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:''Main article: [[Materials]]''
Metals are used by [[blacksmith]], [[armorer]] and [[goldsmith]] [[crafting]] [[classes]] to create various [[weapons]], [[armor]], [[accessories]] and [[items|more]].  
[[File:Metal icon1.png|baseline|link=Metal]] [[Metal]] is used by [[blacksmith]], [[armorer]] and [[goldsmith]] [[crafting]] [[classes]] to create various [[weapons]], [[armor]], [[accessories]] and [[items|more]].  

==Types of Metal==
==Types of Metal==
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! Used to Craft
! Used to Craft
|[[Phrygian Gold Ingot]]||[[file:phrygian gold ingot icon1.png]]||[[Phrygian Gold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 84 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Red Pine Cane]], [[Red Pine Grinding Wheel]], [[Bismuth Katzbalger]], [[Bismuth Axe]], [[Bismuth Greatsword]], [[Bismuth Gunblade]], [[Bismuth War Scythe]], [[Bismuth Blunderbuss]], [[Bismuth Chakrams]], [[Bismuth Lapidary Hammer]], [[Bismuth Hatchet]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Uchigatana]], [[Manganese Pliers]], [[Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Chondrite Pliers]], [[Orchestrion Phonograph]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Fending]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Casting]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Healing]], [[Bismuth Ring of Fending]], [[Bismuth Ring of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Ring of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Ring of Casting]], [[Bismuth Ring of Healing]], [[Bismuth Alembic]], [[Bismuth Goggles of Fending]], [[Bismuth Headgear of Maiming]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Phrygian Rod]], [[Phrygian Hanger]], [[Phrygian Orrery]], [[Phrygian Wings]], [[Phrygian Choker of Fending]], [[Phrygian Choker of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Choker of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Choker of Casting]], [[Phrygian Choker of Healing]], [[Phrygian Needle]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Fending]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Casting]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing]], [[Rarefied Phrygian Earring]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Orrery]], [[Manganese Syrinxi]], [[Chondrite Magitek Wings]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Shirogane Pinwheel]], [[Saigaskin Armguards of Casting]], [[Saigaskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Snow Linen Doublet of Crafting]], [[Snow Linen Coat of Gathering]], [[Rarefied Snow Linen Doublet]], [[Varsity Flat Cap]]
|[[Adamantite Ingot]]||[[file:adamantite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Fortified Claw Hammer]], [[Polished Adamantite File]], [[Double-jointed Adamantite Pliers]], [[Sharpened Adamantite Awl]], [[Heavy Adamantite Mortar]], [[Wrapped Adamantite Culinary Knife]], [[Weighted Adamantite Sledgehammer]], [[Balanced Adamantite Scythe]], [[Millmaster's Saw]], [[Forgemaster's Hammer]], [[Hammermaster's Beetle]], [[Gemmaster's Mallet]], [[Hidemaster's Knife]], [[Adamantite Barbut of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Barbut of Fending]], [[Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Fending]], [[Adamantite Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Vambraces of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sollerets of Fending]], [[Savage Gordian Chair]], [[Cauldronmaster's Alembic]], [[Galleymaster's Frypan]], [[Hammermaster's Visor]]
|[[Lunar Adamantite Ingot]]||[[file:lunar adamantite ingot icon1.png]]||[[Lunar Adamantite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Lunar Adamantite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Classical Spear]], [[Classical Longpole]], [[Classical Longsword]], [[Classical Battleaxe]], [[Classical Greatsword]], [[Classical Gunblade]], [[Classical War Scythe]], [[Classical Tonfa]], [[Classical Samurai Blade]], [[Classical Daggers]], [[Classical Handgonne]], [[Classical Chakrams]], [[Classical Shield]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear]], [[Classical Eques's Headgear]], [[Classical Secutor's Mask]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Mask]], [[Classical Secutor's Lorica]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Lorica]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae]], [[Classical Eques's Manicae]], [[Classical Secutor's Manicae]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Manicae]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Caligae]], [[Classical Smallsword]], [[Classical Torquetum]], [[Classical Milpreves]], [[Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath]], [[Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque]], [[Classical Eques's Caligae]], [[Classical Secutor's Caligae]], [[Classical Sagittarius's Caligae]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica]], [[Classical Eques's Chiton]]
|[[Adamantite Nugget]]||[[file:adamantite nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 58 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 58 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Adamantite Spear]], [[Birch Longbow]], [[Adamantite Trident]], [[Adamantite Rivets]], [[Adamantite Broadsword]], [[Adamantite Jamadhars]], [[Adamantite Bill]], [[Adamantite Knives]], [[Adamantite Zweihander]], [[Adamantite Revolver]], [[Adamantite Claw Hammer]], [[Adamantite File]], [[Adamantite Pliers]], [[Adamantite Awl]], [[Adamantite Mortar]], [[Adamantite Culinary Knife]], [[Adamantite Sledgehammer]], [[Adamantite Scythe]], [[Adamantite Winglet]], [[Adamantite Knuckles]], [[Adamantite Headsman's Axe]], [[Adamantite Main Gauches]], [[Adamantite Greatsword]], [[Adamantite-barreled Culverin]], [[Adamantite Saw]], [[Adamantite Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Adamantite Dolabra]], [[Adamantite Hatchet]], [[Adamantite Rivets]], [[Adamantite Helm of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Helm of Fending]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Tassets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Tassets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Adamantite Scutum]], [[Titanium Armor of Maiming]], [[Titanium Armor of Fending]], [[Adamantite Chain Hose of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Chain Hose of Fending]], [[Adamantite Circlet of Fending]], [[Adamantite Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Adamantite Alembic]], [[Adamantite Frypan]], [[Adamantite Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Mail of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Lorica of Fending]], [[Heavy Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming]], [[Aurum Regis Sollerets of Healing]], [[Adamantite Greaves of Fending]], [[Hive Barding]], [[Chivalric Coat of Maiming]], [[Chivalric Coat of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Orrery]], [[Bladed Steel Jig]], [[Aurum Regis Staff]], [[Griffin Talon Needle]], [[Expanse Fountain]], [[Boundless Expanse Fountain]], [[Serpentskin Voyager's Belt of Maiming]], [[Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending]]
|[[Rhodium Ingot]]||[[file:rhodium ingot icon1.png]]||[[Rhodium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Classical Cavalry Bow]], [[Classical Cane]], [[Classical Battleaxe]], [[Classical Gunblade]], [[Classical Handgonne]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear]], [[Classical Secutor's Mask]], [[Classical Smallsword]], [[Classical Torquetum]], [[Classical Milpreves]], [[Classical Signifer's Horns]], [[Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath]], [[Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque]], [[Classical Earrings of Fending]], [[Classical Earrings of Slaying]], [[Classical Earrings of Aiming]], [[Classical Earrings of Casting]], [[Classical Earrings of Healing]], [[Classical Ring of Fending]], [[Classical Ring of Slaying]], [[Classical Ring of Aiming]], [[Classical Ring of Casting]], [[Classical Ring of Healing]], [[Classical Signifer's Fingerless Gloves]], [[Classical Choker of Fending]], [[Classical Choker of Slaying]], [[Classical Choker of Aiming]], [[Classical Choker of Casting]], [[Classical Choker of Healing]], [[Classical Sagittarius's Headband]], [[Classical Signifer's Chiton]], [[Classical Medicus's Chiton]], [[Classical Sagittarius's Wrist Torque]]
|[[Adamantite Rivets]]||[[file:adamantite rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 58 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 58 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Birch Spinning Wheel]], [[Birch Composite Bow]], [[Adamantite Knives]], [[Adamantite Pliers]], [[Adamantite Headsman's Axe]], [[Adamantite-barreled Culverin]], [[Adamantite Saw]], [[Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Adamantite Dolabra]], [[Adamantite Circlet of Fending]], [[Adamantite Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Adamantite Alembic]], [[Adamantite Frypan]], [[Adamantite Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Lorica of Fending]], [[Heavy Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Greaves of Fending]]
|[[Adamantite Ingot]]||[[file:adamantite ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Fortified Claw Hammer]], [[Polished Adamantite File]], [[Double-jointed Adamantite Pliers]], [[Sharpened Adamantite Awl]], [[Heavy Adamantite Mortar]], [[Wrapped Adamantite Culinary Knife]], [[Weighted Adamantite Sledgehammer]], [[Balanced Adamantite Scythe]], [[Millmaster's Saw]], [[Forgemaster's Hammer]], [[Hammermaster's Beetle]], [[Gemmaster's Mallet]], [[Hidemaster's Knife]], [[Adamantite Barbut of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Barbut of Fending]], [[Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Fending]], [[Adamantite Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Vambraces of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sollerets of Fending]], [[Savage Gordian Chair]], [[Cauldronmaster's Alembic]], [[Galleymaster's Frypan]], [[Hammermaster's Visor]]
|[[Aetherially Conductive Plate]]||[[file:aetherially conductive plate icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |
|[[Adamantite Nugget]]||[[file:adamantite nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 58 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 58 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Adamantite Spear]], [[Birch Longbow]], [[Adamantite Trident]], [[Adamantite Rivets]], [[Adamantite Broadsword]], [[Adamantite Jamadhars]], [[Adamantite Bill]], [[Adamantite Knives]], [[Adamantite Zweihander]], [[Adamantite Revolver]], [[Adamantite Claw Hammer]], [[Adamantite File]], [[Adamantite Pliers]], [[Adamantite Awl]], [[Adamantite Mortar]], [[Adamantite Culinary Knife]], [[Adamantite Sledgehammer]], [[Adamantite Scythe]], [[Adamantite Winglet]], [[Adamantite Knuckles]], [[Adamantite Headsman's Axe]], [[Adamantite Main Gauches]], [[Adamantite Greatsword]], [[Adamantite-barreled Culverin]], [[Adamantite Saw]], [[Adamantite Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Adamantite Dolabra]], [[Adamantite Hatchet]], [[Adamantite Rivets]], [[Adamantite Helm of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Helm of Fending]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Tassets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Tassets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Adamantite Scutum]], [[Titanium Armor of Maiming]], [[Titanium Armor of Fending]], [[Adamantite Chain Hose of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Chain Hose of Fending]], [[Adamantite Circlet of Fending]], [[Adamantite Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Adamantite Alembic]], [[Adamantite Frypan]], [[Adamantite Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Mail of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Lorica of Fending]], [[Heavy Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming]], [[Aurum Regis Sollerets of Healing]], [[Adamantite Greaves of Fending]], [[Hive Barding]], [[Chivalric Coat of Maiming]], [[Chivalric Coat of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Orrery]], [[Bladed Steel Jig]], [[Aurum Regis Staff]], [[Griffin Talon Needle]], [[Expanse Fountain]], [[Boundless Expanse Fountain]], [[Serpentskin Voyager's Belt of Maiming]], [[Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending]]
|[[Alexander Exoplating]]||[[file:alexander exoplating icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Alexander Miniature]]
|[[Adamantite Rivets]]||[[file:adamantite rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 58 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 58 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Birch Spinning Wheel]], [[Birch Composite Bow]], [[Adamantite Knives]], [[Adamantite Pliers]], [[Adamantite Headsman's Axe]], [[Adamantite-barreled Culverin]], [[Adamantite Saw]], [[Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Adamantite Dolabra]], [[Adamantite Circlet of Fending]], [[Adamantite Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Adamantite Alembic]], [[Adamantite Frypan]], [[Adamantite Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Lorica of Fending]], [[Heavy Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Greaves of Fending]]
|[[Alexandrian Plate]]||[[file:alexandrian plate icon1.png|40px]]||[[Alexandrian Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 100** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Everseeker's Grinding Wheel]], [[Everseeker's Spinning Wheel]], [[Everseeker's Saw]], [[Everseeker's Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Everseeker's Raising Hammer]], [[Everseeker's Lapidary Hammer]], [[Everseeker's Creasing Knife]], [[Everseeker's Pickaxe]], [[Everseeker's Hatchet]], [[Everseeker's Claw Hammer]], [[Everseeker's File]], [[Everseeker's Pliers]], [[Everseeker's Awl]], [[Everseeker's Mortar]], [[Everseeker's Culinary Knife]], [[Everseeker's Sledgehammer]], [[Everseeker's Garden Scythe]], [[Everseeker's Alembic]], [[Everseeker's Bomb Frypan]], [[Everseeker's Needle]], [[Everseeker's Headgear of Crafting]], [[Everseeker's Goggles of Gathering]], [[Everseeker's Top of Crafting]]
|[[Aetherially Conductive Plate]]||[[file:aetherially conductive plate icon1.png]]||||||||align = "left" |
|[[Allagan Wootz Nugget]]||[[file:allagan wootz nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1]], [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2]], [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4]], [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5]] ||align = "left"| [[Wootz Ingot]]
|[[Alexander Exoplating]]||[[file:alexander exoplating icon1.png]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Alexander Miniature]]
|[[Aurum Regis Ingot]]||[[file:aurum regis ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Sun Mica Grinding Wheel]], [[Hammermaster's Beetle]], [[Gemmaster's Mallet]], [[Cauldronmaster's Alembic]], [[Boltmaster's Needle]], [[Aurum Regis Circlet of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Crown of Healing]], [[Forgemaster's Goggles]], [[Gemmaster's Coronal]], [[Cauldronmaster's Spectacles]], [[Gemmaster's Chaplets]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Crafting]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Gathering]], [[Griffin Leather Choker]], [[Astral Silk Doublet of Casting]], [[Astral Silk Doublet of Healing]], [[Gemmaster's Gown]], [[Astral Silk Bottoms of Casting]], [[Astral Silk Bottoms of Healing]], [[Gemmaster's Trousers]]
|[[Allagan Wootz Nugget]]||[[file:allagan wootz nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1]], [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2]], [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4]], [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5]] ||align = "left"| [[Wootz Ingot]]
|[[Aurum Regis Nugget]]||[[file:aurum regis nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 58 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Adamantite Spear]], [[Dragonscale Grinding Wheel]], [[Birch Composite Bow]], [[Birch Rod]], [[Birch Fishing Rod]], [[Deep Hive Ceiling Fan]], [[Stuffed Carbuncle]], [[Adamantite Broadsword]], [[Adamantite Jamadhars]], [[Adamantite Knives]], [[Adamantite Zweihander]], [[Adamantite Winglet]], [[Adamantite Knuckles]], [[Adamantite Headsman's Axe]], [[Aurum Regis Texture Hammer]], [[Aurum Regis Creasing Knife]], [[Adamantite Alembic]], [[Adamantite Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Mail of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming]], [[Expanse Barding]], [[Hive Barding]], [[Chivalric Coat of Maiming]], [[Chivalric Coat of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Cylinder]], [[Aurum Regis Longpole]], [[Aurum Regis Orrery]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Fending]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Slaying]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Aiming]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Casting]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Healing]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Fending]], [[Citrine Choker of Slaying]], [[Citrine Choker of Aiming]], [[Citrine Choker of Casting]], [[Citrine Choker of Healing]], [[Citrine Choker of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Staff]], [[Aurum Regis Planisphere]], [[Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Casting]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Fending]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Slaying]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Aiming]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Casting]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Fending]], [[Expanse Fountain]], [[Star Sapphire Music Box]], [[Star Ruby Music Box]], [[Boundless Expanse Fountain]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Maiming]], [[Serpentskin Bracers of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Bracers of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Bracers of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Serpentskin Satchel Belt of Healing]], [[Serpentskin Helm of Maiming]], [[Serpentskin Brais of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Brais of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Brais of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Scouting]], [[Chivalric Coat of Striking]], [[Chivalric Battledress of Aiming]], [[Chivalric Coat of Scouting]], [[Thavnairian Bolero]], [[Thavnairian Gloves]], [[Thavnairian Tights]], [[Thavnairian Babouches]], [[Thavnairian Sandals]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Coif of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Coif of Aiming]], [[Chimerical Felt Coif of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Turban of Crafting]], [[Chimerical Felt Tabard of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Tabard of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Tabard of Scouting]], [[Thavnairian Turban]], [[Thavnairian Headdress]], [[Chivalric Doublet of Casting]], [[Chivalric Doublet of Healing]], [[Thavnairian Bustier]], [[Thavnairian Armlets]], [[Thavnairian Sarouel]], [[Book of Aurum Regis]], [[Noble's Picatrix]], [[Noble Gold]], [[Noble's Codex]]
|[[Aurum Regis Ingot]]||[[file:aurum regis ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Sun Mica Grinding Wheel]], [[Hammermaster's Beetle]], [[Gemmaster's Mallet]], [[Cauldronmaster's Alembic]], [[Boltmaster's Needle]], [[Aurum Regis Circlet of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Crown of Healing]], [[Forgemaster's Goggles]], [[Gemmaster's Coronal]], [[Cauldronmaster's Spectacles]], [[Gemmaster's Chaplets]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Crafting]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Gathering]], [[Griffin Leather Choker]], [[Astral Silk Doublet of Casting]], [[Astral Silk Doublet of Healing]], [[Gemmaster's Gown]], [[Astral Silk Bottoms of Casting]], [[Astral Silk Bottoms of Healing]], [[Gemmaster's Trousers]]
|[[Balanced Darksteel Hook]]||[[file:balanced darksteel hook icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Aurum Regis Nugget]]||[[file:aurum regis nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 58 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Adamantite Spear]], [[Dragonscale Grinding Wheel]], [[Birch Composite Bow]], [[Birch Rod]], [[Birch Fishing Rod]], [[Deep Hive Ceiling Fan]], [[Stuffed Carbuncle]], [[Adamantite Broadsword]], [[Adamantite Jamadhars]], [[Adamantite Knives]], [[Adamantite Zweihander]], [[Adamantite Winglet]], [[Adamantite Knuckles]], [[Adamantite Headsman's Axe]], [[Aurum Regis Texture Hammer]], [[Aurum Regis Creasing Knife]], [[Adamantite Alembic]], [[Adamantite Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Mail of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming]], [[Expanse Barding]], [[Hive Barding]], [[Chivalric Coat of Maiming]], [[Chivalric Coat of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Bracelet of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Cylinder]], [[Aurum Regis Longpole]], [[Aurum Regis Orrery]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Necklace of Fending]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Slaying]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Aiming]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Casting]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Healing]], [[Griffin Talon Ring of Fending]], [[Citrine Choker of Slaying]], [[Citrine Choker of Aiming]], [[Citrine Choker of Casting]], [[Citrine Choker of Healing]], [[Citrine Choker of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Staff]], [[Aurum Regis Planisphere]], [[Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Casting]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Earrings of Fending]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Slaying]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Aiming]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Casting]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Healing]], [[Chrysolite Ring of Fending]], [[Expanse Fountain]], [[Star Sapphire Music Box]], [[Star Ruby Music Box]], [[Boundless Expanse Fountain]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Maiming]], [[Serpentskin Bracers of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Bracers of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Bracers of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Serpentskin Satchel Belt of Healing]], [[Serpentskin Helm of Maiming]], [[Serpentskin Brais of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Brais of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Brais of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Scouting]], [[Chivalric Coat of Striking]], [[Chivalric Battledress of Aiming]], [[Chivalric Coat of Scouting]], [[Thavnairian Bolero]], [[Thavnairian Gloves]], [[Thavnairian Tights]], [[Thavnairian Babouches]], [[Thavnairian Sandals]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Coif of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Coif of Aiming]], [[Chimerical Felt Coif of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Turban of Crafting]], [[Chimerical Felt Tabard of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Tabard of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Tabard of Scouting]], [[Thavnairian Turban]], [[Thavnairian Headdress]], [[Chivalric Doublet of Casting]], [[Chivalric Doublet of Healing]], [[Thavnairian Bustier]], [[Thavnairian Armlets]], [[Thavnairian Sarouel]], [[Book of Aurum Regis]], [[Noble's Picatrix]], [[Noble Gold]], [[Noble's Codex]]
|[[Belah'dian Silver]]||[[file:belahdian silver icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Perfect Mortar]], [[Furnace Ring]]
|[[Balanced Darksteel Hook]]||[[file:balanced darksteel hook icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Bismuth Ingot]]||[[file:bismuth ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Bismuth Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 84 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Bismuth Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 84 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Red Pine Spear]], [[Red Pine Spinning Wheel]], [[Red Pine Fishing Rod]], [[Rarefied Red Pine Spinning Wheel]], [[Bismuth Katzbalger]], [[Bismuth Axe]], [[Bismuth Greatsword]], [[Bismuth Gunblade]], [[Bismuth War Scythe]], [[Bismuth Tonfa]], [[Bismuth Uchigatana]], [[Bismuth Daggers]], [[Bismuth Bow]], [[Bismuth Blunderbuss]], [[Bismuth Chakrams]], [[Bismuth Saw]], [[Bismuth Claw Hammer]], [[Bismuth Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Bismuth File]], [[Bismuth Raising Hammer]], [[Bismuth Pliers]], [[Bismuth Lapidary Hammer]], [[Bismuth Round Knife]], [[Bismuth Awl]], [[Bismuth Mortar]], [[Bismuth Culinary Knife]], [[Bismuth Pickaxe]], [[Bismuth Sledgehammer]], [[Bismuth Hatchet]], [[Bismuth Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied Bismuth Sledgehammer]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Awl]], [[Orchestrion Phonograph]], [[Pendant Wall Light]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Fending]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Casting]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Healing]], [[Bismuth Ring of Fending]], [[Bismuth Ring of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Ring of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Ring of Casting]], [[Bismuth Ring of Healing]], [[Bismuth Alembic]], [[Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan]], [[Bismuth Shield]], [[Bismuth Goggles of Fending]], [[Bismuth Headgear of Maiming]], [[Rarefied Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Helm of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Garlean Concrete Inner Wall]], [[Phrygian Hanger]], [[Phrygian Orrery]], [[Phrygian Wings]], [[Phrygian Choker of Fending]], [[Phrygian Choker of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Choker of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Choker of Casting]], [[Phrygian Choker of Healing]], [[Phrygian Needle]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Fending]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Casting]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing]], [[Rarefied Phrygian Earring]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Saigaskin Coat of Fending]], [[Saigaskin Coat of Maiming]], [[Saigaskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Saigaskin Jacket of Scouting]], [[Saigaskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Rising Dragon]], [[Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Falling Dragon]], [[Kumbhiraskin Leg Guards of the Last Unicorn]], [[Snow Linen Jacket of Casting]], [[Snow Linen Jacket of Healing]]
|[[Belah'dian Silver]]||[[file:belahdian silver icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Perfect Mortar]], [[Furnace Ring]]
|[[Brashgold Plate]]||[[file:brashgold plate icon1.png|40px]]||[[Brashgold Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Aesthete's Grinding Wheel]], [[Aesthete's Spinning Wheel]], [[Aesthete's Fishing Rod]], [[Aesthete's Saw]], [[Aesthete's Claw Hammer]], [[Aesthete's Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Aesthete's File]], [[Aesthete's Raising Hammer]], [[Aesthete's Pliers]], [[Aesthete's Mallet]], [[Aesthete's Round Knife]], [[Aesthete's Awl]], [[Aesthete's Mortar]], [[Aesthete's Culinary Knife]], [[Aesthete's Pickaxe]], [[Aesthete's Sledgehammer]], [[Aesthete's Hatchet]], [[Aesthete's Scythe]], [[Aesthete's Alembic]], [[Aesthete's Frypan]], [[Aesthete's Needle]], [[Aesthete's Ear Cuffs of Crafting]], [[Aesthete's Choker of Crafting]], [[Aesthete's Bracelets of Crafting]], [[Aesthete's Ring of Crafting]]
|[[Bismuth Ingot]]||[[file:bismuth ingot icon1.png]]||[[Bismuth Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 84 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Bismuth Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 84 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Red Pine Spear]], [[Red Pine Spinning Wheel]], [[Red Pine Fishing Rod]], [[Rarefied Red Pine Spinning Wheel]], [[Bismuth Katzbalger]], [[Bismuth Axe]], [[Bismuth Greatsword]], [[Bismuth Gunblade]], [[Bismuth War Scythe]], [[Bismuth Tonfa]], [[Bismuth Uchigatana]], [[Bismuth Daggers]], [[Bismuth Bow]], [[Bismuth Blunderbuss]], [[Bismuth Chakrams]], [[Bismuth Saw]], [[Bismuth Claw Hammer]], [[Bismuth Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Bismuth File]], [[Bismuth Raising Hammer]], [[Bismuth Pliers]], [[Bismuth Lapidary Hammer]], [[Bismuth Round Knife]], [[Bismuth Awl]], [[Bismuth Mortar]], [[Bismuth Culinary Knife]], [[Bismuth Pickaxe]], [[Bismuth Sledgehammer]], [[Bismuth Hatchet]], [[Bismuth Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied Bismuth Sledgehammer]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Awl]], [[Orchestrion Phonograph]], [[Pendant Wall Light]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Fending]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Casting]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Healing]], [[Bismuth Ring of Fending]], [[Bismuth Ring of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Ring of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Ring of Casting]], [[Bismuth Ring of Healing]], [[Bismuth Alembic]], [[Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan]], [[Bismuth Shield]], [[Bismuth Goggles of Fending]], [[Bismuth Headgear of Maiming]], [[Rarefied Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Helm of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Garlean Concrete Inner Wall]], [[Phrygian Hanger]], [[Phrygian Orrery]], [[Phrygian Wings]], [[Phrygian Choker of Fending]], [[Phrygian Choker of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Choker of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Choker of Casting]], [[Phrygian Choker of Healing]], [[Phrygian Needle]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Fending]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Casting]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing]], [[Rarefied Phrygian Earring]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Saigaskin Coat of Fending]], [[Saigaskin Coat of Maiming]], [[Saigaskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Saigaskin Jacket of Scouting]], [[Saigaskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Rising Dragon]], [[Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Falling Dragon]], [[Kumbhiraskin Leg Guards of the Last Unicorn]], [[Snow Linen Jacket of Casting]], [[Snow Linen Jacket of Healing]]
|[[Brass Ingot]]||[[file:brass ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 14 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Smydhaemr]], [[Soemrwyb]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Ferreol]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Brass Spear]], [[Pastoral Yew Cane]], [[Pastoral Oak Cane]], [[Glade Cupboard]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cartonnier]], [[Oasis Cupboard]], [[Glade Thatch Chimney]], [[Glade Sideboard]], [[Cask Rack]], [[Wolf Cane]], [[Brass Daggers]], [[Brass Head Knife]], [[Brass Bastard Sword]], [[Brass Knuckles]], [[Brass Knives]], [[Brass Viking Sword]], [[Inferno Axe]], [[Brass Hatchet]], [[Iron Ornamental Hammer]], [[Iron Chocobotail Saw]], [[Mythril-barreled Carbine]], [[Mythril Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Claws]], [[Wolf Claws]], [[Brass Alembic]], [[Decorated Bronze Barbut]], [[Decorated Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Reinforced Iron Sallet]], [[Heavy Iron Armor]], [[Conical Alembic]], [[Steel Celata]], [[Steel Cuirass]], [[Steel Gauntlets]], [[Steel Sabatons]], [[Heavy Steel Armor]], [[Cobalt-plated Caligae]], [[Brass Bench]], [[Riviera Placard]], [[Riviera Hanging Placard]], [[Brass Cudgel]], [[Brass Spectacles]], [[Brass Rings]], [[Brass Gorget]], [[Fang Earrings]], [[Brass Wristlets]], [[Brass Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Brass Earrings]], [[Brass Circlet (Sunstone)]], [[Brass Circlet (Danburite)]], [[Brass Circlet (Fluorite)]], [[Brass Circlet (Malachite)]], [[Brass Circlet (Sphene)]], [[Brass Circlet (Lapis Lazuli)]], [[Decorated Copper Scepter]], [[Brass Ring]], [[Brass Ring of Crafting]], [[Crow Fly]], [[Brass Choker]], [[Brass Ear Cuffs]], [[Brass Needle]], [[Floating Minnow]], [[Brass Spoon Lure]], [[Ice Brand]], [[Silver Star Globe]], [[Brass Pricket]], [[Oasis Partition]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Composite)]], [[Oasis Placard]], [[Weighing Scale]], [[Ahriman Flower Vase]], [[Ahriman Chronometer]], [[Ahriman Vase]], [[Gemscope]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Glade Wall Chronometer]], [[Star Chandelier]], [[Hard Leather Shepherd's Belt]], [[Boarskin Pot Helm]], [[Miner's Shirt]], [[Cotton Shepherd's Tunic]], [[Initiate's Doublet Vest]], [[Cotton Doublet Vest of Crafting]], [[Cotton Doublet Vest of Gathering]], [[Vintage Doublet Vest]], [[Woolen Cavalier's Hat]], [[Oasis Flower Vase]], [[Oasis Interior Wall]], [[Potted Spider Plant]]
|[[Brashgold Plate]]||[[file:brashgold plate icon1.png]]||[[Brashgold Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 80*** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Aesthete's Grinding Wheel]], [[Aesthete's Spinning Wheel]], [[Aesthete's Fishing Rod]], [[Aesthete's Saw]], [[Aesthete's Claw Hammer]], [[Aesthete's Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Aesthete's File]], [[Aesthete's Raising Hammer]], [[Aesthete's Pliers]], [[Aesthete's Mallet]], [[Aesthete's Round Knife]], [[Aesthete's Awl]], [[Aesthete's Mortar]], [[Aesthete's Culinary Knife]], [[Aesthete's Pickaxe]], [[Aesthete's Sledgehammer]], [[Aesthete's Hatchet]], [[Aesthete's Scythe]], [[Aesthete's Alembic]], [[Aesthete's Frypan]], [[Aesthete's Needle]], [[Aesthete's Ear Cuffs of Crafting]], [[Aesthete's Choker of Crafting]], [[Aesthete's Bracelets of Crafting]], [[Aesthete's Ring of Crafting]]
|[[Brass Plate]]||[[file:brass plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Brass Ingot]]||[[file:brass ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 14 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Smydhaemr]], [[Soemrwyb]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Ferreol]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Brass Spear]], [[Pastoral Yew Cane]], [[Pastoral Oak Cane]], [[Glade Cupboard]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cartonnier]], [[Oasis Cupboard]], [[Glade Thatch Chimney]], [[Glade Sideboard]], [[Cask Rack]], [[Wolf Cane]], [[Brass Daggers]], [[Brass Head Knife]], [[Brass Bastard Sword]], [[Brass Knuckles]], [[Brass Knives]], [[Brass Viking Sword]], [[Inferno Axe]], [[Brass Hatchet]], [[Iron Ornamental Hammer]], [[Iron Chocobotail Saw]], [[Mythril-barreled Carbine]], [[Mythril Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Claws]], [[Wolf Claws]], [[Brass Alembic]], [[Decorated Bronze Barbut]], [[Decorated Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Reinforced Iron Sallet]], [[Heavy Iron Armor]], [[Conical Alembic]], [[Steel Celata]], [[Steel Cuirass]], [[Steel Gauntlets]], [[Steel Sabatons]], [[Heavy Steel Armor]], [[Cobalt-plated Caligae]], [[Brass Bench]], [[Riviera Placard]], [[Riviera Hanging Placard]], [[Brass Cudgel]], [[Brass Spectacles]], [[Brass Rings]], [[Brass Gorget]], [[Fang Earrings]], [[Brass Wristlets]], [[Brass Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Brass Earrings]], [[Brass Circlet (Sunstone)]], [[Brass Circlet (Danburite)]], [[Brass Circlet (Fluorite)]], [[Brass Circlet (Malachite)]], [[Brass Circlet (Sphene)]], [[Brass Circlet (Lapis Lazuli)]], [[Decorated Copper Scepter]], [[Brass Ring]], [[Brass Ring of Crafting]], [[Crow Fly]], [[Brass Choker]], [[Brass Ear Cuffs]], [[Brass Needle]], [[Floating Minnow]], [[Brass Spoon Lure]], [[Ice Brand]], [[Silver Star Globe]], [[Brass Pricket]], [[Oasis Partition]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Composite)]], [[Oasis Placard]], [[Weighing Scale]], [[Ahriman Flower Vase]], [[Ahriman Chronometer]], [[Ahriman Vase]], [[Gemscope]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Glade Wall Chronometer]], [[Star Chandelier]], [[Hard Leather Shepherd's Belt]], [[Boarskin Pot Helm]], [[Miner's Shirt]], [[Cotton Shepherd's Tunic]], [[Initiate's Doublet Vest]], [[Cotton Doublet Vest of Crafting]], [[Cotton Doublet Vest of Gathering]], [[Vintage Doublet Vest]], [[Woolen Cavalier's Hat]], [[Oasis Flower Vase]], [[Oasis Interior Wall]], [[Potted Spider Plant]]
|[[Brass Rings]]||[[file:brass rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 15 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Brass Wristlets]], [[Brass Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Electrum Monocle]], [[Weighing Scale]]
|[[Brass Plate]]||[[file:brass plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Brass Rivets]]||[[file:brass rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Brass Rings]]||[[file:brass rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 15 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Brass Wristlets]], [[Brass Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Electrum Monocle]], [[Weighing Scale]]
|[[Bronze Ingot]]||[[file:bronze ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 1 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 1 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Engerrand]], [[Ferreol]], [[O&#39;rhoyod]], [[Osgyth]], [[Aistan]], [[Fridurih]], [[Gigima]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Amateur's Grinding Wheel]], [[Bronze Spear]], [[Maple Fishing Rod]], [[Round Shield]], [[Ragstone Grinding Wheel]], [[Amateur's Fishing Rod]], [[Brass Spear]], [[Glade Round Table]], [[Oriental Altar]], [[Order of Nald'thal Lectern]], [[Bronze Hatchet]], [[Bronze Bastard Sword]], [[Amateur's File]], [[Bronze Rivets]], [[Bronze War Axe]], [[Amateur's Pliers]], [[Bronze Saw]], [[Amateur's Awl]], [[Bronze Daggers]], [[Amateur's Claw Hammer]], [[Bronze Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Bronze Doming Hammer]], [[Amateur's Mortar]], [[Amateur's Culinary Knife]], [[Viking Sword]], [[Bronze Labrys]], [[Bronze Chaser Hammer]], [[Bronze Knives]], [[Bronze Head Knife]], [[Bronze Pickaxe]], [[Cloud Axe]], [[Bronze Claw Hammer]], [[Bronze Baselards]], [[Amateur's Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Bronze File]], [[Bronze Pliers]], [[Amateur's Chaser Hammer]], [[Bronze Mortar]], [[Amateur's Doming Hammer]], [[Amateur's Head Knife]], [[Bronze Awl]], [[Amateur's Pickaxe]], [[Bronze Scythe]], [[Amateur's Saw]], [[Bronze Culinary Knife]], [[Bronze Sledgehammer]], [[Amateur's Hatchet]], [[Bronze Spatha]], [[Bronze Knuckles]], [[Spiked Bronze Labrys]], [[Brass Daggers]], [[Birdsbeak Hammer]], [[Bronze Raising Hammer]], [[Brass Knives]], [[Mythril Claymore]], [[Bronze Rings]], [[Bronze Rivets]], [[Bronze Plate]], [[Bronze Sallet]], [[Bronze Buckler]], [[Ironclad Bronze Buckler]], [[Mythril-plated Caligae]], [[Bronze Scepter]], [[Brass Cudgel]], [[Llymlaen's Embrace]], [[Merchant's Purse]], [[Leather Shepherd's Belt]], [[Leather Belt]], [[Leather Crakows]], [[Leather Ringbands]], [[Leather Himantes]], [[Hard Leather Merchant's Pouch]], [[Amateur's Headgear]], [[Leather Survival Belt]], [[Hard Leather Harness]], [[Hard Leather Armguards]], [[Hard Leather Crakows]], [[Goatskin Cesti]], [[Hempen Bracers]], [[Riviera Bed]]
|[[Brass Rivets]]||[[file:brass rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Bronze Plate]]||[[file:bronze plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 3 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Smydhaemr]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Bronze Raising Hammer]], [[Bronze Alembic]], [[Bronze Skillet]], [[Bronze Hoplon]], [[Bronze Sollerets]], [[Bronze Sallet]], [[Bronze Chain Coif]], [[Amateur's Alembic]], [[Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Scutum]], [[Bronze Barbut]], [[Amateur's Skillet]], [[Bronze Plate Belt]], [[Bronze Celata]], [[Bronze Cuirass]], [[Bronze Sabatons]], [[Bronze Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Buckler]], [[Vintage Hoplon]], [[Vintage Celata]], [[Riviera Lantern]], [[Brass Bench]]
|[[Bronze Ingot]]||[[file:bronze ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 1 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 1 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Engerrand]], [[Ferreol]], [[O&#39;rhoyod]], [[Osgyth]], [[Aistan]], [[Fridurih]], [[Gigima]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Amateur's Grinding Wheel]], [[Bronze Spear]], [[Maple Fishing Rod]], [[Round Shield]], [[Ragstone Grinding Wheel]], [[Amateur's Fishing Rod]], [[Brass Spear]], [[Glade Round Table]], [[Oriental Altar]], [[Order of Nald'thal Lectern]], [[Bronze Hatchet]], [[Bronze Bastard Sword]], [[Amateur's File]], [[Bronze Rivets]], [[Bronze War Axe]], [[Amateur's Pliers]], [[Bronze Saw]], [[Amateur's Awl]], [[Bronze Daggers]], [[Amateur's Claw Hammer]], [[Bronze Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Bronze Doming Hammer]], [[Amateur's Mortar]], [[Amateur's Culinary Knife]], [[Viking Sword]], [[Bronze Labrys]], [[Bronze Chaser Hammer]], [[Bronze Knives]], [[Bronze Head Knife]], [[Bronze Pickaxe]], [[Cloud Axe]], [[Bronze Claw Hammer]], [[Bronze Baselards]], [[Amateur's Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Bronze File]], [[Bronze Pliers]], [[Amateur's Chaser Hammer]], [[Bronze Mortar]], [[Amateur's Doming Hammer]], [[Amateur's Head Knife]], [[Bronze Awl]], [[Amateur's Pickaxe]], [[Bronze Scythe]], [[Amateur's Saw]], [[Bronze Culinary Knife]], [[Bronze Sledgehammer]], [[Amateur's Hatchet]], [[Bronze Spatha]], [[Bronze Knuckles]], [[Spiked Bronze Labrys]], [[Brass Daggers]], [[Birdsbeak Hammer]], [[Bronze Raising Hammer]], [[Brass Knives]], [[Mythril Claymore]], [[Bronze Rings]], [[Bronze Rivets]], [[Bronze Plate]], [[Bronze Sallet]], [[Bronze Buckler]], [[Ironclad Bronze Buckler]], [[Mythril-plated Caligae]], [[Bronze Scepter]], [[Brass Cudgel]], [[Llymlaen's Embrace]], [[Merchant's Purse]], [[Leather Shepherd's Belt]], [[Leather Belt]], [[Leather Crakows]], [[Leather Ringbands]], [[Leather Himantes]], [[Hard Leather Merchant's Pouch]], [[Amateur's Headgear]], [[Leather Survival Belt]], [[Hard Leather Harness]], [[Hard Leather Armguards]], [[Hard Leather Crakows]], [[Goatskin Cesti]], [[Hempen Bracers]], [[Riviera Bed]]
|[[Bronze Rings]]||[[file:bronze rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 2 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Bronze Haubergeon]], [[Bronze Sollerets]], [[Bronze Chain Coif]], [[Bronze Celata]], [[Bronze Cuirass]], [[Bronze Sabatons]], [[Iron Sabatons]]
|[[Bronze Plate]]||[[file:bronze plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 3 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Smydhaemr]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Bronze Raising Hammer]], [[Bronze Alembic]], [[Bronze Skillet]], [[Bronze Hoplon]], [[Bronze Sollerets]], [[Bronze Sallet]], [[Bronze Chain Coif]], [[Amateur's Alembic]], [[Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Scutum]], [[Bronze Barbut]], [[Amateur's Skillet]], [[Bronze Plate Belt]], [[Bronze Celata]], [[Bronze Cuirass]], [[Bronze Sabatons]], [[Bronze Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Buckler]], [[Vintage Hoplon]], [[Vintage Celata]], [[Riviera Lantern]], [[Brass Bench]]
|[[Bronze Rivets]]||[[file:bronze rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 3 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 2 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Engerrand]], [[Ferreol]], [[O&#39;rhoyod]], [[Osgyth]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Fridurih]], [[Gigima]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Amateur's Spinning Wheel]], [[Square Maple Shield]], [[Round Shield]], [[Ash Spinning Wheel]], [[Square Ash Shield]], [[Initiate's Spinning Wheel]], [[Vintage Square Shield]], [[Crofter's Wain]], [[Amateur's Pliers]], [[Bronze Saw]], [[Bronze Chaser Hammer]], [[Bronze Pliers]], [[Amateur's Chaser Hammer]], [[Amateur's Saw]], [[Bronze Ornamental Hammer]], [[Chocobotail Saw]], [[Bronze Alembic]], [[Bronze Sallet]], [[Amateur's Alembic]], [[Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Scutum]], [[Bronze Barbut]], [[Brass Alembic]], [[Decorated Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Initiate's Alembic]], [[Fingerless Leather Gloves]], [[Hard Leather Pot Helm]], [[Amateur's Headgear]], [[Leather Targe]], [[Hard Leather Armguards]], [[Hard Leather Caligae]], [[Hempen Trousers]], [[Cotton Trousers]], [[Low Barrel Planter]]
|[[Bronze Rings]]||[[file:bronze rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 2 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Bronze Haubergeon]], [[Bronze Sollerets]], [[Bronze Chain Coif]], [[Bronze Celata]], [[Bronze Cuirass]], [[Bronze Sabatons]], [[Iron Sabatons]]
|[[Calibrated Rose Gold Cog]]||[[file:calibrated rose gold cog icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Bronze Rivets]]||[[file:bronze rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 3 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 2 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Engerrand]], [[Ferreol]], [[O&#39;rhoyod]], [[Osgyth]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Fridurih]], [[Gigima]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Amateur's Spinning Wheel]], [[Square Maple Shield]], [[Round Shield]], [[Ash Spinning Wheel]], [[Square Ash Shield]], [[Initiate's Spinning Wheel]], [[Vintage Square Shield]], [[Crofter's Wain]], [[Amateur's Pliers]], [[Bronze Saw]], [[Bronze Chaser Hammer]], [[Bronze Pliers]], [[Amateur's Chaser Hammer]], [[Amateur's Saw]], [[Bronze Ornamental Hammer]], [[Chocobotail Saw]], [[Bronze Alembic]], [[Bronze Sallet]], [[Amateur's Alembic]], [[Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Scutum]], [[Bronze Barbut]], [[Brass Alembic]], [[Decorated Bronze Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Initiate's Alembic]], [[Fingerless Leather Gloves]], [[Hard Leather Pot Helm]], [[Amateur's Headgear]], [[Leather Targe]], [[Hard Leather Armguards]], [[Hard Leather Caligae]], [[Hempen Trousers]], [[Cotton Trousers]], [[Low Barrel Planter]]
|[[Chigusa Ingot]]||[[file:chigusa ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Chigusa Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Chigusa Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Rakshasa Blade]], [[Rakshasa Axe]], [[Rakshasa Odachi]], [[Rakshasa Lance]], [[Rakshasa Knuckles]], [[Rakshasa Katana]], [[Rakshasa Daggers]], [[Rakshasa Revolver]], [[Rakshasa Greatshield]], [[Rakshasa Mask of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Mask of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Kote of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Kote of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Sune-ate of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Sune-ate of Maiming]], [[Seiryu Barding]], [[Rakshasa Rapier]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Slaying]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Kasaya of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Kasaya of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Haori of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Haori of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Haori of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Grimoire]], [[Rakshasa Codex]]
|[[Calibrated Rose Gold Cog]]||[[file:calibrated rose gold cog icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Chondrite Ingot]]||[[file:chondrite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Chondrite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 88 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Chondrite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 88 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Integral Magitek Spear]], [[Integral Magitek Bow]], [[Integral Spinning Wheel]], [[Integral Fishing Rod]], [[Rarefied Integral Fishing Rod]], [[Chondrite Magitek Sword]], [[Chondrite Magitek Axe]], [[Chondrite Magitek Guillotine]], [[Chondrite Magitek Sawback]], [[Chondrite Magitek War Scythe]], [[Chondrite Magitek Baghnakhs]], [[Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade]], [[Chondrite Magitek Cleavers]], [[Chondrite Magitek Handgonne]], [[Chondrite Magitek Glaives]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Chondrite Claw Hammer]], [[Chondrite File]], [[Chondrite Pliers]], [[Chondrite Awl]], [[Chondrite Mortar]], [[Chondrite Culinary Knife]], [[Chondrite Sledgehammer]], [[Chondrite Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Culinary Knife]], [[Chondrite Saw]], [[Chondrite Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Chondrite Raising Hammer]], [[Chondrite Lapidary Hammer]], [[Chondrite Round Knife]], [[Chondrite Pickaxe]], [[Chondrite Hatchet]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Lapidary Hammer]], [[Chondrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Striking]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Scouting]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Aiming]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Casting]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Healing]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Chondrite Magitek Shield]], [[Chondrite Top of Fending]], [[Chondrite Top of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets]], [[Chondrite Alembic]], [[Chondrite Bomb Frypan]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Alembic]], [[Chondrite Magitek Tuck]], [[Chondrite Magitek Planisphere]], [[Chondrite Magitek Wings]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Healing]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Healing]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Healing]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Healing]], [[Rarefied Star Quartz Choker]], [[Chondrite Needle]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Needle]], [[Rarefied Ophiotauroskin Halfgloves]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Fending]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Maiming]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Top of Striking]]
|[[Chigusa Ingot]]||[[file:chigusa ingot icon1.png]]||[[Chigusa Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7**** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Chigusa Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7**** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Rakshasa Blade]], [[Rakshasa Axe]], [[Rakshasa Odachi]], [[Rakshasa Lance]], [[Rakshasa Knuckles]], [[Rakshasa Katana]], [[Rakshasa Daggers]], [[Rakshasa Revolver]], [[Rakshasa Greatshield]], [[Rakshasa Mask of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Mask of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Kote of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Kote of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Sune-ate of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Sune-ate of Maiming]], [[Seiryu Barding]], [[Rakshasa Rapier]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Slaying]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Kasaya of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Kasaya of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Haori of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Haori of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Haori of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Grimoire]], [[Rakshasa Codex]]
|[[Chromite Ingot]]||[[file:chromite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Chromite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Chromite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Chromite Spear]], [[Torreya Longbow]], [[Kitchen Hanger]], [[Chromite Sword]], [[Chromite Axe]], [[Chromite Greatsword]], [[Chromite Knuckles]], [[Chromite Uchigatana]], [[Chromite Daggers]], [[Chromite Arquebus]], [[Ala Mhigan Saw]], [[Ala Mhigan Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Ala Mhigan Raising Hammer]], [[Ala Mhigan Lapidary Hammer]], [[Ala Mhigan Round Knife]], [[Ala Mhigan Pickaxe]], [[Ala Mhigan Hatchet]], [[Private Moai]], [[Bomb Stove]], [[Tier 1 Metal Aquarium]], [[Tier 2 Metal Aquarium]], [[Ala Mhigan Alembic]], [[Ala Mhigan Frypan]], [[Chromite Shield]], [[Chromite Helm of Fending]], [[Chromite Armor of Fending]], [[Chromite Mail of Maiming]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Chromite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Chromite Greaves of Maiming]], [[Shinryu Barding]], [[Tier 3 Metal Aquarium]], [[Tier 4 Metal Aquarium]], [[Palladium Rapier]], [[Ala Mhigan Needle]], [[Palladium Circlet of Maiming]], [[Crimson Coral Object]], [[Washbasin]], [[Byakko Barding]], [[True Griffin Chestpiece of Striking]], [[True Griffin Chestpiece of Scouting]], [[True Griffin Breeches of Fending]], [[True Griffin Breeches of Maiming]], [[True Griffin Breeches of Aiming]], [[True Griffin Boots of Aiming]], [[Shinryu's Wing]]
|[[Chondrite Ingot]]||[[file:chondrite ingot icon1.png]]||[[Chondrite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 88 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Chondrite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 88 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Integral Magitek Spear]], [[Integral Magitek Bow]], [[Integral Spinning Wheel]], [[Integral Fishing Rod]], [[Rarefied Integral Fishing Rod]], [[Chondrite Magitek Sword]], [[Chondrite Magitek Axe]], [[Chondrite Magitek Guillotine]], [[Chondrite Magitek Sawback]], [[Chondrite Magitek War Scythe]], [[Chondrite Magitek Baghnakhs]], [[Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade]], [[Chondrite Magitek Cleavers]], [[Chondrite Magitek Handgonne]], [[Chondrite Magitek Glaives]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Chondrite Claw Hammer]], [[Chondrite File]], [[Chondrite Pliers]], [[Chondrite Awl]], [[Chondrite Mortar]], [[Chondrite Culinary Knife]], [[Chondrite Sledgehammer]], [[Chondrite Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Culinary Knife]], [[Chondrite Saw]], [[Chondrite Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Chondrite Raising Hammer]], [[Chondrite Lapidary Hammer]], [[Chondrite Round Knife]], [[Chondrite Pickaxe]], [[Chondrite Hatchet]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Lapidary Hammer]], [[Chondrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Striking]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Scouting]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Aiming]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Casting]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Healing]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Chondrite Magitek Shield]], [[Chondrite Top of Fending]], [[Chondrite Top of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets]], [[Chondrite Alembic]], [[Chondrite Bomb Frypan]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Alembic]], [[Chondrite Magitek Tuck]], [[Chondrite Magitek Planisphere]], [[Chondrite Magitek Wings]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Earrings of Healing]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Ring of Healing]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Choker of Healing]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Fending]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Slaying]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Aiming]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Casting]], [[Star Quartz Wristband of Healing]], [[Rarefied Star Quartz Choker]], [[Chondrite Needle]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Needle]], [[Rarefied Ophiotauroskin Halfgloves]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Fending]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Maiming]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Top of Striking]]
|[[Cloud Mythril Ingot]]||[[file:cloud mythril ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Cloud Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Cloud Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★★ Armorer]]<br>[[Cloud Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Sky Rat Mask of Striking]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Healing]], [[Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Striking]], [[Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Aiming]], [[Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Casting]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Aiming]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Casting]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Healing]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Healing]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Healing]]
|[[Chromite Ingot]]||[[file:chromite ingot icon1.png]]||[[Chromite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Chromite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Chromite Spear]], [[Torreya Longbow]], [[Kitchen Hanger]], [[Chromite Sword]], [[Chromite Axe]], [[Chromite Greatsword]], [[Chromite Knuckles]], [[Chromite Uchigatana]], [[Chromite Daggers]], [[Chromite Arquebus]], [[Ala Mhigan Saw]], [[Ala Mhigan Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Ala Mhigan Raising Hammer]], [[Ala Mhigan Lapidary Hammer]], [[Ala Mhigan Round Knife]], [[Ala Mhigan Pickaxe]], [[Ala Mhigan Hatchet]], [[Private Moai]], [[Bomb Stove]], [[Tier 1 Metal Aquarium]], [[Tier 2 Metal Aquarium]], [[Ala Mhigan Alembic]], [[Ala Mhigan Frypan]], [[Chromite Shield]], [[Chromite Helm of Fending]], [[Chromite Armor of Fending]], [[Chromite Mail of Maiming]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Chromite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Chromite Greaves of Maiming]], [[Shinryu Barding]], [[Tier 3 Metal Aquarium]], [[Tier 4 Metal Aquarium]], [[Palladium Rapier]], [[Ala Mhigan Needle]], [[Palladium Circlet of Maiming]], [[Crimson Coral Object]], [[Washbasin]], [[Byakko Barding]], [[True Griffin Chestpiece of Striking]], [[True Griffin Chestpiece of Scouting]], [[True Griffin Breeches of Fending]], [[True Griffin Breeches of Maiming]], [[True Griffin Breeches of Aiming]], [[True Griffin Boots of Aiming]], [[Shinryu's Wing]]
|[[Cobalt Alloy Ingot]]||[[file:cobalt alloy ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Cobalt Alloy Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Cobalt Alloy Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★ Armorer]]|| || ||align = "left" |[[Neo-Ishgardian Sword]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Labrys]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Greatsword]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Manatrigger]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Trident]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Claws]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Blade]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Daggers]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Revolver]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Chakrams]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Shield]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Top of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Striking]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Scouting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Aiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Casting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Healing]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Scouting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Rod]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Foil]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Planisphere]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Slaying]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Aiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Casting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Healing]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Casting]]
|[[Cloud Mythril Ingot]]||[[file:cloud mythril ingot icon1.png]]||[[Cloud Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60*** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Cloud Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60*** Armorer]]<br>[[Cloud Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60*** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Sky Rat Mask of Striking]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Hook of Healing]], [[Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Striking]], [[Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Aiming]], [[Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Casting]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Aiming]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Casting]], [[Sky Rat Mask of Healing]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Harness of Healing]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Fending]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Maiming]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Scouting]], [[Sky Rat Hookboots of Healing]]
|[[Cobalt Ingot]]||[[file:cobalt ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 42 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 42 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Cobalt Halberd]], [[Cobalt Cavalry Bow]], [[Eagle-crested Round Shield]], [[Cobalt Trident]], [[Basilisk Grinding Wheel]], [[Hart Guisarme]], [[Lattice Planter]], [[Riviera Wall Shelf]], [[Corner Counter]], [[Deluxe Manor Fireplace]], [[Glade Roundpole Fence]], [[Glade Open-shelf Bookcase]], [[Large Wall Chronometer]], [[Manor Harpsichord]], [[Manor Cello]], [[Woodworking Bench]], [[Clothcraft Loom]], [[Wolf Guisarme]], [[Beak of the Vortex]], [[Cobalt Katzbalger]], [[Cobalt Knuckles]], [[Cobalt Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Cobalt Rivets]], [[Cobalt Shamshir]], [[Buccaneer's Bardiche]], [[Cobalt Doming Hammer]], [[Cobalt Dolabra]], [[Cobalt Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Nails]], [[Cobalt Claw Hammer]], [[Cobalt Pliers]], [[Cobalt Awl]], [[Cobalt Culinary Knife]], [[Cobalt Sledgehammer]], [[Demilune Bhuj]], [[Cobalt Claymore]], [[Cobalt-barreled Carbine]], [[Cobalt File]], [[Cobalt Mortar]], [[Cobalt Scythe]], [[Bas-relief Cobalt Saw]], [[Electrum Head Knife]], [[Cobalt Raising Hammer]], [[Electrum Lapidary Hammer]], [[Cobalt Zweihander]], [[Cobalt-barreled Musketoon]], [[Egret Dolabra]], [[Cobalt Winglet]], [[Cobalt Claws]], [[Spiked Cobalt Labrys]], [[Cobalt Baselards]], [[Horned Hatchet]], [[Mythrite Patas]], [[Mythrite Pugiones]], [[Mythrite Jamadhars]], [[Mythrite Stilettos]], [[Oasis Floor Lamp]], [[Stone Vigil Beacon]], [[Riviera Bench]], [[Riviera Floor Lamp]], [[Oasis Counter]], [[Nymian Wall Lantern]], [[Riviera Chandelier]], [[Mahogany Screen]], [[Wall Lantern]], [[Chocobo Weathervane]], [[Riviera Fence]], [[Shower Stand]], [[Carbuncle Garden Bench]], [[Smithing Bench]], [[Wolf Winglet]], [[Wolf Labrys]], [[Wolf Zweihander]], [[Wolf Musketoon]], [[Inferno Blade]], [[Inferno Battleaxe]], [[Scream of the Vortex]], [[Malignant Moggle Mogaxe]], [[Melancholy Moggle Mogfork]], [[Inferno Kris]], [[Inferno Faussar]], [[Pain of the Vortex]], [[Artisan's Mortar]], [[Cobalt Plate]], [[Cobalt Rings]], [[Cobalt Rivets]], [[Cobalt Joint Plate]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Mail]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers]], [[Cobalt-plated Jackboots]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Cobalt Sallet]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Glade Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Bookshelf]], [[Wolf Sallet]], [[Electrum Scepter]], [[Snurble Fly]], [[Topwater Frog]], [[Electrum Star Globe]], [[Rainbow Spoon Lure]], [[Spinnerbait]], [[Cobalt Planisphere]], [[Streamer]], [[Yumizuno]], [[Minstrel's Spectacles]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Riviera Table Chronometer]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Oasis Ornate Fence]], [[Personal Astroscope]], [[Wolf Planisphere]], [[Raptorskin Harness]], [[Raptorskin Smithy's Gloves]], [[Raptorskin Artisan's Belt]], [[Peisteskin Belt]], [[Raptorskin Subligar]], [[Raptorskin Armguards]], [[Raptorskin Voyager's Belt]], [[Carbuncle Armchair]], [[Wolf Armguards]], [[Wolf Ringbands]], [[Wolf Whipping Belt]], [[Murderous Moggle Mogfists]], [[Woolen Doublet]], [[Felt Gown]], [[Oasis Awning]], [[Tonberry Round Table]], [[Tonberry Dining Table]], [[Book of Electrum]], [[Embossed Book of Electrum]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Casting]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Healing]], [[Tremor Shield]]
|[[Cobalt Alloy Ingot]]||[[file:cobalt alloy ingot icon1.png]]||[[Cobalt Alloy Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80*** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Cobalt Alloy Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80*** Armorer]]|| || ||align = "left" |[[Neo-Ishgardian Sword]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Labrys]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Greatsword]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Manatrigger]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Trident]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Claws]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Blade]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Daggers]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Revolver]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Chakrams]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Shield]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Top of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Striking]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Scouting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Aiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Casting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Healing]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Scouting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Rod]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Foil]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Planisphere]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Fending]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Slaying]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Aiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Casting]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Healing]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Maiming]], [[Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Casting]]
|[[Cobalt Joint Plate]]||[[file:cobalt joint plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 44 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Composite)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Cobalt Ingot]]||[[file:cobalt ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 42 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 42 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Cobalt Halberd]], [[Cobalt Cavalry Bow]], [[Eagle-crested Round Shield]], [[Cobalt Trident]], [[Basilisk Grinding Wheel]], [[Hart Guisarme]], [[Lattice Planter]], [[Riviera Wall Shelf]], [[Corner Counter]], [[Deluxe Manor Fireplace]], [[Glade Roundpole Fence]], [[Glade Open-shelf Bookcase]], [[Large Wall Chronometer]], [[Manor Harpsichord]], [[Manor Cello]], [[Woodworking Bench]], [[Clothcraft Loom]], [[Wolf Guisarme]], [[Beak of the Vortex]], [[Cobalt Katzbalger]], [[Cobalt Knuckles]], [[Cobalt Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Cobalt Rivets]], [[Cobalt Shamshir]], [[Buccaneer's Bardiche]], [[Cobalt Doming Hammer]], [[Cobalt Dolabra]], [[Cobalt Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Nails]], [[Cobalt Claw Hammer]], [[Cobalt Pliers]], [[Cobalt Awl]], [[Cobalt Culinary Knife]], [[Cobalt Sledgehammer]], [[Demilune Bhuj]], [[Cobalt Claymore]], [[Cobalt-barreled Carbine]], [[Cobalt File]], [[Cobalt Mortar]], [[Cobalt Scythe]], [[Bas-relief Cobalt Saw]], [[Electrum Head Knife]], [[Cobalt Raising Hammer]], [[Electrum Lapidary Hammer]], [[Cobalt Zweihander]], [[Cobalt-barreled Musketoon]], [[Egret Dolabra]], [[Cobalt Winglet]], [[Cobalt Claws]], [[Spiked Cobalt Labrys]], [[Cobalt Baselards]], [[Horned Hatchet]], [[Mythrite Patas]], [[Mythrite Pugiones]], [[Mythrite Jamadhars]], [[Mythrite Stilettos]], [[Oasis Floor Lamp]], [[Stone Vigil Beacon]], [[Riviera Bench]], [[Riviera Floor Lamp]], [[Oasis Counter]], [[Nymian Wall Lantern]], [[Riviera Chandelier]], [[Mahogany Screen]], [[Wall Lantern]], [[Chocobo Weathervane]], [[Riviera Fence]], [[Shower Stand]], [[Carbuncle Garden Bench]], [[Smithing Bench]], [[Wolf Winglet]], [[Wolf Labrys]], [[Wolf Zweihander]], [[Wolf Musketoon]], [[Inferno Blade]], [[Inferno Battleaxe]], [[Scream of the Vortex]], [[Malignant Moggle Mogaxe]], [[Melancholy Moggle Mogfork]], [[Inferno Kris]], [[Inferno Faussar]], [[Pain of the Vortex]], [[Artisan's Mortar]], [[Cobalt Plate]], [[Cobalt Rings]], [[Cobalt Rivets]], [[Cobalt Joint Plate]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Mail]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers]], [[Cobalt-plated Jackboots]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Cobalt Sallet]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Glade Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Bookshelf]], [[Wolf Sallet]], [[Electrum Scepter]], [[Snurble Fly]], [[Topwater Frog]], [[Electrum Star Globe]], [[Rainbow Spoon Lure]], [[Spinnerbait]], [[Cobalt Planisphere]], [[Streamer]], [[Yumizuno]], [[Minstrel's Spectacles]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Riviera Table Chronometer]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Oasis Ornate Fence]], [[Personal Astroscope]], [[Wolf Planisphere]], [[Raptorskin Harness]], [[Raptorskin Smithy's Gloves]], [[Raptorskin Artisan's Belt]], [[Peisteskin Belt]], [[Raptorskin Subligar]], [[Raptorskin Armguards]], [[Raptorskin Voyager's Belt]], [[Carbuncle Armchair]], [[Wolf Armguards]], [[Wolf Ringbands]], [[Wolf Whipping Belt]], [[Murderous Moggle Mogfists]], [[Woolen Doublet]], [[Felt Gown]], [[Oasis Awning]], [[Tonberry Round Table]], [[Tonberry Dining Table]], [[Book of Electrum]], [[Embossed Book of Electrum]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Casting]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Healing]], [[Tremor Shield]]
|[[Cobalt Nails]]||[[file:cobalt nails icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 44 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Composite)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Woodworking Bench]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Cobalt Joint Plate]]||[[file:cobalt joint plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 44 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Composite)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Cobalt Plate]]||[[file:cobalt plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Corner Counter]], [[Cobalt Raising Hammer]], [[Egret Dolabra]], [[Cobalt Claws]], [[Cannonballs]], [[Bertha Cannon]], [[Wolf Claws]], [[Cobalt Skillet]], [[Cobalt Scutum]], [[Cobalt Vambraces]], [[Cobalt Elmo]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers]], [[Cobalt-plated Jackboots]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt-plated Caligae]], [[Hells' Kitchen]], [[Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Cobalt Sallet]], [[Cobalt Mesail]], [[Thermal Alembic]], [[Kite Shield]], [[Cobalt Celata]], [[Cobalt Chain Coif]], [[Cobalt Cuirass]], [[Cobalt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Plate Belt]], [[Cobalt Sabatons]], [[Cobalt Sollerets]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Militia Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Armorer's Visor]], [[Glade Rounded Chimney]], [[Moogle Letter Box]], [[Metal Interior Wall]], [[Metal Flooring]], [[Riviera Desk]], [[Riviera Bookshelf]], [[Company Chest]], [[Manor Fireplace]], [[Oasis Chandelier]], [[Projection Module]], [[Purification Module]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Elmo]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Scale Fingers]], [[Wolf Plate Belt]], [[Wolf Sabatons]], [[Wolf Scale Greaves]], [[Cobalt Preserves]], [[Gargoyle Sculpture]], [[Regal Letter Box]]
|[[Cobalt Nails]]||[[file:cobalt nails icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 44 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Composite)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Mansion Wall (Wood)]], [[Woodworking Bench]], [[Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Cobalt Rings]]||[[file:cobalt rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Nymian Wall Lantern]], [[High Mythril Flanchard]], [[Cobalt Chain Coif]], [[Cobalt Haubergeon]], [[Cobalt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Sabatons]], [[Cobalt Sollerets]], [[Militia Armet]], [[Militia Cuirass]], [[Militia Gauntlets]], [[Militia Sabatons]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Sabatons]]
|[[Cobalt Plate]]||[[file:cobalt plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Corner Counter]], [[Cobalt Raising Hammer]], [[Egret Dolabra]], [[Cobalt Claws]], [[Cannonballs]], [[Bertha Cannon]], [[Wolf Claws]], [[Cobalt Skillet]], [[Cobalt Scutum]], [[Cobalt Vambraces]], [[Cobalt Elmo]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers]], [[Cobalt-plated Jackboots]], [[Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt-plated Caligae]], [[Hells' Kitchen]], [[Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Cobalt Sallet]], [[Cobalt Mesail]], [[Thermal Alembic]], [[Kite Shield]], [[Cobalt Celata]], [[Cobalt Chain Coif]], [[Cobalt Cuirass]], [[Cobalt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Plate Belt]], [[Cobalt Sabatons]], [[Cobalt Sollerets]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Militia Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Armorer's Visor]], [[Glade Rounded Chimney]], [[Moogle Letter Box]], [[Metal Interior Wall]], [[Metal Flooring]], [[Riviera Desk]], [[Riviera Bookshelf]], [[Company Chest]], [[Manor Fireplace]], [[Oasis Chandelier]], [[Projection Module]], [[Purification Module]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Elmo]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Scale Fingers]], [[Wolf Plate Belt]], [[Wolf Sabatons]], [[Wolf Scale Greaves]], [[Cobalt Preserves]], [[Gargoyle Sculpture]], [[Regal Letter Box]]
|[[Cobalt Rivets]]||[[file:cobalt rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 44 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Rosewood Spinning Wheel]], [[Eagle-crested Round Shield]], [[Militia Spinning Wheel]], [[Riviera Wall Shelf]], [[Manor Timpani]], [[Artisan's Spinning Wheel]], [[Cobalt Doming Hammer]], [[Cobalt Pliers]], [[Bas-relief Cobalt Saw]], [[Cobalt Raising Hammer]], [[Electrum Lapidary Hammer]], [[Knight Captain's Desk]], [[Chocobo Weathervane]], [[Riviera Fence]], [[Cobalt Scutum]], [[Cobalt Elmo]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt-plated Caligae]], [[Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Sallet]], [[Cobalt Mesail]], [[Thermal Alembic]], [[Kite Shield]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Militia Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Glade Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Desk]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Elmo]], [[Wolf Sallet]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Riviera Table Chronometer]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Glade Wall Chronometer]], [[Carbuncle Chronometer]], [[Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Raptorskin Pot Helm]], [[Raptorskin Armguards]], [[Oxblood Targe]], [[Gryphonskin Belt]], [[Glade Armchair]], [[Glade Couch]], [[Wolf Armguards]], [[Padded Woolen Trousers]], [[Felt Trousers]], [[Wolf Trousers]]
|[[Cobalt Rings]]||[[file:cobalt rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Nymian Wall Lantern]], [[High Mythril Flanchard]], [[Cobalt Chain Coif]], [[Cobalt Haubergeon]], [[Cobalt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Sabatons]], [[Cobalt Sollerets]], [[Militia Armet]], [[Militia Cuirass]], [[Militia Gauntlets]], [[Militia Sabatons]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Sabatons]]
|[[Cobalt Tungsten Ingot]]||[[file:cobalt tungsten ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Cobalt Tungsten Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 94 Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Dark Mahogany Cane]], [[Dark Mahogany Rod]], [[Acacia Longbow]], [[Dark Mahogany Fishing Rod]], [[Acacia Fishing Rod]], [[Acacia Spinning Wheel]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Scimitar]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Knuckles]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Axe]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Khukuri]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Guillotine]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Handgonne]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Blade]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Sawback]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Glaives]], [[Cobalt Tungsten War Scythe]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Diamondbacks]], [[Titanium Gold Falchion]], [[Titanium Gold Claws]], [[Titanium Gold Knives]], [[Titanium Gold Greatsword]], [[Titanium Gold Pistol]], [[Titanium Gold Blade]], [[Titanium Gold Gunblade]], [[Titanium Gold War Quoits]], [[Titanium Gold Sickle]], [[Titanium Gold Saberfangs]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Saw]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Raising Hammer]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Lapidary Hammer]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Creasing Knife]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Pickaxe]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Claw Hammer]], [[Cobalt Tungsten File]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Pliers]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Awl]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Mortar]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Culinary Knife]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Maul]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Garden Scythe]], [[Titanium Gold Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Gold Lapidary Hammer]], [[Titanium Gold Creasing Knife]], [[Titanium Gold Pickaxe]], [[Titanium Gold Hatchet]], [[Titanium Gold Claw Hammer]], [[Titanium Gold Pliers]], [[Titanium Gold Mortar]], [[Titanium Gold Garden Scythe]], [[Lightweight Lantern]], [[Rarefied Cobalt Tungsten Scimitars]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Kite Shield]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Fending]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gold Shield]], [[Titanium Gold Helm of Fending]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Fending]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gold Helm of Striking]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Striking]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Scouting]], [[Titanium Gold Helm of Casting]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Alembic]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Chocobo Frypan]], [[Titanium Gold Bomb Frypan]], [[Lightweight Lantern]], [[Rarefied Cobalt Tungsten Chocobo Frypan]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Planisphere]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Tuck]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Pendulums]], [[Pink Beryl Halfgloves of Healing]], [[Pink Beryl Halfgloves of Casting]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Fending]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Slaying]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Aiming]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Healing]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Casting]], [[White Gold Astrometer]], [[White Gold Syrinxi]], [[White Gold Mask of Aiming]], [[White Gold Visor of Healing]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Needle]], [[Lightweight Lantern]], [[Rarefied Cobalt Tungsten Tuck]], [[Gomphotherium Trousers of Fending]], [[Gomphotherium Trousers of Maiming]], [[Gomphotherium Thorned Harness of Striking]], [[Gomphotherium Brais of Striking]], [[Gomphotherium Thornvest of Aiming]], [[Gomphotherium Brais of Aiming]], [[Gomphotherium Trousers of Scouting]], [[Gomphotherium Thornvest of Healing]], [[Gomphotherium Brais of Healing]], [[Gomphotherium Thornvest of Casting]], [[Gomphotherium Brais of Casting]], [[Rarefied Gomphotherium Brais]], [[Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Aiming]], [[Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Healing]], [[Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Casting]]
|[[Cobalt Rivets]]||[[file:cobalt rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 44 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Rosewood Spinning Wheel]], [[Eagle-crested Round Shield]], [[Militia Spinning Wheel]], [[Riviera Wall Shelf]], [[Manor Timpani]], [[Artisan's Spinning Wheel]], [[Cobalt Doming Hammer]], [[Cobalt Pliers]], [[Bas-relief Cobalt Saw]], [[Cobalt Raising Hammer]], [[Electrum Lapidary Hammer]], [[Knight Captain's Desk]], [[Chocobo Weathervane]], [[Riviera Fence]], [[Cobalt Scutum]], [[Cobalt Elmo]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt-plated Caligae]], [[Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Sallet]], [[Cobalt Mesail]], [[Thermal Alembic]], [[Kite Shield]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Militia Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Glade Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Desk]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Elmo]], [[Wolf Sallet]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Riviera Table Chronometer]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Glade Wall Chronometer]], [[Carbuncle Chronometer]], [[Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Raptorskin Pot Helm]], [[Raptorskin Armguards]], [[Oxblood Targe]], [[Gryphonskin Belt]], [[Glade Armchair]], [[Glade Couch]], [[Wolf Armguards]], [[Padded Woolen Trousers]], [[Felt Trousers]], [[Wolf Trousers]]
|[[Copper Dust]]||[[file:copper dust icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Copper Dust]]||[[file:copper dust icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Copper Ingot]]||[[file:copper ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 1 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Engerrand]], [[Soemrwyb]], [[O&#39;rhoyod]], [[Osgyth]], [[Fridurih]], [[Gigima]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Drawer Table]], [[Amateur's Alembic]], [[Bronze Barbut]], [[Decorated Bronze Barbut]], [[Copper Rings]], [[Copper Gorget]], [[Copper Wristlets]], [[Copper Earrings]], [[Copper Ring]], [[Copper Needle]], [[Copper Choker]], [[Copper Scepter]], [[Copper Ear Cuffs]], [[Ahriman Flower Vase]], [[Ahriman Chronometer]], [[Hard Leather Satchel Belt]], [[Hard Leather Hunting Belt]], [[Hempen Shepherd's Tunic]], [[Hempen Kecks]], [[Amateur's Doublet Vest]], [[Hempen Bottoms]], [[Hempen Doublet Vest of Crafting]], [[Hempen Doublet Vest of Gathering]]
|[[Copper Ingot]]||[[file:copper ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 1 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Engerrand]], [[Soemrwyb]], [[O&#39;rhoyod]], [[Osgyth]], [[Fridurih]], [[Gigima]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Drawer Table]], [[Amateur's Alembic]], [[Bronze Barbut]], [[Decorated Bronze Barbut]], [[Copper Rings]], [[Copper Gorget]], [[Copper Wristlets]], [[Copper Earrings]], [[Copper Ring]], [[Copper Needle]], [[Copper Choker]], [[Copper Scepter]], [[Copper Ear Cuffs]], [[Ahriman Flower Vase]], [[Ahriman Chronometer]], [[Hard Leather Satchel Belt]], [[Hard Leather Hunting Belt]], [[Hempen Shepherd's Tunic]], [[Hempen Kecks]], [[Amateur's Doublet Vest]], [[Hempen Bottoms]], [[Hempen Doublet Vest of Crafting]], [[Hempen Doublet Vest of Gathering]]
|[[Copper Plate]]||[[file:copper plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Copper Plate]]||[[file:copper plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Copper Rings]]||[[file:copper rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 4 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Copper Wristlets]], [[Bone Necklace]]
|[[Copper Rings]]||[[file:copper rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 4 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Copper Wristlets]], [[Bone Necklace]]
|[[Copper Rivets]]||[[file:copper rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Copper Rivets]]||[[file:copper rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Darksteel Hook]]||[[file:darksteel hook icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Balanced Darksteel Hook]]
|[[Darksteel Hook]]||[[file:darksteel hook icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Balanced Darksteel Hook]]
|[[Darksteel Ingot]]||[[file:darksteel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Open Hearth]], [[Glade Path Light]], [[Mailbreaker Blade]], [[Avenger Grips]], [[Rampager Head]], [[Obelisk Head]], [[Misericorde Blades]], [[Subduer]], [[Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss]], [[Seating Module]], [[Plasma Lamp]], [[Artisan's File]], [[Artisan's Pliers]], [[Darksteel Breastplate]], [[Darksteel Gauntlet Plates]], [[Darksteel Couters]], [[Darksteel Scutum]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Darksteel Haubergeon]], [[Light Steel Galerus]], [[Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Darksteel Tassets]], [[Light Steel Subligar]], [[Darksteel Sollerets]], [[Diagnostics Module]], [[Miniature Magitek Reaper]], [[Coeurl Eyeglasses]], [[Savage Arc of Triumph]], [[Ice Chandelier]], [[Gryphonskin Eyepatch]], [[Gallant Armor Augmentation]], [[Temple Attire Augmentation]], [[Fighter's Armor Augmentation]], [[Drachen Armor Augmentation]], [[Ninja Garb Augmentation]]
|[[Darksteel Ingot]]||[[file:darksteel ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Open Hearth]], [[Glade Path Light]], [[Mailbreaker Blade]], [[Avenger Grips]], [[Rampager Head]], [[Obelisk Head]], [[Misericorde Blades]], [[Subduer]], [[Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss]], [[Seating Module]], [[Plasma Lamp]], [[Artisan's File]], [[Artisan's Pliers]], [[Darksteel Breastplate]], [[Darksteel Gauntlet Plates]], [[Darksteel Couters]], [[Darksteel Scutum]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Darksteel Haubergeon]], [[Light Steel Galerus]], [[Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Darksteel Tassets]], [[Light Steel Subligar]], [[Darksteel Sollerets]], [[Diagnostics Module]], [[Miniature Magitek Reaper]], [[Coeurl Eyeglasses]], [[Savage Arc of Triumph]], [[Ice Chandelier]], [[Gryphonskin Eyepatch]], [[Gallant Armor Augmentation]], [[Temple Attire Augmentation]], [[Fighter's Armor Augmentation]], [[Drachen Armor Augmentation]], [[Ninja Garb Augmentation]]
|[[Darksteel Nugget]]||[[file:darksteel nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Militia Grinding Wheel]], [[Sarnga Limb]], [[Sarnga]], [[Spruce Round Shield]], [[Chocobo Pillar]], [[Riviera Open-shelf Bookcase]], [[Carbuncle Garden Table]], [[Goldsmithing Bench]], [[Leatherworking Bench]], [[Darksteel Rivets]], [[Aeolian Scimitar]], [[Barbarian's Bardiche]], [[Militia Claw Hammer]], [[Militia File]], [[Militia Pliers]], [[Militia Awl]], [[Militia Mortar]], [[Militia Culinary Knife]], [[Militia Sledgehammer]], [[Militia Scythe]], [[Darksteel Ingot]], [[Rampager Head]], [[Obelisk Head]], [[Mailbreaker]], [[Avengers]], [[Obelisk]], [[Misericordes]], [[Subduer]], [[Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss]], [[Mythrite Katzbalger]], [[Mythrite War Axe]], [[Mythrite-barreled Arquebus]], [[Titanium-barreled Arquebus]], [[Titanium Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Dark Divinity Falleth]], [[Tonberry Chandelier]], [[Bertha Cannon]], [[Tonberry Wall Lantern]], [[Seating Module]], [[Wavesoul Fount]], [[Riviera Path Light]], [[Carbuncle Garden Bench]], [[Tidal Wavesoul Fount]], [[Smithing Bench]], [[Cooking Stove]], [[Wolf Winglet]], [[Wolf Claws]], [[Wolf Labrys]], [[Wolf Pugiones]], [[Wolf Zweihander]], [[Wolf Musketoon]], [[Darksteel Hook]], [[Wind-up Dullahan]], [[Darksteel Plate]], [[Darksteel Rings]], [[Darksteel Rivets]], [[Hamlet Digger's Helmet]], [[Blacksmith's Workboots]], [[Darksteel Ingot]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Titanium Kite Shield]], [[Titanium Mask of Maiming]], [[Titanium Headgear of Striking]], [[Titanium Headgear of Scouting]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Titanium Armor of Fending]], [[Wolf Scale Mail]], [[Wolf Scale Fingers]], [[Wolf Scale Greaves]], [[Darksteel Wire]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Shaded Spectacles]], [[Sanguine Scepter]], [[Blacksmith's Goggles]], [[Alchemist's Monocle]], [[Rose Gold Clasps]], [[Astrolabe]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Mythrite Star Globe]], [[Obsidian Longpole]], [[Riviera Bathtub]], [[Amdapori Wall Lantern]], [[Personal Astroscope]], [[Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Titanic Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Wildling's Cesti]], [[Militia Harness]], [[Militia Ringbands]], [[Militia Belt]], [[Blacksmith's Apron]], [[Blacksmith's Gloves]], [[Armorer's Workboots]], [[Miner's Workboots]], [[Gryphonskin Voyager's Belt]], [[Gryphonskin Belt]], [[Gryphonskin Wristbands]], [[Wyvernskin Jerkin]], [[Behemoth Wall Trophy]], [[Dodore Survival Belt]], [[Saurian Belt of Healing]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Maiming]], [[Culinarian's Apron]], [[Blacksmith's Slops]], [[Vanya Trousers]], [[Tonberry Floor Lamp]], [[Double Feather Bed]], [[Alkalurops]], [[Deus Ex Verbis]], [[Deus Ex Gratia]], [[Potted Dragon Tree]], [[Stuffed Mazlaya Marlin]]
|[[Darksteel Nugget]]||[[file:darksteel nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Militia Grinding Wheel]], [[Sarnga Limb]], [[Sarnga]], [[Spruce Round Shield]], [[Chocobo Pillar]], [[Riviera Open-shelf Bookcase]], [[Carbuncle Garden Table]], [[Goldsmithing Bench]], [[Leatherworking Bench]], [[Darksteel Rivets]], [[Aeolian Scimitar]], [[Barbarian's Bardiche]], [[Militia Claw Hammer]], [[Militia File]], [[Militia Pliers]], [[Militia Awl]], [[Militia Mortar]], [[Militia Culinary Knife]], [[Militia Sledgehammer]], [[Militia Scythe]], [[Darksteel Ingot]], [[Rampager Head]], [[Obelisk Head]], [[Mailbreaker]], [[Avengers]], [[Obelisk]], [[Misericordes]], [[Subduer]], [[Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss]], [[Mythrite Katzbalger]], [[Mythrite War Axe]], [[Mythrite-barreled Arquebus]], [[Titanium-barreled Arquebus]], [[Titanium Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Dark Divinity Falleth]], [[Tonberry Chandelier]], [[Bertha Cannon]], [[Tonberry Wall Lantern]], [[Seating Module]], [[Wavesoul Fount]], [[Riviera Path Light]], [[Carbuncle Garden Bench]], [[Tidal Wavesoul Fount]], [[Smithing Bench]], [[Cooking Stove]], [[Wolf Winglet]], [[Wolf Claws]], [[Wolf Labrys]], [[Wolf Pugiones]], [[Wolf Zweihander]], [[Wolf Musketoon]], [[Darksteel Hook]], [[Wind-up Dullahan]], [[Darksteel Plate]], [[Darksteel Rings]], [[Darksteel Rivets]], [[Hamlet Digger's Helmet]], [[Blacksmith's Workboots]], [[Darksteel Ingot]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Titanium Kite Shield]], [[Titanium Mask of Maiming]], [[Titanium Headgear of Striking]], [[Titanium Headgear of Scouting]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Titanium Armor of Fending]], [[Wolf Scale Mail]], [[Wolf Scale Fingers]], [[Wolf Scale Greaves]], [[Darksteel Wire]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Shaded Spectacles]], [[Sanguine Scepter]], [[Blacksmith's Goggles]], [[Alchemist's Monocle]], [[Rose Gold Clasps]], [[Astrolabe]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Mythrite Star Globe]], [[Obsidian Longpole]], [[Riviera Bathtub]], [[Amdapori Wall Lantern]], [[Personal Astroscope]], [[Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Titanic Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Wildling's Cesti]], [[Militia Harness]], [[Militia Ringbands]], [[Militia Belt]], [[Blacksmith's Apron]], [[Blacksmith's Gloves]], [[Armorer's Workboots]], [[Miner's Workboots]], [[Gryphonskin Voyager's Belt]], [[Gryphonskin Belt]], [[Gryphonskin Wristbands]], [[Wyvernskin Jerkin]], [[Behemoth Wall Trophy]], [[Dodore Survival Belt]], [[Saurian Belt of Healing]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Maiming]], [[Culinarian's Apron]], [[Blacksmith's Slops]], [[Vanya Trousers]], [[Tonberry Floor Lamp]], [[Double Feather Bed]], [[Alkalurops]], [[Deus Ex Verbis]], [[Deus Ex Gratia]], [[Potted Dragon Tree]], [[Stuffed Mazlaya Marlin]]
|[[Darksteel Plate]]||[[file:darksteel plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Rampager]], [[Militia Armet]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Militia Cuirass]], [[Militia Gauntlets]], [[Militia Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Militia Sabatons]], [[Armorer's Visor]], [[Darksteel Scutum]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Heavy Darksteel Armor]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Darksteel Tassets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Darksteel Sollerets]], [[Tidal Barding]], [[Manor Marching Horn]], [[Alchemy Furnace]], [[Purification Module]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Elmo]], [[Wolf Sallet]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Plate Belt]], [[Wolf Tassets]], [[Wolf Sabatons]], [[Heavy Wolfram Helm]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Plate Belt]], [[Wolfram Tassets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Rose Gold Ear Screws]], [[Rose Gold Earrings]]
|[[Darksteel Plate]]||[[file:darksteel plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Rampager]], [[Militia Armet]], [[Militia Barbut]], [[Militia Cuirass]], [[Militia Gauntlets]], [[Militia Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Militia Sabatons]], [[Armorer's Visor]], [[Darksteel Scutum]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Heavy Darksteel Armor]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Darksteel Tassets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Darksteel Sollerets]], [[Tidal Barding]], [[Manor Marching Horn]], [[Alchemy Furnace]], [[Purification Module]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Elmo]], [[Wolf Sallet]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Plate Belt]], [[Wolf Tassets]], [[Wolf Sabatons]], [[Heavy Wolfram Helm]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Plate Belt]], [[Wolfram Tassets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Rose Gold Ear Screws]], [[Rose Gold Earrings]]
|[[Darksteel Rings]]||[[file:darksteel rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Darksteel Haubergeon]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Darksteel Sollerets]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Fending]], [[Heavy Wolfram Helm]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuisses]], [[Heavy Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Saurian Tabard of Aiming]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Fending]]
|[[Darksteel Rings]]||[[file:darksteel rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Darksteel Haubergeon]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Darksteel Sollerets]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Fending]], [[Heavy Wolfram Helm]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuisses]], [[Heavy Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Saurian Tabard of Aiming]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Fending]]
|[[Darksteel Rivets]]||[[file:darksteel rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Spruce Round Shield]], [[Riviera Open-shelf Bookcase]], [[Glade Path Light]], [[Militia Pliers]], [[Darksteel Breastplate]], [[Darksteel Gauntlet Plates]], [[Darksteel Couters]], [[Darksteel Scutum]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Alchemy Furnace]], [[Militia Caligae]], [[Dodore Belt]], [[Saurian Belt of Striking]], [[Militia Trousers]], [[Stuffed Takitaro]]
|[[Darksteel Rivets]]||[[file:darksteel rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Spruce Round Shield]], [[Riviera Open-shelf Bookcase]], [[Glade Path Light]], [[Militia Pliers]], [[Darksteel Breastplate]], [[Darksteel Gauntlet Plates]], [[Darksteel Couters]], [[Darksteel Scutum]], [[Darksteel Buckler]], [[Darksteel Chain Coif]], [[Alchemy Furnace]], [[Militia Caligae]], [[Dodore Belt]], [[Saurian Belt of Striking]], [[Militia Trousers]], [[Stuffed Takitaro]]
|[[Darksteel Wire]]||[[file:darksteel wire icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Reinforced Darksteel Wire]]
|[[Darksteel Wire]]||[[file:darksteel wire icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Reinforced Darksteel Wire]]
|[[Deepgold Ingot]]||[[file:deepgold ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Deepgold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 72 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Deepgold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 72 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Applewood Spear]], [[Applewood Longbow]], [[Dwarven Lignum Lance]], [[Dwarven Lignum Bow]], [[Deepgold Sword]], [[Deepgold Axe]], [[Deepgold Greatsword]], [[Deepgold Uchigatana]], [[Deepgold Daggers]], [[Deepgold Bayonet]], [[Deepgold Knuckles]], [[Deepgold Arquebus]], [[Deepgold Chakrams]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Guillotine]], [[Dwarven Mythril Knuckles]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rotaries]], [[Blades of Innocence]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Deepgold Wings of Fending]], [[Deepgold Gloves of Fending]], [[Deepgold Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Fending]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Striking]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Casting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Healing]], [[Deepgold Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Shield]], [[Deepgold Mail of Fending]], [[Deepgold Surcoat of Maiming]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Stonegold Rapier]], [[Crystarium Chandelier]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Iridescent Hood of Maiming]], [[Gliderskin Grimoire]], [[Gliderskin Codex]]
|[[Deepgold Ingot]]||[[file:deepgold ingot icon1.png]]||[[Deepgold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 72 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Deepgold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 72 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Applewood Spear]], [[Applewood Longbow]], [[Dwarven Lignum Lance]], [[Dwarven Lignum Bow]], [[Deepgold Sword]], [[Deepgold Axe]], [[Deepgold Greatsword]], [[Stonegold Uchigatana]], [[Deepgold Daggers]], [[Deepgold Bayonet]], [[Deepgold Knuckles]], [[Deepgold Arquebus]], [[Deepgold Chakrams]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Guillotine]], [[Dwarven Mythril Knuckles]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rotaries]], [[Blades of Innocence]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Deepgold Wings of Fending]], [[Deepgold Gloves of Fending]], [[Deepgold Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Fending]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Striking]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Casting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Healing]], [[Deepgold Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Shield]], [[Deepgold Mail of Fending]], [[Deepgold Surcoat of Maiming]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Stonegold Rapier]], [[Crystarium Chandelier]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Iridescent Hood of Maiming]], [[Gliderskin Grimoire]], [[Gliderskin Codex]]
|[[Deepgold Nugget]]||[[file:deepgold nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Deepgold Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 71 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Deepgold Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 71 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[White Oak Partisan]], [[White Oak Grinding Wheel]], [[White Oak Spinning Wheel]], [[White Oak Fishing Rod]], [[Deepgold Anelace]], [[Deepgold Battleaxe]], [[Deepgold Claymore]], [[Deepgold Gunblade]], [[Deepgold Katars]], [[Deepgold Blade]], [[Deepgold Cinquedeas]], [[Deepgold Revolver]], [[Deepgold War Quoits]], [[Deepgold Saw]], [[Deepgold Claw Hammer]], [[Deepgold Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Deepgold File]], [[Deepgold Raising Hammer]], [[Deepgold Pliers]], [[Deepgold Lapidary Hammer]], [[Deepgold Head Knife]], [[Deepgold Awl]], [[Deepgold Mortar]], [[Deepgold Culinary Knife]], [[Deepgold Pickaxe]], [[Deepgold Sledgehammer]], [[Deepgold Hatchet]], [[Deepgold Scythe]], [[Deepgold Alembic]], [[Deepgold Rail Frypan]], [[Deepgold Kite Shield]], [[Deepgold Helm of Fending]], [[Deepgold Mask of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Cuirass of Fending]], [[Deepgold Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Deepgold Sollerets of Fending]], [[Stonegold Degen]], [[Stonegold Astrometer]], [[Crystarium Chandelier]]
|[[Deepgold Nugget]]||[[file:deepgold nugget icon1.png]]||[[Deepgold Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 71 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Deepgold Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 71 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[White Oak Partisan]], [[White Oak Grinding Wheel]], [[White Oak Spinning Wheel]], [[White Oak Fishing Rod]], [[Deepgold Anelace]], [[Deepgold Battleaxe]], [[Deepgold Claymore]], [[Deepgold Gunblade]], [[Deepgold Katars]], [[Deepgold Blade]], [[Deepgold Cinquedeas]], [[Deepgold Revolver]], [[Deepgold War Quoits]], [[Deepgold Saw]], [[Deepgold Claw Hammer]], [[Deepgold Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Deepgold File]], [[Deepgold Raising Hammer]], [[Deepgold Pliers]], [[Deepgold Lapidary Hammer]], [[Deepgold Head Knife]], [[Deepgold Awl]], [[Deepgold Mortar]], [[Deepgold Culinary Knife]], [[Deepgold Pickaxe]], [[Deepgold Sledgehammer]], [[Deepgold Hatchet]], [[Deepgold Scythe]], [[Deepgold Alembic]], [[Deepgold Rail Frypan]], [[Deepgold Kite Shield]], [[Deepgold Helm of Fending]], [[Deepgold Mask of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Cuirass of Fending]], [[Deepgold Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Deepgold Sollerets of Fending]], [[Stonegold Degen]], [[Stonegold Astrometer]], [[Crystarium Chandelier]]
|[[Duraluminum Ingot]]||[[file:duraluminum ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Duraluminum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Duraluminum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Exarchic Sword]], [[Exarchic Axe]], [[Exarchic Guillotine]], [[Exarchic Gunblade]], [[Exarchic Baghnakhs]], [[Exarchic Blade]], [[Exarchic Daggers]], [[Exarchic Longbow]], [[Exarchic Handgonne]], [[Exarchic Glaives]], [[Exarchic Tower Shield]], [[Exarchic Circlet of Fending]], [[Exarchic Circlet of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Coat of Fending]], [[Exarchic Mail of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Exarchic Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Exarchic Sabatons of Fending]], [[Exarchic Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Rod]], [[Exarchic Rapier]], [[Exarchic Star Globe]], [[Exarchic Hose of Casting]], [[Exarchic Hose of Healing]], [[Exarchic Hood of Striking]], [[Exarchic Hood of Scouting]], [[Exarchic Hood of Aiming]], [[Exarchic Top of Striking]], [[Exarchic Top of Scouting]], [[Exarchic Top of Aiming]]
|[[Duraluminum Ingot]]||[[file:duraluminum ingot icon1.png]]||[[Duraluminum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80**** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Duraluminum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80**** Armorer]]||||align = "left" |[[Exarchic Sword]], [[Exarchic Axe]], [[Exarchic Guillotine]], [[Exarchic Gunblade]], [[Exarchic Baghnakhs]], [[Exarchic Blade]], [[Exarchic Daggers]], [[Exarchic Longbow]], [[Exarchic Handgonne]], [[Exarchic Glaives]], [[Exarchic Tower Shield]], [[Exarchic Circlet of Fending]], [[Exarchic Circlet of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Coat of Fending]], [[Exarchic Mail of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Exarchic Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Exarchic Sabatons of Fending]], [[Exarchic Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Exarchic Rod]], [[Exarchic Rapier]], [[Exarchic Star Globe]], [[Exarchic Hose of Casting]], [[Exarchic Hose of Healing]], [[Exarchic Hood of Striking]], [[Exarchic Hood of Scouting]], [[Exarchic Hood of Aiming]], [[Exarchic Top of Striking]], [[Exarchic Top of Scouting]], [[Exarchic Top of Aiming]]
|[[Durium Ingot]]||[[file:durium ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Durium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 66 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Persimmon Cane]], [[Persimmon Bow]], [[Polished Slate Grinding Wheel]], [[Doman Steel Longsword]], [[Durium Lapidary Hammer]], [[Doman Steel Greatsword]], [[Doman Steel Main Gauches]], [[Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Molybdenum Uchigatana]], [[Doman Steel Alembic]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Maiming]], [[Gazelle Horn Needle]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Azurite Ring of Fending]], [[Azurite Ring of Slaying]], [[Azurite Ring of Aiming]], [[Azurite Ring of Healing]], [[Azurite Ring of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Durium Planisphere]], [[Durium Rod]], [[Durium Foil]], [[Azurite Earrings of Fending]], [[Azurite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Azurite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Azurite Earrings of Healing]], [[Azurite Earrings of Casting]], [[Azurite Choker of Fending]], [[Azurite Choker of Slaying]], [[Azurite Choker of Aiming]], [[Azurite Choker of Healing]], [[Azurite Choker of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Boots of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Boots of Healing]], [[Marid Leather Bolero of Crafting]], [[Marid Leather Bolero of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Crafting]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Babouches of Crafting]], [[Marid Leather Babouches of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Earrings]], [[Marid Leather Choker]], [[Marid Leather Wristband]], [[Marid Leather Ring]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Coat of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Armguards of Casting]], [[Serge Apron]], [[Serge Turban of Crafting]], [[Serge Turban of Gathering]], [[Serge Sarouels of Crafting]], [[Serge Sarouels of Gathering]], [[Twinsilk Hood of Casting]], [[Twinsilk Hood of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Coat of Casting]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Casting]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Healing]]
|[[Durium Ingot]]||[[file:durium ingot icon1.png]]||[[Durium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 66 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Persimmon Cane]], [[Persimmon Bow]], [[Polished Slate Grinding Wheel]], [[Doman Steel Longsword]], [[Durium Lapidary Hammer]], [[Doman Steel Greatsword]], [[Doman Steel Main Gauches]], [[Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Molybdenum Uchigatana]], [[Doman Steel Alembic]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Maiming]], [[Gazelle Horn Needle]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Azurite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Azurite Ring of Fending]], [[Azurite Ring of Slaying]], [[Azurite Ring of Aiming]], [[Azurite Ring of Healing]], [[Azurite Ring of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Durium Planisphere]], [[Durium Rod]], [[Durium Foil]], [[Azurite Earrings of Fending]], [[Azurite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Azurite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Azurite Earrings of Healing]], [[Azurite Earrings of Casting]], [[Azurite Choker of Fending]], [[Azurite Choker of Slaying]], [[Azurite Choker of Aiming]], [[Azurite Choker of Healing]], [[Azurite Choker of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Boots of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Boots of Healing]], [[Marid Leather Bolero of Crafting]], [[Marid Leather Bolero of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Crafting]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Babouches of Crafting]], [[Marid Leather Babouches of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Earrings]], [[Marid Leather Choker]], [[Marid Leather Wristband]], [[Marid Leather Ring]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Coat of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Armguards of Casting]], [[Serge Apron]], [[Serge Turban of Crafting]], [[Serge Turban of Gathering]], [[Serge Sarouels of Crafting]], [[Serge Sarouels of Gathering]], [[Twinsilk Hood of Casting]], [[Twinsilk Hood of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Coat of Casting]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Casting]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Healing]]
|[[Durium Nugget]]||[[file:durium nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Durium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 64 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Doman Iron Lance]], [[Pine Composite Bow]], [[Pine Fishing Rod]], [[Persimmon Cane]], [[Zelkova Cane]], [[Oriental Dressing Case]], [[Doman Iron Longsword]], [[Doman Iron War Axe]], [[Doman Iron Claws]], [[Doman Iron Halfheart Saw]], [[Doman Iron Lump Hammer]], [[Durium Texture Hammer]], [[Doman Iron Greatsword]], [[Doman Iron Daggers]], [[Doman Iron Culverin]], [[Doman Steel Tachi]], [[Molybdenum Longsword]], [[Molybdenum Longblade]], [[Molybdenum Knuckles]], [[Molybdenum Daggers]], [[Molybdenum Halfheart Saw]], [[Molybdenum Creasing Knife]], [[Doman Iron Alembic]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Shield]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Casting]], [[Durium Astrometer]], [[Durium Staff]], [[Durium Smallsword]], [[Dzo Horn Needle]], [[Durium Hairpin of Fending]], [[Durium Hairpin of Maiming]], [[Durium Chaplets]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Casting]], [[Durium Ingot]], [[Dual-plated Durium Planisphere]], [[Durium Rod]], [[Palladium Planisphere]], [[Palladium Rod]], [[Palladium Needle]], [[Star Spinel Tricorne of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Hood of Striking]], [[Marid Leather Hood of Scouting]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Healing]], [[Marid Leather Corset of Aiming]], [[Marid Leather Corset of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Corset of Healing]], [[Marid Leather Coat of Striking]], [[Marid Leather Coat of Scouting]], [[Kudzu Hat of Casting]], [[Kudzu Hat of Healing]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Fending]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Maiming]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Casting]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Healing]], [[Kudzu Cap of Crafting]], [[Kudzu Robe of Casting]], [[Kudzu Robe of Healing]], [[Kudzu Robe of Crafting]], [[Kudzu Coat of Gathering]], [[Serge Gambison of Casting]], [[Serge Gambison of Healing]], [[Serge Hose of Casting]], [[Serge Hose of Healing]], [[Tigerskin Codex]], [[Tigerskin Grimoire]], [[Marid Leather Codex]], [[Marid Leather Grimoire]], [[Gazelleskin Codex]], [[Gazelleskin Grimoire]]
|[[Durium Nugget]]||[[file:durium nugget icon1.png]]||[[Durium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 64 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Doman Iron Lance]], [[Pine Composite Bow]], [[Pine Fishing Rod]], [[Persimmon Cane]], [[Zelkova Cane]], [[Oriental Dressing Case]], [[Doman Iron Longsword]], [[Doman Iron War Axe]], [[Doman Iron Claws]], [[Doman Iron Halfheart Saw]], [[Doman Iron Lump Hammer]], [[Durium Texture Hammer]], [[Doman Iron Greatsword]], [[Doman Iron Daggers]], [[Doman Iron Culverin]], [[Doman Steel Tachi]], [[Molybdenum Longsword]], [[Molybdenum Longblade]], [[Molybdenum Knuckles]], [[Molybdenum Daggers]], [[Molybdenum Halfheart Saw]], [[Molybdenum Creasing Knife]], [[Doman Iron Alembic]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Shield]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Casting]], [[Durium Astrometer]], [[Durium Staff]], [[Durium Smallsword]], [[Dzo Horn Needle]], [[Durium Hairpin of Fending]], [[Durium Hairpin of Maiming]], [[Durium Chaplets]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Casting]], [[Durium Ingot]], [[Dual-plated Durium Planisphere]], [[Durium Rod]], [[Palladium Planisphere]], [[Palladium Rod]], [[Palladium Needle]], [[Star Spinel Tricorne of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering]], [[Marid Leather Hood of Striking]], [[Marid Leather Hood of Scouting]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Healing]], [[Marid Leather Corset of Aiming]], [[Marid Leather Corset of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Corset of Healing]], [[Marid Leather Coat of Striking]], [[Marid Leather Coat of Scouting]], [[Kudzu Hat of Casting]], [[Kudzu Hat of Healing]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Fending]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Maiming]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Casting]], [[Kudzu Longkilt of Healing]], [[Kudzu Cap of Crafting]], [[Kudzu Robe of Casting]], [[Kudzu Robe of Healing]], [[Kudzu Robe of Crafting]], [[Kudzu Coat of Gathering]], [[Serge Gambison of Casting]], [[Serge Gambison of Healing]], [[Serge Hose of Casting]], [[Serge Hose of Healing]], [[Tigerskin Codex]], [[Tigerskin Grimoire]], [[Marid Leather Codex]], [[Marid Leather Grimoire]], [[Gazelleskin Codex]], [[Gazelleskin Grimoire]]
|[[Dwarven Mythril Ingot]]||[[file:dwarven mythril ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Dwarven Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 78 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Dwarven Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 78 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Dwarven Lignum Lance]], [[Dwarven Lignum Bow]], [[Dwarven Lignum Pole]], [[Dwarven Lignum Cane]], [[Lignum Vitae Grinding Wheel]], [[Lignum Vitae Fishing Rod]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Guillotine]], [[Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger]], [[Dwarven Mythril Knuckles]], [[Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rotaries]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pistol]], [[Dwarven Mythril Glaives]], [[Dwarven Mythril Planisphere]], [[Dwarven Mythril Claw Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril File]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pliers]], [[Dwarven Mythril Awl]], [[Dwarven Mythril Mortar]], [[Dwarven Mythril Culinary Knife]], [[Dwarven Mythril Sledgehammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Scythe]], [[Dwarven Mythril Saw]], [[Dwarven Mythril Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Raising Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Round Knife]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pickaxe]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hatchet]], [[Blades of Innocence]], [[Dwarven Mythril Helm of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Helm of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Helm of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Aiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shield]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Alembic]], [[Dwarven Mythril Frypan]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rapier]], [[Dwarven Mythril Needle]], [[Dwarven Mythril Grimoire]], [[Dwarven Mythril Codex]]
|[[Dwarven Mythril Ingot]]||[[file:dwarven mythril ingot icon1.png]]||[[Dwarven Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 78 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Dwarven Mythril Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 78 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Dwarven Lignum Lance]], [[Dwarven Lignum Bow]], [[Dwarven Lignum Pole]], [[Dwarven Lignum Cane]], [[Lignum Vitae Grinding Wheel]], [[Lignum Vitae Fishing Rod]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Guillotine]], [[Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger]], [[Dwarven Mythril Knuckles]], [[Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rotaries]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pistol]], [[Dwarven Mythril Glaives]], [[Dwarven Mythril Planisphere]], [[Dwarven Mythril Claw Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril File]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pliers]], [[Dwarven Mythril Awl]], [[Dwarven Mythril Mortar]], [[Dwarven Mythril Culinary Knife]], [[Dwarven Mythril Sledgehammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Scythe]], [[Dwarven Mythril Saw]], [[Dwarven Mythril Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Raising Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Round Knife]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pickaxe]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hatchet]], [[Blades of Innocence]], [[Dwarven Mythril Helm of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Helm of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Helm of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Aiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shield]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Alembic]], [[Dwarven Mythril Frypan]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rapier]], [[Dwarven Mythril Needle]], [[Dwarven Mythril Grimoire]], [[Dwarven Mythril Codex]]
|[[Dwarven Mythril Nugget]]||[[file:dwarven mythril nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Dwarven Mythril Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 78 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Dwarven Lignum Lance]], [[Dwarven Lignum Bow]], [[Dwarven Lignum Pole]], [[Dwarven Lignum Cane]], [[Lignum Vitae Earrings]], [[Lignum Vitae Necklace]], [[Lignum Vitae Bracelet]], [[Lignum Vitae Ring]], [[Lignum Vitae Spinning Wheel]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Guillotine]], [[Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger]], [[Dwarven Mythril Knuckles]], [[Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pistol]], [[Dwarven Mythril Glaives]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pliers]], [[Dwarven Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Round Knife]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hatchet]], [[Nullifying Neckpiece]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shield]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Alembic]], [[Nullifying Neckpiece]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rapier]], [[Petalite Earrings of Fending]], [[Petalite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Petalite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Petalite Earrings of Casting]], [[Petalite Earrings of Healing]], [[Petalite Ring of Fending]], [[Petalite Ring of Slaying]], [[Petalite Ring of Aiming]], [[Petalite Ring of Casting]], [[Petalite Ring of Healing]], [[Petalite Choker of Fending]], [[Petalite Choker of Slaying]], [[Petalite Choker of Aiming]], [[Petalite Choker of Casting]], [[Petalite Choker of Healing]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Needle]], [[Dwarven Mythril Ear Cuffs]], [[Dwarven Mythril Choker]], [[Dwarven Mythril Bracelets]], [[Dwarven Mythril Ring]], [[Titania Shadow Box]], [[Crystarium Mechanical Till]], [[Nullifying Neckpiece]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Swallowskin Shoes of Casting]], [[Swallowskin Shoes of Healing]], [[Swallowskin Coat]], [[Swallowskin Gloves]], [[Dwarven Cotton Bandana]], [[Dwarven Cotton Breeches]]
|[[Dwarven Mythril Nugget]]||[[file:dwarven mythril nugget icon1.png]]||[[Dwarven Mythril Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 78 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Dwarven Lignum Lance]], [[Dwarven Lignum Bow]], [[Dwarven Lignum Pole]], [[Dwarven Lignum Cane]], [[Lignum Vitae Earrings]], [[Lignum Vitae Necklace]], [[Lignum Vitae Bracelet]], [[Lignum Vitae Ring]], [[Lignum Vitae Spinning Wheel]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Guillotine]], [[Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger]], [[Dwarven Mythril Knuckles]], [[Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pistol]], [[Dwarven Mythril Glaives]], [[Dwarven Mythril Pliers]], [[Dwarven Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Dwarven Mythril Round Knife]], [[Dwarven Mythril Hatchet]], [[Nullifying Neckpiece]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shield]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Alembic]], [[Nullifying Neckpiece]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rapier]], [[Petalite Earrings of Fending]], [[Petalite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Petalite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Petalite Earrings of Casting]], [[Petalite Earrings of Healing]], [[Petalite Ring of Fending]], [[Petalite Ring of Slaying]], [[Petalite Ring of Aiming]], [[Petalite Ring of Casting]], [[Petalite Ring of Healing]], [[Petalite Choker of Fending]], [[Petalite Choker of Slaying]], [[Petalite Choker of Aiming]], [[Petalite Choker of Casting]], [[Petalite Choker of Healing]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Needle]], [[Dwarven Mythril Ear Cuffs]], [[Dwarven Mythril Choker]], [[Dwarven Mythril Bracelets]], [[Dwarven Mythril Ring]], [[Titania Shadow Box]], [[Crystarium Mechanical Till]], [[Nullifying Neckpiece]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Swallowskin Shoes of Casting]], [[Swallowskin Shoes of Healing]], [[Swallowskin Coat]], [[Swallowskin Gloves]], [[Dwarven Cotton Bandana]], [[Dwarven Cotton Breeches]]
|[[Eikon Iron Ingot]]||[[file:eikon iron ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Camphorwood Armillae of Fending]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Slaying]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Aiming]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Healing]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Casting]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Fending]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Slaying]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Aiming]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Healing]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Casting]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Fending]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Slaying]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Aiming]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Healing]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Maiming]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking]], [[Eikon Cloth Acton of Scouting]], [[Eikon Cloth Acton of Aiming]], [[Eikon Cloth Acton of Healing]]
|[[Eikon Iron Ingot]]||[[file:eikon iron ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Camphorwood Armillae of Fending]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Slaying]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Aiming]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Healing]], [[Camphorwood Armillae of Casting]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Fending]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Slaying]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Aiming]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Healing]], [[Eikon Iron Earring of Casting]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Fending]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Slaying]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Aiming]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Healing]], [[Eikon Iron Ring of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Maiming]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking]], [[Eikon Cloth Acton of Scouting]], [[Eikon Cloth Acton of Aiming]], [[Eikon Cloth Acton of Healing]]
|[[Eikon Metal]]||[[file:eikon metal icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Eikon Iron Ingot]]
|[[Eikon Metal]]||[[file:eikon metal icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Eikon Iron Ingot]]
|[[Eikon Mythrite]]||[[file:eikon mythrite icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[High Mythrite Ingot]], [[High Mythrite Ingot]]
|[[Eikon Mythrite]]||[[file:eikon mythrite icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[High Mythrite Ingot]], [[High Mythrite Ingot]]
|[[Electrum Ingot]]||[[file:electrum ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 42 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Gilded Rosewood Fishing Rod]], [[Cedar Crook]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow]], [[Royal Partition]], [[Oasis Bookshelf]], [[Oasis Stool]], [[Oasis Table]], [[Tonberry Bookshelf]], [[Tonberry Screen]], [[Looming Tonberry Screen]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Goldsmithing Bench]], [[Spine of the Vortex]], [[Mischievous Moggle Mogbow]], [[Mythril Bhuj]], [[Cobalt Katzbalger]], [[Cobalt Claymore]], [[Cobalt-barreled Carbine]], [[Electrum Head Knife]], [[Electrum Lapidary Hammer]], [[Cobalt Zweihander]], [[Cobalt-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythrite Lump Hammer]], [[Titanium Bastard Sword]], [[Titanium Claymore]], [[Titanium Creasing Knife]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Titanium-barreled Snaphance]], [[Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer]], [[Oasis Floor Lamp]], [[Oasis Counter]], [[Dark Divinity Falleth]], [[Tonberry Chandelier]], [[Tonberry Wall Lantern]], [[Wolf Zweihander]], [[Wolf Musketoon]], [[Gaze of the Vortex]], [[Morbid Moggle Mogblade]], [[Mortal Moggle Mogknives]], [[Monstrous Moggle Mogsword]], [[Aurum Regis Texture Hammer]], [[Mythril Cuirass]], [[Electrum Alembic]], [[High Mythril Armor]], [[Cobalt Celata]], [[Cobalt Cuirass]], [[Cobalt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Sabatons]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Fending]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Fending]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Titanium Alembic]], [[Company Chest]], [[Miniature Magitek Reaper]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Sabatons]], [[Electrum Rings]], [[Water Brand]], [[Electrum Scepter]], [[Electrum Gorget]], [[Red Coral Earrings]], [[Electrum Wristlets]], [[Electrum Earrings]], [[Electrum Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Electrum Ring]], [[Electrum Star Globe]], [[Electrum Circlet (Rubellite)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Zircon)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Tourmaline)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Amber)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Spinel)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Turquoise)]], [[Electrum Monocle]], [[Amber Choker]], [[Electrum Ring of Crafting]], [[Electrum Needle]], [[Zircon Choker]], [[Spinel Choker]], [[Turquoise Choker]], [[Zircon Bracelet]], [[Amber Bracelet]], [[Spinel Bracelet]], [[Turquoise Bracelet]], [[Amber Ring]], [[Rubellite Choker]], [[Tourmaline Choker]], [[Black Pearl Choker]], [[Rubellite Bracelet]], [[Tourmaline Bracelet]], [[Black Pearl Bracelet]], [[Electrum Choker]], [[Electrum Ear Cuffs]], [[Rubellite Ring]], [[Zircon Ring]], [[Tourmaline Ring]], [[Spinel Ring]], [[Turquoise Ring]], [[Black Pearl Ring]], [[Rubellite Earrings]], [[Zircon Earrings]], [[Tourmaline Earrings]], [[Amber Earrings]], [[Spinel Earrings]], [[Turquoise Earrings]], [[Black Pearl Earrings]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Mythrite Planisphere]], [[Hardsilver Star Globe]], [[Hardsilver Planisphere]], [[Sylphic Chair]], [[Sylphic Table]], [[Sylphic Screen]], [[Sylphic Cupboard]], [[Sylphic Bookshelf]], [[Sylphic Wall Lantern]], [[Sylphic Dining Table]], [[Sylphic Counter]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Riviera Table Chronometer]], [[Oasis Hanging Placard]], [[Cactuar Weathervane]], [[Llymlaen's Embrace]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Glade Wall Chronometer]], [[Astroscope]], [[Mandragora Floor Lamp]], [[Oasis Ornate Fence]], [[Vortex Couch]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Composite)]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Savage Arc of Triumph]], [[Raging Vortex Couch]], [[Wolf Rubellite Choker]], [[Wolf Zircon Choker]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Choker]], [[Wolf Amber Choker]], [[Wolf Spinel Choker]], [[Wolf Turquoise Choker]], [[Plumes of the Vortex]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Flames]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Frost]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Gales]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Tremors]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Storms]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Tides]], [[Raptorskin Satchel Belt]], [[Raptorskin Jerkin]], [[Goldsmith's Gloves]], [[Carpenter's Slops]], [[Goldsmith's Boots]], [[Culinarian's Gaiters]], [[Archaeoskin Shoes of Aiming]], [[Archaeoskin Shoes of Casting]], [[Archaeoskin Shoes of Healing]], [[Tonberry Armchair]], [[Tonberry Couch]], [[Wolf Ringbands]], [[Wolf Satchel Belt]], [[Linen Wedge Cap of Crafting]], [[Linen Half Apron]], [[Linen Gaiters]], [[Linen Wedge Cap of Gathering]], [[Linen Coatee of Crafting]], [[Linen Coatee of Gathering]], [[Felt Hat]], [[Felt Robe]], [[Felt Halfgloves]], [[Patrician's Wedge Cap]], [[Patrician's Coatee]], [[Patrician's Bottoms]], [[Militia Robe]], [[Goldsmith's Doublet]], [[Rainbow Bolero of Striking]], [[Rainbow Robe of Aiming]], [[Rainbow Shirt of Scouting]], [[Rainbow Robe of Casting]], [[Rainbow Robe of Healing]], [[Orthodox Barding]], [[Oasis Bench]], [[Oasis Armchair]], [[Oasis Couch]], [[Tonberry Bed]], [[Wolf Hat]], [[Wolf Robe]], [[Book of Electrum]], [[Gold Needle]], [[Embossed Book of Electrum]], [[Archaeoskin Grimoire]], [[Archaeoskin Codex]], [[Sylphic Flower Vase]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Casting]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Healing]]
|[[Electrum Ingot]]||[[file:electrum ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 42 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Gilded Rosewood Fishing Rod]], [[Cedar Crook]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow]], [[Royal Partition]], [[Oasis Bookshelf]], [[Oasis Stool]], [[Oasis Table]], [[Tonberry Bookshelf]], [[Tonberry Screen]], [[Looming Tonberry Screen]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood)]], [[Goldsmithing Bench]], [[Spine of the Vortex]], [[Mischievous Moggle Mogbow]], [[Mythril Bhuj]], [[Cobalt Katzbalger]], [[Cobalt Claymore]], [[Cobalt-barreled Carbine]], [[Electrum Head Knife]], [[Electrum Lapidary Hammer]], [[Cobalt Zweihander]], [[Cobalt-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythrite Lump Hammer]], [[Titanium Bastard Sword]], [[Titanium Claymore]], [[Titanium Creasing Knife]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Titanium-barreled Snaphance]], [[Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer]], [[Oasis Floor Lamp]], [[Oasis Counter]], [[Dark Divinity Falleth]], [[Tonberry Chandelier]], [[Tonberry Wall Lantern]], [[Wolf Zweihander]], [[Wolf Musketoon]], [[Gaze of the Vortex]], [[Morbid Moggle Mogblade]], [[Mortal Moggle Mogknives]], [[Monstrous Moggle Mogsword]], [[Aurum Regis Texture Hammer]], [[Mythril Cuirass]], [[Electrum Alembic]], [[High Mythril Armor]], [[Cobalt Celata]], [[Cobalt Cuirass]], [[Cobalt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Sabatons]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Fending]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Fending]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Titanium Alembic]], [[Company Chest]], [[Miniature Magitek Reaper]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Wolf Gauntlets]], [[Wolf Sabatons]], [[Electrum Rings]], [[Water Brand]], [[Electrum Scepter]], [[Electrum Gorget]], [[Red Coral Earrings]], [[Electrum Wristlets]], [[Electrum Earrings]], [[Electrum Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Electrum Ring]], [[Electrum Star Globe]], [[Electrum Circlet (Rubellite)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Zircon)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Tourmaline)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Amber)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Spinel)]], [[Electrum Circlet (Turquoise)]], [[Electrum Monocle]], [[Amber Choker]], [[Electrum Ring of Crafting]], [[Electrum Needle]], [[Zircon Choker]], [[Spinel Choker]], [[Turquoise Choker]], [[Zircon Bracelet]], [[Amber Bracelet]], [[Spinel Bracelet]], [[Turquoise Bracelet]], [[Amber Ring]], [[Rubellite Choker]], [[Tourmaline Choker]], [[Black Pearl Choker]], [[Rubellite Bracelet]], [[Tourmaline Bracelet]], [[Black Pearl Bracelet]], [[Electrum Choker]], [[Electrum Ear Cuffs]], [[Rubellite Ring]], [[Zircon Ring]], [[Tourmaline Ring]], [[Spinel Ring]], [[Turquoise Ring]], [[Black Pearl Ring]], [[Rubellite Earrings]], [[Zircon Earrings]], [[Tourmaline Earrings]], [[Amber Earrings]], [[Spinel Earrings]], [[Turquoise Earrings]], [[Black Pearl Earrings]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Mythrite Planisphere]], [[Hardsilver Star Globe]], [[Hardsilver Planisphere]], [[Sylphic Chair]], [[Sylphic Table]], [[Sylphic Screen]], [[Sylphic Cupboard]], [[Sylphic Bookshelf]], [[Sylphic Wall Lantern]], [[Sylphic Dining Table]], [[Sylphic Counter]], [[Table Chronometer]], [[Riviera Table Chronometer]], [[Oasis Hanging Placard]], [[Cactuar Weathervane]], [[Llymlaen's Embrace]], [[Wall Chronometer]], [[Glade Wall Chronometer]], [[Astroscope]], [[Mandragora Floor Lamp]], [[Oasis Ornate Fence]], [[Vortex Couch]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Composite)]], [[Oasis Mansion Roof (Stone)]], [[Savage Arc of Triumph]], [[Raging Vortex Couch]], [[Wolf Rubellite Choker]], [[Wolf Zircon Choker]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Choker]], [[Wolf Amber Choker]], [[Wolf Spinel Choker]], [[Wolf Turquoise Choker]], [[Plumes of the Vortex]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Flames]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Frost]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Gales]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Tremors]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Storms]], [[Boarskin Ringbands of Tides]], [[Raptorskin Satchel Belt]], [[Raptorskin Jerkin]], [[Goldsmith's Gloves]], [[Carpenter's Slops]], [[Goldsmith's Boots]], [[Culinarian's Gaiters]], [[Archaeoskin Shoes of Aiming]], [[Archaeoskin Shoes of Casting]], [[Archaeoskin Shoes of Healing]], [[Tonberry Armchair]], [[Tonberry Couch]], [[Wolf Ringbands]], [[Wolf Satchel Belt]], [[Linen Wedge Cap of Crafting]], [[Linen Half Apron]], [[Linen Gaiters]], [[Linen Wedge Cap of Gathering]], [[Linen Coatee of Crafting]], [[Linen Coatee of Gathering]], [[Felt Hat]], [[Felt Robe]], [[Felt Halfgloves]], [[Patrician's Wedge Cap]], [[Patrician's Coatee]], [[Patrician's Bottoms]], [[Militia Robe]], [[Goldsmith's Doublet]], [[Rainbow Bolero of Striking]], [[Rainbow Robe of Aiming]], [[Rainbow Shirt of Scouting]], [[Rainbow Robe of Casting]], [[Rainbow Robe of Healing]], [[Orthodox Barding]], [[Oasis Bench]], [[Oasis Armchair]], [[Oasis Couch]], [[Tonberry Bed]], [[Wolf Hat]], [[Wolf Robe]], [[Book of Electrum]], [[Gold Needle]], [[Embossed Book of Electrum]], [[Archaeoskin Grimoire]], [[Archaeoskin Codex]], [[Sylphic Flower Vase]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Casting]], [[Wolf Grimoire of Healing]]
|[[Electrum Plate]]||[[file:electrum plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Electrum Plate]]||[[file:electrum plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Electrum Rings]]||[[file:electrum rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Electrum Wristlets]], [[Electrum Wristlets of Crafting]]
|[[Electrum Rings]]||[[file:electrum rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 43 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Electrum Wristlets]], [[Electrum Wristlets of Crafting]]
|[[Enigmatic Gear]]||[[file:enigmatic gear icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Enigma Wall Chronometer]]
|[[Evergleam Ingot]]||[[file:evergleam ingot icon1.png]]||[[Evergleam Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7**** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Rakshasa Greatbow]], [[Rakshasa Cane]], [[Rakshasa Axe]], [[Rakshasa Odachi]], [[Rakshasa Knuckles]], [[Rakshasa Katana]], [[Rakshasa Revolver]], [[Seiryu Barding]], [[Rakshasa Rod]], [[Rakshasa Rapier]], [[Rakshasa Ephemeris]], [[Rakshasa Gantai of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Gantai of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Gantai of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Kanmuri of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Kanmuri of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Slaying]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Slaying]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Zori of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Zori of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Zori of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Dogi of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Dogi of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Grimoire]], [[Rakshasa Codex]]
|[[Evergleam Ingot]]||[[file:evergleam ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Evergleam Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Rakshasa Greatbow]], [[Rakshasa Cane]], [[Rakshasa Axe]], [[Rakshasa Odachi]], [[Rakshasa Knuckles]], [[Rakshasa Katana]], [[Rakshasa Revolver]], [[Seiryu Barding]], [[Rakshasa Rod]], [[Rakshasa Rapier]], [[Rakshasa Ephemeris]], [[Rakshasa Gantai of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Gantai of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Gantai of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Kanmuri of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Kanmuri of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Slaying]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Earring of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Slaying]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Ring of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Tekko of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Fending]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Maiming]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Obi of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Zori of Striking]], [[Rakshasa Zori of Scouting]], [[Rakshasa Zori of Aiming]], [[Rakshasa Dogi of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Dogi of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Casting]], [[Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Healing]], [[Rakshasa Grimoire]], [[Rakshasa Codex]]
|[[Faust Armor Plating]]||[[file:faust armor plating icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Faust Striking Dummy]]
|[[Faust Armor Plating]]||[[file:faust armor plating icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Faust Striking Dummy]]
|[[Formidable Cog]]||[[file:formidable cog icon1.png]]||||||||align = "left" |
|[[Formidable Cog]]||[[file:formidable cog icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |
|[[Galvanized Garlond Steel]]||[[file:galvanized garlond steel icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Galvanized Garlond Steel]]||[[file:galvanized garlond steel icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Garlean Steel Joint]]||[[file:garlean steel joint icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[2nd Cohort Vanguard]], [[3rd Cohort Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard F-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Vanguard Prototype]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[4th Cohort Vanguard]], [[5th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]] ||align = "left"| [[Model Magitek Bit]], [[Iron Dwarf]], [[Model Vanguard]], [[Rimless Glasses]], [[Gryphonskin Tunic]]
|[[Garlean Steel Joint]]||[[file:garlean steel joint icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[2nd Cohort Vanguard]], [[3rd Cohort Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard F-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Vanguard Prototype]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[4th Cohort Vanguard]], [[5th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]] ||align = "left"| [[Model Magitek Bit]], [[Iron Dwarf]], [[Model Vanguard]], [[Rimless Glasses]], [[Gryphonskin Tunic]]
|[[Garlean Steel Plate]]||[[file:garlean steel plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[2nd Cohort Vanguard]], [[3rd Cohort Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard F-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Vanguard Prototype]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[4th Cohort Vanguard]], [[5th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]] ||align = "left"| [[Model Magitek Bit]], [[Darksteel Haubergeon]], [[Model Vanguard]], [[Thick-rimmed Glasses]]
|[[Garlean Steel Plate]]||[[file:garlean steel plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[2nd Cohort Vanguard]], [[3rd Cohort Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Magitek Vanguard F-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[Magitek Vanguard]], [[Vanguard Prototype]], [[Magitek Vanguard H-1]], [[4th Cohort Vanguard]], [[5th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]], [[6th Cohort Vanguard]] ||align = "left"| [[Model Magitek Bit]], [[Darksteel Haubergeon]], [[Model Vanguard]], [[Thick-rimmed Glasses]]
|[[Garlond Steel]]||[[file:garlond steel icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 52 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 52 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Garlond Steel]]||[[file:garlond steel icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 52 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 52 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Gold Dust]]||[[file:gold dust icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Gold Dust]]||[[file:gold dust icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Gold Ingot]]||[[file:gold ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Large Wall Chronometer]], [[Oasis Canopy Bed]], [[Wootz Spear]], [[Tidal Wavesoul Fount]], [[Wootz Daggers]], [[Tidal Barding]], [[Incensory]], [[Dead Man's Chest]], [[Projection Module]], [[Ice Chandelier]], [[Regal Letter Box]], [[Emperor's Throne]], [[Syrcus Tower]], [[Wile of the Vortex]], [[Van of the Vortex]], [[Inferno Star Globe]], [[Lift of the Vortex]], [[Moonlit Moggle Moglobe]], [[Gold Spectacles]], [[Ruby Choker]], [[Diamond Choker]], [[Emerald Choker]], [[Topaz Choker]], [[Iolite Choker]], [[Sapphire Choker]], [[Ruby Earrings]], [[Diamond Earrings]], [[Emerald Earrings]], [[Topaz Earrings]], [[Iolite Earrings]], [[Sapphire Earrings]], [[Ruby Bracelet]], [[Diamond Bracelet]], [[Emerald Bracelet]], [[Topaz Bracelet]], [[Iolite Bracelet]], [[Sapphire Bracelet]], [[Ruby Ring]], [[Diamond Ring]], [[Emerald Ring]], [[Topaz Ring]], [[Iolite Ring]], [[Sapphire Ring]], [[Platinum Ring of Fending]], [[Platinum Ring of Slaying]], [[Platinum Ring of Ranging]], [[Platinum Ring of Casting]], [[Platinum Ring of Healing]], [[Wizard's Attire Augmentation]], [[Evoker's Attire Augmentation]], [[Scholar's Attire Augmentation]]
|[[Gold Ingot]]||[[file:gold ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Large Wall Chronometer]], [[Oasis Canopy Bed]], [[Wootz Spear]], [[Tidal Wavesoul Fount]], [[Wootz Daggers]], [[Tidal Barding]], [[Incensory]], [[Dead Man's Chest]], [[Projection Module]], [[Ice Chandelier]], [[Regal Letter Box]], [[Emperor's Throne]], [[Syrcus_Tower_(Furniture)]], [[Wile of the Vortex]], [[Van of the Vortex]], [[Inferno Star Globe]], [[Lift of the Vortex]], [[Moonlit Moggle Moglobe]], [[Gold Spectacles]], [[Ruby Choker]], [[Diamond Choker]], [[Emerald Choker]], [[Topaz Choker]], [[Iolite Choker]], [[Sapphire Choker]], [[Ruby Earrings]], [[Diamond Earrings]], [[Emerald Earrings]], [[Topaz Earrings]], [[Iolite Earrings]], [[Sapphire Earrings]], [[Ruby Bracelet]], [[Diamond Bracelet]], [[Emerald Bracelet]], [[Topaz Bracelet]], [[Iolite Bracelet]], [[Sapphire Bracelet]], [[Ruby Ring]], [[Diamond Ring]], [[Emerald Ring]], [[Topaz Ring]], [[Iolite Ring]], [[Sapphire Ring]], [[Platinum Ring of Fending]], [[Platinum Ring of Slaying]], [[Platinum Ring of Ranging]], [[Platinum Ring of Casting]], [[Platinum Ring of Healing]], [[Wizard's Attire Augmentation]], [[Evoker's Attire Augmentation]], [[Scholar's Attire Augmentation]]
|[[Gold Nugget]]||[[file:gold nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Gold Nugget]]||[[file:gold nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Hardsilver Ingot]]||[[file:hardsilver ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 56 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiming]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Casting]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Healing]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Fishing Rod]], [[Royal Plotting Table]], [[Hive Ceiling Fan]], [[Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer]], [[Hardsilver Round Knife]], [[Hardsilver Hatchet]], [[Adamantite-barreled Culverin]], [[Aurum Regis Creasing Knife]], [[Adamantite Hatchet]], [[Titanium Helm of Fending]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Striking]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Scouting]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Fending]], [[Titanium Mail of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Striking]], [[Titanium Mail of Scouting]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Fending]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Striking]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Scouting]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Sollerets of Healing]], [[Dragon Fang Needle]], [[Opal Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Opal Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Opal Bracelet of Casting]], [[Opal Bracelet of Healing]], [[Opal Bracelet of Fending]], [[Opal Ring of Slaying]], [[Opal Ring of Aiming]], [[Opal Ring of Casting]], [[Opal Ring of Healing]], [[Opal Ring of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Pole]], [[Hardsilver Planisphere]], [[Opal Choker of Slaying]], [[Opal Choker of Aiming]], [[Opal Choker of Casting]], [[Opal Choker of Healing]], [[Opal Choker of Fending]], [[Opal Earrings of Slaying]], [[Opal Earrings of Aiming]], [[Opal Earrings of Casting]], [[Opal Earrings of Healing]], [[Opal Earrings of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Gathering]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending]], [[Goblin Jig]], [[Aurum Regis Orrery]], [[Aurum Regis Planisphere]], [[Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing]], [[Star Sapphire Music Box]], [[Star Ruby Music Box]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Maiming]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Striking]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Scouting]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Fending]], [[Dragonskin Ring]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Crafting]], [[Serpentskin Belt of Gathering]], [[Dragonskin Choker]], [[Dragonskin Wristbands]], [[Serpentskin Boots of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Boots of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Serpentskin Bush Hat]], [[Serpentskin Vest]], [[Chimerical Felt Coat of Casting]], [[Chimerical Felt Robe of Healing]], [[Chimerical Felt Doublet of Crafting]], [[Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Wand]], [[Dragonskin Grimoire]], [[Dragonskin Codex]], [[Book of Aurum Regis]], [[Noble's Picatrix]], [[Noble Gold]], [[Noble's Codex]]
|[[Hardsilver Ingot]]||[[file:hardsilver ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 56 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiming]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Casting]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Healing]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Fishing Rod]], [[Royal Plotting Table]], [[Hive Ceiling Fan]], [[Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer]], [[Hardsilver Round Knife]], [[Hardsilver Hatchet]], [[Adamantite-barreled Culverin]], [[Aurum Regis Creasing Knife]], [[Adamantite Hatchet]], [[Titanium Helm of Fending]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Striking]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Scouting]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Fending]], [[Titanium Mail of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Striking]], [[Titanium Mail of Scouting]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Fending]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Striking]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Scouting]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Fending]], [[Aurum Regis Sollerets of Healing]], [[Dragon Fang Needle]], [[Opal Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Opal Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Opal Bracelet of Casting]], [[Opal Bracelet of Healing]], [[Opal Bracelet of Fending]], [[Opal Ring of Slaying]], [[Opal Ring of Aiming]], [[Opal Ring of Casting]], [[Opal Ring of Healing]], [[Opal Ring of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Pole]], [[Hardsilver Planisphere]], [[Opal Choker of Slaying]], [[Opal Choker of Aiming]], [[Opal Choker of Casting]], [[Opal Choker of Healing]], [[Opal Choker of Fending]], [[Opal Earrings of Slaying]], [[Opal Earrings of Aiming]], [[Opal Earrings of Casting]], [[Opal Earrings of Healing]], [[Opal Earrings of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Gathering]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing]], [[Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending]], [[Goblin Jig]], [[Aurum Regis Orrery]], [[Aurum Regis Planisphere]], [[Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing]], [[Star Sapphire Music Box]], [[Star Ruby Music Box]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Maiming]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Striking]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Scouting]], [[Dragonskin Breeches of Fending]], [[Dragonskin Ring]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Crafting]], [[Serpentskin Belt of Gathering]], [[Dragonskin Choker]], [[Dragonskin Wristbands]], [[Serpentskin Boots of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Boots of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Serpentskin Bush Hat]], [[Serpentskin Vest]], [[Chimerical Felt Coat of Casting]], [[Chimerical Felt Robe of Healing]], [[Chimerical Felt Doublet of Crafting]], [[Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending]], [[Hallowed Chestnut Wand]], [[Dragonskin Grimoire]], [[Dragonskin Codex]], [[Book of Aurum Regis]], [[Noble's Picatrix]], [[Noble Gold]], [[Noble's Codex]]
|[[Hardsilver Nugget]]||[[file:hardsilver nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 54 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Dark Chestnut Fishing Rod]], [[Cloud Mica Grinding Wheel]], [[Alpine Chair]], [[Alpine Round Table]], [[Titanium Bastard Sword]], [[Hardsilver Saw]], [[Hardsilver Texture Hammer]], [[Hardsilver Dolabra]], [[Hardsilver Alembic]], [[Hardsilver Staff]], [[Hardsilver Needle]], [[Hardsilver Magnifiers of Casting]], [[Hardsilver Monocle of Healing]], [[Hardsilver Star Globe]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Slaying]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Aiming]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Casting]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Healing]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Slaying]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Aiming]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Casting]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Healing]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Ingot]], [[Dragon Fang Earrings]], [[Dhalmelskin Armguards of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Armguards of Scouting]], [[Dhalmelskin Bush Hat]], [[Dhalmelskin Crakows of Casting]], [[Dhalmelskin Crakows of Healing]], [[Dhalmelskin Vest]], [[Dragonskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Dragonskin Boots of Casting]], [[Dragonskin Boots of Healing]], [[Ramie Doublet of Crafting]], [[Dhalmelskin Grimoire]], [[Dhalmelskin Codex]]
|[[Hardsilver Nugget]]||[[file:hardsilver nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 54 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Dark Chestnut Fishing Rod]], [[Cloud Mica Grinding Wheel]], [[Alpine Chair]], [[Alpine Round Table]], [[Titanium Bastard Sword]], [[Hardsilver Saw]], [[Hardsilver Texture Hammer]], [[Hardsilver Dolabra]], [[Hardsilver Alembic]], [[Hardsilver Staff]], [[Hardsilver Needle]], [[Hardsilver Magnifiers of Casting]], [[Hardsilver Monocle of Healing]], [[Hardsilver Star Globe]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Slaying]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Aiming]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Casting]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Healing]], [[Hardsilver Earrings of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Slaying]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Aiming]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Casting]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Healing]], [[Hardsilver Bangle of Fending]], [[Hardsilver Ingot]], [[Dragon Fang Earrings]], [[Dhalmelskin Armguards of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Armguards of Scouting]], [[Dhalmelskin Bush Hat]], [[Dhalmelskin Crakows of Casting]], [[Dhalmelskin Crakows of Healing]], [[Dhalmelskin Vest]], [[Dragonskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Dragonskin Boots of Casting]], [[Dragonskin Boots of Healing]], [[Ramie Doublet of Crafting]], [[Dhalmelskin Grimoire]], [[Dhalmelskin Codex]]
|[[Heavy Metal Ingot]]||[[file:heavy metal ingot icon1.png]]||[[Heavy Metal Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60**** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Heavy Metal Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60**** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Heavy Metal Lance]], [[Heavy Metal Longsword]], [[Heavy Metal Claws]], [[Heavy Metal War Axe]], [[Heavy Metal Daggers]], [[Heavy Metal Greatsword]], [[Heavy Metal Culverin]], [[Alexander Miniature]], [[Heavy Metal Kite Shield]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Tassets of Striking]], [[Heavy Metal Tassets of Aiming]], [[Heavy Metal Tassets of Scouting]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Scintillant Planisphere]]
|[[Heavy Metal Ingot]]||[[file:heavy metal ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Heavy Metal Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Heavy Metal Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Heavy Metal Lance]], [[Heavy Metal Longsword]], [[Heavy Metal Claws]], [[Heavy Metal War Axe]], [[Heavy Metal Daggers]], [[Heavy Metal Greatsword]], [[Heavy Metal Culverin]], [[Alexander Miniature]], [[Heavy Metal Kite Shield]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Tassets of Striking]], [[Heavy Metal Tassets of Aiming]], [[Heavy Metal Tassets of Scouting]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Scintillant Planisphere]]
|[[High Durium Ingot]]||[[file:high durium ingot icon1.png]]||[[High Durium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 82 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Durium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 82 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Palm Halberd]], [[Palm Longbow]], [[High Durium Longsword]], [[High Durium Bhuj]], [[High Durium Greatsword]], [[High Durium Bayonet]], [[High Durium Uchigatana]], [[High Durium Glaives]], [[High Durium War Scythe]], [[High Durium Cesti]], [[High Durium Knives]], [[High Durium Musketoon]], [[Rarefied High Durium Greatsword]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Bismuth Awl]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Fending]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Kite Shield]], [[High Durium Armor of Fending]], [[High Durium Armor of Maiming]], [[Rarefied High Durium Kite Shield]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Bismuth Goggles of Fending]], [[Bismuth Headgear of Maiming]], [[Pewter Rapier]], [[Pewter Astrometer]], [[Pewter Pendulums]], [[Pewter Circlet of Fending]], [[Pewter Circlet of Maiming]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Jacket of Scouting]]
|[[High Durium Ingot]]||[[file:high durium ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[High Durium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 82 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Durium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 82 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Palm Halberd]], [[Palm Longbow]], [[High Durium Longsword]], [[High Durium Bhuj]], [[High Durium Greatsword]], [[High Durium Bayonet]], [[High Durium Uchigatana]], [[High Durium Glaives]], [[High Durium War Scythe]], [[High Durium Cesti]], [[High Durium Knives]], [[High Durium Musketoon]], [[Rarefied High Durium Greatsword]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Bismuth Awl]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Fending]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Kite Shield]], [[High Durium Armor of Fending]], [[High Durium Armor of Maiming]], [[Rarefied High Durium Kite Shield]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Bismuth Goggles of Fending]], [[Bismuth Headgear of Maiming]], [[Pewter Rapier]], [[Pewter Astrometer]], [[Pewter Pendulums]], [[Pewter Circlet of Fending]], [[Pewter Circlet of Maiming]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Jacket of Scouting]]
|[[High Durium Nugget]]||[[file:high durium nugget icon1.png]]||[[High Durium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 81 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Durium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 81 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Horse Chestnut Spear]], [[Horse Chestnut Longbow]], [[Horse Chestnut Spinning Wheel]], [[Horse Chestnut Fishing Rod]], [[Horse Chestnut Earrings of Gathering]], [[High Durium Sword]], [[High Durium Axe]], [[High Durium Guillotine]], [[High Durium Manatrigger]], [[High Durium Sickle]], [[High Durium Katana]], [[High Durium Cleavers]], [[High Durium Pistol]], [[High Durium Tathlums]], [[High Durium Saw]], [[High Durium Claw Hammer]], [[High Durium Cross-pein Hammer]], [[High Durium File]], [[High Durium Raising Hammer]], [[High Durium Pliers]], [[High Durium Lapidary Hammer]], [[High Durium Creasing Knife]], [[High Durium Awl]], [[High Durium Mortar]], [[High Durium Culinary Knife]], [[High Durium Pickaxe]], [[High Durium Sledgehammer]], [[High Durium Hatchet]], [[High Durium Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied High Durium Pistol]], [[High Durium Knuckles]], [[High Durium Alembic]], [[High Durium Namazu Frypan]], [[High Durium Shield]], [[High Durium Helm of Fending]], [[High Durium Helm of Scouting]], [[High Durium Armguards of Fending]], [[High Durium Armguards of Maiming]], [[High Durium Armguards of Aiming]], [[Rarefied High Durium Knuckles]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Fending]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Armor of Maiming]], [[High Durium Rapier]], [[High Durium Planisphere]], [[High Durium Milpreves]], [[High Durium Needle]], [[High Durium Visor of Maiming]], [[High Durium Visor of Striking]], [[High Durium Visor of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Fending]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Casting]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Healing]], [[Ametrine Ear Cuffs of Crafting]], [[Ametrine Choker of Fending]], [[Ametrine Choker of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Choker of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Choker of Casting]], [[Ametrine Choker of Healing]], [[Ametrine Necklace of Crafting]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Fending]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Casting]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Healing]], [[Ametrine Armillae of Crafting]], [[Ametrine Ring of Fending]], [[Ametrine Ring of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Ring of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Ring of Casting]], [[Ametrine Ring of Healing]], [[Rarefied High Durium Milpreves]], [[Gajaskin Coat of Fending]], [[Gajaskin Vest of Striking]], [[Gajaskin Vest of Scouting]], [[Fingerless Gajaskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Fingerless Gajaskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Gajaskin Boots of Fending]], [[Gajaskin Boots of Maiming]], [[Gajaskin Shoes of Striking]], [[Gajaskin Shoes of Scouting]], [[Gajaskin Shoes of Aiming]], [[Rarefied Gajaskin Shoes]]
|[[High Durium Nugget]]||[[file:high durium nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[High Durium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 81 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Durium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 81 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Horse Chestnut Spear]], [[Horse Chestnut Longbow]], [[Horse Chestnut Spinning Wheel]], [[Horse Chestnut Fishing Rod]], [[Horse Chestnut Earrings of Gathering]], [[High Durium Sword]], [[High Durium Axe]], [[High Durium Guillotine]], [[High Durium Manatrigger]], [[High Durium Sickle]], [[High Durium Katana]], [[High Durium Cleavers]], [[High Durium Pistol]], [[High Durium Tathlums]], [[High Durium Saw]], [[High Durium Claw Hammer]], [[High Durium Cross-pein Hammer]], [[High Durium File]], [[High Durium Raising Hammer]], [[High Durium Pliers]], [[High Durium Lapidary Hammer]], [[High Durium Creasing Knife]], [[High Durium Awl]], [[High Durium Mortar]], [[High Durium Culinary Knife]], [[High Durium Pickaxe]], [[High Durium Sledgehammer]], [[High Durium Hatchet]], [[High Durium Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied High Durium Pistol]], [[High Durium Knuckles]], [[High Durium Alembic]], [[High Durium Namazu Frypan]], [[High Durium Shield]], [[High Durium Helm of Fending]], [[High Durium Helm of Scouting]], [[High Durium Armguards of Fending]], [[High Durium Armguards of Maiming]], [[High Durium Armguards of Aiming]], [[Rarefied High Durium Knuckles]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Fending]], [[High Durium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Armor of Maiming]], [[High Durium Rapier]], [[High Durium Planisphere]], [[High Durium Milpreves]], [[High Durium Needle]], [[High Durium Visor of Maiming]], [[High Durium Visor of Striking]], [[High Durium Visor of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Fending]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Casting]], [[Ametrine Earrings of Healing]], [[Ametrine Ear Cuffs of Crafting]], [[Ametrine Choker of Fending]], [[Ametrine Choker of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Choker of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Choker of Casting]], [[Ametrine Choker of Healing]], [[Ametrine Necklace of Crafting]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Fending]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Casting]], [[Ametrine Bracelet of Healing]], [[Ametrine Armillae of Crafting]], [[Ametrine Ring of Fending]], [[Ametrine Ring of Slaying]], [[Ametrine Ring of Aiming]], [[Ametrine Ring of Casting]], [[Ametrine Ring of Healing]], [[Rarefied High Durium Milpreves]], [[Gajaskin Coat of Fending]], [[Gajaskin Vest of Striking]], [[Gajaskin Vest of Scouting]], [[Fingerless Gajaskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Fingerless Gajaskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Gajaskin Boots of Fending]], [[Gajaskin Boots of Maiming]], [[Gajaskin Shoes of Striking]], [[Gajaskin Shoes of Scouting]], [[Gajaskin Shoes of Aiming]], [[Rarefied Gajaskin Shoes]]
|[[High Mythrite Ingot]]||[[file:high mythrite ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[High Mythrite Helm of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Cuirass of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Plate Belt of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Tassets of Maiming]], [[High Mythrite Tassets of Striking]], [[High Mythrite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Faust Striking Dummy]], [[Eikon Leather Headgear of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Headgear of Striking]], [[Eikon Leather Headgear of Maiming]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Maiming]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking]]
|[[High Mythrite Ingot]]||[[file:high mythrite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[High Mythrite Helm of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Cuirass of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Plate Belt of Fending]], [[High Mythrite Tassets of Maiming]], [[High Mythrite Tassets of Striking]], [[High Mythrite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Faust Striking Dummy]], [[Eikon Leather Headgear of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Headgear of Striking]], [[Eikon Leather Headgear of Maiming]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Maiming]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Casting]], [[Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking]]
|[[High Mythrite Nugget]]||[[file:high mythrite nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[High Mythrite Nugget]]||[[file:high mythrite nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[High Steel Ingot]]||[[file:high steel ingot icon1.png]]||[[High Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 62 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 62 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[High Steel Fork]], [[Larch Composite Bow]], [[Stiperstone Grinding Wheel]], [[High Steel Claw Hammer]], [[High Steel File]], [[High Steel Pliers]], [[High Steel Awl]], [[High Steel Mortar]], [[High Steel Culinary Knife]], [[High Steel Sledgehammer]], [[High Steel Scythe]], [[High Steel Longsword]], [[High Steel Battleaxe]], [[Folded High Steel Greatsword]], [[Folded High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Uchigatana]], [[High Steel Kris]], [[High Steel-barreled Snaphance]], [[High Steel Scutum]], [[High Steel Barbut of Fending]], [[High Steel Barbut of Maiming]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Fending]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[High Steel Mail of Fending]], [[High Steel Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Fending]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Kite Shield]], [[Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Durium Hairpin of Fending]], [[Durium Hairpin of Maiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Pot Helm]], [[Gyuki Leather Gloves of Aiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Boots of Gathering]], [[Tigerskin Wristgloves of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Ringbelt of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Ringbelt of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Ringbelt of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Bandana of Striking]], [[Ruby Cotton Bandana of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Gilet of Striking]], [[Ruby Cotton Gilet of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Striking]], [[Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Trousers of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Trousers of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Trousers of Striking]]
|[[High Steel Ingot]]||[[file:high steel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[High Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 62 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 62 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[High Steel Fork]], [[Larch Composite Bow]], [[Stiperstone Grinding Wheel]], [[High Steel Claw Hammer]], [[High Steel File]], [[High Steel Pliers]], [[High Steel Awl]], [[High Steel Mortar]], [[High Steel Culinary Knife]], [[High Steel Sledgehammer]], [[High Steel Scythe]], [[High Steel Longsword]], [[High Steel Battleaxe]], [[Folded High Steel Greatsword]], [[Folded High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Uchigatana]], [[High Steel Kris]], [[High Steel-barreled Snaphance]], [[High Steel Scutum]], [[High Steel Barbut of Fending]], [[High Steel Barbut of Maiming]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Fending]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[High Steel Mail of Fending]], [[High Steel Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Fending]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Kite Shield]], [[Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Durium Hairpin of Fending]], [[Durium Hairpin of Maiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Pot Helm]], [[Gyuki Leather Gloves of Aiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Boots of Gathering]], [[Tigerskin Wristgloves of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Ringbelt of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Ringbelt of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Ringbelt of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Bandana of Striking]], [[Ruby Cotton Bandana of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Gilet of Striking]], [[Ruby Cotton Gilet of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Striking]], [[Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Trousers of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Trousers of Scouting]], [[Tigerskin Trousers of Striking]]
|[[High Steel Nugget]]||[[file:high steel nugget icon1.png]]||[[High Steel Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 61 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Steel Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 61 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[High Steel Trident]], [[Beech Composite Bow]], [[Muudhorn Fishing Rod]], [[Larch Spinning Wheel]], [[Pine Spinning Wheel]], [[High Steel Katzbalger]], [[High Steel Headsman's Axe]], [[High Steel Guillotine]], [[High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Tachi]], [[High Steel Main Gauches]], [[High Steel Culverin]], [[High Steel Saw]], [[High Steel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[High Steel Doming Hammer]], [[Koppranickel Ornamental Hammer]], [[High Steel Head Knife]], [[High Steel Dolabra]], [[High Steel Hatchet]], [[High Steel Ingot]], [[High Steel Pliers]], [[High Steel Battleaxe]], [[Folded High Steel Greatsword]], [[High Steel Kris]], [[High Steel-barreled Snaphance]], [[Doman Iron Pickaxe]], [[Doman Iron Pliers]], [[High Steel Hoplon]], [[High Steel Helm of Fending]], [[High Steel Helm of Maiming]], [[High Steel Thermal Alembic]], [[High Steel Bomb Frypan]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Fending]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Armguards of Fending]], [[High Steel Armguards of Maiming]], [[High Steel Ingot]], [[High Steel Scutum]], [[High Steel Barbut of Fending]], [[High Steel Barbut of Maiming]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Alembic]], [[Doman Iron Frypan]], [[Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Staff]], [[Koppranickel Foil]], [[Gaganaskin Hose of Fending]], [[Gaganaskin Hose of Maiming]], [[Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Fending]], [[Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Maiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Striking]], [[Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Scouting]], [[Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Striking]], [[Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Aiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Scouting]], [[Gaganaskin Belt of Gathering]], [[Gyuki Leather Jacket]], [[Gyuki Leather Gloves of Crafting]], [[Gyuki Leather Chaps]], [[Ruby Cotton Gambison]], [[Ruby Cotton Coatee]], [[Ruby Cotton Sarouels]], [[Ruby Cotton Bottoms]]
|[[High Steel Nugget]]||[[file:high steel nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[High Steel Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 61 Blacksmith]]<br>[[High Steel Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 61 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[High Steel Trident]], [[Beech Composite Bow]], [[Muudhorn Fishing Rod]], [[Larch Spinning Wheel]], [[Pine Spinning Wheel]], [[High Steel Katzbalger]], [[High Steel Headsman's Axe]], [[High Steel Guillotine]], [[High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Tachi]], [[High Steel Main Gauches]], [[High Steel Culverin]], [[High Steel Saw]], [[High Steel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[High Steel Doming Hammer]], [[Koppranickel Ornamental Hammer]], [[High Steel Head Knife]], [[High Steel Dolabra]], [[High Steel Hatchet]], [[High Steel Ingot]], [[High Steel Pliers]], [[High Steel Battleaxe]], [[Folded High Steel Greatsword]], [[High Steel Kris]], [[High Steel-barreled Snaphance]], [[Doman Iron Pickaxe]], [[Doman Iron Pliers]], [[High Steel Hoplon]], [[High Steel Helm of Fending]], [[High Steel Helm of Maiming]], [[High Steel Thermal Alembic]], [[High Steel Bomb Frypan]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Fending]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Armguards of Fending]], [[High Steel Armguards of Maiming]], [[High Steel Ingot]], [[High Steel Scutum]], [[High Steel Barbut of Fending]], [[High Steel Barbut of Maiming]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Alembic]], [[Doman Iron Frypan]], [[Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Staff]], [[Koppranickel Foil]], [[Gaganaskin Hose of Fending]], [[Gaganaskin Hose of Maiming]], [[Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Fending]], [[Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Maiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Striking]], [[Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Scouting]], [[Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Striking]], [[Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Aiming]], [[Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Scouting]], [[Gaganaskin Belt of Gathering]], [[Gyuki Leather Jacket]], [[Gyuki Leather Gloves of Crafting]], [[Gyuki Leather Chaps]], [[Ruby Cotton Gambison]], [[Ruby Cotton Coatee]], [[Ruby Cotton Sarouel]], [[Ruby Cotton Bottoms]]
|[[Immaculate Wingblade]]||[[file:immaculate wingblade icon1.png]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Blades of Innocence]], [[Innocence Barding]]
|[[Ilmenite Ingot]]||[[file:ilmenite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Ilmenite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90★★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Ilmenite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Rinascita Spear]], [[Rinascita Composite Bow]], [[Rinascita Cane]], [[Rinascita Sword]], [[Rinascita Labrys]], [[Rinascita Greatsword]], [[Rinascita Manatrigger]], [[Rinascita Zaghnal]], [[Rinascita Knuckles]], [[Rinascita Samurai Blade]], [[Rinascita Daggers]], [[Rinascita Culverin]], [[Rinascita War Quoits]], [[Rinascita Kite Shield]], [[Rinascita Helm of Fending]], [[Rinascita Helm of Maiming]], [[Rinascita Cuirass of Fending]], [[Rinascita Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Rinascita Vambraces of Fending]], [[Rinascita Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Rinascita Sabatons of Fending]], [[Rinascita Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Rinascita Sabatons of Scouting]], [[Rinascita Sabatons of Aiming]], [[Rinascita Rod]], [[Rinascita Rapier]], [[Rinascita Planisphere]], [[Rinascita Pendulums]], [[Rinascita Necklace of Fending]], [[Rinascita Necklace of Slaying]], [[Rinascita Necklace of Aiming]], [[Rinascita Necklace of Casting]], [[Rinascita Necklace of Healing]]
|[[Iron Ingot]]||[[file:iron ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 16 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 13 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Material Supplier]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Elm Fishing Rod]], [[Iron Spear]], [[Iron Lance]], [[Initiate's Fishing Rod]], [[Iron Guisarme]], [[Mudstone Grinding Wheel]], [[Initiate's Grinding Wheel]], [[Yew Fishing Rod]], [[Viper-crested Round Shield]], [[Steel Halberd]], [[Riviera Arched Window]], [[Oasis Oblong Window]], [[Oasis Wooden Awning]], [[Ash Cabinet]], [[Shipping Crate]], [[Riviera Cupboard]], [[Display Stand]], [[Dried Well]], [[Riviera Stool]], [[Riviera Garden Table Set]], [[Iron Nails]], [[Iron Labrys]], [[Iron War Axe]], [[Iron Hatchet]], [[Iron Rivets]], [[Iron Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Iron Doming Hammer]], [[Iron Chaser Hammer]], [[Initiate's Head Knife]], [[Iron Awl]], [[Initiate's Sledgehammer]], [[Initiate's Hatchet]], [[Iron Daggers]], [[Initiate's Saw]], [[Iron Claw Hammer]], [[Iron Pickaxe]], [[Inferno Axe]], [[Initiate's Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Initiate's Doming Hammer]], [[Initiate's Chaser Hammer]], [[Iron Mortar]], [[Iron Culinary Knife]], [[Iron Scythe]], [[Iron Shortsword]], [[Iron Pugiones]], [[Iron File]], [[Iron Pliers]], [[Initiate's Pickaxe]], [[Spiked Knuckles]], [[Initiate's Awl]], [[Iron Sledgehammer]], [[Iron Bill]], [[Bas-relief Iron Saw]], [[Initiate's Claw Hammer]], [[Initiate's Mortar]], [[Iron Spatha]], [[Iron Round Knife]], [[Initiate's Culinary Knife]], [[Initiate's Scythe]], [[Thunderstorm Axe]], [[Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Iron Raising Hammer]], [[Initiate's File]], [[Initiate's Pliers]], [[Iron Dolabra]], [[Iron Chocobotail Saw]], [[Heavy Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Iron Head Knife]], [[Plumed Iron Hatchet]], [[Steel Bhuj]], [[Oasis Octagonal Window]], [[Oasis Round Table]], [[Towel Hanger]], [[Riviera Oblong Window]], [[Oasis Lancet Window]], [[Riviera Chair]], [[Riviera Pendant Lamp]], [[Riviera Table]], [[Galleas Wheel]], [[Iron Plate]], [[Iron Rivets]], [[Iron Rings]], [[Iron Joint Plate]], [[Iron Sallet]], [[Iron-plated Jackboots]], [[Iron Scale Fingers]], [[Iron Scale Greaves]], [[Heavy Iron Flanchard]], [[Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Thermal Alembic]], [[Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Initiate's Needle]], [[Silver Star Globe]], [[Hard Leather Himantes]], [[Hard Leather Lightpouch]], [[Hard Leather Ringbands]], [[Hard Leather Belt]], [[Initiate's Headgear]], [[Voyager's Belt]], [[Goatskin Leg Guards]], [[Goatskin Belt]], [[Goatskin Satchel Belt]], [[Goatskin Crakows]], [[Toadskin Survival Belt]], [[Goatskin Crakows of Gathering]], [[Toadskin Jerkin]], [[Boarskin Himantes]], [[Cotton Sugarloaf Hat]], [[Cotton Bracers]], [[Initiate's Gown]], [[Cotton Kecks]], [[Velveteen Bottom]], [[Vintage Half Apron]], [[Vintage Coatee]], [[Oasis Bed]], [[Riviera Flower Vase]], [[Potted Azalea]]
|[[Immaculate Wingblade]]||[[file:immaculate wingblade icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Blades of Innocence]], [[Innocence Barding]]
|[[Iron Joint Plate]]||[[file:iron joint plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 15 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Composite)]], [[Ash Cabinet]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Iron Ingot]]||[[file:iron ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 16 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 13 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Material Supplier]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Elm Fishing Rod]], [[Iron Spear]], [[Iron Lance]], [[Initiate's Fishing Rod]], [[Iron Guisarme]], [[Mudstone Grinding Wheel]], [[Initiate's Grinding Wheel]], [[Yew Fishing Rod]], [[Viper-crested Round Shield]], [[Steel Halberd]], [[Riviera Arched Window]], [[Oasis Oblong Window]], [[Oasis Wooden Awning]], [[Ash Cabinet]], [[Shipping Crate]], [[Riviera Cupboard]], [[Display Stand]], [[Dried Well]], [[Riviera Stool]], [[Riviera Garden Table Set]], [[Iron Nails]], [[Iron Labrys]], [[Iron War Axe]], [[Iron Hatchet]], [[Iron Rivets]], [[Iron Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Iron Doming Hammer]], [[Iron Chaser Hammer]], [[Initiate's Head Knife]], [[Iron Awl]], [[Initiate's Sledgehammer]], [[Initiate's Hatchet]], [[Iron Daggers]], [[Initiate's Saw]], [[Iron Claw Hammer]], [[Iron Pickaxe]], [[Inferno Axe]], [[Initiate's Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Initiate's Doming Hammer]], [[Initiate's Chaser Hammer]], [[Iron Mortar]], [[Iron Culinary Knife]], [[Iron Scythe]], [[Iron Shortsword]], [[Iron Pugiones]], [[Iron File]], [[Iron Pliers]], [[Initiate's Pickaxe]], [[Spiked Knuckles]], [[Initiate's Awl]], [[Iron Sledgehammer]], [[Iron Bill]], [[Bas-relief Iron Saw]], [[Initiate's Claw Hammer]], [[Initiate's Mortar]], [[Iron Spatha]], [[Iron Round Knife]], [[Initiate's Culinary Knife]], [[Initiate's Scythe]], [[Thunderstorm Axe]], [[Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Iron Raising Hammer]], [[Initiate's File]], [[Initiate's Pliers]], [[Iron Dolabra]], [[Iron Chocobotail Saw]], [[Heavy Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Iron Head Knife]], [[Plumed Iron Hatchet]], [[Steel Bhuj]], [[Oasis Octagonal Window]], [[Oasis Round Table]], [[Towel Hanger]], [[Riviera Oblong Window]], [[Oasis Lancet Window]], [[Riviera Chair]], [[Riviera Pendant Lamp]], [[Riviera Table]], [[Galleas Wheel]], [[Iron Plate]], [[Iron Rivets]], [[Iron Rings]], [[Iron Joint Plate]], [[Iron Sallet]], [[Iron-plated Jackboots]], [[Iron Scale Fingers]], [[Iron Scale Greaves]], [[Heavy Iron Flanchard]], [[Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Thermal Alembic]], [[Kite Shield]], [[Wolf Kite Shield]], [[Initiate's Needle]], [[Silver Star Globe]], [[Hard Leather Himantes]], [[Hard Leather Lightpouch]], [[Hard Leather Ringbands]], [[Hard Leather Belt]], [[Initiate's Headgear]], [[Voyager's Belt]], [[Goatskin Leg Guards]], [[Goatskin Belt]], [[Goatskin Satchel Belt]], [[Goatskin Crakows]], [[Toadskin Survival Belt]], [[Goatskin Crakows of Gathering]], [[Toadskin Jerkin]], [[Boarskin Himantes]], [[Cotton Sugarloaf Hat]], [[Cotton Bracers]], [[Initiate's Gown]], [[Cotton Kecks]], [[Velveteen Bottoms]], [[Vintage Half Apron]], [[Vintage Coatee]], [[Oasis Bed]], [[Riviera Flower Vase]], [[Potted Azalea]]
|[[Iron Nails]]||[[file:iron nails icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 16 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Composite)]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Iron Joint Plate]]||[[file:iron joint plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 15 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Composite)]], [[Ash Cabinet]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Iron Plate]]||[[file:iron plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 14 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Material Supplier]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Spiked Knuckles]], [[Iron Raising Hammer]], [[Iron Dolabra]], [[Iron Skillet]], [[Iron Hoplon]], [[Initiate's Alembic]], [[Initiate's Skillet]], [[Iron Sallet]], [[Iron Plate Belt]], [[Iron Sabatons]], [[Iron Celata]], [[Iron Cuirass]], [[Iron Gauntlets]], [[Iron Lantern Shield]], [[Iron Vambraces]], [[Iron Elmo]], [[Iron Alembic]], [[Iron Frypan]], [[Iron Scale Mail]], [[Iron Scale Fingers]], [[Iron Scale Greaves]], [[Iron Scutum]], [[Reinforced Iron Plate Belt]], [[Heavy Iron Armor]], [[Heavy Iron Gauntlets]], [[Iron Kite Shield]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Steel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Vintage Scutum]], [[Vintage Scale Mail]], [[Mosshorn Scale Mail]], [[Riviera Placard]], [[Oasis Dining Table]], [[Oasis Pendant Lamp]], [[Glade Placard]], [[Glade Dining Table]], [[Iron Plate Flooring]], [[Riviera Wardrobe]]
|[[Iron Nails]]||[[file:iron nails icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 16 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Composite)]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Cottage Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera Cottage Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera Cottage Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade Cottage Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Iron Rings]]||[[file:iron rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 15 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Iron Celata]], [[Iron Cuirass]], [[Iron Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Iron Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Iron Flanchard]], [[Steel Celata]], [[Steel Cuirass]], [[Vintage Haubergeon]]
|[[Iron Plate]]||[[file:iron plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 14 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Material Supplier]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Spiked Knuckles]], [[Iron Raising Hammer]], [[Iron Dolabra]], [[Iron Skillet]], [[Iron Hoplon]], [[Initiate's Alembic]], [[Initiate's Skillet]], [[Iron Sallet]], [[Iron Plate Belt]], [[Iron Sabatons]], [[Iron Celata]], [[Iron Cuirass]], [[Iron Gauntlets]], [[Iron Lantern Shield]], [[Iron Vambraces]], [[Iron Elmo]], [[Iron Alembic]], [[Iron Frypan]], [[Iron Scale Mail]], [[Iron Scale Fingers]], [[Iron Scale Greaves]], [[Iron Scutum]], [[Reinforced Iron Plate Belt]], [[Heavy Iron Armor]], [[Heavy Iron Gauntlets]], [[Iron Kite Shield]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Steel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Vintage Scutum]], [[Vintage Scale Mail]], [[Mosshorn Scale Mail]], [[Riviera Placard]], [[Oasis Dining Table]], [[Oasis Pendant Lamp]], [[Glade Placard]], [[Glade Dining Table]], [[Iron Plate Flooring]], [[Riviera Wardrobe]]
|[[Iron Rivets]]||[[file:iron rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 18 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 14 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Material Supplier]], [[Osgyth]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Elm Spinning Wheel]], [[Viper-crested Round Shield]], [[Vintage Round Shield]], [[Oasis Wooden Awning]], [[Shipping Crate]], [[Riviera Cupboard]], [[Iron Chaser Hammer]], [[Initiate's Saw]], [[Initiate's Chaser Hammer]], [[Iron Pliers]], [[Bas-relief Iron Saw]], [[Iron Ornamental Hammer]], [[Initiate's Pliers]], [[Iron Chocobotail Saw]], [[Towel Hanger]], [[Bronze Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Buckler]], [[Iron Sallet]], [[Ironclad Bronze Buckler]], [[Iron Elmo]], [[Iron Alembic]], [[Iron Scutum]], [[Reinforced Iron Sallet]], [[Conical Alembic]], [[Iron Kite Shield]], [[Decorated Buckler]], [[Decorated Iron Scutum]], [[Riviera Placard]], [[Oasis Dining Table]], [[Glade Placard]], [[Glade Dining Table]], [[Vintage Cudgel]], [[Fingerless Hard Leather Gloves]], [[Goatskin Pot Helm]], [[Goatskin Tool Belt]], [[Initiate's Headgear]], [[Goatskin Armguards]], [[Fingerless Goatskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Goatskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Vintage Thighboots]], [[Padded Cotton Trousers]], [[Velveteen Trousers]], [[Padded Velveteen Trousers]], [[Half Barrel Planter]], [[Wall Planter]]
|[[Iron Rings]]||[[file:iron rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 15 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Iron Celata]], [[Iron Cuirass]], [[Iron Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Iron Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Iron Flanchard]], [[Steel Celata]], [[Steel Cuirass]], [[Vintage Haubergeon]]
|[[Ishgardian Steel Ingot]]||[[file:ishgardian steel ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[The Stone Vigil]] ||align = "left"| [[Knight Captain's Chair]], [[Cannonballs]], [[Stone Vigil Beacon]], [[Knight Captain's Desk]], [[Bertha Cannon]]
|[[Iron Rivets]]||[[file:iron rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 18 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 14 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Material Supplier]], [[Osgyth]], [[Material Supplier]], [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]], [[Material Supplier]] ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Elm Spinning Wheel]], [[Viper-crested Round Shield]], [[Vintage Round Shield]], [[Oasis Wooden Awning]], [[Shipping Crate]], [[Riviera Cupboard]], [[Iron Chaser Hammer]], [[Initiate's Saw]], [[Initiate's Chaser Hammer]], [[Iron Pliers]], [[Bas-relief Iron Saw]], [[Iron Ornamental Hammer]], [[Initiate's Pliers]], [[Iron Chocobotail Saw]], [[Towel Hanger]], [[Bronze Gauntlets]], [[Bronze Buckler]], [[Iron Sallet]], [[Ironclad Bronze Buckler]], [[Iron Elmo]], [[Iron Alembic]], [[Iron Scutum]], [[Reinforced Iron Sallet]], [[Conical Alembic]], [[Iron Kite Shield]], [[Decorated Buckler]], [[Decorated Iron Scutum]], [[Riviera Placard]], [[Oasis Dining Table]], [[Glade Placard]], [[Glade Dining Table]], [[Vintage Cudgel]], [[Fingerless Hard Leather Gloves]], [[Goatskin Pot Helm]], [[Goatskin Tool Belt]], [[Initiate's Headgear]], [[Goatskin Armguards]], [[Fingerless Goatskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Goatskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Vintage Thighboots]], [[Padded Cotton Trousers]], [[Velveteen Trousers]], [[Padded Velveteen Trousers]], [[Half Barrel Planter]], [[Wall Planter]]
|[[Kamacite]]||[[file:kamacite icon1.png]]||[[Kamacite#Crafting Recipe|Level 6** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Kamacite#Crafting Recipe|Level 6** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Ishgardian Steel Ingot]]||[[file:ishgardian steel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[The Stone Vigil]] ||align = "left"| [[Knight Captain's Chair]], [[Cannonballs]], [[Stone Vigil Beacon]], [[Knight Captain's Desk]], [[Bertha Cannon]]
|[[Koppranickel Ingot]]||[[file:koppranickel ingot icon1.png]]||[[Koppranickel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 62 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Larch Wand]], [[Folded High Steel Greatsword]], [[Folded High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Kris]], [[High Steel-barreled Snaphance]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Kite Shield]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Fending]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Slaying]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Aiming]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Healing]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Pole]], [[Koppranickel Rapier]], [[Koppranickel Temple Chain]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Durium Planisphere]], [[Gyuki Leather Dress Gloves]], [[Gyuki Leather Gloves of Gathering]], [[Gyuki Leather Earrings]], [[Gyuki Leather Choker]], [[Gyuki Leather Wristband]], [[Gyuki Leather Ring]], [[Tigerskin Armguards of Casting]], [[Tigerskin Armguards of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Tricorne of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Cap]], [[Kudzu Tunic of Striking]], [[Kudzu Tunic of Aiming]], [[Kudzu Tunic of Scouting]], [[Gyuki Leather Codex]], [[Gyuki Leather Grimoire]]
|[[Kamacite]]||[[file:kamacite icon1.png|40px]]||[[Kamacite#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Kamacite#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Koppranickel Nugget]]||[[file:koppranickel nugget icon1.png]]||[[Koppranickel Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 61 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Beech Rod]], [[Beech Composite Bow]], [[Larch Composite Bow]], [[Oriental Pipe Box]], [[High Steel Katzbalger]], [[High Steel Headsman's Axe]], [[High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Tachi]], [[High Steel Main Gauches]], [[High Steel Culverin]], [[Koppranickel Ornamental Hammer]], [[High Steel Head Knife]], [[High Steel Hatchet]], [[High Steel Longsword]], [[Doman Iron Uchigatana]], [[High Steel Hoplon]], [[High Steel Thermal Alembic]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Fending]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Scutum]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Fending]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[High Steel Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Koppranickel Armlets of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Armlets of Healing]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Fending]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Healing]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Casting]], [[Triphane Ring of Fending]], [[Triphane Ring of Slaying]], [[Triphane Ring of Aiming]], [[Triphane Ring of Healing]], [[Triphane Ring of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Staff]], [[Koppranickel Foil]], [[Bombfish Needle]], [[Koppranickel Turban of Striking]], [[Koppranickel Turban of Scouting]], [[Triphane Earrings of Fending]], [[Triphane Earrings of Slaying]], [[Triphane Earrings of Aiming]], [[Triphane Earrings of Healing]], [[Triphane Earrings of Casting]], [[Triphane Choker of Fending]], [[Triphane Choker of Slaying]], [[Triphane Choker of Aiming]], [[Triphane Choker of Healing]], [[Triphane Choker of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Ingot]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Fending]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Slaying]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Aiming]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Healing]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Casting]], [[Gaganaskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Chaps of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Sandals of Casting]], [[Gaganaskin Sandals of Healing]], [[Bloodhempen Armguards of Striking]], [[Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting]], [[Bloodhempen Brais of Striking]], [[Bloodhempen Brais of Scouting]], [[Bloodhempen Turban of Crafting]], [[Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Casting]], [[Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Healing]], [[Ruby Cotton Hat of Casting]], [[Ruby Cotton Apron]], [[Ruby Cotton Robe of Casting]], [[Ruby Cotton Longkilt]], [[Ruby Cotton Smalls]], [[Koppranickel Codex]], [[Koppranickel Index]]
|[[Koppranickel Ingot]]||[[file:koppranickel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Koppranickel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 62 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Larch Wand]], [[Folded High Steel Greatsword]], [[Folded High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Kris]], [[High Steel-barreled Snaphance]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Kite Shield]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Fending]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Slaying]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Aiming]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Healing]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Pole]], [[Koppranickel Rapier]], [[Koppranickel Temple Chain]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Necklace of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Durium Planisphere]], [[Gyuki Leather Dress Gloves]], [[Gyuki Leather Gloves of Gathering]], [[Gyuki Leather Earrings]], [[Gyuki Leather Choker]], [[Gyuki Leather Wristband]], [[Gyuki Leather Ring]], [[Tigerskin Armguards of Casting]], [[Tigerskin Armguards of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Tricorne of Striking]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming]], [[Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting]], [[Ruby Cotton Cap]], [[Kudzu Tunic of Striking]], [[Kudzu Tunic of Aiming]], [[Kudzu Tunic of Scouting]], [[Gyuki Leather Codex]], [[Gyuki Leather Grimoire]]
|[[Light Steel Plate]]||[[file:light steel plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Light Steel Galerus]], [[Light Steel Subligar]]
|[[Koppranickel Nugget]]||[[file:koppranickel nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Koppranickel Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 61 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Beech Rod]], [[Beech Composite Bow]], [[Larch Composite Bow]], [[Oriental Pipe Box]], [[High Steel Katzbalger]], [[High Steel Headsman's Axe]], [[High Steel Knuckles]], [[High Steel Tachi]], [[High Steel Main Gauches]], [[High Steel Culverin]], [[Koppranickel Ornamental Hammer]], [[High Steel Head Knife]], [[High Steel Hatchet]], [[High Steel Longsword]], [[Doman Iron Uchigatana]], [[High Steel Hoplon]], [[High Steel Thermal Alembic]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Fending]], [[High Steel Scale Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Scutum]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Fending]], [[High Steel Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[High Steel Mail of Maiming]], [[High Steel Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Koppranickel Armlets of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Armlets of Healing]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Fending]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Healing]], [[Triphane Bracelet of Casting]], [[Triphane Ring of Fending]], [[Triphane Ring of Slaying]], [[Triphane Ring of Aiming]], [[Triphane Ring of Healing]], [[Triphane Ring of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Staff]], [[Koppranickel Foil]], [[Bombfish Needle]], [[Koppranickel Turban of Striking]], [[Koppranickel Turban of Scouting]], [[Triphane Earrings of Fending]], [[Triphane Earrings of Slaying]], [[Triphane Earrings of Aiming]], [[Triphane Earrings of Healing]], [[Triphane Earrings of Casting]], [[Triphane Choker of Fending]], [[Triphane Choker of Slaying]], [[Triphane Choker of Aiming]], [[Triphane Choker of Healing]], [[Triphane Choker of Casting]], [[Koppranickel Ingot]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Fending]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Slaying]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Aiming]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Healing]], [[Muudhorn Ring of Casting]], [[Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Fending]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Healing]], [[Koppranickel Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Bracelet of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Ring of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Earrings of Casting]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Fending]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Slaying]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Aiming]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Healing]], [[Star Spinel Choker of Casting]], [[Gaganaskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Chaps of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Gaganaskin Sandals of Casting]], [[Gaganaskin Sandals of Healing]], [[Bloodhempen Armguards of Striking]], [[Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting]], [[Bloodhempen Brais of Striking]], [[Bloodhempen Brais of Scouting]], [[Bloodhempen Turban of Crafting]], [[Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Casting]], [[Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Healing]], [[Ruby Cotton Hat of Casting]], [[Ruby Cotton Apron]], [[Ruby Cotton Robe of Casting]], [[Ruby Cotton Longkilt]], [[Ruby Cotton Smalls]], [[Koppranickel Codex]], [[Koppranickel Index]]
|[[Manasilver Nugget]]||[[file:manasilver nugget icon1.png]]||[[Manasilver Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 74 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Bluespirit Cane]], [[White Ash Spinning Wheel]], [[White Ash Earrings]], [[White Ash Necklace]], [[White Ash Bracelet]], [[White Ash Ring]], [[Bluespirit Sword]], [[Bluespirit Axe]], [[Bluespirit Guillotine]], [[Bluespirit Gunblade]], [[Bluespirit Handgonne]], [[Bluespirit Pliers ]], [[Bluespirit Lapidary Hammer]], [[Bluespirit Round Knife]], [[Bluespirit Hatchet]], [[Bluespirit Alembic]], [[Bluespirit Tower Shield]], [[Bluespirit Baghnakhs]], [[Bluespirit Uchigatana]], [[Bluespirit Daggers]], [[Bluespirit Longbow]], [[Bluespirit Glaives]], [[Bluespirit Rod]], [[Bluespirit Rapier]], [[Bluespirit Star Globe]], [[Manasilver Needle]], [[Manasilver Ear Cuffs]], [[Manasilver Choker]], [[Manasilver Bracelets]], [[Lazurite Ring of Fending]], [[Lazurite Ring of Slaying]], [[Lazurite Ring of Aiming]], [[Lazurite Ring of Casting]], [[Lazurite Ring of Healing]], [[Manasilver Ring]], [[Petalite Choker of Fending]], [[Petalite Choker of Slaying]], [[Petalite Choker of Aiming]], [[Petalite Choker of Casting]], [[Petalite Choker of Healing]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Atrociraptorskin Cap of Gathering]], [[Atrociraptorskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting]], [[Atrociraptorskin Boots of Gathering]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Fending]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Slaying]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Aiming]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Casting]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Healing]], [[Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Scouting]], [[Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Aiming]], [[Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting]], [[Pixie Cotton Breeches of Crafting]], [[Pixie Cotton Slops of Gathering]], [[Pixie Cotton Acton of Striking]], [[Summer Indigo Shirt]], [[Bluespirit Grimoire]], [[Bluespirit Codex]]
|[[Lar Ingot]]||[[file:lar ingot icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Ceiba Staff]], [[Ginseng Grinding Wheel]], [[Ginseng Spinning Wheel]], [[Ginseng Earrings]], [[Ginseng Necklace]], [[Ginseng Bracelet]], [[Ginseng Ring]], [[Mountain Chromite Fists]], [[Mountain Chromite Daggers]], [[Mountain Chromite Musketoon]], [[Mountain Chromite Blade]], [[Mountain Chromite Bayonet]], [[Mountain Chromite Chakrams]], [[Mountain Chromite War Scythe]], [[Mountain Chromite Twinfangs]], [[Mountain Chromite Pliers]], [[Mountain Chromite Awl]], [[Mountain Chromite Mortar]], [[Mountain Chromite Culinary Knife]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Lightweight Lantern]], [[Rarefied Mountain Chromite Fists]], [[Mountain Chromite Tower Shield]], [[Mountain Chromite Alembic]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Lightweight Lantern]], [[Rarefied Mountain Chromite Alembic]], [[Lar Glaive]], [[Lar Longbow]], [[Lar Cane]], [[Lar Rod]], [[Lar Star Globe]], [[Lar Rapier]], [[Lar Pendulums]], [[Lar Headgear of Fending]], [[Lar Headgear of Maiming]], [[Lar Ring of Fending]], [[Lar Ring of Slaying]], [[Lar Ring of Aiming]], [[Lar Ring of Healing]], [[Lar Ring of Casting]], [[Ruthenium Tuck]], [[Ruthenium Folding Fans]], [[Ihuykanite Circlet of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Circlet of Maiming]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Casting]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Casting]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Casting]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Fending]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Slaying]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Aiming]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Healing]], [[Pink Beryl Earrings of Casting]], [[Pink Beryl Bracelet of Fending]], [[Pink Beryl Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Pink Beryl Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Pink Beryl Bracelet of Healing]], [[Pink Beryl Bracelet of Casting]], [[Pink Beryl Ring of Fending]], [[Pink Beryl Ring of Slaying]], [[Pink Beryl Ring of Aiming]], [[Pink Beryl Ring of Healing]], [[Pink Beryl Ring of Casting]], [[Lar Needle]], [[Lar Ear Cuffs]], [[Lar Choker]], [[Lar Bracelets]], [[Lar Ring]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Lightweight Lantern]], [[Rarefied Lar Longbow]], [[Loboskin Caligae of Fending]], [[Loboskin Caligae of Maiming]], [[Loboskin Necklace of Fending]], [[Loboskin Necklace of Slaying]], [[Loboskin Necklace of Aiming]], [[Loboskin Necklace of Healing]], [[Loboskin Necklace of Casting]], [[Br'aaxskin Headband of Casting]], [[Royal Leather Sofa]], [[Mountain Linen Top of Striking]], [[Mountain Linen Top of Scouting]]
|[[Manganese Ingot]]||[[file:manganese ingot icon1.png]]||[[Manganese Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 86 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Manganese Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 86 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Ironwood Spear]], [[Ironwood Longbow]], [[Ironwood Choker of Fending]], [[Ironwood Choker of Slaying]], [[Ironwood Choker of Aiming]], [[Ironwood Choker of Casting]], [[Ironwood Choker of Healing]], [[Ironwood Spinning Wheel]], [[Ironwood Fishing Rod]], [[Marimba]], [[Manganese Sword]], [[Manganese Axe]], [[Manganese Greatsword]], [[Manganese Bayonet]], [[Manganese War Scythe]], [[Manganese Knuckles]], [[Manganese Uchigatana]], [[Manganese Daggers]], [[Manganese Arquebus]], [[Manganese Chakrams]], [[Manganese Saw]], [[Manganese Claw Hammer]], [[Manganese Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Manganese File]], [[Manganese Raising Hammer]], [[Manganese Pliers]], [[Manganese Lapidary Hammer]], [[Manganese Round Knife]], [[Manganese Awl]], [[Manganese Mortar]], [[Manganese Culinary Knife]], [[Manganese Pickaxe]], [[Manganese Sledgehammer]], [[Manganese Hatchet]], [[Manganese Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied Manganese Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Chondrite Awl]], [[Orchestrion Phonograph]], [[Pendant Wall Light]], [[Manganese Kite Shield]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Helm of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Boots of the Black Griffin]], [[Manganese Boots of the White Griffin]], [[Manganese Alembic]], [[Manganese Chocobo Frypan]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Chondrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Striking]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Scouting]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Aiming]], [[Chondrite Top of Fending]], [[Chondrite Top of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets]], [[Garlean Concrete Inner Wall]], [[Manganese Rapier]], [[Manganese Orrery]], [[Manganese Syrinxi]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Fending]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Casting]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Fending]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Slaying]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Aiming]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Casting]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Healing]], [[Manganese Needle]], [[Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Fending]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Slaying]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Aiming]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Casting]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Healing]], [[Rarefied Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn]], [[Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the Black Griffin]], [[Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Maiming]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Striking]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Casting]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Scouting]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Aiming]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Casting]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Healing]], [[Scarlet Moko Robe of the Last Unicorn]], [[Scarlet Moko Vest of Gathering]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Fending]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Maiming]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Striking]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Scouting]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Aiming]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Casting]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Healing]], [[Heavenly Ornamental Array]]
|[[Light Steel Plate]]||[[file:light steel plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Light Steel Galerus]], [[Light Steel Subligar]]
|[[Molybdenum Ingot]]||[[file:molybdenum ingot icon1.png]]||[[Molybdenum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 68 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Molybdenum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 68 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Molybdenum Trident]], [[Zelkova Fishing Rod]], [[Molybdenum Longsword]], [[Molybdenum War Axe]], [[Molybdenum Longblade]], [[Molybdenum Knuckles]], [[Molybdenum Uchigatana]], [[Molybdenum Daggers]], [[Molybdenum Rimfire]], [[Molybdenum Halfheart Saw]], [[Molybdenum Lump Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Palladium Texture Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Creasing Knife]], [[Molybdenum Pickaxe]], [[Molybdenum Hatchet]], [[Molybdenum Claw Hammer]], [[Molybdenum File]], [[Molybdenum Pliers]], [[Molybdenum Awl]], [[Molybdenum Mortar]], [[Molybdenum Culinary Knife]], [[Molybdenum Sledgehammer]], [[Molybdenum Scythe]], [[Molybdenum Headgear of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Headgear of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Kite Shield]], [[Molybdenum Armguards of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Armguards of Striking]], [[Molybdenum Armguards of Scouting]], [[Molybdenum Greaves of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Alembic]], [[Molybdenum Frypan]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Maiming]], [[Reveler's Barding]], [[Susano Miniature]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Slaying]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Aiming]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Healing]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Casting]], [[Palladium Rod]], [[Palladium Tuck]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Belt of Gathering]]
|[[Lunar Adamantite Ingot]]||[[file:lunar adamantite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Lunar Adamantite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Lunar Adamantite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Classical Spear]], [[Classical Longpole]], [[Classical Longsword]], [[Classical Battleaxe]], [[Classical Greatsword]], [[Classical Gunblade]], [[Classical War Scythe]], [[Classical Tonfa]], [[Classical Samurai Blade]], [[Classical Daggers]], [[Classical Handgonne]], [[Classical Chakrams]], [[Classical Shield]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear]], [[Classical Eques's Headgear]], [[Classical Secutor's Mask]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Mask]], [[Classical Secutor's Lorica]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Lorica]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae]], [[Classical Eques's Manicae]], [[Classical Secutor's Manicae]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Manicae]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves]], [[Classical Dimachaerius's Caligae]], [[Classical Smallsword]], [[Classical Torquetum]], [[Classical Milpreves]], [[Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath]], [[Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque]], [[Classical Eques's Caligae]], [[Classical Secutor's Caligae]], [[Classical Sagittarius's Caligae]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica]], [[Classical Eques's Chiton]]
|[[Multifaceted Abrasive]]||[[file:multifaceted abrasive icon1.png]]||||[[Aymark]]||||align = "left" |[[Tungsten Steel Ingot]], [[Tungsten Steel Ingot]]
|[[Manasilver Nugget]]||[[file:manasilver nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Manasilver Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 74 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Bluespirit Cane]], [[White Ash Spinning Wheel]], [[White Ash Earrings]], [[White Ash Necklace]], [[White Ash Bracelet]], [[White Ash Ring]], [[Bluespirit Sword]], [[Bluespirit Axe]], [[Bluespirit Guillotine]], [[Bluespirit Gunblade]], [[Bluespirit Handgonne]], [[Bluespirit Pliers ]], [[Bluespirit Lapidary Hammer]], [[Bluespirit Round Knife]], [[Bluespirit Hatchet]], [[Bluespirit Alembic]], [[Bluespirit Tower Shield]], [[Bluespirit Baghnakhs]], [[Bluespirit Uchigatana]], [[Bluespirit Daggers]], [[Bluespirit Longbow]], [[Bluespirit Glaives]], [[Bluespirit Rod]], [[Bluespirit Rapier]], [[Bluespirit Star Globe]], [[Manasilver Needle]], [[Manasilver Ear Cuffs]], [[Manasilver Choker]], [[Manasilver Bracelets]], [[Lazurite Ring of Fending]], [[Lazurite Ring of Slaying]], [[Lazurite Ring of Aiming]], [[Lazurite Ring of Casting]], [[Lazurite Ring of Healing]], [[Manasilver Ring]], [[Petalite Choker of Fending]], [[Petalite Choker of Slaying]], [[Petalite Choker of Aiming]], [[Petalite Choker of Casting]], [[Petalite Choker of Healing]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Petalite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Atrociraptorskin Cap of Gathering]], [[Atrociraptorskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting]], [[Atrociraptorskin Boots of Gathering]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Fending]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Slaying]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Aiming]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Casting]], [[Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Healing]], [[Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Scouting]], [[Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Aiming]], [[Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting]], [[Pixie Cotton Breeches of Crafting]], [[Pixie Cotton Slops of Gathering]], [[Pixie Cotton Acton of Striking]], [[Summer Indigo Shirt]], [[Bluespirit Grimoire]], [[Bluespirit Codex]]
|[[Mythril Ingot]]||[[file:mythril ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 38 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 36 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 34 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Mythril Cavalry Bow]], [[Mythril Lance]], [[Mahogany Fishing Rod]], [[Garnet Grinding Wheel]], [[Rosewood Fishing Rod]], [[Pastoral Mahogany Cane]], [[Gilded Rosewood Fishing Rod]], [[Riviera Canopy Bed]], [[Mythril Broadsword]], [[Mythril Knives]], [[Mythril Claymore]], [[Mythril-barreled Carbine]], [[Plumed Mythril Pickaxe]], [[Mythril Hatchet]], [[Mythril Rivets]], [[Mythril Claws]], [[Spiked Mythril Labrys]], [[Mythril Saw]], [[Mythril Head Knife]], [[Mythril Bhuj]], [[Mythril Claw Hammer]], [[Mythril File]], [[Mythril Ornamental Hammer]], [[Mythril Awl]], [[Mythril Baselards]], [[Mythril Zweihander]], [[Mythril-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythril Mortar]], [[Mythril Culinary Knife]], [[Mythril Sledgehammer]], [[Mythril Scythe]], [[Mythril Chocobotail Saw]], [[Mythril Pliers]], [[Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Mythril Round Knife]], [[Mythril Pugiones]], [[Mythrite Claymore]], [[Mythrite Zweihander]], [[Apkallu Weathervane]], [[Cannonballs]], [[Mythril Rings]], [[Mythril Rivets]], [[Mythril Plate]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril-plated Jackboots]], [[High Mythril Flanchard]], [[Oasis Chandelier]], [[Mythril Spectacles]], [[Mythril Magnifiers]], [[Mythril Rings]], [[Mythril Gorget]], [[Mythril Earrings]], [[Wolf Earrings]], [[Mythril Wristlets]], [[Mythril Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Mythril Needle]], [[Mythril Ring]], [[Mythril Ring of Crafting]], [[Garnet Choker]], [[Goshenite Choker]], [[Peridot Choker]], [[Heliodor Choker]], [[Amethyst Choker]], [[Aquamarine Choker]], [[Pearl Choker]], [[Mythril Star Globe]], [[Garnet Bracelet]], [[Goshenite Bracelet]], [[Peridot Bracelet]], [[Heliodor Bracelet]], [[Amethyst Bracelet]], [[Aquamarine Bracelet]], [[Pearl Bracelet]], [[Garnet Earrings]], [[Goshenite Earrings]], [[Amethyst Earrings]], [[Aquamarine Earrings]], [[Garnet Ring]], [[Goshenite Ring]], [[Amethyst Ring]], [[Aquamarine Ring]], [[Spinner]], [[Classic Spectacles]], [[Oval Reading Glasses]], [[Peridot Earrings]], [[Heliodor Earrings]], [[Peridot Ring]], [[Heliodor Ring]], [[Mythril Planisphere]], [[Mythril Choker]], [[Mythril Ear Cuffs]], [[Pearl Earrings]], [[Pearl Ring]], [[Mythril Spoon Lure]], [[Mythril Circlet (Rubellite)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Zircon)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Tourmaline)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Amber)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Spinel)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Turquoise)]], [[Gemscope]], [[Amdapori Wall Lantern]], [[Vodoriga Sculpture]], [[Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp]], [[Megalodon Jaws]], [[Demon Wall Sculpture]], [[Carbuncle Chronometer]], [[Inferno Cudgel]], [[Boarskin Shepherd's Belt]], [[Peisteskin Crakows]], [[Peisteskin Crakows of Gathering]], [[Peisteskin Harness]], [[Peisteskin Hunting Belt]], [[Boarskin Belt]], [[Peisteskin Subligar]], [[Raptorskin Pot Helm]], [[Raptorskin Merchant's Purse]], [[Raptorskin Leg Guards]], [[Wolf Belt]], [[Wolf Leg Guards]], [[Woolen Robe]], [[Woolen Gown]], [[Woolen Halfgloves]], [[Felt Kecks]], [[Felt Cavalier's Hat]], [[Linen Parasol]], [[Wolf Cavalier's Hat]], [[Wolf Kecks]], [[Book of Mythril]]
|[[Manganese Ingot]]||[[file:manganese ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Manganese Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 86 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Manganese Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 86 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Ironwood Spear]], [[Ironwood Longbow]], [[Ironwood Choker of Fending]], [[Ironwood Choker of Slaying]], [[Ironwood Choker of Aiming]], [[Ironwood Choker of Casting]], [[Ironwood Choker of Healing]], [[Ironwood Spinning Wheel]], [[Ironwood Fishing Rod]], [[Marimba]], [[Manganese Sword]], [[Manganese Axe]], [[Manganese Greatsword]], [[Manganese Bayonet]], [[Manganese War Scythe]], [[Manganese Knuckles]], [[Manganese Uchigatana]], [[Manganese Daggers]], [[Manganese Arquebus]], [[Manganese Chakrams]], [[Manganese Saw]], [[Manganese Claw Hammer]], [[Manganese Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Manganese File]], [[Manganese Raising Hammer]], [[Manganese Pliers]], [[Manganese Lapidary Hammer]], [[Manganese Round Knife]], [[Manganese Awl]], [[Manganese Mortar]], [[Manganese Culinary Knife]], [[Manganese Pickaxe]], [[Manganese Sledgehammer]], [[Manganese Hatchet]], [[Manganese Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied Manganese Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Chondrite Awl]], [[Orchestrion Phonograph]], [[Pendant Wall Light]], [[Manganese Kite Shield]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Helm of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Rising Dragon]], [[Manganese Gaiters of the Falling Dragon]], [[Manganese Boots of the Black Griffin]], [[Manganese Boots of the White Griffin]], [[Manganese Alembic]], [[Manganese Chocobo Frypan]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Manganese Armor of the Behemoth Queen]], [[Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King]], [[Chondrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Striking]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Scouting]], [[Chondrite Gloves of Aiming]], [[Chondrite Top of Fending]], [[Chondrite Top of Maiming]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Fending]], [[Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting]], [[Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets]], [[Garlean Concrete Inner Wall]], [[Manganese Rapier]], [[Manganese Orrery]], [[Manganese Syrinxi]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Fending]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Casting]], [[Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Fending]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Slaying]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Aiming]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Casting]], [[Blue Zircon Ring of Healing]], [[Manganese Needle]], [[Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Fending]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Slaying]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Aiming]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Casting]], [[Blue Zircon Earrings of Healing]], [[Rarefied Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn]], [[Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the Black Griffin]], [[Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Maiming]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Striking]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Casting]], [[Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Scouting]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Aiming]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Casting]], [[Ophiotauroskin Top of Healing]], [[Scarlet Moko Robe of the Last Unicorn]], [[Scarlet Moko Vest of Gathering]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Fending]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Maiming]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Striking]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Scouting]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Aiming]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Casting]], [[AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Healing]], [[Heavenly Ornamental Array]]
|[[Mythril Plate]]||[[file:mythril plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 38 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythril Claws]], [[Mythril Celata]], [[Mythril Plate Belt]], [[Mythril Cuirass]], [[Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Mythril Sabatons]], [[Mythril Alembic]], [[Mythril Elmo]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril Vambraces]], [[Mythril-plated Jackboots]], [[Mythril Chain Coif]], [[Mythril Mesail]], [[Mythril Sollerets]], [[Mythril-plated Caligae]], [[High Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Mythril Mitt Gauntlets]], [[High Mythril Plate Belt]], [[High Mythril Armor]], [[Cobalt Haubergeon]], [[Belah'dian Crystal Lantern]], [[Mythril Table]], [[Miniature Magitek Reaper]], [[Incensory]], [[Wolf Tassets]]
|[[Molybdenum Ingot]]||[[file:molybdenum ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Molybdenum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 68 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Molybdenum Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 68 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Molybdenum Trident]], [[Zelkova Fishing Rod]], [[Molybdenum Longsword]], [[Molybdenum War Axe]], [[Molybdenum Longblade]], [[Molybdenum Knuckles]], [[Molybdenum Uchigatana]], [[Molybdenum Daggers]], [[Molybdenum Rimfire]], [[Molybdenum Halfheart Saw]], [[Molybdenum Lump Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Palladium Texture Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Creasing Knife]], [[Molybdenum Pickaxe]], [[Molybdenum Hatchet]], [[Molybdenum Claw Hammer]], [[Molybdenum File]], [[Molybdenum Pliers]], [[Molybdenum Awl]], [[Molybdenum Mortar]], [[Molybdenum Culinary Knife]], [[Molybdenum Sledgehammer]], [[Molybdenum Scythe]], [[Molybdenum Headgear of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Headgear of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Kite Shield]], [[Molybdenum Armguards of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Armguards of Striking]], [[Molybdenum Armguards of Scouting]], [[Molybdenum Greaves of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Alembic]], [[Molybdenum Frypan]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Tassets of Maiming]], [[Reveler's Barding]], [[Susano Miniature]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Slaying]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Aiming]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Healing]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Casting]], [[Palladium Rod]], [[Palladium Tuck]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing]], [[Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Belt of Gathering]]
|[[Mythril Rings]]||[[file:mythril rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 37 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 35 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythril Celata]], [[Mythril Cuirass]], [[Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Mythril Sabatons]], [[Mythril Chain Coif]], [[Mythril Haubergeon]], [[Mythril Sollerets]], [[High Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Celata]], [[Cobalt Cuirass]], [[Belah'dian Crystal Lantern]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Mythril Wristlets]], [[Mythril Wristlets of Crafting]]
|[[Mountain Chromite Ingot]]||[[file:mountain chromite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Mountain Chromite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 91 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Mountain Chromite Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 91 Armorer]]||||align = "left" |[[Ceiba Spear]], [[Ginseng Fishing Rod]], [[Mountain Chromite Kilij]], [[Mountain Chromite Fists]], [[Mountain Chromite Battleaxe]], [[Mountain Chromite Daggers]], [[Mountain Chromite Guillotine]], [[Mountain Chromite Musketoon]], [[Mountain Chromite Blade]], [[Mountain Chromite Bayonet]], [[Mountain Chromite Chakrams]], [[Mountain Chromite War Scythe]], [[Mountain Chromite Twinfangs]], [[Ruthenium Scimitar]], [[Ruthenium Tonfas]], [[Ruthenium War Axe]], [[Ruthenium Greatsword]], [[Ruthenium Blade]], [[Ruthenium War Scythe]], [[Ruthenium Twinfangs]], [[Mountain Chromite Saw]], [[Mountain Chromite Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Mountain Chromite Raising Hammer]], [[Mountain Chromite Lapidary Hammer]], [[Mountain Chromite Creasing Knife]], [[Mountain Chromite Pickaxe]], [[Mountain Chromite Hatchet]], [[Mountain Chromite Claw Hammer]], [[Mountain Chromite File]], [[Mountain Chromite Pliers]], [[Mountain Chromite Awl]], [[Mountain Chromite Mortar]], [[Mountain Chromite Culinary Knife]], [[Mountain Chromite Maul]], [[Mountain Chromite Garden Scythe]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Rarefied Mountain Chromite Fists]], [[Mountain Chromite Tower Shield]], [[Ruthenium Kite Shield]], [[Ruthenium Lorica of Fending]], [[Ruthenium Vambraces of Fending]], [[Ruthenium Sabatons of Fending]], [[Ruthenium Lorica of Maiming]], [[Ruthenium Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Ruthenium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Mountain Chromite Alembic]], [[Mountain Chromite Frypan]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Rarefied Mountain Chromite Alembic]], [[Lar Longbow]], [[Lar Cane]], [[Lar Rod]], [[Lar Star Globe]], [[Lar Rapier]], [[Lar Pendulums]], [[Lar Ring of Fending]], [[Lar Ring of Slaying]], [[Lar Ring of Aiming]], [[Lar Ring of Healing]], [[Lar Ring of Casting]], [[Ruthenium Torquetum]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Rarefied Lar Longbow]]
|[[Mythril Rivets]]||[[file:mythril rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 39 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 37 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mahogany Spinning Wheel]], [[Model Star Globe]], [[Mythril Saw]], [[Mythril Ornamental Hammer]], [[Mythril Chocobotail Saw]], [[Mythril Pliers]], [[Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Apkallu Weathervane]], [[Mythril Alembic]], [[Mythril Elmo]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril Mesail]], [[Mythril-plated Caligae]], [[Mythril Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Reinforced Mythril Elmo]], [[Mythril Table]], [[Boarskin Pot Helm]], [[Boarskin Tool Belt]], [[Raptorskin Targe]], [[Glade Blossom Rug]], [[Woolen Trousers]]
|[[Multifaceted Abrasive]]||[[file:multifaceted abrasive icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Aymark]]||||align = "left" |[[Tungsten Steel Ingot]], [[Tungsten Steel Ingot]]
|[[Mythrite Ingot]]||[[file:mythrite ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 52 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 52 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 52 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythrite Pugil Stick]], [[Holy Cedar Composite Bow]], [[Mythrite Flametongue]], [[Mythrite Jamadhars]], [[Mythrite Labrys]], [[Mythrite Stilettos]], [[Mythrite Zweihander]], [[Mythrite-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythrite Claw Hammer]], [[Mythrite File]], [[Mythrite Pliers]], [[Mythrite Awl]], [[Mythrite Mortar]], [[Mythrite Culinary Knife]], [[Mythrite Sledgehammer]], [[Mythrite Scythe]], [[Titanium Pugiones]], [[Titanium Longsword]], [[Titanium Knuckles]], [[Titanium Kris]], [[Titanium Lump Hammer]], [[Adamantite Revolver]], [[Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Casting]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Healing]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Fending]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Mythrite Planisphere]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Casting]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Healing]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Fending]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Slaying]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Aiming]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Casting]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Healing]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Fending]], [[Stained Crystal Interior Wall]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Wyvernskin Mask of Casting]], [[Wyvernskin Wristbands]], [[Wyvernskin Ring]], [[Wyvernskin Field Belt]], [[Wyvernskin Choker]], [[Wyvernskin Grimoire]], [[Wyvernskin Codex]], [[Dragonskin Grimoire]], [[Dragonskin Codex]]
|[[Mythril Ingot]]||[[file:mythril ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 38 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 36 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 34 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythril Cavalry Bow]], [[Mythril Lance]], [[Mahogany Fishing Rod]], [[Garnet Grinding Wheel]], [[Rosewood Fishing Rod]], [[Pastoral Mahogany Cane]], [[Gilded Rosewood Fishing Rod]], [[Riviera Canopy Bed]], [[Mythril Broadsword]], [[Mythril Knives]], [[Mythril Claymore]], [[Mythril-barreled Carbine]], [[Plumed Mythril Pickaxe]], [[Mythril Hatchet]], [[Mythril Rivets]], [[Mythril Claws]], [[Spiked Mythril Labrys]], [[Mythril Saw]], [[Mythril Head Knife]], [[Mythril Bhuj]], [[Mythril Claw Hammer]], [[Mythril File]], [[Mythril Ornamental Hammer]], [[Mythril Awl]], [[Mythril Baselards]], [[Mythril Zweihander]], [[Mythril-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythril Mortar]], [[Mythril Culinary Knife]], [[Mythril Sledgehammer]], [[Mythril Scythe]], [[Mythril Chocobotail Saw]], [[Mythril Pliers]], [[Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Mythril Round Knife]], [[Mythril Pugiones]], [[Mythrite Claymore]], [[Mythrite Zweihander]], [[Apkallu Weathervane]], [[Cannonballs]], [[Mythril Rings]], [[Mythril Rivets]], [[Mythril Plate]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril-plated Jackboots]], [[High Mythril Flanchard]], [[Oasis Chandelier]], [[Mythril Spectacles]], [[Mythril Magnifiers]], [[Mythril Rings]], [[Mythril Gorget]], [[Mythril Earrings]], [[Wolf Earrings]], [[Mythril Wristlets]], [[Mythril Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Mythril Needle]], [[Mythril Ring]], [[Mythril Ring of Crafting]], [[Garnet Choker]], [[Goshenite Choker]], [[Peridot Choker]], [[Heliodor Choker]], [[Amethyst Choker]], [[Aquamarine Choker]], [[Pearl Choker]], [[Mythril Star Globe]], [[Garnet Bracelet]], [[Goshenite Bracelet]], [[Peridot Bracelet]], [[Heliodor Bracelet]], [[Amethyst Bracelet]], [[Aquamarine Bracelet]], [[Pearl Bracelet]], [[Garnet Earrings]], [[Goshenite Earrings]], [[Amethyst Earrings]], [[Aquamarine Earrings]], [[Garnet Ring]], [[Goshenite Ring]], [[Amethyst Ring]], [[Aquamarine Ring]], [[Spinner]], [[Classic Spectacles]], [[Oval Reading Glasses]], [[Peridot Earrings]], [[Heliodor Earrings]], [[Peridot Ring]], [[Heliodor Ring]], [[Mythril Planisphere]], [[Mythril Choker]], [[Mythril Ear Cuffs]], [[Pearl Earrings]], [[Pearl Ring]], [[Mythril Spoon Lure]], [[Mythril Circlet (Rubellite)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Zircon)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Tourmaline)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Amber)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Spinel)]], [[Mythril Circlet (Turquoise)]], [[Gemscope]], [[Amdapori Wall Lantern]], [[Vodoriga Sculpture]], [[Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp]], [[Megalodon Jaws]], [[Demon Wall Sculpture]], [[Carbuncle Chronometer]], [[Inferno Cudgel]], [[Boarskin Shepherd's Belt]], [[Peisteskin Crakows]], [[Peisteskin Crakows of Gathering]], [[Peisteskin Harness]], [[Peisteskin Hunting Belt]], [[Boarskin Belt]], [[Peisteskin Subligar]], [[Raptorskin Pot Helm]], [[Raptorskin Merchant's Purse]], [[Raptorskin Leg Guards]], [[Wolf Belt]], [[Wolf Leg Guards]], [[Woolen Robe]], [[Woolen Gown]], [[Woolen Halfgloves]], [[Felt Kecks]], [[Felt Cavalier's Hat]], [[Linen Parasol]], [[Wolf Cavalier's Hat]], [[Wolf Kecks]], [[Book of Mythril]]
|[[Mythrite Nugget]]||[[file:mythrite nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 51 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 51 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 51 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythrite Trident]], [[Cedar Longbow]], [[Cedar Fishing Rod]], [[Astral Grinding Wheel]], [[Mythrite Rivets]], [[Mythrite Katzbalger]], [[Mythrite Patas]], [[Mythrite War Axe]], [[Mythrite Pugiones]], [[Mythrite Claymore]], [[Mythrite-barreled Arquebus]], [[Mythrite Ingot]], [[Mythrite Halfheart Saw]], [[Mythrite Lump Hammer]], [[Mythrite Raising Hammer]], [[Mythrite Lapidary Hammer]], [[Mythrite Round Knife]], [[Mythrite Pickaxe]], [[Mythrite Hatchet]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Fending]], [[Mythrite Tassets of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Tassets of Fending]], [[Mythrite Rivets]], [[Mythrite Scutum]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Fending]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Mythrite Ingot]], [[Mythrite Alembic]], [[Frypan Caliente]], [[Mythrite Star Globe]], [[Mythrite Circlet of Striking]], [[Mythrite Goggles of Crafting]], [[Mythrite Goggles of Gathering]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Casting]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Healing]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Fending]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Casting]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Healing]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Fending]], [[Mythrite Ingot]], [[Mythrite Needle]], [[Yeti Fang Earrings]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Gathering]], [[Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Archaeoskin Gloves of Crafting]], [[Archaeoskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Crafting]], [[Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Gathering]], [[Archaeoskin Breeches of Crafting]], [[Archaeoskin Breeches of Gathering]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Maiming]], [[Rainbow Coif of Scouting]], [[Holy Rainbow Hat of Aiming]], [[Rainbow Wedge Cap]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Maiming]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Aiming]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Scouting]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Casting]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Healing]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Fending]], [[Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing]], [[Rainbow Coatee]], [[Rainbow Apron]], [[Rainbow Shoes]]
|[[Mythril Plate]]||[[file:mythril plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 38 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythril Claws]], [[Mythril Celata]], [[Mythril Plate Belt]], [[Mythril Cuirass]], [[Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Mythril Sabatons]], [[Mythril Alembic]], [[Mythril Elmo]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril Vambraces]], [[Mythril-plated Jackboots]], [[Mythril Chain Coif]], [[Mythril Mesail]], [[Mythril Sollerets]], [[Mythril-plated Caligae]], [[High Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Mythril Mitt Gauntlets]], [[High Mythril Plate Belt]], [[High Mythril Armor]], [[Cobalt Haubergeon]], [[Belah'dian Crystal Lantern]], [[Mythril Table]], [[Miniature Magitek Reaper]], [[Incensory]], [[Wolf Tassets]]
|[[Mythrite Rivets]]||[[file:mythrite rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 51 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 51 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Holy Cedar Spinning Wheel]], [[Mythrite Patas]], [[Mythrite Pugiones]], [[Mythrite-barreled Arquebus]], [[Mythrite Halfheart Saw]], [[Mythrite Raising Hammer]], [[Mythrite Round Knife]], [[Mythrite Pickaxe]], [[Mythrite Labrys]], [[Mythrite-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythrite Pliers]], [[Mythrite Scutum]], [[Mythrite Alembic]], [[Frypan Caliente]], [[Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Striking]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Scouting]]
|[[Mythril Rings]]||[[file:mythril rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 37 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 35 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythril Celata]], [[Mythril Cuirass]], [[Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Mythril Sabatons]], [[Mythril Chain Coif]], [[Mythril Haubergeon]], [[Mythril Sollerets]], [[High Mythril Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Celata]], [[Cobalt Cuirass]], [[Belah'dian Crystal Lantern]], [[Wolf Celata]], [[Wolf Cuirass]], [[Mythril Wristlets]], [[Mythril Wristlets of Crafting]]
|[[Nightsteel Ingot]]||[[file:nightsteel ingot icon1.png]]||[[Nightsteel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7*** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Nightsteel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7*** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Black Willow Spear]], [[Black Willow Fishing Rod]], [[Nightsteel Sword]], [[Nightsteel Battleaxe]], [[Nightsteel Greatsword]], [[Nightsteel Claws]], [[Nightsteel Katana]], [[Nightsteel Daggers]], [[Nightsteel Blunderbuss]], [[Nightsteel Saw]], [[Nightsteel Claw Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Nightsteel File]], [[Nightsteel Raising Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Pliers]], [[Nightsteel Lapidary Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Round Knife]], [[Nightsteel Awl]], [[Nightsteel Mortar]], [[Nightsteel Culinary Knife]], [[Nightsteel Pickaxe]], [[Nightsteel Sledgehammer]], [[Nightsteel Hatchet]], [[Nightsteel Scythe]], [[Nightsteel Alembic]], [[Nightsteel Frypan]], [[Nightsteel Shield]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Armor of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Mail of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Sabatons of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Greaves of Maiming]], [[Suzaku Barding]], [[Silvergrace Rapier]], [[Slothskin Thighboots of Scouting]], [[Slothskin Boots of Healing]], [[Silvergrace Grimoire]], [[Silvergrace Codex]]
|[[Mythril Rivets]]||[[file:mythril rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 39 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 37 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Mahogany Spinning Wheel]], [[Model Star Globe]], [[Mythril Saw]], [[Mythril Ornamental Hammer]], [[Mythril Chocobotail Saw]], [[Mythril Pliers]], [[Mythril Lapidary Hammer]], [[Apkallu Weathervane]], [[Mythril Alembic]], [[Mythril Elmo]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril Mesail]], [[Mythril-plated Caligae]], [[Mythril Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Reinforced Mythril Elmo]], [[Mythril Table]], [[Boarskin Pot Helm]], [[Boarskin Tool Belt]], [[Raptorskin Targe]], [[Glade Blossom Rug]], [[Woolen Trousers]]
|[[Oddly Delicate Silver Gear]]||[[file:oddly delicate silver gear icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Delicate Silver Gear#Crafting Recipe|Level 80**** Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Mythrite Ingot]]||[[file:mythrite ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 52 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 52 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 52 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Mythrite Pugil Stick]], [[Holy Cedar Composite Bow]], [[Mythrite Flametongue]], [[Mythrite Jamadhars]], [[Mythrite Labrys]], [[Mythrite Stilettos]], [[Mythrite Zweihander]], [[Mythrite-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythrite Claw Hammer]], [[Mythrite File]], [[Mythrite Pliers]], [[Mythrite Awl]], [[Mythrite Mortar]], [[Mythrite Culinary Knife]], [[Mythrite Sledgehammer]], [[Mythrite Scythe]], [[Titanium Pugiones]], [[Titanium Longsword]], [[Titanium Knuckles]], [[Titanium Kris]], [[Titanium Lump Hammer]], [[Adamantite Revolver]], [[Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Casting]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Healing]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Fending]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Mythrite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Mythrite Planisphere]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Casting]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Healing]], [[Mythrite Necklace of Fending]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Slaying]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Aiming]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Casting]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Healing]], [[Yeti Fang Ring of Fending]], [[Stained Crystal Interior Wall]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Wyvernskin Mask of Casting]], [[Wyvernskin Wristbands]], [[Wyvernskin Ring]], [[Wyvernskin Field Belt]], [[Wyvernskin Choker]], [[Wyvernskin Grimoire]], [[Wyvernskin Codex]], [[Dragonskin Grimoire]], [[Dragonskin Codex]]
|[[Oddly Delicate Wolfram Square]]||[[file:oddly delicate wolfram square icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Delicate Wolfram Square#Crafting Recipe|Level 80**** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Mythrite Nugget]]||[[file:mythrite nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 51 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 51 [[Armorer]]<br>Level 51 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Mythrite Trident]], [[Cedar Longbow]], [[Cedar Fishing Rod]], [[Astral Grinding Wheel]], [[Mythrite Rivets]], [[Mythrite Katzbalger]], [[Mythrite Patas]], [[Mythrite War Axe]], [[Mythrite Pugiones]], [[Mythrite Claymore]], [[Mythrite-barreled Arquebus]], [[Mythrite Ingot]], [[Mythrite Halfheart Saw]], [[Mythrite Lump Hammer]], [[Mythrite Raising Hammer]], [[Mythrite Lapidary Hammer]], [[Mythrite Round Knife]], [[Mythrite Pickaxe]], [[Mythrite Hatchet]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sallet of Fending]], [[Mythrite Tassets of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Tassets of Fending]], [[Mythrite Rivets]], [[Mythrite Scutum]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Hauberk of Fending]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Mythrite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Mythrite Ingot]], [[Mythrite Alembic]], [[Frypan Caliente]], [[Mythrite Star Globe]], [[Mythrite Circlet of Striking]], [[Mythrite Goggles of Crafting]], [[Mythrite Goggles of Gathering]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Casting]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Healing]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Fending]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Casting]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Healing]], [[Mythrite Bangle of Fending]], [[Mythrite Ingot]], [[Mythrite Needle]], [[Yeti Fang Earrings]], [[Mythrite Earrings of Gathering]], [[Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Archaeoskin Gloves of Crafting]], [[Archaeoskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Crafting]], [[Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Gathering]], [[Archaeoskin Breeches of Crafting]], [[Archaeoskin Breeches of Gathering]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Maiming]], [[Rainbow Coif of Scouting]], [[Holy Rainbow Hat of Aiming]], [[Rainbow Wedge Cap]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Maiming]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Aiming]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Scouting]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Casting]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Healing]], [[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Fending]], [[Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing]], [[Rainbow Coatee]], [[Rainbow Apron]], [[Rainbow Shoes]]
|[[Oddly Specific Chainmail Sheet]]||[[file:oddly specific chainmail sheet icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Chainmail Sheet#Crafting Recipe|Level 80** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Mythrite Rivets]]||[[file:mythrite rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 51 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 51 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Holy Cedar Spinning Wheel]], [[Mythrite Patas]], [[Mythrite Pugiones]], [[Mythrite-barreled Arquebus]], [[Mythrite Halfheart Saw]], [[Mythrite Raising Hammer]], [[Mythrite Round Knife]], [[Mythrite Pickaxe]], [[Mythrite Labrys]], [[Mythrite-barreled Musketoon]], [[Mythrite Pliers]], [[Mythrite Scutum]], [[Mythrite Alembic]], [[Frypan Caliente]], [[Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Striking]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Scouting]]
|[[Oddly Specific Fitting]]||[[file:oddly specific fitting icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Fitting#Crafting Recipe|Level 80** Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Nightsteel Ingot]]||[[file:nightsteel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Nightsteel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Nightsteel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Black Willow Spear]], [[Black Willow Fishing Rod]], [[Nightsteel Sword]], [[Nightsteel Battleaxe]], [[Nightsteel Greatsword]], [[Nightsteel Claws]], [[Nightsteel Katana]], [[Nightsteel Daggers]], [[Nightsteel Blunderbuss]], [[Nightsteel Saw]], [[Nightsteel Claw Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Nightsteel File]], [[Nightsteel Raising Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Pliers]], [[Nightsteel Lapidary Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Round Knife]], [[Nightsteel Awl]], [[Nightsteel Mortar]], [[Nightsteel Culinary Knife]], [[Nightsteel Pickaxe]], [[Nightsteel Sledgehammer]], [[Nightsteel Hatchet]], [[Nightsteel Scythe]], [[Nightsteel Alembic]], [[Nightsteel Frypan]], [[Nightsteel Shield]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Armor of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Mail of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Sabatons of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Greaves of Maiming]], [[Suzaku Barding]], [[Silvergrace Rapier]], [[Slothskin Thighboots of Scouting]], [[Slothskin Boots of Healing]], [[Silvergrace Grimoire]], [[Silvergrace Codex]]
|[[Oddly Specific Iron Ingot]]||[[file:oddly specific iron ingot icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Iron Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80*** Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Delicate Silver Gear]]||[[file:oddly delicate silver gear icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Delicate Silver Gear#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★★ Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Iron Nails]]||[[file:oddly specific iron nails icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Iron Nails#Crafting Recipe|Level 80** Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Delicate Wolfram Square]]||[[file:oddly delicate wolfram square icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Delicate Wolfram Square#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Mythril Plate]]||[[file:oddly specific mythril plate icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Mythril Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 80*** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Chainmail Sheet]]||[[file:oddly specific chainmail sheet icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Chainmail Sheet#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Mythril Rings]]||[[file:oddly specific mythril rings icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Mythril Rings#Crafting Recipe|Level 80** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Fitting]]||[[file:oddly specific fitting icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Fitting#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★ Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Rivets]]||[[file:oddly specific rivets icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Rivets#Crafting Recipe|Level 80 Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Iron Ingot]]||[[file:oddly specific iron ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Iron Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★ Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Silver Ingot]]||[[file:oddly specific silver ingot icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Silver Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80*** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Iron Nails]]||[[file:oddly specific iron nails icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Iron Nails#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★ Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Silver Nugget]]||[[file:oddly specific silver nugget icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Silver Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 80** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Mythril Plate]]||[[file:oddly specific mythril plate icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Mythril Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Wire]]||[[file:oddly specific wire icon1.png]]||[[Oddly Specific Wire#Crafting Recipe|Level 80 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oddly Specific Mythril Rings]]||[[file:oddly specific mythril rings icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Mythril Rings#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Oroshigane Ingot]]||[[file:oroshigane ingot icon1.png]]||[[Oroshigane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 64 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Oroshigane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 64 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Doman Iron Lance]], [[Slate Grinding Wheel]], [[Persimmon Spinning Wheel]], [[Doman Partition]], [[Doman Iron Longsword]], [[Doman Iron War Axe]], [[Doman Iron Claws]], [[Doman Iron Halfheart Saw]], [[Doman Iron Lump Hammer]], [[Doman Iron Raising Hammer]], [[Durium Texture Hammer]], [[Doman Iron Head Knife]], [[Doman Iron Pickaxe]], [[Doman Iron Hatchet]], [[Doman Iron Greatsword]], [[Doman Iron Uchigatana]], [[Doman Iron Daggers]], [[Doman Iron Culverin]], [[Doman Iron Claw Hammer]], [[Doman Iron File]], [[Doman Iron Pliers]], [[Doman Iron Awl]], [[Doman Iron Mortar]], [[Doman Iron Culinary Knife]], [[Doman Iron Sledgehammer]], [[Doman Iron Scythe]], [[Tama-hagane Ingot]], [[Doman Steel Longsword]], [[Doman Steel Patas]], [[Doman Steel Saw]], [[Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Doman Steel Pliers]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Alembic]], [[Doman Iron Frypan]], [[Doman Iron Kite Shield]], [[Tigerskin Coat of Fending]], [[Tigerskin Coat of Maiming]], [[Tama-hagane Ingot]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Alembic]], [[Doman Steel Frypan Caliente]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Fending]], [[Durium Astrometer]], [[Durium Smallsword]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Aiming]], [[Marid Leather Belt of Fending]], [[Marid Leather Belt of Maiming]], [[Tigerskin Belt of Gathering]], [[Serge Gambison of Aiming]], [[Serge Hose of Aiming]]
|[[Oddly Specific Rivets]]||[[file:oddly specific rivets icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Rivets#Crafting Recipe|Level 80 Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Palladium Ingot]]||[[file:palladium ingot icon1.png]]||[[Palladium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Torreya Cane]], [[Suzaku Wall Hanging]], [[Chromite Sword]], [[Chromite Greatsword]], [[Chromite Knuckles]], [[Chromite Uchigatana]], [[Chromite Daggers]], [[Chromite Arquebus]], [[Chromite Helm of Fending]], [[Chromite Armor of Fending]], [[Chromite Mail of Maiming]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Chromite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Chromite Greaves of Maiming]], [[Imitation Stained Crystal Ornament]], [[Palladium Staff]], [[Palladium Rapier]], [[Palladium Orrery]], [[Palladium Circlet of Maiming]], [[Palladium Circlet of Striking]], [[Palladium Circlet of Scouting]], [[Classic Chandelier]], [[Carbuncle Bathtub]], [[Eorzean Lantern]], [[Odder Otter Lantern]], [[Hanya Mask]], [[Moogle Wall Chronometer]], [[Palladium Earring of Fending]], [[Palladium Earring of Slaying]], [[Palladium Earring of Aiming]], [[Palladium Earring of Casting]], [[Palladium Earring of Healing]], [[Palladium Band of Fending]], [[Palladium Band of Slaying]], [[Palladium Band of Aiming]], [[Palladium Band of Casting]], [[Palladium Band of Healing]], [[Washbasin]], [[Byakko Barding]], [[True Griffin Hat of Aiming]], [[True Griffin Hat of Casting]], [[True Griffin Bracers of Striking]], [[True Griffin Bracers of Scouting]], [[True Griffin Bracers of Aiming]], [[True Griffin Gloves of Casting]], [[True Griffin Gloves of Healing]], [[True Griffin Caligae of Striking]], [[True Griffin Caligae of Scouting]], [[True Griffin Sandals of Casting]], [[True Griffin Sandals of Healing]], [[Indigo Ramie Robe of Casting]], [[Indigo Ramie Robe of Healing]], [[Indigo Ramie Skirt of Casting]], [[Indigo Ramie Skirt of Healing]], [[Shinryu's Wing]], [[Grimoire of the True Griffin]], [[Codex of the True Griffin]]
|[[Oddly Specific Silver Ingot]]||[[file:oddly specific silver ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Silver Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Palladium Nugget]]||[[file:palladium nugget icon1.png]]||[[Palladium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 68 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Zelkova Cane]], [[Almandine Grinding Wheel]], [[Zelkova Fishing Rod]], [[Eastern Teahouse Bench]], [[Molybdenum Lump Hammer]], [[Palladium Texture Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Alembic]], [[Susano Miniature]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Slaying]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Aiming]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Healing]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Casting]], [[Palladium Choker of Fending]], [[Palladium Choker of Slaying]], [[Palladium Choker of Aiming]], [[Palladium Choker of Healing]], [[Palladium Choker of Casting]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Fending]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Healing]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Casting]], [[Palladium Ring of Fending]], [[Palladium Ring of Slaying]], [[Palladium Ring of Aiming]], [[Palladium Ring of Healing]], [[Palladium Ring of Casting]], [[Palladium Planisphere]], [[Palladium Rod]], [[Palladium Tuck]], [[Palladium Needle]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Fending]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Slaying]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Aiming]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Healing]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Casting]], [[Blissful Barding]], [[Lakshmi Miniature]], [[Gazelleskin Earrings]], [[Gazelleskin Choker]], [[Gazelleskin Wristband]], [[Gazelleskin Ring]], [[Twinsilk Apron]], [[Wind-up Lakshmi]]
|[[Oddly Specific Silver Nugget]]||[[file:oddly specific silver nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Silver Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Pewter Ingot]]||[[file:pewter ingot icon1.png]]||[[Pewter Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 82 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Palm Crook]], [[Apothecary's Workbench]], [[High Durium Longsword]], [[High Durium Bhuj]], [[High Durium Greatsword]], [[High Durium Bayonet]], [[High Durium Uchigatana]], [[High Durium Glaives]], [[High Durium War Scythe]], [[High Durium Musketoon]], [[Rarefied High Durium Greatsword]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Bismuth Uchigatana]], [[Bismuth Pliers]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Armor of Fending]], [[High Durium Armor of Maiming]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Pewter Rod]], [[Pewter Rapier]], [[Pewter Astrometer]], [[Pewter Pendulums]], [[Pewter Circlet of Fending]], [[Pewter Circlet of Maiming]], [[Pewter Ring of Fending]], [[Pewter Ring of Slaying]], [[Pewter Ring of Aiming]], [[Pewter Ring of Casting]], [[Pewter Ring of Healing]], [[Pewter Choker of Fending]], [[Pewter Choker of Slaying]], [[Pewter Choker of Aiming]], [[Pewter Choker of Casting]], [[Pewter Choker of Healing]], [[Rarefied Pewter Choker]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Phrygian Orrery]], [[Square Niche Partition]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Boots of Striking]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Hose of Striking]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Hose of Scouting]], [[Almasty Serge Headband of Striking]], [[Almasty Serge Headband of Scouting]], [[Almasty Serge Hat of Casting]], [[Almasty Serge Hat of Healing]], [[Almasty Serge Coat of Aiming]], [[Almasty Serge Coat of Casting]], [[Almasty Serge Coat of Healing]]
|[[Oddly Specific Wire]]||[[file:oddly specific wire icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oddly Specific Wire#Crafting Recipe|Level 80 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Phonograph Plate]]||[[file:phonograph plate icon1.png]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Orchestrion Phonograph]]
|[[Ominous Plating]]||[[file:ominous plating icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Bantam Train]]
|[[Phrygian Ingot]]||[[file:phrygian ingot icon1.png]]||[[Phrygian Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 84 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Red Pine Cane]], [[Red Pine Grinding Wheel]], [[Bismuth Katzbalger]], [[Bismuth Axe]], [[Bismuth Greatsword]], [[Bismuth Gunblade]], [[Bismuth War Scythe]], [[Bismuth Blunderbuss]], [[Bismuth Chakrams]], [[Bismuth Lapidary Hammer]], [[Bismuth Hatchet]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Uchigatana]], [[Manganese Pliers]], [[Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Chondrite Pliers]], [[Orchestrion Phonograph]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Fending]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Casting]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Healing]], [[Bismuth Ring of Fending]], [[Bismuth Ring of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Ring of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Ring of Casting]], [[Bismuth Ring of Healing]], [[Bismuth Alembic]], [[Bismuth Goggles of Fending]], [[Bismuth Headgear of Maiming]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Phrygian Rod]], [[Phrygian Hanger]], [[Phrygian Orrery]], [[Phrygian Wings]], [[Phrygian Choker of Fending]], [[Phrygian Choker of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Choker of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Choker of Casting]], [[Phrygian Choker of Healing]], [[Phrygian Needle]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Fending]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Casting]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing]], [[Rarefied Phrygian Earring]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Orrery]], [[Manganese Syrinxi]], [[Chondrite Magitek Wings]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Saigaskin Armguards of Casting]], [[Saigaskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Snow Linen Doublet of Crafting]], [[Snow Linen Coat of Gathering]], [[Rarefied Snow Linen Doublet]]
|[[Oroshigane Ingot]]||[[file:oroshigane ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Oroshigane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 64 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Oroshigane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 64 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Doman Iron Lance]], [[Slate Grinding Wheel]], [[Persimmon Spinning Wheel]], [[Doman Partition]], [[Doman Iron Longsword]], [[Doman Iron War Axe]], [[Doman Iron Claws]], [[Doman Iron Halfheart Saw]], [[Doman Iron Lump Hammer]], [[Doman Iron Raising Hammer]], [[Durium Texture Hammer]], [[Doman Iron Head Knife]], [[Doman Iron Pickaxe]], [[Doman Iron Hatchet]], [[Doman Iron Greatsword]], [[Doman Iron Uchigatana]], [[Doman Iron Daggers]], [[Doman Iron Culverin]], [[Doman Iron Claw Hammer]], [[Doman Iron File]], [[Doman Iron Pliers]], [[Doman Iron Awl]], [[Doman Iron Mortar]], [[Doman Iron Culinary Knife]], [[Doman Iron Sledgehammer]], [[Doman Iron Scythe]], [[Tama-hagane Ingot]], [[Doman Steel Longsword]], [[Doman Steel Patas]], [[Doman Steel Saw]], [[Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Doman Steel Pliers]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Tassets of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Iron Alembic]], [[Doman Iron Frypan]], [[Doman Iron Kite Shield]], [[Tigerskin Coat of Fending]], [[Tigerskin Coat of Maiming]], [[Tama-hagane Ingot]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Alembic]], [[Doman Steel Frypan Caliente]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Fending]], [[Durium Astrometer]], [[Durium Smallsword]], [[Marid Leather Gloves of Aiming]], [[Marid Leather Belt of Fending]], [[Marid Leather Belt of Maiming]], [[Tigerskin Belt of Gathering]], [[Serge Gambison of Aiming]], [[Serge Hose of Aiming]]
|[[Platinum Ingot]]||[[file:platinum ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Ebony Cane]], [[Ebony Staff]], [[Wootz Daggers]], [[Wootz Fausse]], [[Wootz Revolver]], [[Diamond Chandelier]], [[Platinum Planisphere]], [[Platinum Circlet of Casting]], [[Platinum Circlet of Healing]], [[Platinum Scarf of Fending]], [[Platinum Scarf of Slaying]], [[Platinum Scarf of Ranging]], [[Platinum Scarf of Casting]], [[Platinum Scarf of Healing]], [[Platinum Earrings of Fending]], [[Platinum Earrings of Slaying]], [[Platinum Earrings of Ranging]], [[Platinum Earrings of Casting]], [[Platinum Earrings of Healing]], [[Platinum Bangles of Fending]], [[Platinum Bangles of Slaying]], [[Platinum Bangles of Ranging]], [[Platinum Bangles of Casting]], [[Platinum Bangles of Healing]], [[Platinum Ring of Fending]], [[Platinum Ring of Slaying]], [[Platinum Ring of Ranging]], [[Platinum Ring of Casting]], [[Platinum Ring of Healing]]
|[[Palladium Ingot]]||[[file:palladium ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Palladium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Torreya Cane]], [[Suzaku Wall Hanging]], [[Chromite Sword]], [[Chromite Greatsword]], [[Chromite Knuckles]], [[Chromite Uchigatana]], [[Chromite Daggers]], [[Chromite Arquebus]], [[Chromite Helm of Fending]], [[Chromite Armor of Fending]], [[Chromite Mail of Maiming]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Chromite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Chromite Greaves of Maiming]], [[Imitation Stained Crystal Ornament]], [[Palladium Staff]], [[Palladium Rapier]], [[Palladium Orrery]], [[Palladium Circlet of Maiming]], [[Palladium Circlet of Striking]], [[Palladium Circlet of Scouting]], [[Classic Chandelier]], [[Carbuncle Bathtub]], [[Eorzean Lantern]], [[Odder Otter Lantern]], [[Hanya Mask]], [[Moogle Wall Chronometer]], [[Palladium Earring of Fending]], [[Palladium Earring of Slaying]], [[Palladium Earring of Aiming]], [[Palladium Earring of Casting]], [[Palladium Earring of Healing]], [[Palladium Band of Fending]], [[Palladium Band of Slaying]], [[Palladium Band of Aiming]], [[Palladium Band of Casting]], [[Palladium Band of Healing]], [[Washbasin]], [[Byakko Barding]], [[True Griffin Hat of Aiming]], [[True Griffin Hat of Casting]], [[True Griffin Bracers of Striking]], [[True Griffin Bracers of Scouting]], [[True Griffin Bracers of Aiming]], [[True Griffin Gloves of Casting]], [[True Griffin Gloves of Healing]], [[True Griffin Caligae of Striking]], [[True Griffin Caligae of Scouting]], [[True Griffin Sandals of Casting]], [[True Griffin Sandals of Healing]], [[Indigo Ramie Robe of Casting]], [[Indigo Ramie Robe of Healing]], [[Indigo Ramie Skirt of Casting]], [[Indigo Ramie Skirt of Healing]], [[Shinryu's Wing]], [[Grimoire of the True Griffin]], [[Codex of the True Griffin]]
|[[Platinum Nugget]]||[[file:platinum nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Artisan's Sandals]], [[Wootz Scimitar]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Wootz Mitten Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Plate Belt]], [[Wootz Sabatons]], [[Wootz Sollerets]], [[Platinum Circlet of Casting]], [[Platinum Circlet of Healing]], [[Ice Barding]], [[Kirimu Tricorne]], [[Kirimu Coat]], [[Kirimu Bracers]], [[Kirimu Gloves of Casting]], [[Kirimu Gloves of Healing]], [[Artisan's Mitts]], [[Forager's Wristguards]], [[Kirimu Belt of Maiming]], [[Kirimu Belt of Striking]], [[Kirimu Belt of Scouting]], [[Kirimu Belt of Casting]], [[Kirimu Belt of Healing]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Fending]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Maiming]], [[Kirimu Brais]], [[Kirimu Sandals of Striking]], [[Kirimu Boots of Aiming]], [[Kirimu Sandals of Scouting]], [[Kirimu Boots of Casting]], [[Kirimu Boots of Healing]], [[Forager's Shoes]], [[Arachne Bandana of Striking]], [[Arachne Bandana of Scouting]], [[Arachne Shirt of Striking]], [[Arachne Shirt of Scouting]], [[Arachne Bolero]], [[Arachne Robe]], [[Artisan's Apron]], [[Forager's Vest]], [[Arachne Field Dressing of Striking]], [[Arachne Field Dressing of Scouting]], [[Arachne Sash]], [[Arachne Gaskins of Striking]], [[Arachne Gaskins of Scouting]], [[Arachne Culottes of Casting]], [[Arachne Culottes of Healing]], [[Artisan's Culottes]], [[Forager's Slops]]
|[[Palladium Nugget]]||[[file:palladium nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Palladium Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 68 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Zelkova Cane]], [[Almandine Grinding Wheel]], [[Zelkova Fishing Rod]], [[Eastern Teahouse Bench]], [[Molybdenum Lump Hammer]], [[Palladium Texture Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Alembic]], [[Susano Miniature]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Slaying]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Aiming]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Healing]], [[Molybdenum Earring of Casting]], [[Palladium Choker of Fending]], [[Palladium Choker of Slaying]], [[Palladium Choker of Aiming]], [[Palladium Choker of Healing]], [[Palladium Choker of Casting]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Fending]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Healing]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Casting]], [[Palladium Ring of Fending]], [[Palladium Ring of Slaying]], [[Palladium Ring of Aiming]], [[Palladium Ring of Healing]], [[Palladium Ring of Casting]], [[Palladium Planisphere]], [[Palladium Rod]], [[Palladium Tuck]], [[Palladium Needle]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Fending]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Slaying]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Aiming]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Healing]], [[Imperial Jade Earrings of Casting]], [[Blissful Barding]], [[Lakshmi Miniature]], [[Gazelleskin Earrings]], [[Gazelleskin Choker]], [[Gazelleskin Wristband]], [[Gazelleskin Ring]], [[Twinsilk Apron]], [[Wind-up Lakshmi]]
|[[Proto Ultima Exoplating]]||[[file:proto ultima exoplating icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Pewter Ingot]]||[[file:pewter ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Pewter Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 82 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Palm Crook]], [[Apothecary's Workbench]], [[High Durium Longsword]], [[High Durium Bhuj]], [[High Durium Greatsword]], [[High Durium Bayonet]], [[High Durium Uchigatana]], [[High Durium Glaives]], [[High Durium War Scythe]], [[High Durium Musketoon]], [[Rarefied High Durium Greatsword]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Bismuth Uchigatana]], [[Bismuth Pliers]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[High Durium Armor of Fending]], [[High Durium Armor of Maiming]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Pewter Rod]], [[Pewter Rapier]], [[Pewter Astrometer]], [[Pewter Pendulums]], [[Pewter Circlet of Fending]], [[Pewter Circlet of Maiming]], [[Pewter Ring of Fending]], [[Pewter Ring of Slaying]], [[Pewter Ring of Aiming]], [[Pewter Ring of Casting]], [[Pewter Ring of Healing]], [[Pewter Choker of Fending]], [[Pewter Choker of Slaying]], [[Pewter Choker of Aiming]], [[Pewter Choker of Casting]], [[Pewter Choker of Healing]], [[Rarefied Pewter Choker]], [[Gold Cog]], [[Phrygian Orrery]], [[Square Niche Partition]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Boots of Striking]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Hose of Striking]], [[Luncheon Toadskin Hose of Scouting]], [[Almasty Serge Headband of Striking]], [[Almasty Serge Headband of Scouting]], [[Almasty Serge Hat of Casting]], [[Almasty Serge Hat of Healing]], [[Almasty Serge Coat of Aiming]], [[Almasty Serge Coat of Casting]], [[Almasty Serge Coat of Healing]]
|[[Pure Titanium Plate]]||[[file:pure titanium plate icon1.png]]||[[Pure Titanium Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 70* Blacksmith]]<br>[[Pure Titanium Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 70* Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Phonograph Plate]]||[[file:phonograph plate icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Orchestrion Phonograph]]
|[[Reinforced Darksteel Wire]]||[[file:reinforced darksteel wire icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Phrygian Gold Ingot]]||[[file:phrygian gold ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Phrygian Gold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 84 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Red Pine Cane]], [[Red Pine Grinding Wheel]], [[Bismuth Katzbalger]], [[Bismuth Axe]], [[Bismuth Greatsword]], [[Bismuth Gunblade]], [[Bismuth War Scythe]], [[Bismuth Blunderbuss]], [[Bismuth Chakrams]], [[Bismuth Lapidary Hammer]], [[Bismuth Hatchet]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Uchigatana]], [[Manganese Pliers]], [[Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Chondrite Pliers]], [[Orchestrion Phonograph]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Fending]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Casting]], [[Bismuth Bracelet of Healing]], [[Bismuth Ring of Fending]], [[Bismuth Ring of Slaying]], [[Bismuth Ring of Aiming]], [[Bismuth Ring of Casting]], [[Bismuth Ring of Healing]], [[Bismuth Alembic]], [[Bismuth Goggles of Fending]], [[Bismuth Headgear of Maiming]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Phrygian Rod]], [[Phrygian Hanger]], [[Phrygian Orrery]], [[Phrygian Wings]], [[Phrygian Choker of Fending]], [[Phrygian Choker of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Choker of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Choker of Casting]], [[Phrygian Choker of Healing]], [[Phrygian Needle]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Fending]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Slaying]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Aiming]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Casting]], [[Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing]], [[Rarefied Phrygian Earring]], [[Gold Motor Component]], [[Manganese Orrery]], [[Manganese Syrinxi]], [[Chondrite Magitek Wings]], [[Gold Mechanical Voice Box]], [[Shirogane Pinwheel]], [[Saigaskin Armguards of Casting]], [[Saigaskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Snow Linen Doublet of Crafting]], [[Snow Linen Coat of Gathering]], [[Rarefied Snow Linen Doublet]], [[Varsity Flat Cap]]
|[[Rose Gold Cog]]||[[file:rose gold cog icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Calibrated Rose Gold Cog]]
|[[Platinum Ingot]]||[[file:platinum ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Ebony Cane]], [[Ebony Staff]], [[Wootz Daggers]], [[Wootz Fausse]], [[Wootz Revolver]], [[Diamond Chandelier]], [[Platinum Planisphere]], [[Platinum Circlet of Casting]], [[Platinum Circlet of Healing]], [[Platinum Scarf of Fending]], [[Platinum Scarf of Slaying]], [[Platinum Scarf of Ranging]], [[Platinum Scarf of Casting]], [[Platinum Scarf of Healing]], [[Platinum Earrings of Fending]], [[Platinum Earrings of Slaying]], [[Platinum Earrings of Ranging]], [[Platinum Earrings of Casting]], [[Platinum Earrings of Healing]], [[Platinum Bangles of Fending]], [[Platinum Bangles of Slaying]], [[Platinum Bangles of Ranging]], [[Platinum Bangles of Casting]], [[Platinum Bangles of Healing]], [[Platinum Ring of Fending]], [[Platinum Ring of Slaying]], [[Platinum Ring of Ranging]], [[Platinum Ring of Casting]], [[Platinum Ring of Healing]]
|[[Rose Gold Ingot]]||[[file:rose gold ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Artisan's Grinding Wheel]], [[Rose Gold Clasps]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Rose Gold Circlet]], [[Rose Gold Gorget]], [[Astral Choker]], [[Rose Gold Ear Cuffs]], [[Rose Gold Bracelets]], [[Astral Bracelet]], [[Rose Gold Ring]], [[Astral Ring]], [[Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp]], [[Illumination Module]], [[Titanic Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Gargoyle Sculpture]], [[Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Taffeta Shawl]], [[Wizard's Attire Augmentation]], [[Evoker's Attire Augmentation]], [[Scholar's Attire Augmentation]]
|[[Platinum Nugget]]||[[file:platinum nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Artisan's Sandals]], [[Wootz Scimitar]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Wootz Mitten Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Plate Belt]], [[Wootz Sabatons]], [[Wootz Sollerets]], [[Platinum Circlet of Casting]], [[Platinum Circlet of Healing]], [[Ice Barding]], [[Kirimu Tricorne]], [[Kirimu Coat]], [[Kirimu Bracers]], [[Kirimu Gloves of Casting]], [[Kirimu Gloves of Healing]], [[Artisan's Mitts]], [[Forager's Wristguards]], [[Kirimu Belt of Maiming]], [[Kirimu Belt of Striking]], [[Kirimu Belt of Scouting]], [[Kirimu Belt of Casting]], [[Kirimu Belt of Healing]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Fending]], [[Kirimu Breeches of Maiming]], [[Kirimu Brais]], [[Kirimu Sandals of Striking]], [[Kirimu Boots of Aiming]], [[Kirimu Sandals of Scouting]], [[Kirimu Boots of Casting]], [[Kirimu Boots of Healing]], [[Forager's Shoes]], [[Arachne Bandana of Striking]], [[Arachne Bandana of Scouting]], [[Arachne Shirt of Striking]], [[Arachne Shirt of Scouting]], [[Arachne Bolero]], [[Arachne Robe]], [[Artisan's Apron]], [[Forager's Vest]], [[Arachne Field Dressing of Striking]], [[Arachne Field Dressing of Scouting]], [[Arachne Sash]], [[Arachne Gaskins of Striking]], [[Arachne Gaskins of Scouting]], [[Arachne Culottes of Casting]], [[Arachne Culottes of Healing]], [[Artisan's Culottes]], [[Forager's Slops]]
|[[Rose Gold Nugget]]||[[file:rose gold nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythrite Pugil Stick]], [[Mailbreaker Blade]], [[Avenger Grips]], [[Misericorde Blades]], [[Mailbreaker]], [[Avengers]], [[Misericordes]], [[Subduer]], [[Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss]], [[Seating Module]], [[Wavesoul Fount]], [[Oasis Path Light]], [[Wootz Scimitar]], [[Wootz Fausse]], [[Hamlet Digger's Helmet]], [[Heavy Darksteel Armor]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Titanium Sallet of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Striking]], [[Titanium Mask of Aiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Scouting]], [[Titanium Mask of Fending]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Fending]], [[Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Scutum]], [[Titanium Armor of Maiming]], [[Diagnostics Module]], [[Projection Module]], [[Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Company Escutcheon]], [[Imperial Operative Choker]], [[Militia Earrings]], [[Imperial Operative Wristlets]], [[Militia Wristlets]], [[Militia Bracelets]], [[Goldsmith's Turban]], [[Alchemist's Monocle]], [[Aetheryte Ring]], [[Rose Gold Ingot]], [[Astrolabe Clinometer]], [[Astrolabe]], [[Rose Gold Gorget]], [[Rose Gold Ear Cuffs]], [[Rose Gold Ear Screws]], [[Rose Gold Earrings]], [[Rose Gold Bracelets]], [[Rose Gold Ring]], [[Oasis Bathtub]], [[Star Chandelier]], [[Personal Astroscope]], [[Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Vodoriga Sculpture]], [[Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Carbuncle Lantern]], [[Carbuncle Chronometer]], [[Wolf Staff]], [[Wolf Planisphere]], [[Wolf Rubellite Choker]], [[Wolf Zircon Choker]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Choker]], [[Wolf Amber Choker]], [[Wolf Spinel Choker]], [[Wolf Turquoise Choker]], [[Wolf Rubellite Earrings]], [[Wolf Zircon Earrings]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Earrings]], [[Wolf Amber Earrings]], [[Wolf Spinel Earrings]], [[Wolf Turquoise Earrings]], [[Wolf Rubellite Bracelet]], [[Wolf Zircon Bracelet]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Bracelet]], [[Wolf Amber Bracelet]], [[Wolf Spinel Bracelet]], [[Wolf Turquoise Bracelet]], [[Wolf Rubellite Ring]], [[Wolf Zircon Ring]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Ring]], [[Wolf Amber Ring]], [[Wolf Spinel Ring]], [[Wolf Turquoise Ring]], [[Rose Gold Choker]], [[Mosshorn Earrings]], [[Rose Gold Earrings of Gathering]], [[Rose Gold Cog]], [[Gold Spectacles]], [[Imperial Operative Tricorne]], [[Glacial Boots]], [[Hamlet Puller's Hat]], [[Carpenter's Gloves]], [[Gryphonskin Jerkin]], [[Gryphonskin Gloves]], [[Gryphonskin Thighboots]], [[Levin Barding]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Wyvernskin Cuffs of Aiming]], [[Wyvernskin Cuffs of Scouting]], [[Wyvernskin Pot Helm of Maiming]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Casting]], [[Archaeoskin Boots of Healing]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Fending]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Hat of Casting]], [[Saurian Bandana of Striking]], [[Saurian Shirt of Striking]], [[Saurian Tabard of Aiming]], [[Saurian Gloves of Striking]], [[Saurian Gloves of Aiming]], [[Saurian Belt of Aiming]], [[Saurian Belt of Casting]], [[Saurian Boots of Striking]], [[Saurian Crakows of Casting]], [[Saurian Boots of Healing]], [[Kirimu Tricorne]], [[Kirimu Coat]], [[Company Hat]], [[Imperial Operative Hat]], [[Culinarian's Hat]], [[Weaver's Swallowtail]], [[Alchemist's Coat]], [[Leatherworker's Trousers]], [[Weaver's Trousers]], [[Alchemist's Trousers]], [[Vanya Hat of Casting]], [[Vanya Hat of Healing]], [[Vanya Robe of Casting]], [[Vanya Robe of Healing]], [[Vanya Gloves of Casting]], [[Vanya Gloves of Healing]], [[Vanya Crakows]], [[Ramie Turban of Crafting]], [[Ramie Robe of Casting]], [[Ramie Robe of Healing]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Cyclas of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Breeches of Casting]], [[Chimerical Felt Chausses of Healing]], [[Cashmere Skirt of Aiming]], [[Arachne Bolero]], [[Arachne Robe]], [[Company Tabard]], [[Potted Oliphaunt's Ear]], [[Cantamina Thavnaria]], [[Medica Thavnaria]]
|[[Proto Ultima Exoplating]]||[[file:proto ultima exoplating icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Rusted Suit of Armor]]||[[file:rusted suit of armor icon1.png]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Armor Hanger]]
|[[Pure Titanium Plate]]||[[file:pure titanium plate icon1.png|40px]]||[[Pure Titanium Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Pure Titanium Plate#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |
|[[Scintillant Ingot]]||[[file:scintillant ingot icon1.png]]||[[Scintillant Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60**** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Heavy Metal Lance]], [[Teak Composite Bow]], [[Teak Cane]], [[Heavy Metal Longsword]], [[Heavy Metal Claws]], [[Heavy Metal War Axe]], [[Heavy Metal Daggers]], [[Heavy Metal Greatsword]], [[Heavy Metal Culverin]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Sophic Barding]], [[Scintillant Staff]], [[Scintillant Planisphere]], [[Scintillant Circlet of Striking]], [[Scintillant Circlet of Aiming]], [[Scintillant Circlet of Scouting]], [[Scintillant Earring of Fending]], [[Scintillant Earring of Slaying]], [[Scintillant Earring of Aiming]], [[Scintillant Earring of Casting]], [[Scintillant Earring of Healing]], [[Scintillant Ring of Fending]], [[Scintillant Ring of Slaying]], [[Scintillant Ring of Aiming]], [[Scintillant Ring of Casting]], [[Scintillant Ring of Healing]], [[Star Velvet Hood of Casting]], [[Star Velvet Hood of Healing]], [[Star Velvet Long Gloves of Casting]], [[Star Velvet Long Gloves of Healing]], [[Star Velvet Bottoms of Casting]], [[Star Velvet Bottoms of Healing]], [[Hemiskin Grimoire]], [[Hemiskin Codex]]
|[[Ra'Kaznar Ingot]]||[[file:rakaznar ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Ra'Kaznar Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 98 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Ra'Kaznar Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 98 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Claro Walnut Spear]], [[Claro Walnut Cane]], [[Claro Walnut Fishing Rod]], [[Claro Walnut Grinding Wheel]], [[Rarefied Claro Walnut Fishing Rod]], [[Ra'Kaznar Katzbalger]], [[Ra'Kaznar Tonfas]], [[Ra'Kaznar Labrys]], [[Ra'Kaznar Bow]], [[Ra'Kaznar Daggers]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greatsword]], [[Ra'Kaznar Blunderbuss]], [[Ra'Kaznar Samurai Blade]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gunblade]], [[Ra'Kaznar Chakrams]], [[Ra'Kaznar War Scythe]], [[Ra'Kaznar Twinfangs]], [[Ra'Kaznar Saw]], [[Ra'Kaznar Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer]], [[Ra'Kaznar Lapidary Hammer]], [[Ra'Kaznar Round Knife]], [[Ra'Kaznar Pickaxe]], [[Ra'Kaznar Hatchet]], [[Ra'Kaznar Claw Hammer]], [[Ra'Kaznar File]], [[Ra'Kaznar Pliers]], [[Ra'Kaznar Awl]], [[Ra'Kaznar Mortar]], [[Ra'Kaznar Culinary Knife]], [[Ra'Kaznar Maul]], [[Ra'Kaznar Garden Scythe]], [[Rarefied Ra'Kaznar War Scythe]], [[Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Round Knife]], [[Ra'Kaznar Shield]], [[Ra'Kaznar Helm of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Armor of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Helm of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Armor of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Armguards of Striking]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Striking]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Aiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Aiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Scouting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Scouting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Alembic]], [[Ra'Kaznar Spriggan Frypan]], [[Black Star Ring of Crafting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Ring of Gathering]], [[Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Greaves]], [[Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Ring]], [[Skyruin Trophy]], [[Ra'Kaznar Rod]], [[Ra'Kaznar Orrery]], [[Ra'Kaznar Hanger]], [[Ra'Kaznar Wings]], [[Black Star Headgear of Striking]], [[Black Star Headgear of Aiming]], [[Black Star Visor of Scouting]], [[Black Star Mask of Healing]], [[Black Star Mask of Casting]], [[Black Star Ear Cuff of Fending]], [[Black Star Ear Cuff of Slaying]], [[Black Star Ear Cuff of Aiming]], [[Black Star Ear Cuff of Healing]], [[Black Star Ear Cuff of Casting]], [[Black Star Choker of Fending]], [[Black Star Choker of Slaying]], [[Black Star Choker of Aiming]], [[Black Star Choker of Healing]], [[Black Star Choker of Casting]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Fending]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Healing]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Casting]], [[Black Star Ring of Fending]], [[Black Star Ring of Slaying]], [[Black Star Ring of Aiming]], [[Black Star Ring of Healing]], [[Black Star Ring of Casting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Needle]], [[Black Star Earrings of Crafting]], [[Black Star Bracelets of Crafting]], [[Black Star Earrings of Gathering]], [[Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Orrery]], [[Rarefied Black Star Earrings]], [[Gargantuaskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Rarefied Gargantuaskin Trousers]], [[Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves]], [[Book of Ra'Kaznar]], [[Word of Ra'Kaznar]]
|[[Scintillant Nugget]]||[[file:scintillant nugget icon1.png]]||||[[Hismena]], [[Hismena]]||||align = "left" |[[Scintillant Ingot]]
|[[Reinforced Darksteel Wire]]||[[file:reinforced darksteel wire icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Silver Dust]]||[[file:silver dust icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Rhodium Ingot]]||[[file:rhodium ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Rhodium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Classical Cavalry Bow]], [[Classical Cane]], [[Classical Battleaxe]], [[Classical Gunblade]], [[Classical Handgonne]], [[Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear]], [[Classical Secutor's Mask]], [[Classical Smallsword]], [[Classical Torquetum]], [[Classical Milpreves]], [[Classical Signifer's Horns]], [[Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath]], [[Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque]], [[Classical Earrings of Fending]], [[Classical Earrings of Slaying]], [[Classical Earrings of Aiming]], [[Classical Earrings of Casting]], [[Classical Earrings of Healing]], [[Classical Ring of Fending]], [[Classical Ring of Slaying]], [[Classical Ring of Aiming]], [[Classical Ring of Casting]], [[Classical Ring of Healing]], [[Classical Signifer's Fingerless Gloves]], [[Classical Choker of Fending]], [[Classical Choker of Slaying]], [[Classical Choker of Aiming]], [[Classical Choker of Casting]], [[Classical Choker of Healing]], [[Classical Sagittarius's Headband]], [[Classical Signifer's Chiton]], [[Classical Medicus's Chiton]], [[Classical Sagittarius's Wrist Torque]]
|[[Silver Ingot]]||[[file:silver ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 23 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Silver Battle Fork]], [[Cobalt Halberd]], [[Manor Highback Chair]], [[Manor Wardrobe]], [[Manor Bookshelf]], [[Glade Arched Door]], [[Oasis House Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Desk]], [[Glade Bookshelf]], [[Oriental Altar]], [[Cask Rack]], [[Thunderstorm Axe]], [[Silver Head Knife]], [[Spiked Cobalt Labrys]], [[Mythrite Flametongue]], [[Manor Flower Stand]], [[Wolf Labrys]], [[Iron Scale Mail]], [[Steel Scale Mail]], [[Decorated Buckler]], [[Silver Alembic]], [[Heavy Darksteel Armor]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Deluxe Oasis Pendant Lamp]], [[Oval Spectacles]], [[Contemporary Pince-nez]], [[Silver Rings]], [[Silver Spectacles]], [[Horn Earrings]], [[Silver Magnifiers]], [[Silver Gorget]], [[Silver Wristlets]], [[Silver Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Flawless Band]], [[Silver Scepter]], [[Silver Needle]], [[Silver Earrings]], [[Silver Ring]], [[Silver Ring of Crafting]], [[Sunstone Choker]], [[Danburite Choker]], [[Sunstone Earrings]], [[Danburite Earrings]], [[Sunstone Bracelet]], [[Danburite Bracelet]], [[Sunstone Ring]], [[Danburite Ring]], [[Chocobo Fly]], [[Fluorite Choker]], [[Lapis Lazuli Choker]], [[Fluorite Earrings]], [[Lapis Lazuli Earrings]], [[Fluorite Bracelet]], [[Lapis Lazuli Bracelet]], [[Fluorite Ring]], [[Lapis Lazuli Ring]], [[Sphene Choker]], [[Sphene Earrings]], [[Sphene Bracelet]], [[Sphene Ring]], [[Malachite Choker]], [[Malachite Earrings]], [[Malachite Bracelet]], [[Malachite Ring]], [[Silver Choker]], [[Silver Ear Cuffs]], [[Silver Spoon Lure]], [[Silver Circlet (Garnet)]], [[Silver Circlet (Goshenite)]], [[Silver Circlet (Peridot)]], [[Silver Circlet (Heliodor)]], [[Silver Circlet (Amethyst)]], [[Silver Circlet (Aquamarine)]], [[Decorated Silver Scepter]], [[Silver Star Globe]], [[Sinking Minnow]], [[Fire Brand]], [[Wildfowl Fly]], [[Mythril Star Globe]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Casting]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Healing]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Fending]], [[Oasis Lantern]], [[Manor Candelabra]], [[Weighing Scale]], [[Ahriman Flower Vase]], [[Ahriman Chronometer]], [[Oasis House Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Wall Chimney]], [[Oasis House Roof (Composite)]], [[Oasis Rounded Chimney]], [[Gemscope]], [[Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Boarskin Satchel Belt]], [[Boarskin Survival Belt]], [[Boarskin Skirt]], [[Boarskin Jerkin]], [[Silver Tricorne]], [[Raptorskin Survival Belt]], [[Dodore Doublet]], [[Fisher's Shirt]], [[Fisher's Gloves]], [[Fisher's Wading Boots]], [[Manor Stool]], [[Drinking Apkallu]], [[Coeurl Talisman]], [[Velveteen Coatee of Gathering]], [[Velveteen Half Apron]], [[Velveteen Gaiters]], [[Velveteen Coatee of Crafting]], [[Velveteen Gown]], [[Velveteen Robe]], [[Velveteen Doublet Vest of Crafting]], [[Velveteen Doublet Vest of Gathering]], [[Vintage Seneschal Coatee]], [[Militia Hat]], [[Hamlet Cutter's Hat]], [[Vanya Robe of Casting]], [[Vanya Robe of Healing]], [[Vanya Gloves of Casting]], [[Vanya Gloves of Healing]], [[Linen Parasol]], [[Silver Brocade]], [[Book of Silver]], [[Embossed Book of Silver]], [[Deus Ex Verbis]], [[Deus Ex Gratia]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Industry]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Company]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Observation]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Precision]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Revival]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation]], [[Chilled Red]]
|[[Rose Gold Cog]]||[[file:rose gold cog icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Calibrated Rose Gold Cog]]
|[[Silver Leaf]]||[[file:silver leaf icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Rose Gold Ingot]]||[[file:rose gold ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Artisan's Grinding Wheel]], [[Rose Gold Clasps]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Rose Gold Circlet]], [[Rose Gold Gorget]], [[Astral Choker]], [[Rose Gold Ear Cuffs]], [[Rose Gold Bracelets]], [[Astral Bracelet]], [[Rose Gold Ring]], [[Astral Ring]], [[Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp]], [[Illumination Module]], [[Titanic Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Gargoyle Sculpture]], [[Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Taffeta Shawl]], [[Wizard's Attire Augmentation]], [[Evoker's Attire Augmentation]], [[Scholar's Attire Augmentation]]
|[[Silver Plate]]||[[file:silver plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Rose Gold Nugget]]||[[file:rose gold nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Mythrite Pugil Stick]], [[Mailbreaker Blade]], [[Avenger Grips]], [[Misericorde Blades]], [[Mailbreaker]], [[Avengers]], [[Misericordes]], [[Subduer]], [[Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss]], [[Seating Module]], [[Wavesoul Fount]], [[Oasis Path Light]], [[Wootz Scimitar]], [[Wootz Fausse]], [[Hamlet Digger's Helmet]], [[Heavy Darksteel Armor]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Titanium Sallet of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Striking]], [[Titanium Mask of Aiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Scouting]], [[Titanium Mask of Fending]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Fending]], [[Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Scutum]], [[Titanium Armor of Maiming]], [[Diagnostics Module]], [[Projection Module]], [[Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Company Escutcheon]], [[Imperial Operative Choker]], [[Militia Earrings]], [[Imperial Operative Wristlets]], [[Militia Wristlets]], [[Militia Bracelets]], [[Goldsmith's Turban]], [[Alchemist's Monocle]], [[Aetheryte Ring]], [[Rose Gold Ingot]], [[Astrolabe Clinometer]], [[Astrolabe]], [[Rose Gold Gorget]], [[Rose Gold Ear Cuffs]], [[Rose Gold Ear Screws]], [[Rose Gold Earrings]], [[Rose Gold Bracelets]], [[Rose Gold Ring]], [[Oasis Bathtub]], [[Star Chandelier]], [[Personal Astroscope]], [[Cragsoul Lamp]], [[Vodoriga Sculpture]], [[Inferno Wall Lamp]], [[Carbuncle Lantern]], [[Carbuncle Chronometer]], [[Wolf Staff]], [[Wolf Planisphere]], [[Wolf Rubellite Choker]], [[Wolf Zircon Choker]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Choker]], [[Wolf Amber Choker]], [[Wolf Spinel Choker]], [[Wolf Turquoise Choker]], [[Wolf Rubellite Earrings]], [[Wolf Zircon Earrings]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Earrings]], [[Wolf Amber Earrings]], [[Wolf Spinel Earrings]], [[Wolf Turquoise Earrings]], [[Wolf Rubellite Bracelet]], [[Wolf Zircon Bracelet]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Bracelet]], [[Wolf Amber Bracelet]], [[Wolf Spinel Bracelet]], [[Wolf Turquoise Bracelet]], [[Wolf Rubellite Ring]], [[Wolf Zircon Ring]], [[Wolf Tourmaline Ring]], [[Wolf Amber Ring]], [[Wolf Spinel Ring]], [[Wolf Turquoise Ring]], [[Rose Gold Choker]], [[Mosshorn Earrings]], [[Rose Gold Earrings of Gathering]], [[Rose Gold Cog]], [[Gold Spectacles]], [[Imperial Operative Tricorne]], [[Glacial Boots]], [[Hamlet Puller's Hat]], [[Carpenter's Gloves]], [[Gryphonskin Jerkin]], [[Gryphonskin Gloves]], [[Gryphonskin Thighboots]], [[Levin Barding]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming]], [[Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking]], [[Wyvernskin Cuffs of Aiming]], [[Wyvernskin Cuffs of Scouting]], [[Wyvernskin Pot Helm of Maiming]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Casting]], [[Archaeoskin Boots of Healing]], [[Wyvernskin Boots of Fending]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Hat of Casting]], [[Saurian Bandana of Striking]], [[Saurian Shirt of Striking]], [[Saurian Tabard of Aiming]], [[Saurian Gloves of Striking]], [[Saurian Gloves of Aiming]], [[Saurian Belt of Aiming]], [[Saurian Belt of Casting]], [[Saurian Boots of Striking]], [[Saurian Crakows of Casting]], [[Saurian Boots of Healing]], [[Kirimu Tricorne]], [[Kirimu Coat]], [[Company Hat]], [[Imperial Operative Hat]], [[Culinarian's Hat]], [[Weaver's Swallowtail]], [[Alchemist's Coat]], [[Leatherworker's Trousers]], [[Weaver's Trousers]], [[Alchemist's Trousers]], [[Vanya Hat of Casting]], [[Vanya Hat of Healing]], [[Vanya Robe of Casting]], [[Vanya Robe of Healing]], [[Vanya Gloves of Casting]], [[Vanya Gloves of Healing]], [[Vanya Crakows]], [[Ramie Turban of Crafting]], [[Ramie Robe of Casting]], [[Ramie Robe of Healing]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Cyclas of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Breeches of Casting]], [[Chimerical Felt Chausses of Healing]], [[Cashmere Skirt of Aiming]], [[Arachne Bolero]], [[Arachne Robe]], [[Company Tabard]], [[Potted Oliphaunt's Ear]], [[Cantamina Thavnaria]], [[Medica Thavnaria]]
|[[Silver Rings]]||[[file:silver rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 24 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Silver Wristlets]], [[Silver Wristlets of Crafting]]
|[[Rusted Suit of Armor]]||[[file:rusted suit of armor icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Armor Hanger]]
|[[Silver Rivets]]||[[file:silver rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Ruthenium Ingot]]||[[file:ruthenium ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Ruthenium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 92 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Ruthenium Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 92 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Dark Mahogany Spear]], [[Dark Mahogany Longbow]], [[Dark Mahogany Spinning Wheel]], [[Ruthenium Scimitar]], [[Ruthenium Tonfas]], [[Ruthenium War Axe]], [[Ruthenium Greatsword]], [[Ruthenium-barreled Musketoon]], [[Ruthenium Blade]], [[Ruthenium Gunblade]], [[Ruthenium War Scythe]], [[Ruthenium Twinfangs]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Knuckles]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Khukuri]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Guillotine]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Handgonne]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Blade]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Sawback]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Glaives]], [[Cobalt Tungsten War Scythe]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Diamondbacks]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Lapidary Hammer]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Creasing Knife]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Pickaxe]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Hatchet]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Claw Hammer]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Pliers]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Mortar]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Garden Scythe]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Rarefied Ruthenium War Axe]], [[Ruthenium Kite Shield]], [[Ruthenium Lorica of Fending]], [[Ruthenium Vambraces of Fending]], [[Ruthenium Sabatons of Fending]], [[Ruthenium Lorica of Maiming]], [[Ruthenium Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Ruthenium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Kite Shield]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Fending]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Maiming]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Chocobo Frypan]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Rarefied Ruthenium Sabatons]], [[Ruthenium Knives]], [[Ruthenium Torquetum]], [[Ruthenium Tuck]], [[Ruthenium Folding Fans]], [[Ihuykanite Circlet of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Circlet of Maiming]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Earring of Casting]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Choker of Casting]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Fending]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Slaying]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Aiming]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Healing]], [[Ihuykanite Ring of Casting]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Planisphere]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Tuck]], [[Cobalt Tungsten Pendulums]], [[Tortilla Press]], [[Rarefied Ihuykanite Circlet]], [[Mountain Linen Top of Striking]], [[Mountain Linen Top of Scouting]], [[Sarcenet Work Shirt of Crafting]], [[Sarcenet Jacket of Gathering]], [[Rarefied Mountain Linen Top]], [[Wisteria Ceiling Lamp]]
|[[Silvergrace Ingot]]||[[file:silvergrace ingot icon1.png]]||[[Silvergrace Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 7*** Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Black Willow Greatbow]], [[Black Willow Cane]], [[Silvergrace Grinding Wheel]], [[Nightsteel Battleaxe]], [[Nightsteel Greatsword]], [[Nightsteel Claws]], [[Nightsteel Katana]], [[Nightsteel Blunderbuss]], [[Nightsteel Lapidary Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Alembic]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Suzaku Barding]], [[Odder Otter Hanging Andon Lamp]], [[Odder Otter Andon Lamp]], [[Mellow Mog Lamp]], [[Odder Otter Wall Lantern]], [[Carbuncle Chandelier]], [[Silvergrace Rod]], [[Silvergrace Rapier]], [[Silvergrace Planisphere]], [[Silvergrace Needle]], [[Silvergrace Halfmask of Striking]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Fending]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Slaying]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Aiming]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Casting]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Healing]], [[Silvergrace Earrings of Crafting]], [[Silvergrace Earrings of Gathering]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Fending]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Slaying]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Aiming]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Casting]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Healing]], [[Seiryu Statuette]], [[Slothskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Slothskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Slothskin Belt of Fending]], [[Slothskin Belt of Maiming]], [[Slothskin Belt of Striking]], [[Slothskin Belt of Scouting]], [[Slothskin Belt of Aiming]], [[Slothskin Belt of Casting]], [[Slothskin Belt of Healing]], [[Slothskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Slothskin Boots of Casting]], [[True Linen Cap of Scouting]], [[True Linen Cap of Aiming]], [[True Linen Jacket of Scouting]], [[True Linen Jacket of Aiming]], [[True Linen Halfgloves of Striking]], [[Onishi Momohiki]], [[Lunar Barding]], [[Jellyfish Lamp]], [[Silvergrace Grimoire]], [[Silvergrace Codex]]
|[[Scintillant Ingot]]||[[file:scintillant ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Scintillant Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 60★★★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Heavy Metal Lance]], [[Teak Composite Bow]], [[Teak Cane]], [[Heavy Metal Longsword]], [[Heavy Metal Claws]], [[Heavy Metal War Axe]], [[Heavy Metal Daggers]], [[Heavy Metal Greatsword]], [[Heavy Metal Culverin]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending]], [[Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Sophic Barding]], [[Scintillant Staff]], [[Scintillant Planisphere]], [[Scintillant Circlet of Striking]], [[Scintillant Circlet of Aiming]], [[Scintillant Circlet of Scouting]], [[Scintillant Earring of Fending]], [[Scintillant Earring of Slaying]], [[Scintillant Earring of Aiming]], [[Scintillant Earring of Casting]], [[Scintillant Earring of Healing]], [[Scintillant Ring of Fending]], [[Scintillant Ring of Slaying]], [[Scintillant Ring of Aiming]], [[Scintillant Ring of Casting]], [[Scintillant Ring of Healing]], [[Star Velvet Hood of Casting]], [[Star Velvet Hood of Healing]], [[Star Velvet Long Gloves of Casting]], [[Star Velvet Long Gloves of Healing]], [[Star Velvet Bottoms of Casting]], [[Star Velvet Bottoms of Healing]], [[Hemiskin Grimoire]], [[Hemiskin Codex]]
|[[Skysteel Ingot]]||[[file:skysteel ingot icon1.png]]||||[[Enie]]||||align = "left" |[[Replica Sky Pirate's Helm of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Helm of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Striking]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Striking]], [[Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Aiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Casting]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Aiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Casting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Vest of Aiming]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming]]
|[[Scintillant Nugget]]||[[file:scintillant nugget icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Hismena]], [[Hismena]]||||align = "left" |[[Scintillant Ingot]]
|[[Steel Hinge]]||[[file:steel hinge icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 26 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Lancet Door]], [[Oasis Crowned Door]], [[Manor Wardrobe]], [[Manor Cupboard]], [[Standing Signboard]], [[Glade Wardrobe]], [[Riviera Wooden Door]], [[Glade Arched Door]], [[Oasis Wardrobe]], [[Riviera Ornate Door]], [[Oasis Arched Door]], [[Riviera Wardrobe]], [[Company Chest]], [[Riviera Studded Door]], [[Oasis Classical Door]], [[Glade Classical Door]], [[Sylphic Screen]], [[Sylphic Cupboard]]
|[[Select Bismuth Ingot]]||[[file:select bismuth ingot icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Quinnana]]||||align = "left" |[[Connoisseur's Samurai Blade]], [[Connoisseur's Chandelier]]
|[[Steel Ingot]]||[[file:steel ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 26 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 26 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Steel Halberd]], [[Staghorn Fishing Rod]], [[Steel Spear]], [[Ash Cavalry Bow]], [[Walnut Fishing Rod]], [[Siltstone Grinding Wheel]], [[Heavy Steel Lance]], [[Oak Longbow]], [[Horn Fishing Rod]], [[Glade Lancet Door]], [[Walnut Dining Table]], [[Oasis Crowned Door]], [[Riviera Wooden Awning]], [[Stepladder]], [[Walnut Cartonnier]], [[Retainer Cartonnier]], [[Riviera Stall]], [[Riviera Wooden Door]], [[Oasis Wardrobe]], [[Oasis Wooden Wall]], [[Glade Lamppost]], [[Wine Barrel]], [[Steel Daggers]], [[Steel Nails]], [[Steel Broadsword]], [[Spiked Steel Labrys]], [[Steel Rivets]], [[Steel Claws]], [[Steel Knives]], [[Bas-relief Steel Saw]], [[Steel Chaser Hammer]], [[Steel Pickaxe]], [[Steel Sledgehammer]], [[Steel Falchion]], [[Steel Claw Hammer]], [[Steel Awl]], [[Steel Bardiche]], [[Steel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Steel Ornamental Hammer]], [[Steel Mortar]], [[Steel Culinary Knife]], [[Steel Dolabra]], [[Steel Hatchet]], [[Steel Scythe]], [[Steel Baselards]], [[Steel Zweihander]], [[Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Steel Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Steel File]], [[Steel Doming Hammer]], [[Steel Bhuj]], [[Crosscut Saw]], [[Steel Pliers]], [[Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife]], [[Plumed Steel Hatchet]], [[Steel Round Knife]], [[Steel Longsword]], [[Mythril Claymore]], [[Wrapped Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Steel Raising Hammer]], [[Spiked Mythril Labrys]], [[Mythril Bhuj]], [[Mythril-barreled Musketoon]], [[Demilune Bhuj]], [[Riviera Ornate Door]], [[Galleas Wheel]], [[Deluxe Riviera Pendant Lamp]], [[Riviera Lamppost]], [[Manor Flower Stand]], [[Oasis Lamppost]], [[Oaken Bench]], [[Ahriman Bookshelf]], [[Ahriman Screen]], [[Ahriman Sideboard]], [[Ahriman Cupboard]], [[Riviera Counter]], [[Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Steel Hinge]], [[Steel Plate]], [[Steel Rivets]], [[Steel Joint Plate]], [[Steel Rings]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Bull Hoplon]], [[Steel Scale Fingers]], [[Steel Scale Greaves]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Heavy Steel Flanchard]], [[Horn Scale Greaves]], [[Mythril Alembic]], [[Horn Scale Mail]], [[Oasis Arched Door]], [[Cast-iron Cookpot]], [[Riviera Rounded Chimney]], [[Steel Jig]], [[Heavy Steel Jig]], [[Oasis Classical Door]], [[Masonwork Stove]], [[Goatskin Ringbands]], [[Toadskin Cesti]], [[Toadskin Hunting Belt]], [[Toadskin Armguards]], [[Toadskin Voyager's Belt]], [[Toadskin Leg Guards]], [[Toadskin Belt]], [[Boarskin Crakows]], [[Boarskin Crakows of Gathering]], [[Boarskin Ringbands]], [[Boarskin Harness]], [[Boarskin Subligar]], [[Boarskin Smithy's Gloves]], [[Peisteskin Cesti]], [[Manor Stool]], [[Ahriman Chair]], [[Oasis Banner]], [[Glade Counter]], [[Retainer Counter]], [[Glade Banner]], [[Riviera Banner]], [[Velveteen Sugarloaf Hat]], [[Linen Doublet]], [[Woolen Kecks]], [[Glade Thatch Wall]], [[Potted Axilflower]]
|[[Select Brashgold Plate]]||[[file:select brashgold plate icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Quinnana]]||||align = "left" |[[Connoisseur's Trumpet]], [[Connoisseur's Marching Horn]]
|[[Steel Joint Plate]]||[[file:steel joint plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 27 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Manor Cupboard]], [[Manor Bookshelf]], [[Riviera House Roof (Composite)]], [[Glade House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis House Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Stall]], [[Riviera House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Select Cobalt Plate]]||[[file:select cobalt plate icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Quinnana]]||||align = "left" |[[Connoisseur's Aquarium]], [[Connoisseur's Escutcheon]]
|[[Steel Nails]]||[[file:steel nails icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 27 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Riviera House Roof (Composite)]], [[Glade House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis House Roof (Wood)]], [[Riviera House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Select Duraluminum Ingot]]||[[file:select duraluminum ingot icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Quinnana]]||||align = "left" |[[Connoisseur's Rousing Chronometer]], [[Connoisseur's Retainer Bell]]
|[[Steel Plate]]||[[file:steel plate icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 27 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Walnut Table]], [[Steel Claws]], [[Steel Dolabra]], [[Steel Raising Hammer]], [[Bomb Frypan]], [[Steel Tassets]], [[Steel Alembic]], [[Steel Skillet]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Steel Celata]], [[Steel Cuirass]], [[Steel Gauntlets]], [[Steel-plated Jackboots]], [[Steel Sabatons]], [[Bull Hoplon]], [[Steel Elmo]], [[Steel Vambraces]], [[Steel Plate Belt]], [[Steel Scale Mail]], [[Steel Scale Fingers]], [[Steel Scale Greaves]], [[White Skillet]], [[Silver Alembic]], [[Heavy Steel Armor]], [[Heavy Steel Gauntlets]], [[Reinforced Steel Plate Belt]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Steel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Steel-plated Caligae]], [[Steel Frypan]], [[Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Horn Scale Greaves]], [[Horn Scale Fingers]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril Haubergeon]], [[Mythril Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Deluxe Oasis Pendant Lamp]], [[Iron Plate Flooring]], [[Manor Desk]], [[Cast-iron Cookpot]], [[Riviera Round Table]], [[Ahriman Round Table]], [[Riviera Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Dining Table]], [[Glade Wall Chimney]], [[Glade Hanging Placard]], [[Riviera Hanging Placard]], [[Metal Interior Wall]], [[Metal Flooring]], [[Steel Goggles]], [[Riviera Armchair]], [[Riviera Couch]]
|[[Select Manganese Ingot]]||[[file:select manganese ingot icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Quinnana]]||||align = "left" |[[Connoisseur's Wall Lantern]], [[Connoisseur's Coffee Brewer]]
|[[Steel Rings]]||[[file:steel rings icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 28 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Steel Chainmail]], [[Steel Gauntlets]], [[Steel Sabatons]], [[Heavy Steel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Steel Flanchard]]
|[[Select Titanium Plate]]||[[file:select titanium plate icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Quinnana]]||||align = "left" |[[Connoisseur's Ornate Door]], [[Connoisseur's Bench]]
|[[Steel Rivets]]||[[file:steel rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 29 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 27 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Walnut Spinning Wheel]], [[Riviera Wooden Awning]], [[Walnut Table]], [[Stepladder]], [[Riviera Stall]], [[Wine Barrel]], [[Bas-relief Steel Saw]], [[Steel Chaser Hammer]], [[Steel Ornamental Hammer]], [[Crosscut Saw]], [[Steel Pliers]], [[Galleas Wheel]], [[Oaken Bench]], [[Ahriman Bookshelf]], [[Ahriman Screen]], [[Ahriman Sideboard]], [[Ahriman Cupboard]], [[Steel Alembic]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Steel Elmo]], [[Silver Alembic]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Steel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Steel-plated Caligae]], [[Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Iron Plate Flooring]], [[Manor Desk]], [[Ahriman Round Table]], [[Riviera Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Dining Table]], [[Glade Wall Chimney]], [[Glade Hanging Placard]], [[Riviera Hanging Placard]], [[Metal Interior Wall]], [[Metal Flooring]], [[Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Riviera Studded Door]], [[Goatskin Targe]], [[Toadskin Armguards]], [[Fingerless Boarskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Ahriman Chair]], [[Linen Trousers]], [[Padded Linen Trousers]], [[Stone Interior Wall]], [[Stone Flooring]], [[Oak Low Barrel Planter]]
|[[Silver Dust]]||[[file:silver dust icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Stonegold Ingot]]||[[file:stonegold ingot icon1.png]]||[[Stonegold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 72 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Deepgold Sword]], [[Deepgold Axe]], [[Deepgold Greatsword]], [[Stonegold Uchigatana]], [[Deepgold Daggers]], [[Deepgold Bayonet]], [[Deepgold Knuckles]], [[Deepgold Arquebus]], [[Deepgold Chakrams]], [[Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Fending]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Striking]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Casting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Healing]], [[Deepgold Shield]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shield]], [[Innocence Barding]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Fending]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Casting]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Healing]], [[Diaspore Ring of Fending]], [[Diaspore Ring of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Ring of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Ring of Casting]], [[Diaspore Ring of Healing]], [[Stonegold Rapier]], [[Stonegold Orrery]], [[Diaspore Choker of Fending]], [[Diaspore Choker of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Choker of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Choker of Casting]], [[Diaspore Choker of Healing]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Fending]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Casting]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Healing]], [[Manasilver Needle]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Gliderskin Thighboots of Striking]], [[Gliderskin Thighboots of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Grimoire]], [[Dwarven Mythril Codex]]
|[[Silver Ingot]]||[[file:silver ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 23 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Silver Battle Fork]], [[Cobalt Halberd]], [[Manor Highback Chair]], [[Manor Wardrobe]], [[Manor Bookshelf]], [[Glade Arched Door]], [[Oasis House Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Desk]], [[Glade Bookshelf]], [[Oriental Altar]], [[Cask Rack]], [[Thunderstorm Axe]], [[Silver Head Knife]], [[Spiked Cobalt Labrys]], [[Mythrite Flametongue]], [[Manor Flower Stand]], [[Wolf Labrys]], [[Iron Scale Mail]], [[Steel Scale Mail]], [[Decorated Buckler]], [[Silver Alembic]], [[Heavy Darksteel Armor]], [[Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Darksteel Flanchard]], [[Deluxe Oasis Pendant Lamp]], [[Oval Spectacles]], [[Contemporary Pince-nez]], [[Silver Rings]], [[Silver Spectacles]], [[Horn Earrings]], [[Silver Magnifiers]], [[Silver Gorget]], [[Silver Wristlets]], [[Silver Wristlets of Crafting]], [[Flawless Band]], [[Silver Scepter]], [[Silver Needle]], [[Silver Earrings]], [[Silver Ring]], [[Silver Ring of Crafting]], [[Sunstone Choker]], [[Danburite Choker]], [[Sunstone Earrings]], [[Danburite Earrings]], [[Sunstone Bracelet]], [[Danburite Bracelet]], [[Sunstone Ring]], [[Danburite Ring]], [[Chocobo Fly]], [[Fluorite Choker]], [[Lapis Lazuli Choker]], [[Fluorite Earrings]], [[Lapis Lazuli Earrings]], [[Fluorite Bracelet]], [[Lapis Lazuli Bracelet]], [[Fluorite Ring]], [[Lapis Lazuli Ring]], [[Sphene Choker]], [[Sphene Earrings]], [[Sphene Bracelet]], [[Sphene Ring]], [[Malachite Choker]], [[Malachite Earrings]], [[Malachite Bracelet]], [[Malachite Ring]], [[Silver Choker]], [[Silver Ear Cuffs]], [[Silver Spoon Lure]], [[Silver Circlet (Garnet)]], [[Silver Circlet (Goshenite)]], [[Silver Circlet (Peridot)]], [[Silver Circlet (Heliodor)]], [[Silver Circlet (Amethyst)]], [[Silver Circlet (Aquamarine)]], [[Decorated Silver Scepter]], [[Silver Star Globe]], [[Sinking Minnow]], [[Fire Brand]], [[Wildfowl Fly]], [[Mythril Star Globe]], [[The Evening Star]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Slaying]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Aiming]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Casting]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Healing]], [[Mythrite Earblades of Fending]], [[Oasis Lantern]], [[Manor Candelabra]], [[Weighing Scale]], [[Ahriman Flower Vase]], [[Ahriman Chronometer]], [[Oasis House Roof (Stone)]], [[Oasis Wall Chimney]], [[Oasis House Roof (Composite)]], [[Oasis Rounded Chimney]], [[Gemscope]], [[Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing)]], [[Boarskin Satchel Belt]], [[Boarskin Survival Belt]], [[Boarskin Skirt]], [[Boarskin Jerkin]], [[Silver Tricorne]], [[Raptorskin Survival Belt]], [[Dodore Doublet]], [[Fisher's Shirt]], [[Fisher's Gloves]], [[Fisher's Wading Boots]], [[Manor Stool]], [[Drinking Apkallu]], [[Coeurl Talisman]], [[Velveteen Coatee of Gathering]], [[Velveteen Half Apron]], [[Velveteen Gaiters]], [[Velveteen Coatee of Crafting]], [[Velveteen Gown]], [[Velveteen Robe]], [[Velveteen Doublet Vest of Crafting]], [[Velveteen Doublet Vest of Gathering]], [[Vintage Seneschal Coatee]], [[Militia Hat]], [[Hamlet Cutter's Hat]], [[Vanya Robe of Casting]], [[Vanya Robe of Healing]], [[Vanya Gloves of Casting]], [[Vanya Gloves of Healing]], [[Linen Parasol]], [[Silver Brocade]], [[Book of Silver]], [[Embossed Book of Silver]], [[Deus Ex Verbis]], [[Deus Ex Gratia]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Industry]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Company]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Observation]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Precision]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Revival]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage]], [[Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation]], [[Chilled Red]]
|[[Stonegold Nugget]]||[[file:stonegold nugget icon1.png]]||[[Stonegold Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 71 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[White Oak Composite Bow]], [[White Oak Rod]], [[White Oak Cane]], [[Applewood Staff]], [[Applewood Cane]], [[Deepgold Anelace]], [[Deepgold Battleaxe]], [[Deepgold Claymore]], [[Deepgold Gunblade]], [[Deepgold Katars]], [[Deepgold Blade]], [[Deepgold Cinquedeas]], [[Deepgold Revolver]], [[Deepgold War Quoits]], [[Deepgold Pliers]], [[Deepgold Lapidary Hammer]], [[Deepgold Head Knife]], [[Deepgold Hatchet]], [[Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana]], [[Dwarven Mythril Glaives]], [[Dwarven Mythril Planisphere]], [[Deepgold Alembic]], [[Deepgold Kite Shield]], [[Deepgold Mask of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Cuirass of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Deepgold Sollerets of Fending]], [[Stonegold Degen]], [[Stonegold Astrometer]], [[Stonegold Needle]], [[Stonegold Circlet of Maiming]], [[Hematite Earrings of Fending]], [[Hematite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Hematite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Hematite Earrings of Casting]], [[Hematite Earrings of Healing]], [[Hematite Choker of Fending]], [[Hematite Choker of Slaying]], [[Hematite Choker of Aiming]], [[Hematite Choker of Casting]], [[Hematite Choker of Healing]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Fending]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Casting]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Healing]], [[Islewolf Ring of Fending]], [[Islewolf Ring of Slaying]], [[Islewolf Ring of Aiming]], [[Islewolf Ring of Casting]], [[Islewolf Ring of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rapier]], [[Smilodonskin Tool Belt]], [[Smilodonskin Survival Belt]], [[Smilodonskin Earrings]], [[Smilodonskin Choker]], [[Smilodonskin Wristband]], [[Smilodonskin Ring]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Steerhide Shoes]], [[Brightlinen Turban of Crafting]], [[Brightlinen Turban of Gathering]], [[Pixie Cotton Apron of Crafting]], [[Dwarven Cotton Jacket]]
|[[Silver Leaf]]||[[file:silver leaf icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Tama-hagane Ingot]]||[[file:tama-hagane ingot icon1.png]]||[[Tama-hagane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 66 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Tama-hagane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 66 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Doman Steel Halberd]], [[Persimmon Bow]], [[Gazelle Horn Fishing Rod]], [[Zelkova Spinning Wheel]], [[Doman Steel Longsword]], [[Doman Steel Battleaxe]], [[Doman Steel Patas]], [[Doman Steel Saw]], [[Doman Steel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Doman Steel Raising Hammer]], [[Durium Lapidary Hammer]], [[Doman Steel Round Knife]], [[Plumed Doman Steel Pickaxe]], [[Doman Steel Hatchet]], [[Doman Steel Greatsword]], [[Doman Steel Tachi]], [[Doman Steel Main Gauches]], [[Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Doman Steel Claw Hammer]], [[Doman Steel File]], [[Doman Steel Pliers]], [[Doman Steel Awl]], [[Doman Steel Mortar]], [[Doman Steel Culinary Knife]], [[Doman Steel Sledgehammer]], [[Doman Steel Scythe]], [[Molybdenum Longsword]], [[Molybdenum Longblade]], [[Molybdenum Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Pickaxe]], [[Molybdenum Pliers]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Alembic]], [[Doman Steel Frypan Caliente]], [[Doman Steel Shield]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Kite Shield]], [[Molybdenum Greaves of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Alembic]], [[Molybdenum Frypan]], [[Durium Foil]], [[Palladium Choker of Fending]], [[Palladium Choker of Slaying]], [[Palladium Choker of Aiming]], [[Palladium Choker of Healing]], [[Palladium Choker of Casting]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Fending]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Healing]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Boots of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending]], [[Gazelleskin Open-toe Boots of Maiming]], [[Gazelleskin Open-toe Boots of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Open-toe Boots of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Boots of Casting]], [[Gazelleskin Coat of Fending]], [[Gazelleskin Corselet of Maiming]], [[Gazelleskin Corselet of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Corselet of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Brais of Maiming]], [[Gazelleskin Brais of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Brais of Scouting]], [[Twinsilk Hood of Striking]], [[Twinsilk Turban of Aiming]], [[Twinsilk Turban of Scouting]], [[Twinsilk Robe of Aiming]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Fending]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Aiming]]
|[[Silver Plate]]||[[file:silver plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  
|[[Thavnairian Abrasive]]||[[file:thavnairian abrasive icon1.png]]||||[[Enna]], [[Enna]]||||align = "left" |[[Nightsteel Ingot]], [[Nightsteel Ingot]]
|[[Silver Rings]]||[[file:silver rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 24 [[Goldsmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Silver Wristlets]], [[Silver Wristlets of Crafting]]
|[[Titanbronze Ingot]]||[[file:titanbronze ingot icon1.png]]||[[Titanbronze Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 76 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Titanbronze Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 76 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Sandteak Fauchard]], [[Sandteak Grinding Wheel]], [[Sandteak Fishing Rod]], [[Titanbronze Kilij]], [[Titanbronze Battleaxe]], [[Titanbronze Guillotine]], [[Titanbronze Bayonet]], [[Titanbronze Fists]], [[Titanbronze Uchigatana]], [[Titanbronze Daggers]], [[Titanbronze Musketoon]], [[Titanbronze Chakrams]], [[Titanbronze Saw]], [[Titanbronze Claw Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Lump Hammer]], [[Titanbronze File]], [[Titanbronze Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Pliers]], [[Titanbronze Texture Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Creasing Knife]], [[Titanbronze Awl]], [[Titanbronze Mortar]], [[Titanbronze Culinary Knife]], [[Titanbronze Pickaxe]], [[Titanbronze Sledgehammer]], [[Titanbronze Hatchet]], [[Titanbronze Scythe]], [[Crystarium Stove]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Fending]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Maiming]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Striking]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Scouting]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Aiming]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Casting]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Healing]], [[Titanbronze Alembic]], [[Titanbronze Moogle Frypan]], [[Titanbronze Tower Shield]], [[Crystarium Teapot]], [[Crystarium Bench]], [[Crystarium Kitchen Hanger]], [[Titanbronze Rapier]], [[Titanbronze Needle]], [[Crystarium Mechanical Till]], [[Zonureskin Caligae of Healing]]
|[[Silver Rivets]]||[[file:silver rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Titanbronze Nugget]]||[[file:titanbronze nugget icon1.png]]||[[Titanbronze Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 76 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Sandteak Rod]], [[Sandteak Cane]], [[Sandteak Spinning Wheel]], [[Titanbronze Fists]], [[Titanbronze Uchigatana]], [[Titanbronze Musketoon]], [[Titanbronze Chakrams]], [[Titanbronze Pliers]], [[Titanbronze Texture Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Creasing Knife]], [[Titanbronze Hatchet]], [[Crystarium Stove]], [[Titanbronze Headband of Scouting]], [[Titanbronze Alembic]], [[Titanbronze Tower Shield]], [[Crystarium Teapot]], [[Crystarium Kitchen Hanger]], [[Titanbronze Rapier]], [[Titanbronze Star Globe]], [[Triplite Earrings of Fending]], [[Triplite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Triplite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Triplite Earrings of Casting]], [[Triplite Earrings of Healing]], [[Triplite Ring of Fending]], [[Triplite Ring of Slaying]], [[Triplite Ring of Aiming]], [[Triplite Ring of Casting]], [[Triplite Ring of Healing]], [[Titanbronze Needle]], [[Titanbronze Headgear of Fending]], [[Titanbronze Headgear of Maiming]], [[Triplite Choker of Fending]], [[Triplite Choker of Slaying]], [[Triplite Choker of Aiming]], [[Triplite Choker of Casting]], [[Triplite Choker of Healing]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Crystarium Chandelier]], [[Zonureskin Jacket of Crafting]], [[Zonureskin Robe of Gathering]], [[Zonureskin Gloves of Crafting]], [[Zonureskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Zonureskin Shoes of Crafting]], [[Zonureskin Shoes of Gathering]], [[Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Casting]], [[Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Healing]], [[Ovim Wool Tunic of Aiming]], [[Ovim Wool Tunic of Casting]], [[Ovim Wool Bottoms of Casting]], [[Ovim Wool Coat of Striking]], [[Ovim Wool Coat of Healing]], [[Zonureskin Grimoire]], [[Zonureskin Codex]]
|[[Silvergrace Ingot]]||[[file:silvergrace ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Silvergrace Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 70★★★ Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Black Willow Greatbow]], [[Black Willow Cane]], [[Silvergrace Grinding Wheel]], [[Nightsteel Battleaxe]], [[Nightsteel Greatsword]], [[Nightsteel Claws]], [[Nightsteel Katana]], [[Nightsteel Blunderbuss]], [[Nightsteel Lapidary Hammer]], [[Nightsteel Alembic]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Helm of Maiming]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Nightsteel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Suzaku Barding]], [[Odder Otter Hanging Andon Lamp]], [[Odder Otter Andon Lamp]], [[Mellow Mog Lamp]], [[Odder Otter Wall Lantern]], [[Carbuncle Chandelier]], [[Silvergrace Rod]], [[Silvergrace Rapier]], [[Silvergrace Planisphere]], [[Silvergrace Needle]], [[Silvergrace Halfmask of Striking]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Fending]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Slaying]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Aiming]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Casting]], [[Silvergrace Earring of Healing]], [[Silvergrace Earrings of Crafting]], [[Silvergrace Earrings of Gathering]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Fending]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Slaying]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Aiming]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Casting]], [[Silvergrace Ring of Healing]], [[Seiryu Statuette]], [[Slothskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Slothskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Slothskin Belt of Fending]], [[Slothskin Belt of Maiming]], [[Slothskin Belt of Striking]], [[Slothskin Belt of Scouting]], [[Slothskin Belt of Aiming]], [[Slothskin Belt of Casting]], [[Slothskin Belt of Healing]], [[Slothskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Slothskin Boots of Casting]], [[True Linen Cap of Scouting]], [[True Linen Cap of Aiming]], [[True Linen Jacket of Scouting]], [[True Linen Jacket of Aiming]], [[True Linen Halfgloves of Striking]], [[Onishi Momohiki]], [[Lunar Barding]], [[Jellyfish Lamp]], [[Silvergrace Grimoire]], [[Silvergrace Codex]]
|[[Titanium Alloy Ingot]]||[[file:titanium alloy ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Sky Pirate's Helm of Fending]], [[Sky Pirate's Helm of Maiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending]], [[Sky Pirate's Coat of Maiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking]], [[Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting]], [[Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting]], [[Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing]], [[Sky Pirate's Vest of Aiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming]]
|[[Skysteel Ingot]]||[[file:skysteel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Enie]]||||align = "left" |[[Replica Sky Pirate's Helm of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Helm of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Striking]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hook of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Striking]], [[Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Aiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Casting]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Aiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Rat Mask of Casting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Harness of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Fending]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Maiming]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Scouting]], [[Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Healing]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Vest of Aiming]], [[Replica Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming]]
|[[Titanium Alloy Mirror]]||[[file:titanium alloy mirror icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Alchemist]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Softsilver Ingot]]||[[file:softsilver ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Softsilver Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90**** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Softsilver Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 90**** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Diadochos Spear]], [[Diadochos Compound Bow]], [[Diadochos Sword]], [[Diadochos War Axe]], [[Diadochos Greatsword]], [[Diadochos Gunblade]], [[Diadochos Zaghnal]], [[Diadochos Knuckles]], [[Diadochos Blade]], [[Diadochos Main Gauches]], [[Diadochos Revolver]], [[Diadochos Chakrams]], [[Diadochos Shield]], [[Diadochos Halfgloves of Fending]], [[Diadochos Halfgloves of Maiming]], [[Diadochos Halfgloves of Aiming]], [[Diadochos Poleyns of Fending]], [[Diadochos Poleyns of Maiming]], [[Diadochos Poleyns of Aiming]], [[Diadochos Earring of Fending]], [[Diadochos Earring of Slaying]], [[Diadochos Earring of Aiming]], [[Diadochos Earring of Casting]], [[Diadochos Earring of Healing]], [[Diadochos Rod]], [[Diadochos Smallsword]], [[Diadochos Cane]], [[Diadochos Planisphere]], [[Diadochos Wings]], [[Diadochos Choker of Fending]], [[Diadochos Choker of Slaying]], [[Diadochos Choker of Aiming]], [[Diadochos Choker of Casting]], [[Diadochos Choker of Healing]], [[Diadochos Wristband of Fending]], [[Diadochos Wristband of Slaying]], [[Diadochos Wristband of Aiming]], [[Diadochos Wristband of Casting]], [[Diadochos Wristband of Healing]], [[Diadochos Jacket of Fending]], [[Diadochos Jacket of Maiming]], [[Diadochos Jacket of Aiming]], [[Diadochos Gloves of Striking]], [[Diadochos Gloves of Scouting]], [[Diadochos Boots of Fending]], [[Diadochos Boots of Maiming]], [[Diadochos Boots of Aiming]], [[Diadochos Index]], [[Diadochos Codex]]
|[[Titanium Alloy Square]]||[[file:titanium alloy square icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Titanium Alloy Mirror]]
|[[Steel Hinge]]||[[file:steel hinge icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 26 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Glade Lancet Door]], [[Oasis Crowned Door]], [[Manor Wardrobe]], [[Manor Cupboard]], [[Standing Signboard]], [[Glade Wardrobe]], [[Riviera Wooden Door]], [[Glade Arched Door]], [[Oasis Wardrobe]], [[Riviera Ornate Door]], [[Oasis Arched Door]], [[Riviera Wardrobe]], [[Company Chest]], [[Riviera Studded Door]], [[Oasis Classical Door]], [[Glade Classical Door]], [[Sylphic Screen]], [[Sylphic Cupboard]]
|[[Titanium Carbide]]||[[file:titanium carbide icon1.png]]||||[[Hismena]], [[Hismena]]||||align = "left" |[[Heavy Metal Ingot]], [[Heavy Metal Ingot]]
|[[Steel Ingot]]||[[file:steel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 26 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 26 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Steel Halberd]], [[Staghorn Fishing Rod]], [[Steel Spear]], [[Ash Cavalry Bow]], [[Walnut Fishing Rod]], [[Siltstone Grinding Wheel]], [[Heavy Steel Lance]], [[Oak Longbow]], [[Horn Fishing Rod]], [[Glade Lancet Door]], [[Walnut Dining Table]], [[Oasis Crowned Door]], [[Riviera Wooden Awning]], [[Stepladder]], [[Walnut Cartonnier]], [[Retainer Cartonnier]], [[Riviera Stall]], [[Riviera Wooden Door]], [[Oasis Wardrobe]], [[Oasis Wooden Wall]], [[Glade Lamppost]], [[Wine Barrel]], [[Steel Daggers]], [[Steel Nails]], [[Steel Broadsword]], [[Spiked Steel Labrys]], [[Steel Rivets]], [[Steel Claws]], [[Steel Knives]], [[Bas-relief Steel Saw]], [[Steel Chaser Hammer]], [[Steel Pickaxe]], [[Steel Sledgehammer]], [[Steel Falchion]], [[Steel Claw Hammer]], [[Steel Awl]], [[Steel Bardiche]], [[Steel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Steel Ornamental Hammer]], [[Steel Mortar]], [[Steel Culinary Knife]], [[Steel Dolabra]], [[Steel Hatchet]], [[Steel Scythe]], [[Steel Baselards]], [[Steel Zweihander]], [[Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Steel Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Steel File]], [[Steel Doming Hammer]], [[Steel Bhuj]], [[Crosscut Saw]], [[Steel Pliers]], [[Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife]], [[Plumed Steel Hatchet]], [[Steel Round Knife]], [[Steel Longsword]], [[Mythril Claymore]], [[Wrapped Crowsbeak Hammer]], [[Steel Raising Hammer]], [[Spiked Mythril Labrys]], [[Mythril Bhuj]], [[Mythril-barreled Musketoon]], [[Demilune Bhuj]], [[Riviera Ornate Door]], [[Galleas Wheel]], [[Deluxe Riviera Pendant Lamp]], [[Riviera Lamppost]], [[Manor Flower Stand]], [[Oasis Lamppost]], [[Oaken Bench]], [[Ahriman Bookshelf]], [[Ahriman Screen]], [[Ahriman Sideboard]], [[Ahriman Cupboard]], [[Riviera Counter]], [[Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Smithing)]], [[Steel Hinge]], [[Steel Plate]], [[Steel Rivets]], [[Steel Joint Plate]], [[Steel Rings]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Bull Hoplon]], [[Steel Scale Fingers]], [[Steel Scale Greaves]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Heavy Steel Flanchard]], [[Horn Scale Greaves]], [[Mythril Alembic]], [[Horn Scale Mail]], [[Oasis Arched Door]], [[Cast-iron Cookpot]], [[Riviera Rounded Chimney]], [[Steel Jig]], [[Heavy Steel Jig]], [[Oasis Classical Door]], [[Masonwork Stove]], [[Goatskin Ringbands]], [[Toadskin Cesti]], [[Toadskin Hunting Belt]], [[Toadskin Armguards]], [[Toadskin Voyager's Belt]], [[Toadskin Leg Guards]], [[Toadskin Belt]], [[Boarskin Crakows]], [[Boarskin Crakows of Gathering]], [[Boarskin Ringbands]], [[Boarskin Harness]], [[Boarskin Subligar]], [[Boarskin Smithy's Gloves]], [[Peisteskin Cesti]], [[Manor Stool]], [[Ahriman Chair]], [[Oasis Banner]], [[Glade Counter]], [[Retainer Counter]], [[Glade Banner]], [[Riviera Banner]], [[Velveteen Sugarloaf Hat]], [[Linen Doublet]], [[Woolen Kecks]], [[Glade Thatch Wall]], [[Potted Axilflower]]
|[[Titanium Ingot]]||[[file:titanium ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 56 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 56 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Titanium Fork]], [[Titanium Longsword]], [[Titanium Knuckles]], [[Titanium Battleaxe]], [[Titanium Kris]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Titanium-barreled Snaphance]], [[Titanium Halfheart Saw]], [[Titanium Lump Hammer]], [[Titanium Raising Hammer]], [[Titanium Pickaxe]], [[Hardsilver Hatchet]], [[Adamantite Broadsword]], [[Adamantite Revolver]], [[Adamantite Greatsword]], [[Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Aurum Regis Creasing Knife]], [[Titanium Mask of Maiming]], [[Titanium Headgear of Striking]], [[Titanium Headgear of Scouting]], [[Titanium Helm of Fending]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Striking]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Scouting]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Fending]], [[Titanium Tassets of Fending]], [[Titanium Alembic]], [[Mandragoras Frypan]], [[Titanium Hoplon]], [[Titanium Mail of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Striking]], [[Titanium Mail of Scouting]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Fending]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Striking]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Scouting]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Fending]], [[Adamantite Helm of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Scutum]], [[Expanse Barding]], [[Hardsilver Planisphere]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Maiming]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Striking]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Ringbelt of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Ringbelt of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Ringbelt of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Healing]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Cyclas of Scouting]]
|[[Steel Joint Plate]]||[[file:steel joint plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 27 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Manor Cupboard]], [[Manor Bookshelf]], [[Riviera House Roof (Composite)]], [[Glade House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis House Roof (Wood)]], [[Oasis Stall]], [[Riviera House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Titanium Nugget]]||[[file:titanium nugget icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 54 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 54 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Titanium Lance]], [[Dark Chestnut Longbow]], [[Titanium Rivets]], [[Titanium Bastard Sword]], [[Titanium Jamadhars]], [[Titanium Axe]], [[Titanium Pugiones]], [[Titanium Claymore]], [[Titanium-barreled Arquebus]], [[Titanium Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Creasing Knife]], [[Hardsilver Dolabra]], [[Titanium Hatchet]], [[Titanium Ingot]], [[Titanium Claw Hammer]], [[Titanium File]], [[Titanium Pliers]], [[Titanium Awl]], [[Titanium Mortar]], [[Titanium Culinary Knife]], [[Titanium Sledgehammer]], [[Titanium Scythe]], [[Titanium Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Titanium Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Titanium Rivets]], [[Titanium Frypan]], [[Titanium Sallet of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Striking]], [[Titanium Mask of Aiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Scouting]], [[Titanium Mask of Fending]], [[Titanium Kite Shield]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Fending]], [[Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Fending]], [[Titanium Ingot]], [[Company Escutcheon]], [[Hardsilver Star Globe]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Scouting]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Casting]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Healing]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Scouting]], [[Dhalmelskin Leggings of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Leggings of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Leggings of Scouting]]
|[[Steel Nails]]||[[file:steel nails icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 27 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Riviera House Roof (Composite)]], [[Glade House Wall (Wood)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Wood)]], [[Oasis House Roof (Wood)]], [[Riviera House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Wall (Composite)]], [[Glade House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Stone)]], [[Riviera House Roof (Wood)]], [[Glade House Roof (Composite)]]
|[[Titanium Rivets]]||[[file:titanium rivets icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 54 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 54 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Dark Chestnut Spinning Wheel]], [[Titanium Axe]], [[Titanium Pugiones]], [[Titanium-barreled Arquebus]], [[Hardsilver Saw]], [[Hardsilver Dolabra]], [[Titanium Pliers]], [[Titanium Battleaxe]], [[Titanium Kris]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Titanium-barreled Snaphance]], [[Titanium Halfheart Saw]], [[Titanium Raising Hammer]], [[Hardsilver Round Knife]], [[Titanium Pickaxe]], [[Hardsilver Alembic]], [[Titanium Frypan]], [[Titanium Sallet of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Fending]], [[Titanium Kite Shield]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Titanium Alembic]], [[Mandragoras Frypan]], [[Titanium Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Titanium Armor of Maiming]], [[Titanium Armor of Fending]], [[Company Escutcheon]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting]]
|[[Steel Plate]]||[[file:steel plate icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 27 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Walnut Table]], [[Steel Claws]], [[Steel Dolabra]], [[Steel Raising Hammer]], [[Bomb Frypan]], [[Steel Tassets]], [[Steel Alembic]], [[Steel Skillet]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Steel Celata]], [[Steel Cuirass]], [[Steel Gauntlets]], [[Steel-plated Jackboots]], [[Steel Sabatons]], [[Bull Hoplon]], [[Steel Elmo]], [[Steel Vambraces]], [[Steel Plate Belt]], [[Steel Scale Mail]], [[Steel Scale Fingers]], [[Steel Scale Greaves]], [[White Skillet]], [[Silver Alembic]], [[Heavy Steel Armor]], [[Heavy Steel Gauntlets]], [[Reinforced Steel Plate Belt]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Steel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Steel-plated Caligae]], [[Steel Frypan]], [[Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Horn Scale Greaves]], [[Horn Scale Fingers]], [[Mythril Barbut]], [[Mythril Haubergeon]], [[Mythril Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Cobalt Barbut]], [[Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Deluxe Oasis Pendant Lamp]], [[Iron Plate Flooring]], [[Manor Desk]], [[Cast-iron Cookpot]], [[Riviera Round Table]], [[Ahriman Round Table]], [[Riviera Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Dining Table]], [[Glade Wall Chimney]], [[Glade Hanging Placard]], [[Riviera Hanging Placard]], [[Metal Interior Wall]], [[Metal Flooring]], [[Steel Goggles]], [[Riviera Armchair]], [[Riviera Couch]]
|[[Tungsten Steel Ingot]]||[[file:tungsten steel ingot icon1.png]]||[[Tungsten Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80** Blacksmith]]<br>[[Tungsten Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80** Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Skystrider]], [[Gendawa]], [[Catalyst]], [[Sinfender]], [[Alastor]], [[Gust Tongue]], [[Tutelary]], [[Burattinaios]], [[Sankhara]], [[Silktones]], [[Murderer]], [[Barathrum]], [[Dominus Shield]], [[Facet Circlet of Maiming]], [[Facet Mail of Fending]], [[Facet Mail of Maiming]], [[Facet Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Facet Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Facet Sabatons of Fending]], [[Facet Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Merveilleuse]], [[Pollux]], [[Facet Circlet of Fending]], [[Facet Gloves of Striking]], [[Facet Gloves of Scouting]], [[Facet Halfgloves of Casting]], [[Facet Chain Hose of Fending]], [[Pragmatism]]
|[[Steel Rings]]||[[file:steel rings icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 28 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Steel Chainmail]], [[Steel Gauntlets]], [[Steel Sabatons]], [[Heavy Steel Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Steel Flanchard]]
|[[Wolfram Ingot]]||[[file:wolfram ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Alps Striking Dummy]], [[Oriental Striking Dummy]], [[Riviera Canopy Bed]], [[Armoire]], [[Shower Stand]], [[Riviera Path Light]], [[Oasis Path Light]], [[Summoning Bell]], [[Smithing Bench]], [[Cooking Stove]], [[Lord of Levin Lamp]], [[Head of the Dreadwyrm]], [[Inferno Blade]], [[Gaze of the Vortex]], [[Morbid Moggle Mogblade]], [[Inferno Claws]], [[Talons of the Vortex]], [[Inferno Battleaxe]], [[Scream of the Vortex]], [[Malignant Moggle Mogaxe]], [[Inferno Harpoon]], [[Melancholy Moggle Mogfork]], [[Inferno Kris]], [[Mortal Moggle Mogknives]], [[Inferno Faussar]], [[Pain of the Vortex]], [[Monstrous Moggle Mogsword]], [[Inferno Musketoon]], [[Abandon of the Vortex]], [[Menacing Moggle Mog Gun]], [[Artisan's Claw Hammer]], [[Artisan's File]], [[Artisan's Pliers]], [[Artisan's Awl]], [[Artisan's Mortar]], [[Artisan's Culinary Knife]], [[Forager's Sledgehammer]], [[Forager's Scythe]], [[Alchemy Furnace]], [[Heavy Wolfram Helm]], [[Wolfram Mask]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Plate Belt]], [[Wolfram Tassets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuisses]], [[Heavy Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Wootz Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Sollerets]], [[Armorcraft Forge]], [[Diamond Chandelier]], [[Plumes of the Vortex]], [[Platinum Circlet of Casting]], [[Platinum Circlet of Healing]], [[Kirimu Belt of Maiming]], [[Kirimu Belt of Striking]], [[Kirimu Belt of Scouting]], [[Gallant Armor Augmentation]], [[Temple Attire Augmentation]], [[Fighter's Armor Augmentation]]
|[[Steel Rivets]]||[[file:steel rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 29 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 27 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| [[Amalj&#39;aa Vendor]] ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Walnut Spinning Wheel]], [[Riviera Wooden Awning]], [[Walnut Table]], [[Stepladder]], [[Riviera Stall]], [[Wine Barrel]], [[Bas-relief Steel Saw]], [[Steel Chaser Hammer]], [[Steel Ornamental Hammer]], [[Crosscut Saw]], [[Steel Pliers]], [[Galleas Wheel]], [[Oaken Bench]], [[Ahriman Bookshelf]], [[Ahriman Screen]], [[Ahriman Sideboard]], [[Ahriman Cupboard]], [[Steel Alembic]], [[Steel Sallet]], [[Steel Elmo]], [[Silver Alembic]], [[Steel Barbut]], [[Steel Mitt Gauntlets]], [[Steel-plated Caligae]], [[Bladed Lantern Shield]], [[Iron Plate Flooring]], [[Manor Desk]], [[Ahriman Round Table]], [[Riviera Rounded Chimney]], [[Riviera Dining Table]], [[Glade Wall Chimney]], [[Glade Hanging Placard]], [[Riviera Hanging Placard]], [[Metal Interior Wall]], [[Metal Flooring]], [[Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)]], [[Riviera Studded Door]], [[Goatskin Targe]], [[Toadskin Armguards]], [[Fingerless Boarskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves]], [[Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Ahriman Chair]], [[Linen Trousers]], [[Padded Linen Trousers]], [[Stone Interior Wall]], [[Stone Flooring]], [[Oak Low Barrel Planter]]
|[[Wolfram Square]]||[[file:wolfram square icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| [[Dead Man's Chest]], [[Augmented Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Augmented Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Wootz Shield]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Wootz Mitten Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Plate Belt]], [[Wootz Sabatons]], [[Gallant Armor Augmentation]], [[Fighter's Armor Augmentation]], [[Drachen Armor Augmentation]], [[Ninja Garb Augmentation]]
|[[Stonegold Ingot]]||[[file:stonegold ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Stonegold Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 72 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Deepgold Sword]], [[Deepgold Axe]], [[Deepgold Greatsword]], [[Deepgold Uchigatana]], [[Deepgold Daggers]], [[Deepgold Bayonet]], [[Deepgold Knuckles]], [[Deepgold Arquebus]], [[Deepgold Chakrams]], [[Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Fending]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Striking]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Casting]], [[Deepgold Tassets of Healing]], [[Deepgold Shield]], [[Dwarven Mythril Shield]], [[Innocence Barding]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Fending]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Casting]], [[Diaspore Earrings of Healing]], [[Diaspore Ring of Fending]], [[Diaspore Ring of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Ring of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Ring of Casting]], [[Diaspore Ring of Healing]], [[Stonegold Rapier]], [[Stonegold Orrery]], [[Diaspore Choker of Fending]], [[Diaspore Choker of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Choker of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Choker of Casting]], [[Diaspore Choker of Healing]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Fending]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Casting]], [[Diaspore Bracelet of Healing]], [[Manasilver Needle]], [[Metal Worm Jar]], [[Gliderskin Thighboots of Striking]], [[Gliderskin Thighboots of Scouting]], [[Dwarven Mythril Grimoire]], [[Dwarven Mythril Codex]]
|[[Wootz Ingot]]||[[file:wootz ingot icon1.png]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Wootz Spear]], [[Ebony Longbow]], [[Model Magitek Bit]], [[Head of the Dreadwyrm]], [[Wootz Scimitar]], [[Wootz Knuckles]], [[Wootz Bhuj]], [[Wootz Daggers]], [[Wootz Fausse]], [[Wootz Revolver]], [[Wootz Shield]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Wootz Mitten Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Plate Belt]], [[Wootz Sabatons]], [[Wootz Sollerets]], [[Platinum Planisphere]], [[Kirimu Grimoire]]
|[[Stonegold Nugget]]||[[file:stonegold nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Stonegold Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 71 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[White Oak Composite Bow]], [[White Oak Rod]], [[White Oak Cane]], [[Applewood Staff]], [[Applewood Cane]], [[Deepgold Anelace]], [[Deepgold Battleaxe]], [[Deepgold Claymore]], [[Deepgold Gunblade]], [[Deepgold Katars]], [[Deepgold Blade]], [[Deepgold Cinquedeas]], [[Deepgold Revolver]], [[Deepgold War Quoits]], [[Deepgold Pliers]], [[Deepgold Lapidary Hammer]], [[Deepgold Head Knife]], [[Deepgold Hatchet]], [[Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana]], [[Dwarven Mythril Glaives]], [[Dwarven Mythril Planisphere]], [[Deepgold Alembic]], [[Deepgold Kite Shield]], [[Deepgold Mask of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Cuirass of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Deepgold Sollerets of Fending]], [[Stonegold Degen]], [[Stonegold Astrometer]], [[Stonegold Needle]], [[Stonegold Circlet of Maiming]], [[Hematite Earrings of Fending]], [[Hematite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Hematite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Hematite Earrings of Casting]], [[Hematite Earrings of Healing]], [[Hematite Choker of Fending]], [[Hematite Choker of Slaying]], [[Hematite Choker of Aiming]], [[Hematite Choker of Casting]], [[Hematite Choker of Healing]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Fending]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Casting]], [[Islewolf Bracelet of Healing]], [[Islewolf Ring of Fending]], [[Islewolf Ring of Slaying]], [[Islewolf Ring of Aiming]], [[Islewolf Ring of Casting]], [[Islewolf Ring of Healing]], [[Dwarven Mythril Rapier]], [[Smilodonskin Tool Belt]], [[Smilodonskin Survival Belt]], [[Smilodonskin Earrings]], [[Smilodonskin Choker]], [[Smilodonskin Wristband]], [[Smilodonskin Ring]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Scouting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Aiming]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Casting]], [[Swallowskin Gloves of Healing]], [[Steerhide Shoes]], [[Brightlinen Turban of Crafting]], [[Brightlinen Turban of Gathering]], [[Pixie Cotton Apron of Crafting]], [[Dwarven Cotton Jacket]]
|[[Tama-hagane Ingot]]||[[file:tama-hagane ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Tama-hagane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 66 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Tama-hagane Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 66 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Doman Steel Halberd]], [[Persimmon Bow]], [[Gazelle Horn Fishing Rod]], [[Zelkova Spinning Wheel]], [[Doman Steel Longsword]], [[Doman Steel Battleaxe]], [[Doman Steel Patas]], [[Doman Steel Saw]], [[Doman Steel Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Doman Steel Raising Hammer]], [[Durium Lapidary Hammer]], [[Doman Steel Round Knife]], [[Plumed Doman Steel Pickaxe]], [[Doman Steel Hatchet]], [[Doman Steel Greatsword]], [[Doman Steel Tachi]], [[Doman Steel Main Gauches]], [[Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon]], [[Doman Steel Claw Hammer]], [[Doman Steel File]], [[Doman Steel Pliers]], [[Doman Steel Awl]], [[Doman Steel Mortar]], [[Doman Steel Culinary Knife]], [[Doman Steel Sledgehammer]], [[Doman Steel Scythe]], [[Molybdenum Longsword]], [[Molybdenum Longblade]], [[Molybdenum Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Molybdenum Pickaxe]], [[Molybdenum Pliers]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Striking]], [[Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting]], [[Doman Steel Alembic]], [[Doman Steel Frypan Caliente]], [[Doman Steel Shield]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Armet of Maiming]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Fending]], [[Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming]], [[Molybdenum Kite Shield]], [[Molybdenum Greaves of Fending]], [[Molybdenum Alembic]], [[Molybdenum Frypan]], [[Durium Foil]], [[Palladium Choker of Fending]], [[Palladium Choker of Slaying]], [[Palladium Choker of Aiming]], [[Palladium Choker of Healing]], [[Palladium Choker of Casting]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Fending]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Healing]], [[Palladium Bracelet of Casting]], [[Marid Leather Boots of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending]], [[Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Maiming]], [[Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Boots of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Boots of Casting]], [[Gazelleskin Coat of Fending]], [[Gazelleskin Corselet of Maiming]], [[Gazelleskin Corselet of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Corselet of Scouting]], [[Gazelleskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Gazelleskin Brais of Maiming]], [[Gazelleskin Brais of Striking]], [[Gazelleskin Brais of Scouting]], [[Twinsilk Hood of Striking]], [[Twinsilk Turban of Aiming]], [[Twinsilk Turban of Scouting]], [[Twinsilk Robe of Aiming]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Fending]], [[Twinsilk Slops of Aiming]]
|[[Thavnairian Abrasive]]||[[file:thavnairian abrasive icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Enna]], [[Enna]]||||align = "left" |[[Nightsteel Ingot]], [[Nightsteel Ingot]]
|[[Titanbronze Ingot]]||[[file:titanbronze ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Titanbronze Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 76 Blacksmith]]<br>[[Titanbronze Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 76 Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Sandteak Fauchard]], [[Sandteak Grinding Wheel]], [[Sandteak Fishing Rod]], [[Titanbronze Kilij]], [[Titanbronze Battleaxe]], [[Titanbronze Guillotine]], [[Titanbronze Bayonet]], [[Titanbronze Fists]], [[Titanbronze Uchigatana]], [[Titanbronze Daggers]], [[Titanbronze Musketoon]], [[Titanbronze Chakrams]], [[Titanbronze Saw]], [[Titanbronze Claw Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Lump Hammer]], [[Titanbronze File]], [[Titanbronze Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Pliers]], [[Titanbronze Texture Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Creasing Knife]], [[Titanbronze Awl]], [[Titanbronze Mortar]], [[Titanbronze Culinary Knife]], [[Titanbronze Pickaxe]], [[Titanbronze Sledgehammer]], [[Titanbronze Hatchet]], [[Titanbronze Scythe]], [[Crystarium Stove]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Fending]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Maiming]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Striking]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Scouting]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Aiming]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Casting]], [[Titanbronze Tassets of Healing]], [[Titanbronze Alembic]], [[Titanbronze Moogle Frypan]], [[Titanbronze Tower Shield]], [[Crystarium Teapot]], [[Crystarium Bench]], [[Crystarium Kitchen Hanger]], [[Titanbronze Rapier]], [[Titanbronze Needle]], [[Crystarium Mechanical Till]], [[Zonureskin Caligae of Healing]]
|[[Titanbronze Nugget]]||[[file:titanbronze nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Titanbronze Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 76 Goldsmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Sandteak Rod]], [[Sandteak Cane]], [[Sandteak Spinning Wheel]], [[Titanbronze Fists]], [[Titanbronze Uchigatana]], [[Titanbronze Musketoon]], [[Titanbronze Chakrams]], [[Titanbronze Pliers]], [[Titanbronze Texture Hammer]], [[Titanbronze Creasing Knife]], [[Titanbronze Hatchet]], [[Crystarium Stove]], [[Titanbronze Headband of Scouting]], [[Titanbronze Alembic]], [[Titanbronze Tower Shield]], [[Crystarium Teapot]], [[Crystarium Kitchen Hanger]], [[Titanbronze Rapier]], [[Titanbronze Star Globe]], [[Triplite Earrings of Fending]], [[Triplite Earrings of Slaying]], [[Triplite Earrings of Aiming]], [[Triplite Earrings of Casting]], [[Triplite Earrings of Healing]], [[Triplite Ring of Fending]], [[Triplite Ring of Slaying]], [[Triplite Ring of Aiming]], [[Triplite Ring of Casting]], [[Triplite Ring of Healing]], [[Titanbronze Needle]], [[Titanbronze Headgear of Fending]], [[Titanbronze Headgear of Maiming]], [[Triplite Choker of Fending]], [[Triplite Choker of Slaying]], [[Triplite Choker of Aiming]], [[Triplite Choker of Casting]], [[Triplite Choker of Healing]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Fending]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Casting]], [[Triplite Bracelet of Healing]], [[Crystarium Chandelier]], [[Zonureskin Jacket of Crafting]], [[Zonureskin Robe of Gathering]], [[Zonureskin Gloves of Crafting]], [[Zonureskin Gloves of Gathering]], [[Zonureskin Shoes of Crafting]], [[Zonureskin Shoes of Gathering]], [[Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Casting]], [[Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Healing]], [[Ovim Wool Tunic of Aiming]], [[Ovim Wool Tunic of Casting]], [[Ovim Wool Bottoms of Casting]], [[Ovim Wool Coat of Striking]], [[Ovim Wool Coat of Healing]], [[Zonureskin Grimoire]], [[Zonureskin Codex]]
|[[Titanium Alloy Ingot]]||[[file:titanium alloy ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Sky Pirate's Helm of Fending]], [[Sky Pirate's Helm of Maiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending]], [[Sky Pirate's Coat of Maiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking]], [[Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting]], [[Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting]], [[Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing]], [[Sky Pirate's Vest of Aiming]], [[Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming]]
|[[Titanium Alloy Mirror]]||[[file:titanium alloy mirror icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Alchemist]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|
|[[Titanium Alloy Square]]||[[file:titanium alloy square icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 60 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Titanium Alloy Mirror]]
|[[Titanium Carbide]]||[[file:titanium carbide icon1.png|40px]]||||[[Hismena]], [[Hismena]]||||align = "left" |[[Heavy Metal Ingot]], [[Heavy Metal Ingot]]
|[[Titanium Gold Nugget]]||[[file:titanium gold nugget icon1.png|40px]]||[[Titanium Gold Nugget#Crafting Recipe|Level 96 Blacksmith]]||||||align = "left" |[[Acacia Fork]], [[Acacia Longbow]], [[Claro Walnut Spear]], [[Titanium Gold Falchion]], [[Titanium Gold Claws]], [[Titanium Gold Battleaxe]], [[Titanium Gold Knives]], [[Titanium Gold Greatsword]], [[Titanium Gold Pistol]], [[Titanium Gold Blade]], [[Titanium Gold Gunblade]], [[Titanium Gold War Quoits]], [[Titanium Gold Sickle]], [[Titanium Gold Saberfangs]], [[Ra'Kaznar Katzbalger]], [[Ra'Kaznar Labrys]], [[Ra'Kaznar Bow]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greatsword]], [[Ra'Kaznar Samurai Blade]], [[Ra'Kaznar Chakrams]], [[Ra'Kaznar War Scythe]], [[Titanium Gold Saw]], [[Titanium Gold Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Gold Raising Hammer]], [[Titanium Gold Lapidary Hammer]], [[Titanium Gold Creasing Knife]], [[Titanium Gold Pickaxe]], [[Titanium Gold Hatchet]], [[Titanium Gold Claw Hammer]], [[Titanium Gold File]], [[Titanium Gold Pliers]], [[Titanium Gold Awl]], [[Titanium Gold Mortar]], [[Titanium Gold Culinary Knife]], [[Titanium Gold Maul]], [[Titanium Gold Garden Scythe]], [[Ra'Kaznar Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer]], [[Ra'Kaznar File]], [[Ra'Kaznar Mortar]], [[Ra'Kaznar Maul]], [[Ceremonial Censer]], [[Rarefied Titanium Gold Mortar]], [[Titanium Gold Shield]], [[Titanium Gold Helm of Fending]], [[Titanium Gold Thornplate of Fending]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Fending]], [[Titanium Gold Leg Wraps of Fending]], [[Titanium Gold Thornplate of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gold Leg Wraps of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gold Helm of Striking]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Striking]], [[Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet of Scouting]], [[Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Scouting]], [[Titanium Gold Leg Wraps of Scouting]], [[Titanium Gold Helm of Casting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Shield]], [[Ra'Kaznar Armor of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Armor of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Armguards of Striking]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Striking]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Aiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Scouting]], [[Titanium Gold Alembic]], [[Titanium Gold Bomb Frypan]], [[Ra'Kaznar Spriggan Frypan]], [[Ceremonial Censer]], [[Rarefied Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet]], [[White Gold Astrometer]], [[White Gold Foil]], [[White Gold Syrinxi]], [[White Gold Halfmask of Maiming]], [[White Gold Mask of Aiming]], [[White Gold Halfmask of Scouting]], [[White Gold Visor of Healing]], [[White Gold Earrings of Fending]], [[White Gold Earrings of Slaying]], [[White Gold Earrings of Aiming]], [[White Gold Earrings of Healing]], [[White Gold Earrings of Casting]], [[White Gold Choker of Fending]], [[White Gold Choker of Slaying]], [[White Gold Choker of Aiming]], [[White Gold Choker of Healing]], [[White Gold Choker of Casting]], [[White Gold Amulet of Fending]], [[White Gold Amulet of Slaying]], [[White Gold Amulet of Aiming]], [[White Gold Amulet of Healing]], [[White Gold Amulet of Casting]], [[White Gold Ring of Fending]], [[White Gold Ring of Slaying]], [[White Gold Ring of Aiming]], [[White Gold Ring of Healing]], [[White Gold Ring of Casting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Wings]], [[Ceremonial Censer]], [[Rarefied White Gold Choker]], [[Gomphotherium Thorned Harness of Striking]], [[Gargantuaskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Aiming]], [[Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Scouting]], [[Wisteria Ceiling Lamp]]
|[[Titanium Ingot]]||[[file:titanium ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 56 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 56 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Titanium Fork]], [[Titanium Longsword]], [[Titanium Knuckles]], [[Titanium Battleaxe]], [[Titanium Kris]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Titanium-barreled Snaphance]], [[Titanium Halfheart Saw]], [[Titanium Lump Hammer]], [[Titanium Raising Hammer]], [[Titanium Pickaxe]], [[Hardsilver Hatchet]], [[Adamantite Broadsword]], [[Adamantite Revolver]], [[Adamantite Greatsword]], [[Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Aurum Regis Creasing Knife]], [[Titanium Mask of Maiming]], [[Titanium Headgear of Striking]], [[Titanium Headgear of Scouting]], [[Titanium Helm of Fending]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Maiming]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Striking]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Scouting]], [[Titanium Vambraces of Fending]], [[Titanium Tassets of Fending]], [[Titanium Alembic]], [[Mandragoras Frypan]], [[Titanium Hoplon]], [[Titanium Mail of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Striking]], [[Titanium Mail of Scouting]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Fending]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Striking]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Scouting]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Fending]], [[Adamantite Helm of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Scutum]], [[Expanse Barding]], [[Hardsilver Planisphere]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Maiming]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Striking]], [[Dragonskin Belt of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Ringbelt of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Ringbelt of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Ringbelt of Scouting]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting]], [[Serpentskin Thighboots of Healing]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming]], [[Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking]], [[Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Cyclas of Scouting]]
|[[Titanium Nugget]]||[[file:titanium nugget icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 54 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 54 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Titanium Lance]], [[Dark Chestnut Longbow]], [[Titanium Rivets]], [[Titanium Bastard Sword]], [[Titanium Jamadhars]], [[Titanium Axe]], [[Titanium Pugiones]], [[Titanium Claymore]], [[Titanium-barreled Arquebus]], [[Titanium Cross-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Ball-pein Hammer]], [[Titanium Creasing Knife]], [[Hardsilver Dolabra]], [[Titanium Hatchet]], [[Titanium Ingot]], [[Titanium Claw Hammer]], [[Titanium File]], [[Titanium Pliers]], [[Titanium Awl]], [[Titanium Mortar]], [[Titanium Culinary Knife]], [[Titanium Sledgehammer]], [[Titanium Scythe]], [[Titanium Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Titanium Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Titanium Rivets]], [[Titanium Frypan]], [[Titanium Sallet of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Striking]], [[Titanium Mask of Aiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Scouting]], [[Titanium Mask of Fending]], [[Titanium Kite Shield]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mail of Fending]], [[Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sollerets of Fending]], [[Titanium Ingot]], [[Company Escutcheon]], [[Hardsilver Star Globe]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Scouting]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Casting]], [[Dhalmelskin Belt of Healing]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Jacket of Scouting]], [[Dhalmelskin Leggings of Striking]], [[Dhalmelskin Leggings of Aiming]], [[Dhalmelskin Leggings of Scouting]]
|[[Titanium Rivets]]||[[file:titanium rivets icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 54 [[Blacksmith]]<br>Level 54 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Dark Chestnut Spinning Wheel]], [[Titanium Axe]], [[Titanium Pugiones]], [[Titanium-barreled Arquebus]], [[Hardsilver Saw]], [[Hardsilver Dolabra]], [[Titanium Pliers]], [[Titanium Battleaxe]], [[Titanium Kris]], [[Titanium Greatsword]], [[Titanium-barreled Snaphance]], [[Titanium Halfheart Saw]], [[Titanium Raising Hammer]], [[Hardsilver Round Knife]], [[Titanium Pickaxe]], [[Hardsilver Alembic]], [[Titanium Frypan]], [[Titanium Sallet of Maiming]], [[Titanium Mask of Fending]], [[Titanium Kite Shield]], [[Titanium Cuirass of Maiming]], [[Titanium Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Titanium Alembic]], [[Mandragoras Frypan]], [[Titanium Hoplon]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Adamantite Sabatons of Fending]], [[Titanium Armor of Maiming]], [[Titanium Armor of Fending]], [[Company Escutcheon]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Striking]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming]], [[Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting]]
|[[Tungsten Steel Ingot]]||[[file:tungsten steel ingot icon1.png|40px]]||[[Tungsten Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★ Blacksmith]]<br>[[Tungsten Steel Ingot#Crafting Recipe|Level 80★★ Armorer]]||||||align = "left" |[[Skystrider]], [[Gendawa]], [[Catalyst]], [[Sinfender]], [[Alastor]], [[Gust Tongue]], [[Tutelary]], [[Burattinaios]], [[Sankhara]], [[Silktones]], [[Murderer]], [[Barathrum]], [[Dominus Shield]], [[Facet Circlet of Maiming]], [[Facet Mail of Fending]], [[Facet Mail of Maiming]], [[Facet Gauntlets of Fending]], [[Facet Gauntlets of Maiming]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Fending]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Maiming]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Striking]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Scouting]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Aiming]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Casting]], [[Facet Plate Belt of Healing]], [[Facet Sabatons of Fending]], [[Facet Sabatons of Maiming]], [[Merveilleuse]], [[Pollux]], [[Facet Circlet of Fending]], [[Facet Gloves of Striking]], [[Facet Gloves of Scouting]], [[Facet Halfgloves of Casting]], [[Facet Chain Hose of Fending]], [[Pragmatism]]
|[[Voidcast Pauldron]]||[[file:voidcast pauldron icon1.png|40px]]||||||{{questlink|trial|The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)}}||align = "left" |[[Eventide Sword Stand]], [[Voidcast Barding]]
|[[Weathered Fitting]]||[[file:weathered fitting icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Metal Pipe Wall Shelf]]
|[[Weathered Pipe]]||[[file:weathered pipe icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Camping Furniture]]
|[[White Gold Ingot]]||[[file:white gold ingot icon1.png|40px]]||||||||align = "left" |[[Acacia Signum]], [[Acacia Rod]], [[Claro Walnut Cane]], [[Acacia Grinding Wheel]], [[Acacia Spinning Wheel]], [[Claro Walnut Grinding Wheel]], [[Acacia Earrings]], [[Acacia Necklace]], [[Acacia Bracelet]], [[Acacia Ring]], [[Rarefied Acacia Rod]], [[Wall Cabinet]], [[Titanium Gold Falchion]], [[Titanium Gold Claws]], [[Titanium Gold Battleaxe]], [[Titanium Gold Knives]], [[Titanium Gold Greatsword]], [[Titanium Gold Pistol]], [[Titanium Gold Blade]], [[Titanium Gold Gunblade]], [[Titanium Gold War Quoits]], [[Titanium Gold Sickle]], [[Titanium Gold Saberfangs]], [[Ra'Kaznar Tonfas]], [[Ra'Kaznar Chakrams]], [[Ra'Kaznar Twinfangs]], [[Titanium Gold Pliers]], [[Titanium Gold Awl]], [[Titanium Gold Mortar]], [[Titanium Gold Culinary Knife]], [[Ra'Kaznar Culinary Knife]], [[Ceremonial Censer]], [[Rarefied Titanium Gold Mortar]], [[Titanium Gold Shield]], [[Titanium Gold Thornplate of Fending]], [[Titanium Gold Thornplate of Maiming]], [[Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet of Scouting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Helm of Fending]], [[Ra'Kaznar Helm of Maiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Aiming]], [[Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Scouting]], [[Titanium Gold Alembic]], [[Ra'Kaznar Alembic]], [[Ceremonial Censer]], [[Rarefied Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet]], [[White Gold Astrometer]], [[White Gold Foil]], [[White Gold Syrinxi]], [[White Gold Halfmask of Maiming]], [[White Gold Mask of Aiming]], [[White Gold Halfmask of Scouting]], [[White Gold Visor of Healing]], [[White Gold Earrings of Fending]], [[White Gold Earrings of Slaying]], [[White Gold Earrings of Aiming]], [[White Gold Earrings of Healing]], [[White Gold Earrings of Casting]], [[White Gold Choker of Fending]], [[White Gold Choker of Slaying]], [[White Gold Choker of Aiming]], [[White Gold Choker of Healing]], [[White Gold Choker of Casting]], [[White Gold Amulet of Fending]], [[White Gold Amulet of Slaying]], [[White Gold Amulet of Aiming]], [[White Gold Amulet of Healing]], [[White Gold Amulet of Casting]], [[White Gold Ring of Fending]], [[White Gold Ring of Slaying]], [[White Gold Ring of Aiming]], [[White Gold Ring of Healing]], [[White Gold Ring of Casting]], [[Ra'Kaznar Orrery]], [[Ra'Kaznar Hanger]], [[Black Star Headgear of Striking]], [[Black Star Headgear of Aiming]], [[Black Star Visor of Scouting]], [[Black Star Mask of Healing]], [[Black Star Mask of Casting]], [[Black Star Choker of Fending]], [[Black Star Choker of Slaying]], [[Black Star Choker of Aiming]], [[Black Star Choker of Healing]], [[Black Star Choker of Casting]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Fending]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Slaying]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Aiming]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Healing]], [[Black Star Bracelet of Casting]], [[White Gold Needle]], [[Ceremonial Censer]], [[Rarefied White Gold Choker]], [[Gargantuaskin Trousers of Fending]], [[Gargantuaskin Trousers of Maiming]], [[Gargantuaskin Trousers of Striking]], [[Gargantuaskin Shoes of Healing]], [[Gargantuaskin Shoes of Casting]], [[Gargantuaskin Halfgloves of Crafting]], [[Gargantuaskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering]], [[Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Aiming]], [[Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Scouting]], [[Thunderyards Silk Coat of Healing]], [[Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Healing]], [[Thunderyards Silk Coat of Casting]], [[Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Casting]], [[Thunderyards Silk Shirt of Crafting]], [[Thunderyards Silk Vest of Gathering]], [[Gomphotherium Grimoire]], [[Gomphotherium Codex]], [[Claro Walnut Flat Brush]]
|[[Wolfram Ingot]]||[[file:wolfram ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Alps Striking Dummy]], [[Oriental Striking Dummy]], [[Riviera Canopy Bed]], [[Armoire]], [[Shower Stand]], [[Riviera Path Light]], [[Oasis Path Light]], [[Summoning Bell]], [[Smithing Bench]], [[Cooking Stove]], [[Lord of Levin Lamp]], [[Head of the Dreadwyrm]], [[Inferno Blade]], [[Gaze of the Vortex]], [[Morbid Moggle Mogblade]], [[Inferno Claws]], [[Talons of the Vortex]], [[Inferno Battleaxe]], [[Scream of the Vortex]], [[Malignant Moggle Mogaxe]], [[Inferno Harpoon]], [[Melancholy Moggle Mogfork]], [[Inferno Kris]], [[Mortal Moggle Mogknives]], [[Inferno Faussar]], [[Pain of the Vortex]], [[Monstrous Moggle Mogsword]], [[Inferno Musketoon]], [[Abandon of the Vortex]], [[Menacing Moggle Mog Gun]], [[Artisan's Claw Hammer]], [[Artisan's File]], [[Artisan's Pliers]], [[Artisan's Awl]], [[Artisan's Mortar]], [[Artisan's Culinary Knife]], [[Forager's Sledgehammer]], [[Forager's Scythe]], [[Alchemy Furnace]], [[Heavy Wolfram Helm]], [[Wolfram Mask]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Wolfram Gauntlets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Plate Belt]], [[Wolfram Tassets]], [[Heavy Wolfram Cuisses]], [[Heavy Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wolfram Sabatons]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Wootz Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Sollerets]], [[Armorcraft Forge]], [[Diamond Chandelier]], [[Plumes of the Vortex]], [[Platinum Circlet of Casting]], [[Platinum Circlet of Healing]], [[Kirimu Belt of Maiming]], [[Kirimu Belt of Striking]], [[Kirimu Belt of Scouting]], [[Gallant Armor Augmentation]], [[Temple Attire Augmentation]], [[Fighter's Armor Augmentation]]
|[[Wolfram Square]]||[[file:wolfram square icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Armorer]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Dead Man's Chest]], [[Augmented Heavy Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Augmented Wolfram Cuirass]], [[Wootz Shield]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Wootz Mitten Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Plate Belt]], [[Wootz Sabatons]], [[Gallant Armor Augmentation]], [[Fighter's Armor Augmentation]], [[Drachen Armor Augmentation]], [[Ninja Garb Augmentation]]
|[[Wootz Ingot]]||[[file:wootz ingot icon1.png|40px]]||align = "left"| Level 50 [[Blacksmith]]<br> ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"|  ||align = "left"| [[Wootz Spear]], [[Ebony Longbow]], [[Model Magitek Bit]], [[Head of the Dreadwyrm]], [[Wootz Scimitar]], [[Wootz Knuckles]], [[Wootz Bhuj]], [[Wootz Daggers]], [[Wootz Fausse]], [[Wootz Revolver]], [[Wootz Shield]], [[Wootz Sallet]], [[Wootz Mask]], [[Wootz Cuirass]], [[Wootz Mail]], [[Wootz Mitten Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Gauntlets]], [[Wootz Plate Belt]], [[Wootz Sabatons]], [[Wootz Sollerets]], [[Platinum Planisphere]], [[Kirimu Grimoire]]


Latest revision as of 06:24, 2 January 2025

Main article: Materials

Metal icon1.png Metal is used by blacksmith, armorer and goldsmith crafting classes to create various weapons, armor, accessories and more.

Types of Metal

Metal Icon Gathered/Crafted By Purchased From Dropped By Used to Craft
Adamantite Ingot Adamantite ingot icon1.png Level 60 Blacksmith
Level 60 Armorer
Fortified Claw Hammer, Polished Adamantite File, Double-jointed Adamantite Pliers, Sharpened Adamantite Awl, Heavy Adamantite Mortar, Wrapped Adamantite Culinary Knife, Weighted Adamantite Sledgehammer, Balanced Adamantite Scythe, Millmaster's Saw, Forgemaster's Hammer, Hammermaster's Beetle, Gemmaster's Mallet, Hidemaster's Knife, Adamantite Barbut of Maiming, Adamantite Barbut of Fending, Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Maiming, Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Fending, Adamantite Vambraces of Maiming, Adamantite Vambraces of Fending, Adamantite Sollerets of Maiming, Adamantite Sollerets of Fending, Savage Gordian Chair, Cauldronmaster's Alembic, Galleymaster's Frypan, Hammermaster's Visor
Adamantite Nugget Adamantite nugget icon1.png Level 58 Blacksmith
Level 58 Armorer
Adamantite Spear, Birch Longbow, Adamantite Trident, Adamantite Rivets, Adamantite Broadsword, Adamantite Jamadhars, Adamantite Bill, Adamantite Knives, Adamantite Zweihander, Adamantite Revolver, Adamantite Claw Hammer, Adamantite File, Adamantite Pliers, Adamantite Awl, Adamantite Mortar, Adamantite Culinary Knife, Adamantite Sledgehammer, Adamantite Scythe, Adamantite Winglet, Adamantite Knuckles, Adamantite Headsman's Axe, Adamantite Main Gauches, Adamantite Greatsword, Adamantite-barreled Culverin, Adamantite Saw, Adamantite Cross-pein Hammer, Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer, Adamantite Dolabra, Adamantite Hatchet, Adamantite Rivets, Adamantite Helm of Maiming, Adamantite Helm of Fending, Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming, Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending, Adamantite Tassets of Maiming, Adamantite Tassets of Fending, Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming, Adamantite Sabatons of Fending, Adamantite Scutum, Titanium Armor of Maiming, Titanium Armor of Fending, Adamantite Chain Hose of Maiming, Adamantite Chain Hose of Fending, Adamantite Circlet of Fending, Adamantite Plate Belt of Fending, Adamantite Alembic, Adamantite Frypan, Adamantite Hoplon, Adamantite Mail of Maiming, Adamantite Lorica of Fending, Heavy Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending, Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming, Aurum Regis Sollerets of Healing, Adamantite Greaves of Fending, Hive Barding, Chivalric Coat of Maiming, Chivalric Coat of Fending, Aurum Regis Orrery, Bladed Steel Jig, Aurum Regis Staff, Griffin Talon Needle, Expanse Fountain, Boundless Expanse Fountain, Serpentskin Voyager's Belt of Maiming, Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Striking, Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Scouting, Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending
Adamantite Rivets Adamantite rivets icon1.png Level 58 Blacksmith
Level 58 Armorer
Birch Spinning Wheel, Birch Composite Bow, Adamantite Knives, Adamantite Pliers, Adamantite Headsman's Axe, Adamantite-barreled Culverin, Adamantite Saw, Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer, Adamantite Dolabra, Adamantite Circlet of Fending, Adamantite Plate Belt of Fending, Adamantite Alembic, Adamantite Frypan, Adamantite Hoplon, Adamantite Lorica of Fending, Heavy Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending, Adamantite Greaves of Fending
Aetherially Conductive Plate Aetherially conductive plate icon1.png
Alexander Exoplating Alexander exoplating icon1.png Alexander Miniature
Alexandrian Plate Alexandrian plate icon1.png Level 100** Armorer Everseeker's Grinding Wheel, Everseeker's Spinning Wheel, Everseeker's Saw, Everseeker's Cross-pein Hammer, Everseeker's Raising Hammer, Everseeker's Lapidary Hammer, Everseeker's Creasing Knife, Everseeker's Pickaxe, Everseeker's Hatchet, Everseeker's Claw Hammer, Everseeker's File, Everseeker's Pliers, Everseeker's Awl, Everseeker's Mortar, Everseeker's Culinary Knife, Everseeker's Sledgehammer, Everseeker's Garden Scythe, Everseeker's Alembic, Everseeker's Bomb Frypan, Everseeker's Needle, Everseeker's Headgear of Crafting, Everseeker's Goggles of Gathering, Everseeker's Top of Crafting
Allagan Wootz Nugget Allagan wootz nugget icon1.png The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 Wootz Ingot
Aurum Regis Ingot Aurum regis ingot icon1.png Level 60 Goldsmith
Sun Mica Grinding Wheel, Hammermaster's Beetle, Gemmaster's Mallet, Cauldronmaster's Alembic, Boltmaster's Needle, Aurum Regis Circlet of Casting, Aurum Regis Crown of Healing, Forgemaster's Goggles, Gemmaster's Coronal, Cauldronmaster's Spectacles, Gemmaster's Chaplets, Aurum Regis Earrings of Crafting, Aurum Regis Earrings of Gathering, Griffin Leather Choker, Astral Silk Doublet of Casting, Astral Silk Doublet of Healing, Gemmaster's Gown, Astral Silk Bottoms of Casting, Astral Silk Bottoms of Healing, Gemmaster's Trousers
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum regis nugget icon1.png Level 58 Goldsmith
Adamantite Spear, Dragonscale Grinding Wheel, Birch Composite Bow, Birch Rod, Birch Fishing Rod, Deep Hive Ceiling Fan, Stuffed Carbuncle, Adamantite Broadsword, Adamantite Jamadhars, Adamantite Knives, Adamantite Zweihander, Adamantite Winglet, Adamantite Knuckles, Adamantite Headsman's Axe, Aurum Regis Texture Hammer, Aurum Regis Creasing Knife, Adamantite Alembic, Adamantite Hoplon, Adamantite Mail of Maiming, Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming, Expanse Barding, Hive Barding, Chivalric Coat of Maiming, Chivalric Coat of Fending, Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying, Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming, Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting, Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing, Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending, Aurum Regis Bracelet of Slaying, Aurum Regis Bracelet of Aiming, Aurum Regis Bracelet of Casting, Aurum Regis Bracelet of Healing, Aurum Regis Bracelet of Fending, Aurum Regis Cylinder, Aurum Regis Longpole, Aurum Regis Orrery, Aurum Regis Necklace of Slaying, Aurum Regis Necklace of Aiming, Aurum Regis Necklace of Casting, Aurum Regis Necklace of Healing, Aurum Regis Necklace of Fending, Griffin Talon Ring of Slaying, Griffin Talon Ring of Aiming, Griffin Talon Ring of Casting, Griffin Talon Ring of Healing, Griffin Talon Ring of Fending, Citrine Choker of Slaying, Citrine Choker of Aiming, Citrine Choker of Casting, Citrine Choker of Healing, Citrine Choker of Fending, Aurum Regis Staff, Aurum Regis Planisphere, Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing, Chrysolite Earrings of Slaying, Chrysolite Earrings of Aiming, Chrysolite Earrings of Casting, Chrysolite Earrings of Healing, Chrysolite Earrings of Fending, Chrysolite Bracelet of Slaying, Chrysolite Bracelet of Aiming, Chrysolite Bracelet of Casting, Chrysolite Bracelet of Healing, Chrysolite Bracelet of Fending, Chrysolite Ring of Slaying, Chrysolite Ring of Aiming, Chrysolite Ring of Casting, Chrysolite Ring of Healing, Chrysolite Ring of Fending, Expanse Fountain, Star Sapphire Music Box, Star Ruby Music Box, Boundless Expanse Fountain, Serpentskin Armguards of Maiming, Serpentskin Bracers of Striking, Serpentskin Bracers of Aiming, Serpentskin Bracers of Scouting, Serpentskin Gloves of Healing, Serpentskin Satchel Belt of Healing, Serpentskin Helm of Maiming, Serpentskin Brais of Striking, Serpentskin Brais of Aiming, Serpentskin Brais of Scouting, Serpentskin Thighboots of Striking, Serpentskin Thighboots of Aiming, Serpentskin Thighboots of Scouting, Chivalric Coat of Striking, Chivalric Battledress of Aiming, Chivalric Coat of Scouting, Thavnairian Bolero, Thavnairian Gloves, Thavnairian Tights, Thavnairian Babouches, Thavnairian Sandals, Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking, Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming, Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting, Chimerical Felt Coif of Striking, Chimerical Felt Coif of Aiming, Chimerical Felt Coif of Scouting, Chimerical Felt Turban of Crafting, Chimerical Felt Tabard of Striking, Chimerical Felt Tabard of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Tabard of Scouting, Thavnairian Turban, Thavnairian Headdress, Chivalric Doublet of Casting, Chivalric Doublet of Healing, Thavnairian Bustier, Thavnairian Armlets, Thavnairian Sarouel, Book of Aurum Regis, Noble's Picatrix, Noble Gold, Noble's Codex
Balanced Darksteel Hook Balanced darksteel hook icon1.png Level 50 Blacksmith
Belah'dian Silver Belahdian silver icon1.png Perfect Mortar, Furnace Ring
Bismuth Ingot Bismuth ingot icon1.png Level 84 Blacksmith
Level 84 Armorer
Red Pine Spear, Red Pine Spinning Wheel, Red Pine Fishing Rod, Rarefied Red Pine Spinning Wheel, Bismuth Katzbalger, Bismuth Axe, Bismuth Greatsword, Bismuth Gunblade, Bismuth War Scythe, Bismuth Tonfa, Bismuth Uchigatana, Bismuth Daggers, Bismuth Bow, Bismuth Blunderbuss, Bismuth Chakrams, Bismuth Saw, Bismuth Claw Hammer, Bismuth Cross-pein Hammer, Bismuth File, Bismuth Raising Hammer, Bismuth Pliers, Bismuth Lapidary Hammer, Bismuth Round Knife, Bismuth Awl, Bismuth Mortar, Bismuth Culinary Knife, Bismuth Pickaxe, Bismuth Sledgehammer, Bismuth Hatchet, Bismuth Garden Scythe, Rarefied Bismuth Sledgehammer, Gold Motor Component, Manganese Awl, Orchestrion Phonograph, Pendant Wall Light, Bismuth Bracelet of Fending, Bismuth Bracelet of Slaying, Bismuth Bracelet of Aiming, Bismuth Bracelet of Casting, Bismuth Bracelet of Healing, Bismuth Ring of Fending, Bismuth Ring of Slaying, Bismuth Ring of Aiming, Bismuth Ring of Casting, Bismuth Ring of Healing, Bismuth Alembic, Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan, Bismuth Shield, Bismuth Goggles of Fending, Bismuth Headgear of Maiming, Rarefied Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan, Gold Motor Component, Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King, Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen, Manganese Helm of the Rising Dragon, Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon, Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King, Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen, Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon, Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon, Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth King, Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen, Manganese Gaiters of the Rising Dragon, Manganese Gaiters of the Falling Dragon, Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King, Manganese Armor of the Behemoth Queen, Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King, Garlean Concrete Inner Wall, Phrygian Hanger, Phrygian Orrery, Phrygian Wings, Phrygian Choker of Fending, Phrygian Choker of Slaying, Phrygian Choker of Aiming, Phrygian Choker of Casting, Phrygian Choker of Healing, Phrygian Needle, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Fending, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Slaying, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Aiming, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Casting, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing, Rarefied Phrygian Earring, Gold Motor Component, Saigaskin Coat of Fending, Saigaskin Coat of Maiming, Saigaskin Jacket of Striking, Saigaskin Jacket of Scouting, Saigaskin Jacket of Aiming, Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Rising Dragon, Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Falling Dragon, Kumbhiraskin Leg Guards of the Last Unicorn, Snow Linen Jacket of Casting, Snow Linen Jacket of Healing
Brashgold Plate Brashgold plate icon1.png Level 80★★★ Armorer Aesthete's Grinding Wheel, Aesthete's Spinning Wheel, Aesthete's Fishing Rod, Aesthete's Saw, Aesthete's Claw Hammer, Aesthete's Cross-pein Hammer, Aesthete's File, Aesthete's Raising Hammer, Aesthete's Pliers, Aesthete's Mallet, Aesthete's Round Knife, Aesthete's Awl, Aesthete's Mortar, Aesthete's Culinary Knife, Aesthete's Pickaxe, Aesthete's Sledgehammer, Aesthete's Hatchet, Aesthete's Scythe, Aesthete's Alembic, Aesthete's Frypan, Aesthete's Needle, Aesthete's Ear Cuffs of Crafting, Aesthete's Choker of Crafting, Aesthete's Bracelets of Crafting, Aesthete's Ring of Crafting
Brass Ingot Brass ingot icon1.png Level 14 Goldsmith
Smydhaemr, Soemrwyb, Material Supplier, Ferreol, Material Supplier, Material Supplier Brass Spear, Pastoral Yew Cane, Pastoral Oak Cane, Glade Cupboard, Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood), Glade Cartonnier, Oasis Cupboard, Glade Thatch Chimney, Glade Sideboard, Cask Rack, Wolf Cane, Brass Daggers, Brass Head Knife, Brass Bastard Sword, Brass Knuckles, Brass Knives, Brass Viking Sword, Inferno Axe, Brass Hatchet, Iron Ornamental Hammer, Iron Chocobotail Saw, Mythril-barreled Carbine, Mythril Hatchet, Cobalt Hatchet, Cobalt Claws, Wolf Claws, Brass Alembic, Decorated Bronze Barbut, Decorated Bronze Mitt Gauntlets, Reinforced Iron Sallet, Heavy Iron Armor, Conical Alembic, Steel Celata, Steel Cuirass, Steel Gauntlets, Steel Sabatons, Heavy Steel Armor, Cobalt-plated Caligae, Brass Bench, Riviera Placard, Riviera Hanging Placard, Brass Cudgel, Brass Spectacles, Brass Rings, Brass Gorget, Fang Earrings, Brass Wristlets, Brass Wristlets of Crafting, Brass Earrings, Brass Circlet (Sunstone), Brass Circlet (Danburite), Brass Circlet (Fluorite), Brass Circlet (Malachite), Brass Circlet (Sphene), Brass Circlet (Lapis Lazuli), Decorated Copper Scepter, Brass Ring, Brass Ring of Crafting, Crow Fly, Brass Choker, Brass Ear Cuffs, Brass Needle, Floating Minnow, Brass Spoon Lure, Ice Brand, Silver Star Globe, Brass Pricket, Oasis Partition, Oasis Cottage Roof (Stone), Oasis Cottage Roof (Composite), Oasis Placard, Weighing Scale, Ahriman Flower Vase, Ahriman Chronometer, Ahriman Vase, Gemscope, Table Chronometer, Wall Chronometer, Glade Wall Chronometer, Star Chandelier, Hard Leather Shepherd's Belt, Boarskin Pot Helm, Miner's Shirt, Cotton Shepherd's Tunic, Initiate's Doublet Vest, Cotton Doublet Vest of Crafting, Cotton Doublet Vest of Gathering, Vintage Doublet Vest, Woolen Cavalier's Hat, Oasis Flower Vase, Oasis Interior Wall, Potted Spider Plant
Brass Plate Brass plate icon1.png
Brass Rings Brass rings icon1.png Level 15 Goldsmith
Brass Wristlets, Brass Wristlets of Crafting, Electrum Monocle, Weighing Scale
Brass Rivets Brass rivets icon1.png
Bronze Ingot Bronze ingot icon1.png Level 1 Blacksmith
Level 1 Armorer
Engerrand, Ferreol, O'rhoyod, Osgyth, Aistan, Fridurih, Gigima Amateur's Grinding Wheel, Bronze Spear, Maple Fishing Rod, Round Shield, Ragstone Grinding Wheel, Amateur's Fishing Rod, Brass Spear, Glade Round Table, Oriental Altar, Order of Nald'thal Lectern, Bronze Hatchet, Bronze Bastard Sword, Amateur's File, Bronze Rivets, Bronze War Axe, Amateur's Pliers, Bronze Saw, Amateur's Awl, Bronze Daggers, Amateur's Claw Hammer, Bronze Cross-pein Hammer, Bronze Doming Hammer, Amateur's Mortar, Amateur's Culinary Knife, Viking Sword, Bronze Labrys, Bronze Chaser Hammer, Bronze Knives, Bronze Head Knife, Bronze Pickaxe, Cloud Axe, Bronze Claw Hammer, Bronze Baselards, Amateur's Cross-pein Hammer, Bronze File, Bronze Pliers, Amateur's Chaser Hammer, Bronze Mortar, Amateur's Doming Hammer, Amateur's Head Knife, Bronze Awl, Amateur's Pickaxe, Bronze Scythe, Amateur's Saw, Bronze Culinary Knife, Bronze Sledgehammer, Amateur's Hatchet, Bronze Spatha, Bronze Knuckles, Spiked Bronze Labrys, Brass Daggers, Birdsbeak Hammer, Bronze Raising Hammer, Brass Knives, Mythril Claymore, Bronze Rings, Bronze Rivets, Bronze Plate, Bronze Sallet, Bronze Buckler, Ironclad Bronze Buckler, Mythril-plated Caligae, Bronze Scepter, Brass Cudgel, Llymlaen's Embrace, Merchant's Purse, Leather Shepherd's Belt, Leather Belt, Leather Crakows, Leather Ringbands, Leather Himantes, Hard Leather Merchant's Pouch, Amateur's Headgear, Leather Survival Belt, Hard Leather Harness, Hard Leather Armguards, Hard Leather Crakows, Goatskin Cesti, Hempen Bracers, Riviera Bed
Bronze Plate Bronze plate icon1.png Level 3 Armorer
Smydhaemr, Amalj'aa Vendor Bronze Raising Hammer, Bronze Alembic, Bronze Skillet, Bronze Hoplon, Bronze Sollerets, Bronze Sallet, Bronze Chain Coif, Amateur's Alembic, Bronze Mitt Gauntlets, Bronze Scutum, Bronze Barbut, Amateur's Skillet, Bronze Plate Belt, Bronze Celata, Bronze Cuirass, Bronze Sabatons, Bronze Gauntlets, Bronze Buckler, Vintage Hoplon, Vintage Celata, Riviera Lantern, Brass Bench
Bronze Rings Bronze rings icon1.png Level 2 Armorer
Bronze Haubergeon, Bronze Sollerets, Bronze Chain Coif, Bronze Celata, Bronze Cuirass, Bronze Sabatons, Iron Sabatons
Bronze Rivets Bronze rivets icon1.png Level 3 Blacksmith
Level 2 Armorer
Engerrand, Ferreol, O'rhoyod, Osgyth, Amalj'aa Vendor, Fridurih, Gigima Amateur's Spinning Wheel, Square Maple Shield, Round Shield, Ash Spinning Wheel, Square Ash Shield, Initiate's Spinning Wheel, Vintage Square Shield, Crofter's Wain, Amateur's Pliers, Bronze Saw, Bronze Chaser Hammer, Bronze Pliers, Amateur's Chaser Hammer, Amateur's Saw, Bronze Ornamental Hammer, Chocobotail Saw, Bronze Alembic, Bronze Sallet, Amateur's Alembic, Bronze Mitt Gauntlets, Bronze Scutum, Bronze Barbut, Brass Alembic, Decorated Bronze Mitt Gauntlets, Initiate's Alembic, Fingerless Leather Gloves, Hard Leather Pot Helm, Amateur's Headgear, Leather Targe, Hard Leather Armguards, Hard Leather Caligae, Hempen Trousers, Cotton Trousers, Low Barrel Planter
Calibrated Rose Gold Cog Calibrated rose gold cog icon1.png Level 50 Goldsmith
Chigusa Ingot Chigusa ingot icon1.png Level 70★★★★ Blacksmith
Level 70★★★★ Armorer
Rakshasa Blade, Rakshasa Axe, Rakshasa Odachi, Rakshasa Lance, Rakshasa Knuckles, Rakshasa Katana, Rakshasa Daggers, Rakshasa Revolver, Rakshasa Greatshield, Rakshasa Mask of Fending, Rakshasa Mask of Maiming, Rakshasa Kote of Fending, Rakshasa Kote of Maiming, Rakshasa Sune-ate of Fending, Rakshasa Sune-ate of Maiming, Seiryu Barding, Rakshasa Rapier, Rakshasa Earring of Fending, Rakshasa Earring of Slaying, Rakshasa Earring of Aiming, Rakshasa Earring of Casting, Rakshasa Earring of Healing, Rakshasa Kasaya of Fending, Rakshasa Kasaya of Maiming, Rakshasa Haori of Striking, Rakshasa Haori of Scouting, Rakshasa Haori of Aiming, Rakshasa Grimoire, Rakshasa Codex
Chondrite Ingot Chondrite ingot icon1.png Level 88 Blacksmith
Level 88 Armorer
Integral Magitek Spear, Integral Magitek Bow, Integral Spinning Wheel, Integral Fishing Rod, Rarefied Integral Fishing Rod, Chondrite Magitek Sword, Chondrite Magitek Axe, Chondrite Magitek Guillotine, Chondrite Magitek Sawback, Chondrite Magitek War Scythe, Chondrite Magitek Baghnakhs, Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade, Chondrite Magitek Cleavers, Chondrite Magitek Handgonne, Chondrite Magitek Glaives, Gold Mechanical Voice Box, Chondrite Claw Hammer, Chondrite File, Chondrite Pliers, Chondrite Awl, Chondrite Mortar, Chondrite Culinary Knife, Chondrite Sledgehammer, Chondrite Garden Scythe, Rarefied Chondrite Culinary Knife, Chondrite Saw, Chondrite Cross-pein Hammer, Chondrite Raising Hammer, Chondrite Lapidary Hammer, Chondrite Round Knife, Chondrite Pickaxe, Chondrite Hatchet, Rarefied Chondrite Lapidary Hammer, Chondrite Gauntlets of Fending, Chondrite Gloves of Maiming, Chondrite Gloves of Striking, Chondrite Gloves of Scouting, Chondrite Gloves of Aiming, Chondrite Gloves of Casting, Chondrite Gloves of Healing, Gold Mechanical Voice Box, Chondrite Magitek Shield, Chondrite Top of Fending, Chondrite Top of Maiming, Chondrite Sollerets of Fending, Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting, Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets, Chondrite Alembic, Chondrite Bomb Frypan, Rarefied Chondrite Alembic, Chondrite Magitek Tuck, Chondrite Magitek Planisphere, Chondrite Magitek Wings, Star Quartz Earrings of Fending, Star Quartz Earrings of Slaying, Star Quartz Earrings of Aiming, Star Quartz Earrings of Casting, Star Quartz Earrings of Healing, Star Quartz Ring of Fending, Star Quartz Ring of Slaying, Star Quartz Ring of Aiming, Star Quartz Ring of Casting, Star Quartz Ring of Healing, Gold Mechanical Voice Box, Star Quartz Choker of Fending, Star Quartz Choker of Slaying, Star Quartz Choker of Aiming, Star Quartz Choker of Casting, Star Quartz Choker of Healing, Star Quartz Wristband of Fending, Star Quartz Wristband of Slaying, Star Quartz Wristband of Aiming, Star Quartz Wristband of Casting, Star Quartz Wristband of Healing, Rarefied Star Quartz Choker, Chondrite Needle, Rarefied Chondrite Needle, Rarefied Ophiotauroskin Halfgloves, AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Fending, AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Maiming, AR-Caean Velvet Top of Striking
Chromite Ingot Chromite ingot icon1.png Level 70★★ Blacksmith
Level 70★★ Armorer
Chromite Spear, Torreya Longbow, Kitchen Hanger, Chromite Sword, Chromite Axe, Chromite Greatsword, Chromite Knuckles, Chromite Uchigatana, Chromite Daggers, Chromite Arquebus, Ala Mhigan Saw, Ala Mhigan Cross-pein Hammer, Ala Mhigan Raising Hammer, Ala Mhigan Lapidary Hammer, Ala Mhigan Round Knife, Ala Mhigan Pickaxe, Ala Mhigan Hatchet, Private Moai, Bomb Stove, Tier 1 Metal Aquarium, Tier 2 Metal Aquarium, Ala Mhigan Alembic, Ala Mhigan Frypan, Chromite Shield, Chromite Helm of Fending, Chromite Armor of Fending, Chromite Mail of Maiming, Chromite Gauntlets of Fending, Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming, Chromite Sabatons of Fending, Chromite Greaves of Maiming, Shinryu Barding, Tier 3 Metal Aquarium, Tier 4 Metal Aquarium, Palladium Rapier, Ala Mhigan Needle, Palladium Circlet of Maiming, Crimson Coral Object, Washbasin, Byakko Barding, True Griffin Chestpiece of Striking, True Griffin Chestpiece of Scouting, True Griffin Breeches of Fending, True Griffin Breeches of Maiming, True Griffin Breeches of Aiming, True Griffin Boots of Aiming, Shinryu's Wing
Cloud Mythril Ingot Cloud mythril ingot icon1.png Level 60★★★ Blacksmith
Level 60★★★ Armorer
Level 60★★★ Goldsmith
Sky Rat Mask of Striking, Sky Rat Mask of Scouting, Sky Rat Hook of Fending, Sky Rat Hook of Maiming, Sky Rat Hook of Scouting, Sky Rat Hook of Healing, Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Striking, Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Aiming, Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Casting, Sky Rat Mask of Fending, Sky Rat Mask of Maiming, Sky Rat Mask of Aiming, Sky Rat Mask of Casting, Sky Rat Mask of Healing, Sky Rat Harness of Fending, Sky Rat Harness of Maiming, Sky Rat Harness of Scouting, Sky Rat Harness of Healing, Sky Rat Hookboots of Fending, Sky Rat Hookboots of Maiming, Sky Rat Hookboots of Scouting, Sky Rat Hookboots of Healing
Cobalt Alloy Ingot Cobalt alloy ingot icon1.png Level 80★★★ Blacksmith
Level 80★★★ Armorer
Neo-Ishgardian Sword, Neo-Ishgardian Labrys, Neo-Ishgardian Greatsword, Neo-Ishgardian Manatrigger, Neo-Ishgardian Trident, Neo-Ishgardian Claws, Neo-Ishgardian Blade, Neo-Ishgardian Daggers, Neo-Ishgardian Revolver, Neo-Ishgardian Chakrams, Neo-Ishgardian Shield, Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Top of Maiming, Neo-Ishgardian Gauntlets of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Maiming, Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Striking, Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Scouting, Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Aiming, Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Casting, Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Healing, Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Maiming, Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Scouting, Neo-Ishgardian Rod, Neo-Ishgardian Foil, Neo-Ishgardian Planisphere, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Slaying, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Aiming, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Casting, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Healing, Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Maiming, Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Casting
Cobalt Ingot Cobalt ingot icon1.png Level 42 Blacksmith
Level 42 Armorer
Cobalt Halberd, Cobalt Cavalry Bow, Eagle-crested Round Shield, Cobalt Trident, Basilisk Grinding Wheel, Hart Guisarme, Lattice Planter, Riviera Wall Shelf, Corner Counter, Deluxe Manor Fireplace, Glade Roundpole Fence, Glade Open-shelf Bookcase, Large Wall Chronometer, Manor Harpsichord, Manor Cello, Woodworking Bench, Clothcraft Loom, Wolf Guisarme, Beak of the Vortex, Cobalt Katzbalger, Cobalt Knuckles, Cobalt Cross-pein Hammer, Cobalt Rivets, Cobalt Shamshir, Buccaneer's Bardiche, Cobalt Doming Hammer, Cobalt Dolabra, Cobalt Hatchet, Cobalt Nails, Cobalt Claw Hammer, Cobalt Pliers, Cobalt Awl, Cobalt Culinary Knife, Cobalt Sledgehammer, Demilune Bhuj, Cobalt Claymore, Cobalt-barreled Carbine, Cobalt File, Cobalt Mortar, Cobalt Scythe, Bas-relief Cobalt Saw, Electrum Head Knife, Cobalt Raising Hammer, Electrum Lapidary Hammer, Cobalt Zweihander, Cobalt-barreled Musketoon, Egret Dolabra, Cobalt Winglet, Cobalt Claws, Spiked Cobalt Labrys, Cobalt Baselards, Horned Hatchet, Mythrite Patas, Mythrite Pugiones, Mythrite Jamadhars, Mythrite Stilettos, Oasis Floor Lamp, Stone Vigil Beacon, Riviera Bench, Riviera Floor Lamp, Oasis Counter, Nymian Wall Lantern, Riviera Chandelier, Mahogany Screen, Wall Lantern, Chocobo Weathervane, Riviera Fence, Shower Stand, Carbuncle Garden Bench, Smithing Bench, Wolf Winglet, Wolf Labrys, Wolf Zweihander, Wolf Musketoon, Inferno Blade, Inferno Battleaxe, Scream of the Vortex, Malignant Moggle Mogaxe, Melancholy Moggle Mogfork, Inferno Kris, Inferno Faussar, Pain of the Vortex, Artisan's Mortar, Cobalt Plate, Cobalt Rings, Cobalt Rivets, Cobalt Joint Plate, Tortoiseshell Scale Mail, Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers, Cobalt-plated Jackboots, Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves, Cobalt Barbut, Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield, Cobalt Sallet, Militia Barbut, Glade Rounded Chimney, Riviera Bookshelf, Wolf Sallet, Electrum Scepter, Snurble Fly, Topwater Frog, Electrum Star Globe, Rainbow Spoon Lure, Spinnerbait, Cobalt Planisphere, Streamer, Yumizuno, Minstrel's Spectacles, Table Chronometer, Riviera Table Chronometer, Wall Chronometer, Oasis Ornate Fence, Personal Astroscope, Wolf Planisphere, Raptorskin Harness, Raptorskin Smithy's Gloves, Raptorskin Artisan's Belt, Peisteskin Belt, Raptorskin Subligar, Raptorskin Armguards, Raptorskin Voyager's Belt, Carbuncle Armchair, Wolf Armguards, Wolf Ringbands, Wolf Whipping Belt, Murderous Moggle Mogfists, Woolen Doublet, Felt Gown, Oasis Awning, Tonberry Round Table, Tonberry Dining Table, Book of Electrum, Embossed Book of Electrum, Wolf Grimoire of Casting, Wolf Grimoire of Healing, Tremor Shield
Cobalt Joint Plate Cobalt joint plate icon1.png Level 44 Armorer
Riviera Mansion Roof (Composite), Riviera Mansion Roof (Stone), Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood), Riviera Mansion Wall (Wood), Glade Mansion Wall (Wood), Oasis Mansion Wall (Wood), Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite), Glade Mansion Roof (Wood), Glade Mansion Roof (Stone), Riviera Mansion Roof (Wood), Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)
Cobalt Nails Cobalt nails icon1.png Level 44 Blacksmith
Riviera Mansion Roof (Composite), Riviera Mansion Roof (Stone), Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood), Riviera Mansion Wall (Wood), Glade Mansion Wall (Wood), Oasis Mansion Wall (Wood), Woodworking Bench, Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite), Glade Mansion Roof (Wood), Glade Mansion Roof (Stone), Riviera Mansion Roof (Wood), Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)
Cobalt Plate Cobalt plate icon1.png Level 43 Armorer
Corner Counter, Cobalt Raising Hammer, Egret Dolabra, Cobalt Claws, Cannonballs, Bertha Cannon, Wolf Claws, Cobalt Skillet, Cobalt Scutum, Cobalt Vambraces, Cobalt Elmo, Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers, Cobalt-plated Jackboots, Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves, Cobalt Barbut, Cobalt-plated Caligae, Hells' Kitchen, Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets, Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield, Cobalt Sallet, Cobalt Mesail, Thermal Alembic, Kite Shield, Cobalt Celata, Cobalt Chain Coif, Cobalt Cuirass, Cobalt Gauntlets, Cobalt Plate Belt, Cobalt Sabatons, Cobalt Sollerets, Militia Barbut, Militia Mitt Gauntlets, Armorer's Visor, Glade Rounded Chimney, Moogle Letter Box, Metal Interior Wall, Metal Flooring, Riviera Desk, Riviera Bookshelf, Company Chest, Manor Fireplace, Oasis Chandelier, Projection Module, Purification Module, Wolf Kite Shield, Wolf Celata, Wolf Elmo, Wolf Cuirass, Wolf Gauntlets, Wolf Scale Fingers, Wolf Plate Belt, Wolf Sabatons, Wolf Scale Greaves, Cobalt Preserves, Gargoyle Sculpture, Regal Letter Box
Cobalt Rings Cobalt rings icon1.png Level 43 Armorer
Nymian Wall Lantern, High Mythril Flanchard, Cobalt Chain Coif, Cobalt Haubergeon, Cobalt Gauntlets, Cobalt Sabatons, Cobalt Sollerets, Militia Armet, Militia Cuirass, Militia Gauntlets, Militia Sabatons, Wolf Gauntlets, Wolf Sabatons
Cobalt Rivets Cobalt rivets icon1.png Level 43 Blacksmith
Level 44 Armorer
Rosewood Spinning Wheel, Eagle-crested Round Shield, Militia Spinning Wheel, Riviera Wall Shelf, Manor Timpani, Artisan's Spinning Wheel, Cobalt Doming Hammer, Cobalt Pliers, Bas-relief Cobalt Saw, Cobalt Raising Hammer, Electrum Lapidary Hammer, Knight Captain's Desk, Chocobo Weathervane, Riviera Fence, Cobalt Scutum, Cobalt Elmo, Cobalt Barbut, Cobalt-plated Caligae, Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets, Cobalt Sallet, Cobalt Mesail, Thermal Alembic, Kite Shield, Militia Barbut, Militia Mitt Gauntlets, Glade Rounded Chimney, Riviera Desk, Wolf Kite Shield, Wolf Elmo, Wolf Sallet, Table Chronometer, Riviera Table Chronometer, Wall Chronometer, Glade Wall Chronometer, Carbuncle Chronometer, Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves, Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves of Gathering, Raptorskin Pot Helm, Raptorskin Armguards, Oxblood Targe, Gryphonskin Belt, Glade Armchair, Glade Couch, Wolf Armguards, Padded Woolen Trousers, Felt Trousers, Wolf Trousers
Cobalt Tungsten Ingot Cobalt tungsten ingot icon1.png Level 94 Blacksmith Dark Mahogany Cane, Dark Mahogany Rod, Acacia Longbow, Dark Mahogany Fishing Rod, Acacia Fishing Rod, Acacia Spinning Wheel, Cobalt Tungsten Scimitar, Cobalt Tungsten Knuckles, Cobalt Tungsten Axe, Cobalt Tungsten Khukuri, Cobalt Tungsten Guillotine, Cobalt Tungsten Handgonne, Cobalt Tungsten Blade, Cobalt Tungsten Sawback, Cobalt Tungsten Glaives, Cobalt Tungsten War Scythe, Cobalt Tungsten Diamondbacks, Titanium Gold Falchion, Titanium Gold Claws, Titanium Gold Knives, Titanium Gold Greatsword, Titanium Gold Pistol, Titanium Gold Blade, Titanium Gold Gunblade, Titanium Gold War Quoits, Titanium Gold Sickle, Titanium Gold Saberfangs, Cobalt Tungsten Saw, Cobalt Tungsten Cross-pein Hammer, Cobalt Tungsten Raising Hammer, Cobalt Tungsten Lapidary Hammer, Cobalt Tungsten Creasing Knife, Cobalt Tungsten Pickaxe, Cobalt Tungsten Hatchet, Cobalt Tungsten Claw Hammer, Cobalt Tungsten File, Cobalt Tungsten Pliers, Cobalt Tungsten Awl, Cobalt Tungsten Mortar, Cobalt Tungsten Culinary Knife, Cobalt Tungsten Maul, Cobalt Tungsten Garden Scythe, Titanium Gold Cross-pein Hammer, Titanium Gold Lapidary Hammer, Titanium Gold Creasing Knife, Titanium Gold Pickaxe, Titanium Gold Hatchet, Titanium Gold Claw Hammer, Titanium Gold Pliers, Titanium Gold Mortar, Titanium Gold Garden Scythe, Lightweight Lantern, Rarefied Cobalt Tungsten Scimitars, Cobalt Tungsten Kite Shield, Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Fending, Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Maiming, Titanium Gold Shield, Titanium Gold Helm of Fending, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Fending, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Maiming, Titanium Gold Helm of Striking, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Striking, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Scouting, Titanium Gold Helm of Casting, Cobalt Tungsten Alembic, Cobalt Tungsten Chocobo Frypan, Titanium Gold Bomb Frypan, Lightweight Lantern, Rarefied Cobalt Tungsten Chocobo Frypan, Cobalt Tungsten Planisphere, Cobalt Tungsten Tuck, Cobalt Tungsten Pendulums, Pink Beryl Halfgloves of Healing, Pink Beryl Halfgloves of Casting, Pink Beryl Earrings of Fending, Pink Beryl Earrings of Slaying, Pink Beryl Earrings of Aiming, Pink Beryl Earrings of Healing, Pink Beryl Earrings of Casting, White Gold Astrometer, White Gold Syrinxi, White Gold Mask of Aiming, White Gold Visor of Healing, Cobalt Tungsten Needle, Lightweight Lantern, Rarefied Cobalt Tungsten Tuck, Gomphotherium Trousers of Fending, Gomphotherium Trousers of Maiming, Gomphotherium Thorned Harness of Striking, Gomphotherium Brais of Striking, Gomphotherium Thornvest of Aiming, Gomphotherium Brais of Aiming, Gomphotherium Trousers of Scouting, Gomphotherium Thornvest of Healing, Gomphotherium Brais of Healing, Gomphotherium Thornvest of Casting, Gomphotherium Brais of Casting, Rarefied Gomphotherium Brais, Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Aiming, Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Healing, Rroneek Serge Halfgloves of Casting
Copper Dust Copper dust icon1.png
Copper Ingot Copper ingot icon1.png Level 1 Goldsmith
Engerrand, Soemrwyb, O'rhoyod, Osgyth, Fridurih, Gigima Glade Drawer Table, Amateur's Alembic, Bronze Barbut, Decorated Bronze Barbut, Copper Rings, Copper Gorget, Copper Wristlets, Copper Earrings, Copper Ring, Copper Needle, Copper Choker, Copper Scepter, Copper Ear Cuffs, Ahriman Flower Vase, Ahriman Chronometer, Hard Leather Satchel Belt, Hard Leather Hunting Belt, Hempen Shepherd's Tunic, Hempen Kecks, Amateur's Doublet Vest, Hempen Bottoms, Hempen Doublet Vest of Crafting, Hempen Doublet Vest of Gathering
Copper Plate Copper plate icon1.png
Copper Rings Copper rings icon1.png Level 4 Goldsmith
Copper Wristlets, Bone Necklace
Copper Rivets Copper rivets icon1.png
Darksteel Hook Darksteel hook icon1.png Level 50 Blacksmith
Balanced Darksteel Hook
Darksteel Ingot Darksteel ingot icon1.png Level 50 Blacksmith
Level 50 Armorer
Open Hearth, Glade Path Light, Mailbreaker Blade, Avenger Grips, Rampager Head, Obelisk Head, Misericorde Blades, Subduer, Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss, Seating Module, Plasma Lamp, Artisan's File, Artisan's Pliers, Darksteel Breastplate, Darksteel Gauntlet Plates, Darksteel Couters, Darksteel Scutum, Darksteel Buckler, Darksteel Chain Coif, Darksteel Haubergeon, Light Steel Galerus, Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets, Darksteel Tassets, Light Steel Subligar, Darksteel Sollerets, Diagnostics Module, Miniature Magitek Reaper, Coeurl Eyeglasses, Savage Arc of Triumph, Ice Chandelier, Gryphonskin Eyepatch, Gallant Armor Augmentation, Temple Attire Augmentation, Fighter's Armor Augmentation, Drachen Armor Augmentation, Ninja Garb Augmentation
Darksteel Nugget Darksteel nugget icon1.png Level 50 Blacksmith
Level 50 Armorer
Militia Grinding Wheel, Sarnga Limb, Sarnga, Spruce Round Shield, Chocobo Pillar, Riviera Open-shelf Bookcase, Carbuncle Garden Table, Goldsmithing Bench, Leatherworking Bench, Darksteel Rivets, Aeolian Scimitar, Barbarian's Bardiche, Militia Claw Hammer, Militia File, Militia Pliers, Militia Awl, Militia Mortar, Militia Culinary Knife, Militia Sledgehammer, Militia Scythe, Darksteel Ingot, Rampager Head, Obelisk Head, Mailbreaker, Avengers, Obelisk, Misericordes, Subduer, Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss, Mythrite Katzbalger, Mythrite War Axe, Mythrite-barreled Arquebus, Titanium-barreled Arquebus, Titanium Ball-pein Hammer, Titanium Greatsword, Dark Divinity Falleth, Tonberry Chandelier, Bertha Cannon, Tonberry Wall Lantern, Seating Module, Wavesoul Fount, Riviera Path Light, Carbuncle Garden Bench, Tidal Wavesoul Fount, Smithing Bench, Cooking Stove, Wolf Winglet, Wolf Claws, Wolf Labrys, Wolf Pugiones, Wolf Zweihander, Wolf Musketoon, Darksteel Hook, Wind-up Dullahan, Darksteel Plate, Darksteel Rings, Darksteel Rivets, Hamlet Digger's Helmet, Blacksmith's Workboots, Darksteel Ingot, Darksteel Buckler, Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets, Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield, Titanium Kite Shield, Titanium Mask of Maiming, Titanium Headgear of Striking, Titanium Headgear of Scouting, Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending, Adamantite Sabatons of Fending, Titanium Armor of Fending, Wolf Scale Mail, Wolf Scale Fingers, Wolf Scale Greaves, Darksteel Wire, Wootz Mask, Wootz Mail, Shaded Spectacles, Sanguine Scepter, Blacksmith's Goggles, Alchemist's Monocle, Rose Gold Clasps, Astrolabe, The Evening Star, Mythrite Star Globe, Obsidian Longpole, Riviera Bathtub, Amdapori Wall Lantern, Personal Astroscope, Cragsoul Lamp, Inferno Wall Lamp, Titanic Cragsoul Lamp, Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp, Wildling's Cesti, Militia Harness, Militia Ringbands, Militia Belt, Blacksmith's Apron, Blacksmith's Gloves, Armorer's Workboots, Miner's Workboots, Gryphonskin Voyager's Belt, Gryphonskin Belt, Gryphonskin Wristbands, Wyvernskin Jerkin, Behemoth Wall Trophy, Dodore Survival Belt, Saurian Belt of Healing, Kirimu Breeches of Maiming, Culinarian's Apron, Blacksmith's Slops, Vanya Trousers, Tonberry Floor Lamp, Double Feather Bed, Alkalurops, Deus Ex Verbis, Deus Ex Gratia, Potted Dragon Tree, Stuffed Mazlaya Marlin
Darksteel Plate Darksteel plate icon1.png Level 50 Armorer
Rampager, Militia Armet, Militia Barbut, Militia Cuirass, Militia Gauntlets, Militia Mitt Gauntlets, Militia Sabatons, Armorer's Visor, Darksteel Scutum, Darksteel Buckler, Darksteel Chain Coif, Heavy Darksteel Armor, Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets, Darksteel Mitt Gauntlets, Darksteel Tassets, Heavy Darksteel Flanchard, Darksteel Sollerets, Tidal Barding, Manor Marching Horn, Alchemy Furnace, Purification Module, Wolf Kite Shield, Wolf Celata, Wolf Elmo, Wolf Sallet, Wolf Cuirass, Wolf Gauntlets, Wolf Plate Belt, Wolf Tassets, Wolf Sabatons, Heavy Wolfram Helm, Heavy Wolfram Cuirass, Wolfram Cuirass, Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets, Wolfram Gauntlets, Heavy Wolfram Plate Belt, Wolfram Tassets, Heavy Wolfram Sabatons, Wolfram Sabatons, Rose Gold Ear Screws, Rose Gold Earrings
Darksteel Rings Darksteel rings icon1.png Level 50 Armorer
Darksteel Chain Coif, Darksteel Haubergeon, Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets, Heavy Darksteel Flanchard, Darksteel Sollerets, Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming, Mythrite Hauberk of Fending, Heavy Wolfram Helm, Heavy Wolfram Cuirass, Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets, Heavy Wolfram Cuisses, Heavy Wolfram Sabatons, Wootz Sallet, Wootz Cuirass, Saurian Tabard of Aiming, Kirimu Breeches of Fending
Darksteel Rivets Darksteel rivets icon1.png Level 50 Blacksmith
Level 50 Armorer
Spruce Round Shield, Riviera Open-shelf Bookcase, Glade Path Light, Militia Pliers, Darksteel Breastplate, Darksteel Gauntlet Plates, Darksteel Couters, Darksteel Scutum, Darksteel Buckler, Darksteel Chain Coif, Alchemy Furnace, Militia Caligae, Dodore Belt, Saurian Belt of Striking, Militia Trousers, Stuffed Takitaro
Darksteel Wire Darksteel wire icon1.png Level 50 Armorer
Reinforced Darksteel Wire
Deepgold Ingot Deepgold ingot icon1.png Level 72 Blacksmith
Level 72 Armorer
Applewood Spear, Applewood Longbow, Dwarven Lignum Lance, Dwarven Lignum Bow, Deepgold Sword, Deepgold Axe, Deepgold Greatsword, Deepgold Uchigatana, Deepgold Daggers, Deepgold Bayonet, Deepgold Knuckles, Deepgold Arquebus, Deepgold Chakrams, Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock, Dwarven Mythril Hammer, Dwarven Mythril Guillotine, Dwarven Mythril Knuckles, Dwarven Mythril Rotaries, Blades of Innocence, Metal Worm Jar, Deepgold Wings of Fending, Deepgold Gloves of Fending, Deepgold Gauntlets of Maiming, Deepgold Tassets of Fending, Deepgold Tassets of Maiming, Deepgold Tassets of Striking, Deepgold Tassets of Scouting, Deepgold Tassets of Aiming, Deepgold Tassets of Casting, Deepgold Tassets of Healing, Deepgold Sollerets of Maiming, Deepgold Shield, Deepgold Mail of Fending, Deepgold Surcoat of Maiming, Metal Worm Jar, Stonegold Rapier, Crystarium Chandelier, Metal Worm Jar, Iridescent Hood of Maiming, Gliderskin Grimoire, Gliderskin Codex
Deepgold Nugget Deepgold nugget icon1.png Level 71 Blacksmith
Level 71 Armorer
White Oak Partisan, White Oak Grinding Wheel, White Oak Spinning Wheel, White Oak Fishing Rod, Deepgold Anelace, Deepgold Battleaxe, Deepgold Claymore, Deepgold Gunblade, Deepgold Katars, Deepgold Blade, Deepgold Cinquedeas, Deepgold Revolver, Deepgold War Quoits, Deepgold Saw, Deepgold Claw Hammer, Deepgold Cross-pein Hammer, Deepgold File, Deepgold Raising Hammer, Deepgold Pliers, Deepgold Lapidary Hammer, Deepgold Head Knife, Deepgold Awl, Deepgold Mortar, Deepgold Culinary Knife, Deepgold Pickaxe, Deepgold Sledgehammer, Deepgold Hatchet, Deepgold Scythe, Deepgold Alembic, Deepgold Rail Frypan, Deepgold Kite Shield, Deepgold Helm of Fending, Deepgold Mask of Scouting, Deepgold Cuirass of Fending, Deepgold Gauntlets of Fending, Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending, Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming, Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking, Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting, Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming, Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting, Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing, Deepgold Sollerets of Fending, Stonegold Degen, Stonegold Astrometer, Crystarium Chandelier
Duraluminum Ingot Duraluminum ingot icon1.png Level 80★★★★ Blacksmith
Level 80★★★★ Armorer
Exarchic Sword, Exarchic Axe, Exarchic Guillotine, Exarchic Gunblade, Exarchic Baghnakhs, Exarchic Blade, Exarchic Daggers, Exarchic Longbow, Exarchic Handgonne, Exarchic Glaives, Exarchic Tower Shield, Exarchic Circlet of Fending, Exarchic Circlet of Maiming, Exarchic Coat of Fending, Exarchic Mail of Maiming, Exarchic Gauntlets of Fending, Exarchic Gauntlets of Maiming, Exarchic Plate Belt of Fending, Exarchic Plate Belt of Maiming, Exarchic Plate Belt of Casting, Exarchic Plate Belt of Healing, Exarchic Sabatons of Fending, Exarchic Sabatons of Maiming, Exarchic Rod, Exarchic Rapier, Exarchic Star Globe, Exarchic Hose of Casting, Exarchic Hose of Healing, Exarchic Hood of Striking, Exarchic Hood of Scouting, Exarchic Hood of Aiming, Exarchic Top of Striking, Exarchic Top of Scouting, Exarchic Top of Aiming
Durium Ingot Durium ingot icon1.png Level 66 Goldsmith Persimmon Cane, Persimmon Bow, Polished Slate Grinding Wheel, Doman Steel Longsword, Durium Lapidary Hammer, Doman Steel Greatsword, Doman Steel Main Gauches, Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon, Molybdenum Uchigatana, Doman Steel Alembic, Molybdenum Plate Belt of Fending, Molybdenum Plate Belt of Maiming, Molybdenum Tassets of Fending, Molybdenum Tassets of Maiming, Gazelle Horn Needle, Azurite Bracelet of Fending, Azurite Bracelet of Slaying, Azurite Bracelet of Aiming, Azurite Bracelet of Healing, Azurite Bracelet of Casting, Azurite Ring of Fending, Azurite Ring of Slaying, Azurite Ring of Aiming, Azurite Ring of Healing, Azurite Ring of Casting, Dual-plated Durium Planisphere, Durium Rod, Durium Foil, Azurite Earrings of Fending, Azurite Earrings of Slaying, Azurite Earrings of Aiming, Azurite Earrings of Healing, Azurite Earrings of Casting, Azurite Choker of Fending, Azurite Choker of Slaying, Azurite Choker of Aiming, Azurite Choker of Healing, Azurite Choker of Casting, Marid Leather Boots of Casting, Marid Leather Boots of Healing, Marid Leather Bolero of Crafting, Marid Leather Bolero of Gathering, Marid Leather Gloves of Crafting, Marid Leather Gloves of Gathering, Marid Leather Babouches of Crafting, Marid Leather Babouches of Gathering, Marid Leather Earrings, Marid Leather Choker, Marid Leather Wristband, Marid Leather Ring, Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing, Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Striking, Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Aiming, Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Scouting, Gazelleskin Coat of Healing, Gazelleskin Armguards of Casting, Serge Apron, Serge Turban of Crafting, Serge Turban of Gathering, Serge Sarouels of Crafting, Serge Sarouels of Gathering, Twinsilk Hood of Casting, Twinsilk Hood of Healing, Gazelleskin Coat of Casting, Twinsilk Slops of Casting, Twinsilk Slops of Healing
Durium Nugget Durium nugget icon1.png Level 64 Goldsmith Doman Iron Lance, Pine Composite Bow, Pine Fishing Rod, Persimmon Cane, Zelkova Cane, Oriental Dressing Case, Doman Iron Longsword, Doman Iron War Axe, Doman Iron Claws, Doman Iron Halfheart Saw, Doman Iron Lump Hammer, Durium Texture Hammer, Doman Iron Greatsword, Doman Iron Daggers, Doman Iron Culverin, Doman Steel Tachi, Molybdenum Longsword, Molybdenum Longblade, Molybdenum Knuckles, Molybdenum Daggers, Molybdenum Halfheart Saw, Molybdenum Creasing Knife, Doman Iron Alembic, Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming, Doman Steel Greaves of Striking, Doman Steel Shield, Doman Steel Armet of Maiming, Doman Steel Tabard of Fending, Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming, Star Spinel Bracelet of Fending, Star Spinel Bracelet of Slaying, Star Spinel Bracelet of Aiming, Star Spinel Bracelet of Healing, Star Spinel Bracelet of Casting, Star Spinel Ring of Fending, Star Spinel Ring of Slaying, Star Spinel Ring of Aiming, Star Spinel Ring of Healing, Star Spinel Ring of Casting, Durium Astrometer, Durium Staff, Durium Smallsword, Dzo Horn Needle, Durium Hairpin of Fending, Durium Hairpin of Maiming, Durium Chaplets, Star Spinel Earrings of Fending, Star Spinel Earrings of Slaying, Star Spinel Earrings of Aiming, Star Spinel Earrings of Healing, Star Spinel Earrings of Casting, Star Spinel Choker of Fending, Star Spinel Choker of Slaying, Star Spinel Choker of Aiming, Star Spinel Choker of Healing, Star Spinel Choker of Casting, Durium Ingot, Dual-plated Durium Planisphere, Durium Rod, Palladium Planisphere, Palladium Rod, Palladium Needle, Star Spinel Tricorne of Striking, Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming, Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting, Tigerskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering, Marid Leather Hood of Striking, Marid Leather Hood of Scouting, Marid Leather Gloves of Casting, Marid Leather Gloves of Healing, Marid Leather Corset of Aiming, Marid Leather Corset of Casting, Marid Leather Corset of Healing, Marid Leather Coat of Striking, Marid Leather Coat of Scouting, Kudzu Hat of Casting, Kudzu Hat of Healing, Kudzu Longkilt of Fending, Kudzu Longkilt of Maiming, Kudzu Longkilt of Casting, Kudzu Longkilt of Healing, Kudzu Cap of Crafting, Kudzu Robe of Casting, Kudzu Robe of Healing, Kudzu Robe of Crafting, Kudzu Coat of Gathering, Serge Gambison of Casting, Serge Gambison of Healing, Serge Hose of Casting, Serge Hose of Healing, Tigerskin Codex, Tigerskin Grimoire, Marid Leather Codex, Marid Leather Grimoire, Gazelleskin Codex, Gazelleskin Grimoire
Dwarven Mythril Ingot Dwarven mythril ingot icon1.png Level 78 Blacksmith
Level 78 Armorer
Dwarven Lignum Lance, Dwarven Lignum Bow, Dwarven Lignum Pole, Dwarven Lignum Cane, Lignum Vitae Grinding Wheel, Lignum Vitae Fishing Rod, Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock, Dwarven Mythril Hammer, Dwarven Mythril Guillotine, Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger, Dwarven Mythril Knuckles, Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana, Dwarven Mythril Rotaries, Dwarven Mythril Pistol, Dwarven Mythril Glaives, Dwarven Mythril Planisphere, Dwarven Mythril Claw Hammer, Dwarven Mythril File, Dwarven Mythril Pliers, Dwarven Mythril Awl, Dwarven Mythril Mortar, Dwarven Mythril Culinary Knife, Dwarven Mythril Sledgehammer, Dwarven Mythril Scythe, Dwarven Mythril Saw, Dwarven Mythril Cross-pein Hammer, Dwarven Mythril Raising Hammer, Dwarven Mythril Lapidary Hammer, Dwarven Mythril Round Knife, Dwarven Mythril Pickaxe, Dwarven Mythril Hatchet, Blades of Innocence, Dwarven Mythril Helm of Fending, Dwarven Mythril Helm of Maiming, Dwarven Mythril Helm of Striking, Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Fending, Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Maiming, Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Striking, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Fending, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Maiming, Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Fending, Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Maiming, Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Scouting, Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Aiming, Dwarven Mythril Shield, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Striking, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Scouting, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Aiming, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Casting, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Healing, Dwarven Mythril Alembic, Dwarven Mythril Frypan, Dwarven Mythril Rapier, Dwarven Mythril Needle, Dwarven Mythril Grimoire, Dwarven Mythril Codex
Dwarven Mythril Nugget Dwarven mythril nugget icon1.png Level 78 Goldsmith Dwarven Lignum Lance, Dwarven Lignum Bow, Dwarven Lignum Pole, Dwarven Lignum Cane, Lignum Vitae Earrings, Lignum Vitae Necklace, Lignum Vitae Bracelet, Lignum Vitae Ring, Lignum Vitae Spinning Wheel, Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock, Dwarven Mythril Hammer, Dwarven Mythril Guillotine, Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger, Dwarven Mythril Knuckles, Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana, Dwarven Mythril Pistol, Dwarven Mythril Glaives, Dwarven Mythril Pliers, Dwarven Mythril Lapidary Hammer, Dwarven Mythril Round Knife, Dwarven Mythril Hatchet, Nullifying Neckpiece, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Fending, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Maiming, Dwarven Mythril Shield, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Striking, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Scouting, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Aiming, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Casting, Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Healing, Dwarven Mythril Alembic, Nullifying Neckpiece, Dwarven Mythril Rapier, Petalite Earrings of Fending, Petalite Earrings of Slaying, Petalite Earrings of Aiming, Petalite Earrings of Casting, Petalite Earrings of Healing, Petalite Ring of Fending, Petalite Ring of Slaying, Petalite Ring of Aiming, Petalite Ring of Casting, Petalite Ring of Healing, Petalite Choker of Fending, Petalite Choker of Slaying, Petalite Choker of Aiming, Petalite Choker of Casting, Petalite Choker of Healing, Petalite Bracelet of Fending, Petalite Bracelet of Slaying, Petalite Bracelet of Aiming, Petalite Bracelet of Casting, Petalite Bracelet of Healing, Dwarven Mythril Needle, Dwarven Mythril Ear Cuffs, Dwarven Mythril Choker, Dwarven Mythril Bracelets, Dwarven Mythril Ring, Titania Shadow Box, Crystarium Mechanical Till, Nullifying Neckpiece, Swallowskin Gloves of Scouting, Swallowskin Gloves of Aiming, Swallowskin Gloves of Casting, Swallowskin Gloves of Healing, Swallowskin Shoes of Casting, Swallowskin Shoes of Healing, Swallowskin Coat, Swallowskin Gloves, Dwarven Cotton Bandana, Dwarven Cotton Breeches
Eikon Iron Ingot Eikon iron ingot icon1.png Level 60 Goldsmith
Camphorwood Armillae of Fending, Camphorwood Armillae of Slaying, Camphorwood Armillae of Aiming, Camphorwood Armillae of Healing, Camphorwood Armillae of Casting, Eikon Iron Earring of Fending, Eikon Iron Earring of Slaying, Eikon Iron Earring of Aiming, Eikon Iron Earring of Healing, Eikon Iron Earring of Casting, Eikon Iron Ring of Fending, Eikon Iron Ring of Slaying, Eikon Iron Ring of Aiming, Eikon Iron Ring of Healing, Eikon Iron Ring of Casting, Eikon Leather Corselet of Maiming, Eikon Leather Corselet of Casting, Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking, Eikon Cloth Acton of Scouting, Eikon Cloth Acton of Aiming, Eikon Cloth Acton of Healing
Eikon Metal Eikon metal icon1.png Eikon Iron Ingot
Eikon Mythrite Eikon mythrite icon1.png High Mythrite Ingot, High Mythrite Ingot
Electrum Ingot Electrum ingot icon1.png Level 42 Goldsmith
Gilded Rosewood Fishing Rod, Cedar Crook, Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow, Royal Partition, Oasis Bookshelf, Oasis Stool, Oasis Table, Tonberry Bookshelf, Tonberry Screen, Looming Tonberry Screen, Oasis Mansion Roof (Wood), Goldsmithing Bench, Spine of the Vortex, Mischievous Moggle Mogbow, Mythril Bhuj, Cobalt Katzbalger, Cobalt Claymore, Cobalt-barreled Carbine, Electrum Head Knife, Electrum Lapidary Hammer, Cobalt Zweihander, Cobalt-barreled Musketoon, Mythrite Lump Hammer, Titanium Bastard Sword, Titanium Claymore, Titanium Creasing Knife, Titanium Greatsword, Titanium-barreled Snaphance, Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer, Oasis Floor Lamp, Oasis Counter, Dark Divinity Falleth, Tonberry Chandelier, Tonberry Wall Lantern, Wolf Zweihander, Wolf Musketoon, Gaze of the Vortex, Morbid Moggle Mogblade, Mortal Moggle Mogknives, Monstrous Moggle Mogsword, Aurum Regis Texture Hammer, Mythril Cuirass, Electrum Alembic, High Mythril Armor, Cobalt Celata, Cobalt Cuirass, Cobalt Gauntlets, Cobalt Sabatons, Mythrite Sallet of Maiming, Mythrite Sallet of Fending, Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming, Mythrite Hauberk of Fending, Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming, Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending, Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming, Mythrite Sabatons of Fending, Titanium Alembic, Company Chest, Miniature Magitek Reaper, Wolf Celata, Wolf Cuirass, Wolf Gauntlets, Wolf Sabatons, Electrum Rings, Water Brand, Electrum Scepter, Electrum Gorget, Red Coral Earrings, Electrum Wristlets, Electrum Earrings, Electrum Wristlets of Crafting, Electrum Ring, Electrum Star Globe, Electrum Circlet (Rubellite), Electrum Circlet (Zircon), Electrum Circlet (Tourmaline), Electrum Circlet (Amber), Electrum Circlet (Spinel), Electrum Circlet (Turquoise), Electrum Monocle, Amber Choker, Electrum Ring of Crafting, Electrum Needle, Zircon Choker, Spinel Choker, Turquoise Choker, Zircon Bracelet, Amber Bracelet, Spinel Bracelet, Turquoise Bracelet, Amber Ring, Rubellite Choker, Tourmaline Choker, Black Pearl Choker, Rubellite Bracelet, Tourmaline Bracelet, Black Pearl Bracelet, Electrum Choker, Electrum Ear Cuffs, Rubellite Ring, Zircon Ring, Tourmaline Ring, Spinel Ring, Turquoise Ring, Black Pearl Ring, Rubellite Earrings, Zircon Earrings, Tourmaline Earrings, Amber Earrings, Spinel Earrings, Turquoise Earrings, Black Pearl Earrings, The Evening Star, Mythrite Planisphere, Hardsilver Star Globe, Hardsilver Planisphere, Sylphic Chair, Sylphic Table, Sylphic Screen, Sylphic Cupboard, Sylphic Bookshelf, Sylphic Wall Lantern, Sylphic Dining Table, Sylphic Counter, Table Chronometer, Riviera Table Chronometer, Oasis Hanging Placard, Cactuar Weathervane, Llymlaen's Embrace, Wall Chronometer, Glade Wall Chronometer, Astroscope, Mandragora Floor Lamp, Oasis Ornate Fence, Vortex Couch, Oasis Mansion Roof (Composite), Oasis Mansion Roof (Stone), Savage Arc of Triumph, Raging Vortex Couch, Wolf Rubellite Choker, Wolf Zircon Choker, Wolf Tourmaline Choker, Wolf Amber Choker, Wolf Spinel Choker, Wolf Turquoise Choker, Plumes of the Vortex, Boarskin Ringbands of Flames, Boarskin Ringbands of Frost, Boarskin Ringbands of Gales, Boarskin Ringbands of Tremors, Boarskin Ringbands of Storms, Boarskin Ringbands of Tides, Raptorskin Satchel Belt, Raptorskin Jerkin, Goldsmith's Gloves, Carpenter's Slops, Goldsmith's Boots, Culinarian's Gaiters, Archaeoskin Shoes of Aiming, Archaeoskin Shoes of Casting, Archaeoskin Shoes of Healing, Tonberry Armchair, Tonberry Couch, Wolf Ringbands, Wolf Satchel Belt, Linen Wedge Cap of Crafting, Linen Half Apron, Linen Gaiters, Linen Wedge Cap of Gathering, Linen Coatee of Crafting, Linen Coatee of Gathering, Felt Hat, Felt Robe, Felt Halfgloves, Patrician's Wedge Cap, Patrician's Coatee, Patrician's Bottoms, Militia Robe, Goldsmith's Doublet, Rainbow Bolero of Striking, Rainbow Robe of Aiming, Rainbow Shirt of Scouting, Rainbow Robe of Casting, Rainbow Robe of Healing, Orthodox Barding, Oasis Bench, Oasis Armchair, Oasis Couch, Tonberry Bed, Wolf Hat, Wolf Robe, Book of Electrum, Gold Needle, Embossed Book of Electrum, Archaeoskin Grimoire, Archaeoskin Codex, Sylphic Flower Vase, Wolf Grimoire of Casting, Wolf Grimoire of Healing
Electrum Plate Electrum plate icon1.png
Electrum Rings Electrum rings icon1.png Level 43 Goldsmith
Electrum Wristlets, Electrum Wristlets of Crafting
Enigmatic Gear Enigmatic gear icon1.png Enigma Wall Chronometer
Evergleam Ingot Evergleam ingot icon1.png Level 70★★★★ Goldsmith Rakshasa Greatbow, Rakshasa Cane, Rakshasa Axe, Rakshasa Odachi, Rakshasa Knuckles, Rakshasa Katana, Rakshasa Revolver, Seiryu Barding, Rakshasa Rod, Rakshasa Rapier, Rakshasa Ephemeris, Rakshasa Gantai of Striking, Rakshasa Gantai of Scouting, Rakshasa Gantai of Aiming, Rakshasa Kanmuri of Casting, Rakshasa Kanmuri of Healing, Rakshasa Earring of Fending, Rakshasa Earring of Slaying, Rakshasa Earring of Aiming, Rakshasa Earring of Casting, Rakshasa Earring of Healing, Rakshasa Ring of Fending, Rakshasa Ring of Slaying, Rakshasa Ring of Aiming, Rakshasa Ring of Casting, Rakshasa Ring of Healing, Rakshasa Tekko of Striking, Rakshasa Tekko of Scouting, Rakshasa Tekko of Aiming, Rakshasa Tekko of Casting, Rakshasa Tekko of Healing, Rakshasa Obi of Fending, Rakshasa Obi of Maiming, Rakshasa Obi of Striking, Rakshasa Obi of Scouting, Rakshasa Obi of Aiming, Rakshasa Obi of Casting, Rakshasa Obi of Healing, Rakshasa Zori of Striking, Rakshasa Zori of Scouting, Rakshasa Zori of Aiming, Rakshasa Dogi of Casting, Rakshasa Dogi of Healing, Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Casting, Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Healing, Rakshasa Grimoire, Rakshasa Codex
Faust Armor Plating Faust armor plating icon1.png Faust Striking Dummy
Formidable Cog Formidable cog icon1.png
Galvanized Garlond Steel Galvanized garlond steel icon1.png Level 60 Blacksmith
Level 60 Armorer
Garlean Steel Joint Garlean steel joint icon1.png 2nd Cohort Vanguard, 3rd Cohort Vanguard, Magitek Vanguard, Magitek Vanguard F-1, Magitek Vanguard H-1, Magitek Vanguard, Vanguard Prototype, Magitek Vanguard H-1, 4th Cohort Vanguard, 5th Cohort Vanguard, 6th Cohort Vanguard, 6th Cohort Vanguard Model Magitek Bit, Iron Dwarf, Model Vanguard, Rimless Glasses, Gryphonskin Tunic
Garlean Steel Plate Garlean steel plate icon1.png 2nd Cohort Vanguard, 3rd Cohort Vanguard, Magitek Vanguard, Magitek Vanguard F-1, Magitek Vanguard H-1, Magitek Vanguard, Vanguard Prototype, Magitek Vanguard H-1, 4th Cohort Vanguard, 5th Cohort Vanguard, 6th Cohort Vanguard, 6th Cohort Vanguard Model Magitek Bit, Darksteel Haubergeon, Model Vanguard, Thick-rimmed Glasses
Garlond Steel Garlond steel icon1.png Level 52 Blacksmith
Level 52 Armorer
Gold Dust Gold dust icon1.png
Gold Ingot Gold ingot icon1.png Level 50 Goldsmith
Large Wall Chronometer, Oasis Canopy Bed, Wootz Spear, Tidal Wavesoul Fount, Wootz Daggers, Tidal Barding, Incensory, Dead Man's Chest, Projection Module, Ice Chandelier, Regal Letter Box, Emperor's Throne, Syrcus_Tower_(Furniture), Wile of the Vortex, Van of the Vortex, Inferno Star Globe, Lift of the Vortex, Moonlit Moggle Moglobe, Gold Spectacles, Ruby Choker, Diamond Choker, Emerald Choker, Topaz Choker, Iolite Choker, Sapphire Choker, Ruby Earrings, Diamond Earrings, Emerald Earrings, Topaz Earrings, Iolite Earrings, Sapphire Earrings, Ruby Bracelet, Diamond Bracelet, Emerald Bracelet, Topaz Bracelet, Iolite Bracelet, Sapphire Bracelet, Ruby Ring, Diamond Ring, Emerald Ring, Topaz Ring, Iolite Ring, Sapphire Ring, Platinum Ring of Fending, Platinum Ring of Slaying, Platinum Ring of Ranging, Platinum Ring of Casting, Platinum Ring of Healing, Wizard's Attire Augmentation, Evoker's Attire Augmentation, Scholar's Attire Augmentation
Gold Nugget Gold nugget icon1.png
Hardsilver Ingot Hardsilver ingot icon1.png Level 56 Goldsmith
Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow, Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiming, Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Casting, Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Healing, Hallowed Chestnut Fishing Rod, Royal Plotting Table, Hive Ceiling Fan, Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer, Hardsilver Round Knife, Hardsilver Hatchet, Adamantite-barreled Culverin, Aurum Regis Creasing Knife, Adamantite Hatchet, Titanium Helm of Fending, Titanium Vambraces of Maiming, Titanium Vambraces of Striking, Titanium Vambraces of Scouting, Titanium Vambraces of Fending, Titanium Mail of Maiming, Titanium Mail of Striking, Titanium Mail of Scouting, Titanium Cuirass of Fending, Titanium Sollerets of Maiming, Titanium Sabatons of Striking, Titanium Sabatons of Scouting, Titanium Sabatons of Fending, Aurum Regis Sollerets of Healing, Dragon Fang Needle, Opal Bracelet of Slaying, Opal Bracelet of Aiming, Opal Bracelet of Casting, Opal Bracelet of Healing, Opal Bracelet of Fending, Opal Ring of Slaying, Opal Ring of Aiming, Opal Ring of Casting, Opal Ring of Healing, Opal Ring of Fending, Hardsilver Pole, Hardsilver Planisphere, Opal Choker of Slaying, Opal Choker of Aiming, Opal Choker of Casting, Opal Choker of Healing, Opal Choker of Fending, Opal Earrings of Slaying, Opal Earrings of Aiming, Opal Earrings of Casting, Opal Earrings of Healing, Opal Earrings of Fending, Hardsilver Earrings of Gathering, Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying, Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming, Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting, Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing, Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending, Goblin Jig, Aurum Regis Orrery, Aurum Regis Planisphere, Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing, Star Sapphire Music Box, Star Ruby Music Box, Dragonskin Breeches of Maiming, Dragonskin Breeches of Striking, Dragonskin Breeches of Scouting, Dragonskin Breeches of Fending, Dragonskin Ring, Dragonskin Belt of Crafting, Serpentskin Belt of Gathering, Dragonskin Choker, Dragonskin Wristbands, Serpentskin Boots of Striking, Serpentskin Boots of Aiming, Serpentskin Boots of Scouting, Serpentskin Gloves of Casting, Serpentskin Bush Hat, Serpentskin Vest, Chimerical Felt Coat of Casting, Chimerical Felt Robe of Healing, Chimerical Felt Doublet of Crafting, Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending, Hallowed Chestnut Wand, Dragonskin Grimoire, Dragonskin Codex, Book of Aurum Regis, Noble's Picatrix, Noble Gold, Noble's Codex
Hardsilver Nugget Hardsilver nugget icon1.png Level 54 Goldsmith
Dark Chestnut Fishing Rod, Cloud Mica Grinding Wheel, Alpine Chair, Alpine Round Table, Titanium Bastard Sword, Hardsilver Saw, Hardsilver Texture Hammer, Hardsilver Dolabra, Hardsilver Alembic, Hardsilver Staff, Hardsilver Needle, Hardsilver Magnifiers of Casting, Hardsilver Monocle of Healing, Hardsilver Star Globe, Hardsilver Earrings of Slaying, Hardsilver Earrings of Aiming, Hardsilver Earrings of Casting, Hardsilver Earrings of Healing, Hardsilver Earrings of Fending, Hardsilver Bangle of Slaying, Hardsilver Bangle of Aiming, Hardsilver Bangle of Casting, Hardsilver Bangle of Healing, Hardsilver Bangle of Fending, Hardsilver Ingot, Dragon Fang Earrings, Dhalmelskin Armguards of Striking, Dhalmelskin Armguards of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Armguards of Scouting, Dhalmelskin Bush Hat, Dhalmelskin Crakows of Casting, Dhalmelskin Crakows of Healing, Dhalmelskin Vest, Dragonskin Boots of Aiming, Dragonskin Boots of Casting, Dragonskin Boots of Healing, Ramie Doublet of Crafting, Dhalmelskin Grimoire, Dhalmelskin Codex
Heavy Metal Ingot Heavy metal ingot icon1.png Level 60★★★★ Blacksmith
Level 60★★★★ Armorer
Heavy Metal Lance, Heavy Metal Longsword, Heavy Metal Claws, Heavy Metal War Axe, Heavy Metal Daggers, Heavy Metal Greatsword, Heavy Metal Culverin, Alexander Miniature, Heavy Metal Kite Shield, Heavy Metal Coif of Fending, Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming, Heavy Metal Cuirass of Fending, Heavy Metal Cuirass of Maiming, Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending, Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming, Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Fending, Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Maiming, Heavy Metal Tassets of Striking, Heavy Metal Tassets of Aiming, Heavy Metal Tassets of Scouting, Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending, Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming, Scintillant Planisphere
High Durium Ingot High durium ingot icon1.png Level 82 Blacksmith
Level 82 Armorer
Palm Halberd, Palm Longbow, High Durium Longsword, High Durium Bhuj, High Durium Greatsword, High Durium Bayonet, High Durium Uchigatana, High Durium Glaives, High Durium War Scythe, High Durium Cesti, High Durium Knives, High Durium Musketoon, Rarefied High Durium Greatsword, Gold Cog, Bismuth Awl, High Durium Gauntlets of Fending, High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming, High Durium Sollerets of Fending, High Durium Sollerets of Maiming, High Durium Kite Shield, High Durium Armor of Fending, High Durium Armor of Maiming, Rarefied High Durium Kite Shield, Gold Cog, Bismuth Goggles of Fending, Bismuth Headgear of Maiming, Pewter Rapier, Pewter Astrometer, Pewter Pendulums, Pewter Circlet of Fending, Pewter Circlet of Maiming, Gold Cog, Luncheon Toadskin Jacket of Striking, Luncheon Toadskin Jacket of Scouting
High Durium Nugget High durium nugget icon1.png Level 81 Blacksmith
Level 81 Armorer
Horse Chestnut Spear, Horse Chestnut Longbow, Horse Chestnut Spinning Wheel, Horse Chestnut Fishing Rod, Horse Chestnut Earrings of Gathering, High Durium Sword, High Durium Axe, High Durium Guillotine, High Durium Manatrigger, High Durium Sickle, High Durium Katana, High Durium Cleavers, High Durium Pistol, High Durium Tathlums, High Durium Saw, High Durium Claw Hammer, High Durium Cross-pein Hammer, High Durium File, High Durium Raising Hammer, High Durium Pliers, High Durium Lapidary Hammer, High Durium Creasing Knife, High Durium Awl, High Durium Mortar, High Durium Culinary Knife, High Durium Pickaxe, High Durium Sledgehammer, High Durium Hatchet, High Durium Garden Scythe, Rarefied High Durium Pistol, High Durium Knuckles, High Durium Alembic, High Durium Namazu Frypan, High Durium Shield, High Durium Helm of Fending, High Durium Helm of Scouting, High Durium Armguards of Fending, High Durium Armguards of Maiming, High Durium Armguards of Aiming, Rarefied High Durium Knuckles, High Durium Gauntlets of Fending, High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming, High Durium Sollerets of Fending, High Durium Sollerets of Maiming, High Durium Armor of Maiming, High Durium Rapier, High Durium Planisphere, High Durium Milpreves, High Durium Needle, High Durium Visor of Maiming, High Durium Visor of Striking, High Durium Visor of Aiming, Ametrine Earrings of Fending, Ametrine Earrings of Slaying, Ametrine Earrings of Aiming, Ametrine Earrings of Casting, Ametrine Earrings of Healing, Ametrine Ear Cuffs of Crafting, Ametrine Choker of Fending, Ametrine Choker of Slaying, Ametrine Choker of Aiming, Ametrine Choker of Casting, Ametrine Choker of Healing, Ametrine Necklace of Crafting, Ametrine Bracelet of Fending, Ametrine Bracelet of Slaying, Ametrine Bracelet of Aiming, Ametrine Bracelet of Casting, Ametrine Bracelet of Healing, Ametrine Armillae of Crafting, Ametrine Ring of Fending, Ametrine Ring of Slaying, Ametrine Ring of Aiming, Ametrine Ring of Casting, Ametrine Ring of Healing, Rarefied High Durium Milpreves, Gajaskin Coat of Fending, Gajaskin Vest of Striking, Gajaskin Vest of Scouting, Fingerless Gajaskin Gloves of Striking, Fingerless Gajaskin Gloves of Scouting, Gajaskin Boots of Fending, Gajaskin Boots of Maiming, Gajaskin Shoes of Striking, Gajaskin Shoes of Scouting, Gajaskin Shoes of Aiming, Rarefied Gajaskin Shoes
High Mythrite Ingot High mythrite ingot icon1.png Level 60 Blacksmith
Level 60 Armorer
High Mythrite Helm of Fending, High Mythrite Cuirass of Fending, High Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending, High Mythrite Plate Belt of Fending, High Mythrite Tassets of Maiming, High Mythrite Tassets of Striking, High Mythrite Sabatons of Fending, Faust Striking Dummy, Eikon Leather Headgear of Casting, Eikon Leather Headgear of Striking, Eikon Leather Headgear of Maiming, Eikon Leather Corselet of Maiming, Eikon Leather Corselet of Casting, Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking
High Mythrite Nugget High mythrite nugget icon1.png Level 60 Blacksmith
Level 60 Armorer
High Steel Ingot High steel ingot icon1.png Level 62 Blacksmith
Level 62 Armorer
High Steel Fork, Larch Composite Bow, Stiperstone Grinding Wheel, High Steel Claw Hammer, High Steel File, High Steel Pliers, High Steel Awl, High Steel Mortar, High Steel Culinary Knife, High Steel Sledgehammer, High Steel Scythe, High Steel Longsword, High Steel Battleaxe, Folded High Steel Greatsword, Folded High Steel Knuckles, High Steel Uchigatana, High Steel Kris, High Steel-barreled Snaphance, High Steel Scutum, High Steel Barbut of Fending, High Steel Barbut of Maiming, High Steel Plate Belt of Fending, High Steel Plate Belt of Maiming, High Steel Mail of Fending, High Steel Mail of Maiming, High Steel Gauntlets of Fending, High Steel Gauntlets of Maiming, High Steel Sollerets of Fending, High Steel Sollerets of Maiming, Doman Iron Kite Shield, Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere, Durium Hairpin of Fending, Durium Hairpin of Maiming, Gyuki Leather Pot Helm, Gyuki Leather Gloves of Aiming, Gyuki Leather Boots of Gathering, Tigerskin Wristgloves of Striking, Tigerskin Gloves of Aiming, Tigerskin Gloves of Scouting, Tigerskin Ringbelt of Striking, Tigerskin Ringbelt of Aiming, Tigerskin Ringbelt of Scouting, Ruby Cotton Bandana of Striking, Ruby Cotton Bandana of Scouting, Ruby Cotton Gilet of Striking, Ruby Cotton Gilet of Scouting, Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Striking, Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Scouting, Tigerskin Trousers of Aiming, Tigerskin Trousers of Scouting, Tigerskin Trousers of Striking
High Steel Nugget High steel nugget icon1.png Level 61 Blacksmith
Level 61 Armorer
High Steel Trident, Beech Composite Bow, Muudhorn Fishing Rod, Larch Spinning Wheel, Pine Spinning Wheel, High Steel Katzbalger, High Steel Headsman's Axe, High Steel Guillotine, High Steel Knuckles, High Steel Tachi, High Steel Main Gauches, High Steel Culverin, High Steel Saw, High Steel Cross-pein Hammer, High Steel Doming Hammer, Koppranickel Ornamental Hammer, High Steel Head Knife, High Steel Dolabra, High Steel Hatchet, High Steel Ingot, High Steel Pliers, High Steel Battleaxe, Folded High Steel Greatsword, High Steel Kris, High Steel-barreled Snaphance, Doman Iron Pickaxe, Doman Iron Pliers, High Steel Hoplon, High Steel Helm of Fending, High Steel Helm of Maiming, High Steel Thermal Alembic, High Steel Bomb Frypan, High Steel Scale Mail of Fending, High Steel Scale Mail of Maiming, High Steel Armguards of Fending, High Steel Armguards of Maiming, High Steel Ingot, High Steel Scutum, High Steel Barbut of Fending, High Steel Barbut of Maiming, High Steel Gauntlets of Fending, High Steel Gauntlets of Maiming, High Steel Sollerets of Fending, Doman Iron Alembic, Doman Iron Frypan, Koppranickel Planisphere, Koppranickel Staff, Koppranickel Foil, Gaganaskin Hose of Fending, Gaganaskin Hose of Maiming, Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Fending, Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Maiming, Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Striking, Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Scouting, Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Striking, Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Aiming, Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Scouting, Gaganaskin Belt of Gathering, Gyuki Leather Jacket, Gyuki Leather Gloves of Crafting, Gyuki Leather Chaps, Ruby Cotton Gambison, Ruby Cotton Coatee, Ruby Cotton Sarouel, Ruby Cotton Bottoms
Ilmenite Ingot Ilmenite ingot icon1.png Level 90★★★ Blacksmith
Level 90★★★ Armorer
Rinascita Spear, Rinascita Composite Bow, Rinascita Cane, Rinascita Sword, Rinascita Labrys, Rinascita Greatsword, Rinascita Manatrigger, Rinascita Zaghnal, Rinascita Knuckles, Rinascita Samurai Blade, Rinascita Daggers, Rinascita Culverin, Rinascita War Quoits, Rinascita Kite Shield, Rinascita Helm of Fending, Rinascita Helm of Maiming, Rinascita Cuirass of Fending, Rinascita Cuirass of Maiming, Rinascita Vambraces of Fending, Rinascita Vambraces of Maiming, Rinascita Sabatons of Fending, Rinascita Sabatons of Maiming, Rinascita Sabatons of Scouting, Rinascita Sabatons of Aiming, Rinascita Rod, Rinascita Rapier, Rinascita Planisphere, Rinascita Pendulums, Rinascita Necklace of Fending, Rinascita Necklace of Slaying, Rinascita Necklace of Aiming, Rinascita Necklace of Casting, Rinascita Necklace of Healing
Immaculate Wingblade Immaculate wingblade icon1.png Blades of Innocence, Innocence Barding
Iron Ingot Iron ingot icon1.png Level 16 Blacksmith
Level 13 Armorer
Material Supplier, Material Supplier, Amalj'aa Vendor, Material Supplier Elm Fishing Rod, Iron Spear, Iron Lance, Initiate's Fishing Rod, Iron Guisarme, Mudstone Grinding Wheel, Initiate's Grinding Wheel, Yew Fishing Rod, Viper-crested Round Shield, Steel Halberd, Riviera Arched Window, Oasis Oblong Window, Oasis Wooden Awning, Ash Cabinet, Shipping Crate, Riviera Cupboard, Display Stand, Dried Well, Riviera Stool, Riviera Garden Table Set, Iron Nails, Iron Labrys, Iron War Axe, Iron Hatchet, Iron Rivets, Iron Cross-pein Hammer, Iron Doming Hammer, Iron Chaser Hammer, Initiate's Head Knife, Iron Awl, Initiate's Sledgehammer, Initiate's Hatchet, Iron Daggers, Initiate's Saw, Iron Claw Hammer, Iron Pickaxe, Inferno Axe, Initiate's Cross-pein Hammer, Initiate's Doming Hammer, Initiate's Chaser Hammer, Iron Mortar, Iron Culinary Knife, Iron Scythe, Iron Shortsword, Iron Pugiones, Iron File, Iron Pliers, Initiate's Pickaxe, Spiked Knuckles, Initiate's Awl, Iron Sledgehammer, Iron Bill, Bas-relief Iron Saw, Initiate's Claw Hammer, Initiate's Mortar, Iron Spatha, Iron Round Knife, Initiate's Culinary Knife, Initiate's Scythe, Thunderstorm Axe, Crowsbeak Hammer, Iron Raising Hammer, Initiate's File, Initiate's Pliers, Iron Dolabra, Iron Chocobotail Saw, Heavy Crowsbeak Hammer, Iron Head Knife, Plumed Iron Hatchet, Steel Bhuj, Oasis Octagonal Window, Oasis Round Table, Towel Hanger, Riviera Oblong Window, Oasis Lancet Window, Riviera Chair, Riviera Pendant Lamp, Riviera Table, Galleas Wheel, Iron Plate, Iron Rivets, Iron Rings, Iron Joint Plate, Iron Sallet, Iron-plated Jackboots, Iron Scale Fingers, Iron Scale Greaves, Heavy Iron Flanchard, Bladed Lantern Shield, Thermal Alembic, Kite Shield, Wolf Kite Shield, Initiate's Needle, Silver Star Globe, Hard Leather Himantes, Hard Leather Lightpouch, Hard Leather Ringbands, Hard Leather Belt, Initiate's Headgear, Voyager's Belt, Goatskin Leg Guards, Goatskin Belt, Goatskin Satchel Belt, Goatskin Crakows, Toadskin Survival Belt, Goatskin Crakows of Gathering, Toadskin Jerkin, Boarskin Himantes, Cotton Sugarloaf Hat, Cotton Bracers, Initiate's Gown, Cotton Kecks, Velveteen Bottoms, Vintage Half Apron, Vintage Coatee, Oasis Bed, Riviera Flower Vase, Potted Azalea
Iron Joint Plate Iron joint plate icon1.png Level 15 Armorer
Glade Cottage Wall (Wood), Riviera Cottage Roof (Composite), Ash Cabinet, Riviera Cottage Wall (Wood), Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood), Oasis Cottage Wall (Wood), Riviera Cottage Roof (Stone), Oasis House Wall (Wood), Riviera Cottage Wall (Composite), Glade Cottage Roof (Wood), Glade Cottage Roof (Stone), Riviera Cottage Roof (Wood), Glade Cottage Roof (Composite)
Iron Nails Iron nails icon1.png Level 16 Blacksmith
Glade Cottage Wall (Wood), Riviera Cottage Roof (Composite), Riviera Cottage Wall (Wood), Oasis Cottage Roof (Wood), Oasis Cottage Wall (Wood), Riviera Cottage Roof (Stone), Oasis House Wall (Wood), Riviera Cottage Wall (Composite), Glade Cottage Roof (Wood), Glade Cottage Roof (Stone), Riviera Cottage Roof (Wood), Glade Cottage Roof (Composite)
Iron Plate Iron plate icon1.png Level 14 Armorer
Material Supplier, Material Supplier, Amalj'aa Vendor, Material Supplier Spiked Knuckles, Iron Raising Hammer, Iron Dolabra, Iron Skillet, Iron Hoplon, Initiate's Alembic, Initiate's Skillet, Iron Sallet, Iron Plate Belt, Iron Sabatons, Iron Celata, Iron Cuirass, Iron Gauntlets, Iron Lantern Shield, Iron Vambraces, Iron Elmo, Iron Alembic, Iron Frypan, Iron Scale Mail, Iron Scale Fingers, Iron Scale Greaves, Iron Scutum, Reinforced Iron Plate Belt, Heavy Iron Armor, Heavy Iron Gauntlets, Iron Kite Shield, Steel Sallet, Steel Barbut, Steel Mitt Gauntlets, Vintage Scutum, Vintage Scale Mail, Mosshorn Scale Mail, Riviera Placard, Oasis Dining Table, Oasis Pendant Lamp, Glade Placard, Glade Dining Table, Iron Plate Flooring, Riviera Wardrobe
Iron Rings Iron rings icon1.png Level 15 Armorer
Iron Celata, Iron Cuirass, Iron Gauntlets, Heavy Iron Gauntlets, Heavy Iron Flanchard, Steel Celata, Steel Cuirass, Vintage Haubergeon
Iron Rivets Iron rivets icon1.png Level 18 Blacksmith
Level 14 Armorer
Material Supplier, Osgyth, Material Supplier, Amalj'aa Vendor, Material Supplier Elm Spinning Wheel, Viper-crested Round Shield, Vintage Round Shield, Oasis Wooden Awning, Shipping Crate, Riviera Cupboard, Iron Chaser Hammer, Initiate's Saw, Initiate's Chaser Hammer, Iron Pliers, Bas-relief Iron Saw, Iron Ornamental Hammer, Initiate's Pliers, Iron Chocobotail Saw, Towel Hanger, Bronze Gauntlets, Bronze Buckler, Iron Sallet, Ironclad Bronze Buckler, Iron Elmo, Iron Alembic, Iron Scutum, Reinforced Iron Sallet, Conical Alembic, Iron Kite Shield, Decorated Buckler, Decorated Iron Scutum, Riviera Placard, Oasis Dining Table, Glade Placard, Glade Dining Table, Vintage Cudgel, Fingerless Hard Leather Gloves, Goatskin Pot Helm, Goatskin Tool Belt, Initiate's Headgear, Goatskin Armguards, Fingerless Goatskin Gloves, Fingerless Goatskin Gloves of Gathering, Vintage Thighboots, Padded Cotton Trousers, Velveteen Trousers, Padded Velveteen Trousers, Half Barrel Planter, Wall Planter
Ishgardian Steel Ingot Ishgardian steel ingot icon1.png The Stone Vigil Knight Captain's Chair, Cannonballs, Stone Vigil Beacon, Knight Captain's Desk, Bertha Cannon
Kamacite Kamacite icon1.png Level 60★★ Blacksmith
Level 60★★ Armorer
Koppranickel Ingot Koppranickel ingot icon1.png Level 62 Goldsmith Larch Wand, Folded High Steel Greatsword, Folded High Steel Knuckles, High Steel Kris, High Steel-barreled Snaphance, Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending, Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming, Doman Iron Tassets of Fending, Doman Iron Tassets of Maiming, Doman Iron Greaves of Fending, Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming, Doman Iron Kite Shield, Koppranickel Bracelet of Fending, Koppranickel Bracelet of Slaying, Koppranickel Bracelet of Aiming, Koppranickel Bracelet of Healing, Koppranickel Bracelet of Casting, Muudhorn Ring of Fending, Muudhorn Ring of Slaying, Muudhorn Ring of Aiming, Muudhorn Ring of Healing, Muudhorn Ring of Casting, Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere, Koppranickel Pole, Koppranickel Rapier, Koppranickel Temple Chain, Koppranickel Earrings of Fending, Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying, Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming, Koppranickel Earrings of Healing, Koppranickel Earrings of Casting, Koppranickel Necklace of Fending, Koppranickel Necklace of Slaying, Koppranickel Necklace of Aiming, Koppranickel Necklace of Healing, Koppranickel Necklace of Casting, Dual-plated Durium Planisphere, Gyuki Leather Dress Gloves, Gyuki Leather Gloves of Gathering, Gyuki Leather Earrings, Gyuki Leather Choker, Gyuki Leather Wristband, Gyuki Leather Ring, Tigerskin Armguards of Casting, Tigerskin Armguards of Healing, Star Spinel Tricorne of Striking, Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming, Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting, Ruby Cotton Cap, Kudzu Tunic of Striking, Kudzu Tunic of Aiming, Kudzu Tunic of Scouting, Gyuki Leather Codex, Gyuki Leather Grimoire
Koppranickel Nugget Koppranickel nugget icon1.png Level 61 Goldsmith Beech Rod, Beech Composite Bow, Larch Composite Bow, Oriental Pipe Box, High Steel Katzbalger, High Steel Headsman's Axe, High Steel Knuckles, High Steel Tachi, High Steel Main Gauches, High Steel Culverin, Koppranickel Ornamental Hammer, High Steel Head Knife, High Steel Hatchet, High Steel Longsword, Doman Iron Uchigatana, High Steel Hoplon, High Steel Thermal Alembic, High Steel Scale Mail of Fending, High Steel Scale Mail of Maiming, High Steel Scutum, High Steel Plate Belt of Fending, High Steel Plate Belt of Maiming, High Steel Mail of Maiming, High Steel Sollerets of Maiming, Koppranickel Armlets of Casting, Koppranickel Armlets of Healing, Triphane Bracelet of Fending, Triphane Bracelet of Slaying, Triphane Bracelet of Aiming, Triphane Bracelet of Healing, Triphane Bracelet of Casting, Triphane Ring of Fending, Triphane Ring of Slaying, Triphane Ring of Aiming, Triphane Ring of Healing, Triphane Ring of Casting, Koppranickel Planisphere, Koppranickel Staff, Koppranickel Foil, Bombfish Needle, Koppranickel Turban of Striking, Koppranickel Turban of Scouting, Triphane Earrings of Fending, Triphane Earrings of Slaying, Triphane Earrings of Aiming, Triphane Earrings of Healing, Triphane Earrings of Casting, Triphane Choker of Fending, Triphane Choker of Slaying, Triphane Choker of Aiming, Triphane Choker of Healing, Triphane Choker of Casting, Koppranickel Ingot, Koppranickel Bracelet of Fending, Koppranickel Bracelet of Slaying, Koppranickel Bracelet of Aiming, Koppranickel Bracelet of Healing, Koppranickel Bracelet of Casting, Muudhorn Ring of Fending, Muudhorn Ring of Slaying, Muudhorn Ring of Aiming, Muudhorn Ring of Healing, Muudhorn Ring of Casting, Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere, Koppranickel Earrings of Fending, Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying, Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming, Koppranickel Earrings of Healing, Koppranickel Earrings of Casting, Star Spinel Bracelet of Fending, Star Spinel Bracelet of Slaying, Star Spinel Bracelet of Aiming, Star Spinel Bracelet of Healing, Star Spinel Bracelet of Casting, Star Spinel Ring of Fending, Star Spinel Ring of Slaying, Star Spinel Ring of Aiming, Star Spinel Ring of Healing, Star Spinel Ring of Casting, Star Spinel Earrings of Fending, Star Spinel Earrings of Slaying, Star Spinel Earrings of Aiming, Star Spinel Earrings of Healing, Star Spinel Earrings of Casting, Star Spinel Choker of Fending, Star Spinel Choker of Slaying, Star Spinel Choker of Aiming, Star Spinel Choker of Healing, Star Spinel Choker of Casting, Gaganaskin Gloves of Aiming, Gaganaskin Jacket of Aiming, Gaganaskin Chaps of Aiming, Gaganaskin Boots of Aiming, Gaganaskin Sandals of Casting, Gaganaskin Sandals of Healing, Bloodhempen Armguards of Striking, Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting, Bloodhempen Brais of Striking, Bloodhempen Brais of Scouting, Bloodhempen Turban of Crafting, Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Casting, Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Healing, Ruby Cotton Hat of Casting, Ruby Cotton Apron, Ruby Cotton Robe of Casting, Ruby Cotton Longkilt, Ruby Cotton Smalls, Koppranickel Codex, Koppranickel Index
Lar Ingot Lar ingot icon1.png Ceiba Staff, Ginseng Grinding Wheel, Ginseng Spinning Wheel, Ginseng Earrings, Ginseng Necklace, Ginseng Bracelet, Ginseng Ring, Mountain Chromite Fists, Mountain Chromite Daggers, Mountain Chromite Musketoon, Mountain Chromite Blade, Mountain Chromite Bayonet, Mountain Chromite Chakrams, Mountain Chromite War Scythe, Mountain Chromite Twinfangs, Mountain Chromite Pliers, Mountain Chromite Awl, Mountain Chromite Mortar, Mountain Chromite Culinary Knife, Tortilla Press, Lightweight Lantern, Rarefied Mountain Chromite Fists, Mountain Chromite Tower Shield, Mountain Chromite Alembic, Tortilla Press, Lightweight Lantern, Rarefied Mountain Chromite Alembic, Lar Glaive, Lar Longbow, Lar Cane, Lar Rod, Lar Star Globe, Lar Rapier, Lar Pendulums, Lar Headgear of Fending, Lar Headgear of Maiming, Lar Ring of Fending, Lar Ring of Slaying, Lar Ring of Aiming, Lar Ring of Healing, Lar Ring of Casting, Ruthenium Tuck, Ruthenium Folding Fans, Ihuykanite Circlet of Fending, Ihuykanite Circlet of Maiming, Ihuykanite Earring of Fending, Ihuykanite Earring of Slaying, Ihuykanite Earring of Aiming, Ihuykanite Earring of Healing, Ihuykanite Earring of Casting, Ihuykanite Choker of Fending, Ihuykanite Choker of Slaying, Ihuykanite Choker of Aiming, Ihuykanite Choker of Healing, Ihuykanite Choker of Casting, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Fending, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Slaying, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Aiming, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Healing, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Casting, Ihuykanite Ring of Fending, Ihuykanite Ring of Slaying, Ihuykanite Ring of Aiming, Ihuykanite Ring of Healing, Ihuykanite Ring of Casting, Pink Beryl Earrings of Fending, Pink Beryl Earrings of Slaying, Pink Beryl Earrings of Aiming, Pink Beryl Earrings of Healing, Pink Beryl Earrings of Casting, Pink Beryl Bracelet of Fending, Pink Beryl Bracelet of Slaying, Pink Beryl Bracelet of Aiming, Pink Beryl Bracelet of Healing, Pink Beryl Bracelet of Casting, Pink Beryl Ring of Fending, Pink Beryl Ring of Slaying, Pink Beryl Ring of Aiming, Pink Beryl Ring of Healing, Pink Beryl Ring of Casting, Lar Needle, Lar Ear Cuffs, Lar Choker, Lar Bracelets, Lar Ring, Tortilla Press, Lightweight Lantern, Rarefied Lar Longbow, Loboskin Caligae of Fending, Loboskin Caligae of Maiming, Loboskin Necklace of Fending, Loboskin Necklace of Slaying, Loboskin Necklace of Aiming, Loboskin Necklace of Healing, Loboskin Necklace of Casting, Br'aaxskin Headband of Casting, Royal Leather Sofa, Mountain Linen Top of Striking, Mountain Linen Top of Scouting
Light Steel Plate Light steel plate icon1.png Light Steel Galerus, Light Steel Subligar
Lunar Adamantite Ingot Lunar adamantite ingot icon1.png Level 90★★ Blacksmith
Level 90★★ Armorer
Classical Spear, Classical Longpole, Classical Longsword, Classical Battleaxe, Classical Greatsword, Classical Gunblade, Classical War Scythe, Classical Tonfa, Classical Samurai Blade, Classical Daggers, Classical Handgonne, Classical Chakrams, Classical Shield, Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear, Classical Eques's Headgear, Classical Secutor's Mask, Classical Dimachaerius's Mask, Classical Secutor's Lorica, Classical Dimachaerius's Lorica, Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae, Classical Eques's Manicae, Classical Secutor's Manicae, Classical Dimachaerius's Manicae, Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves, Classical Dimachaerius's Caligae, Classical Smallsword, Classical Torquetum, Classical Milpreves, Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath, Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque, Classical Eques's Caligae, Classical Secutor's Caligae, Classical Sagittarius's Caligae, Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica, Classical Eques's Chiton
Manasilver Nugget Manasilver nugget icon1.png Level 74 Goldsmith Bluespirit Cane, White Ash Spinning Wheel, White Ash Earrings, White Ash Necklace, White Ash Bracelet, White Ash Ring, Bluespirit Sword, Bluespirit Axe, Bluespirit Guillotine, Bluespirit Gunblade, Bluespirit Handgonne, Bluespirit Pliers , Bluespirit Lapidary Hammer, Bluespirit Round Knife, Bluespirit Hatchet, Bluespirit Alembic, Bluespirit Tower Shield, Bluespirit Baghnakhs, Bluespirit Uchigatana, Bluespirit Daggers, Bluespirit Longbow, Bluespirit Glaives, Bluespirit Rod, Bluespirit Rapier, Bluespirit Star Globe, Manasilver Needle, Manasilver Ear Cuffs, Manasilver Choker, Manasilver Bracelets, Lazurite Ring of Fending, Lazurite Ring of Slaying, Lazurite Ring of Aiming, Lazurite Ring of Casting, Lazurite Ring of Healing, Manasilver Ring, Petalite Choker of Fending, Petalite Choker of Slaying, Petalite Choker of Aiming, Petalite Choker of Casting, Petalite Choker of Healing, Petalite Bracelet of Fending, Petalite Bracelet of Slaying, Petalite Bracelet of Aiming, Petalite Bracelet of Casting, Petalite Bracelet of Healing, Atrociraptorskin Cap of Gathering, Atrociraptorskin Gloves of Gathering, Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting, Atrociraptorskin Boots of Gathering, Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Fending, Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Slaying, Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Aiming, Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Casting, Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Healing, Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Scouting, Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Aiming, Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting, Pixie Cotton Breeches of Crafting, Pixie Cotton Slops of Gathering, Pixie Cotton Acton of Striking, Summer Indigo Shirt, Bluespirit Grimoire, Bluespirit Codex
Manganese Ingot Manganese ingot icon1.png Level 86 Blacksmith
Level 86 Armorer
Ironwood Spear, Ironwood Longbow, Ironwood Choker of Fending, Ironwood Choker of Slaying, Ironwood Choker of Aiming, Ironwood Choker of Casting, Ironwood Choker of Healing, Ironwood Spinning Wheel, Ironwood Fishing Rod, Marimba, Manganese Sword, Manganese Axe, Manganese Greatsword, Manganese Bayonet, Manganese War Scythe, Manganese Knuckles, Manganese Uchigatana, Manganese Daggers, Manganese Arquebus, Manganese Chakrams, Manganese Saw, Manganese Claw Hammer, Manganese Cross-pein Hammer, Manganese File, Manganese Raising Hammer, Manganese Pliers, Manganese Lapidary Hammer, Manganese Round Knife, Manganese Awl, Manganese Mortar, Manganese Culinary Knife, Manganese Pickaxe, Manganese Sledgehammer, Manganese Hatchet, Manganese Garden Scythe, Rarefied Manganese Cross-pein Hammer, Chondrite Awl, Orchestrion Phonograph, Pendant Wall Light, Manganese Kite Shield, Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King, Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen, Manganese Helm of the Rising Dragon, Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon, Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King, Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen, Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon, Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon, Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth King, Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen, Manganese Gaiters of the Rising Dragon, Manganese Gaiters of the Falling Dragon, Manganese Boots of the Black Griffin, Manganese Boots of the White Griffin, Manganese Alembic, Manganese Chocobo Frypan, Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King, Manganese Armor of the Behemoth Queen, Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King, Chondrite Gauntlets of Fending, Chondrite Gloves of Maiming, Chondrite Gloves of Striking, Chondrite Gloves of Scouting, Chondrite Gloves of Aiming, Chondrite Top of Fending, Chondrite Top of Maiming, Chondrite Sollerets of Fending, Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting, Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets, Garlean Concrete Inner Wall, Manganese Rapier, Manganese Orrery, Manganese Syrinxi, Blue Zircon Bracelet of Fending, Blue Zircon Bracelet of Slaying, Blue Zircon Bracelet of Aiming, Blue Zircon Bracelet of Casting, Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing, Blue Zircon Ring of Fending, Blue Zircon Ring of Slaying, Blue Zircon Ring of Aiming, Blue Zircon Ring of Casting, Blue Zircon Ring of Healing, Manganese Needle, Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn, Blue Zircon Earrings of Fending, Blue Zircon Earrings of Slaying, Blue Zircon Earrings of Aiming, Blue Zircon Earrings of Casting, Blue Zircon Earrings of Healing, Rarefied Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn, Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the Black Griffin, Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin, Ophiotauroskin Boots of Maiming, Ophiotauroskin Boots of Striking, Ophiotauroskin Boots of Aiming, Ophiotauroskin Boots of Casting, Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing, Ophiotauroskin Top of Scouting, Ophiotauroskin Top of Aiming, Ophiotauroskin Top of Casting, Ophiotauroskin Top of Healing, Scarlet Moko Robe of the Last Unicorn, Scarlet Moko Vest of Gathering, AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Fending, AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Maiming, AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Striking, AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Scouting, AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Aiming, AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Casting, AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Healing, Heavenly Ornamental Array
Molybdenum Ingot Molybdenum ingot icon1.png Level 68 Blacksmith
Level 68 Armorer
Molybdenum Trident, Zelkova Fishing Rod, Molybdenum Longsword, Molybdenum War Axe, Molybdenum Longblade, Molybdenum Knuckles, Molybdenum Uchigatana, Molybdenum Daggers, Molybdenum Rimfire, Molybdenum Halfheart Saw, Molybdenum Lump Hammer, Molybdenum Ball-pein Hammer, Palladium Texture Hammer, Molybdenum Creasing Knife, Molybdenum Pickaxe, Molybdenum Hatchet, Molybdenum Claw Hammer, Molybdenum File, Molybdenum Pliers, Molybdenum Awl, Molybdenum Mortar, Molybdenum Culinary Knife, Molybdenum Sledgehammer, Molybdenum Scythe, Molybdenum Headgear of Fending, Molybdenum Headgear of Maiming, Molybdenum Plate Belt of Fending, Molybdenum Plate Belt of Maiming, Molybdenum Kite Shield, Molybdenum Armguards of Maiming, Molybdenum Armguards of Striking, Molybdenum Armguards of Scouting, Molybdenum Greaves of Fending, Molybdenum Alembic, Molybdenum Frypan, Molybdenum Tassets of Fending, Molybdenum Tassets of Maiming, Reveler's Barding, Susano Miniature, Molybdenum Earring of Fending, Molybdenum Earring of Slaying, Molybdenum Earring of Aiming, Molybdenum Earring of Healing, Molybdenum Earring of Casting, Palladium Rod, Palladium Tuck, Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending, Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing, Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Striking, Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Aiming, Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Scouting, Gazelleskin Belt of Gathering
Mountain Chromite Ingot Mountain chromite ingot icon1.png Level 91 Blacksmith
Level 91 Armorer
Ceiba Spear, Ginseng Fishing Rod, Mountain Chromite Kilij, Mountain Chromite Fists, Mountain Chromite Battleaxe, Mountain Chromite Daggers, Mountain Chromite Guillotine, Mountain Chromite Musketoon, Mountain Chromite Blade, Mountain Chromite Bayonet, Mountain Chromite Chakrams, Mountain Chromite War Scythe, Mountain Chromite Twinfangs, Ruthenium Scimitar, Ruthenium Tonfas, Ruthenium War Axe, Ruthenium Greatsword, Ruthenium Blade, Ruthenium War Scythe, Ruthenium Twinfangs, Mountain Chromite Saw, Mountain Chromite Cross-pein Hammer, Mountain Chromite Raising Hammer, Mountain Chromite Lapidary Hammer, Mountain Chromite Creasing Knife, Mountain Chromite Pickaxe, Mountain Chromite Hatchet, Mountain Chromite Claw Hammer, Mountain Chromite File, Mountain Chromite Pliers, Mountain Chromite Awl, Mountain Chromite Mortar, Mountain Chromite Culinary Knife, Mountain Chromite Maul, Mountain Chromite Garden Scythe, Tortilla Press, Rarefied Mountain Chromite Fists, Mountain Chromite Tower Shield, Ruthenium Kite Shield, Ruthenium Lorica of Fending, Ruthenium Vambraces of Fending, Ruthenium Sabatons of Fending, Ruthenium Lorica of Maiming, Ruthenium Vambraces of Maiming, Ruthenium Sabatons of Maiming, Mountain Chromite Alembic, Mountain Chromite Frypan, Tortilla Press, Rarefied Mountain Chromite Alembic, Lar Longbow, Lar Cane, Lar Rod, Lar Star Globe, Lar Rapier, Lar Pendulums, Lar Ring of Fending, Lar Ring of Slaying, Lar Ring of Aiming, Lar Ring of Healing, Lar Ring of Casting, Ruthenium Torquetum, Tortilla Press, Rarefied Lar Longbow
Multifaceted Abrasive Multifaceted abrasive icon1.png Aymark Tungsten Steel Ingot, Tungsten Steel Ingot
Mythril Ingot Mythril ingot icon1.png Level 38 Blacksmith
Level 36 Armorer
Level 34 Goldsmith
Amalj'aa Vendor Mythril Cavalry Bow, Mythril Lance, Mahogany Fishing Rod, Garnet Grinding Wheel, Rosewood Fishing Rod, Pastoral Mahogany Cane, Gilded Rosewood Fishing Rod, Riviera Canopy Bed, Mythril Broadsword, Mythril Knives, Mythril Claymore, Mythril-barreled Carbine, Plumed Mythril Pickaxe, Mythril Hatchet, Mythril Rivets, Mythril Claws, Spiked Mythril Labrys, Mythril Saw, Mythril Head Knife, Mythril Bhuj, Mythril Claw Hammer, Mythril File, Mythril Ornamental Hammer, Mythril Awl, Mythril Baselards, Mythril Zweihander, Mythril-barreled Musketoon, Mythril Mortar, Mythril Culinary Knife, Mythril Sledgehammer, Mythril Scythe, Mythril Chocobotail Saw, Mythril Pliers, Mythril Lapidary Hammer, Mythril Round Knife, Mythril Pugiones, Mythrite Claymore, Mythrite Zweihander, Apkallu Weathervane, Cannonballs, Mythril Rings, Mythril Rivets, Mythril Plate, Mythril Barbut, Mythril-plated Jackboots, High Mythril Flanchard, Oasis Chandelier, Mythril Spectacles, Mythril Magnifiers, Mythril Rings, Mythril Gorget, Mythril Earrings, Wolf Earrings, Mythril Wristlets, Mythril Wristlets of Crafting, Mythril Needle, Mythril Ring, Mythril Ring of Crafting, Garnet Choker, Goshenite Choker, Peridot Choker, Heliodor Choker, Amethyst Choker, Aquamarine Choker, Pearl Choker, Mythril Star Globe, Garnet Bracelet, Goshenite Bracelet, Peridot Bracelet, Heliodor Bracelet, Amethyst Bracelet, Aquamarine Bracelet, Pearl Bracelet, Garnet Earrings, Goshenite Earrings, Amethyst Earrings, Aquamarine Earrings, Garnet Ring, Goshenite Ring, Amethyst Ring, Aquamarine Ring, Spinner, Classic Spectacles, Oval Reading Glasses, Peridot Earrings, Heliodor Earrings, Peridot Ring, Heliodor Ring, Mythril Planisphere, Mythril Choker, Mythril Ear Cuffs, Pearl Earrings, Pearl Ring, Mythril Spoon Lure, Mythril Circlet (Rubellite), Mythril Circlet (Zircon), Mythril Circlet (Tourmaline), Mythril Circlet (Amber), Mythril Circlet (Spinel), Mythril Circlet (Turquoise), Gemscope, Amdapori Wall Lantern, Vodoriga Sculpture, Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp, Megalodon Jaws, Demon Wall Sculpture, Carbuncle Chronometer, Inferno Cudgel, Boarskin Shepherd's Belt, Peisteskin Crakows, Peisteskin Crakows of Gathering, Peisteskin Harness, Peisteskin Hunting Belt, Boarskin Belt, Peisteskin Subligar, Raptorskin Pot Helm, Raptorskin Merchant's Purse, Raptorskin Leg Guards, Wolf Belt, Wolf Leg Guards, Woolen Robe, Woolen Gown, Woolen Halfgloves, Felt Kecks, Felt Cavalier's Hat, Linen Parasol, Wolf Cavalier's Hat, Wolf Kecks, Book of Mythril
Mythril Plate Mythril plate icon1.png Level 38 Armorer
Mythril Claws, Mythril Celata, Mythril Plate Belt, Mythril Cuirass, Mythril Gauntlets, Mythril Sabatons, Mythril Alembic, Mythril Elmo, Mythril Barbut, Mythril Vambraces, Mythril-plated Jackboots, Mythril Chain Coif, Mythril Mesail, Mythril Sollerets, Mythril-plated Caligae, High Mythril Gauntlets, Mythril Mitt Gauntlets, High Mythril Plate Belt, High Mythril Armor, Cobalt Haubergeon, Belah'dian Crystal Lantern, Mythril Table, Miniature Magitek Reaper, Incensory, Wolf Tassets
Mythril Rings Mythril rings icon1.png Level 37 Armorer
Level 35 Goldsmith
Amalj'aa Vendor Mythril Celata, Mythril Cuirass, Mythril Gauntlets, Mythril Sabatons, Mythril Chain Coif, Mythril Haubergeon, Mythril Sollerets, High Mythril Gauntlets, Cobalt Celata, Cobalt Cuirass, Belah'dian Crystal Lantern, Wolf Celata, Wolf Cuirass, Mythril Wristlets, Mythril Wristlets of Crafting
Mythril Rivets Mythril rivets icon1.png Level 39 Blacksmith
Level 37 Armorer
Amalj'aa Vendor Mahogany Spinning Wheel, Model Star Globe, Mythril Saw, Mythril Ornamental Hammer, Mythril Chocobotail Saw, Mythril Pliers, Mythril Lapidary Hammer, Apkallu Weathervane, Mythril Alembic, Mythril Elmo, Mythril Barbut, Mythril Mesail, Mythril-plated Caligae, Mythril Mitt Gauntlets, Reinforced Mythril Elmo, Mythril Table, Boarskin Pot Helm, Boarskin Tool Belt, Raptorskin Targe, Glade Blossom Rug, Woolen Trousers
Mythrite Ingot Mythrite ingot icon1.png Level 52 Blacksmith
Level 52 Armorer
Level 52 Goldsmith
Mythrite Pugil Stick, Holy Cedar Composite Bow, Mythrite Flametongue, Mythrite Jamadhars, Mythrite Labrys, Mythrite Stilettos, Mythrite Zweihander, Mythrite-barreled Musketoon, Mythrite Claw Hammer, Mythrite File, Mythrite Pliers, Mythrite Awl, Mythrite Mortar, Mythrite Culinary Knife, Mythrite Sledgehammer, Mythrite Scythe, Titanium Pugiones, Titanium Longsword, Titanium Knuckles, Titanium Kris, Titanium Lump Hammer, Adamantite Revolver, Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield, Mythrite Earblades of Slaying, Mythrite Earblades of Aiming, Mythrite Earblades of Casting, Mythrite Earblades of Healing, Mythrite Earblades of Fending, Mythrite Bracelet of Slaying, Mythrite Bracelet of Aiming, Mythrite Bracelet of Casting, Mythrite Bracelet of Healing, Mythrite Bracelet of Fending, Mythrite Planisphere, Mythrite Necklace of Slaying, Mythrite Necklace of Aiming, Mythrite Necklace of Casting, Mythrite Necklace of Healing, Mythrite Necklace of Fending, Yeti Fang Ring of Slaying, Yeti Fang Ring of Aiming, Yeti Fang Ring of Casting, Yeti Fang Ring of Healing, Yeti Fang Ring of Fending, Stained Crystal Interior Wall, Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming, Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking, Wyvernskin Gloves of Casting, Wyvernskin Gloves of Healing, Wyvernskin Mask of Casting, Wyvernskin Wristbands, Wyvernskin Ring, Wyvernskin Field Belt, Wyvernskin Choker, Wyvernskin Grimoire, Wyvernskin Codex, Dragonskin Grimoire, Dragonskin Codex
Mythrite Nugget Mythrite nugget icon1.png Level 51 Blacksmith
Level 51 Armorer
Level 51 Goldsmith
Mythrite Trident, Cedar Longbow, Cedar Fishing Rod, Astral Grinding Wheel, Mythrite Rivets, Mythrite Katzbalger, Mythrite Patas, Mythrite War Axe, Mythrite Pugiones, Mythrite Claymore, Mythrite-barreled Arquebus, Mythrite Ingot, Mythrite Halfheart Saw, Mythrite Lump Hammer, Mythrite Raising Hammer, Mythrite Lapidary Hammer, Mythrite Round Knife, Mythrite Pickaxe, Mythrite Hatchet, Mythrite Sallet of Maiming, Mythrite Sallet of Fending, Mythrite Tassets of Maiming, Mythrite Tassets of Fending, Mythrite Rivets, Mythrite Scutum, Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming, Mythrite Hauberk of Fending, Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming, Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending, Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming, Mythrite Sabatons of Fending, Mythrite Ingot, Mythrite Alembic, Frypan Caliente, Mythrite Star Globe, Mythrite Circlet of Striking, Mythrite Goggles of Crafting, Mythrite Goggles of Gathering, Mythrite Earrings of Slaying, Mythrite Earrings of Aiming, Mythrite Earrings of Casting, Mythrite Earrings of Healing, Mythrite Earrings of Fending, Mythrite Bangle of Slaying, Mythrite Bangle of Aiming, Mythrite Bangle of Casting, Mythrite Bangle of Healing, Mythrite Bangle of Fending, Mythrite Ingot, Mythrite Needle, Yeti Fang Earrings, Mythrite Earrings of Gathering, Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking, Archaeoskin Gloves of Crafting, Archaeoskin Gloves of Gathering, Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Crafting, Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Gathering, Archaeoskin Breeches of Crafting, Archaeoskin Breeches of Gathering, Wyvernskin Boots of Maiming, Rainbow Coif of Scouting, Holy Rainbow Hat of Aiming, Rainbow Wedge Cap, Holy Rainbow Shirt of Maiming, Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking, Holy Rainbow Shirt of Aiming, Holy Rainbow Shirt of Scouting, Holy Rainbow Shirt of Casting, Holy Rainbow Shirt of Healing, Holy Rainbow Shirt of Fending, Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing, Rainbow Coatee, Rainbow Apron, Rainbow Shoes
Mythrite Rivets Mythrite rivets icon1.png Level 51 Blacksmith
Level 51 Armorer
Holy Cedar Spinning Wheel, Mythrite Patas, Mythrite Pugiones, Mythrite-barreled Arquebus, Mythrite Halfheart Saw, Mythrite Raising Hammer, Mythrite Round Knife, Mythrite Pickaxe, Mythrite Labrys, Mythrite-barreled Musketoon, Mythrite Pliers, Mythrite Scutum, Mythrite Alembic, Frypan Caliente, Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield, Wyvernskin Boots of Striking, Wyvernskin Boots of Aiming, Wyvernskin Boots of Scouting
Nightsteel Ingot Nightsteel ingot icon1.png Level 70★★★ Blacksmith
Level 70★★★ Armorer
Black Willow Spear, Black Willow Fishing Rod, Nightsteel Sword, Nightsteel Battleaxe, Nightsteel Greatsword, Nightsteel Claws, Nightsteel Katana, Nightsteel Daggers, Nightsteel Blunderbuss, Nightsteel Saw, Nightsteel Claw Hammer, Nightsteel Cross-pein Hammer, Nightsteel File, Nightsteel Raising Hammer, Nightsteel Pliers, Nightsteel Lapidary Hammer, Nightsteel Round Knife, Nightsteel Awl, Nightsteel Mortar, Nightsteel Culinary Knife, Nightsteel Pickaxe, Nightsteel Sledgehammer, Nightsteel Hatchet, Nightsteel Scythe, Nightsteel Alembic, Nightsteel Frypan, Nightsteel Shield, Nightsteel Helm of Fending, Nightsteel Helm of Maiming, Nightsteel Armor of Fending, Nightsteel Mail of Maiming, Nightsteel Gauntlets of Fending, Nightsteel Gauntlets of Maiming, Nightsteel Sabatons of Fending, Nightsteel Greaves of Maiming, Suzaku Barding, Silvergrace Rapier, Slothskin Thighboots of Scouting, Slothskin Boots of Healing, Silvergrace Grimoire, Silvergrace Codex
Oddly Delicate Silver Gear Oddly delicate silver gear icon1.png Level 80★★★★ Blacksmith
Oddly Delicate Wolfram Square Oddly delicate wolfram square icon1.png Level 80★★★★ Armorer
Oddly Specific Chainmail Sheet Oddly specific chainmail sheet icon1.png Level 80★★ Armorer
Oddly Specific Fitting Oddly specific fitting icon1.png Level 80★★ Blacksmith
Oddly Specific Iron Ingot Oddly specific iron ingot icon1.png Level 80★★★ Blacksmith
Oddly Specific Iron Nails Oddly specific iron nails icon1.png Level 80★★ Blacksmith
Oddly Specific Mythril Plate Oddly specific mythril plate icon1.png Level 80★★★ Armorer
Oddly Specific Mythril Rings Oddly specific mythril rings icon1.png Level 80★★ Armorer
Oddly Specific Rivets Oddly specific rivets icon1.png Level 80 Blacksmith
Oddly Specific Silver Ingot Oddly specific silver ingot icon1.png Level 80★★★ Goldsmith
Oddly Specific Silver Nugget Oddly specific silver nugget icon1.png Level 80★★ Goldsmith
Oddly Specific Wire Oddly specific wire icon1.png Level 80 Armorer
Ominous Plating Ominous plating icon1.png Bantam Train
Oroshigane Ingot Oroshigane ingot icon1.png Level 64 Blacksmith
Level 64 Armorer
Doman Iron Lance, Slate Grinding Wheel, Persimmon Spinning Wheel, Doman Partition, Doman Iron Longsword, Doman Iron War Axe, Doman Iron Claws, Doman Iron Halfheart Saw, Doman Iron Lump Hammer, Doman Iron Raising Hammer, Durium Texture Hammer, Doman Iron Head Knife, Doman Iron Pickaxe, Doman Iron Hatchet, Doman Iron Greatsword, Doman Iron Uchigatana, Doman Iron Daggers, Doman Iron Culverin, Doman Iron Claw Hammer, Doman Iron File, Doman Iron Pliers, Doman Iron Awl, Doman Iron Mortar, Doman Iron Culinary Knife, Doman Iron Sledgehammer, Doman Iron Scythe, Tama-hagane Ingot, Doman Steel Longsword, Doman Steel Patas, Doman Steel Saw, Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon, Doman Steel Pliers, Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending, Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming, Doman Iron Tassets of Fending, Doman Iron Tassets of Maiming, Doman Iron Greaves of Fending, Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming, Doman Iron Alembic, Doman Iron Frypan, Doman Iron Kite Shield, Tigerskin Coat of Fending, Tigerskin Coat of Maiming, Tama-hagane Ingot, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting, Doman Steel Greaves of Fending, Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting, Doman Steel Alembic, Doman Steel Frypan Caliente, Doman Steel Armet of Fending, Durium Astrometer, Durium Smallsword, Marid Leather Gloves of Aiming, Marid Leather Belt of Fending, Marid Leather Belt of Maiming, Tigerskin Belt of Gathering, Serge Gambison of Aiming, Serge Hose of Aiming
Palladium Ingot Palladium ingot icon1.png Level 70★★ Goldsmith Torreya Cane, Suzaku Wall Hanging, Chromite Sword, Chromite Greatsword, Chromite Knuckles, Chromite Uchigatana, Chromite Daggers, Chromite Arquebus, Chromite Helm of Fending, Chromite Armor of Fending, Chromite Mail of Maiming, Chromite Gauntlets of Fending, Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming, Chromite Sabatons of Fending, Chromite Greaves of Maiming, Imitation Stained Crystal Ornament, Palladium Staff, Palladium Rapier, Palladium Orrery, Palladium Circlet of Maiming, Palladium Circlet of Striking, Palladium Circlet of Scouting, Classic Chandelier, Carbuncle Bathtub, Eorzean Lantern, Odder Otter Lantern, Hanya Mask, Moogle Wall Chronometer, Palladium Earring of Fending, Palladium Earring of Slaying, Palladium Earring of Aiming, Palladium Earring of Casting, Palladium Earring of Healing, Palladium Band of Fending, Palladium Band of Slaying, Palladium Band of Aiming, Palladium Band of Casting, Palladium Band of Healing, Washbasin, Byakko Barding, True Griffin Hat of Aiming, True Griffin Hat of Casting, True Griffin Bracers of Striking, True Griffin Bracers of Scouting, True Griffin Bracers of Aiming, True Griffin Gloves of Casting, True Griffin Gloves of Healing, True Griffin Caligae of Striking, True Griffin Caligae of Scouting, True Griffin Sandals of Casting, True Griffin Sandals of Healing, Indigo Ramie Robe of Casting, Indigo Ramie Robe of Healing, Indigo Ramie Skirt of Casting, Indigo Ramie Skirt of Healing, Shinryu's Wing, Grimoire of the True Griffin, Codex of the True Griffin
Palladium Nugget Palladium nugget icon1.png Level 68 Goldsmith Zelkova Cane, Almandine Grinding Wheel, Zelkova Fishing Rod, Eastern Teahouse Bench, Molybdenum Lump Hammer, Palladium Texture Hammer, Molybdenum Alembic, Susano Miniature, Molybdenum Earring of Fending, Molybdenum Earring of Slaying, Molybdenum Earring of Aiming, Molybdenum Earring of Healing, Molybdenum Earring of Casting, Palladium Choker of Fending, Palladium Choker of Slaying, Palladium Choker of Aiming, Palladium Choker of Healing, Palladium Choker of Casting, Palladium Bracelet of Fending, Palladium Bracelet of Slaying, Palladium Bracelet of Aiming, Palladium Bracelet of Healing, Palladium Bracelet of Casting, Palladium Ring of Fending, Palladium Ring of Slaying, Palladium Ring of Aiming, Palladium Ring of Healing, Palladium Ring of Casting, Palladium Planisphere, Palladium Rod, Palladium Tuck, Palladium Needle, Imperial Jade Earrings of Fending, Imperial Jade Earrings of Slaying, Imperial Jade Earrings of Aiming, Imperial Jade Earrings of Healing, Imperial Jade Earrings of Casting, Blissful Barding, Lakshmi Miniature, Gazelleskin Earrings, Gazelleskin Choker, Gazelleskin Wristband, Gazelleskin Ring, Twinsilk Apron, Wind-up Lakshmi
Pewter Ingot Pewter ingot icon1.png Level 82 Goldsmith Palm Crook, Apothecary's Workbench, High Durium Longsword, High Durium Bhuj, High Durium Greatsword, High Durium Bayonet, High Durium Uchigatana, High Durium Glaives, High Durium War Scythe, High Durium Musketoon, Rarefied High Durium Greatsword, Gold Cog, Bismuth Uchigatana, Bismuth Pliers, High Durium Gauntlets of Fending, High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming, High Durium Armor of Fending, High Durium Armor of Maiming, Gold Cog, Pewter Rod, Pewter Rapier, Pewter Astrometer, Pewter Pendulums, Pewter Circlet of Fending, Pewter Circlet of Maiming, Pewter Ring of Fending, Pewter Ring of Slaying, Pewter Ring of Aiming, Pewter Ring of Casting, Pewter Ring of Healing, Pewter Choker of Fending, Pewter Choker of Slaying, Pewter Choker of Aiming, Pewter Choker of Casting, Pewter Choker of Healing, Rarefied Pewter Choker, Gold Cog, Phrygian Orrery, Square Niche Partition, Luncheon Toadskin Boots of Striking, Luncheon Toadskin Hose of Striking, Luncheon Toadskin Hose of Scouting, Almasty Serge Headband of Striking, Almasty Serge Headband of Scouting, Almasty Serge Hat of Casting, Almasty Serge Hat of Healing, Almasty Serge Coat of Aiming, Almasty Serge Coat of Casting, Almasty Serge Coat of Healing
Phonograph Plate Phonograph plate icon1.png Orchestrion Phonograph
Phrygian Gold Ingot Phrygian gold ingot icon1.png Level 84 Goldsmith Red Pine Cane, Red Pine Grinding Wheel, Bismuth Katzbalger, Bismuth Axe, Bismuth Greatsword, Bismuth Gunblade, Bismuth War Scythe, Bismuth Blunderbuss, Bismuth Chakrams, Bismuth Lapidary Hammer, Bismuth Hatchet, Gold Motor Component, Manganese Uchigatana, Manganese Pliers, Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade, Gold Mechanical Voice Box, Chondrite Pliers, Orchestrion Phonograph, Bismuth Bracelet of Fending, Bismuth Bracelet of Slaying, Bismuth Bracelet of Aiming, Bismuth Bracelet of Casting, Bismuth Bracelet of Healing, Bismuth Ring of Fending, Bismuth Ring of Slaying, Bismuth Ring of Aiming, Bismuth Ring of Casting, Bismuth Ring of Healing, Bismuth Alembic, Bismuth Goggles of Fending, Bismuth Headgear of Maiming, Gold Motor Component, Gold Mechanical Voice Box, Phrygian Rod, Phrygian Hanger, Phrygian Orrery, Phrygian Wings, Phrygian Choker of Fending, Phrygian Choker of Slaying, Phrygian Choker of Aiming, Phrygian Choker of Casting, Phrygian Choker of Healing, Phrygian Needle, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Fending, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Slaying, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Aiming, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Casting, Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing, Rarefied Phrygian Earring, Gold Motor Component, Manganese Orrery, Manganese Syrinxi, Chondrite Magitek Wings, Gold Mechanical Voice Box, Shirogane Pinwheel, Saigaskin Armguards of Casting, Saigaskin Gloves of Healing, Snow Linen Doublet of Crafting, Snow Linen Coat of Gathering, Rarefied Snow Linen Doublet, Varsity Flat Cap
Platinum Ingot Platinum ingot icon1.png Level 50 Goldsmith
Ebony Cane, Ebony Staff, Wootz Daggers, Wootz Fausse, Wootz Revolver, Diamond Chandelier, Platinum Planisphere, Platinum Circlet of Casting, Platinum Circlet of Healing, Platinum Scarf of Fending, Platinum Scarf of Slaying, Platinum Scarf of Ranging, Platinum Scarf of Casting, Platinum Scarf of Healing, Platinum Earrings of Fending, Platinum Earrings of Slaying, Platinum Earrings of Ranging, Platinum Earrings of Casting, Platinum Earrings of Healing, Platinum Bangles of Fending, Platinum Bangles of Slaying, Platinum Bangles of Ranging, Platinum Bangles of Casting, Platinum Bangles of Healing, Platinum Ring of Fending, Platinum Ring of Slaying, Platinum Ring of Ranging, Platinum Ring of Casting, Platinum Ring of Healing
Platinum Nugget Platinum nugget icon1.png Level 50 Goldsmith
Artisan's Sandals, Wootz Scimitar, Wootz Sallet, Wootz Mask, Wootz Cuirass, Wootz Mail, Wootz Mitten Gauntlets, Wootz Gauntlets, Wootz Plate Belt, Wootz Sabatons, Wootz Sollerets, Platinum Circlet of Casting, Platinum Circlet of Healing, Ice Barding, Kirimu Tricorne, Kirimu Coat, Kirimu Bracers, Kirimu Gloves of Casting, Kirimu Gloves of Healing, Artisan's Mitts, Forager's Wristguards, Kirimu Belt of Maiming, Kirimu Belt of Striking, Kirimu Belt of Scouting, Kirimu Belt of Casting, Kirimu Belt of Healing, Kirimu Breeches of Fending, Kirimu Breeches of Maiming, Kirimu Brais, Kirimu Sandals of Striking, Kirimu Boots of Aiming, Kirimu Sandals of Scouting, Kirimu Boots of Casting, Kirimu Boots of Healing, Forager's Shoes, Arachne Bandana of Striking, Arachne Bandana of Scouting, Arachne Shirt of Striking, Arachne Shirt of Scouting, Arachne Bolero, Arachne Robe, Artisan's Apron, Forager's Vest, Arachne Field Dressing of Striking, Arachne Field Dressing of Scouting, Arachne Sash, Arachne Gaskins of Striking, Arachne Gaskins of Scouting, Arachne Culottes of Casting, Arachne Culottes of Healing, Artisan's Culottes, Forager's Slops
Proto Ultima Exoplating Proto ultima exoplating icon1.png
Pure Titanium Plate Pure titanium plate icon1.png Level 70★ Blacksmith
Level 70★ Armorer
Ra'Kaznar Ingot Rakaznar ingot icon1.png Level 98 Blacksmith
Level 98 Armorer
Claro Walnut Spear, Claro Walnut Cane, Claro Walnut Fishing Rod, Claro Walnut Grinding Wheel, Rarefied Claro Walnut Fishing Rod, Ra'Kaznar Katzbalger, Ra'Kaznar Tonfas, Ra'Kaznar Labrys, Ra'Kaznar Bow, Ra'Kaznar Daggers, Ra'Kaznar Greatsword, Ra'Kaznar Blunderbuss, Ra'Kaznar Samurai Blade, Ra'Kaznar Gunblade, Ra'Kaznar Chakrams, Ra'Kaznar War Scythe, Ra'Kaznar Twinfangs, Ra'Kaznar Saw, Ra'Kaznar Cross-pein Hammer, Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer, Ra'Kaznar Lapidary Hammer, Ra'Kaznar Round Knife, Ra'Kaznar Pickaxe, Ra'Kaznar Hatchet, Ra'Kaznar Claw Hammer, Ra'Kaznar File, Ra'Kaznar Pliers, Ra'Kaznar Awl, Ra'Kaznar Mortar, Ra'Kaznar Culinary Knife, Ra'Kaznar Maul, Ra'Kaznar Garden Scythe, Rarefied Ra'Kaznar War Scythe, Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Round Knife, Ra'Kaznar Shield, Ra'Kaznar Helm of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Armor of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Helm of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Armor of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Armguards of Striking, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Striking, Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Aiming, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Aiming, Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Scouting, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Scouting, Ra'Kaznar Alembic, Ra'Kaznar Spriggan Frypan, Black Star Ring of Crafting, Ra'Kaznar Ring of Gathering, Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Greaves, Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Ring, Skyruin Trophy, Ra'Kaznar Rod, Ra'Kaznar Orrery, Ra'Kaznar Hanger, Ra'Kaznar Wings, Black Star Headgear of Striking, Black Star Headgear of Aiming, Black Star Visor of Scouting, Black Star Mask of Healing, Black Star Mask of Casting, Black Star Ear Cuff of Fending, Black Star Ear Cuff of Slaying, Black Star Ear Cuff of Aiming, Black Star Ear Cuff of Healing, Black Star Ear Cuff of Casting, Black Star Choker of Fending, Black Star Choker of Slaying, Black Star Choker of Aiming, Black Star Choker of Healing, Black Star Choker of Casting, Black Star Bracelet of Fending, Black Star Bracelet of Slaying, Black Star Bracelet of Aiming, Black Star Bracelet of Healing, Black Star Bracelet of Casting, Black Star Ring of Fending, Black Star Ring of Slaying, Black Star Ring of Aiming, Black Star Ring of Healing, Black Star Ring of Casting, Ra'Kaznar Needle, Black Star Earrings of Crafting, Black Star Bracelets of Crafting, Black Star Earrings of Gathering, Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Orrery, Rarefied Black Star Earrings, Gargantuaskin Jacket of Striking, Rarefied Gargantuaskin Trousers, Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves, Book of Ra'Kaznar, Word of Ra'Kaznar
Reinforced Darksteel Wire Reinforced darksteel wire icon1.png Level 50 Armorer
Rhodium Ingot Rhodium ingot icon1.png Level 90★★ Goldsmith Classical Cavalry Bow, Classical Cane, Classical Battleaxe, Classical Gunblade, Classical Handgonne, Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear, Classical Secutor's Mask, Classical Smallsword, Classical Torquetum, Classical Milpreves, Classical Signifer's Horns, Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath, Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque, Classical Earrings of Fending, Classical Earrings of Slaying, Classical Earrings of Aiming, Classical Earrings of Casting, Classical Earrings of Healing, Classical Ring of Fending, Classical Ring of Slaying, Classical Ring of Aiming, Classical Ring of Casting, Classical Ring of Healing, Classical Signifer's Fingerless Gloves, Classical Choker of Fending, Classical Choker of Slaying, Classical Choker of Aiming, Classical Choker of Casting, Classical Choker of Healing, Classical Sagittarius's Headband, Classical Signifer's Chiton, Classical Medicus's Chiton, Classical Sagittarius's Wrist Torque
Rose Gold Cog Rose gold cog icon1.png Level 50 Goldsmith
Calibrated Rose Gold Cog
Rose Gold Ingot Rose gold ingot icon1.png Level 50 Goldsmith
Artisan's Grinding Wheel, Rose Gold Clasps, The Evening Star, Rose Gold Circlet, Rose Gold Gorget, Astral Choker, Rose Gold Ear Cuffs, Rose Gold Bracelets, Astral Bracelet, Rose Gold Ring, Astral Ring, Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp, Illumination Module, Titanic Cragsoul Lamp, Gargoyle Sculpture, Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp, Taffeta Shawl, Wizard's Attire Augmentation, Evoker's Attire Augmentation, Scholar's Attire Augmentation
Rose Gold Nugget Rose gold nugget icon1.png Level 50 Goldsmith
Mythrite Pugil Stick, Mailbreaker Blade, Avenger Grips, Misericorde Blades, Mailbreaker, Avengers, Misericordes, Subduer, Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss, Seating Module, Wavesoul Fount, Oasis Path Light, Wootz Scimitar, Wootz Fausse, Hamlet Digger's Helmet, Heavy Darksteel Armor, Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets, Heavy Darksteel Flanchard, Titanium Sallet of Maiming, Titanium Mask of Striking, Titanium Mask of Aiming, Titanium Mask of Scouting, Titanium Mask of Fending, Titanium Cuirass of Maiming, Titanium Mail of Fending, Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming, Titanium Gauntlets of Fending, Titanium Sabatons of Maiming, Titanium Sollerets of Fending, Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming, Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming, Adamantite Scutum, Titanium Armor of Maiming, Diagnostics Module, Projection Module, Wolfram Cuirass, Company Escutcheon, Imperial Operative Choker, Militia Earrings, Imperial Operative Wristlets, Militia Wristlets, Militia Bracelets, Goldsmith's Turban, Alchemist's Monocle, Aetheryte Ring, Rose Gold Ingot, Astrolabe Clinometer, Astrolabe, Rose Gold Gorget, Rose Gold Ear Cuffs, Rose Gold Ear Screws, Rose Gold Earrings, Rose Gold Bracelets, Rose Gold Ring, Oasis Bathtub, Star Chandelier, Personal Astroscope, Cragsoul Lamp, Vodoriga Sculpture, Inferno Wall Lamp, Carbuncle Lantern, Carbuncle Chronometer, Wolf Staff, Wolf Planisphere, Wolf Rubellite Choker, Wolf Zircon Choker, Wolf Tourmaline Choker, Wolf Amber Choker, Wolf Spinel Choker, Wolf Turquoise Choker, Wolf Rubellite Earrings, Wolf Zircon Earrings, Wolf Tourmaline Earrings, Wolf Amber Earrings, Wolf Spinel Earrings, Wolf Turquoise Earrings, Wolf Rubellite Bracelet, Wolf Zircon Bracelet, Wolf Tourmaline Bracelet, Wolf Amber Bracelet, Wolf Spinel Bracelet, Wolf Turquoise Bracelet, Wolf Rubellite Ring, Wolf Zircon Ring, Wolf Tourmaline Ring, Wolf Amber Ring, Wolf Spinel Ring, Wolf Turquoise Ring, Rose Gold Choker, Mosshorn Earrings, Rose Gold Earrings of Gathering, Rose Gold Cog, Gold Spectacles, Imperial Operative Tricorne, Glacial Boots, Hamlet Puller's Hat, Carpenter's Gloves, Gryphonskin Jerkin, Gryphonskin Gloves, Gryphonskin Thighboots, Levin Barding, Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming, Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking, Wyvernskin Cuffs of Aiming, Wyvernskin Cuffs of Scouting, Wyvernskin Pot Helm of Maiming, Wyvernskin Boots of Casting, Archaeoskin Boots of Healing, Wyvernskin Boots of Fending, Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking, Dhalmelskin Jacket of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Jacket of Scouting, Serpentskin Hat of Casting, Saurian Bandana of Striking, Saurian Shirt of Striking, Saurian Tabard of Aiming, Saurian Gloves of Striking, Saurian Gloves of Aiming, Saurian Belt of Aiming, Saurian Belt of Casting, Saurian Boots of Striking, Saurian Crakows of Casting, Saurian Boots of Healing, Kirimu Tricorne, Kirimu Coat, Company Hat, Imperial Operative Hat, Culinarian's Hat, Weaver's Swallowtail, Alchemist's Coat, Leatherworker's Trousers, Weaver's Trousers, Alchemist's Trousers, Vanya Hat of Casting, Vanya Hat of Healing, Vanya Robe of Casting, Vanya Robe of Healing, Vanya Gloves of Casting, Vanya Gloves of Healing, Vanya Crakows, Ramie Turban of Crafting, Ramie Robe of Casting, Ramie Robe of Healing, Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking, Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Cyclas of Scouting, Chimerical Felt Breeches of Casting, Chimerical Felt Chausses of Healing, Cashmere Skirt of Aiming, Arachne Bolero, Arachne Robe, Company Tabard, Potted Oliphaunt's Ear, Cantamina Thavnaria, Medica Thavnaria
Rusted Suit of Armor Rusted suit of armor icon1.png Armor Hanger
Ruthenium Ingot Ruthenium ingot icon1.png Level 92 Blacksmith
Level 92 Armorer
Dark Mahogany Spear, Dark Mahogany Longbow, Dark Mahogany Spinning Wheel, Ruthenium Scimitar, Ruthenium Tonfas, Ruthenium War Axe, Ruthenium Greatsword, Ruthenium-barreled Musketoon, Ruthenium Blade, Ruthenium Gunblade, Ruthenium War Scythe, Ruthenium Twinfangs, Cobalt Tungsten Knuckles, Cobalt Tungsten Khukuri, Cobalt Tungsten Guillotine, Cobalt Tungsten Handgonne, Cobalt Tungsten Blade, Cobalt Tungsten Sawback, Cobalt Tungsten Glaives, Cobalt Tungsten War Scythe, Cobalt Tungsten Diamondbacks, Cobalt Tungsten Cross-pein Hammer, Cobalt Tungsten Lapidary Hammer, Cobalt Tungsten Creasing Knife, Cobalt Tungsten Pickaxe, Cobalt Tungsten Hatchet, Cobalt Tungsten Claw Hammer, Cobalt Tungsten Pliers, Cobalt Tungsten Mortar, Cobalt Tungsten Garden Scythe, Tortilla Press, Rarefied Ruthenium War Axe, Ruthenium Kite Shield, Ruthenium Lorica of Fending, Ruthenium Vambraces of Fending, Ruthenium Sabatons of Fending, Ruthenium Lorica of Maiming, Ruthenium Vambraces of Maiming, Ruthenium Sabatons of Maiming, Cobalt Tungsten Kite Shield, Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Fending, Cobalt Tungsten Vest of Maiming, Cobalt Tungsten Chocobo Frypan, Tortilla Press, Rarefied Ruthenium Sabatons, Ruthenium Knives, Ruthenium Torquetum, Ruthenium Tuck, Ruthenium Folding Fans, Ihuykanite Circlet of Fending, Ihuykanite Circlet of Maiming, Ihuykanite Earring of Fending, Ihuykanite Earring of Slaying, Ihuykanite Earring of Aiming, Ihuykanite Earring of Healing, Ihuykanite Earring of Casting, Ihuykanite Choker of Fending, Ihuykanite Choker of Slaying, Ihuykanite Choker of Aiming, Ihuykanite Choker of Healing, Ihuykanite Choker of Casting, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Fending, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Slaying, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Aiming, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Healing, Ihuykanite Bracelet of Casting, Ihuykanite Ring of Fending, Ihuykanite Ring of Slaying, Ihuykanite Ring of Aiming, Ihuykanite Ring of Healing, Ihuykanite Ring of Casting, Cobalt Tungsten Planisphere, Cobalt Tungsten Tuck, Cobalt Tungsten Pendulums, Tortilla Press, Rarefied Ihuykanite Circlet, Mountain Linen Top of Striking, Mountain Linen Top of Scouting, Sarcenet Work Shirt of Crafting, Sarcenet Jacket of Gathering, Rarefied Mountain Linen Top, Wisteria Ceiling Lamp
Scintillant Ingot Scintillant ingot icon1.png Level 60★★★★ Goldsmith Heavy Metal Lance, Teak Composite Bow, Teak Cane, Heavy Metal Longsword, Heavy Metal Claws, Heavy Metal War Axe, Heavy Metal Daggers, Heavy Metal Greatsword, Heavy Metal Culverin, Heavy Metal Coif of Fending, Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming, Heavy Metal Cuirass of Fending, Heavy Metal Cuirass of Maiming, Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending, Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming, Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending, Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming, Sophic Barding, Scintillant Staff, Scintillant Planisphere, Scintillant Circlet of Striking, Scintillant Circlet of Aiming, Scintillant Circlet of Scouting, Scintillant Earring of Fending, Scintillant Earring of Slaying, Scintillant Earring of Aiming, Scintillant Earring of Casting, Scintillant Earring of Healing, Scintillant Ring of Fending, Scintillant Ring of Slaying, Scintillant Ring of Aiming, Scintillant Ring of Casting, Scintillant Ring of Healing, Star Velvet Hood of Casting, Star Velvet Hood of Healing, Star Velvet Long Gloves of Casting, Star Velvet Long Gloves of Healing, Star Velvet Bottoms of Casting, Star Velvet Bottoms of Healing, Hemiskin Grimoire, Hemiskin Codex
Scintillant Nugget Scintillant nugget icon1.png Hismena, Hismena Scintillant Ingot
Select Bismuth Ingot Select bismuth ingot icon1.png Quinnana Connoisseur's Samurai Blade, Connoisseur's Chandelier
Select Brashgold Plate Select brashgold plate icon1.png Quinnana Connoisseur's Trumpet, Connoisseur's Marching Horn
Select Cobalt Plate Select cobalt plate icon1.png Quinnana Connoisseur's Aquarium, Connoisseur's Escutcheon
Select Duraluminum Ingot Select duraluminum ingot icon1.png Quinnana Connoisseur's Rousing Chronometer, Connoisseur's Retainer Bell
Select Manganese Ingot Select manganese ingot icon1.png Quinnana Connoisseur's Wall Lantern, Connoisseur's Coffee Brewer
Select Titanium Plate Select titanium plate icon1.png Quinnana Connoisseur's Ornate Door, Connoisseur's Bench
Silver Dust Silver dust icon1.png
Silver Ingot Silver ingot icon1.png Level 23 Goldsmith
Silver Battle Fork, Cobalt Halberd, Manor Highback Chair, Manor Wardrobe, Manor Bookshelf, Glade Arched Door, Oasis House Roof (Wood), Oasis Desk, Glade Bookshelf, Oriental Altar, Cask Rack, Thunderstorm Axe, Silver Head Knife, Spiked Cobalt Labrys, Mythrite Flametongue, Manor Flower Stand, Wolf Labrys, Iron Scale Mail, Steel Scale Mail, Decorated Buckler, Silver Alembic, Heavy Darksteel Armor, Heavy Darksteel Gauntlets, Heavy Darksteel Flanchard, Deluxe Oasis Pendant Lamp, Oval Spectacles, Contemporary Pince-nez, Silver Rings, Silver Spectacles, Horn Earrings, Silver Magnifiers, Silver Gorget, Silver Wristlets, Silver Wristlets of Crafting, Flawless Band, Silver Scepter, Silver Needle, Silver Earrings, Silver Ring, Silver Ring of Crafting, Sunstone Choker, Danburite Choker, Sunstone Earrings, Danburite Earrings, Sunstone Bracelet, Danburite Bracelet, Sunstone Ring, Danburite Ring, Chocobo Fly, Fluorite Choker, Lapis Lazuli Choker, Fluorite Earrings, Lapis Lazuli Earrings, Fluorite Bracelet, Lapis Lazuli Bracelet, Fluorite Ring, Lapis Lazuli Ring, Sphene Choker, Sphene Earrings, Sphene Bracelet, Sphene Ring, Malachite Choker, Malachite Earrings, Malachite Bracelet, Malachite Ring, Silver Choker, Silver Ear Cuffs, Silver Spoon Lure, Silver Circlet (Garnet), Silver Circlet (Goshenite), Silver Circlet (Peridot), Silver Circlet (Heliodor), Silver Circlet (Amethyst), Silver Circlet (Aquamarine), Decorated Silver Scepter, Silver Star Globe, Sinking Minnow, Fire Brand, Wildfowl Fly, Mythril Star Globe, The Evening Star, Mythrite Earblades of Slaying, Mythrite Earblades of Aiming, Mythrite Earblades of Casting, Mythrite Earblades of Healing, Mythrite Earblades of Fending, Oasis Lantern, Manor Candelabra, Weighing Scale, Ahriman Flower Vase, Ahriman Chronometer, Oasis House Roof (Stone), Oasis Wall Chimney, Oasis House Roof (Composite), Oasis Rounded Chimney, Gemscope, Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Boarskin Satchel Belt, Boarskin Survival Belt, Boarskin Skirt, Boarskin Jerkin, Silver Tricorne, Raptorskin Survival Belt, Dodore Doublet, Fisher's Shirt, Fisher's Gloves, Fisher's Wading Boots, Manor Stool, Drinking Apkallu, Coeurl Talisman, Velveteen Coatee of Gathering, Velveteen Half Apron, Velveteen Gaiters, Velveteen Coatee of Crafting, Velveteen Gown, Velveteen Robe, Velveteen Doublet Vest of Crafting, Velveteen Doublet Vest of Gathering, Vintage Seneschal Coatee, Militia Hat, Hamlet Cutter's Hat, Vanya Robe of Casting, Vanya Robe of Healing, Vanya Gloves of Casting, Vanya Gloves of Healing, Linen Parasol, Silver Brocade, Book of Silver, Embossed Book of Silver, Deus Ex Verbis, Deus Ex Gratia, Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation, Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity, Grade 1 Wheel of Industry, Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing, Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry, Grade 1 Wheel of Company, Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation, Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity, Grade 1 Wheel of Observation, Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency, Grade 1 Wheel of Precision, Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication, Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment, Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence, Grade 1 Wheel of Revival, Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage, Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation, Chilled Red
Silver Leaf Silver leaf icon1.png
Silver Plate Silver plate icon1.png
Silver Rings Silver rings icon1.png Level 24 Goldsmith
Silver Wristlets, Silver Wristlets of Crafting
Silver Rivets Silver rivets icon1.png
Silvergrace Ingot Silvergrace ingot icon1.png Level 70★★★ Goldsmith Black Willow Greatbow, Black Willow Cane, Silvergrace Grinding Wheel, Nightsteel Battleaxe, Nightsteel Greatsword, Nightsteel Claws, Nightsteel Katana, Nightsteel Blunderbuss, Nightsteel Lapidary Hammer, Nightsteel Alembic, Nightsteel Helm of Fending, Nightsteel Helm of Maiming, Nightsteel Gauntlets of Fending, Nightsteel Gauntlets of Maiming, Suzaku Barding, Odder Otter Hanging Andon Lamp, Odder Otter Andon Lamp, Mellow Mog Lamp, Odder Otter Wall Lantern, Carbuncle Chandelier, Silvergrace Rod, Silvergrace Rapier, Silvergrace Planisphere, Silvergrace Needle, Silvergrace Halfmask of Striking, Silvergrace Earring of Fending, Silvergrace Earring of Slaying, Silvergrace Earring of Aiming, Silvergrace Earring of Casting, Silvergrace Earring of Healing, Silvergrace Earrings of Crafting, Silvergrace Earrings of Gathering, Silvergrace Ring of Fending, Silvergrace Ring of Slaying, Silvergrace Ring of Aiming, Silvergrace Ring of Casting, Silvergrace Ring of Healing, Seiryu Statuette, Slothskin Gloves of Scouting, Slothskin Gloves of Aiming, Slothskin Belt of Fending, Slothskin Belt of Maiming, Slothskin Belt of Striking, Slothskin Belt of Scouting, Slothskin Belt of Aiming, Slothskin Belt of Casting, Slothskin Belt of Healing, Slothskin Boots of Aiming, Slothskin Boots of Casting, True Linen Cap of Scouting, True Linen Cap of Aiming, True Linen Jacket of Scouting, True Linen Jacket of Aiming, True Linen Halfgloves of Striking, Onishi Momohiki, Lunar Barding, Jellyfish Lamp, Silvergrace Grimoire, Silvergrace Codex
Skysteel Ingot Skysteel ingot icon1.png Enie Replica Sky Pirate's Helm of Fending, Replica Sky Pirate's Helm of Maiming, Replica Sky Rat Mask of Striking, Replica Sky Rat Mask of Scouting, Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending, Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Maiming, Replica Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending, Replica Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming, Replica Sky Rat Hook of Fending, Replica Sky Rat Hook of Maiming, Replica Sky Rat Hook of Scouting, Replica Sky Rat Hook of Healing, Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Striking, Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Aiming, Replica Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Casting, Replica Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking, Replica Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting, Replica Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing, Replica Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting, Replica Sky Rat Mask of Fending, Replica Sky Rat Mask of Maiming, Replica Sky Rat Mask of Aiming, Replica Sky Rat Mask of Healing, Replica Sky Rat Mask of Casting, Replica Sky Rat Harness of Fending, Replica Sky Rat Harness of Maiming, Replica Sky Rat Harness of Scouting, Replica Sky Rat Harness of Healing, Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Fending, Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Maiming, Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Scouting, Replica Sky Rat Hookboots of Healing, Replica Sky Pirate's Vest of Aiming, Replica Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming
Softsilver Ingot Softsilver ingot icon1.png Level 90**** Blacksmith
Level 90**** Armorer
Diadochos Spear, Diadochos Compound Bow, Diadochos Sword, Diadochos War Axe, Diadochos Greatsword, Diadochos Gunblade, Diadochos Zaghnal, Diadochos Knuckles, Diadochos Blade, Diadochos Main Gauches, Diadochos Revolver, Diadochos Chakrams, Diadochos Shield, Diadochos Halfgloves of Fending, Diadochos Halfgloves of Maiming, Diadochos Halfgloves of Aiming, Diadochos Poleyns of Fending, Diadochos Poleyns of Maiming, Diadochos Poleyns of Aiming, Diadochos Earring of Fending, Diadochos Earring of Slaying, Diadochos Earring of Aiming, Diadochos Earring of Casting, Diadochos Earring of Healing, Diadochos Rod, Diadochos Smallsword, Diadochos Cane, Diadochos Planisphere, Diadochos Wings, Diadochos Choker of Fending, Diadochos Choker of Slaying, Diadochos Choker of Aiming, Diadochos Choker of Casting, Diadochos Choker of Healing, Diadochos Wristband of Fending, Diadochos Wristband of Slaying, Diadochos Wristband of Aiming, Diadochos Wristband of Casting, Diadochos Wristband of Healing, Diadochos Jacket of Fending, Diadochos Jacket of Maiming, Diadochos Jacket of Aiming, Diadochos Gloves of Striking, Diadochos Gloves of Scouting, Diadochos Boots of Fending, Diadochos Boots of Maiming, Diadochos Boots of Aiming, Diadochos Index, Diadochos Codex
Steel Hinge Steel hinge icon1.png Level 26 Armorer
Glade Lancet Door, Oasis Crowned Door, Manor Wardrobe, Manor Cupboard, Standing Signboard, Glade Wardrobe, Riviera Wooden Door, Glade Arched Door, Oasis Wardrobe, Riviera Ornate Door, Oasis Arched Door, Riviera Wardrobe, Company Chest, Riviera Studded Door, Oasis Classical Door, Glade Classical Door, Sylphic Screen, Sylphic Cupboard
Steel Ingot Steel ingot icon1.png Level 26 Blacksmith
Level 26 Armorer
Amalj'aa Vendor Steel Halberd, Staghorn Fishing Rod, Steel Spear, Ash Cavalry Bow, Walnut Fishing Rod, Siltstone Grinding Wheel, Heavy Steel Lance, Oak Longbow, Horn Fishing Rod, Glade Lancet Door, Walnut Dining Table, Oasis Crowned Door, Riviera Wooden Awning, Stepladder, Walnut Cartonnier, Retainer Cartonnier, Riviera Stall, Riviera Wooden Door, Oasis Wardrobe, Oasis Wooden Wall, Glade Lamppost, Wine Barrel, Steel Daggers, Steel Nails, Steel Broadsword, Spiked Steel Labrys, Steel Rivets, Steel Claws, Steel Knives, Bas-relief Steel Saw, Steel Chaser Hammer, Steel Pickaxe, Steel Sledgehammer, Steel Falchion, Steel Claw Hammer, Steel Awl, Steel Bardiche, Steel Cross-pein Hammer, Steel Ornamental Hammer, Steel Mortar, Steel Culinary Knife, Steel Dolabra, Steel Hatchet, Steel Scythe, Steel Baselards, Steel Zweihander, Steel-barreled Musketoon, Steel Crowsbeak Hammer, Steel File, Steel Doming Hammer, Steel Bhuj, Crosscut Saw, Steel Pliers, Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife, Plumed Steel Hatchet, Steel Round Knife, Steel Longsword, Mythril Claymore, Wrapped Crowsbeak Hammer, Steel Raising Hammer, Spiked Mythril Labrys, Mythril Bhuj, Mythril-barreled Musketoon, Demilune Bhuj, Riviera Ornate Door, Galleas Wheel, Deluxe Riviera Pendant Lamp, Riviera Lamppost, Manor Flower Stand, Oasis Lamppost, Oaken Bench, Ahriman Bookshelf, Ahriman Screen, Ahriman Sideboard, Ahriman Cupboard, Riviera Counter, Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Steel Hinge, Steel Plate, Steel Rivets, Steel Joint Plate, Steel Rings, Steel Sallet, Bull Hoplon, Steel Scale Fingers, Steel Scale Greaves, Steel Barbut, Heavy Steel Flanchard, Horn Scale Greaves, Mythril Alembic, Horn Scale Mail, Oasis Arched Door, Cast-iron Cookpot, Riviera Rounded Chimney, Steel Jig, Heavy Steel Jig, Oasis Classical Door, Masonwork Stove, Goatskin Ringbands, Toadskin Cesti, Toadskin Hunting Belt, Toadskin Armguards, Toadskin Voyager's Belt, Toadskin Leg Guards, Toadskin Belt, Boarskin Crakows, Boarskin Crakows of Gathering, Boarskin Ringbands, Boarskin Harness, Boarskin Subligar, Boarskin Smithy's Gloves, Peisteskin Cesti, Manor Stool, Ahriman Chair, Oasis Banner, Glade Counter, Retainer Counter, Glade Banner, Riviera Banner, Velveteen Sugarloaf Hat, Linen Doublet, Woolen Kecks, Glade Thatch Wall, Potted Axilflower
Steel Joint Plate Steel joint plate icon1.png Level 27 Armorer
Manor Cupboard, Manor Bookshelf, Riviera House Roof (Composite), Glade House Wall (Wood), Riviera House Wall (Wood), Oasis House Roof (Wood), Oasis Stall, Riviera House Roof (Stone), Riviera House Wall (Composite), Glade House Roof (Wood), Glade House Roof (Stone), Riviera House Roof (Wood), Glade House Roof (Composite)
Steel Nails Steel nails icon1.png Level 27 Blacksmith
Riviera House Roof (Composite), Glade House Wall (Wood), Riviera House Wall (Wood), Oasis House Roof (Wood), Riviera House Roof (Stone), Riviera House Wall (Composite), Glade House Roof (Wood), Glade House Roof (Stone), Riviera House Roof (Wood), Glade House Roof (Composite)
Steel Plate Steel plate icon1.png Level 27 Armorer
Amalj'aa Vendor Walnut Table, Steel Claws, Steel Dolabra, Steel Raising Hammer, Bomb Frypan, Steel Tassets, Steel Alembic, Steel Skillet, Steel Sallet, Steel Celata, Steel Cuirass, Steel Gauntlets, Steel-plated Jackboots, Steel Sabatons, Bull Hoplon, Steel Elmo, Steel Vambraces, Steel Plate Belt, Steel Scale Mail, Steel Scale Fingers, Steel Scale Greaves, White Skillet, Silver Alembic, Heavy Steel Armor, Heavy Steel Gauntlets, Reinforced Steel Plate Belt, Steel Barbut, Steel Mitt Gauntlets, Steel-plated Caligae, Steel Frypan, Bladed Lantern Shield, Horn Scale Greaves, Horn Scale Fingers, Mythril Barbut, Mythril Haubergeon, Mythril Mitt Gauntlets, Cobalt Barbut, Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets, Deluxe Oasis Pendant Lamp, Iron Plate Flooring, Manor Desk, Cast-iron Cookpot, Riviera Round Table, Ahriman Round Table, Riviera Rounded Chimney, Riviera Dining Table, Glade Wall Chimney, Glade Hanging Placard, Riviera Hanging Placard, Metal Interior Wall, Metal Flooring, Steel Goggles, Riviera Armchair, Riviera Couch
Steel Rings Steel rings icon1.png Level 28 Armorer
Amalj'aa Vendor Steel Chainmail, Steel Gauntlets, Steel Sabatons, Heavy Steel Gauntlets, Heavy Steel Flanchard
Steel Rivets Steel rivets icon1.png Level 29 Blacksmith
Level 27 Armorer
Amalj'aa Vendor Walnut Spinning Wheel, Riviera Wooden Awning, Walnut Table, Stepladder, Riviera Stall, Wine Barrel, Bas-relief Steel Saw, Steel Chaser Hammer, Steel Ornamental Hammer, Crosscut Saw, Steel Pliers, Galleas Wheel, Oaken Bench, Ahriman Bookshelf, Ahriman Screen, Ahriman Sideboard, Ahriman Cupboard, Steel Alembic, Steel Sallet, Steel Elmo, Silver Alembic, Steel Barbut, Steel Mitt Gauntlets, Steel-plated Caligae, Bladed Lantern Shield, Iron Plate Flooring, Manor Desk, Ahriman Round Table, Riviera Rounded Chimney, Riviera Dining Table, Glade Wall Chimney, Glade Hanging Placard, Riviera Hanging Placard, Metal Interior Wall, Metal Flooring, Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Riviera Studded Door, Goatskin Targe, Toadskin Armguards, Fingerless Boarskin Gloves, Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering, Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves, Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves of Gathering, Ahriman Chair, Linen Trousers, Padded Linen Trousers, Stone Interior Wall, Stone Flooring, Oak Low Barrel Planter
Stonegold Ingot Stonegold ingot icon1.png Level 72 Goldsmith Deepgold Sword, Deepgold Axe, Deepgold Greatsword, Deepgold Uchigatana, Deepgold Daggers, Deepgold Bayonet, Deepgold Knuckles, Deepgold Arquebus, Deepgold Chakrams, Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger, Metal Worm Jar, Deepgold Tassets of Fending, Deepgold Tassets of Maiming, Deepgold Tassets of Striking, Deepgold Tassets of Scouting, Deepgold Tassets of Aiming, Deepgold Tassets of Casting, Deepgold Tassets of Healing, Deepgold Shield, Dwarven Mythril Shield, Innocence Barding, Metal Worm Jar, Diaspore Earrings of Fending, Diaspore Earrings of Slaying, Diaspore Earrings of Aiming, Diaspore Earrings of Casting, Diaspore Earrings of Healing, Diaspore Ring of Fending, Diaspore Ring of Slaying, Diaspore Ring of Aiming, Diaspore Ring of Casting, Diaspore Ring of Healing, Stonegold Rapier, Stonegold Orrery, Diaspore Choker of Fending, Diaspore Choker of Slaying, Diaspore Choker of Aiming, Diaspore Choker of Casting, Diaspore Choker of Healing, Diaspore Bracelet of Fending, Diaspore Bracelet of Slaying, Diaspore Bracelet of Aiming, Diaspore Bracelet of Casting, Diaspore Bracelet of Healing, Manasilver Needle, Metal Worm Jar, Gliderskin Thighboots of Striking, Gliderskin Thighboots of Scouting, Dwarven Mythril Grimoire, Dwarven Mythril Codex
Stonegold Nugget Stonegold nugget icon1.png Level 71 Goldsmith White Oak Composite Bow, White Oak Rod, White Oak Cane, Applewood Staff, Applewood Cane, Deepgold Anelace, Deepgold Battleaxe, Deepgold Claymore, Deepgold Gunblade, Deepgold Katars, Deepgold Blade, Deepgold Cinquedeas, Deepgold Revolver, Deepgold War Quoits, Deepgold Pliers, Deepgold Lapidary Hammer, Deepgold Head Knife, Deepgold Hatchet, Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana, Dwarven Mythril Glaives, Dwarven Mythril Planisphere, Deepgold Alembic, Deepgold Kite Shield, Deepgold Mask of Scouting, Deepgold Cuirass of Fending, Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending, Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming, Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking, Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting, Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming, Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting, Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing, Deepgold Sollerets of Fending, Stonegold Degen, Stonegold Astrometer, Stonegold Needle, Stonegold Circlet of Maiming, Hematite Earrings of Fending, Hematite Earrings of Slaying, Hematite Earrings of Aiming, Hematite Earrings of Casting, Hematite Earrings of Healing, Hematite Choker of Fending, Hematite Choker of Slaying, Hematite Choker of Aiming, Hematite Choker of Casting, Hematite Choker of Healing, Islewolf Bracelet of Fending, Islewolf Bracelet of Slaying, Islewolf Bracelet of Aiming, Islewolf Bracelet of Casting, Islewolf Bracelet of Healing, Islewolf Ring of Fending, Islewolf Ring of Slaying, Islewolf Ring of Aiming, Islewolf Ring of Casting, Islewolf Ring of Healing, Dwarven Mythril Rapier, Smilodonskin Tool Belt, Smilodonskin Survival Belt, Smilodonskin Earrings, Smilodonskin Choker, Smilodonskin Wristband, Smilodonskin Ring, Swallowskin Gloves of Scouting, Swallowskin Gloves of Aiming, Swallowskin Gloves of Casting, Swallowskin Gloves of Healing, Steerhide Shoes, Brightlinen Turban of Crafting, Brightlinen Turban of Gathering, Pixie Cotton Apron of Crafting, Dwarven Cotton Jacket
Tama-hagane Ingot Tama-hagane ingot icon1.png Level 66 Blacksmith
Level 66 Armorer
Doman Steel Halberd, Persimmon Bow, Gazelle Horn Fishing Rod, Zelkova Spinning Wheel, Doman Steel Longsword, Doman Steel Battleaxe, Doman Steel Patas, Doman Steel Saw, Doman Steel Cross-pein Hammer, Doman Steel Raising Hammer, Durium Lapidary Hammer, Doman Steel Round Knife, Plumed Doman Steel Pickaxe, Doman Steel Hatchet, Doman Steel Greatsword, Doman Steel Tachi, Doman Steel Main Gauches, Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon, Doman Steel Claw Hammer, Doman Steel File, Doman Steel Pliers, Doman Steel Awl, Doman Steel Mortar, Doman Steel Culinary Knife, Doman Steel Sledgehammer, Doman Steel Scythe, Molybdenum Longsword, Molybdenum Longblade, Molybdenum Ball-pein Hammer, Molybdenum Pickaxe, Molybdenum Pliers, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking, Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting, Doman Steel Greaves of Fending, Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming, Doman Steel Greaves of Striking, Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting, Doman Steel Alembic, Doman Steel Frypan Caliente, Doman Steel Shield, Doman Steel Armet of Fending, Doman Steel Armet of Maiming, Doman Steel Tabard of Fending, Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming, Molybdenum Kite Shield, Molybdenum Greaves of Fending, Molybdenum Alembic, Molybdenum Frypan, Durium Foil, Palladium Choker of Fending, Palladium Choker of Slaying, Palladium Choker of Aiming, Palladium Choker of Healing, Palladium Choker of Casting, Palladium Bracelet of Fending, Palladium Bracelet of Slaying, Palladium Bracelet of Aiming, Palladium Bracelet of Healing, Palladium Bracelet of Casting, Marid Leather Boots of Aiming, Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending, Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Maiming, Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Striking, Gazelleskin Boots of Aiming, Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Scouting, Gazelleskin Boots of Casting, Gazelleskin Coat of Fending, Gazelleskin Corselet of Maiming, Gazelleskin Corselet of Striking, Gazelleskin Corselet of Scouting, Gazelleskin Armguards of Aiming, Gazelleskin Brais of Maiming, Gazelleskin Brais of Striking, Gazelleskin Brais of Scouting, Twinsilk Hood of Striking, Twinsilk Turban of Aiming, Twinsilk Turban of Scouting, Twinsilk Robe of Aiming, Twinsilk Slops of Fending, Twinsilk Slops of Aiming
Thavnairian Abrasive Thavnairian abrasive icon1.png Enna, Enna Nightsteel Ingot, Nightsteel Ingot
Titanbronze Ingot Titanbronze ingot icon1.png Level 76 Blacksmith
Level 76 Armorer
Sandteak Fauchard, Sandteak Grinding Wheel, Sandteak Fishing Rod, Titanbronze Kilij, Titanbronze Battleaxe, Titanbronze Guillotine, Titanbronze Bayonet, Titanbronze Fists, Titanbronze Uchigatana, Titanbronze Daggers, Titanbronze Musketoon, Titanbronze Chakrams, Titanbronze Saw, Titanbronze Claw Hammer, Titanbronze Lump Hammer, Titanbronze File, Titanbronze Ball-pein Hammer, Titanbronze Pliers, Titanbronze Texture Hammer, Titanbronze Creasing Knife, Titanbronze Awl, Titanbronze Mortar, Titanbronze Culinary Knife, Titanbronze Pickaxe, Titanbronze Sledgehammer, Titanbronze Hatchet, Titanbronze Scythe, Crystarium Stove, Titanbronze Tassets of Fending, Titanbronze Tassets of Maiming, Titanbronze Tassets of Striking, Titanbronze Tassets of Scouting, Titanbronze Tassets of Aiming, Titanbronze Tassets of Casting, Titanbronze Tassets of Healing, Titanbronze Alembic, Titanbronze Moogle Frypan, Titanbronze Tower Shield, Crystarium Teapot, Crystarium Bench, Crystarium Kitchen Hanger, Titanbronze Rapier, Titanbronze Needle, Crystarium Mechanical Till, Zonureskin Caligae of Healing
Titanbronze Nugget Titanbronze nugget icon1.png Level 76 Goldsmith Sandteak Rod, Sandteak Cane, Sandteak Spinning Wheel, Titanbronze Fists, Titanbronze Uchigatana, Titanbronze Musketoon, Titanbronze Chakrams, Titanbronze Pliers, Titanbronze Texture Hammer, Titanbronze Creasing Knife, Titanbronze Hatchet, Crystarium Stove, Titanbronze Headband of Scouting, Titanbronze Alembic, Titanbronze Tower Shield, Crystarium Teapot, Crystarium Kitchen Hanger, Titanbronze Rapier, Titanbronze Star Globe, Triplite Earrings of Fending, Triplite Earrings of Slaying, Triplite Earrings of Aiming, Triplite Earrings of Casting, Triplite Earrings of Healing, Triplite Ring of Fending, Triplite Ring of Slaying, Triplite Ring of Aiming, Triplite Ring of Casting, Triplite Ring of Healing, Titanbronze Needle, Titanbronze Headgear of Fending, Titanbronze Headgear of Maiming, Triplite Choker of Fending, Triplite Choker of Slaying, Triplite Choker of Aiming, Triplite Choker of Casting, Triplite Choker of Healing, Triplite Bracelet of Fending, Triplite Bracelet of Slaying, Triplite Bracelet of Aiming, Triplite Bracelet of Casting, Triplite Bracelet of Healing, Crystarium Chandelier, Zonureskin Jacket of Crafting, Zonureskin Robe of Gathering, Zonureskin Gloves of Crafting, Zonureskin Gloves of Gathering, Zonureskin Shoes of Crafting, Zonureskin Shoes of Gathering, Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Casting, Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Healing, Ovim Wool Tunic of Aiming, Ovim Wool Tunic of Casting, Ovim Wool Bottoms of Casting, Ovim Wool Coat of Striking, Ovim Wool Coat of Healing, Zonureskin Grimoire, Zonureskin Codex
Titanium Alloy Ingot Titanium alloy ingot icon1.png Level 60 Blacksmith
Sky Pirate's Helm of Fending, Sky Pirate's Helm of Maiming, Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending, Sky Pirate's Coat of Maiming, Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending, Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming, Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking, Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting, Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting, Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing, Sky Pirate's Vest of Aiming, Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming
Titanium Alloy Mirror Titanium alloy mirror icon1.png Level 60 Alchemist
Titanium Alloy Square Titanium alloy square icon1.png Level 60 Armorer
Titanium Alloy Mirror
Titanium Carbide Titanium carbide icon1.png Hismena, Hismena Heavy Metal Ingot, Heavy Metal Ingot
Titanium Gold Nugget Titanium gold nugget icon1.png Level 96 Blacksmith Acacia Fork, Acacia Longbow, Claro Walnut Spear, Titanium Gold Falchion, Titanium Gold Claws, Titanium Gold Battleaxe, Titanium Gold Knives, Titanium Gold Greatsword, Titanium Gold Pistol, Titanium Gold Blade, Titanium Gold Gunblade, Titanium Gold War Quoits, Titanium Gold Sickle, Titanium Gold Saberfangs, Ra'Kaznar Katzbalger, Ra'Kaznar Labrys, Ra'Kaznar Bow, Ra'Kaznar Greatsword, Ra'Kaznar Samurai Blade, Ra'Kaznar Chakrams, Ra'Kaznar War Scythe, Titanium Gold Saw, Titanium Gold Cross-pein Hammer, Titanium Gold Raising Hammer, Titanium Gold Lapidary Hammer, Titanium Gold Creasing Knife, Titanium Gold Pickaxe, Titanium Gold Hatchet, Titanium Gold Claw Hammer, Titanium Gold File, Titanium Gold Pliers, Titanium Gold Awl, Titanium Gold Mortar, Titanium Gold Culinary Knife, Titanium Gold Maul, Titanium Gold Garden Scythe, Ra'Kaznar Cross-pein Hammer, Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer, Ra'Kaznar File, Ra'Kaznar Mortar, Ra'Kaznar Maul, Ceremonial Censer, Rarefied Titanium Gold Mortar, Titanium Gold Shield, Titanium Gold Helm of Fending, Titanium Gold Thornplate of Fending, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Fending, Titanium Gold Leg Wraps of Fending, Titanium Gold Thornplate of Maiming, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Maiming, Titanium Gold Leg Wraps of Maiming, Titanium Gold Helm of Striking, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Striking, Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet of Scouting, Titanium Gold Spiked Gloves of Scouting, Titanium Gold Leg Wraps of Scouting, Titanium Gold Helm of Casting, Ra'Kaznar Shield, Ra'Kaznar Armor of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Armor of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Gauntlets of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Armguards of Striking, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Striking, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Aiming, Ra'Kaznar Greaves of Scouting, Titanium Gold Alembic, Titanium Gold Bomb Frypan, Ra'Kaznar Spriggan Frypan, Ceremonial Censer, Rarefied Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet, White Gold Astrometer, White Gold Foil, White Gold Syrinxi, White Gold Halfmask of Maiming, White Gold Mask of Aiming, White Gold Halfmask of Scouting, White Gold Visor of Healing, White Gold Earrings of Fending, White Gold Earrings of Slaying, White Gold Earrings of Aiming, White Gold Earrings of Healing, White Gold Earrings of Casting, White Gold Choker of Fending, White Gold Choker of Slaying, White Gold Choker of Aiming, White Gold Choker of Healing, White Gold Choker of Casting, White Gold Amulet of Fending, White Gold Amulet of Slaying, White Gold Amulet of Aiming, White Gold Amulet of Healing, White Gold Amulet of Casting, White Gold Ring of Fending, White Gold Ring of Slaying, White Gold Ring of Aiming, White Gold Ring of Healing, White Gold Ring of Casting, Ra'Kaznar Wings, Ceremonial Censer, Rarefied White Gold Choker, Gomphotherium Thorned Harness of Striking, Gargantuaskin Jacket of Striking, Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Aiming, Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Scouting, Wisteria Ceiling Lamp
Titanium Ingot Titanium ingot icon1.png Level 56 Blacksmith
Level 56 Armorer
Titanium Fork, Titanium Longsword, Titanium Knuckles, Titanium Battleaxe, Titanium Kris, Titanium Greatsword, Titanium-barreled Snaphance, Titanium Halfheart Saw, Titanium Lump Hammer, Titanium Raising Hammer, Titanium Pickaxe, Hardsilver Hatchet, Adamantite Broadsword, Adamantite Revolver, Adamantite Greatsword, Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer, Aurum Regis Creasing Knife, Titanium Mask of Maiming, Titanium Headgear of Striking, Titanium Headgear of Scouting, Titanium Helm of Fending, Titanium Vambraces of Maiming, Titanium Vambraces of Striking, Titanium Vambraces of Scouting, Titanium Vambraces of Fending, Titanium Tassets of Fending, Titanium Alembic, Mandragoras Frypan, Titanium Hoplon, Titanium Mail of Maiming, Titanium Mail of Striking, Titanium Mail of Scouting, Titanium Cuirass of Fending, Titanium Sollerets of Maiming, Titanium Sabatons of Striking, Titanium Sabatons of Scouting, Titanium Sabatons of Fending, Adamantite Helm of Maiming, Adamantite Scutum, Expanse Barding, Hardsilver Planisphere, Dragonskin Belt of Maiming, Dragonskin Belt of Striking, Dragonskin Belt of Scouting, Serpentskin Armguards of Striking, Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming, Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting, Serpentskin Ringbelt of Striking, Serpentskin Ringbelt of Aiming, Serpentskin Ringbelt of Scouting, Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting, Serpentskin Thighboots of Healing, Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking, Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming, Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting, Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking, Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Cyclas of Scouting
Titanium Nugget Titanium nugget icon1.png Level 54 Blacksmith
Level 54 Armorer
Titanium Lance, Dark Chestnut Longbow, Titanium Rivets, Titanium Bastard Sword, Titanium Jamadhars, Titanium Axe, Titanium Pugiones, Titanium Claymore, Titanium-barreled Arquebus, Titanium Cross-pein Hammer, Titanium Ball-pein Hammer, Titanium Creasing Knife, Hardsilver Dolabra, Titanium Hatchet, Titanium Ingot, Titanium Claw Hammer, Titanium File, Titanium Pliers, Titanium Awl, Titanium Mortar, Titanium Culinary Knife, Titanium Sledgehammer, Titanium Scythe, Titanium Plate Belt of Maiming, Titanium Plate Belt of Fending, Titanium Rivets, Titanium Frypan, Titanium Sallet of Maiming, Titanium Mask of Striking, Titanium Mask of Aiming, Titanium Mask of Scouting, Titanium Mask of Fending, Titanium Kite Shield, Titanium Cuirass of Maiming, Titanium Mail of Fending, Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming, Titanium Gauntlets of Fending, Titanium Sabatons of Maiming, Titanium Sollerets of Fending, Titanium Ingot, Company Escutcheon, Hardsilver Star Globe, Dhalmelskin Belt of Striking, Dhalmelskin Belt of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Belt of Scouting, Dhalmelskin Belt of Casting, Dhalmelskin Belt of Healing, Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking, Dhalmelskin Jacket of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Jacket of Scouting, Dhalmelskin Leggings of Striking, Dhalmelskin Leggings of Aiming, Dhalmelskin Leggings of Scouting
Titanium Rivets Titanium rivets icon1.png Level 54 Blacksmith
Level 54 Armorer
Dark Chestnut Spinning Wheel, Titanium Axe, Titanium Pugiones, Titanium-barreled Arquebus, Hardsilver Saw, Hardsilver Dolabra, Titanium Pliers, Titanium Battleaxe, Titanium Kris, Titanium Greatsword, Titanium-barreled Snaphance, Titanium Halfheart Saw, Titanium Raising Hammer, Hardsilver Round Knife, Titanium Pickaxe, Hardsilver Alembic, Titanium Frypan, Titanium Sallet of Maiming, Titanium Mask of Fending, Titanium Kite Shield, Titanium Cuirass of Maiming, Titanium Sabatons of Maiming, Titanium Alembic, Mandragoras Frypan, Titanium Hoplon, Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming, Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending, Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming, Adamantite Sabatons of Fending, Titanium Armor of Maiming, Titanium Armor of Fending, Company Escutcheon, Serpentskin Armguards of Striking, Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming, Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting
Tungsten Steel Ingot Tungsten steel ingot icon1.png Level 80★★ Blacksmith
Level 80★★ Armorer
Skystrider, Gendawa, Catalyst, Sinfender, Alastor, Gust Tongue, Tutelary, Burattinaios, Sankhara, Silktones, Murderer, Barathrum, Dominus Shield, Facet Circlet of Maiming, Facet Mail of Fending, Facet Mail of Maiming, Facet Gauntlets of Fending, Facet Gauntlets of Maiming, Facet Plate Belt of Fending, Facet Plate Belt of Maiming, Facet Plate Belt of Striking, Facet Plate Belt of Scouting, Facet Plate Belt of Aiming, Facet Plate Belt of Casting, Facet Plate Belt of Healing, Facet Sabatons of Fending, Facet Sabatons of Maiming, Merveilleuse, Pollux, Facet Circlet of Fending, Facet Gloves of Striking, Facet Gloves of Scouting, Facet Halfgloves of Casting, Facet Chain Hose of Fending, Pragmatism
Voidcast Pauldron Voidcast pauldron icon1.png Trial The Voidcast Dais (Extreme) Eventide Sword Stand, Voidcast Barding
Weathered Fitting Weathered fitting icon1.png Metal Pipe Wall Shelf
Weathered Pipe Weathered pipe icon1.png Camping Furniture
White Gold Ingot White gold ingot icon1.png Acacia Signum, Acacia Rod, Claro Walnut Cane, Acacia Grinding Wheel, Acacia Spinning Wheel, Claro Walnut Grinding Wheel, Acacia Earrings, Acacia Necklace, Acacia Bracelet, Acacia Ring, Rarefied Acacia Rod, Wall Cabinet, Titanium Gold Falchion, Titanium Gold Claws, Titanium Gold Battleaxe, Titanium Gold Knives, Titanium Gold Greatsword, Titanium Gold Pistol, Titanium Gold Blade, Titanium Gold Gunblade, Titanium Gold War Quoits, Titanium Gold Sickle, Titanium Gold Saberfangs, Ra'Kaznar Tonfas, Ra'Kaznar Chakrams, Ra'Kaznar Twinfangs, Titanium Gold Pliers, Titanium Gold Awl, Titanium Gold Mortar, Titanium Gold Culinary Knife, Ra'Kaznar Culinary Knife, Ceremonial Censer, Rarefied Titanium Gold Mortar, Titanium Gold Shield, Titanium Gold Thornplate of Fending, Titanium Gold Thornplate of Maiming, Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet of Scouting, Ra'Kaznar Helm of Fending, Ra'Kaznar Helm of Maiming, Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Aiming, Ra'Kaznar Gloves of Scouting, Titanium Gold Alembic, Ra'Kaznar Alembic, Ceremonial Censer, Rarefied Titanium Gold Thorned Corselet, White Gold Astrometer, White Gold Foil, White Gold Syrinxi, White Gold Halfmask of Maiming, White Gold Mask of Aiming, White Gold Halfmask of Scouting, White Gold Visor of Healing, White Gold Earrings of Fending, White Gold Earrings of Slaying, White Gold Earrings of Aiming, White Gold Earrings of Healing, White Gold Earrings of Casting, White Gold Choker of Fending, White Gold Choker of Slaying, White Gold Choker of Aiming, White Gold Choker of Healing, White Gold Choker of Casting, White Gold Amulet of Fending, White Gold Amulet of Slaying, White Gold Amulet of Aiming, White Gold Amulet of Healing, White Gold Amulet of Casting, White Gold Ring of Fending, White Gold Ring of Slaying, White Gold Ring of Aiming, White Gold Ring of Healing, White Gold Ring of Casting, Ra'Kaznar Orrery, Ra'Kaznar Hanger, Black Star Headgear of Striking, Black Star Headgear of Aiming, Black Star Visor of Scouting, Black Star Mask of Healing, Black Star Mask of Casting, Black Star Choker of Fending, Black Star Choker of Slaying, Black Star Choker of Aiming, Black Star Choker of Healing, Black Star Choker of Casting, Black Star Bracelet of Fending, Black Star Bracelet of Slaying, Black Star Bracelet of Aiming, Black Star Bracelet of Healing, Black Star Bracelet of Casting, White Gold Needle, Ceremonial Censer, Rarefied White Gold Choker, Gargantuaskin Trousers of Fending, Gargantuaskin Trousers of Maiming, Gargantuaskin Trousers of Striking, Gargantuaskin Shoes of Healing, Gargantuaskin Shoes of Casting, Gargantuaskin Halfgloves of Crafting, Gargantuaskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering, Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Aiming, Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Scouting, Thunderyards Silk Coat of Healing, Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Healing, Thunderyards Silk Coat of Casting, Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Casting, Thunderyards Silk Shirt of Crafting, Thunderyards Silk Vest of Gathering, Gomphotherium Grimoire, Gomphotherium Codex, Claro Walnut Flat Brush
Wolfram Ingot Wolfram ingot icon1.png Level 50 Blacksmith
Alps Striking Dummy, Oriental Striking Dummy, Riviera Canopy Bed, Armoire, Shower Stand, Riviera Path Light, Oasis Path Light, Summoning Bell, Smithing Bench, Cooking Stove, Lord of Levin Lamp, Head of the Dreadwyrm, Inferno Blade, Gaze of the Vortex, Morbid Moggle Mogblade, Inferno Claws, Talons of the Vortex, Inferno Battleaxe, Scream of the Vortex, Malignant Moggle Mogaxe, Inferno Harpoon, Melancholy Moggle Mogfork, Inferno Kris, Mortal Moggle Mogknives, Inferno Faussar, Pain of the Vortex, Monstrous Moggle Mogsword, Inferno Musketoon, Abandon of the Vortex, Menacing Moggle Mog Gun, Artisan's Claw Hammer, Artisan's File, Artisan's Pliers, Artisan's Awl, Artisan's Mortar, Artisan's Culinary Knife, Forager's Sledgehammer, Forager's Scythe, Alchemy Furnace, Heavy Wolfram Helm, Wolfram Mask, Heavy Wolfram Cuirass, Wolfram Cuirass, Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets, Wolfram Gauntlets, Heavy Wolfram Plate Belt, Wolfram Tassets, Heavy Wolfram Cuisses, Heavy Wolfram Sabatons, Wolfram Sabatons, Wootz Mask, Wootz Mail, Wootz Gauntlets, Wootz Sollerets, Armorcraft Forge, Diamond Chandelier, Plumes of the Vortex, Platinum Circlet of Casting, Platinum Circlet of Healing, Kirimu Belt of Maiming, Kirimu Belt of Striking, Kirimu Belt of Scouting, Gallant Armor Augmentation, Temple Attire Augmentation, Fighter's Armor Augmentation
Wolfram Square Wolfram square icon1.png Level 50 Armorer
Dead Man's Chest, Augmented Heavy Wolfram Cuirass, Augmented Wolfram Cuirass, Wootz Shield, Wootz Sallet, Wootz Cuirass, Wootz Mitten Gauntlets, Wootz Plate Belt, Wootz Sabatons, Gallant Armor Augmentation, Fighter's Armor Augmentation, Drachen Armor Augmentation, Ninja Garb Augmentation
Wootz Ingot Wootz ingot icon1.png Level 50 Blacksmith
Wootz Spear, Ebony Longbow, Model Magitek Bit, Head of the Dreadwyrm, Wootz Scimitar, Wootz Knuckles, Wootz Bhuj, Wootz Daggers, Wootz Fausse, Wootz Revolver, Wootz Shield, Wootz Sallet, Wootz Mask, Wootz Cuirass, Wootz Mail, Wootz Mitten Gauntlets, Wootz Gauntlets, Wootz Plate Belt, Wootz Sabatons, Wootz Sollerets, Platinum Planisphere, Kirimu Grimoire