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#REDIRECT [[Player Housing]]
==General Information==
[[File:lavender beds1.jpg|350px|thumb|[[Lavender Beds]]]]
[[File:the goblet1.jpg|350px|thumb|[[The Goblet]]]]
[[File:The mist2.jpg|350px|thumb|[[The Mist]]]]
Players can purchase a house of their own or together with members of their [[Free Company]]. Players can place [[Housing Items|various items]] in the house.They can also use the house for a number of in-game activities such as [[Gardening]]. Free Company estates also house a crafting workshop where players can build [[airship]]s and other special projects. In order to acquire a house, players must first raise the rank of their free company to 6 and obtain a [[Land Acquisition]] entitlement.
*Free Company Housing was released in Patch 2.1.
*[[Personal Room]]s for Free Company houses were released in Patch 2.3.
*[[Personal Housing]] was introduced in Patch 2.38. 
*Apartment Buildings were introduced in Patch 3.4.
*As of Patch 4.3, the number of vendors has been upped from 2/3/4/5 to 4/6/8/10
*As of Patch 5.35 there's a total of 5520 plots per server. (Not including apartments)
** Future Possibility: Currently there is a progression event going on in Ishgard called "Rebuilding the Firmament". It's rumored that once it's complete it will be a new residential district.  If so, it will supply another 1260 plots per server.
4 Residential Districts are available: [[#The Mist|The Mist]] in [[Limsa Lominsa]], [[#Lavender Beds|Lavender Beds]] in [[Gridania]], [[#The Goblet|The Goblet]] in [[Ul'dah]], and [[#Shirogane|Shirogane]] in [[Kugane]].
All 4 Residential Districts now have 24 wards (Up from 12 since patch 4.2, up from 18 since patch 5.1, up from 21 since patch 5.35).  The Wards have two halves with a total of 60 plots, 30 for each half.  You will always  teleport into the primary half of the ward selected to visit.  If you wish to go to plots 31-60 you will have to use the mini-aetherites to port into the Sub-Division half of the ward.
'''Note''' that after patch 3.1, claimed land and houses that become inactive (not accessed by its owner(s)) for an extended period of time will be [[#Reclamation of Inactive Housing|reclaimed by the game]] (owner(s) will lose the land and house).
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[[File:housing concept1.jpg|350px|thumb|Housing Concept Art]]
[[File:housing interior concept.jpg|350px|thumb|Housing Interior Concept Art]]
==[[Housing Items]]==
Gardening, released in Patch 2.2, allows the player to set up a garden and cultivate various plants.
Jukebox, released in patch 3.2, that can be placed in houses, rooms and inns to play various songs from the game.
==Personal Housing and Room==
'''[[Personal Housing]]''' - a house solely owned by the player.
'''[[Personal Room]]''' - a room (instance) in the Free Company house that is owned by the player.
==[[Aquarium]] and [[Paintings]]==
[[Aquariums]] are fish tanks released in patch 3.4.
[[Paintings]] are framed pictures released in patch 3.5.
==[[Message Books]]==
==Residential Districts==
Players can get a house anywhere regardless of their [[Grand Company]] allegiance. There are no difference between the housing wards aside from looks.
===[[The Mist]]===
The Mist is the housing area in Limsa Lominsa. Its entrance is located at [[Red Rooster Stead]] (x34,y19) in [[Cedarwood]] of [[Lower La Noscea]]. Players can also access the area by selecting Residental District Aethernet in Limsa Lominsa Aetheryte Plaza's main aetheryte or taking the Lominsan Ferry Docks near the [[Fishermen's Guild]] in [[Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks]] (x7,y15).
===[[Lavender Beds]]===
Lavender Beds is the housing area in Gridania. Its entrance is located at [[Mirror Planks Docks]] (x27,y26) in [[Bentbranch]] of [[Central Shroud]]. Players can also access the area by selecting Residental District Aethernet in Gridania Aetheryte Plaza's main aetheryte or by talking to [[Ferry Skipper]] in [[Westshore Pier]] near the [[Lancer's Guild]], [[Old Gridania]] (x14,y6).
===[[The Goblet]]===
The Goblet is the housing area in Ul'dah. Its entrance is located at [[The Eighty Sins of Sasamo]] (x25,y27) in [[Hammerlea]] of [[Western Thanalan]]. Players can also access the area by selecting Residental District Aethernet in Ul'dah Aetheryte Plaza's main aetheryte or talking to [[Ivory Sparrow]] in [[Ul'dah - Steps of Thal]] near the [[Miner's Guild]] (x11,y14).
Shirogane is the housing area in [[Hingashi]]. Released in [[Stormblood]] (4.0), players can teleport to Shirogane through an Aethernet in [[Kugane]] after completing the [[quest]] [[I Dream of Shirogane]].
==Estate Types==
All estate types can have:
*[[Chocobo Stable]]s, [[Miniature Aetheryte]] for easy teleportation, [[mailbox]], [[summoning bell]], [[orchestrion]], and [[armoire]].  Currently you cannot have a [[Glamour Dresser]] in the house.
*the same number of [[Private Chamber]]s (only applies to [[Free Company Housing]])
*[[Free Company Airships]] (only applies to FC housing)
===Small: Cottage===
*2 floors with relatively small rooms
*200 pieces of furniture inside / 20 in the yard max
*can have 6 vendors at most
*can have 4 crafting facilities at most
*can only have 1 garden patch (up to 8 beds)
===Medium: House===
*3 floors, the house is approximately twice the size of a cottage
*300 pieces of furniture inside / 30 in the yard max
*can have 8 vendors at most
*can have 6 crafting facilities at most
*can have 2 garden patches (up to 16 beds)
===Large: Mansion===
*really, really huge
*3 floors but they are massive
*400 pieces of furniture inside / 40 in the yard max
*can have 10 vendors at most
*can have 8 crafting facilities at most
*can have 3 garden patches (up to 24 beds)
==Differences Between Free Company and Personal Housing==
===Free Company Housing===
*[[Private Chamber]]s are available for members for 300,000 gil each (limit 512 chambers - but free companies are limited to 512 members, so this is ''effectively'' unlimited)
*[[Company Workshop]] for [[Free Company Airship]] construction. [[Airship]] of certain rank unlocks [[The Diadem (Hard)]], which can't be accessed otherwise.
*If offered free [[Krakka Root]]s for members, they can feed the stabled [[chocobo]]s, and they can potentially save the plants in the garden in case they are about to wither and die. While a personal house can have stable and a garden, it's only up to the owner and the tenants to take care of them
*If no member enters the Free Company house in 45 days, it’ll be [[#Reclamation of Inactive Housing|automatically demolished]].
===Personal Housing===
*No Private Chambers
*No Company Workshops or [[Airship]]s
*You can share your estate with up to 3 friends through the [[Personal Housing#Estate Sharing|tenant system]]. You can allow them to use your stables, garden, or move and place furniture.
*If the '''owner''', not tennants; doesn’t enter the house in 45 days, it’ll be [[#Reclamation of Inactive Housing|automatically demolished]].
==Acquiring a House==
*Character with level 50 in 1 of the [[classes]].
*Second Lieutenant in 1 of the [[Grand Companies]] for [[Personal Housing]]. Rank 6 or higher [[Free Company]] for [[Free Company Housing]].
*A player and a Free Company can only have 1 house each. If a person wants to have two houses, they need to create/lead a Free Company and then buy one for themselves and one for their Free Company. Private chambers in Free Company houses don't count.  You may see some free companies or players with multiple houses.  This was possible to have in the past but with changes made it is no longer possible but those players and FC's were grandfathered to retain what they had already.
'''Side Note:''' You CANNOT transfer your Personal Plot directly into a FC Plot or visa versa.  You have to relinquish the plot and then re-purchase it at the full price or wait for the demolition timer to expire.
===Purchasing Land===
You can check if there are any plots available by speaking to the NPC who takes you to or out of the wards or using the capital city’s main aetheryte in Aetheryte Plaza and selecting “Go to specified ward” (after selecting “Residental District Aethernet”, if using the main aetheryte — you need to have done the [[Where the Heart Is]] quest for this to be an option). Taken plots have the owner's name or the Free Company tag on them while available plots show their price instead. Small plots go for 2-5 mil while mediums go for 15-37 mil and larges for 35-87 mil. Prices depend on the current server economy, the location of the plot and how long the it's been on the market; the price goes down the longer it's for sale. Waiting too long in hopes of getting it cheaper is risky, though, since there are limited amount of plots and, you guessed it, the demand is high.
The hardest part of getting a house (aside from saving enough Gil) is finding an available plot of the wanted size. It's a good idea to check out the plots daily (multiple times a day, even, if you really want that house).
After finding an available plot you want to buy, select the ward it's in and go there. Check out the number of the plot and locate it on the map; it's either in the original area or in the subdivision. Teleport to the nearest aetheryte, go to the plot and examine the placard in front of it; select buy. If you're a Free Company leader or of high enough rank in your Free Company, you must choose whether to buy the plot for yourself or the FC.
You are likely to get the error message "'''This plot of land is not yet ready for purchase'''". To prevent the formerly-widespread practice of "selling" land, a plot is ''not'' available immediately after its previous owner vacates it -- there is an invisible timer that must expire before the land can be purchased again. There is no indication of whether or when this timer expires other than whether the purchase succeeds or fails. The duration of the timer is entirely random -- it is almost always around 6-8 hours, but there have been rare reports of timers as short as 30 minutes or as long as 24 hours. You will simply have to click the placard every so often until the sale goes through.
'''Purchase via Relocation'''
Effective Patch 4.1 you can now transfer your property from one to another.  The new property will be discounted by 30% of the MINIMUM Value of the plot you currently own.  Whenever you do this you must be careful of how many items are in your house storage as you can only transfer 40 outdoor items and 400 indoor items.  Anything that is currently placed on your property will be automatically placed in your house storage during the relocation process with some exceptions.  For full details on the relocation process see the official referenced link at the bottom.
Relocation bypasses the invisible housing timer, allowing one to move in to a new plot immediately after it is vacated.
===Plot Pricing===
The cost of a plot is based on size and 'grade' of the plot itself.  After a ward is added (or a plot is relinquished), the costs are set at default.  Over time the price will lower to entice a buyer.  The costs are:
Default pricing:
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Fifth-class Plot !! Fourth-class Plot !! Third-class Plot !! Second-class Plot !! First-class Plot
| Small || 3,000,000 || 3,187,500 || 3,375,000 || 3,562,500 || 3,750,000
| Medium || 16,000,000 || 17,000,000 || 18,000,000 || 19,000,000 || 20,000,000
| Large || 40,000,000 || 42,500,000 || 45,000,000 || 47,500,000 || 50,000,000
Minimum pricing:
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Fifth-class Plot !! Fourth-class Plot !! Third-class Plot !! Second-class Plot !! First-class Plot
| Small || 1,488,000 || 1,581,060 || 1,674,000 || 1,767,060 || 1,860,000
| Medium || 7,936,000 || 8,432,000 || 8,928,000 || 9,424,000 || 9,920,000
| Large || 19,840,000 || 21,080,000 || 22,320,000 || 23,560,000 || 24,800,000
===Building House===
After you've bought the land, you need to buy the [[Construction Permit|Housing permit]] to actually get a house on the plot you just bought. You have 45 days to do this (if you don't build in this time, you will lose the land due to reclamation of inactive housing). You can buy this permit by using the housing menu on your plot, choosing "Estate Hall," and then "Purchase Construction Permit." It will cost you:
*450,000 Gil for a small cottage
*1,000,000 Gil for a medium house
*3,000,000 Gil for a large mansion
Small, medium and large houses can only be built on small, medium and large plots respectively. This also means that after buying the plot you're settled on the size, and if you want to get a house of different size, you must relinquish the land and get another plot. (You can't even build a smaller house on a bigger plot.)
While building the house you have to make a choice between three exterior types: wood, composite or stone. You can change the exterior components afterwards if you like, but choose the one you like the most.
==Customizing House==
A house is comprised of four mandatory parts—roof, exterior wall, windows, and door—along with up to four optional parts: roof decoration, exterior wall decoration, placard, and fence.
A number of furnishings can be placed in the garden outside of your house. The following three options will be available to adjust their position:
:Move: Change the position of selected furnishing.
:Rotate: Rotate the selected furnishing
:Remove: Remove the selected furnishing from the garden.
*The number of furnishings that can be placed in your garden will depend on the size of your land.
*Once a furnishing has been placed in the garden, it can no longer be traded. Furthermore, certain furnishings will be lost upon placing them in or removing them from the garden.
A number of parts including the wallpaper, flooring, and lighting of the interior can be changed.
A wide range of furnishings will be available to decorate the interior of your estate including tables, lamps, plants, wall mountings, carpets, and more. Certain furnishings can be placed on top of others, such as lamps atop tables or desks.
*The positioning of furnishings inside a house can be adjusted using an interface similar to the one used for the exterior.
*Once a furnishing has been placed in the house, it can no longer be traded. Furthermore, certain furnishings will be lost upon placing them in or removing them from the room.
===Player Housing NPC's===
==Relocation and Storeroom==
'''[[Relocation]]''' allows the player to move their estate.
'''[[Storeroom]]''' is the inventory for only [[Housing Items]].
Released in patch 4.1.
==Demolishing Your House==
If you want to get rid of your house for any reason (going to switch servers, don't really use your house, plan on quitting the game) you can demolish it. You won't get back any of the Gil you paid for it and you will lose the “cannot be retrieved once placed” furniture (like all the cool and expensive primal stuff).
You could also wait for the [[#Reclamation of Inactive Housing|automatic reclamation]] and then get 80% of your Gil back. In this case, you cannot enter your house in 45 days, but you can keep playing normally otherwise.
You can demolish your house and get rid of the plot by choosing Housing > Estate Settings > Private/Free Company Estate > Relinquish Land. (Or, in private room's case, “Vacate Chambers”.)
==Reclamation of Inactive Housing==
To ensure that plots of land are not claimed and left unused, estates not accessed for extended periods of time will be automatically demolished, and the plots of land will be put back up for sale.
*Reclamation of Inactive Housing was released in patch 3.1.
===Estates Subject to Demolishing===
*Free company housing that has not been accessed by at least one member within 45 days.
*Private housing that has not been accessed by the owner within 45 days.
*Purchased plots of land upon which an estate has not been built within 45 days.
** Some servers may have their demolition timers put on hold if there are major natural disaster events that occurred in their local region.  This is typically on hold for about 4-6 patches before timers are resumed.  Square typically gives a month warning before this is to occur but anything can change.
===Steps Prior to Demolishing===
*'''30 days''' of inactivity: A notification indicating that the estate is being prepared for auto-demolition will appear in the Timers interface in the Duty tab of the Main Menu.
*'''35 days''' of inactivity: An e-mail will be delivered to the registered e-mail addresses of all free company members, or the owner of a private estate, indicating the estate is being prepared for auto-demolition.
*'''42 days''' of inactivity: An e-mail will be delivered to the registered e-mail addresses of all free company members, or the owner of a private estate, indicating that the estate will be demolished automatically in three days.
*'''45 days''' of inactivity: The estate will be automatically demolished.
===Halting Demolition===
Any free company member or private housing owner entering the estate at any time prior to demolition will cancel the demolition process.
===After Demolition===
When an estate has been demolished, or the rights to an empty plot have been relinquished, said plot will be made available for purchase to all players on that World. The price will decrease every six hours from the time at which it is made available for purchase.
===Reclaiming Gil and Items===
When an estate has been demolished, gil and certain furnishings will be placed in the care of the resident caretaker for a fixed period of time.
'''Redeemable from the Resident Caretaker''':
*80% of the price paid for the estate grounds.
*Indoor and outdoor furnishings that are not destroyed upon removal.
'''Not Redeemable from the Resident Caretaker''':
*The construction permit required to build an estate.
*Furnishings destroyed upon removal.
*Housing exteriors.
*Private chambers.
*Company workshops and any registered airships in the workshop.
Players will have thirty-five days to redeem items from the resident caretaker before they are made irredeemable. Items belonging to a free company estate can only be retrieved by members with the authorization to purchase or relinquish land. Items belonging to a private estate can only be retrieved by the owner.
'''As of Patch 5.4 released on Dec 8th, 2020 Automatic Demolition has resumed since being paused in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.'''
==Housing Key==
A yellow house on the map indicates the house is locked, and can not be viewed by the public.  A blue house is open to the public.  Houses marked with an (i) are owned by an individual, while houses with no letter are owned by a free company. 
When choosing to teleport to a district: plots that appear in red are either locked or do not yet have a house.  Plots that appear in green are open to visitors.  If a plot is for sale, its price will be listed in white text.
==Furnishing Preview==
Introduced in [[Shadowbringers]] (5.0), Using this function, players can confirm the size and color of furnishings─including those they do not yet own─before they are placed on estate grounds.
Using the Furnishing Preview
Select either Preview Indoor Furnishings or Preview Outdoor Furnishings from the Housing menu under Social to display applicable furnishings.
Furnishings will be sorted by category, with a separate category for furnishings newly added with each patch. A search function is also available to find specific furnishings.
Furnishings that can be dyed will also allow you to select a color when previewing them.
* Only one furnishing item may be previewed at a time.
* Certain furnishings such as estate vendors, mannequins, retainers, Feast rewards, seasonal event rewards, and optional items from the Mog Station cannot be previewed.
==Reference Links==
Official 4.2 Plot Changes: [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/contentsguide/housing_land/ Additional Plot and Purchasing Guide]
Relocation Information: [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/d781e0d538428aef93b8bed4b50dd62c3c50fc74 Relocation Topic]

Latest revision as of 23:01, 13 June 2021

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