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{{Quest infobox
{{Quest infobox
| description = Brother [[E-Sumi-Yan]] wants you to learn about the element of earth.
| description = Brother [[E-Sumi-Yan]] wants you to learn about the element of earth.
| image = Conjurer_Class_Image.JPG
| image = Conjurer_Class_Image.png
| quest-giver = E-Sumi-Yan
| quest-giver = E-Sumi-Yan
| location = Old Gridania
| location = Old Gridania

Latest revision as of 07:16, 24 January 2025

Feature Quest icon.png

Trial by Earth

Conjurer Class Image.png
Quest giver
Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6)
Experience 1,400
Gil 0
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Feature QuestWay of the Conjurer
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Feature QuestTrial by Wind

Brother E-Sumi-Yan wants you to learn about the element of earth.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


  • Speak with Nolanel at Blessed Bud.
  • Investigate the corrupted soil and vanquish the tainted earth sprite.


  • Brother E-Sumi-Yan wants you to learn about the element of earth.
  • Desirous that you should learn about the element of earth, Brother E-Sumi-Yan bids you travel to Blessed Bud in the North Shroud, where you are to study at the foot of Hearer Nolanel.
  • Nolanel has given you a task to help deepen your understanding of the element of earth. Investigate the corrupted soil found in the field behind Treespeak Stables.
  • You have slain the tainted earth sprite that arose from the corrupted soil. Return to Blessed Bud and report to Nolanel.
  • You have completed your lesson on the element of earth. Thus enlightened, take yourself back to the Conjurers' Guild, where Brother E-Sumi-Yan awaits.
  • While receiving instruction from Nolanel at Blessed Bud, you chanced to meet Sylphie, a child conjurer. Though a tremendously gifted healer, Sylphie has no interest in learning about nature, an attitude which troubles her elders to no end. Committing your latest lesson to memory, you continue your quest to master conjury.



It is good to see you again, Forename. By the air of serenity that surrounds you, it is plain you have learned to draw upon the energy of creation.

I am glad. It is the wellspring of all our power. Yet the energy of creation is not one thing but many, and to call upon all without first knowing each is conjury at its most basic.

As a part of your continuing education, it is my desire that you now learn about the element of earth.

Make your way to Blessed Bud in the North Shroud, and there partake of Hearer Nolanel's wisdom.

The depth of his affinity for the elementals of rock and soil is all but unique amongst conjurers, and he is a gifted instructor besides.

You may be certain of receiving a most enlightening lesson on the subject of earth.


You seek Hearer Nolanel? Then seek no more, for you have found him. What can I do for you, friend?

So Brother E–Sumi–Yan bid you come to me to learn of the element of earth? That is well.

The power of earth is the solid foundation upon which a conjurer stands. I could happily lecture you for days on its intricate variations and properties...

But I rather suspect the busy life of an adventurer would not afford the time required for such extended discourse. Accordingly, I shall offer you an opportunity to experience the qualities of earth firsthand...in combat.

Now mark me well, Forename, and do exactly as I command.

East of here, in the grounds of Treespeak Stables, there exists a patch of soil that bears the mark of corruption. Seek it out.

When you have found the place, reach out to the focus of the earth's trauma, and attempt to commune with it, as all conjurers can.

Resentful of your intrusion, the tainted being that feasts unseen upon the energies seeping from the wounded earth shall then appear. Using the powers of conjury, strike it down, and permit the land a chance to heal.

Much of the nature of earth will be revealed to you during the struggle, Forename. I trust you will return to me a wiser woman/man than she/he who now departs.

Welcome back, Forename. The elementals whisper of your accomplishments.

How did it feel to confront that embodiment of earth? To endure its onslaught? Has the crushing power of this element shaken the very marrow of your bones?

Corruption occurs when the land's wounds are prevented from healing. In vanquishing the tainted sprite, you permitted the earth's energies to flow unimpeded, and to nourish the land once more.

Can you not sense the strength of the earth returning? Already, the land begins to heal. Thanks to your actions, that field will once again bear bountiful crops.

When next you have reason to call upon your art, look back upon this task and that which you accomplished.

Experience once more the grinding weight of the earth's fury, and revel in the memory of life flowing anew through the land you helped restore. With such thoughts shall your understanding of nature continue to grow.

I hope you were paying attention, Sylphie.

See this adventurer here? Forename came all the way from Stillglade Fane just to hear my lesson.

You would do well to learn from herhis example. If you wish to become a conjurer worthy of the name, you must make an effort to study nature. Do you attend me, young lady?


Why should I bother studying nature?

I can conjure already.



You have a rare gift for healing, Sylphie─a wonderful gift. Yet there is more to being a conjurer than─


But I don't want to do more! I want to heal! I'm good at healing! You can't make me do those other things!


<sigh> Sometimes I wonder why I even try...

Sylphie joined the guild shortly before you came to us. As you yourself just experienced, she possesses a prodigious talent for healing. Indeed, despite her tender years, I know of few conjurers who are her equal in that field.

Alas, nature─the very wellspring of her power─holds no interest for the child, and when she should by rights be learning about the land, she prefers instead to wander it, healing people on a whim.

You, in contrast, have been a most attentive student. I have taught you all I know of the element of earth. You may report back to Brother E–Sumi and tell him as much.


Ah, Forename, you have returned. But tell me, how did you fare under Nolanel's expert tutelage? Have you delved deep into the earth and felt its suffocating weight? Its life-sustaining vigor?

Such experiences will serve you well. And have you aught else to report? Hm? A fledgling conjurer named Sylphie cast healing magic upon you? ...How kind of her.

<sigh> I must confess to sharing Nolanel's frustration with the girl.

As you yourself have witnessed, Sylphie possesses a natural talent for the conjury of mending and restoration.

Alas, her gifts appear to have blinded her to the need for study, and she outright refuses to learn about the natural world. She knows nothing of the elements of earth and wind, and is quite incapable of conjuring even the tiniest pebble or the faintest breeze.

I have tried upon numerous occasions to explain to her that conjurers who are ignorant of the source of their power pose a risk to themselves and others, but all to no avail.

Should she continue to deny the debt she owes to nature, and indulge in ever more reckless displays of power, there is every possibility that she will create a dangerous imbalance. Needless to say, I am presently at a loss to know how such an eventuality might be prevented...

...Ah! A thought occurs to me, Forename... It may be that your encounter with Sylphie was ordained by the elementals.

Should you chance to meet with her again, I ask that you strive to impress upon her the importance of opening oneself to nature's voice. Mayhap she will listen to you.

But we have discussed our wayward young friend's education enough. Let us speak instead of one of my more willing pupils─namely you. The progress you have made does you great credit, Forename. Though you are yet new to the art of conjury, you are no stranger to nature's embrace. Considering all that you have learned, I hope you understand the true significance of these words.