Difference between revisions of "Level 90 Gear Guide"

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{{see also|Content Unlock}}
{{see also|Content Unlock|Leveling Gear Guide}}
<big>'''[[Level 80 Gear Guide]] <<'''</big><br>
<big>'''[[Level 80 Gear Guide]] << >> [[Level 100 Gear Guide]]'''</big><br>
[[Allagan Tomestone]] exchanges open up in [[Radz-at-Han]] after {{questlink|main|Endwalker (Quest)}}.<br>
'''New players should directly purchase [[Augmented Credendum Weapons]] and [[Augmented Credendum Armor|Gear]], giving IL 660, with {{tomestone|Poetics}} [[Allagan_Tomestone_of_Poetics#Augmented_Cryptlurker_Equipment|Allagan Tomestones of Poetics]].''' This gear is '''bolded''' in the tables below.<br>
Poetics gear becomes available in [[Radz-at-Han]] and at [[File:Sundry Splendors.png|25px|link=Sundry Splendors]][[Agora Merchant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.6 Y:11.2) after {{questlink|main|Endwalker (Quest)}}.<br>
''Alternatively, {{rarity|basic}}-[[rarity]] crafted gear made with [[Dawntrail]] materials can be had [[High Quality|HQ]] {{HQ}} off the [[Market Board]] or from coffers obtained from early [[Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests]], giving IL 645, with {{gil}} [[Gil]]''. This gear is ''italicised'' in the tables below.<br>
[[Scrips]] exchange unlock quest {{questlink|feature|Expanding House of Splendors}} requires only {{questlink|main|The Jewel of Thavnair}}.
[[Scrips]] exchange unlock quest {{questlink|feature|Expanding House of Splendors}} requires only {{questlink|main|The Jewel of Thavnair}}.
*Because level 90 gear is released over the course of several major patches, players do not necessarily need to slowly increment the item level of their gear if they have recently reached level 90, and can instead jump directly to the highest item level gear that is most accessible.
*Players who recently reached level 89 - 90 should collect [[Artifact Weapons (Endwalker)|Artifact Weapons]] and [[Artifact Armor (Endwalker)|Artifact Armor]] (both item level '''560''') for free. [[The Last Accessories]] (item level '''560''') drop from three dungeons: {{questlink|dungeon|The Dead Ends}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Smileton}}, and {{questlink|dungeon|The Stigma Dreamscape}}, but these do not need to be "farmed" to proceed with further upgrades.
*Current uncapped {{rarity|tomestone}} gear ({{tomestone|Astronomy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy]]): [[Radiant Weapons]], [[Radiant Armor]], and [[Radiant Accessories]] (item level '''590''')
*Current {{rarity|dungeon}} gear ({{questlink|dungeon|Lapis Manalis}}): [[Manalis Armor]] and [[Manalis Accessories]] (item level '''605''')
*Current crafted gear: [[Rinascita Weapons]], [[Rinascita Armor]], and [[Rinascita Accessories]] (item level '''610'''). These should always be obtained as {{HQ}} '''[[High Quality|high quality]]'''.
**These can be exchanged to [[Augmented Rinascita Weapons]], [[Augmented Rinascita Armor]], and [[Augmented Rinascita Accessories]] (item level '''620''') indirectly with {{tomestone|Astronomy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy]]
*Current uncapped normal raid gear ({{questlink|raid|Abyssos}}): [[Purgatory Armor]] and [[Purgatory Accessories]] (item level '''610''')
*Current {{rarity|relic}} weapons: [[Manderville Weapons]] (item level '''615''')
**Note: requires the completion of all [[Hildibrand Quests]] until {{questlink|feature|The Imperfect Gentleman}}.
*Current weekly-capped {{rarity|tomestone}} gear ({{tomestone|Causality}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Causality]]): [[Lunar Envoy's Weapons]], [[Lunar Envoy's Armor]], and [[Lunar Envoy's Accessories]] (item level '''620''')
*Current weekly-capped alliance raid gear ({{questlink|araid|Euphrosyne}}): [[Hypostatic Armor]] (item level '''620''')
*Current extreme trial weapons ({{questlink|trial|Mount Ordeals (Extreme)}}): [[Flamecloaked Weapons]] (item level '''625''')
*Current weekly-capped savage raid gear ({{questlink|raid|Abyssos (Savage)}}): [[Abyssos Weapons]] (item level '''635'''), [[Abyssos Armor]] and [[Abyssos Accessories]] (item level '''630'''). Also rewards items to augment Lunar Envoy's gear to item level '''630'''.
*Current '''"best-in-slot" (BiS)''' gear comprises a mixture of Abyssos Weapons and Abyssos/Augmented Lunar Envoy's Armor and Accessories melded with certain [[materia]].
**This composition varies depending on the [[job]] and is intended to maximize desirable [[substats]]. Some jobs may have multiple BiS sets with specific [[Spell Speed]] or [[Skill Speed]] tiers.
**BiS sets for each job are provided by [https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/ The Balance].
**BiS is '''not''' necessary to obtain unless if the player is planning on doing {{questlink|cdungeon|Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage)}} or {{questlink|ultimateraid|The Omega Protocol (Ultimate)}}. BiS primarily allows players to more easily clear existing content.
*Higher item level gear will not be released until Patch 6.4.
===Crafting and Gathering===
*Players who recently reached level 90 can buy {{HQ}} '''high quality''' [[Indagator's Tools]] and [[Indagator's Gear]] (item level '''620''') from the [[Market Board]] and meld with materia. This will be the best Crafter and Gatherer gear until patch 7.0.
**Melding guides and crafting rotations are provided by [https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/ Teamcraft Guides].
*Alternatively, they can farm {{scrip|purple crafter}} [[Purple Scrip]]s (achievable using Lv 80 gear) to buy [[Perfectionist's Tools]] and [[Perfectionist's Armor]] while crafting or purchasing {{HQ}} '''high quality''' [[AR-Caean Crafting and Gathering Gear|Integral Accessories]] (item level '''590'''). Using mostly {{HQ}} HQ materials, basic melds, {{HQ}} {{item icon|Calamari Ripieni}} and {{HQ}} {{item icon|Commanding Craftsman's Draught}}, this gear can be used to craft {{HQ}} '''high quality''' Indagator's equipment following [https://ffxivteamcraft.com/simulator/38913/35440/WdKg4u4Po1rZsfw6VYxF?stats=3700/3238/536/90/0&food=37282,1&med=36115,1 this] rotation. This bypasses needing to first invest in melded [[Pactmaker's Tools]] and [[Pactmaker's Gear|Gear]].
*New scrip gear will be added in [[Patch 6.4]] but will be inferior to {{HQ}} '''high quality''' Indagator's gear due to being unable to perform {{action icon|Advanced Materia Melding}}.
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}  
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}  
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
| [[Artifact Weapons (Endwalker)]] ([[Artifact Armor]]) || 560 || Acquired from [[Varsarudh]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.8,Y:9.9) after completing the Level 89 [[Endwalker]] [[MSQ]] {{questlink|main|A Bold Decision}}.
| [[Artifact Weapons (Endwalker)]] ([[Artifact Armor]]) || 560 || Acquired from [[Varsarudh]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.8,Y:9.9) after completing the Level 89 [[Endwalker]] [[MSQ]] {{questlink|main|A Bold Decision}}.
| [[Moonward Weapons]] || 570 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|140}} [[Sack of Nuts]]<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|aphorism}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism|Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism]].
| [[Moonward Weapons]] || 570 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|70}} [[Sack of Nuts]]<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|aphorism}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism|Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism]].
| [[Weapons of Divine Light]] || 580 || Dropped from [[The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call]]. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Umbral Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Divine Light Weapon Coffer (IL 580)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
| [[Weapons of Divine Light]] || 580 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Umbral Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Divine Light Weapon Coffer (IL 580)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
| [[Classical Weapons]] || 580 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Classical Weapons]] || 580 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Radiant's Weapons]] || 590 || Purchased from [[Cihanti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for {{tomestone|Astronomy}} 500 [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy]] and 1 {{Item icon|Discal Tomestone}}.
| [[Radiant's Weapons]] || 590 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|astronomy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy|Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy]]<br>Existing weapons can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
| [[Augmented Classical Weapons]] || 590|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import}} and 7 {{Item icon|Crucible Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Classical Weapons]] || 590|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import}} and 7 {{Item icon|Crucible Rain}}.
| [[Bluefeather Weapons]] || 595|| Dropped from [[The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria]]. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Ultimatum Token}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Bluefeather Weapon Coffer (IL 595)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
| [[Bluefeather Weapons]] || 595|| Dropped from {{questlink|trial|The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Ultimatum Token}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Bluefeather Weapon Coffer (IL 595)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
| [[Augmented Radiant's Weapons]] || 600 || Purchased from [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 [[Radiant Weapons|Corresponding Radiant Weapon]], 1 {{Item icon|Radiant Roborant}}.
| [[Augmented Radiant's Weapons]] || 600 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|140}} [[Sack of Nuts]].
| [[Asphodelos Weapons]] || 605 || Drops in [[Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)]].<br>Receive {{Item icon|Asphodelos Weapon Coffer (IL 605)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 {{Item icon|Asphodelos Mythos IV}}.
| [[Asphodelos Weapons]] || 605 || Drops in {{questlink|raid|Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Asphodelos Weapon Coffer (IL 605)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 {{Item icon|Asphodelos Mythos IV}}.
| [[Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens]] || 605 || Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) with 1 {{Item icon|Dragonsong Token}}.
| [[Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens]] || 605 || Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) with 1 {{Item icon|Dragonsong Token}} dropped from {{questlink|uraid|Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)}}.
| [[Rinascita Weapons]] || 610 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Rinascita Weapons]] || 610 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Manderville Weapons]] || 615 || Acquired from [[Manderville Weapons/Quest|Manderville Weapons Quests]].
| [[Base Manderville Weapons]] || 615 || Acquired from [[Manderville Weapons/Quest|Manderville Weapons Quests]].
| [[Windswept Weapons]] || 615 || Dropped from [[Storm's Crown (Extreme)]]. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Windswept Archfiend Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Windswept Weapon Coffer (IL 615)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
| [[Windswept Weapons]] || 615 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|Storm's Crown (Extreme)}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Windswept Archfiend Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Windswept Weapon Coffer (IL 615)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
| [[Lunar Envoy's Weapons]] || 620 || Purchased from [[Cihanti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for {{tomestone|causality}} 500 [[Allagan Tomestone of Causality]] and 1 {{Item icon|Ultralight Tomestone}}.
| [[Lunar Envoy's Weapons]] || 620 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|causality}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy|Allagan Tomestones of Causality]]<br>Existing weapons can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
| [[Augmented Rinascita Weapons]] || 620|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import}} and 7 {{Item icon|Dharmic Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Rinascita Weapons]] || 620|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import}} and 7 {{Item icon|Dharmic Rain}}.
| [[Orthos Weapons]] || 620 || Reward from {{questlink|ddungeon|Eureka Orthos}} (requires completion of floor 30)
| [[Flamecloaked Weapons]] || 625 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|Mount Ordeals (Extreme)}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Flamecloaked Archfiend Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Flamecloaked Weapon Coffer (IL 625)}}. Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
| [[Flamecloaked Weapons]] || 625 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|Mount Ordeals (Extreme)}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Flamecloaked Archfiend Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Flamecloaked Weapon Coffer (IL 625)}}. Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
| [[Augmented Lunar Envoy's Weapons]] || 630 || Purchased from [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 [[Lunar Envoy's Weapons|Corresponding Lunar Envoy's Weapon]], 1 {{Item icon|Moonshine Brine}}.
| [[Enaretos Weapons]] || 625 || Reward from {{questlink|ddungeon|Eureka Orthos}} (requires completion of floor 100)
| [[Augmented Lunar Envoy's Weapons]] || 630 || Purchased from the [[Agora Merchant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 430-600 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]]
| [[Amazing Manderville Weapons]] || 630 || Acquired from [[Amazing Manderville Weapons/Quest|Amazing Manderville Weapons Quests]].
| [[Abyssos Weapons]] || 635 || Drops in {{questlink|raid|Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Abyssos Weapon Coffer (IL 635)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 {{Item icon|Abyssos Mythos IV}}.
| [[Ultimate Omega Weapons]] || 635 || Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) with 1 {{Item icon|Omega Totem}} dropped from {{questlink|uraid|The Omega Protocol (Ultimate)}}.
| [[Diadochos Weapons]] || 640 || Crafted, level 90★★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Voidcast Weapons]] || 645 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Voidcast Archfiend Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Voidcast Weapon Coffer (IL 645)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
| [[Majestic Manderville Weapons]] || 645 || Acquired from [[Majestic Manderville Weapons/Quest|Majestic Manderville Weapons Quests]].
| [[Abyssos Weapons]] || 635 || Drops in [[Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)]].<br>Receive {{Item icon|Abyssos Weapon Coffer (IL 635)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 {{Item icon|Abyssos Mythos IV}}.
|''[[Mountain Chromite Weapons]]'' || ''645'' || ''Crafted, level 91 recipes & [[Dawntrail]] materials, or {{Item icon|Mountain Chromite Weapon Coffer (IL 645)}}''
| [[Ultimate Omega Weapons]] || 635 || Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) with 1 {{Item icon|Omega Totem}}.
| [[Credendum Weapons]] || 650 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|comedy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Comedy|Allagan Tomestones of Comedy]]<br>Existing weapons can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
| [[Augmented Diadochos Weapons]] || 650 || Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 3 Import}} and 7 {{Item icon|Divine Rain}}.
| [[Voidvessel Weapons]] || 655 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 {{Item icon|Voidvessel Totem}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Voidvessel Weapon Coffer (IL 655)}}: Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
| '''[[Augmented Credendum Weapons]]''' || '''660''' || '''Purchased from the [[Agora Merchant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 430-600 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]]'''
| [[Ascension Weapons]] || 665 || Drops in {{questlink|raid|Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Receive {{Item icon|Ascension Weapon Coffer (IL 665)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 {{Item icon|Anabaseios Mythos IV}}.
| [[Exquisite Weapons]] || 665 || Purchased from [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 [[Augmented Credendum Weapons|corresponding Augmented Credendum Weapon]], 1 {{Item icon|Elevated Ester}}. The Ester can be obtained by trading 1 {{item icon|Aloalo Manuscript}} obtained by clearing {{questlink|cdungeon|Another Aloalo Island (Savage)}}, from [[Trisassant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:12, Y:13.3).
| [[Mandervillous Weapons]] || 665 || Acquired from [[Mandervillous Weapons/Quest|Mandervillous Weapons Quests]].

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! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
| [[Artifact Armor (Endwalker)]]  ([[Artifact Armor]]) || 560 || Acquired from [[Varsarudh]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.8,Y:9.9) after completing the Level 89 [[Endwalker]] [[MSQ]] {{questlink|main|A Bold Decision}}.
| [[Artifact Armor (Endwalker)]]  ([[Artifact Armor]]) || 560 || Acquired from [[Varsarudh]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.8,Y:9.9) after completing the Level 89 [[Endwalker]] [[MSQ]] {{questlink|main|A Bold Decision}}.
| [[Moonward Armor]] || 570 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|70-120}} [[Sack of Nuts]]<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|aphorism}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism|Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism]].
| [[Moonward Armor]] || 570 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|35-60}} [[Sack of Nuts]]<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|aphorism}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism|Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism]].
| [[Darbar Armor]] || 575 || Dropped in [[Alzadaal's Legacy (Duty)|Alzadaal's Legacy]] [[dungeon]].
| [[Darbar Armor]] || 575 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|Alzadaal's Legacy (Duty)}}.
| [[Limbo Armor]] || 580 || Exchange [[Asphodelos#Item Exchange|Unsung Tokens]] obtained from [[Asphodelos]] to [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
| [[Limbo Armor]] || 580 || Exchange [[Asphodelos#Item Exchange|Unsung Tokens]] obtained from [[Asphodelos]] to [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
Line 95: Line 97:
| [[Classical Armor]] || 580 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Classical Armor]] || 580 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Radiant's Armor]] || 590 || Purchased from [[Cihanti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for {{tomestone|Astronomy}} 495-825 [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy]].
| [[Radiant's Armor]] || 590 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|astronomy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy|Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy]].
| [[Panthean Armor]] || 590 || Dropped in [[Aglaia]] [[raid]].
| [[Panthean Armor]] || 590 || Dropped in {{questlink|araid|Aglaia}}.
| [[Augmented Classical Armor]] || 590 || Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import}} and 3-5 {{Item icon|Crucible Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Classical Armor]] || 590 || Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import}} and 3-5 {{Item icon|Crucible Rain}}.
| [[Troian Armor]] || 595 || Dropped in [[The Fell Court of Troia (Duty)|The Fell Court of Troia]] [[dungeon]].
| [[Troian Armor]] || 595 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Fell Court of Troia (Duty)}}.
| [[Augmented Radiant's Armor]] || 600 || Purchased from [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 [[Radiant Armor|Corresponding Radiant Armor]], 1 {{Item icon|Radiant Twine}}
| [[Augmented Radiant's Armor]] || 600 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|70-120}} [[Sack of Nuts]]
| [[Asphodelos Armor]] || 600 || Dropped from [[Asphodelos (Savage)]].<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from [[Asphodelos (Savage)]].
| [[Asphodelos Armor]] || 600 || Dropped from {{questlink|raid|Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)}}, {{questlink|raid|Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)}}, and {{questlink|raid|Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from {{questlink|raid|Asphodelos (Savage)}}.
| [[Manalis Armor]] || 605 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|Lapis Manalis}}.
| [[Manalis Armor]] || 605 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|Lapis Manalis}}.
Line 111: Line 113:
| [[Rinascita Armor]] || 610 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]  
| [[Rinascita Armor]] || 610 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]  
| [[Purgatory Armor]] || 610 || Exchange [[Abyssos#Item Exchange|Unsung Tokens]] obtained from [[Abyssos]] to [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
| [[Purgatory Armor]] || 610 || Exchange [[Abyssos#Item Exchange|Unsung Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Abyssos}} to [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
| [[Lunar Envoy's Armor]] || 620 || Purchased from [[Cihanti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for {{tomestone|causality}} 495-825 [[Allagan Tomestone of Causality]].
| [[Lunar Envoy's Armor]] || 620 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|causality}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy|Allagan Tomestones of Causality]]<br>Existing armor can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
| [[Hypostatic Armor]] || 620 || Dropped in {{questlink|araid|Euphrosyne}}.
| [[Hypostatic Armor]] || 620 || Dropped in {{questlink|araid|Euphrosyne}}.
Line 119: Line 121:
| [[Augmented Rinascita Armor]] || 620|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import}} and 3-5 {{Item icon|Dharmic Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Rinascita Armor]] || 620|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import}} and 3-5 {{Item icon|Dharmic Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Lunar Envoy's Armor]] || 630 || Purchased from [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 [[Lunar Envoy's Armor|Corresponding Lunar Envoy's Armor]], 1 {{Item icon|Moonshine Twine}}
| [[Distance Armor]] || 625 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Aetherfont}}.
| [[Augmented Lunar Envoy's Armor]] || 630 || Purchased from the [[Agora Merchant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280-510 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]]
| [[Abyssos Armor]] || 630 || Dropped from {{questlink|raid|Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)}}, {{questlink|raid|Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)}}, and {{questlink|raid|Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from {{questlink|raid|Abyssos (Savage)}}.
| [[Voidmoon Armor]] || 635 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Lunar Subterrane}}.
| [[Diadochos Armor]] || 640 || Crafted, level 90★★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Anabaseios Armor]] || 640 || Exchange [[Anabaseios#Item Exchange|Unsung Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Anabaseios}} to [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
|''[[Mountain Chromite Armor]]'' || ''645'' || ''Crafted, level 91 recipes & [[Dawntrail]] materials, or {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Head Gear Coffer (IL 645)}} / {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Chest Gear Coffer (IL 645)}} / {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Hand Gear Coffer (IL 645)}} / {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Leg Gear Coffer (IL 645)}} / {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Foot Gear Coffer (IL 645)}}''
| [[Credendum Armor]] || 650 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|comedy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Comedy|Allagan Tomestones of Comedy]]<br>Existing armor can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
| [[Theogonic Armor]] || 650 || Dropped in {{questlink|araid|Thaleia}}.
| [[Augmented Diadochos Armor]] || 650 || Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 3 Import}} and 3-5 {{Item icon|Divine Rain}}.
| [[Abyssos Armor]] || 630 || Dropped from [[Abyssos (Savage)]].<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from [[Abyssos (Savage)]].
| '''[[Augmented Credendum Armor]]''' || '''660''' || '''Purchased from the [[Agora Merchant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280-510 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]]'''
| [[Ascension Armor]] || 660 || Dropped from {{questlink|raid|Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage)}} and {{questlink|raid|Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from {{questlink|raid|Anabaseios (Savage)}}.
Line 129: Line 151:
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
| [[The Last Accessories]] || 560 || Obtained in [[The Dead Ends]], [[Smileton]] and [[The Stigma Dreamscape]] dungeons.  
| [[The Last Accessories]] || 560 || Dropped from {{questlink|dungeon|The Dead Ends}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Smileton}}, and {{questlink|dungeon|The Stigma Dreamscape}}.  
| [[Moonward Accessories]] || 570 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|55}} [[Sack of Nuts]]<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|aphorism}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism|Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism]].
| [[Moonward Accessories]] || 570 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|25}} [[Sack of Nuts]]<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|aphorism}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism|Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism]].
| [[Darbar Accessories]] || 575 || Dropped in [[Alzadaal's Legacy (Duty)|Alzadaal's Legacy]] [[dungeon]].
| [[Darbar Accessories]] || 575 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|Alzadaal's Legacy (Duty)}}.
| [[Zodiark Accessories]] || 580 || Dropped from [[The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall]]. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 5 {{Item icon|Astral Totem}}.
| [[Eternal Dark Accessories]] || 580 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall}}. Purchased from [[Nesvaaz]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 5 {{Item icon|Astral Totem}}.
| [[Limbo Accessories]] || 580 || Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 {{Item icon|Unsung Ring of Asphodelos}}.
| [[Limbo Accessories]] || 580 || Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 {{Item icon|Unsung Ring of Asphodelos}}.
Line 144: Line 166:
| [[Classical Accessories]] || 580 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX) / [[Market Board]]  
| [[Classical Accessories]] || 580 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX) / [[Market Board]]  
| [[Radiant's Accessories]] || 590 || Purchased from [[Cihanti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for {{tomestone|Astronomy}} 375 [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy]].
| [[Radiant's Accessories]] || 590 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|astronomy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy|Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy]].
| [[Augmented Classical Accessories]] || 590 || Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import}} and 2 {{Item icon|Crucible Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Classical Accessories]] || 590 || Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import}} and 2 {{Item icon|Crucible Rain}}.
| [[Troian Accessories]] || 595 || Dropped in [[The Fell Court of Troia (Duty)|The Fell Court of Troia]] [[dungeon]].
| [[Troian Accessories]] || 595 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Fell Court of Troia (Duty)}}.
| [[Augmented Radiant's Accessories]] || 600 || Purchased from [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 [[Radiant Accessories|Corresponding Radiant Accessory]], 1 {{Item icon|Radiant Coating}}
| [[Augmented Radiant's Accessories]] || 600 || Purchased from [[J'lakshai]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (12.0, 13.3) or [[Wilmetta]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (10.5, 7.5) for {{Sack of nuts|55}} [[Sack of Nuts]]
| [[Manalis Accessories]] || 605 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|Lapis Manalis}}.
| [[Manalis Accessories]] || 605 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|Lapis Manalis}}.
| [[Asphodelos Accessories]] || 600 || Dropped from [[Asphodelos (Savage)]].<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 4 {{Item icon|Asphodelos Mythos I}}.
| [[Asphodelos Accessories]] || 600 || Dropped from {{questlink|raid|Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 4 {{Item icon|Asphodelos Mythos I}}.
| [[Rinascita Accessories]] || 610 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]  
| [[Rinascita Accessories]] || 610 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]  
Line 160: Line 182:
| [[Purgatory Accessories]] || 610 || Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 {{Item icon|Unsung Ring of Abyssos}}.
| [[Purgatory Accessories]] || 610 || Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 {{Item icon|Unsung Ring of Abyssos}}.
| [[Lunar Envoy's Accessories]] || 620 || Purchased from [[Cihanti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for {{tomestone|causality}} 375 [[Allagan Tomestone of Causality]].
| [[Lunar Envoy's Accessories]] || 620 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|causality}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy|Allagan Tomestones of Causality]]<br>Existing accessories can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.9 Y:10.4).
| [[Augmented Rinascita Accessories]] || 620|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import}} and 2 {{Item icon|Dharmic Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Rinascita Accessories]] || 620|| Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import}} and 2 {{Item icon|Dharmic Rain}}.
| [[Augmented Lunar Envoy's Accessories]] || 630 || Purchased from [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 [[Lunar Envoy's Accessories|Corresponding Lunar Envoy's Accessory]], 1 {{Item icon|Moonshine Shine}}
| [[Distance Accessories]] || 625 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Aetherfont}}.
| [[Augmented Lunar Envoy's Accessories]] || 630 || Purchased from the [[Agora Merchant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]]
| [[Abyssos Accessories]] || 630 || Dropped from {{questlink|raid|Abyssos: The Fifth Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 4 {{Item icon|Abyssos Mythos I}}.
| [[Voidmoon Accessories]] || 635 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Lunar Subterrane}}.
| [[Diadochos Accessories]] || 640 || Crafted, level 90★★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X) / [[Market Board]]
| [[Anabaseios Accessories]] || 640 || Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 {{Item icon|Unsung Ring of Anabaseios}}.
|''[[Mountain Chromite Accessories]]'' || ''645'' || ''Crafted, level 91 recipes & [[Dawntrail]] materials, or {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Earring Coffer (IL 645)}} / {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Necklace Coffer (IL 645)}} / {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Bracelet Coffer (IL 645)}} / {{item icon|Mountain Chromite Ring Coffer (IL 645)}}''
| [[Credendum Accessories]] || 650 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|comedy}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Comedy|Allagan Tomestones of Comedy]]<br>Existing accessories can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[Khaldeen]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.9 Y:10.4).
| [[Augmented Diadochos Accessories]] || 650 || Purchased from [[Rashti]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 {{Item icon|Hannish Certificate of Grade 3 Import}} and 2 {{Item icon|Divine Rain}}.
| [[Abyssos Accessories]] || 630 || Dropped from [[Abyssos (Savage)]].<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 4 {{Item icon|Abyssos Mythos I}}.
| '''[[Augmented Credendum Accessories]]''' || '''660''' || '''Purchased from the [[Agora Merchant]] in [[Old Sharlayan]] (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]]'''
| [[Ascension Accessories]] || 660 || Dropped from {{questlink|raid|Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage)}}.<br>Purchased from [[Mylenie]] in [[Labyrinthos]] (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or [[Djole]] in [[Radz-at-Han]] (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 3 {{Item icon|Anabaseios Mythos I}}.
Line 175: Line 215:
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
| [[Chondrite Tools]] || 560 || Crafted, level 90 recipes.
| [[Chondrite Tools]] || 560 || Crafted, level 90 recipes. / NQ from [[merchants|NPC vendors]]
| [[Soph's Tools]] || 570 || Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]
| [[Soph's Tools]] || 570 || {{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]
| [[Base Splendorous Tools]] || 570 || First tool: {{item icon|Splendorous Coffer}} from {{questlink|feature|An Original Improvement}}<br>Subsequent tools: Purchase from [[Quinnana]] at [[the Crystarium]] (X:10.4, Y:7.7) for 750 {{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrips]].
| [[Pactmaker's Tools]] || 590 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX)  
| [[Pactmaker's Tools]] || 590 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX)  
| [[Perfectionist's Tools]] || 590 || Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]
| [[Perfectionist's Tools]] || 590 || {{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]
| [[Indagator's Tools]] || 620 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X)  
| [[Augmented Splendorous Tools]] || 590 || {{questlink|repfeature|A Dedicated Tool}}
| [[Indagator's Tools]] || 620 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X)
| [[Crystalline Tools]] || 620 || {{questlink|repfeature|An Adaptive Tool}}
| [[Afflatus Tools]] || 620 || {{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]
| [[Chora-Zoi's Crystalline Tools]] || 625 || {{questlink|repfeature|A Tool of Her Own‎}}
| [[Brilliant Tools]] || 630 || {{questlink|repfeature|A Tool without Compare‎}}
| [[Vrandtic Visionary's Tools]] || 635 || {{questlink|repfeature|A Tool for the Ages}}
| [[Lodestar Tools]] || 640 || {{questlink|repfeature|Stand Tool, My Friend}}

Line 193: Line 249:
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
| [[Chondrite Tools]] || 560 || Crafted, level 89 recipes.
| [[Chondrite Tools]] || 560 || Crafted, level 89 recipes. / NQ from [[merchants|NPC vendors]]
| [[Pactmaker's Tools]] || 590 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX)  
| [[Pactmaker's Tools]] || 590 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX)  
| [[Perfectionist's Tools]] || 590 || Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]
| [[Perfectionist's Tools]] || 590 || {{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]
| [[Indagator's Tools]] || 620 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X)  
| [[Indagator's Tools]] || 620 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X)  
| '''[[Afflatus Tools]]''' || '''620''' || '''{{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]'''

Line 209: Line 268:
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
| [[AR-Caean Crafting and Gathering Gear]] || 560 || Crafted, level 89 recipes.
| [[AR-Caean Crafting and Gathering Gear]] || 560 || Crafted, level 89 recipes. / NQ from [[merchants|NPC vendors]]
| [[Tradecraft and Fieldcraft Soph Gear]] || 570 || Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]<br>Specific sets for each class<br>Armor only, no accessories.
| [[Tradecraft and Fieldcraft Soph Gear]] || 570 || Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]<br>Specific sets for each class<br>Armor only, no accessories.
Line 218: Line 277:
| [[Pactmaker's Gear]] || 590 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX)<br>Armor only, no accessories.
| [[Pactmaker's Gear]] || 590 || Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] IX)<br>Armor only, no accessories.
| [[Perfectionist's Armor]] || 590 || Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]<br>Armor only, no accessories.
| [[Perfectionist's Armor]] || 590 || {{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]<br>Armor only, no accessories.
| [[Indagator's Gear]] || 620 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X)  
| [[Indagator's Gear]] || 620 || Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. ([[Master Recipes]] X)  
| '''[[Afflatus Gear]]''' || '''620''' || '''{{scrip|purple crafter}}{{scrip|purple gatherer}} Purple [[Scrip Exchange]]'''

{{End Game Progression}}
{{End Game Progression}}

Latest revision as of 22:58, 15 December 2024

See also: Content Unlock and Leveling Gear Guide

Level 80 Gear Guide << >> Level 100 Gear Guide
New players should directly purchase Augmented Credendum Weapons and Gear, giving IL 660, with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. This gear is bolded in the tables below.
Poetics gear becomes available in Radz-at-Han and at Sundry Splendors.pngAgora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (X:11.6 Y:11.2) after Main Scenario QuestEndwalker.
Alternatively, ABasic-rarity crafted gear made with Dawntrail materials can be had HQ HQ icon.png off the Market Board or from coffers obtained from early Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests, giving IL 645, with Gil Gil. This gear is italicised in the tables below.
Scrips exchange unlock quest Feature QuestExpanding House of Splendors requires only Main Scenario QuestThe Jewel of Thavnair.


Gearset IL Obtained
Artifact Weapons (Endwalker) (Artifact Armor) 560 Acquired from Varsarudh in Old Sharlayan (X:11.8,Y:9.9) after completing the Level 89 Endwalker MSQ Main Scenario QuestA Bold Decision.
Moonward Weapons 570 Purchased from J'lakshai in Old Sharlayan (12.0, 13.3) or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han (10.5, 7.5) for Sack of Nuts 70 Sack of Nuts
Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism.
Weapons of Divine Light 580 Dropped from Trial The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call. Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 Umbral totem icon1.png  Umbral Totem.
Receive Divine light weapon coffer (il 580) icon1.png  Divine Light Weapon Coffer (IL 580) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Classical Weapons 580 Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. (Master Recipes IX) / Market Board
Radiant's Weapons 590 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy
Existing weapons can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
Augmented Classical Weapons 590 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 Hannish certificate of grade 1 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import and 7 Crucible rain icon1.png  Crucible Rain.
Bluefeather Weapons 595 Dropped from Trial The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria. Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 Ultimatum token icon1.png  Ultimatum Totem.
Receive Bluefeather weapon coffer (il 595) icon1.png  Bluefeather Weapon Coffer (IL 595) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Augmented Radiant's Weapons 600 Purchased from J'lakshai in Old Sharlayan (12.0, 13.3) or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han (10.5, 7.5) for Sack of Nuts 140 Sack of Nuts.
Asphodelos Weapons 605 Drops in Raid Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage).
Receive Asphodelos weapon coffer (il 605) icon1.png  Asphodelos Weapon Coffer (IL 605) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png  Asphodelos Mythos IV.
Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens 605 Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) with 1 Dragonsong token icon1.png  Dragonsong Totem dropped from Ultimate Raid Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate).
Rinascita Weapons 610 Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X) / Market Board
Base Manderville Weapons 615 Acquired from Manderville Weapons Quests.
Windswept Weapons 615 Dropped from Trial Storm's Crown (Extreme). Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 Windswept archfiend totem icon1.png  Windswept Archfiend Totem.
Receive Windswept weapon coffer (il 615) icon1.png  Windswept Weapon Coffer (IL 615) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Lunar Envoy's Weapons 620 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Causality Allagan Tomestones of Causality
Existing weapons can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
Augmented Rinascita Weapons 620 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 Hannish certificate of grade 2 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import and 7 Dharmic rain icon1.png  Dharmic Rain.
Orthos Weapons 620 Reward from Deep Dungeon Eureka Orthos (requires completion of floor 30)
Flamecloaked Weapons 625 Dropped from Trial Mount Ordeals (Extreme). Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 Flamecloaked archfiend totem icon1.png  Flamecloaked Archfiend Totem.
Receive Flamecloaked weapon coffer (il 625) icon1.png  Flamecloaked Weapon Coffer (IL 625). Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
Enaretos Weapons 625 Reward from Deep Dungeon Eureka Orthos (requires completion of floor 100)
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Weapons 630 Purchased from the Agora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 430-600 Poetics
Amazing Manderville Weapons 630 Acquired from Amazing Manderville Weapons Quests.
Abyssos Weapons 635 Drops in Raid Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage).
Receive Abyssos weapon coffer (il 635) icon1.png  Abyssos Weapon Coffer (IL 635) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png  Abyssos Mythos IV.
Ultimate Omega Weapons 635 Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) with 1 Omega totem icon1.png  Omega Totem dropped from Ultimate Raid The Omega Protocol (Ultimate).
Diadochos Weapons 640 Crafted, level 90★★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X) / Market Board
Voidcast Weapons 645 Dropped from Trial The Voidcast Dais (Extreme). Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 Voidcast archfiend totem icon1.png  Voidcast Archfiend Totem.
Receive Voidcast weapon coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Voidcast Weapon Coffer (IL 645) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Majestic Manderville Weapons 645 Acquired from Majestic Manderville Weapons Quests.
Mountain Chromite Weapons 645 Crafted, level 91 recipes & Dawntrail materials, or Mountain chromite weapon coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Weapon Coffer (IL 645)
Credendum Weapons 650 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Comedy Allagan Tomestones of Comedy
Existing weapons can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
Augmented Diadochos Weapons 650 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 17 Hannish certificate of grade 3 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 3 Import and 7 Divine rain icon1.png  Divine Rain.
Voidvessel Weapons 655 Dropped from Trial The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme). Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 10 Voidvessel totem icon1.png  Voidvessel Totem.
Receive Voidvessel weapon coffer (il 655) icon1.png  Voidvessel Weapon Coffer (IL 655): Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
Augmented Credendum Weapons 660 Purchased from the Agora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 430-600 Poetics
Ascension Weapons 665 Drops in Raid Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage).
Receive Ascension weapon coffer (il 665) icon1.png  Ascension Weapon Coffer (IL 665) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 8 Anabaseios mythos iv icon1.png  Anabaseios Mythos IV.
Exquisite Weapons 665 Purchased from Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for 1 corresponding Augmented Credendum Weapon, 1 Elevated ester icon1.png  Elevated Ester. The Ester can be obtained by trading 1 Aloalo manuscript icon1.png  Aloalo Manuscript obtained by clearing Criterion Dungeon Another Aloalo Island (Savage), from Trisassant in Old Sharlayan (X:12, Y:13.3).
Mandervillous Weapons 665 Acquired from Mandervillous Weapons Quests.


Gearset IL Obtained
Artifact Armor (Endwalker) (Artifact Armor) 560 Acquired from Varsarudh in Old Sharlayan (X:11.8,Y:9.9) after completing the Level 89 Endwalker MSQ Main Scenario QuestA Bold Decision.
Moonward Armor 570 Purchased from J'lakshai in Old Sharlayan (12.0, 13.3) or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han (10.5, 7.5) for Sack of Nuts 35−60 Sack of Nuts
Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism.
Darbar Armor 575 Dropped in Dungeon Alzadaal's Legacy.
Limbo Armor 580 Exchange Unsung Tokens obtained from Asphodelos to Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
Classical Armor 580 Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. (Master Recipes IX) / Market Board
Radiant's Armor 590 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy.
Panthean Armor 590 Dropped in Alliance Raid Aglaia.
Augmented Classical Armor 590 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 Hannish certificate of grade 1 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import and 3-5 Crucible rain icon1.png  Crucible Rain.
Troian Armor 595 Dropped in Dungeon The Fell Court of Troia.
Augmented Radiant's Armor 600 Purchased from J'lakshai in Old Sharlayan (12.0, 13.3) or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han (10.5, 7.5) for Sack of Nuts 70−120 Sack of Nuts
Asphodelos Armor 600 Dropped from Raid Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage), Raid Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage), and Raid Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage).
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from Raid Asphodelos (Savage).
Manalis Armor 605 Dropped in Dungeon Lapis Manalis.
Rinascita Armor 610 Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X) / Market Board
Purgatory Armor 610 Exchange Unsung Tokens obtained from Raid Abyssos to Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
Lunar Envoy's Armor 620 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Causality Allagan Tomestones of Causality
Existing armor can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
Hypostatic Armor 620 Dropped in Alliance Raid Euphrosyne.
Augmented Rinascita Armor 620 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 Hannish certificate of grade 2 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import and 3-5 Dharmic rain icon1.png  Dharmic Rain.
Distance Armor 625 Dropped in Dungeon The Aetherfont.
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Armor 630 Purchased from the Agora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280-510 Poetics
Abyssos Armor 630 Dropped from Raid Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage), Raid Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage), and Raid Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage).
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from Raid Abyssos (Savage).
Voidmoon Armor 635 Dropped in Dungeon The Lunar Subterrane.
Diadochos Armor 640 Crafted, level 90★★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X) / Market Board
Anabaseios Armor 640 Exchange Unsung Tokens obtained from Raid Anabaseios to Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6).
Mountain Chromite Armor 645 Crafted, level 91 recipes & Dawntrail materials, or Mountain chromite head gear coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Head Gear Coffer (IL 645) / Mountain chromite chest gear coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Chest Gear Coffer (IL 645) / Mountain chromite hand gear coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Hand Gear Coffer (IL 645) / Mountain chromite leg gear coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Leg Gear Coffer (IL 645) / Mountain chromite foot gear coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Foot Gear Coffer (IL 645)
Credendum Armor 650 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Comedy Allagan Tomestones of Comedy
Existing armor can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4)
Theogonic Armor 650 Dropped in Alliance Raid Thaleia.
Augmented Diadochos Armor 650 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 11-17 Hannish certificate of grade 3 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 3 Import and 3-5 Divine rain icon1.png  Divine Rain.
Augmented Credendum Armor 660 Purchased from the Agora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280-510 Poetics
Ascension Armor 660 Dropped from Raid Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage) and Raid Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage).
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for Mythos dropped from Raid Anabaseios (Savage).


Gearset IL Obtained
The Last Accessories 560 Dropped from Dungeon The Dead Ends, Dungeon Smileton, and Dungeon The Stigma Dreamscape.
Moonward Accessories 570 Purchased from J'lakshai in Old Sharlayan (12.0, 13.3) or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han (10.5, 7.5) for Sack of Nuts 25 Sack of Nuts
Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism.
Darbar Accessories 575 Dropped in Dungeon Alzadaal's Legacy.
Eternal Dark Accessories 580 Dropped from Trial The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall. Purchased from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) for 5 Astral totem icon1.png  Astral Totem.
Limbo Accessories 580 Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Ring of Asphodelos.
Classical Accessories 580 Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. (Master Recipes IX) / Market Board
Radiant's Accessories 590 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy.
Augmented Classical Accessories 590 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 Hannish certificate of grade 1 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 1 Import and 2 Crucible rain icon1.png  Crucible Rain.
Troian Accessories 595 Dropped in Dungeon The Fell Court of Troia.
Augmented Radiant's Accessories 600 Purchased from J'lakshai in Old Sharlayan (12.0, 13.3) or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han (10.5, 7.5) for Sack of Nuts 55 Sack of Nuts
Manalis Accessories 605 Dropped in Dungeon Lapis Manalis.
Asphodelos Accessories 600 Dropped from Raid Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage).
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 4 Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png  Asphodelos Mythos I.
Rinascita Accessories 610 Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X) / Market Board
Purgatory Accessories 610 Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png  Unsung Ring of Abyssos.
Lunar Envoy's Accessories 620 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Causality Allagan Tomestones of Causality
Existing accessories can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4).
Augmented Rinascita Accessories 620 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 Hannish certificate of grade 2 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 2 Import and 2 Dharmic rain icon1.png  Dharmic Rain.
Distance Accessories 625 Dropped in Dungeon The Aetherfont.
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Accessories 630 Purchased from the Agora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280 Poetics
Abyssos Accessories 630 Dropped from Raid Abyssos: The Fifth Circle (Savage).
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 4 Abyssos mythos i icon1.png  Abyssos Mythos I.
Voidmoon Accessories 635 Dropped in Dungeon The Lunar Subterrane.
Diadochos Accessories 640 Crafted, level 90★★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X) / Market Board
Anabaseios Accessories 640 Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 1 Unsung ring of anabaseios icon1.png  Unsung Ring of Anabaseios.
Mountain Chromite Accessories 645 Crafted, level 91 recipes & Dawntrail materials, or Mountain chromite earring coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Earring Coffer (IL 645) / Mountain chromite necklace coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Necklace Coffer (IL 645) / Mountain chromite bracelet coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Bracelet Coffer (IL 645) / Mountain chromite ring coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Ring Coffer (IL 645)
Credendum Accessories 650 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Comedy Allagan Tomestones of Comedy
Existing accessories can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4).
Augmented Diadochos Accessories 650 Purchased from Rashti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:9.9) for 7 Hannish certificate of grade 3 import icon1.png  Hannish Certificate of Grade 3 Import and 2 Divine rain icon1.png  Divine Rain.
Augmented Credendum Accessories 660 Purchased from the Agora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (X:11.6 Y:11.2) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280 Poetics
Ascension Accessories 660 Dropped from Raid Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage).
Purchased from Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6) for 3 Anabaseios mythos i icon1.png  Anabaseios Mythos I.

Crafting and Gathering

Primary Tools

Gearset IL Obtained
Chondrite Tools 560 Crafted, level 90 recipes. / NQ from NPC vendors
Soph's Tools 570 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrip Exchange
Base Splendorous Tools 570 First tool: Splendorous coffer icon1.png  Splendorous Coffer from Feature QuestAn Original Improvement
Subsequent tools: Purchase from Quinnana at the Crystarium (X:10.4, Y:7.7) for 750 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrips.
Pactmaker's Tools 590 Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. (Master Recipes IX)
Perfectionist's Tools 590 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrip Exchange
Augmented Splendorous Tools 590 Repeatable Feature QuestA Dedicated Tool
Indagator's Tools 620 Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X)
Crystalline Tools 620 Repeatable Feature QuestAn Adaptive Tool
Afflatus Tools 620 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrip Exchange
Chora-Zoi's Crystalline Tools 625 Repeatable Feature QuestA Tool of Her Own
Brilliant Tools 630 Repeatable Feature QuestA Tool without Compare
Vrandtic Visionary's Tools 635 Repeatable Feature QuestA Tool for the Ages
Lodestar Tools 640 Repeatable Feature QuestStand Tool, My Friend

Secondary Tools

Gearset IL Obtained
Chondrite Tools 560 Crafted, level 89 recipes. / NQ from NPC vendors
Pactmaker's Tools 590 Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. (Master Recipes IX)
Perfectionist's Tools 590 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrip Exchange
Indagator's Tools 620 Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X)
Afflatus Tools 620 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrip Exchange


Gearset IL Obtained
AR-Caean Crafting and Gathering Gear 560 Crafted, level 89 recipes. / NQ from NPC vendors
Tradecraft and Fieldcraft Soph Gear 570 Purple Scrip Exchange
Specific sets for each class
Armor only, no accessories.
Pactmaker's Gear 590 Crafted, level 90★★ recipes. (Master Recipes IX)
Armor only, no accessories.
Perfectionist's Armor 590 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrip Exchange
Armor only, no accessories.
Indagator's Gear 620 Crafted, level 90★★★ recipes. (Master Recipes X)
Afflatus Gear 620 Purple Crafters' ScripPurple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Scrip Exchange