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:''Main article: [[White Mage]]''
#REDIRECT [[White Mage#Actions]]
==Endgame Healing Tips and Tricks==
*Put bonus stat points into [[Mind]] - Put them in Mind to increase [[Healing Magic Potency]]. Put some points into [[Vitality]] if additional [[HP]] is needed for certain fights.
*Important cross-class abilities: [[Swiftcast]] ([[Thaumaturge|THM]] Level 26), [[Virus]] ([[Arcanist|ACN]] Level 12), [[Eye for an Eye]] ([[Arcanist|ACN]] Level 34) - Swift cast allows you to instantly [[Raise]] an ally. Virus is equivalent of a defensive cooldown for you tank. It helps to mitigate heavy attacks from boss. Eye for an Eye reduces the damage taken for your tank over time. It should be kept up as often as possible.
*Use [[Stoneskin]] on tanks before combat - The tanks need time in order to build enmity and Stoneskin will allow them to do just that before you need to heal them.
*Overhealing = bad - Overhealing creates unnecessary aggro and wastes precious [[MP]]. Do not spam [[Medica]] or [[Medica II]] when few members of the party loses 10% of their [[HP]], unless they are about to be hit by an powerful AoE attack.
*Use [[Shroud of Saints]] as often as possible - Shroud of Saints regenerates MP based on your level and lowers your [[enmity]] by 50%. In some instances Shroud of Saints should be saved for specific moments such as phases with adds spawn. It helps to reduces your aggro and gives your tank an easier time in controlling the adds. To maximize MP regeneration, players should use Shroud of Saints every time their MP is 1300 below maximum.
*Know the range of [[Medica]] and [[Medica II]] - The range of Medica and Medica II is 15 and 20 yalms respectively. Players should run close enough to their allies for those abilities to reach them and not run too close and waste time and movement.
*Recognize debuffs on party members and [[esuna]] them if needed - Debuffs appear as retangular arrow pointing downward on allies' status bars. Learn what the debuffs are for different occasions and know which ones should be removed with esuna.
*[[Cure II]] is not your main healing spell - While Cure II is very potent, it uses a lot of MP. Spamming Cure II will quickly exhaust your MP. Use [[Cure]] as much as you can. Only use Cure II when your target is below 60% [[HP]] or when [[Freecure]] is procd.
*[[Cure III]] can be used as an AoE spell - Cure III will not only heal your target but also all players around your target. It is useful to heal a group of players that are not nearby you.
*Use [[Divine Seal]] as often as possible - Right before a battle or phase that requires massive healing, use the Divine Seal. [[Regen]] and [[Medica II]]'s regen stay buffed by Divine Seal as long as it is used while the caster is still buffed with Divine Seal. This also means that casting Regen then using Divine Seal will result in your current Regen NOT being buffed.
*Use [[Consumables|potions]] - Note that [[Mind Potion]] has same effect on Regen as Divine Seal. Be sure to cast Regen while you are buffed. Use [[ether]]s to regain MP or right after being raised to regain a lot of MP.
*Buffs and potions are off global cooldown - Using a buff or potion will make you unable to cast spells for the next second or so. Using buffs and potions during a time where you can't cast spells anyways will fully utilize your efficiency.
==Skills and Abilities==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
! Action     
! Icon     
! Level
! MP Cost
! Cast Time
! Cooldown
! Range
! Radius
! Description
| [[Presence of Mind]] || [[File:presence of mind.png]]|| 30 || 0 || Instant || 300s || 0y || 0y || align = "left" | Increases casting speed of spells for 10s.
| [[Regen]] || [[File:regen.png]]|| 35 || 319 || Instant || 2.5s || 30y || 0y || align = "left" | Grants healing over time effect with cure potency of 150 to target for 21s.
| [[Divine Seal]] || [[File:divine seal.png]]|| 40 || 0 || Instant || 60s || 0y || 0y || align = "left" | Increases healing magic potency by 30% for 15s.
| [[Holy]] || [[File:holy.png]]|| 45 || 532 || 3s || 3.5s || 0y || 8y || align = "left" | Deals magic damage with potency of 240 to all nearby enemies. <br> Additional Effect: Stun for 4s
| [[Benediction]] || [[File:benediction.png]]|| 50 || 0 || Instant || 300s || 30y || 0y || align = "left" | Restores all of a target's HP.
==[[PvP Actions]]==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
! Action
! Icon           
! Classes/Jobs
! Description
! Upgrade 1
! Upgrade 2
! Upgrade 3
| [[Sacred Prism]] || [[File:sacred prism icon1.png]] || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] ||Envelops a designated area in a veil of succor, healing any who enter and nullifying 40% of physical damage with Cure Potency of 50 for 18s. ||Enhanced Sacred Prism: Shortens recast time to 180 seconds.|| Enhanced Sacred Prism II: Extends duration to 30 seconds.|| Enhanced Sacred Prism III: Increases cure potency to 100.
| [[Divine Breath]] || [[File:divine breath icon1.png]] || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] ||Resurrects target at 10% of maximum HP/MP/TP. ||Enhanced Divine Breath: Shortens recast time to 180 seconds.||Enhanced Divine Breath II: Increases HP/MP/TP recovered to 50%.||
| [[Attunement]] || [[File:attunement icon1.png]] || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[Scholar|SCH]] [[White Mage|WHM]] ||Greatly enhances evasion while nullifying 90% of damage for 10s. <br> Cannot move or act while in effect. || Enhanced Attunement: Shortens recast time to 180 seconds. || ||
| [[Aetheric Burst]] || [[File:aetheric blast icon1.png]] || [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] [[White Mage|WHM]] ||Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170 to all nearby enemies. <br> Additional Effect: Decreases skill speed of target by 30% for 10s. ||Enhanced Aetheric Burst: Shortens recast time to 180 seconds.||Enhanced Aetheric Burst II: Extends duration to 20 seconds. || Enhanced Aetheric Burst III: Increases skill speed reduction to 50%.
| [[Equanimity]] || [[File:equanimity icon1.png]] || [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] [[White Mage|WHM]] ||Allows casting without interruption by attacks for 10s. ||Enhanced Equanimity: Shortens recast time to 300 seconds.||Enhanced Equanimity II: Extends duration to 20 seconds.||
| [[Mana Draw]] || [[File:mana draw icon1.png]] || [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Archer|ARC]] [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Bard|BRD]] [[Summoner|SMN]] [[White Mage|WHM]] ||Restores 30% of maximum MP. ||Enhanced Mana Draw: Shortens recast time to 180 seconds.||Enhanced Mana Draw II: Increases MP recovery to 50%.||
| [[Purify]] || [[File:purify icon1.png]] || All Classes and Jobs ||Removes all detrimental effects. Can be used regardless of status affliction. ||Enhanced Purify: Shortens recast time to 150 seconds.|| ||
{{classes and jobs}}

Latest revision as of 05:14, 27 October 2014

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