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies after
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Jumbo snook icon1.png  Jumbo Snook Labyrinthos Unmoved Source Alpha (17.7,5.3) 6 PM
10 PM
Clouds.png Clouds Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Swampsucker bowfin icon1.png  Swampsucker Bowfin Labyrinthos Unmoved Source Beta (32,8) 8 AM
4 PM
Clouds.png Clouds after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Mossgill salmon icon1.png  Mossgill Salmon Labyrinthos The Mover Alpha (18.5,10.9) Anytime Rain.png Rain after
Clouds.png Clouds
Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure
Earful icon1.png  Earful Radz-at-Han Meghaduta (5.5,11.0) 4 AM
8 AM
Any Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Lale crab icon1.png  Lale Crab Thavnair Yedlihmad (25.5,36.5) Anytime Fog.png Fog after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Shrimp ball icon1.png  Shrimp Ball
Hippo frog icon1.png  Hippo Frog Thavnair Giantsgall Grounds (21.1,8.2) Anytime Showers.png Showers Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Bigcuda icon1.png  Bigcuda Thavnair Ksiroda (30.4,21.3) 8 AM
4 PM
Rain.png Rain or Showers.png Showers after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure
Browned banana eel icon1.png  Browned Banana Eel Thavnair Pavana's Remorse (23.8,14.2) 10 PM
2 AM
Rain.png Rain Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Vidyutvat wrasse icon1.png  Vidyutvat Wrasse Thavnair The Great Runoff (10.8,22.2) 8 PM
12 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies after
Fog.png Fog
Shrimp ball icon1.png  Shrimp Ball
Sovereign shadow icon1.png  Sovereign Shadow Garlemald The Stainless Course (23,6.8) 2 AM
8 AM
Snow.png Snow after
Clouds.png Clouds or Fog.png Fog
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Rimepike icon1.png  Rimepike Garlemald The Eblan Thaw (11.3,30.4) Anytime Snow.png Snow Gold salmon roe icon1.png  Gold Salmon Roe Mooch Cerule core icon1.png  Cerule Core
Disappirarucu icon1.png  Disappirarucu Mare Lamentorum Greatest Endsvale (32.6,12.4) 12 AM
2 AM
Any Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Frozen regotoise icon1.png  Frozen Regotoise Mare Lamentorum The Frozen Fissure (32.6,12.4) 10 AM
1 PM
Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind Chimera worm icon1.png  Chimera Worm
Foun ahlm icon1.png  Foun Ahlm Ultima Thule Apohelos 18-β (9.3,30.8) 10 AM
2 PM
Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind Chimera worm icon1.png  Chimera Worm
Starscryer icon1.png  Starscryer Ultima Thule The Wellspring of Regret (15.0,11.6) 2 AM
4 AM
Astromagnetic Storm.png Astromagnetic Storm Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Forbiddingway icon1.png  Forbiddingway Ultima Thule Limne 18 (7.3,35.4) 8 AM
12 PM
Astromagnetic Storm.png Astromagnetic Storm Stardust icon1.png  Stardust
Argonauta argo icon1.png  Argonauta argo Ultima Thule Limne 3-α (32,9) 2 AM
4 AM
Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind Stardust icon1.png  Stardust
Cosmic haze icon1.png  Cosmic Haze Ultima Thule Apohelos 18-γ (20.6,36.5) 8 PM
4 AM
Astromagnetic Storm.png Astromagnetic Storm Grey worm icon1.png  Grey Worm Mooch Vacuum shrimp icon1.png  Vacuum Shrimp
Planetes icon1.png  Planetes Elpis Rumination's Ramble (11,19) Anytime Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind Gold salmon roe icon1.png  Gold Salmon Roe, Leech icon1.png  Leech, Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure Mooch Albino loach icon1.png  Albino Loach
Antheian dahlia icon1.png  Antheian Dahlia Elpis Lethe (33.5,15.0) 4 AM
10 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies after
Clouds.png Clouds
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Basilosaurus rex icon1.png  Basilosaurus Rex Thavnair The Perfumed Tides (??.?,??.?) Anytime Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Mackerel strip icon1.png  Mackerel Strip Mooch Puff-paya icon1.png  Puff-paya
Basilosaurus icon1.png  Basilosaurus
Onyx knifefish icon1.png  Onyx Knifefish Labyrinthos The Mover Beta (??.?,??.?) 10 PM
2 AM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies after
Rain.png Rain
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Eehs fan icon1.png  Eehs Fan Ultima Thule Apohelos 18-α (??.?,??.?) 12 PM
8 PM
Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind after
Astromagnetic Storm.png Astromagnetic Storm
Chimera worm icon1.png  Chimera Worm
Wakeful warden icon1.png  Wakeful Warden Thavnair The Wakeful Torana (??.?,??.?) Anytime Clouds.png Clouds after
Fog.png Fog
Leech icon1.png  Leech
Gilt dermogenys icon1.png  Gilt Dermogenys Elpis The Lower Hungering Gardens (??.?,??.?) 8 PM
10 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies after
Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind
Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure
Mayaman icon1.png  Mayaman Thavnair The Font of Maya (??.?,??.?) 4 AM
8 AM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies after
Clouds.png Clouds
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Must catch 5x Thavnairian caiman icon1.png  Thavnairian Caiman first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Starscale ephemeris icon1.png  Starscale Ephemeris Ultima Thule Abode of the Ea (??.?,??.?) 6 PM
10 PM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies after
Astromagnetic Storm.png Astromagnetic Storm
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly
Chlorophos deathworm icon1.png  Chlorophos Deathworm Mare Lamentorum The Chlorophospond (??.?,??.?) 2 AM
8 AM
Moon Dust.png Moon Dust after
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Chimera worm icon1.png  Chimera Worm Mooch Calicia icon1.png  Calicia
Durdina fish icon1.png  Durdina Fish Thavnair The Thavnairian Coast (??.?,??.?) 12 AM
4 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies after
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Shrimp ball icon1.png  Shrimp Ball Mooch Shadowdart sardine icon1.png  Shadowdart Sardine
E.b.e.-852738 icon1.png  E.B.E.-852738 Ultima Thule Limne 3-β (??.?,??.?) 12 PM
4 PM
Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind after
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Stardust icon1.png  Stardust
Circuit tilapia icon1.png  Circuit Tilapia Labyrinthos Deepmoat (??.?,??.?) 8 AM
12 PM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies after
Clouds.png Clouds
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Mooch Astacus aetherius icon1.png  Astacus Aetherius


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Icuvlos barter icon1.png  Icuvlo's Barter Tuliyollal Downripple (9.0,10.5) Anytime Fog.png Fog Red maggots icon1.png  Red Maggots
Moongripper icon1.png  Moongripper Urqopacha Sunken Stars (20.4,28.0) 12 PM
2 PM
Any White worm icon1.png  White Worm Must use Modest Lure.png  Modest Lure to get "A pair of powerful pincers pierce the water's surface!" message
Cazuela crab icon1.png  Cazuela Crab Kozama'uka Waters Hanu (23.2,13.4) 4 PM
8 PM
Clouds.png Clouds or Fog.png Fog Red maggots icon1.png  Red Maggots
Ilyon asoh cichlid icon1.png  Ilyon Asoh Cichlid Yak T'el Xd'aa Talat Tsoly (8.0,11.0) Anytime Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Red maggots icon1.png  Red Maggots
Stardust sleeper icon1.png  Stardust Sleeper Yak T'el Xty'iinbek Tsoly (37.0,25.0) 8 PM
12 AM
Any Crimson lugworm icon1.png  Crimson Lugworm Mooch Sharknose goby icon1.png  Sharknose Goby
Yak tel crab icon1.png  Yak T'el Crab
Hwittayoanaan cichlid icon1.png  Hwittayoanaan Cichlid Shaaloani Niikwerepi (29.0,7.0) 4 AM
8 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Red maggots icon1.png  Red Maggots
Thunderswift trout icon1.png  Thunderswift Trout Heritage Found The Driftdowns (13.0,18.7) 9 AM
11 AM
Any Red maggots icon1.png  Red Maggots Must use Ambitious Lure.png  Ambitious Lure to get "A lightning-fast flash disturbs the water!" message
Pixel loach icon1.png  Pixel Loach Solution Nine Residential Sector (6.0,18.0) 12 AM
4 AM
Any Red maggots icon1.png  Red Maggots

Legendary Fish

Legendary Fish are the last six big fish (one per zone) released in an expansion. Compared to "regular" big fish, legendary fish have even stricter requirements, ranging from catch windows once a week or rare, short 90-second catch windows, bite rates under 1%, extremely high slip rates over 90%, mooch or intuition requirements involving other big fish, or some combination of the above.

The quest Side QuestFeast of Famine involves catching all six legendary fish in A Realm Reborn.

A Realm Reborn

Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Namitaro icon1.png  Namitaro South Shroud Urth's Gift (32,23) Anytime Thunder weather.png Thunder or Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms Topwater frog icon1.png  Topwater Frog Must catch Giant takitaro icon1.png  Giant Takitaro first
to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Endoceras icon1.png  Endoceras Western La Noscea Isles of Umbra Southshore (12,36) 8 PM
4 AM
Fog.png Fog or Clouds.png Clouds or Wind.png Wind after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Spoon worm icon1.png  Spoon Worm Mooch Fullmoon sardine icon1.png  Fullmoon Sardine 399+
Helicoprion icon1.png  Helicoprion Southern Thanalan Sagolii Desert (12,35) 8 AM
8 PM
Heat Waves.png Heat Wave after
Clouds.png Clouds or Fog.png Fog
Sand leech icon1.png  Sand Leech Mooch Storm rider icon1.png  Storm Rider 399+
Kuno the killer icon1.png  Kuno the Killer Mor Dhona The North Shards (31,6) 9 AM
11 PM
Gloom.png Gloom Honey worm icon1.png  Honey Worm Mooch Silverfish icon1.png  Silverfish into
Assassin betta icon1.png  Assassin Betta
Must catch Canavan icon1.png  Canavan first
to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
399+ The emperors new ring icon1.png  The Emperor's New Ring
Heavens eye materia iv icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IV
Shonisaurus icon1.png  Shonisaurus Coerthas Central Highlands Witchdrop (33,19) Anytime Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards after
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Hoverworm icon1.png  Hoverworm
Balloon bug icon1.png  Balloon Bug
Mooch Cloud cutter icon1.png  Cloud Cutter
Mahar icon1.png  Mahar
403+ Battledance Materia IV.png  Battledance Materia IV
Nepto dragon icon1.png  Nepto Dragon Eastern La Noscea Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle) (38,24) Anytime Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
Northern krill icon1.png  Northern Krill Must catch 3x Little thalaos icon1.png  Little Thalaos first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition 403+ Savage might materia iv icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IV


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Armor fish icon1.png  Armor Fish The Dravanian Hinterlands Upper Thaliak River (22,35) 1 AM
4 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider Mooch Hedgemole cricket icon1.png  Hedgemole Cricket
Must catch 6x Hedgemole cricket icon1.png  Hedgemole Cricket first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Glass fiber icon1.png  Glass Fiber
Problematicus icon1.png  Problematicus The Dravanian Forelands Halo (7,5) 10 AM
3 PM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner Mooch Granite crab icon1.png  Granite Crab
Must catch 3x Fossiltongue icon1.png  Fossiltongue and 5x Granite crab icon1.png  Granite Crab first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Opabinia icon1.png  Opabinia Azys Lla The Flagship (21,21) Anytime Thunder weather.png Thunder Fiend worm icon1.png  Fiend Worm Mooch Platinum fish icon1.png  Platinum Fish
Must catch 3x Functional proto-hropken icon1.png  Functional Proto-hropken first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Raimdellopterus icon1.png  Raimdellopterus The Churning Mists Tharl Oom Khash (20,6) 5 AM
8 AM
Gales.png Gales Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Mooch Rudderfish icon1.png  Rudderfish
Must catch 5x Rudderfish icon1.png  Rudderfish first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Savage might materia iv icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IV, Wool top icon1.png  Wool Top
Charibenet icon1.png  Charibenet Coerthas Western Highlands Clearpool (36,6) 12 AM
3 AM
Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider Mooch Ice faerie icon1.png  Ice Faerie
Must catch 5x Ice faerie icon1.png  Ice Faerie first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Piety materia iv icon1.png  Piety Materia IV
Sea butterfly icon1.png  Sea Butterfly The Sea of Clouds Mok Oogl Island (15,7) 5 AM
7 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Must catch 3x Scorpionfly icon1.png  Scorpionfly and 3x Sky faerie icon1.png  Sky Faerie first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition Invisible silk icon1.png  Invisible Silk, New world macrame icon1.png  New World Macrame


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Drepanaspis icon1.png  Drepanaspis The Peaks Grymm & Enid (6.5,15.6) Anytime Dust Storms.png Dust Storms Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Must catch 2x Bondsplitter icon1.png  Bondsplitter first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
The unconditional icon1.png  The Unconditional The Azim Steppe Dotharl Khaa (12.4,33.1) 5 AM
7 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Rain.png Rain
Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Veteran Tree Sap.png  Veteran Tree Sap, Stormsap icon1.png  Stormsap
Warden of the seven hues icon1.png  Warden of the Seven Hues Yanxia Prism Lake (29,6) Anytime Any Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Must catch 3x Indigo prismfish icon1.png  Indigo Prismfish, 3x Firelight goldfish icon1.png  Firelight Goldfish, and 5x Green prismfish icon1.png  Green Prismfish first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Xenacanthus icon1.png  Xenacanthus The Fringes Timmon Beck (11.4,18.0) 4 PM
8 PM
Any Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Mooch Hardhead trout icon1.png  Hardhead Trout
Stethacanthus icon1.png  Stethacanthus The Lochs Loch Seld (21,21) 4 PM
6 PM
Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms Silkworm icon1.png  Silkworm Mooch Rock saltfish icon1.png  Rock Saltfish
Must catch 2x Sculptor icon1.png  Sculptor first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
The ruby dragon icon1.png  The Ruby Dragon The Ruby Sea The Ruby Price (38.4,38.5) 4 AM
8 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
after Thunder weather.png Thunder
Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit Mooch Kuer icon1.png  Ku'er


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Listracanthus icon1.png  Listracanthus Lakeland The Isle of Ken (9.0,37.0) 4 PM
12 AM
Fog.png Fog
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs Mooch The jaws of undeath icon1.png  The Jaws of Undeath 2250+ Duskcourt cloth icon1.png  Duskcourt Cloth
Aquamaton icon1.png  Aquamaton Kholusia Seagazer Shoals (16.0,35.0) 10 AM
4 PM
Gales.png Gales
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies or Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Short bill minnow icon1.png  Short Bill Minnow Must catch 5x Shapeshifter icon1.png  Shapeshifter and
1x Shadeshifter icon1.png  Shadeshifter first to get Fisher's Intuition
Cinder surprise icon1.png  Cinder Surprise Amh Araeng The River of Sand (31.0,12.0) 12 AM
2 AM
Heat Waves.png Heat Waves
after Dust Storms.png Dust Storms
Desert dessert frog icon1.png  Desert Dessert Frog Must catch 10x Sand egg icon1.png  Sand Egg first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition 2250+
Ealad skaan icon1.png  Ealad Skaan Il Mheg Longmirror Lake (21.0,22.0) 11 PM
12 AM
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
after Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms
Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs 2250+
Greater serpent of ronka icon1.png  Greater Serpent of Ronka The Rak'tika Greatwood Lake Tusi Mek'ta (28.0,13.0) 10 AM
12 PM
Any Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball Mooch Clown tetra icon1.png  Clown Tetra
Eryops icon1.png  Eryops
Priest of yxlokwa icon1.png  Priest of Yx'Lokwa
Lancetfish icon1.png  Lancetfish The Tempest Northwest Caliban Gorge (11.0,10.0) 10 PM
12 AM
Clouds.png Clouds
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip Must catch 2x Mora tecta icon1.png  Mora Tecta first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition 2250+


Fish Zone Fishing Hole (X,Y) Eorzea Time Weather Bait Requirements Gathering Desynth Rewards
Hyphalosaurus icon1.png  Hyphalosaurus Labyrinthos Deepmoat (??.?,??.?) 9 AM
12 PM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Mooch Astacus aetherius icon1.png  Astacus Aetherius
Must catch 3x Astacus aetherius icon1.png  Astacus Aetherius first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Gharlichthys icon1.png  Gharlichthys Thavnair The Perfumed Tides (??.?,??.?) 2 PM
4 PM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Showers.png Showers
Mackerel strip icon1.png  Mackerel Strip Must catch 12x Basilosaurus icon1.png  Basilosaurus first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Snowy parexus icon1.png  Snowy Parexus Garlemald The Eblan Thaw (??.?,??.?) 4 PM
12 AM
Snow.png Snow
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Must catch 3x Cerule core icon1.png  Cerule Core first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition
Lopoceras elegans icon1.png  Lopoceras Elegans Mare Lamentorum The Chlorophospond (??.?,??.?) 8 AM
10 AM
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
after Moon Dust.png Moon Dust
Chimera worm icon1.png  Chimera Worm
Furcacauda icon1.png  Furcacauda Elpis Lethe (??.?,??.?) 3:30 PM
4:30 PM
Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind
after Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure
Sidereal whale icon1.png  Sidereal Whale Ultima Thule Limne 3-β (??.?,??.?) 12 AM
8 AM
Astromagnetic Storm.png Astromagnetic Storm
after Umbral Wind.png Umbral Wind
Stardust icon1.png  Stardust Mooch Horizon event icon1.png  Horizon Event
Must catch 1x Phallaina icon1.png  Phallaina, 2x Unbegotten icon1.png  Unbegotten, and 3x E.b.e.-9318 icon1.png  E.B.E.-9318 first to get Fishers Intuition icon1.png Fisher's Intuition


  1. Similarly, all green-rarity overworld fish are considered big fish (note that green-rarity fish in Ocean Fishing are not included).
  2. Patch 6.0 Notes

Botanist Miner Fisher

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Fishing Locations
Big Fishing
Fishing Collectables
Folklore Fish