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==Xak Tural==
==Xak Tural==
===Heritage Found===
{{Fishing log list|??}}
{{Fishing log list|Heritage Found}}

{{Fishing log list|Shaaloani}}
{{Fishing log list|Shaaloani}}

===Solution Nine===
{{Fishing log list|??}}
{{Fishing log list|Solution Nine}}

==Unlost World==
===Living Memory===
{{Fishing log list|??}}
{{Fishing log list|Living Memory}}

Latest revision as of 16:59, 2 July 2024

See also Fishing Locations, Heavensward Fishing Locations, Stormblood Fishing Locations, Shadowbringers Fishing Locations, and Endwalker Fishing Locations.

As with other areas, bear in mind that certain fish may only be caught under certain conditions, such as during specific weather conditions, using special bait, or by using abilities such as Fish Eyes.png  Fish Eyes, Snagging.png  Snagging or Mooch.png  Mooching.

Relevant Fishing Lures

Yok Tural


Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Downripple
90 Freshwater fishing Tuliyollal (X:9, Y:10.5) Mosquito Fish, Pel Frog, Petticoat Tetra Versatile Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The For'ard Cabins
90 Ocean fishing Tuliyollal (X:10.6, Y:21) Stardust Shrimp, Reasonscale Silverside, Shallows Sot, Ghostfish, Permit, Inktopus Versatile Lure, Crimson Lugworm
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: High Tide Harbor
91 Ocean fishing Tuliyollal (X:16.4, Y:14.8) King Puffer, Blue Purse, Floating Fife, Reasonscale Silverside, Goldfin Cavalli Versatile Lure, Crimson Lugworm


Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Sunken Stars
91 Saltfishing Urqopacha (X:20, Y:27) Urqotrout, Sea Alpaca, Marbled Hatchetfish, Starsnipper, Yok Huy Stonecutter Versatile Lure, Silkmoth Pupa
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Chirwagur Lake
92 Saltfishing Urqopacha (X:20, Y:37) Chirwagur Loach, Alright Alright Alright, Shooting Starscale, Zorlortor Versatile Lure, Silkmoth Pupa
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Karvarhur the First
93 Freshwater fishing Urqopacha (X:6, Y:20) First Feastfish, Urqofrog, Zeh Tortoh, Morsel Trout, Deepwarden, Qor Pirarucu Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Karvarhur the First (Spearfishing)
95 Spearfishing Urqopacha (X:6, Y:20) Turali Loach, Yok Huy Toad, Stone Pleco, Shark Catfish, Zeh Lar Dor, Karvarichthys


Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Waters Hanu
91 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:23.2, Y:13.4) Kozama'uka Skipper, Bopo'u Sleeper, Plattershell, Yok Huy Pleco Versatile Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Bopo'uihih
92 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:10, Y:12) Kozama'uka Skipper, Bopo'u Sleeper, Poison Dyefrog, Pleated Matamata, Uyuy Xage, Oily Ropefish Versatile Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Miyakabek'zu
93 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:29, Y:12) Driftwood Catfish, Kozama'uka Skipper, Bopo'u Sleeper, Candiru, Trahira Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Dewspun Bank
93 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:38, Y:33) Oho Hunu, Bronze Pleco, Crenicichla Honeybee
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Ku'uxage
93 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:22, Y:21) Ku'uxage Bitterling, Tonguesnatcher, Corn Dace, Ka Puyhu Honeybee
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Peaks Poga
94 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:40, Y:15) Oho Hunu, Bronze Pleco, Hunu Peacock Bass, Pelubane, Giant Trahira Honeybee, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Miyakabek'zoma
94 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:14, Y:28) Dumplingfish, Banded Candiru, Oxydoras, Ligaka Guppy, Honeycomb Sponge Metal Spinner, Honeybee
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Eastern Marsh Ligaka
95 Spearfishing Kozama'uka (X:24, Y:32) Severum, Ligaka Blossom, Potglaze Stingray, Emberwisp, Ihuyka Colossoma, Torchtail
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Western Marsh Ligaka
95 Spearfishing Kozama'uka (X:21, Y:33) Variegated Sisterscale, Kozama'uka Characin, Charcoal Eel, Rainbow Pipira, Lau Lau, Ligaka Pirarucu
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Marsh Ligaka Depths
95 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) Kozama'uka (X:25, Y:31) Severum, Ihuyka Colossoma, Variegated Sisterscale, Charcoal Eel, Piraputanga, Purussaurus
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Marsh Ligaka
95 Freshwater fishing Kozama'uka (X:25, Y:31) Dumplingfish, Spotted Stingray, Yellow Peacock Bass, Shovelnose Catfish, Ligaka Guppy Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Popper Lure

Yak T'el

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Iq Br'aax Reservoir
92 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:13, Y:12) Shimmering Shadow, Ut'ohmu Dawnfish, Iq Br'aax Sailfin, Hunmu Ob Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Popper Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Xd'aa Talat Tsoly
93 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:8, Y:11) Shimmering Shadow, Ut'ohmu Dawnfish, Belonesox, Xd'aa Talat Cichlid Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Popper Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Iq Rrax Tsoly
94 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:31, Y:6) Tsoly Mu, Iq Rrax Leaffish, Archmatron Angelfish, Yak T'el Salamander, Shadowtongue Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Popper Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Xobr'it Tsoly
94 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:33, Y:16) Cloud-eye Carp, Xobr'it Lobster, Sunbright Axolotl, Horned Frog Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Popper Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Yak Awak Tsoly
94 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:19, Y:8) Shimmering Shadow, Ut'ohmu Dawnfish, Apoda, Mirror Carp, Yak Awak Core Metal Spinner, Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Popper Lure, Golden Stonefly Nymph
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Bitterbark Cenote
95 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:25, Y:39) Mudfish, Yak T'el Catfish, Blind Brotula, Yak T'el Caiman, Cenote Oyster
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Xd'aa Talat Tsoly (Spearfishing)
95 Spearfishing Yak T'el (X:6.5, Y:7.5) Crested Goby, Horizon Crocodile, Tsoly Gar, Tsoly Turtle, Turali Land Crab, Viperfish
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Ankledeep
95 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:8, Y:27) Mudfish, Turali Beaded Lizard, Yak T'el Catfish, Ankledeep Catfish Honeybee, Versatile Lure, Popper Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Sapsweet Cenote
96 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:35, Y:32) Mudfish, Yak T'el Catfish, Glittergill, Twig Catfish Honeybee, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Cenote Moxutural
96 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:21, Y:20) Mudfish, Yak T'el Catfish, Checkered Cichlid, Moxutural Gar
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Cenote Jayunja
96 Freshwater fishing Yak T'el (X:19, Y:32) Mudfish, Yak T'el Catfish, Variatus, Flawless Saucer, Welkin Catfish
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Xty'iinbek Tsoly
97 Ocean fishing Yak T'el (X:37, Y:25) Sharknose Goby, Yak T'el Crab, Xty'iinbek Sleeper, Chain Shark, Ut'ohmu Tiika
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Eastern Iq Rrax Tsoly
100 Spearfishing Yak T'el (X:35, Y:8) Deadleaf Minnow, Glistening Discus, Lightning Eel, Longwhisker Lungfish, Minted Arowana, Br'aaxfish
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Iq Rrax Tsoly Depths
100 Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) Yak T'el (X:31, Y:7) Frillfin Goby, Speckled Peacock Bass, Deadleaf Minnow, Lightning Eel, Iq Rrax Crab, Wivre Cod
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Western Iq Rrax Tsoly
100 Spearfishing Yak T'el (X:28, Y:5) Sunlit Prism, Fategazer, Frillfin Goby, Black Ibruq, Speckled Peacock Bass, Golden Characin

Xak Tural

Heritage Found

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Outskirts Shallows
97 Freshwater fishing Heritage Found (X:19, Y:8) Tiger Muskellunge, Outskirts Sniffer, Heritage Loach, Pumpkin Perch
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Driftdowns
97 Freshwater fishing Heritage Found (X:13, Y:17) Outskirts Sniffer, Heritage Loach, Driftdowns Trout, Moon Croppie
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Crackling Canyons
98 Freshwater fishing Heritage Found (X:21, Y:32) Thundering Redbelly, Electrobetta, Crackling Flounder, Yyasulani Bowfin
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Alexandrian Ruins
98 Freshwater fishing Heritage Found (X:6, Y:34) Goldgrouper, Thundering Redbelly, Electrobetta, Yyasulani Bowfin


Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Westbound Zorgor
95 Skyfishing Shaaloani (X:15, Y:38) Zorgor Scorpion, Cloudribbon, Vagrant Cascade, Zorgor Condor, Zorgor Core
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Niikwerepi
95 Freshwater fishing Shaaloani (X:29, Y:7) Shaaloani Salmon, Niikwerepi Trout, Bonytail Chub, Pyariyoanaan Cichlid
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Lake Toari
96 Freshwater fishing Shaaloani (X:31, Y:13) Toari Sucker, Turali Paddlefish, Trailtrout, Niikwerepi Trout, Bonytail Chub
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Eastbound Zorgor
96 Skyfishing Shaaloani (X:33, Y:38) Hellsnow Shark, Azure Glider, Cloud Wasp, Raging Hanuhead, Zorgor Core Dragonfly, Versatile Lure
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Northern Lake Toari
100 Spearfishing Shaaloani (X:32, Y:11) Warmouth, Longnose Gar, Niikwerepi Bass, Sauger, Shaaloani Goby, Midnight Carp

Solution Nine

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Residential Sector
98 Freshwater fishing Solution Nine (X:6, Y:18) Everkeep Yabby, Stickleback, Custodian Carp, Mosaic Loach, Pixel Loach

Unlost World

Living Memory

Fishing Log Level Type Coordinates Fish Bait Used
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Canal Town South
99 Ocean fishing Living Memory (X:14, Y:34) Canal Drum, Iris Wrasse, Hydro Louvar, Canal Bream, Butterfly Ray
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Leynode Aero
99 Freshwater fishing Living Memory (X:16, Y:13) Neo Arowana, Knight Goby, Datnioides, Rosebud Frog
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: The Knowable
99 Freshwater fishing Living Memory (X:7, Y:14) Knight Goby, Rosebud Frog, Harlequin Lancer, Windspath Eel
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Canal Town North
100 Ocean fishing Living Memory (X:9, Y:28) Devotion Clam, Forgotten One, Copper Shark, Iris Wrasse, Canal Bream
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Mu Springs Eternal
100 Freshwater fishing Living Memory (X:12, Y:11) Cleyran Carp, Knight Goby, Rosebud Frog, Giant Snakehead
Fishing (map icon).png
Fishing Log: Proto Alexandria
100 Freshwater fishing Living Memory (X:38, Y:31) Golden Day, Ultimoat Carp, Scarlet Queen, Starglass Gibel