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'''[[Controller Guide]]'''
'''[[Controller Guide]]'''
'''[[W Cross Hotbar]]'''


'''[[Macro Guides]]'''
'''[[Macro Guides]]'''

Latest revision as of 21:08, 16 May 2022

Getting started: System requirementsServersCharacter creationControlsUser interfaceText commandsClassesJobs

Basic Controls

As you progress through the early stages of the game, tutorial screens known as active help windows will provide a gradual introduction to the various controls. Please take a moment to look over these instructions as some changes have been made to the control scheme present in Version 1.0.

After the game's opening cutscene, players will be able to choose between mouse and keyboard controls and gamepad controls. Once a control scheme has been chosen, settings can be adjusted further in the Keybind and Configuration menus..

Changing Control Settings

o change your control settings, press the Esc key, or select System in the main menu, then access the Control Settings tab in the Character Configuration menu.

Mouse and keyboard.png Gamepad.png

About the Gamepad

In addition to the gamepads listed below, all XInput compliant gamepads are compatible with the game. Furthermore, button allocations for all gamepad models can be adjusted. This can be performed when logging in for the first time, or from the Gamepad Settings tab of the System Configuration menu.

Gamepads recommended for FINAL FANTASY XIV can be found on the FINAL FANTASY XIV Partnership Website.

* All gamepad models can be calibrated. This can be performed when logging in for the first time, or from the Gamepad Settings tab of the System Configuration menu.

Mouse and Keyboard Controls

Mouse and keyboard controls.png

Character Movement

You can move your character using either a keyboard or mouse. When using a keyboard, press the WASD keys to move.

When using a mouse, press the left and right mouse buttons at the same time to move forward. To change direction while moving, keep both buttons pressed and drag the mouse left or right.

By clicking the mouse wheel, you can set your character to auto-run. Holding the right mouse button while dragging the mouse will change direction. Holding the left mouse button while dragging the mouse will move the camera.

To jump, press the spacebar on the keyboard. This can be used to leap over obstacles like small rocks or low fences. For details on other keys assigned to character movement, please refer to the Mouse Controls and Keyboard Controls sections.

* When using the WASD keys to move your character, you can select Standard Type for character-based movement, or Legacy Type for camera-based movement.

Camera Controls

To control the camera, drag the mouse while pressing either the left or right button.

Left Button: Only the camera view will rotate, and not your character.
Right Button: Your character faces the direction in which you rotate the camera.
* The direction of camera rotation can be changed in the Character Configuration menu.

Target Selection

You can target a character, or an object such as a gate or aetheryte, by moving the mouse cursor over the intended target and clicking the left mouse button.

With a right click, you can perform one of several actions depending on the selected target.

Player Character: Open command submenu
NPC: Start a conversation
Enemy: Engage auto-attack
Object: Interact with the object

Mouse Controls

Mouse controls.png

Command Default Button
Click Select Target Left Button
Drag Rotate Camera
Click Perform Action Based on Target
Enemy = Auto-Attack
NPC = Talk
Other Player = Open Commands Submenu
Right Button
Drag Rotate Both Character and Camera
Move Character Forward Left + Right Button
Zoom In/Out With Camera
Zoom In/Out on Map (When Map Displayed)
Scroll Mouse Wheel
Turn On/Off Auto-Run Mouse Wheel Button
  • The direction of camera rotation can be changed in the Character Configuration menu.

Menu Navigation

Command Default Button
Select/Confirm Left Button
Display Submenu Left Button
Drag Area Map (When Displayed) Left Button
Zoom Map In/Out (When Displayed) Scroll Mouse Wheel
Map Link (When the map is open) Ctrl+Right-click

Keyboard Controls

The following is a list of default key bindings. To change key bindings, press NUM-, or click System in the main menu, then select Keybind and choose the appropriate category from the top of the menu.

* Using a gamepad will enable direct chat by default, resulting in keystrokes registering in the log window automatically.

Direct chat must be disabled in order to use commands with the keyboard.
This setting can be changed in the General tab of the Character Configuration menu.

Keyboard controls.png


Command Default Key
Move Forward W
Move Back S
Turn Left A
Turn Right D
Strafe Left Q
Strafe Right E
Toggle Between Run/Walk NUM/
Turn On/Off Auto-Run R
Jump Spacebar


Command Default Key
Point Camera Up
Point Camera Down
Point Camera Right
Point Camera Left
Zoom Camera In Page Up
Zoom Camera Out Page Down
Toggle Between 1st/3rd Person Mode Home
Return Camera to Saved Position End
Save Current Camera Position Ctrl+End
Return Camera to Default Position Ctrl+Shift+End
Flip Camera V
Lock Camera On Target Ctrl+End
Tilt Camera Up Ctrl+↑
Tilt Camera Down Ctrl+↓
Face Camera Pause


Command Default Key
Cycle Through Enemies (Nearest to Farthest) Tab
Cycle Through Enemies (Farthest to Nearest) Shift+Tab
Face Target F
Target Self F1
Target Members in Party List F2 - F8
Target Pet/Familiar Page Down
Target the Target of Your Current Target T
Target Focus Target F10
Target Nearest Enemy F11
Target Nearest NPC or Object F12
Set/Clear Focus Target Shift+F
Cycle Up Through Enmity List Ctrl+NUM8
Cycle Down Through Enmity List Ctrl+NUM2
Cycle Through Alliance List (Forward) Ctrl+NUM6
Cycle Through Alliance List (Backward) Ctrl+NUM4


Command Default Key
Ready Chat Prompt Enter
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Say Alt+S
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Shout Alt+H
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Party Alt+P
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Yell Alt+Y
Reply (Repeat to Cycle Through PCs) Alt+R
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Free Company Alt+F
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Linkshell (Cycle Forward) Alt+L
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Linkshell (Cycle Back) Alt+Shift+L
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Alliance Alt+C

Hotbar and Main Menu

Command Default Key
Confirm NUM0
Cancel NUM.
Subcommand NUM*
Move Cursor Up/Cycle Up Through Party List NUM8
Move Cursor Down/Cycle Down Through Party List NUM2
Move Cursor/Target Cursor Left NUM4
Move Cursor/Target Cursor Right NUM6
Cycle Through HUD Components NUM1
Select the Main Menu NUM+
Cycle Through Hotbars (Up) Shift+↑
Cycle Through Hotbars (Down) Shift+↓
Switch to Hotbar 1 Shift+1
Switch to Hotbar 2 Shift+2
Switch to Hotbar 3 Shift+3
Draw/Sheathe Weapon
* While Mounted: Dismount
Character C
Currency List Ctrl+C
Free Company :
Linkshells L
Inventory Shift+↑
Cycle Through Hotbars (Up) I
Armoury Chest Ctrl+I
Map M
Signs Shift+M
Waymarks Ctrl+M
Actions and Traits P
Social O
Duty Finder U
Timers Ctrl+U
Journal J
Character Configuration K
System Configuration Ctrl+K
Target Filter X *
Crafting Log N
Gathering Log B
Hunting Log H
Fishing Log Y
Fish Guide Ctrl+Y
Emote List (No Default Assignment)
Cycle Through UI Component Tabs (Forward/Back) NUM9/NUM7
Toggle UI Display Mode Scroll Lock
Take Screenshot Print Screen
Change Window Size Ctrl+Home
Close All UI Components Esc

* When pressed, the target filter will render players, NPCs, enemies, or objects untargetable according to your settings. Although disabled by default, it can be enabled by checking the box for "Enable target cycling" on the Filters tab under Control Settings in the Character Configuration menu.

Movement While Riding a Flying Mount or Diving

Command Default Key
Move Forward W
Move Back S
Turn Left A
Turn Right D
Strafe Left Q
Strafe Right E
* While Grounded: Jump
* While Grounded: Jump
* Available only when flying
* While Grounded: Draw/Sheathe Weapon
* Available only when swimming.

* You will be able to ride a flying mount after making a certain amount of progress in-game.
* Please note that the Heavensward expansion pack will need to be installed in order to have access to flying mounts.
* You will be able to dive after making a certain amount of progress in-game.
* Registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood is required to unlock diving.

* When using the WASD keys to move your character, you can select Standard Type for a character-based view, or Legacy Type for a camera-based view.

Gamepad Controls

Gamepad controls.png

Character Movement

Move your character by using the left analog stick. Hold down B then use the left analog stick to make your character walk.

By pressing LB while using the left analog stick, you can set your character to auto-run. This can be canceled by pressing LB again.

To jump, press Y. This can be used to leap over obstacles like small rocks or low fences.

Camera Controls

Use the right analog stick to control the camera. By holding down LB, you can zoom the camera in and out.

* The direction of camera rotation can be changed in the Character Configuration menu.

Drawing and Sheathing Your Weapon

By pressing LB+RB, you can draw your weapon for battle or sheathe it.

* This action can also be performed by pressing L3 when no target is selected.
* When riding a mount, this will allow you to dismount.
* When riding a flying mount, this will allow you to perform the "dismount" function.

Sheathed.png Drawn.png

Target Selection

To target a character or object, first face your target and press A. When a target circle appears, press A again to perform an action depending on the target selected.

Player Character: Open command submenu
NPC: Start a conversation
Enemy: Engage auto-attack
Object: Interact with the object

Target Circle and Selected Target

Pressing the directional buttons will display the target circle, which allows you to select temporary targets.

Left and Right Directional Buttons: Cycle through all targets
Up and Down Directional Buttons: Cycle through party member list
LB+↑/↓ : Cycle Through Enmity List
LB+→/← : Cycle Through Alliance List

After choosing a target with the target circle, pressing A will change the target circle to a marker to confirm your target is selected.

* The target circle can still be used after confirming a selected target.

Target circle.png Selected target.png

Target Cycling

By default, target cycling will use the following target settings:

Weapon Sheathed: Cycle through all targets
Weapon Drawn: Cycle through Enemies and NPCs/Objects

Target filter settings may be adjusted to your liking.

Furthermore, selecting "Enable customization." will allow for further customization using LB and the four action buttons.

* To access the target filter settings, please check the Filters tab under Control Settings in the Character Configuration menu.

Menu Navigation

When using gamepad controls, players can navigate menus using the directional buttons. Use A to confirm, B to cancel, and X to open submenus.

* When using a gamepad, gamepad icons will appear on-screen indicating certain actions can be performed.

To cycle between HUD components including the log window, minimap, and duty list, press BACK. To select the main menu, press START.


Command Default Button
Move Character Left Analog Stick
Move Camera Right Analog Stick
Toggle Between 1st/3rd Person Mode R3*
Cycle Through Targets Left and Right Directional Buttons
Cycle Through Party Members Up and Down Directional Buttons
Confirm A
Cancel B
Draw/Sheathe Weapon/Dismount LB+RB
Draw/Sheathe Weapon/Lock On L3*
Jump Y
Auto-Run LB+Left Analog Stick
Cycle Through Hotbars RB+Directional Button/Action Button
Activate Cross Hotbar Action LT/RT+Directional Button/Action Button
Edit Cross Hotbar LT/RT+BACK
Cycle Through Enemies (Nearest to Farthest) LT/RT+RB
Cycle Through Enemies (Farthest to Nearest) LT/RT+LB
Cycle Up Through Enmity List LB+↑
Cycle Down Through Enmity List LB+↓
Cycle Through Alliance List (Forward) LB+→
Cycle Through Alliance List (Backward) LB+←

* L3 and R3 can be assigned various functions. To change default settings, access the button configuration menu under Gamepad Settings in the System Configuration menu.

Menu Navigation

Command Default Button
Move Cursor Directional Button
Confirm A
Cancel B
Subcommand X
Cycle UI Tab (Back)/Increase Value Up and Down Directional Buttons
Cycle UI Tab (Forward)/Lower Value RB
Cycle HUD Components BACK
Main Menu START

Virtual Mouse

This allows players to use the gamepad as if it were a mouse.

Command Default Button
Toggle On/Off Virtual Mouse LB+R3
Move Cursor Right Analog Stick
Virtual Mouse Left Button LT
Virtual Mouse Right Button RT


Command Default Button
Toggle UI Display Mode LB+BACK
Take Screenshot LB+START
Change Window Size R3*

* Can only be performed when the window is active.

Movement While Riding a Flying Mount or Diving

Command Default Button
Ascend Y
Descend B
* Available only when flying.
* While Grounded: Draw/Sheathe Weapon
* Available only when swimming.

* You will be able to ride a flying mount after making a certain amount of progress in-game.
* Please note that the Heavensward expansion pack will need to be installed in order to have access to flying mounts.
* You will be able to dive after making a certain amount of progress in-game.
* Registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood is required to unlock diving.

* Please refer to the most recent patch notes for up-to-date information.

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W Cross Hotbar


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