Difference between revisions of "Template:Quest infobox"

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(Added repeatable feature quest support)
(111 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
<includeonly>{{#set:Has context=Quest}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{release|}}}}}|heavensward = {{Heavensward expansion content}}|stormblood = {{Stormblood expansion content}}|shadowbringers = {{Shadowbringers expansion content}}}}<div class="infobox-n quest">
<includeonly>{{#set:Has context=Quest}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{release|}}}}}|heavensward = {{Heavensward expansion content}}|stormblood = {{Stormblood expansion content}}|shadowbringers = {{Shadowbringers expansion content}}|endwalker = {{Endwalker expansion content}}|dawntrail = {{Dawntrail expansion content}}}}{{#if:{{{release|}}}||{{#switch:{{{patch|}}}|1.0|2.0|2.05|2.1|2.15|2.16|2.2|2.21|2.25|2.28|2.3|2.35|2.38|2.4|2.41|2.45|2.5|2.51|2.55|2.56|2.57=|#default=[[Category:Missing release]]}}}}<div class="infobox-n quest">
<div class="icon quest-infobox-icon">
<div class="icon quest-infobox-icon">
<div style="overflow: hidden; width: 38px; height: 38px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle;">
<div style="overflow: hidden; width: 38px; height: 38px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle;">
<div style="margin: -1px; overflow: hidden;">[[File:{{#switch: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
<div style="margin: -1px; overflow: hidden;">[[File:{{#switch: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
                                                     | main scenario = Main Scenario Quest icon.png
                                                     | main scenario = Main Scenario Quest icon.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Main Scenario Quest icon.png}}
                                                     | quest | side | sidequest | side story = Quest icon.png
                                                     | quest | side | sidequest | side story = Quest icon.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Quest icon.png}}
                                                     | daily = Daily Quest icon.png
                                                     | daily = Daily Quest icon.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Daily Quest icon.png}}
                                                     | feature | class | job | role | crystalline mean = Feature Quest icon.png
                                                     | feature | class | job | role | crystalline mean = Feature Quest icon.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Feature Quest icon.png}}
                                                     | repeatablefeature | repfeature = Repeatablefeaturequest.png
                                                     | repeatablefeature | repfeature = Repeatablefeaturequest.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Repeatablefeaturequest.png}}
                                                     | levequest = Levequest icon.png
                                                     | levequest = Levequest icon.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Levequest icon.png}}
                                                     | #default = Quest icon.png
                                                    | other = Otherquest.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Otherquest.png}}
                                                     | #default = Quest icon.png {{#set:Has game icon=File:Quest icon.png}}
<p class="heading">[[Has canonical name::{{{title|{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}]]</p>
<p class="heading">[[Has canonical name::{{{title|{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}]]</p>
{{#if: {{{image|}}}|<div style="text-align: center; clear: both;">[[Has quest image::File:{{#ifeq:{{{image|}}}|y|<!-- Predefined -->{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}} (image).png|<!-- Custom file path -->{{{image}}}}}|280px]]</div>}}
{{#if: {{{image|}}}|<div style="text-align: center; clear: both;">[[Category:Banner quests]][[Has quest image::File:{{#ifeq:{{{image|}}}|y|<!-- Predefined -->{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}} (image).png|<!-- Custom file path -->{{{image}}}}}|280px]]</div>}}
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="wrapper">
; Quest giver
; Quest giver
: {{#if: {{{quest-giver|}}}| [[Has quest giver::{{{quest-giver}}}]] | ''Unspecified'' }}
: {{#if: {{{quest-giver|}}}| [[Has quest giver::{{{quest-giver}}}]] | ''Unspecified'' }}
; Location
; Location
: {{#if: {{{location|}}}| [[Located in::{{{location}}}]]{{#if:{{{location-x|}}}|&nbsp;('''<small>X:</small>'''[[Has x coordinate::{{{location-x}}}]], '''<small>Y:</small>'''[[Has y coordinate::{{{location-y|}}}]])}} | ''Unspecified'' }}
: {{#if: {{{location|}}}| [[Located in::{{{location}}}]]{{#if:{{{location-x|}}}|&nbsp;('''<small>X:</small>'''[[Has x coordinate::{{{location-x}}}]], '''<small>Y:</small>'''[[Has y coordinate::{{{location-y|}}}]])}} | ''Unspecified'' }}{{#if: {{{quest-line|}}}|
{{#if: {{{quest-line|}}}|
; Quest line
; Quest line
: [[{{{quest-line}}}]]
: [[{{{quest-line}}}]]
}}{{#if: {{{organization|}}}|
}}{{#if: {{{organization|}}}|
; Organization{{#if: {{#pos:{{{organization}}}|,}}|s}}
; Organization{{#if: {{#pos:{{{organization}}}|,}}|s}}
: {{#arraymap:{{{organization}}}|,|@@@| [[@@@]]{{#if: {{NAMESPACE}}||[[Category:@@@ quests]]}}|<br>}}
: {{#arraymap:{{{organization}}}|,|@@@| [[@@@]]{{#if: {{NAMESPACE}}||[[Category:@@@]]}}|<br>}}
}}{{#if: {{{class|}}}|
{{#if: {{{class|}}}|
; [[Class]]
; [[Class]]
: [[{{#vardefineecho:uc_class|{{ucfirst:{{{class}}}}}}}#Quests|{{#var:uc_class}}]]{{#set:Is for class={{#var:uc_class}}}}
: [[{{#vardefineecho:uc_class|{{ucfirst:{{{class}}}}}}} Quests|{{#var:uc_class}}]]{{#set:Is for class={{#var:uc_class}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{job|}}}|
{{#if: {{{job|}}}|
; [[Job]]
; [[Job]]
: [[{{#vardefineecho:uc_job|{{ucfirst:{{#switch:{{lc:{{{job}}}}}|dark knight=Dark Knight|white mage=White Mage|black mage=Black Mage|red mage=Red Mage|#default={{{job}}}}}}}}}#Quests|{{#var:uc_job}}]]{{#set:Is for job={{#var:uc_job}}}}
: [[{{#vardefineecho:uc_job|{{ucfirst:{{#switch:{{lc:{{{job}}}}}|dark knight=Dark Knight|white mage=White Mage|black mage=Black Mage|red mage=Red Mage|#default={{{job}}}}}}}}}#Quests|{{#var:uc_job}}]]{{#set:Is for job={{#var:uc_job}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{category|}}}|
; Category
: {{#set:Has levequest category={{{category}}}}}[[:Category:{{{category}}}|{{{category}}}]]{{#ifeq: {{{category}}} | Charity | &nbsp;(Repeats: 2) |}}{{#ifeq: {{{category}}} | Sincerity | &nbsp;(Repeats: 2) |}}
; Level
; Level
Line 39: Line 40:
; Required quest
; Required quest
: [[{{{req-quest}}}]]
: {{#arraymap:{{{req-quest}}}|,|@@@|{{questlink|{{#if:{{#show:@@@|?Has quest type}}|{{#show:@@@|?Has quest type}}|side}}|@@@}}|<br>}}
; Required items
; Required items
: {{#arraymap:{{{req-items}}}|,|@@@|{{#vardefineecho:req_item_qty|{{#explode:@@@| |0}}}} {{item icon|{{#vardefineecho:req_item_name|{{#sub:@@@|{{#pos:@@@| }}}}}}}}{{#set:Requires item={{#var:req_item_qty}};{{#var:req_item_name}}}}|<br>}}
: {{#arraymap:{{{req-items}}}|,|@@@|{{#vardefineecho:req_item_qty|{{#explode:@@@| |0}}}}{{#vardefine:req_item_hq|{{#ifeq:{{#explode:@@@| |1}}|HQ|true|false}}}} {{item icon|{{#vardefineecho:req_item_name|{{#ifeq:{{#var:req_item_hq}}|true|{{#explode:@@@| |2|3}}|{{#explode:@@@| |1|2}}}}}}|hq={{#ifeq:{{#var:req_item_hq}}|true|true}}}} {{#ifeq:{{#var:req_item_hq}}|true|{{HQ}}}}{{#set:Requires item={{#var:req_item_qty}};{{#var:req_item_name}};{{#var:req_item_hq}}}}|<br>}}
}}{{#if: {{{requirements|}}}|
}}{{#if: {{{requirements|}}}|
; Requirements
; Requirements
Line 57: Line 58:
; Previous quest
; Previous quest
: {{#arraymap:{{{prev-quest}}}|,|@@@|[[@@@]]|<br>}}
: {{#arraymap:{{{prev-quest}}}|,|@@@|{{questlink|{{#if:{{#show:@@@|?Has quest type}}|{{#show:@@@|?Has quest type}}|side}}|@@@}}|<br>}}
; Next quest
; Next quest
: {{#arraymap:{{{next-quest}}}|,|@@@|[[@@@]]|<br>}}
: {{#arraymap:{{{next-quest}}}|,|@@@|{{questlink|{{#if:{{#show:@@@|?Has quest type}}|{{#show:@@@|?Has quest type}}|side}}|@@@}}|<br>}}
; Patch
; Patch
: [[Patch {{{patch}}}|{{{patch}}}]]
: [[Patch {{{patch}}}|{{{patch}}}]]
{{#if: {{{id-edb|}}}{{{id-gt|}}}|; Links}}
{{#if: {{{id-edb|}}}{{{id-gt|}}}|:}} {{#if: {{{id-edb|}}}|<u style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none;" title="Eorzea Database">[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/{{{id-edb}}}/ EDB]</u>}} {{#if: {{{id-gt|}}}|<u style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none;" title="Garland Tools">[http://garlandtools.org/db/#quest/{{{id-gt}}} GT]</u>}}
{{#if: {{{msq-index|}}}|
{{#vardefine:total-msq|960}}{{#vardefine:msq-percent|{{#expr:{{{msq-index|}}} / {{#var:total-msq}} * 100}}}}<div style="text-align: center; clear: both;">'''[[Main Scenario Quests|Main Scenario]] Progress:''' {{{msq-index|}}} / {{#var:total-msq}} ({{#expr:{{#var:msq-percent}} round 1}}%)</div>
<p style="border:1px solid #c8ccd1; padding:1px; overflow:hidden;">
  <span style=" <!-- if percentage is higher than 100%, show all green bar -->
    width: {{#ifexpr: {{#var:msq-percent}}>100 | 100 | {{#var:msq-percent}}%}};
    height: 10px;
  <span style=" <!-- if percentage is higher than 100%, show no grey bar -->
    width: {{#ifexpr: {{#var:msq-percent}}>100 | 0 | {{#expr: 100 - {{#var:msq-percent}}}}%}};
    height: 10px;
{{#vardefine:msq-expansion|{{#switch:{{#explode:{{{patch|}}}|.|0}}|2=A Realm Reborn|3=Heavensward|4=Stormblood|5=Shadowbringers|6=Endwalker|7=Dawntrail|???}}}}{{#vardefine:expansion-msq-count|{{#switch:{{#var:msq-expansion}}|A Realm Reborn=241|Heavensward=138|Stormblood=162|Shadowbringers=157|Endwalker=155|Dawntrail=107}}}}{{#vardefine:expansion-msq-index|{{#expr:{{{msq-index|}}} - {{#switch:{{#var:msq-expansion}}|Heavensward=241|Stormblood=379|Shadowbringers=541|Endwalker=698|Dawntrail=853|0}}}}}}{{#vardefine:expansion-msq-percent|{{#expr:{{#var:expansion-msq-index}} / {{#var:expansion-msq-count}} * 100}}}}<div style="text-align: center; clear: both;">'''''[[{{#var:msq-expansion}}]]'' Progress:''' {{#var:expansion-msq-index|}} / {{#var:expansion-msq-count}} ({{#expr:{{#var:expansion-msq-percent}} round 1}}%)</div>
<p style="border:1px solid #c8ccd1; padding:1px; overflow:hidden;">
  <span style=" <!-- if percentage is higher than 100%, show all green bar -->
    width: {{#ifexpr: {{#var:expansion-msq-percent}}>100 | 100 | {{#var:expansion-msq-percent}}%}};
    height: 10px;
    background:{{#switch:{{#var:msq-expansion}}|A Realm Reborn=#666666|Heavensward=#4B7FE9|Stormblood=#A3253C|Shadowbringers=#4F45B4|Endwalker=#C0790B|Dawntrail=#DEB746|#00af32}};
  <span style=" <!-- if percentage is higher than 100%, show no grey bar -->
    width: {{#ifexpr: {{#var:expansion-msq-percent}}>100 | 0 | {{#expr: 100 - {{#var:expansion-msq-percent}}}}%}};
    height: 10px;
Line 73: Line 110:
| main scenario = [[Category:Main Scenario quests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Main Scenario}}
| main scenario = [[Category:Main Scenario quests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Main Scenario}}
| side story = [[Category:Side Story quests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Side Story}}
| side story = [[Category:Side Story quests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Side Story}}
| levequest = [[Category:Levequests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Levequest}}
| levequest = [[Category:Guildleves]] {{#set:Has quest type=Levequest}}
| sidequest | side | quest = [[Category:Sidequests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Sidequest}}
| sidequest | side | quest = [[Category:Sidequests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Sidequest}}
| other = [[Category:other quests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Other}}
| daily | feature = [[Category:{{ucfirst:{{{type}}}}} quests]] {{#set:Has quest type={{ucfirst:{{{type}}}}}}}
| daily | feature = [[Category:{{ucfirst:{{{type}}}}} quests]] {{#set:Has quest type={{ucfirst:{{{type}}}}}}}
| repeatablefeature | repfeature = [[Category:Repeatable Feature quests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Repeatable Feature}}
| repeatablefeature | repfeature = [[Category:Repeatable Feature quests]] {{#set:Has quest type=Repeatable Feature}}
Line 85: Line 123:
{{#if:{{{job|}}}|[[Category:{{#switch:{{lc:{{{job}}}}}|dark knight=Dark Knight|white mage=White Mage|black mage=Black Mage|red mage=Red Mage|#default={{ucfirst:{{{job}}}}}}} quests]]}}
{{#if:{{{job|}}}|[[Category:{{#switch:{{lc:{{{job}}}}}|dark knight=Dark Knight|white mage=White Mage|black mage=Black Mage|red mage=Red Mage|#default={{ucfirst:{{{job}}}}}}} quests]]}}
<!-- Quest line -->
<!-- Quest line -->
{{#if: {{{quest-line|}}}|[[Category:{{{quest-line|}}} quests]]}}
{{#if: {{{quest-line|}}}|[[Category:{{{quest-line|}}}]]}}
<!-- Patch -->
<!-- Patch -->
{{#if: {{{patch|}}}|[[Category:Patch {{{patch}}} quests]]}}
{{#if: {{{patch|}}}|[[Category:Patch {{{patch}}} quests]]|[[Category:Quests needing patch]]}}
<!-- Has unlocks? -->
<!-- Has unlocks? -->
{{#if: {{{unlocks|}}}|[[Category:Quests that reward system unlocks]]}}
{{#if: {{{unlocks|}}}|[[Category:Quests that reward system unlocks]]}}
<!-- Location -->
<!-- Location -->
{{#if: {{{location|}}}|[[Category:{{{location}}} quests]]}}
{{#if: {{{location|}}}|[[Category:{{{location}}} quests]]}}
<!-- Category -->
{{#if: {{{category|}}}|[[Category:{{{category|}}}]]}}
}}{{Quotation|In-game description|{{{description|''No description available.''}}}{{#if:{{{desc-note|}}}|&nbsp;※&nbsp;{{{desc-note|}}}}} }}{{#if: {{{description|}}}|{{#set:Has game description|{{{description}}}}} }}<!--
}}{{Quotation|In-game description|{{{description|''No description available.''}}}{{#if:{{{desc-note|}}}|&nbsp;※&nbsp;{{{desc-note|}}}}} }}{{#if: {{{description|}}}|{{#set:Has game description|{{{description}}}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{reward1|{{{reward-opt1|{{{unlocks|}}}}}}}}}|<br>
-->{{#if: {{{reward1|{{{reward-opt1|{{{unlocks|}}}}}}}}}|<br>
== Rewards ==
== Rewards ==
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward1}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward1}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward1}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward1|}}}|{{{reward1}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward1}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward1}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward1}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward2}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward2}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward2}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward2|}}}|{{{reward2}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward2}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward2}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward2}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward3}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward3}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward3}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward3|}}}|{{{reward3}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward3}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward3}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward3}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward4}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward4}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward4}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward4|}}}|{{{reward4}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward4}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward4}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward4}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward5}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward5}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward5}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward5|}}}|{{{reward5}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward5}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward5}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward5}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward6}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward6}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward6}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward6|}}}|{{{reward6}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward6}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward6}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward6}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward7}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward7}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward7}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward7|}}}|{{{reward7}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward7}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward7}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward7}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward8}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward8}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward8}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward8|}}}|{{{reward8}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward8}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward8}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward8}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward9}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward9}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward9}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward9|}}}|{{{reward9}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward9}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward9}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward9}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward10}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward10}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward10}}}| }}}}}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward10|}}}|{{{reward10}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward10}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward10}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward10}}}| }}}}}}}}
* {{{rewardcustom}}}
-->{{#if: {{{reward-opt1|}}}|
-->{{#if: {{{reward-opt1|}}}|
; Optional rewards
; {{#if: {{{reward1|}}}|In addition to the above, c|C}}hoose one of the following options&#58; {{#set:Is providing optional reward=true}} [[Category:Quests with optional rewards]]
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt1}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt1}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt1}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt1|}}}|{{{reward1-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt1}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt1}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt1}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt2}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt2}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt2}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt2|}}}|{{{reward2-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt2}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt2}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt2}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt3}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt3}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt3}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt3|}}}|{{{reward3-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt3}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt3}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt3}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt4}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt4}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt4}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt4|}}}|{{{reward4-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt4}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt4}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt4}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt5}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt5}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt5}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt5|}}}|{{{reward5-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt5}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt5}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt5}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt6}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt6}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt6}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt6|}}}|{{{reward6-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt6}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt6}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt6}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt7}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt7}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt7}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt7|}}}|{{{reward7-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt7}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt7}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt7}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt8}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt8}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt8}}}| }}}}|y}}
* {{#if:{{{overridereward-opt8|}}}|{{{reward8-opt}}}|{{Item reward|{{#explode:{{{reward-opt8}}}| |0}}|{{#sub:{{{reward-opt8}}}|{{#pos:{{{reward-opt8}}}| }}}}|y}}}}
* {{{rewardcustom-opt}}}
}} }}<!--
}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{unlocks|}}}|
-->{{#if: {{{unlocks|}}}|
Line 153: Line 197:
| class =  
| class =  
| job =  
| job =  
| category =
| level =  
| level =  
| req-quest =
| req-quest =
Line 161: Line 206:
| mettle =  
| mettle =  
| reward(1-10) =  
| reward(1-10) =  
| overridereward(1-10) =
| reward-opt(1-8) =  
| reward-opt(1-8) =  
| overridereward-opt(1-8) =
| unlocks =  
| unlocks =  
| prev-quest =  
| prev-quest =  
Line 167: Line 214:
| patch =  
| patch =  
| release =  
| release =  
| id-edb =
| id-gt =

Line 185: Line 234:
: Optional. If location is specified, shows (x, y) coordinates.
: Optional. If location is specified, shows (x, y) coordinates.
; type
; type
: The quest type. Accepts: main scenario, sidequest (or quest, for side quests), side story, class, job, daily, feature, repeatablefeature, repfeature, or levequest.
: The quest type. Accepts: main scenario, sidequest (or quest, for side quests), side story, class, job, daily, feature, repeatablefeature, repfeature, levequest, or other.
; quest-line
; quest-line
: Optional. The quest line this quest belongs to, mainly useful for story quest lines.
: Optional. The quest line this quest belongs to, mainly useful for story quest lines.
Line 194: Line 243:
; job
; job
: Optional. [[Job]] related to the quest.
: Optional. [[Job]] related to the quest.
; category
: Optional. The name of the [[levequest]] plate. Accepts: Benevolence, Candor‎, Charity, Concord‎, Confidence, Constancy, Diligence‎, Equity‎, Ingenuity‎, Justice‎, Munificence‎, Piety, Promptitude‎, Prudence, Resolve, Sincerity‎, Sympathy, Temperance‎, Tenacity, Unity, Valor, Veracity, or Wisdom‎.
; level
; level
: Optional. The level required.
: Optional. The level required.
; req-quest
: Optional. Quest required in order to unlock this quest. '''''For daily quests, or other types which aren't part of a chain.'''''
: '''Note:''' Commas must be escaped in this field with &amp;comma; or &amp;#44;
; req-items
; req-items
: Optional. Items required in order to progress/finish this quest. Accepts comma-separated items.
: Optional. Items required in order to progress/finish this quest. Accepts comma-separated items.
Line 209: Line 263:
; reward(1-10)
; reward(1-10)
: Optional. List of rewards awarded by the quest.
: Optional. List of rewards awarded by the quest.
: '''Note:''' this parameter requires quantity to be always provided (even 1), separated by a whitespace. (eg. <code><nowiki><quantity> <item/reward></nowiki></code>).
: '''Note:''' this parameter requires quantity to be always provided (even 1), separated by a whitespace (eg. <code><nowiki><quantity> <item/reward></nowiki></code>), unless overriden by overridereward(1-10). For {{HQ}} [[high quality]] rewards, use (quantity) HQ ItemName, e.g., <code>3 HQ Carrot Pudding</code>.
; overridereward(1-10)
: Optional. If set to anything (I.e. not blank), reward(1-10) will override the item reward template and just display what text is given.
; reward-opt(1-8)
; reward-opt(1-8)
: Optional. List of optional rewards awarded by the quest.
: Optional. List of optional rewards awarded by the quest.
: '''Note:''' this parameter requires quantity to be always provided (even 1), separated by a whitespace. (eg. <code><nowiki><quantity> <item/reward></nowiki></code>).
: '''Note:''' this parameter requires quantity to be always provided (even 1), separated by a whitespace. (eg. <code><nowiki><quantity> <item/reward></nowiki></code>), unless overriden by overridereward-opt(1-8). For {{HQ}} [[high quality]] rewards, use (quantity) HQ ItemName, e.g., <code>3 HQ Carrot Pudding</code>.
; overridereward-opt(1-8)
: Optional. If set to anything (I.e. not blank), reward-opt(1-8) will override the item reward template and just display what text is given.
; unlocks
; unlocks
: Optional. List of system unlocks.
: Optional. List of system unlocks.
: '''Note:''' this parameter requires type to be always provided, separated by a whitespace. (eg. <code><nowiki><type> <unlock name></nowiki></code>). Type can be ''ac (Action)'', ''tt (Trait)'', ''dg (Dungeon)'', ''em (Emote)'', ''lc (Location)'', ''ot (Other)'', ''ra (Raid)'', ''tr (Trial)'', ''cur (Aether Current)'', ''ms (Mount Speed Increase)'', or ''r<1-8>'' (Reputation rank up).
: '''Note:''' this parameter requires type to be always provided, separated by a whitespace. (eg. <code><nowiki><type> <unlock name></nowiki></code>). Type can be ''ac'' (Action), ''tt'' (Trait), ''dg'' (Dungeon), ''em'' (Emote), ''lc'' (Location), ''ot'' (Other), ''ra'' (Raid),''ul' (Ultimate Raid),''tr'' (Trial), ''pvp'' (PVP mode), ''cur'' (Aether Current), ''ms'' (Mount Speed Increase), ''r<1-8>'' (Reputation rank up), or ''ngp'' (New Game+ chapter).
; req-quest
: Optional. Quest required in order to unlock this quest. '''''For daily quests, or other types which aren't part of a chain.'''''
; prev-quest
; prev-quest
: Optional. Previous quest in this chain. For MSQ and other, chain-based quests. Hidden if type is ''daily''.
: Optional. Previous quest in this chain. For MSQ and other, chain-based quests. Hidden if type is ''daily''.
: '''Note:''' Commas must be escaped in this field with &amp;comma; or &amp;#44;
; next-quest
; next-quest
: Optional. Next quest in this chain. For MSQ and other, chain-based quests. Hidden if type is ''daily''.
: Optional. Next quest in this chain. For MSQ and other, chain-based quests. Hidden if type is ''daily''.
: '''Note:''' Commas must be escaped in this field with &amp;comma; or &amp;#44;
; patch
; patch
: Optional. Patch number.
: Optional. Patch number.
; release
; release
: Optional. Expansion this quest belongs to. Accepts: ''heavensward'', or ''stormblood'', or ''shadowbringers''.
: Optional. Expansion this quest belongs to. Accepts: ''heavensward'', or ''stormblood'', ''shadowbringers'', or ''endwalker'' or ''dawntrail''.
; id-edb
: ID number in the link to the quest on Eorzea Database, for example, if the URL is https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/83266250b51/, enter '''83266250b51'''.
; id-gt
: ID number in the link to the quest on Garland Tools, for example, if the URL is http://garlandtools.org/db/#quest/65781, enter '''65781'''.

== Example ==
== Example ==
Line 239: Line 301:
| quest-line =  
| quest-line =  
| organization = Amalj'aa
| organization = Amalj'aa
| category =
| level = 43
| level = 43
| req-quest = Forest Friend
| req-quest = Forest Friend
Line 248: Line 311:
| reward2 = 5 Amalj'aa Relations
| reward2 = 5 Amalj'aa Relations
| reward3 = 1 Venture
| reward3 = 1 Venture
| reward4 = Relic weapon, depending on job
| overridereward4 = true
| reward-opt1 = 1 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
| reward-opt1 = 1 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
| reward-opt2 = 1 Venture
| reward-opt2 = 1 Venture
| unlocks = ac Deathflare, dg The Tam-Tara Deepcroft, tr Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme), r3 Amalj'aa
| unlocks = ac Deathflare, dg The Tam-Tara Deepcroft, tr Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme), pvp Rival Wings, r3 Amalj'aa
| patch = 4.1
| patch = 4.1
| release =  
| release =  
| id-edb = 544cce51f58
| id-gt = 66760
{{Quest infobox
{{Quest infobox
Line 265: Line 332:
| quest-line =  
| quest-line =  
| organization = Amalj'aa
| organization = Amalj'aa
| category =
| level = 43
| level = 43
| req-quest = Forest Friend
| req-quest = Forest Friend
Line 274: Line 342:
| reward2 = 5 Amalj'aa Relations
| reward2 = 5 Amalj'aa Relations
| reward3 = 1 Venture
| reward3 = 1 Venture
| reward4 = Relic weapon, depending on job
| overridereward4 = true
| reward-opt1 = 1 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
| reward-opt1 = 1 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
| reward-opt2 = 1 Venture
| reward-opt2 = 1 Venture
| unlocks = ac Deathflare, dg The Tam-Tara Deepcroft, tr Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme), r3 Amalj'aa
| unlocks = ac Deathflare, dg The Tam-Tara Deepcroft, tr Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme), pvp Rival Wings, r3 Amalj'aa, ul The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate)
| patch = 4.1
| patch = 4.1
| release =  
| release =  
| id-edb = 544cce51f58
| id-gt = 66760

[[Category:Infobox templates]]
[[Category:Infobox templates]]

Latest revision as of 06:30, 23 January 2025


{{Quest infobox
| title = 
| description = 
| image = 
| quest-giver = 
| location = 
| location-x = 
| location-y = 
| type = 
| quest-line = 
| organization =
| class = 
| job = 
| category = 
| level = 
| req-quest =
| req-items = 
| requirements = 
| exp = 
| gil = 
| mettle = 
| reward(1-10) = 
| overridereward(1-10) = 
| reward-opt(1-8) = 
| overridereward-opt(1-8) = 
| unlocks = 
| prev-quest = 
| next-quest = 
| patch = 
| release = 
| id-edb =
| id-gt =


Quest title. Defaults to the page name.
Brief quest description.
Optional. Small note which appear after quest description.
Optional. Displays an image frame attached to the quest. Accepts either y to default to <page name> (image).png, or the image path.
The NPC who starts the quest.
The location where the quest giver is at the moment you obtain such quest.
location-x, location-y
Optional. If location is specified, shows (x, y) coordinates.
The quest type. Accepts: main scenario, sidequest (or quest, for side quests), side story, class, job, daily, feature, repeatablefeature, repfeature, levequest, or other.
Optional. The quest line this quest belongs to, mainly useful for story quest lines.
Optional. Organization related to the quest (eg. tribe).
Optional. Class related to the quest.
Optional. Job related to the quest.
Optional. The name of the levequest plate. Accepts: Benevolence, Candor‎, Charity, Concord‎, Confidence, Constancy, Diligence‎, Equity‎, Ingenuity‎, Justice‎, Munificence‎, Piety, Promptitude‎, Prudence, Resolve, Sincerity‎, Sympathy, Temperance‎, Tenacity, Unity, Valor, Veracity, or Wisdom‎.
Optional. The level required.
Optional. Quest required in order to unlock this quest. For daily quests, or other types which aren't part of a chain.
Note: Commas must be escaped in this field with &comma; or &#44;
Optional. Items required in order to progress/finish this quest. Accepts comma-separated items.
Note: this parameter requires quantity to be always provided (even 1), separated by a whitespace. (eg. <quantity> <item>).
Optional. Quest's additional requirements. Accepts comma-separated requirements.
Optional. Experienced awarded by the quest.
Optional. Gil awarded by the quest.
Optional. Mettle awarded by the quest.
Optional. List of rewards awarded by the quest.
Note: this parameter requires quantity to be always provided (even 1), separated by a whitespace (eg. <quantity> <item/reward>), unless overriden by overridereward(1-10). For HQ icon.png high quality rewards, use (quantity) HQ ItemName, e.g., 3 HQ Carrot Pudding.
Optional. If set to anything (I.e. not blank), reward(1-10) will override the item reward template and just display what text is given.
Optional. List of optional rewards awarded by the quest.
Note: this parameter requires quantity to be always provided (even 1), separated by a whitespace. (eg. <quantity> <item/reward>), unless overriden by overridereward-opt(1-8). For HQ icon.png high quality rewards, use (quantity) HQ ItemName, e.g., 3 HQ Carrot Pudding.
Optional. If set to anything (I.e. not blank), reward-opt(1-8) will override the item reward template and just display what text is given.
Optional. List of system unlocks.
Note: this parameter requires type to be always provided, separated by a whitespace. (eg. <type> <unlock name>). Type can be ac (Action), tt (Trait), dg (Dungeon), em (Emote), lc (Location), ot (Other), ra (Raid),ul' (Ultimate Raid),tr (Trial), pvp (PVP mode), cur (Aether Current), ms (Mount Speed Increase), r<1-8> (Reputation rank up), or ngp (New Game+ chapter).
Optional. Previous quest in this chain. For MSQ and other, chain-based quests. Hidden if type is daily.
Note: Commas must be escaped in this field with &comma; or &#44;
Optional. Next quest in this chain. For MSQ and other, chain-based quests. Hidden if type is daily.
Note: Commas must be escaped in this field with &comma; or &#44;
Optional. Patch number.
Optional. Expansion this quest belongs to. Accepts: heavensward, or stormblood, shadowbringers, or endwalker or dawntrail.
ID number in the link to the quest on Eorzea Database, for example, if the URL is https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/83266250b51/, enter 83266250b51.
ID number in the link to the quest on Garland Tools, for example, if the URL is http://garlandtools.org/db/#quest/65781, enter 65781.


{{Quest infobox
| title = A Sappy Ending
| description = [[Fibubb Gah]] seeks aid to replenish the [[Brotherhood]]'s stock of healing salves.
| image = 
| quest-giver = Fibubb Gah
| location = Limsa Lominsa
| location-x = 23
| location-y = 14
| type = daily
| quest-line = 
| organization = Amalj'aa
| category = 
| level = 43
| req-quest = Forest Friend
| req-items = 1 Frumenty, 2 Raisins
| requirements = Neutral Relations
| exp = 8970
| gil = 480
| reward1 = 5 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
| reward2 = 5 Amalj'aa Relations
| reward3 = 1 Venture
| reward4 = Relic weapon, depending on job
| overridereward4 = true
| reward-opt1 = 1 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
| reward-opt2 = 1 Venture
| unlocks = ac Deathflare, dg The Tam-Tara Deepcroft, tr Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme), pvp Rival Wings, r3 Amalj'aa
| patch = 4.1
| release = 
| id-edb = 544cce51f58
| id-gt = 66760
Daily Quest icon.png

A Sappy Ending

Quest giver
Fibubb Gah
Limsa Lominsa (X:23, Y:14)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestForest Friend
Required items
1 Frumenty icon1.png  Frumenty
2 Raisins icon1.png  Raisins
Neutral Relations
Experience 8,970
Gil 480

Fibubb Gah seeks aid to replenish the Brotherhood's stock of healing salves.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options: