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[[File:Sidequest.png]][[Crystal Tower Quests|Crystal Tower Quest]]
{{Quest infobox
| title = Ranger Rescue
| QuestGiver = [[Hamujj Gah]] - [[Southern Thanalan]] (x23, y14)
| image = Ranger Rescue Image.png
| Requirements = Level 46
| description = [[Hamujj Gah]] wishes to hurl you into the heart of enemy territory, as he would a spear.
| Items =  
| quest-giver = Hamujj Gah
| Exp = 12925
| location = Southern Thanalan
| Gil = 884
| location-x = 23
| Reward =  
| location-y = 14
| OptReward =  
| type = feature
| PrevQuest = [[Brotherhood of Ash]]
| quest-line = Amalj'aa Main Quests
| NextQuest = [[An Eye on the Inside]]
| organization =  
| level = 46
| req-quest =
| req-items =
| requirements = Neutral [[Reputation]] maxed
| exp = 6325
| gil = 884
| unlocks = r2 Amalj'aa, ach You Bet Your Ash II
| prev-quest = Brotherhood of Ash (Quest)
| next-quest = An Eye on the Inside
| patch = 2.1
| release = A Realm Reborn
*Speak with Loonh Gah.
*Speak with [[Loonh Gah]].

*Use the Fiery Breath of Loonh Gah's cavalry drake to destroy oil barrels.
*Use the Fiery Breath of [[Loonh Gah]]'s [[Cavalry Drake|cavalry drake]] to destroy oil barrels.

*Rendezvous with Loonh Gah to the southeast of the Zanr'ak encampment.
*Rendezvous with [[Loonh Gah]] to the southeast of the [[Zanr'ak]] encampment.

*Speak with U'napa.
*Speak with [[U'napa]].

*Speak with U'napa at Forgotten Springs.
*Speak with [[U'napa]] at [[Forgotten Springs]].

*Ask the huntresses of Forgotten Springs about U'loonh.
*Ask the huntresses of [[Forgotten Springs]] about [[U'loonh]]. 0/4

*Speak with Loonh Gah at the Ring of Ash.
*Speak with [[Loonh Gah]] at the [[Ring of Ash]].

*Report to Hamujj Gah.
*Report to [[Hamujj Gah]].

*Hamujj Gah wishes to hurl you into the heart of enemy territory, as he would a spear.
*The warleader has received a report from [[Loonh Gah]] describing a vicious assault perpetrated by the [[The Flamefangs|Flamefangs]] upon a [[Forgotten Springs]] hunting party. Rendezvous with Loonh Gah to the southwest of the [[Ring of Ash]], and rescue the surviving U tribe [[Miqo'te]].

*The warleader has received a report from Loonh Gah describing a vicious assault perpetrated by the Flamefangs upon a Forgotten Springs hunting party. Rendezvous with Loonh Gah to the southwest of the Ring of Ash, and rescue the surviving U tribe Miqo'te.
*Loonh Gah has devised a rescue plan that requires you to provide an explosive distraction. Mounted upon the Miqo'te warrior's [[Cavalry Drake|cavalry drake]], you are to use the creature's Fiery Breath to destroy the barrels of oil stockpiled about the [[Zanr'ak]] encampment.<br/>※Speak with Loonh Gah southwest of the Ring of Ash to borrow her cavalry drake.

*Loonh Gah has devised a rescue plan that requires you to provide an explosive distraction. Mounted upon the Miqo'te warrior's cavalry drake, you are to use the creature's Fiery Breath to destroy the barrels of oil stockpiled about the Zanr'ak encampment. ※Speak with Loonh Gah southwest of the Ring of Ash to borrow her cavalry drake.
*It appears that [[U'napa]] has more to tell you about “U'loonh.” Speak with the huntress in the settlement of Forgotten Springs.

*It appears that U'napa has more to tell you about “U'loonh.Speak with the huntress in the settlement of Forgotten Springs.
*U'napa seems convinced that Loonh Gah is the U'loonh she once knew -- a Miqo'te who used to dwell in Forgotten Springs. Speak with huntresses around the settlement, and piece together what you can of the [[The Brotherhood of Ash|Brotherhood]] warrior's past.

*U'napa seems convinced that Loonh Gah is the U'loonh she once knew─a Miqo'te who used to dwell in Forgotten Springs. Speak with huntresses around the settlement, and piece together what you can of the Brotherhood warrior's past.
*At your prompting, the rangers of Forgotten Springs reveal that U'loonh's tale is one of tragedy and loss. Return to the Ring of Ash and speak with Loonh Gah.
*Loonh Gah brusquely explains her decision to become a Brotherhood warrior, and spurns any sympathy at the loss of her Miqo'te heritage. Seemingly unwilling to discuss the subject further, she orders you to make your report to [[Hamujj Gah]].
*Hamujj Gah praises your efforts in rescuing the Miqo'te huntress from a nightmarish fate at the hands of the Flamefangs. Restating the warrior creed of the Brotherhood of Ash, the warleader bids you join his soldiers in the traditional [[Amalj'aa]] pursuit of honorable strength.
===Accepting the Quest===
'''Hamujj Gah:''' Do you know of Forgotten Springs, the Miqo'te settlement found to the south in the Sagolii Desert?
'''Hamujj Gah:''' We have just received urgent word from Loonh Gah. She reports that a hunting party from the U tribe village was ambushed by a sizable Amalj'aa force.
'''Hamujj Gah:''' Those that were not massacred outright were dragged away by the raiders. They have likely already been tempered. Loonh Gah mentions, however, that one of the Miqo'te was nimble enough to evade capture and flee into hiding.
'''Hamujj Gah:''' We have no alliance with the U tribespeople. But we cannot close our eyes to an act perpetrated by the very foe we so greatly despise. For the chance to strike a blow at our enemy, we will go to war for Forgotten Springs.
'''Hamujj Gah:''' Be my spear, honored ally, and I shall hurl you into the midst of Zanr'ak. Loonh Gah awaits reinforcements to the southeast. Join your strength to hers, and do what must be done to rescue this lone, courageous Miqo'te ranger.
'''Hamujj Gah:''' We of the Brotherhood of Ash seek to hone our martial prowess, and honor the blood of our ancestors. We keep to the old ways, of the desert nomad and of the warrior.
'''Hamujj Gah:''' Though we are but few in number, our discipline and courage will see us triumph over the endless depravities of our fanatic kind.
===Speaking with Loonh Gah===
'''Loonh Gah:''' Ugh, gods be good! When I requested reinforcements, I did not expect the warleader to send you!
'''Loonh Gah:''' And, just as before, you are too slow to respond! While I sat here, grinding my teeth in frustration, I watched as the Flamefangs discovered the ranger's hiding spot and hauled her off to their encampment.
'''Loonh Gah:''' The encampment is their forward base, and, as such, the place is awash with alert and wary soldiers. The two of us would fare poorly against such numbers.
'''Loonh Gah:''' ...Without a cunning plan, that is. You, my eager outsider, will have the use of my mount to sow a trail of chaos amongst their ranks.
'''Loonh Gah:''' Listen carefully. The Amalj'aa like to stockpile the oil that they use to light their watchfires and such. Seek out the barrels, and tap the drake's head─that is the command for him to spit a gout of flame.
'''Loonh Gah:''' The resulting explosions should be enough of a distraction for me to slip in and free the captured Miqo'te. Once you've freed yourself of angry Amalj'aa, meet us beyond the edge of the camp where the desert begins.
'''Loonh Gah:''' Are you slow of mind as well as of foot? Get back on the drake and incinerate those barrels!
'''U'napa:''' Thank you, I was certain my time had come...
The lizardmen fell upon us so swiftly, we had not the time to react. Your companion, the one who freed me, she seems so very familiar...
===Rendezvousing with Loonh Gah to the southeast of the Zanr'ak encampment (Cutscene)===
'''Loonh Gah:''' Even riding a drake, you still somehow managed to arrive last. I thought perhaps you had been caught in an explosion and burned to a crisp. A pleasant thought, but apparently not the case.
'''U'napa:''' U'loonh!? Could that really be you? We had thought you long perished...
'''Loonh Gah:''' ...Hmph.

*At your prompting, the rangers of Forgotten Springs reveal that U'loonh's tale is one of tragedy and loss. Return to the Ring of Ash and speak with Loonh Gah.
'''U'napa:''' No, I am sure of it! Your voice is unmistakable! I recall the many days we spent laughing and chatting in the springs!
'''Loonh Gah:''' I don't know you or your damnable springs. I am Loonh Gah, a warrior of the Brotherhood of Ash.
'''Loonh Gah:''' My people are the Amalj'aa, proud and strong. You have the wrong Miqo'te.
'''Loonh Gah:''' I am heading back to camp. See this hunter safely home before you return to the Ring of Ash.
===Speaking with U'napa===
'''U'napa:''' No escort will be necessary. I am a hunter of the U tribe─if I cannot cross the sands alone, I do not deserve to return at all.
'''U'napa:''' ...I would, however, have you visit the Springs in any case, adventurer. There is more to your friend─to U'loonh―that you should know.
===Speaking with U'napa at Forgotten Springs===
'''U'napa:''' We meet again, adventurer. I needed to tell you that your companion is, without a doubt, the little Loonh I used to know. There must be some pressing reason for her subterfuge.
'''U'napa:''' Many of our tribe were close with U'loonh―they may help you to understand why U'loonh hides behind that mask, and how you might best help her.
'''U'napa:''' Speak with the huntresses around the Springs. They may help you to understand why U'loonh hides behind that mask, and what─if anything─can be done to help her.
===Asking the huntresses of Forgotten Springs about U'loonh===
'''Cool-eyed Huntress:''' U'loonh? Of course I knew her―she was my blood sister. We were both daughters of the former nunh, though our mothers were not the same.
'''Cool-eyed Huntress:''' You find my choice of tense confusing? She is dead, stranger. Slain alongside her mother more than five years ago. I did not witness the incident myself, but I will never forget the sudden pain of their loss...
'''Cool-eyed Huntress:''' Five long years, yet my memories of her remain so clear...
'''Stern Huntress:''' U'loonh? Yes, I remember the name. She was a quiet girl, too timid to even slap at the biting desert flies. The lizardmen took her away from us, and for that I shall never forgive them.
'''Stern Huntress:''' Were little Loonh alive today, what a beautiful sleek huntress she might be.
'''Keen-eyed Huntress:''' It is not uncommon to hear of skirmishes between our people and the Amalj'aa.
'''Keen-eyed Huntress:''' The lizardmen do not respect our territory, and they interfere with our hunts. The desert suffers for their presence.
'''Keen-eyed Huntress:''' We of the U tribe do not hold favorable relations with the Amalj'aa. They are a dangerous nuisance, and the Sagolii would be better for their absence.
'''Sweet-smelling Huntress:''' It is said that a hunting party was set upon by the Amalj'aa. Many of my kin have not returned from the sands...
Must the tragedies of the past be so faithfully repeated?
'''Sweet-smelling Huntress:''' You have heard of the party of hunters that was slaughtered at the hands of the lizardmen? Though we often clash with the Amalj'aa, there hasn't been an incident on this scale for more than half a decade...

*Loonh Gah brusquely explains her decision to become a Brotherhood warrior, and spurns any sympathy at the loss of her Miqo'te heritage. Seemingly unwilling to discuss the subject further, she orders you to make your report to Hamujj Gah.
===Speaking with Loonh Gah at the Ring of Ash===
'''Loonh Gah:''' You are late. I might have thought you delayed by a Wellwick worm, but the cloying pity in your eyes tells the tale. Do they mourn for me in Forgotten Springs? Hmph.
'''Loonh Gah:''' Look at me, adventurer. This is an Amalj'aa battlemask, given to me by the warleader himself. It is worn only by those who have chosen the path of the warrior.
'''Loonh Gah:''' You likely heard stories from the rangers, of how I was taken or killed during an Amalj'aa raid all those years ago. They are right...and they are wrong. I know not how I survived the attack, but it was Hamujj Gah who found me as I stumbled through the desert, barely conscious and badly wounded.
'''Loonh Gah:''' He gazed down upon my battered face, and gave me a simple choice: “Linger here and die, or come with me and fight.
'''Loonh Gah:''' It was then that I made the decision to discard my past─my family, my tribe, my very identity. I was reborn into the Brotherhood of Ash, existing for no other purpose but to feed the fires of my vengeance.
'''Loonh Gah:''' This mask is a symbol of my resolve; it represents my transformation into an Amalj'aa soldier, strong and proud.
'''Loonh Gah:''' Hmph. I tell you this not to justify my deceit, but to dam the flood of your foolish questions before it begins. Now, stow your unwanted sympathy, and make your report to the warleader!

*Hamujj Gah praises your efforts in rescuing the Miqo'te huntress from a nightmarish fate at the hands of the Flamefangs. Restating the warrior creed of the Brotherhood of Ash, the warleader bids you join his soldiers in the traditional Amalj'aa pursuit of honorable strength.
===Reporting to Hamujj Gah===
'''Hamujj Gah:''' Honored ally, with your continued aid, the Brotherhood of Ash will rekindle the glory of our past.
'''Hamujj Gah:''' As once did our ancestors, we shall forge of steel our bodies and spirits, and greet death with honor. To no gods will we beg, nor against the meek raise arms.
'''Hamujj Gah:''' We are warriors, walkers of the path of righteous battle. We do not kneel to claim our strength. Live by these words, and your soul, too, shall burn as brightly!

'''System:''' You have achieved Recognized reputation with the Brotherhood of Ash.
'''System:''' New Amalj'aa tribal daily quests are now available from Narujj Boh at the Ring of Ash.
'''System:''' Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from the Brotherhood of Ash vendor.

[[Category:Sidequests]] [[Category:Crystal Tower Quests]] [[Category:Southern Thanalan Quests]] [[Category:Patch 2.1 Quests]]
{{Beast Tribe Quests}}

Latest revision as of 15:33, 21 August 2024

Feature Quest icon.png

Ranger Rescue

Ranger Rescue Image.png
Quest giver
Hamujj Gah
Southern Thanalan (X:23, Y:14)
Quest line
Amalj'aa Main Quests
Neutral Reputation maxed
Experience 6,325
Gil 884
Previous quest
Feature QuestBrotherhood of Ash
Next quest
Feature QuestAn Eye on the Inside

Hamujj Gah wishes to hurl you into the heart of enemy territory, as he would a spear.

— In-game description





  • Loonh Gah has devised a rescue plan that requires you to provide an explosive distraction. Mounted upon the Miqo'te warrior's cavalry drake, you are to use the creature's Fiery Breath to destroy the barrels of oil stockpiled about the Zanr'ak encampment.
    ※Speak with Loonh Gah southwest of the Ring of Ash to borrow her cavalry drake.
  • It appears that U'napa has more to tell you about “U'loonh.” Speak with the huntress in the settlement of Forgotten Springs.
  • U'napa seems convinced that Loonh Gah is the U'loonh she once knew -- a Miqo'te who used to dwell in Forgotten Springs. Speak with huntresses around the settlement, and piece together what you can of the Brotherhood warrior's past.
  • At your prompting, the rangers of Forgotten Springs reveal that U'loonh's tale is one of tragedy and loss. Return to the Ring of Ash and speak with Loonh Gah.
  • Loonh Gah brusquely explains her decision to become a Brotherhood warrior, and spurns any sympathy at the loss of her Miqo'te heritage. Seemingly unwilling to discuss the subject further, she orders you to make your report to Hamujj Gah.
  • Hamujj Gah praises your efforts in rescuing the Miqo'te huntress from a nightmarish fate at the hands of the Flamefangs. Restating the warrior creed of the Brotherhood of Ash, the warleader bids you join his soldiers in the traditional Amalj'aa pursuit of honorable strength.


Accepting the Quest

Hamujj Gah: Do you know of Forgotten Springs, the Miqo'te settlement found to the south in the Sagolii Desert?
Hamujj Gah: We have just received urgent word from Loonh Gah. She reports that a hunting party from the U tribe village was ambushed by a sizable Amalj'aa force.
Hamujj Gah: Those that were not massacred outright were dragged away by the raiders. They have likely already been tempered. Loonh Gah mentions, however, that one of the Miqo'te was nimble enough to evade capture and flee into hiding.
Hamujj Gah: We have no alliance with the U tribespeople. But we cannot close our eyes to an act perpetrated by the very foe we so greatly despise. For the chance to strike a blow at our enemy, we will go to war for Forgotten Springs.
Hamujj Gah: Be my spear, honored ally, and I shall hurl you into the midst of Zanr'ak. Loonh Gah awaits reinforcements to the southeast. Join your strength to hers, and do what must be done to rescue this lone, courageous Miqo'te ranger.
Hamujj Gah: We of the Brotherhood of Ash seek to hone our martial prowess, and honor the blood of our ancestors. We keep to the old ways, of the desert nomad and of the warrior.
Hamujj Gah: Though we are but few in number, our discipline and courage will see us triumph over the endless depravities of our fanatic kind.

Speaking with Loonh Gah

Loonh Gah: Ugh, gods be good! When I requested reinforcements, I did not expect the warleader to send you!
Loonh Gah: And, just as before, you are too slow to respond! While I sat here, grinding my teeth in frustration, I watched as the Flamefangs discovered the ranger's hiding spot and hauled her off to their encampment.
Loonh Gah: The encampment is their forward base, and, as such, the place is awash with alert and wary soldiers. The two of us would fare poorly against such numbers.
Loonh Gah: ...Without a cunning plan, that is. You, my eager outsider, will have the use of my mount to sow a trail of chaos amongst their ranks.
Loonh Gah: Listen carefully. The Amalj'aa like to stockpile the oil that they use to light their watchfires and such. Seek out the barrels, and tap the drake's head─that is the command for him to spit a gout of flame.
Loonh Gah: The resulting explosions should be enough of a distraction for me to slip in and free the captured Miqo'te. Once you've freed yourself of angry Amalj'aa, meet us beyond the edge of the camp where the desert begins.


Loonh Gah: Are you slow of mind as well as of foot? Get back on the drake and incinerate those barrels!
U'napa: Thank you, I was certain my time had come... 
The lizardmen fell upon us so swiftly, we had not the time to react. Your companion, the one who freed me, she seems so very familiar...

Rendezvousing with Loonh Gah to the southeast of the Zanr'ak encampment (Cutscene)

Loonh Gah: Even riding a drake, you still somehow managed to arrive last. I thought perhaps you had been caught in an explosion and burned to a crisp. A pleasant thought, but apparently not the case.
U'napa: U'loonh!? Could that really be you? We had thought you long perished...
Loonh Gah: ...Hmph.
U'napa: No, I am sure of it! Your voice is unmistakable! I recall the many days we spent laughing and chatting in the springs!
Loonh Gah: I don't know you or your damnable springs. I am Loonh Gah, a warrior of the Brotherhood of Ash.
Loonh Gah: My people are the Amalj'aa, proud and strong. You have the wrong Miqo'te.
Loonh Gah: I am heading back to camp. See this hunter safely home before you return to the Ring of Ash.

Speaking with U'napa

U'napa: No escort will be necessary. I am a hunter of the U tribe─if I cannot cross the sands alone, I do not deserve to return at all. 
U'napa: ...I would, however, have you visit the Springs in any case, adventurer. There is more to your friend─to U'loonh―that you should know.

Speaking with U'napa at Forgotten Springs

U'napa: We meet again, adventurer. I needed to tell you that your companion is, without a doubt, the little Loonh I used to know. There must be some pressing reason for her subterfuge.
U'napa: Many of our tribe were close with U'loonh―they may help you to understand why U'loonh hides behind that mask, and how you might best help her.
U'napa: Speak with the huntresses around the Springs. They may help you to understand why U'loonh hides behind that mask, and what─if anything─can be done to help her.

Asking the huntresses of Forgotten Springs about U'loonh

Cool-eyed Huntress: U'loonh? Of course I knew her―she was my blood sister. We were both daughters of the former nunh, though our mothers were not the same.
Cool-eyed Huntress: You find my choice of tense confusing? She is dead, stranger. Slain alongside her mother more than five years ago. I did not witness the incident myself, but I will never forget the sudden pain of their loss...
Cool-eyed Huntress: Five long years, yet my memories of her remain so clear...
Stern Huntress: U'loonh? Yes, I remember the name. She was a quiet girl, too timid to even slap at the biting desert flies. The lizardmen took her away from us, and for that I shall never forgive them. 
Stern Huntress: Were little Loonh alive today, what a beautiful sleek huntress she might be.
Keen-eyed Huntress: It is not uncommon to hear of skirmishes between our people and the Amalj'aa.
Keen-eyed Huntress: The lizardmen do not respect our territory, and they interfere with our hunts. The desert suffers for their presence.
Keen-eyed Huntress: We of the U tribe do not hold favorable relations with the Amalj'aa. They are a dangerous nuisance, and the Sagolii would be better for their absence.
Sweet-smelling Huntress: It is said that a hunting party was set upon by the Amalj'aa. Many of my kin have not returned from the sands...
Must the tragedies of the past be so faithfully repeated?
Sweet-smelling Huntress: You have heard of the party of hunters that was slaughtered at the hands of the lizardmen? Though we often clash with the Amalj'aa, there hasn't been an incident on this scale for more than half a decade...

Speaking with Loonh Gah at the Ring of Ash

Loonh Gah: You are late. I might have thought you delayed by a Wellwick worm, but the cloying pity in your eyes tells the tale. Do they mourn for me in Forgotten Springs? Hmph.
Loonh Gah: Look at me, adventurer. This is an Amalj'aa battlemask, given to me by the warleader himself. It is worn only by those who have chosen the path of the warrior.
Loonh Gah: You likely heard stories from the rangers, of how I was taken or killed during an Amalj'aa raid all those years ago. They are right...and they are wrong. I know not how I survived the attack, but it was Hamujj Gah who found me as I stumbled through the desert, barely conscious and badly wounded.
Loonh Gah: He gazed down upon my battered face, and gave me a simple choice: “Linger here and die, or come with me and fight.”
Loonh Gah: It was then that I made the decision to discard my past─my family, my tribe, my very identity. I was reborn into the Brotherhood of Ash, existing for no other purpose but to feed the fires of my vengeance.
Loonh Gah: This mask is a symbol of my resolve; it represents my transformation into an Amalj'aa soldier, strong and proud.
Loonh Gah: Hmph. I tell you this not to justify my deceit, but to dam the flood of your foolish questions before it begins. Now, stow your unwanted sympathy, and make your report to the warleader!

Reporting to Hamujj Gah

Hamujj Gah: Honored ally, with your continued aid, the Brotherhood of Ash will rekindle the glory of our past.
Hamujj Gah: As once did our ancestors, we shall forge of steel our bodies and spirits, and greet death with honor. To no gods will we beg, nor against the meek raise arms.
Hamujj Gah: We are warriors, walkers of the path of righteous battle. We do not kneel to claim our strength. Live by these words, and your soul, too, shall burn as brightly!
System: You have achieved Recognized reputation with the Brotherhood of Ash.
System: New Amalj'aa tribal daily quests are now available from Narujj Boh at the Ring of Ash.
System: Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from the Brotherhood of Ash vendor.