Difference between revisions of "The Parting Glass"

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m (Text replacement - "| quest-line = Seventh Astral Era" to "| quest-line = Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests")
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| location-y = 9.6
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| type = main scenario
| type = main scenario
| quest-line = Seventh Astral Era
| quest-line = Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
| level = 50  
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| msq-index = 240
Several cutscenes will play in sequence after talking to the [[Lady-in-waiting|lady-in-waiting]] and entering the [[Nanamo Ul Namo|sultana]]'s bedchamber. Make sure to set aside sufficient time (approximately 45 minutes to an hour) to view these scenes in their entirety.
Several cutscenes will play in sequence after talking to the [[Lady-in-waiting|lady-in-waiting]] and entering the [[Nanamo Ul Namo|sultana]]'s bedchamber. Make sure to set aside sufficient time (approximately 45 minutes to an hour) to view these scenes in their entirety.
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  Momodi: Would you believe that, while you were away, another message arrived for you? Well, one did.
===Accepting the Quest===
  Momodi: One delivered by the sultana's handmaiden, no less. Seems Her Grace desires a private audience.
  '''Momodi:''' Would you believe that, while you were away, another message arrived for you? Well, one did.
  Momodi: Her handmaiden will meet you on the Royal Promenade and escort you to the sultana's chambers.
  '''Momodi:''' One delivered by the sultana's handmaiden, no less. Seems Her Grace desires a private audience.
  '''Momodi:''' Her handmaiden will meet you on the Royal Promenade and escort you to the sultana's chambers.
  ...So what are you waitin' for? Go on, then! Go!
  ...So what are you waitin' for? Go on, then! Go!
Momodi: I don't know about you, but if the sultana summoned ''me'' for a private meetin', I'd be practicin' my curtsy on the Royal Promenade by now! ''OUT''!

  Bartholomew: Greetings, sir/madam. The banquet began mere moments ago, and I would be honored to show you in─but I believe that the sultana's handmaiden has an urgent matter to discuss with you. My apologies, sir/madam.
  '''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' You needn't trouble yourself so.

  Lady-in-waiting: Thank you for coming, sir/madam. Her Grace is most eager to speak with you.
  '''Lady-in-waiting:''' Your Grace is most kind, but is no trouble to me, rather an honor.
  Lady-in-waiting: If you require a moment to compose yourself before your audience, you may have it. Or, if you are ready, it would be my honor to escort you to Her Grace's chambers forthwith.
  '''Lady-in-waiting:''' If Your Grace is ready, I shall summon the Warrior of Light.

  System: Upon proceeding to the sultana's bedchamber, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
  '''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' I am.
System: It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.
Q1: Proceed to the sultana's bedchamber?
A1: Yes
A1: No

  Bremondt/Brendt/Brennan: Them soldiers'll keep searchin' for a while yet. Reckon we'll take the carriage back towards Ul'dah an' get the lay of the land─maybe provide a distraction if need be.
Bremondt/Brendt/Brennan: You three wait here. Help'll be along shortly. Stay strong, friends─the real fight's to come!
  '''Minfilia:''' Everyone looks to be in high spirits.  
Bremondt/Brendt/Brennan: All right, let's go!

  Alphinaud: How could I have been so blind...
  '''Alphinaud:''' With good cause.  

  Pipin: The most unassuming folk can prove to be our greatest allies. That fellow was but a passing merchant, yet he lent us aid without a moment's hesitation─or any hint of concern for his own safety.
  '''Minfilia:''' A common victory may serve to unite even the most unlikely of allies.  
  Pipin: Though I can well imagine how a man could feel inspired to risk all in ''your'' presence.
  '''Minfilia:''' You've brought us one step closer to a united Eorzea.  
Pipin: Father spoke often of you, [Forename], and long have I looked forward to our first meeting. Needless to say...this is not at all how I envisioned it.
Pipin: Master Alphinaud, you must not give in to despair. That would only play into our enemies' hands! So long as you and [Forename] are free, we may still set things right.

  Alphinaud: Forgive me, Marshal Tarupin, but I─
  '''Alphinaud:''' Your modesty knows no bounds, Antecedent.
'''Alphinaud:''' Were it not for your efforts, Ser Aymeric would never have become such a steadfast ally.
'''Alphinaud:''' When he convinces his countrymen to rejoin the Alliance, we shall all reap the benefits─military ''and'' economic.
'''Alphinaud:''' I tell you, we are on the cusp of a new era of unity and prosperity.
'''Alphinaud:''' Territorial disputes are all that divide us now.
'''Alphinaud:''' But I have faith that we will find an amicable solution in time.
'''Alphinaud:''' And failing that, I'll have my trusty Warrior of Light box the ears of all concerned. Speaking of whom...?

  (-???-) Alphinaud, my boy─sorry to keep you waiting!
  '''Minfilia:''' She/he will be joining us shortly. A matter at the Quicksand required her/his attention, but it did not sound serious.

  Alphinaud: Cid? What are you doing here?
====Optional Dialogue====
  '''Momodi:''' I don't know about you, but if the sultana summoned ''me'' for a private meetin', I'd be practicin' my curtsy on the Royal Promenade by now! ''OUT''!

  Cid: Pulling you out of the fire, as usual! Your merchant friend told me everything.
  '''Bartholomew:''' Greetings, sir/madam. The banquet began mere moments ago, and I would be honored to show you in─but I believe that the sultana's handmaiden has an urgent matter to discuss with you. My apologies, sir/madam.

  Pipin: Truly? Then he is no merchant but an angel in peddlers' clothing... But tell us─how do you intend to bear our friends to safety?
===Speaking with the lady-in-waiting on the Royal Promenade===
  '''Lady-in-waiting:''' Thank you for coming, sir/madam. Her Grace is most eager to speak with you.
'''Lady-in-waiting:''' If you require a moment to compose yourself before your audience, you may have it. Or, if you are ready, it would be my honor to escort you to Her Grace's chambers forthwith.

  Cid: I hid the ''Enterprise'' but a short distance away. All I need is a destination.
  '''System:''' Upon proceeding to the sultana's bedchamber, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
'''System:''' It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.
'''<Proceed to the sultana's bedchamber?>'''

  Pipin: We must find a place beyond the reach of both the Monetarists and the Crystal Braves...
  '''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' Enter.  

  Alphinaud: ...Coerthas. Ishgard will not suffer the intrusion of foreign forces in their territory.
  '''Lady-in-waiting:''' Your Grace. Your guest has arrived.  

  Cid: That settles it. With me, everyone!
  '''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' Pray come in, and take your ease.  

  Pipin: Not I, I fear. I must remain here. I dare not abandon Ul'dah to the Monetarists and their cronies.
Pipin: You may be certain that they will seek to defame you, both here and in the other city–states. But know that I shall do my utmost to thwart their every effort.
  '''Merlwyb:''' 'Tis well that the Steps of Faith held against the Horde.  
Pipin: Frankly, I do not expect it to be much of a challenge. The smallfolk will not turn so easily on the Warrior of Light and his/her allies, no matter what the Monetarists claim.

  Alphinaud: Marshal Tarupin, I...I know not what to say.
  '''Kan-E-Senna:''' And what of the city proper?

  Pipin: Hah! Now ''that'' Father would labor to believe! But enough talk─you must go, Master Alphinaud. Your airship awaits!
  '''Aymeric:''' We sustained some few losses, but the heart of our nation yet beats with vigor. I am not certain I could say the same had we not received your most generous aid.  

  Cid: Up, up! There's no rest for the righteous!
  '''Raubahn:''' An attack on Ishgard is an attack on the realm. We stand together or fall divided.

  Alphinaud: We should make for Camp Dragonhead and speak with Lord Haurchefant. Mayhap...mayhap he will know what to do.
  '''Alphinaud:''' Such noble words...after the fact.  
Alphinaud: Lord Haurchefant has agreed to grant us succor. He says that we will be safe here...

  Yaelle: You are among friends here. Pray take your ease and turn your thoughts to better days.
  '''Aymeric:''' I had hoped to speak in the presence of Her Grace, but it seems she has been delayed... That being the case, now would seem as good a time as any...
'''Aymeric:''' Honored friends! Pray allow me to convey Ishgard's warmest gratitude for your part in the defense of our lands.
'''Aymeric:''' 'Tis upon the success of this very alliance that my recommendation to throw open the Gates of Judgement shall be founded. With the blessing of the archbishop, it is my hope that Ishgard will soon be reunited with her long-estranged sister nations─and that Eorzea shall once more be as one!

  Haurchefant: Master Alphinaud told me your tale, [Forename]. It warms my heart that you should turn to me before all others─and I shall endeavor to deserve your trust.
  '''Alphinaud:''' Very well.
  Haurchefant: Alas...the situation here has grown more complicated in your absence. 'Twould be best if I explained in full.
'''Minfilia:''' Is aught amiss?
'''Alphinaud:''' Nothing to worry about. I shall return anon.
'''Alphinaud:''' You wished a word, Yuyuhase?
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' You may go.
'''Lady-in-waiting:''' Your Grace.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' You must be curious as to the reason for this private audience. The matter I would discuss, however, will soon make apparent the need for discretion.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' I intend to abdicate the throne and dissolve the monarchy.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' You have seen for yourself the storm of turmoil that howls through our streets. The government fails in its responsibilities, and my subjects suffer the consequences of our incompetence.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' But I will see them suffer no longer. The victory feast shall provide the stage on which I declare the dissolution of the sultanate.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' 'Tis mine intent that the ruling class of our golden city should take its place beside the common man in a fair and equitable republic. No more shall this nation bow to the whims of a privileged few.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' Yet that which I propose will entail the tearing up of this city's very foundations. And even Raubahn with all his strength and influence will be hard-pressed to keep his footing on such treacherous ground.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' Thus would I ask you to lend him a steadying hand.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' You who have endured the wrath of innumerable foes are the one hero in whom I can place my trust. Will you do this thing for me?
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' I am truly grateful. More grateful than I can well express.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' Much of my dread for the coming days has been quieted...
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' >> Your Grace!? <<
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Her Grace... The sultana is dead.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Poison in her wine...?
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' You! You did this!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' >> Spare us your denials! I see no other suspects, and the room has but the one entrance! <<
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' >> I hereby accuse you of regicide! Men─arrest this viper! <<
'''Alphinaud:''' <gasp>
'''Crystal Brave:''' Sir. Barring a few exceptions, we have detained all those with allegiance to the Scions. The Rising Stones is also under our control.
'''Alphinaud:''' And what do you hope to achieve with this mutiny?
'''Yuyuhase:''' Why, that which we have striven for all along, Commander: the salvation of Eorzea.
'''Raubahn:''' What is the meaning of this?
'''Aymeric: Knights from the homeland? This cannot bode well...
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Lord Commander. We have received an urgent message from the Holy See.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' I am grieved to report that your serpentine foes have resumed their assault. Needless to say, your presence is urgently required. These knights have come to bear you swiftly home to Ishgard.
'''Aymeric:''' ...A surprise attack?
'''Lucia:''' We've had no such word from our men. And the timing is most fortuitous to catch us away from the city...
'''Aymeric:''' Most fortuitous indeed...
'''Ishgardian Knight:''' Lord Commander, we must away!
'''Aymeric:''' You have been a most gracious host. I hope that I might one day return the favor.
'''Aymeric:''' Come, Lucia.
  '''Thancred:''' Whatever is going on in there...?
  '''Thancred:''' Ah, the ever-dutiful Brass Blades. I must apologize, but my dance card is rather full. Another time, perhaps?
'''Brass Blade:''' Thancred of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. You stand accused of committing acts of espionage in service to the Garlean Empire.
  '''Thancred:''' Espionage? What in the seven hells are you talking about?
  '''Thancred:''' Ah. If you're referring to that business with the Ultima Weapon, then you must understand─I-I wasn't myself...
'''Brass Blade:''' Under interrogation, an imperial prisoner revealed your involvement in numerous dealings with the enemy. We've also been investigating reports that you are a practitioner of forbidden arts.
'''Brass Blade:''' You'd best come along with us.
  '''Thancred:''' You invite me to your party and now you want me to leave? I do so detest receiving mixed signals.
  '''Thancred:''' Come, then. I believe I've lost my appetite for this farce of a celebration!
'''Raubahn:''' You go too far, Lord Adeledji! By what right do you march armed soldiers into a royal banquet and eject state visitors without Her Grace's consent!?
'''Raubahn:''' You treat the Brass Blades as your personal army, and show contempt for the throne with your every act. Leave us. Now.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Is that an order, General? Mayhap you have mistaken me for one of your Flames? You will find I am not so slavishly obedient. And you lecture me on personal armies!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' As for your ''outrageous'' claim that ''I'' have shown contempt for the throne, let all here observe that it was not I who feasted while an assassin removed its occupant!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' I expect this is your idea of defending the nation, is it? This and diluting our forces through these distractions in Carteneau and Coerthas!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' I do begin to see how the ranks of the Immortal Flames came to be riddled with Garlean sympathizers! You are plainly unfit for command!
'''Raubahn:''' Wait... Wait, gods damn you! Your words make no sense. What assassin?
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' You mean to say you don't know!? We caught the vaunted champion of the Scions in Her Grace's private chambers not moments after the deed was done!
'''Minfilia:''' No─ No, this cannot be!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Save your breath. You will need it to plead your case. You and your entire order are to be tried for this atrocity.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Bring in the prisoner!
'''Ilberd:''' This woman/man stands accused of poisoning Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo. And as suspected accessories to the crime, all members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn will be detained for questioning!
'''Minfilia:''' This is madness!
'''Ilberd:''' What a pity... Who'd have thought your tale would end like this?
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Should you demand further proof, a vial with traces of the substance used to poison Her Grace was found upon the assassin's person.
'''Y'shtola:''' How very convenient.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' You would speak of convenience?
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Who persuaded Her Grace to host this celebration? A diversion which presented you and your confederates ample opportunity to commit the crime, and a crowd within which to fade from view! A more “convenient” occasion I could scarcely imagine!
'''Minfilia:''' How dare you! After all we have done for Ul'dah!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Hold your tongue, witch! I'll not be ensorcelled! I know all about the dark gift that you and your disciples wield!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Oh, yes...I've observed how you worked upon the minds of the Alliance leaders, bending them to your will!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' And what of your ''cordial'' relationship with Ser Aymeric? For years, Ishgard abjured all contact with the outside world, and now the lord commander of the Temple Knights treats you with the familiarity of a childhood friend!
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' I'll tell you what I think─I think this desperate defense of Ishgard was but a ruse to deceive us into dividing our forces.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Your next move will be to charm your Coerthan allies into invading our lands!
'''Papalymo:''' Now that is truly ridiculous.
'''Yda:''' How do you even think of this stuff!?
'''Raubahn:''' She... She cannot be dead...
'''Raubahn:''' >> Stand aside, Ilberd! I want to see the sultana! <<
'''Ilberd:''' Spare yourself the pain, brother. I saw her with my own eyes.   
'''Ilberd:''' For a mercy, the poison took her swiftly─her handmaiden can attest to that.
'''Raubahn:''' This cannot be...
'''Raubahn:''' >> Nanamo... Nanamo... NOOOOOO!!! <<
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' Plainly, the Royalists can no longer be relied upon to keep our nation safe. And so it falls to the Monetarists of the Syndicate to govern Ul'dah. But should you wish to help us, General, we would be more than happy to entrust the task of planning Her Grace's funeral to you.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' It seems only right that you should bury your precious sultana, and we will be glad to be rid of that burden.
'''Raubahn:''' I'll bet you will. You more than any man.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' ...Whatever do you mean?
'''Raubahn:''' >> I mean you had her killed, you black-hearted bastard! <<
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' What rot! ...Though I did have sufficient motive, 'tis true. That young lady caused me no end of grief.
'''Teledji Adeledji:''' She always was a most unwilling puppet. I daresay Her Grace was grateful that someone thought to cut her strings.
'''Raubahn:''' >> You would mock her? THEN MOCK HER FROM HELL! <<
'''Lolorito:''' Have you lost your mind, General!? It is forbidden to draw steel in the royal chambers, much less slaughter our fellow Syndicate members!
'''Lolorito:''' ...You're one of them! You've been in league with the Scions all along!
'''Raubahn:''' >> YOU! You're next, you scheming bastard! <<
'''Kan-E-Senna:''' Raubahn!
'''Merlwyb:''' Seven hells!
'''Maelstrom Soldier:''' Admiral, we must leave!
'''Merlwyb:''' Rrrgh!
'''Ilberd:''' How unlike you, old friend. I did not expect to take your arm so easily.
'''Lolorito:''' Take the Scions into custody! They have conspired to commit regicide!
'''Lolorito:''' And arrest this traitor as well!
'''Raubahn:''' Ilberd! I hope you choke on their coin!
'''Ilberd:''' 'Tis better than the dirt I've supped on these long years. We can't all abandon Ala Mhigo and become great war heroes as you have.
'''Ilberd:''' You are not the man you once were, Raubahn. Since that girl strapped the yoke around your neck, you've become docile.
'''Ilberd:''' She took the mad bull and cut off his balls. And a bull that cannot rut is fit for naught but slaughter.
'''Ilberd:''' Shall I tell you who really killed your precious sultana?
'''Ilberd:''' ...It was me.
'''Raubahn:''' You...You'll die!
'''Raubahn:''' I never doubted you. Not for a moment. But there is more to this than I yet understand.
'''Raubahn:''' Flee this place. Clear your names.
'''Raubahn:''' Find out who is behind this plot! It is the only way! Now go!
'''Thancred:''' Ah, there you are!
'''Y'shtola:''' Thancred! Where have you been?
'''Thancred:''' Avoiding the fumbling advances of some very persistent admirers.
'''Thancred:''' When I realized the celebrations had turned sour, it seemed prudent to slip away and take stock of the situation.
'''Thancred:''' 'Twould appear that much of the city is already under tight guard. It occurs to me that expanding the Brass Blades' authority may not have been such a wonderful idea after all...
'''Papalymo:''' The success of this plan was contingent upon those thugs having the run of the place. Just how long has this scheme been in motion?
'''Y'shtola:''' The careful preparations, the maneuvering of forces... I am inclined to agree with the General's insistence that a deeper plot exists here.
'''Yda:''' So...would I be right in thinking we now have an excuse to pummel as many Brass Blades as we like?
'''Papalymo:''' Unless you plan on pummeling them all, I'm not sure that will greatly aid our cause.
'''Minfilia:''' The sultana's assassination was but one part of the scheme. We too were its targets. And though we did not share poor Nanamo's fate, we are yet hobbled by the charges laid at our door. Where now might we seek refuge?
'''Papalymo:''' Where indeed. We may safely assume that our foe has thought to have the Rising Stones watched.
'''Thancred:''' Forgive me for stating the obvious, but our choice of destination will matter little if we cannot secure an escape route out of Ul'dah.
'''Thancred:''' Happily, I believe I can provide one. Papashan once told me about the passages hidden in the walls of the palace. If I recall correctly, the fireplace in Nanamo's chambers conceals the entrance to a tunnel.
'''Thancred:''' It should lead outside the city, and allow us to avoid any messy confrontations.
'''Yda:''' The rest of you go on ahead. I'll handle this lot!
'''Papalymo:''' By yourself!?
'''Papalymo:''' ...I suppose I shall just have to join you.
'''Yda:''' Crystal Braves, too, huh? Now ''this'' should be interesting!
'''Minfilia:''' Yda! Papalymo!
'''Papalymo:''' We will hold our pursuers here. Hurry, now! Find this tunnel of Thancred's!
'''Thancred:''' Minfilia! We cannot linger!
'''Yda:''' Ow! Now look what you've done!
'''Papalymo:''' Yda, are you all right!? There are just too many of them...
'''Yda:''' I'm fine! I could do this all day! How about you?
'''Papalymo:''' ...Nearing the end of my tether.
'''Yda:''' This is so ''stupid''! We're the Scions of the Seventh Dawn! The ones who stand between this realm and the evil that's trying to destroy it!
'''Papalymo:''' And if you think we'll leave the stewardship of Eorzea to the likes of your masters, then you're sorely mistaken!
'''Yda:''' Sorry I dragged you into this, Papalymo...
'''Papalymo:''' Hah, 'tis hardly the first time. And I'll be damned if it will be the last.
'''Papalymo:''' >> Let them have it, Yda! <<
'''Yda:''' >> I was hoping you'd say that! <<
'''Minfilia:''' I never knew such a watercourse existed beneath Ul'dah.
'''Y'shtola:''' The architecture is of the Sil'dihn style, if I am not mistaken. The ancients plainly foresaw the need for a ready means of escape.
'''???:''' This way!
'''Thancred:''' Well, that didn't take long. It seems these tunnels were not as secret as I had hoped.
'''Y'shtola:''' You two go on ahead. Thancred and I will deal with this.
'''Minfilia:''' Wh-What do you mean to do!?
'''Y'shtola:''' Only that which is required to ensure that the dawn's light survive to brighten the morrow.
'''Thancred:''' Fear not, Antecedent. You haven't seen the last of these fair features.
'''Minfilia:''' My friends...
'''Y'shtola:''' Leave us!
'''Thancred:''' What is the plan, milady? Shall I take the dozen on the left, and you the dozen on the right? The odds are not exactly stacked in our favor...
'''Y'shtola:''' Numbers will count for little when I bring the tunnel down upon their heads. Though I cannot say I relish the thought of being entombed with you for all eternity.
'''Thancred:''' You wound me! I will have you know that many a maid would ''kill'' for the chance to spend forever at my side! Now, may I have the last dance?
'''Thancred:''' Well, this is going splendidly... Now would be a good time, milady!
'''Y'shtola:''' 'Tis done!
'''Y'shtola:''' Forgive me, Mhitra...
'''Thancred:''' Farewell, Minfilia...
'''Minfilia:''' Hydaelyn... She speaks to me.
'''Minfilia:''' No!
'''Minfilia:''' I must remain behind...but you cannot stay with me.
'''Minfilia:''' Please, you must go on! You are the Warrior of Light! You are ''hope''─for the Scions, and for all the realm!
'''Minfilia:''' As long as your flame continues to burn, the light of the dawn may ever be relit!
'''Minfilia:''' You must escape, and save Eorzea from those who would plunge it into darkness!
'''Minfilia:''' 'Tis the only way...
'''Alphinaud:''' I am glad to see you safe, my friend! What of the others?
'''Alphinaud:''' Damn that man!
'''Alphinaud:''' Teledji played me for a fool! I thought the Crystal Braves mine till the very moment I felt the blade at my back...
'''???:''' There will be ample time for soul-searching later. For now, we must put some malms between us and Ul'dah.
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' Well, would you look who it is! Need a ride? I doubt it'll be half as excitin' as the last trip we took─not if I have anythin' to say about it, anyway!
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' Let's not dawdle, eh? All aboard!
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' I was stockin' up on supplies over in Vesper Bay, you see, when your sister come up an' begged a favor. Said her brother was havin' some trouble down in Ul'dah, an' likely needed a helpin' hand gettin' away.
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' Thinkin' them ruins would make a fine hidin' place, I decided to try there first...an' lo an' behold, there you were.
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' Aye, an' judgin' by them soldiers as were pourin' out of the city, I arrived not a moment too soon...
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' Must've been fate that we happened to find ''you'' there though, eh?
'''Alphinaud:''' I had thought to look out for Alisaie, but 'twould appear she was the one watching over me. I've made such a mess of things...
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' An' who might you be, young sir?
'''Pipin:''' Pipin Tarupin, Vice Marshal of the Immortal Flames.
'''Pipin:''' I had been on the Ala Mhigan front these past few moons, but an urgent communication called me back to Ul'dah.
'''Pipin:''' Scarce had my boots touched the cobbles, though, when the streets erupted with cries of assassination. I immediately went in search of answers, and came across Master Alphinaud here. Needless to say, I did not think his imprisonment justified.
'''Pipin:''' The blame plainly lies with the Monetarists. Their greed and corruption are well known to me, but for them to take advantage of the situation with such alacrity...
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' ...Was that “Pipin,” you said? Ain't that the name of General Aldynn's lad?
'''Pipin:''' Yes, I am his son. Adopted, of course. 'Twas only as we were leaving Ul'dah that I learned of Father's fate.
'''Pipin:''' Once I have seen you a safe distance away, I mean to return to the city and extricate him from this madness.
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' Then you needn't travel no further than Black Brush─our fugitives have a friend waitin' for 'em there.
'''Alphinaud:''' I dreamed of bringing about Eorzea's salvation, but in the end...
'''Alphinaud:''' 'Twas I who needed saving.
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' Them soldiers'll keep searchin' for a while yet. Reckon we'll take the carriage back towards Ul'dah an' get the lay of the land─maybe provide a distraction if need be.
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' You three wait here. Help'll be along shortly. Stay strong, friends─the real fight's to come!
'''Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt:''' All right, let's go!
====Optional Dialogue====
'''Alphinaud:''' How could I have been so blind...
===Speaking with Pipin (Cutscene)===
'''Pipin:''' The most unassuming folk can prove to be our greatest allies. That fellow was but a passing merchant, yet he lent us aid without a moment's hesitation─or any hint of concern for his own safety.
'''Pipin:''' Though I can well imagine how a man could feel inspired to risk all in ''your'' presence.
'''Pipin:''' Father spoke often of you, [Forename], and long have I looked forward to our first meeting. Needless to say...this is not at all how I envisioned it.
'''Pipin:''' Master Alphinaud, you must not give in to despair. That would only play into our enemies' hands! So long as you and [Forename] are free, we may still set things right.
'''Alphinaud:''' Forgive me, Marshal Tarupin, but I─
'''???:''' >> Alphinaud, my boy─sorry to keep you waiting! <<
'''Alphinaud:''' Cid? What are you doing here?
'''Cid:''' Pulling you out of the fire, as usual! Your merchant friend told me everything.
'''Pipin:''' Truly? Then he is no merchant but an angel in peddlers' clothing... But tell us─how do you intend to bear our friends to safety?
'''Cid:''' I hid the ''Enterprise'' but a short distance away. All I need is a destination.
'''Pipin:''' We must find a place beyond the reach of both the Monetarists and the Crystal Braves...
'''Alphinaud:''' ...Coerthas. Ishgard will not suffer the intrusion of foreign forces in their territory.
'''Cid:''' That settles it. With me, everyone!
'''Pipin:''' Not I, I fear. I must remain here. I dare not abandon Ul'dah to the Monetarists and their cronies.
'''Pipin:''' You may be certain that they will seek to defame you, both here and in the other city–states. But know that I shall do my utmost to thwart their every effort.
'''Pipin:''' Frankly, I do not expect it to be much of a challenge. The smallfolk will not turn so easily on the Warrior of Light and his/her allies, no matter what the Monetarists claim.
'''Alphinaud:''' Marshal Tarupin, I...I know not what to say.
'''Pipin:''' Hah! Now ''that'' Father would labor to believe! But enough talk─you must go, Master Alphinaud. Your airship awaits!
'''Cid:''' Up, up! There's no rest for the righteous!
'''Alphinaud:''' We should make for Camp Dragonhead and speak with Lord Haurchefant. Mayhap...mayhap he will know what to do.
====Optional Dialogue====
'''Alphinaud:''' Lord Haurchefant has agreed to grant us succor. He says that we will be safe here...
'''Yaelle:''' You are among friends here. Pray take your ease and turn your thoughts to better days.
===Speaking with Haurchefant at Camp Dragonhead===
'''Haurchefant:''' Master Alphinaud told me your tale, [Forename]. It warms my heart that you should turn to me before all others─and I shall endeavor to deserve your trust.
  '''Haurchefant:''' Alas...the situation here has grown more complicated in your absence. 'Twould be best if I explained in full.

Latest revision as of 02:54, 28 April 2024

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

The Parting Glass

The Parting Glass Image.png
Quest giver
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:11.6, Y:9.6)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 2,340
Gil 1,502
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestCome, but Not Gone
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestBefore the Dawn

Main Scenario Progress: 240 / 960 (25%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 240 / 241 (99.6%)


Judging by Momodi's grin, your star could not rise any higher.

— In-game description


Several cutscenes will play in sequence after talking to the lady-in-waiting and entering the sultana's bedchamber. Make sure to set aside sufficient time (approximately 45 minutes to an hour) to view these scenes in their entirety.



  • Judging by Momodi's grin, your star could not rise any higher.
  • In private, the sultana reveals to you her intent to abdicate the throne and establish a fair and equitable republic. However, she is not so naive as to think that the transition will be without difficulty, which is why she asks that you support Raubahn however you can in the days ahead. You agree, and see relief wash over Nanamo's face...only to be replaced with confusion and terror as her body is racked by convulsions. Time seems to slow down as she falls to the floor and lies motionless, and as you rise to your feet to aid her, Teledji Adeledji and a contingent of Brass Blades burst into the room. The scene thus set, Teledji proclaims to all and sundry that Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo has been murdered with poison─and that you, the Warrior of Light, are the man/woman responsible.
Captain Ilberd of the Crystal Braves delivers you bound into the Fragrant Chamber and declares that you stand accused of regicide. Your bewildered allies vehemently deny Teledji's claims, but the Syndicate member counters their protestations with accusations that they too had a hand in the assassination. Ludicrous as it sounds, you see fear and doubt spreading across every face in the room─save for that of Raubahn Aldynn, a man foundering in a sea of disbelief and despair. Yet it is not words of comfort which serve to bring him back to shore, but Teledji Adeledji's unconcealed glee at ridding himself of the sultana once and for all. Unable to resist, he goads the Bull of Ala Mhigo into action, and is cleft in twain for his troubles, never to mock Nanamo again.
Lost to fury, Raubahn then advances upon Lolorito─only to be taken unawares by Ilberd, who severs his arm with a single practiced stroke. His true colors thus revealed, he delights in tormenting his rival in Teledji's stead, going so far as to claim credit for Nanamo's murder. His rage rekindled, the General rises to his feet, and in the ensuing struggle succeeds in freeing you from your bonds. As he and Ilberd eye each other from across the room, Raubahn bids you and the Scions escape─to clear your names and see justice done─before preparing to cross swords with the man he once called brother.
Bereft of allies and branded fugitives, you and your fellow Scions flee the scene, with a legion of Braves and Blades in hot pursuit. But it soon becomes plain that they are not to be outrun. One by one, your comrades choose to remain and hold back the tide of pursuers, until at last, when you emerge from the Sil'dihn ruins, you find yourself alone. For a mercy, you are soon reunited with Alphinaud, at least, as well as an unexpected friend: Bremondt/Brendt/Brennan, the peddler whom you met when traveling to Gridania/Ul'dah/Limsa long ago. Together with Pipin Tarupin─Vice Marshal of the Immortal Flames, and Raubahn's adopted son─you flee to Black Brush, where Bremondt/Brendt/Brennan asks you to wait until help arrives.
  • Your promised help turns out to be none other than Cid Garlond, who is prepared to spirit you away from Thanalan aboard the Enterprise. But where will you go? Somewhere beyond the reach of the Monetarists and the Crystal Braves both, Pipin offers, prompting Alphinaud to conclude that Coerthas is your best choice. And so you part ways with the young vice marshal, who swears to do what he can to clear your names, and climb aboard the Enterprise. After what seems a short journey, you disembark near Camp Dragonhead, where a downcast Alphinaud proposes you seek Lord Haurchefant's counsel.
  • You receive a customarily warm welcome from Lord Haurchefant, who has already had the particulars of your tale from Alphinaud. Though plainly sympathetic to your plight, it would seem that he has a tale of his own to tell...


Accepting the Quest

Momodi: Would you believe that, while you were away, another message arrived for you? Well, one did.
Momodi: One delivered by the sultana's handmaiden, no less. Seems Her Grace desires a private audience.
Momodi: Her handmaiden will meet you on the Royal Promenade and escort you to the sultana's chambers.
...So what are you waitin' for? Go on, then! Go!


Nanamo Ul Namo: You needn't trouble yourself so.
Lady-in-waiting: Your Grace is most kind, but is no trouble to me, rather an honor.
Lady-in-waiting: If Your Grace is ready, I shall summon the Warrior of Light.
Nanamo Ul Namo: I am.


Minfilia: Everyone looks to be in high spirits. 
Alphinaud: With good cause. 
Minfilia: A common victory may serve to unite even the most unlikely of allies. 
Minfilia: You've brought us one step closer to a united Eorzea. 
Alphinaud: Your modesty knows no bounds, Antecedent. 
Alphinaud: Were it not for your efforts, Ser Aymeric would never have become such a steadfast ally. 
Alphinaud: When he convinces his countrymen to rejoin the Alliance, we shall all reap the benefits─military and economic. 
Alphinaud: I tell you, we are on the cusp of a new era of unity and prosperity. 
Alphinaud: Territorial disputes are all that divide us now. 
Alphinaud: But I have faith that we will find an amicable solution in time. 
Alphinaud: And failing that, I'll have my trusty Warrior of Light box the ears of all concerned. Speaking of whom...? 
Minfilia: She/he will be joining us shortly. A matter at the Quicksand required her/his attention, but it did not sound serious. 

Optional Dialogue

Momodi: I don't know about you, but if the sultana summoned me for a private meetin', I'd be practicin' my curtsy on the Royal Promenade by now! OUT!
Bartholomew: Greetings, sir/madam. The banquet began mere moments ago, and I would be honored to show you in─but I believe that the sultana's handmaiden has an urgent matter to discuss with you. My apologies, sir/madam.

Speaking with the lady-in-waiting on the Royal Promenade

Lady-in-waiting: Thank you for coming, sir/madam. Her Grace is most eager to speak with you.
Lady-in-waiting: If you require a moment to compose yourself before your audience, you may have it. Or, if you are ready, it would be my honor to escort you to Her Grace's chambers forthwith.
System: Upon proceeding to the sultana's bedchamber, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
System: It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.
<Proceed to the sultana's bedchamber?>


Nanamo Ul Namo: Enter. 
Lady-in-waiting: Your Grace. Your guest has arrived. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Pray come in, and take your ease. 


Merlwyb: 'Tis well that the Steps of Faith held against the Horde. 
Kan-E-Senna: And what of the city proper? 
Aymeric: We sustained some few losses, but the heart of our nation yet beats with vigor. I am not certain I could say the same had we not received your most generous aid. 
Raubahn: An attack on Ishgard is an attack on the realm. We stand together or fall divided. 
Alphinaud: Such noble words...after the fact. 
Aymeric: I had hoped to speak in the presence of Her Grace, but it seems she has been delayed... That being the case, now would seem as good a time as any... 
Aymeric: Honored friends! Pray allow me to convey Ishgard's warmest gratitude for your part in the defense of our lands. 
Aymeric: 'Tis upon the success of this very alliance that my recommendation to throw open the Gates of Judgement shall be founded. With the blessing of the archbishop, it is my hope that Ishgard will soon be reunited with her long-estranged sister nations─and that Eorzea shall once more be as one! 
Alphinaud: Very well. 
Minfilia: Is aught amiss? 
Alphinaud: Nothing to worry about. I shall return anon. 


Alphinaud: You wished a word, Yuyuhase?


Nanamo Ul Namo: You may go. 
Lady-in-waiting: Your Grace. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: You must be curious as to the reason for this private audience. The matter I would discuss, however, will soon make apparent the need for discretion. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: I intend to abdicate the throne and dissolve the monarchy. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: You have seen for yourself the storm of turmoil that howls through our streets. The government fails in its responsibilities, and my subjects suffer the consequences of our incompetence. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: But I will see them suffer no longer. The victory feast shall provide the stage on which I declare the dissolution of the sultanate. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: 'Tis mine intent that the ruling class of our golden city should take its place beside the common man in a fair and equitable republic. No more shall this nation bow to the whims of a privileged few. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Yet that which I propose will entail the tearing up of this city's very foundations. And even Raubahn with all his strength and influence will be hard-pressed to keep his footing on such treacherous ground. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Thus would I ask you to lend him a steadying hand. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: You who have endured the wrath of innumerable foes are the one hero in whom I can place my trust. Will you do this thing for me? 
Nanamo Ul Namo: I am truly grateful. More grateful than I can well express. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Much of my dread for the coming days has been quieted... 
Teledji Adeledji: >> Your Grace!? <<
Teledji Adeledji: Her Grace... The sultana is dead. 
Teledji Adeledji: Poison in her wine...? 
Teledji Adeledji: You! You did this! 
Teledji Adeledji: >> Spare us your denials! I see no other suspects, and the room has but the one entrance! <<
Teledji Adeledji: >> I hereby accuse you of regicide! Men─arrest this viper! << 


Alphinaud: <gasp> 
Crystal Brave: Sir. Barring a few exceptions, we have detained all those with allegiance to the Scions. The Rising Stones is also under our control. 
Alphinaud: And what do you hope to achieve with this mutiny? 
Yuyuhase: Why, that which we have striven for all along, Commander: the salvation of Eorzea. 


Raubahn: What is the meaning of this? 
Aymeric: Knights from the homeland? This cannot bode well... 
Teledji Adeledji: Lord Commander. We have received an urgent message from the Holy See. 
Teledji Adeledji: I am grieved to report that your serpentine foes have resumed their assault. Needless to say, your presence is urgently required. These knights have come to bear you swiftly home to Ishgard. 
Aymeric: ...A surprise attack? 
Lucia: We've had no such word from our men. And the timing is most fortuitous to catch us away from the city... 
Aymeric: Most fortuitous indeed... 
Ishgardian Knight: Lord Commander, we must away! 
Aymeric: You have been a most gracious host. I hope that I might one day return the favor. 
Aymeric: Come, Lucia.


 Thancred: Whatever is going on in there...? 
 Thancred: Ah, the ever-dutiful Brass Blades. I must apologize, but my dance card is rather full. Another time, perhaps? 
Brass Blade: Thancred of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. You stand accused of committing acts of espionage in service to the Garlean Empire. 
 Thancred: Espionage? What in the seven hells are you talking about? 
 Thancred: Ah. If you're referring to that business with the Ultima Weapon, then you must understand─I-I wasn't myself... 
Brass Blade: Under interrogation, an imperial prisoner revealed your involvement in numerous dealings with the enemy. We've also been investigating reports that you are a practitioner of forbidden arts. 
Brass Blade: You'd best come along with us. 
 Thancred: You invite me to your party and now you want me to leave? I do so detest receiving mixed signals. 
 Thancred: Come, then. I believe I've lost my appetite for this farce of a celebration! 


Raubahn: You go too far, Lord Adeledji! By what right do you march armed soldiers into a royal banquet and eject state visitors without Her Grace's consent!? 
Raubahn: You treat the Brass Blades as your personal army, and show contempt for the throne with your every act. Leave us. Now. 
Teledji Adeledji: Is that an order, General? Mayhap you have mistaken me for one of your Flames? You will find I am not so slavishly obedient. And you lecture me on personal armies! 
Teledji Adeledji: As for your outrageous claim that I have shown contempt for the throne, let all here observe that it was not I who feasted while an assassin removed its occupant! 
Teledji Adeledji: I expect this is your idea of defending the nation, is it? This and diluting our forces through these distractions in Carteneau and Coerthas! 
Teledji Adeledji: I do begin to see how the ranks of the Immortal Flames came to be riddled with Garlean sympathizers! You are plainly unfit for command! 
Raubahn: Wait... Wait, gods damn you! Your words make no sense. What assassin? 
Teledji Adeledji: You mean to say you don't know!? We caught the vaunted champion of the Scions in Her Grace's private chambers not moments after the deed was done! 
Minfilia: No─ No, this cannot be! 
Teledji Adeledji: Save your breath. You will need it to plead your case. You and your entire order are to be tried for this atrocity. 
Teledji Adeledji: Bring in the prisoner! 


Ilberd: This woman/man stands accused of poisoning Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo. And as suspected accessories to the crime, all members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn will be detained for questioning! 
Minfilia: This is madness! 
Ilberd: What a pity... Who'd have thought your tale would end like this? 
Teledji Adeledji: Should you demand further proof, a vial with traces of the substance used to poison Her Grace was found upon the assassin's person. 
Y'shtola: How very convenient. 
Teledji Adeledji: You would speak of convenience? 
Teledji Adeledji: Who persuaded Her Grace to host this celebration? A diversion which presented you and your confederates ample opportunity to commit the crime, and a crowd within which to fade from view! A more “convenient” occasion I could scarcely imagine! 
Minfilia: How dare you! After all we have done for Ul'dah! 
Teledji Adeledji: Hold your tongue, witch! I'll not be ensorcelled! I know all about the dark gift that you and your disciples wield! 
Teledji Adeledji: Oh, yes...I've observed how you worked upon the minds of the Alliance leaders, bending them to your will! 
Teledji Adeledji: And what of your cordial relationship with Ser Aymeric? For years, Ishgard abjured all contact with the outside world, and now the lord commander of the Temple Knights treats you with the familiarity of a childhood friend! 
Teledji Adeledji: I'll tell you what I think─I think this desperate defense of Ishgard was but a ruse to deceive us into dividing our forces. 
Teledji Adeledji: Your next move will be to charm your Coerthan allies into invading our lands! 
Papalymo: Now that is truly ridiculous. 
Yda: How do you even think of this stuff!? 
Raubahn: She... She cannot be dead... 
Raubahn: >> Stand aside, Ilberd! I want to see the sultana! <<
Ilberd: Spare yourself the pain, brother. I saw her with my own eyes.    
Ilberd: For a mercy, the poison took her swiftly─her handmaiden can attest to that. 
Raubahn: This cannot be... 
Raubahn: >> Nanamo... Nanamo... NOOOOOO!!! <<


Teledji Adeledji: Plainly, the Royalists can no longer be relied upon to keep our nation safe. And so it falls to the Monetarists of the Syndicate to govern Ul'dah. But should you wish to help us, General, we would be more than happy to entrust the task of planning Her Grace's funeral to you. 
Teledji Adeledji: It seems only right that you should bury your precious sultana, and we will be glad to be rid of that burden. 
Raubahn: I'll bet you will. You more than any man. 
Teledji Adeledji: ...Whatever do you mean? 
Raubahn: >> I mean you had her killed, you black-hearted bastard! <<
Teledji Adeledji: What rot! ...Though I did have sufficient motive, 'tis true. That young lady caused me no end of grief. 
Teledji Adeledji: She always was a most unwilling puppet. I daresay Her Grace was grateful that someone thought to cut her strings. 
Raubahn: >> You would mock her? THEN MOCK HER FROM HELL! <<
Lolorito: Have you lost your mind, General!? It is forbidden to draw steel in the royal chambers, much less slaughter our fellow Syndicate members! 
Lolorito: ...You're one of them! You've been in league with the Scions all along! 
Raubahn: >> YOU! You're next, you scheming bastard! <<
Kan-E-Senna: Raubahn! 
Merlwyb: Seven hells! 
Maelstrom Soldier: Admiral, we must leave! 
Merlwyb: Rrrgh! 


Ilberd: How unlike you, old friend. I did not expect to take your arm so easily. 
Lolorito: Take the Scions into custody! They have conspired to commit regicide! 
Lolorito: And arrest this traitor as well! 
Raubahn: Ilberd! I hope you choke on their coin! 
Ilberd: 'Tis better than the dirt I've supped on these long years. We can't all abandon Ala Mhigo and become great war heroes as you have. 
Ilberd: You are not the man you once were, Raubahn. Since that girl strapped the yoke around your neck, you've become docile. 
Ilberd: She took the mad bull and cut off his balls. And a bull that cannot rut is fit for naught but slaughter. 
Ilberd: Shall I tell you who really killed your precious sultana? 
Ilberd: ...It was me. 
Raubahn: You...You'll die! 
Raubahn: I never doubted you. Not for a moment. But there is more to this than I yet understand. 
Raubahn: Flee this place. Clear your names. 
Raubahn: Find out who is behind this plot! It is the only way! Now go! 


Thancred: Ah, there you are! 
Y'shtola: Thancred! Where have you been? 
Thancred: Avoiding the fumbling advances of some very persistent admirers. 
Thancred: When I realized the celebrations had turned sour, it seemed prudent to slip away and take stock of the situation. 
Thancred: 'Twould appear that much of the city is already under tight guard. It occurs to me that expanding the Brass Blades' authority may not have been such a wonderful idea after all... 
Papalymo: The success of this plan was contingent upon those thugs having the run of the place. Just how long has this scheme been in motion? 
Y'shtola: The careful preparations, the maneuvering of forces... I am inclined to agree with the General's insistence that a deeper plot exists here. 
Yda: So...would I be right in thinking we now have an excuse to pummel as many Brass Blades as we like? 
Papalymo: Unless you plan on pummeling them all, I'm not sure that will greatly aid our cause. 
Minfilia: The sultana's assassination was but one part of the scheme. We too were its targets. And though we did not share poor Nanamo's fate, we are yet hobbled by the charges laid at our door. Where now might we seek refuge? 
Papalymo: Where indeed. We may safely assume that our foe has thought to have the Rising Stones watched. 
Thancred: Forgive me for stating the obvious, but our choice of destination will matter little if we cannot secure an escape route out of Ul'dah. 
Thancred: Happily, I believe I can provide one. Papashan once told me about the passages hidden in the walls of the palace. If I recall correctly, the fireplace in Nanamo's chambers conceals the entrance to a tunnel. 
Thancred: It should lead outside the city, and allow us to avoid any messy confrontations. 
Yda: The rest of you go on ahead. I'll handle this lot! 
Papalymo: By yourself!? 
Papalymo: ...I suppose I shall just have to join you. 
Yda: Crystal Braves, too, huh? Now this should be interesting! 
Minfilia: Yda! Papalymo! 
Papalymo: We will hold our pursuers here. Hurry, now! Find this tunnel of Thancred's! 
Thancred: Minfilia! We cannot linger! 


Yda: Ow! Now look what you've done! 
Papalymo: Yda, are you all right!? There are just too many of them... 
Yda: I'm fine! I could do this all day! How about you? 
Papalymo: ...Nearing the end of my tether. 
Yda: This is so stupid! We're the Scions of the Seventh Dawn! The ones who stand between this realm and the evil that's trying to destroy it! 
Papalymo: And if you think we'll leave the stewardship of Eorzea to the likes of your masters, then you're sorely mistaken! 
Yda: Sorry I dragged you into this, Papalymo... 
Papalymo: Hah, 'tis hardly the first time. And I'll be damned if it will be the last. 
Papalymo: >> Let them have it, Yda! <<
Yda: >> I was hoping you'd say that! <<


Minfilia: I never knew such a watercourse existed beneath Ul'dah. 
Y'shtola: The architecture is of the Sil'dihn style, if I am not mistaken. The ancients plainly foresaw the need for a ready means of escape. 
???: This way! 
Thancred: Well, that didn't take long. It seems these tunnels were not as secret as I had hoped. 
Y'shtola: You two go on ahead. Thancred and I will deal with this. 
Minfilia: Wh-What do you mean to do!? 
Y'shtola: Only that which is required to ensure that the dawn's light survive to brighten the morrow. 
Thancred: Fear not, Antecedent. You haven't seen the last of these fair features. 
Minfilia: My friends... 
Y'shtola: Leave us! 
Thancred: What is the plan, milady? Shall I take the dozen on the left, and you the dozen on the right? The odds are not exactly stacked in our favor... 
Y'shtola: Numbers will count for little when I bring the tunnel down upon their heads. Though I cannot say I relish the thought of being entombed with you for all eternity. 
Thancred: You wound me! I will have you know that many a maid would kill for the chance to spend forever at my side! Now, may I have the last dance? 
Thancred: Well, this is going splendidly... Now would be a good time, milady! 
Y'shtola: 'Tis done! 
Y'shtola: Forgive me, Mhitra... 
Thancred: Farewell, Minfilia... 


Minfilia: Hydaelyn... She speaks to me. 
Minfilia: No! 
Minfilia: I must remain behind...but you cannot stay with me. 
Minfilia: Please, you must go on! You are the Warrior of Light! You are hope─for the Scions, and for all the realm! 
Minfilia: As long as your flame continues to burn, the light of the dawn may ever be relit! 
Minfilia: You must escape, and save Eorzea from those who would plunge it into darkness! 
Minfilia: 'Tis the only way... 


Alphinaud: I am glad to see you safe, my friend! What of the others? 
Alphinaud: Damn that man! 
Alphinaud: Teledji played me for a fool! I thought the Crystal Braves mine till the very moment I felt the blade at my back... 
???: There will be ample time for soul-searching later. For now, we must put some malms between us and Ul'dah. 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: Well, would you look who it is! Need a ride? I doubt it'll be half as excitin' as the last trip we took─not if I have anythin' to say about it, anyway! 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: Let's not dawdle, eh? All aboard! 


Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: I was stockin' up on supplies over in Vesper Bay, you see, when your sister come up an' begged a favor. Said her brother was havin' some trouble down in Ul'dah, an' likely needed a helpin' hand gettin' away. 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: Thinkin' them ruins would make a fine hidin' place, I decided to try there first...an' lo an' behold, there you were. 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: Aye, an' judgin' by them soldiers as were pourin' out of the city, I arrived not a moment too soon... 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: Must've been fate that we happened to find you there though, eh? 
Alphinaud: I had thought to look out for Alisaie, but 'twould appear she was the one watching over me. I've made such a mess of things... 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: An' who might you be, young sir? 
Pipin: Pipin Tarupin, Vice Marshal of the Immortal Flames. 
Pipin: I had been on the Ala Mhigan front these past few moons, but an urgent communication called me back to Ul'dah. 
Pipin: Scarce had my boots touched the cobbles, though, when the streets erupted with cries of assassination. I immediately went in search of answers, and came across Master Alphinaud here. Needless to say, I did not think his imprisonment justified. 
Pipin: The blame plainly lies with the Monetarists. Their greed and corruption are well known to me, but for them to take advantage of the situation with such alacrity... 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: ...Was that “Pipin,” you said? Ain't that the name of General Aldynn's lad? 
Pipin: Yes, I am his son. Adopted, of course. 'Twas only as we were leaving Ul'dah that I learned of Father's fate. 
Pipin: Once I have seen you a safe distance away, I mean to return to the city and extricate him from this madness. 
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: Then you needn't travel no further than Black Brush─our fugitives have a friend waitin' for 'em there. 
Alphinaud: I dreamed of bringing about Eorzea's salvation, but in the end... 
Alphinaud: 'Twas I who needed saving. 


Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: Them soldiers'll keep searchin' for a while yet. Reckon we'll take the carriage back towards Ul'dah an' get the lay of the land─maybe provide a distraction if need be.
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: You three wait here. Help'll be along shortly. Stay strong, friends─the real fight's to come!
Brennan/Bremondt/Brendt: All right, let's go!

Optional Dialogue

Alphinaud: How could I have been so blind...

Speaking with Pipin (Cutscene)

Pipin: The most unassuming folk can prove to be our greatest allies. That fellow was but a passing merchant, yet he lent us aid without a moment's hesitation─or any hint of concern for his own safety.
Pipin: Though I can well imagine how a man could feel inspired to risk all in your presence.
Pipin: Father spoke often of you, [Forename], and long have I looked forward to our first meeting. Needless to say...this is not at all how I envisioned it.
Pipin: Master Alphinaud, you must not give in to despair. That would only play into our enemies' hands! So long as you and [Forename] are free, we may still set things right.
Alphinaud: Forgive me, Marshal Tarupin, but I─
???: >> Alphinaud, my boy─sorry to keep you waiting! <<
Alphinaud: Cid? What are you doing here?
Cid: Pulling you out of the fire, as usual! Your merchant friend told me everything.
Pipin: Truly? Then he is no merchant but an angel in peddlers' clothing... But tell us─how do you intend to bear our friends to safety?
Cid: I hid the Enterprise but a short distance away. All I need is a destination.
Pipin: We must find a place beyond the reach of both the Monetarists and the Crystal Braves...
Alphinaud: ...Coerthas. Ishgard will not suffer the intrusion of foreign forces in their territory.
Cid: That settles it. With me, everyone!
Pipin: Not I, I fear. I must remain here. I dare not abandon Ul'dah to the Monetarists and their cronies.
Pipin: You may be certain that they will seek to defame you, both here and in the other city–states. But know that I shall do my utmost to thwart their every effort.
Pipin: Frankly, I do not expect it to be much of a challenge. The smallfolk will not turn so easily on the Warrior of Light and his/her allies, no matter what the Monetarists claim.
Alphinaud: Marshal Tarupin, I...I know not what to say.
Pipin: Hah! Now that Father would labor to believe! But enough talk─you must go, Master Alphinaud. Your airship awaits!
Cid: Up, up! There's no rest for the righteous!


Alphinaud: We should make for Camp Dragonhead and speak with Lord Haurchefant. Mayhap...mayhap he will know what to do.

Optional Dialogue

Alphinaud: Lord Haurchefant has agreed to grant us succor. He says that we will be safe here...
Yaelle: You are among friends here. Pray take your ease and turn your thoughts to better days.

Speaking with Haurchefant at Camp Dragonhead

Haurchefant: Master Alphinaud told me your tale, [Forename]. It warms my heart that you should turn to me before all others─and I shall endeavor to deserve your trust.
Haurchefant: Alas...the situation here has grown more complicated in your absence. 'Twould be best if I explained in full.