Difference between revisions of "Level 70 Gear Guide"

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(Adding options that can be bought with gil)
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{{see also|Content Unlock|Leveling Gear Guide}}
{{see also|Content Unlock}}
<big>'''[[Level 60 Gear Guide]] << >> [[Level 80 Gear Guide]]'''</big><br>
'''New players should directly purchase [[Augmented Scaevan Magitek Weapons]] and [[Augmented Scaevan Armor|Gear]], giving IL 400, with {{tomestone|Poetics}} [[Allagan_Tomestone_of_Poetics#Augmented_Scaevan_Equipment|Allagan Tomestones of Poetics]].''' This gear is '''bolded''' in the tables below.<br>
Poetics gear becomes available in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] and at [[File:Sundry Splendors.png|25px|link=Sundry Splendors]][[Rowena's Representative (Kugane)|Rowena's Representative]] in [[Kugane]]  (X:12.2 Y:10.8) after {{questlink|Main|Stormblood (Quest)}}.<br>
''Alternatively, {{rarity|basic}}-[[rarity]] crafted gear made with [[Shadowbringers]] materials can be had [[High Quality|HQ]] {{HQ}} off the [[Market Board]], giving IL 385, with {{gil}} [[Gil]]''. This gear is ''italicised'' in the tables below.<br>
[[Scrips]] exchange unlock quest {{questlink|feature|Reach Long and Prosper}} requires only {{questlink|main|Lyse Takes the Lead}}.<br>
For a gear guide within {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka}}, see [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Gear Guide|here]].
{{TOC limit|2}}
{{TOC limit|2}}
{| class="wikitable"
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! Gearset
! Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
|[[Antiquated Weapons]] || 290 || Acquired from level 70 Job quest.
|[[Primal Glamour Weapons (lvl 70)]] || 290 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Crimson Lotus Weapons]]|| 300 || Obtained in [[The Temple of the Fist]], [[Kugane Castle]] and [[Ala Mhigo]] dungeons.
|[[Antiquated Artifact Weapons (Stormblood)|Antiquated Weapons]] ([[Artifact Armor]]) || 290 || Acquired from [[coffer]] obtained after level 70 [[Job Quests]].
|[[Ala Mhigan Weapons]] || 310 || Purchased from [[Billebaut]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.0,y11.7) for [[Centurio Seals]].
|[[Crimson Lotus Weapons]]|| 300 || Obtained in {{questlink|dungeon|The Temple of the Fist}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Kugane Castle}} and {{questlink|dungeon|Ala Mhigo (Duty)}} dungeons.
|[[The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)#Weapons|Susano's Weapons]] || 320 || Dropped in [[The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)]].
|[[Ala Mhigan Weapons]] || 310 || Purchased from [[Billebaut]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for {{Centurio seal|70}} [[Centurio Seals]].<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Verity}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity|Allagan Tomestones of Verity]]
|[[iLvl 320 Crafted Weapons]] || 320 || Created by Level 70** [[Blacksmith]] / [[Goldsmith]] / [[Alchemist]] / [[Carpenter]]  
|[[Torreya Weapons]] || 320 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] V)
|[[Lost Allagan Weapons]] || 330 || Purchased from [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.7) for x10 [[Rowena's Token (Creation)]] and x1 [[Early Model Tomestone]]
|[[Susano's Weapons]] || 320 || Dropped in {{questlink|trial|The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)}} / Exchange 10 {{Item icon|Revel Totem}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7).<br>Receive {{Item icon|Susano Weapon Coffer (IL 320)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
|[[Shinryu Weapons]] || 335 || Dropped in [[The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain]]
|[[Lost Allagan Weapons]] || 330 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Creation}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Creation|Allagan Tomestones of Creation]]<br>Existing weapons can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[Eureka Artifact Weapons]] || 335 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for [[Antiquated Weapons]] and 100 [[Protean Crystal]]s.
|[[Shinryu's Weapons]] || 335 || Dropped in {{questlink|trial|The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain}} / Exchange 10 {{Item icon|Shinryu Totem}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7).<br>Receive {{Item icon|Shinryu Weapon Coffer (IL 335)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
|[[Augmented Lost Allagan Weapons]] || 340 || Purchased from [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.6,y12.2) for [[Lost Allagan Weapons]] and [[Lost Allagan Roborant]] exchange.
|[[Eureka Artifact Weapons]] || 335 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for [[Antiquated Artifact Weapons (Stormblood)|Antiquated Weapons]] and 100 {{Item icon|Protean Crystal}}.
|[[Eureka Artifact Weapons +1]] || 340 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for Eureka Artifact Weapons and 400 [[Protean Crystal]]s.
|[[Augmented Lost Allagan Weapons]] || 340 || Purchased from [[Billebaut]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for {{Centurio seal|140}} [[Centurio Seals]].
|[[Genji Weapons]] || 345 || Acquired from completing [[Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)]]<br>Exchange 8 [[Deltascape Datalog v4.0]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0)
|[[Eureka Artifact Weapons +1]] || 340 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for Eureka Artifact Weapons and 400 {{Item icon|Protean Crystal}}.
|[[Ultimate Dreadwyrm Weapons]] || 345 || Exchanged [[Dreadwyrm Totem]] dropped from [[The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate)]] with [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.8).
|[[Ultimate Dreadwyrm Weapons]] || 345 || Exchange 1 {{Item icon|Dreadwyrm Totem}} dropped from {{questlink|uraid|The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate)}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.8).
|[[Eureka Artifact Weapons +2]] || 345 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for Eureka Artifact Weapons + 1 and 800 [[Protean Crystal]]s.
|[[Genji Weapons]] || 345 || Acquired from completing {{questlink|raid|Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)}}<br>Receive {{Item icon|Genji Weapon Coffer (IL 345)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Exchange 8 {{Item icon|Deltascape Datalog v4.0}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
|[[iLvl 350 Crafted Weapons]] || 350 || Created by Level 70** [[Blacksmith]] / [[Goldsmith]] / [[Alchemist]] / [[Carpenter]]
|[[Eureka Artifact Weapons +2]] || 345 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for Eureka Artifact Weapons +1 and 800 {{Item icon|Protean Crystal}}.
|[[Byakko Weapons]] || 355 || Dropped or Exchanged from [[The Jade Stoa (Extreme)]]
|[[Black Willow Weapons]] || 350 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Eureka Artifact Anemos Weapons]] || 355 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for Eureka Artifact Weapons + 2 and 3 [[Pazuzu's Feather]]s.
|[[Byakko's Weapons]] || 355 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|The Jade Stoa (Extreme)}} / Exchange 10 {{Item icon|Byakko Totem}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7).<br>Receive {{Item icon|Byakko Weapon Coffer (IL 355)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
|[[Ryumyaku Weapons]] || 360 || Purchased from [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.7) for x10 [[Rowena's Token (Mendacity)]] and x1 [[Prototype Tomestone]] from [[Gelfradus]]
|[[Anemos Weapons]] || 355 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for Eureka Artifact Weapons +2 and 3 {{Item icon|Pazuzu's Feather}}.
|[[Pagos Weapons]] || 360 || ?????
|[[Augmented Black Willow Weapons]] || 360 || Pruchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 9 {{Item icon|Resistance Token}}, 7 {{Item icon|Thavnairian Rain}}
|[[Tsukuyomi Weapons]] || 365 || Drops from [[The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain]]
|[[Ryumyaku Weapons]] || 360 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Mendacity}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity|Allagan Tomestones of Mendacity]]<br>Existing weapons can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[Pagos Weapons]] || 360 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos}} for Anemos Weapon and 5 {{Item icon|Frosted Protean Crystal}}
|[[Empyrean Weapons]] || 365 || Reward from [[Heaven-on-High]]
|[[Empyrean Weapons]] || 365 || Reward from [[Heaven-on-High]]
|[[Pagos Weapons +1]] || 365 || ?????
|[[Tsukuyomi's Weapons]] || 365 || Drops from {{questlink|trial|The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain}} / Exchange 10 {{Item icon|Lunar Totem}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7).<br>Receive {{Item icon|Tsukuyomi Weapon Coffer (IL 365)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
|[[Pagos Weapons +1]] || 365 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos}} for Pagos Weapon and 10 {{Item icon|Frosted Protean Crystal}} and 500 {{Item icon|Pagos Crystal}}
|[[Dai-ryumyaku Weapons]] || 370 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 600 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]].
|[[Elemental Weapons]] || 370 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos}} for Pagos Weapon +1 and 16 {{Item icon|Frosted Protean Crystal}} and 5 {{Item icon|Louhi's Ice}}
|[[Ultima Weapons]] || 375 || Purchased from [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7) for 1 {{Item icon|Ultima Totem}} dropped from {{questlink|uraid|The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate)}}.
|[[Diamond Weapons]] || 375 || Acquired from completing {{questlink|raid|Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)}}<br>Receive {{Item icon|Diamond Weapon Coffer (IL 375)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]  (X:13.7 Y:12.0) for 8 {{Item icon|Sigmascape Datalog v4.0}}
|[[Elemental Weapons +1]] || 375 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros}} for Elemental Weapon and 150 {{Item icon|Pyros Crystal}} and 10 [[Logos Action]]s unlocked
|[[Rakshasa Weapons]] || 380 || Crafted, level 70★★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Elemental Weapons]] || 370 || ?????
|[[Elemental Weapons +2]] || 380 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros}} for Elemental Weapon +1 and 200 {{Item icon|Pyros Crystal}} and 20 [[Logos Action]]s unlocked
|[[Dai-Ryumuaku Weapons]] || 370 || Purchased from [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.6,y12.2) for [[Ryumyaku Weapons]] and [[Ryumyaku Solvent]] exchange.
|''[[White Oak Weapons]]'' || ''385'' || ''Crafted, level 71 recipes & [[Shadowbringers]] materials or {{Item icon|White Oak Weapon Coffer (IL 385)}}''
|[[Diamond Weapons]] || 375 || Acquired from completing [[Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)]]<br>Recieve [[Diamond Weapon Coffer]] Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]  (x13.7, y12.0) for 8 [[Sigmascape Datalog v4.0]]
|[[Suzaku's Weapons]] || 385 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|Hells' Kier (Extreme)}} / Exchange 10 {{Item icon|Suzaku Totem}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7).<br>Receive {{Item icon|Suzaku Weapon Coffer (IL 385)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
|[[Ultima Weapons]] || 375 || Purchased from [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.7) for 1 [[Ultima Totem]] dropped from [[The Minstrel's Ballad: The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate)]].
|[[Pyros Weapons]] || 385 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros}} for Elemental Weapon +2 and 300 {{Item icon|Pyros Crystal}} and 5 {{Item icon|Penthesilea's Flame}} and 30 [[Logos Action]]s unlocked
|[[Elemental Weapons +1]] || 375 || ?????
|[[Yama Weapons]] || 390 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 27 {{Item icon|Rakshasa Token}}, 7 {{Item icon|Doman Reiyaku}}
|[[Rakshasa Weapons]] || 380 || Created by lv.70 **** [[Crafters]]
|[[Scaevan Magitek Weapons]] || 390 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Genesis}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Genesis|Allagan Tomestones of Genesis]]<br>Existing weapons can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[Elemental Weapons +2]] || 380 || ?????
|[[Hydatos Weapons]] || 390 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos}} for Pyros Weapon and 50 {{Item icon|Hydatos Crystal}}
|[[Suzaku Weapons]] || 385 || Dropped from [[Hells' Kier (Extreme)]]. Purchased from [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.8) for 10 [[Suzaku Totem]]
|[[Seiryu's Weapons]] || 395 || Dropped from {{questlink|trial|The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)}} / Exchange 10 {{Item icon|Seiryu Totem}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7).<br>Receive {{Item icon|Seiryu Weapon Coffer (IL 395)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
|[[Pyros Weapons]] || 385 || ?????
|[[Hydatos Weapons +1]] || 395 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos}} for Hydatos Weapon and 100 {{Item icon|Hydatos Crystal}}
|[[Scaevan Magitek Weapons]] || 390 || Purchased from [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.7) for x10 [[Rowena's Token (Genesis)]] and x1 [[Military-grade Tomestone]] from [[Gelfradus]]
|'''[[Augmented Scaevan Magitek Weapons]]''' || '''400''' || '''Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 600 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]].'''
|[[Yama Weapons]] || 390 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 27 [[Rakshasa Token]], 7 [[Doman Reiyaku]]
|[[Base Eureka Weapons]] || 400 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos}} for Hydatos Weapon +1 and 100 {{Item icon|Hydatos Crystal}}
|[[Seiryu Weapons]] || 395 || Dropped or Exchanged from [[The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)]]
|[[Omega Weapons]] || 405 || Acquired from completing {{questlink|raid|Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)}}<br>Receive {{Item icon|Omega Weapon Coffer (IL 405)}} Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]  (X:13.7 Y:12.0) for 8 {{Item icon|Alphascape Datalog v4.0}}
|[[Augmented Scaevan Magitek Weapons]] || 400 || Purchased from [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.6,y12.2) for [[Scaevan Magitek Weapons]] and [[Scaevan Ester]] exchange.
|[[Eureka Weapons]] || 405 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos}} for Base Eureka Weapon and 100 {{Item icon|Hydatos Crystal}} and 5 {{Item icon|Crystalline Scale}}
|[[Omega Weapons]] || 405 || Acquired from completing [[Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)]]<br>Recieve [[Omega Weapon Coffer]] Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job<br>Purchased from [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]  (x13.7, y12.0) for 8 [[Alphascape Datalog v4.0]]
|[[Physeos Weapons]] || 405 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos}} for Eureka Weapon and 100 {{Item icon|Eureka Fragment}} from {{questlink|eureka|The Baldesion Arsenal}}

{| class="wikitable"
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! Gearset
! Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
|[[Antiquated Armor]] || 290 || Acquired from level 70 Job quest.
|[[Antiquated Artifact Armor (Stormblood)|Antiquated Armor]] ([[Artifact Armor]]) || 290 || Acquired from [[coffer]] obtained after level 70 [[Job Quests]].
|[[Arhat Armor]] || 300 || Obtained in {{questlink|dungeon|The Temple of the Fist}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Kugane Castle}} and {{questlink|dungeon|Ala Mhigo (Duty)}} dungeons.
|[[Ala Mhigan Armor]] || 310 || Purchased from [[Billebaut]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for {{Centurio seal}} 25-60 [[Centurio Seals]].<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Verity}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity|Allagan Tomestones of Verity]]
|[[Skallic Armor]] || 315 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Drowned City of Skalla}}
|[[Torreya Armor]] || 320 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] V)
|[[Genta Armor]] || 320 || Exchange [[Omega: Deltascape#Item Exchange|Deltascape Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Omega: Deltascape}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
|[[Farlander Armor]] || 325 || Obtained in {{questlink|dungeon|Hells' Lid}} and {{questlink|dungeon|The Fractal Continuum (Hard)}} dungeons.
|[[Arhat Armor]] || 300 || Obtained in [[The Temple of the Fist]], [[Kugane Castle]] and [[Ala Mhigo]] dungeons.
|[[Lost Allagan Armor]] || 330 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Creation}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Creation|Allagan Tomestones of Creation]]<br>Existing armor can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[Ala Mhigan Armor]] || 310 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity]].
|[[Ivalician Armor (IL 330)]] || 330 || Dropped from alliance raid {{questlink|araid|The Royal City of Rabanastre}}
|[[Skallic Armor]] || 315 || Dropped in [[The Drowned City of Skalla]]
|[[Eureka Artifact Armor]] || 335 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for [[Antiquated Armor]] and 50 {{Item icon|Protean Crystal}}.
|[[Genta Armor]] || 320 || Exchange [[Omega: Deltascape#Item Exchange|Deltascape Tokens]] obtained from [[Omega: Deltascape]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr’s Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0).
|[[Augmented Lost Allagan Armor]] || 340 || Purchased from [[Billebaut]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for {{Centurio seal}} 55-120 [[Centurio Seals]].
|[[iLvl 320 Crafted Armor]] || 320 || Created by Level 70** [[Armorer]] / [[Leatherworker]] / [[Weaver]]
|[[Genji Armor]] || 340 || Dropped in {{questlink|raid|Omega: Deltascape (Savage)}}<br>Exchange multiple [[Omega: Deltascape (Savage)#Exchange|Deltascape Datalogs]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
|[[Farlander Armor]] || 325 || Obtained in [[Hells' Lid]] and [[The Fractal Continuum (Hard)]] dungeons.
|[[Eureka Artifact Armor +1]] || 340 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for Eureka Artifact Armor and 150 {{Item icon|Protean Crystal}}.
|[[Lost Allagan Armor]] || 330 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Creation]]
|[[Bonewicca Armor]] || 345 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Swallow's Compass}}
|[[Ivalician Armor (iLvl 330)]] || 330 || Dropped in [[The Royal City of Rabanastre]]
|[[Eureka Artifact Armor +2]] || 345 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for Eureka Artifact Armor + 1 and 400 {{Item icon|Protean Crystal}}.
|[[Eureka Artifact Armor]] || 335 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for [[Antiquated Armor]] and 50 [[Protean Crystal]]s.
|[[Black Willow Armor]] || 350 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Augmented Lost Allagan Armor]] || 340 || Exchange [[Lost Allagan Armor]] and [[Lost Allagan Twine]] for Head, Chest, Gloves, Legs and Feet. ([[Lost Allagan Glaze]] for Belt) to [[E'bolaff]] (x13.6,y12.2) in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]
|[[Carborundum Armor]] || 350 || Exchange [[Omega: Sigmascape#Item Exchange|Sigmascape Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Omega: Sigmascape}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
|[[Genji Armor]] || 340 || Dropped in [[Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)]], [[Deltascape V2.0 (Savage)]], [[Deltascape V3.0 (Savage)]], [[Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)]]<br>Exchange multiple [[Deltascape Datalog v1.0]] / [[Deltascape Datalog v2.0]] / [[Deltascape Datalog v3.0]] / [[Deltascape Datalog v4.0]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0)
|[[Eureka Artifact Anemos Armor]] || 350 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} for Eureka Artifact Armor +2 and 150 {{Item icon|Anemos Crystal}}.
|[[Eureka Artifact Armor +1]] || 340 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for Eureka Artifact Armor and 150 [[Protean Crystal]]s.
|[[Royal Volunteer's Armor]] || 355 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Burn}} and {{questlink|dungeon|Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)}}
|[[Eureka Artifact Armor +2]] || 345 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for Eureka Artifact Armor + 1 and 400 [[Protean Crystal]]s.
|[[Augmented Black Willow Armor]] || 360 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 4-8 {{Item icon|Resistance Token}}, 2-5 {{Item icon|Thavnairian Rain}}
|[[Bonewicca Armor]] || 345 || Dropped in [[The Swallow's Compass]]
|[[Ryumyaku Armor]] || 360 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Mendacity}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity|Allagan Tomestones of Mendacity]]<br>Existing armor can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[iLvl 350 Crafted Armor]] || 350 || Created by Level 70** [[Armorer]] / [[Leatherworker]] / [[Weaver]]
| [[Ivalician Armor (IL 360)]] || 360 || Dropped from alliance raid {{questlink|araid|The Ridorana Lighthouse}}
|[[Carborundum Armor]] || 350 || Exchange [[Omega: Sigmascape#Item Exchange|Sigmascape Tokens]] obtained from [[Omega: Sigmascape]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr’s Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0).
|[[Dai-ryumyaku Armor]] || 370 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280-510 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]].
|[[Eureka Artifact Anemos Armor]] || 350 || Acquired in [[The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]] for Eureka Artifact Armor + 2 and 150 [[Anemos Crystal]]s.
|[[Diamond Armor]] || 370 || Dropped in {{questlink|raid|Omega: Sigmascape (Savage)}}<br>Exchange multiple [[Omega: Sigmascape (Savage)#Exchange|Sigmascape Datalogs]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
|[[Ryumyaku Armor]] || 360 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity]]
|[[Alliance Armor]] || 375 || Drops from {{questlink|dungeon|The Ghimlyt Dark}}
| [[Ivalician Armor (iLvl 360)]] || 360 || Dropped in [[The Ridorana Lighthouse]]
|[[Rakshasa Armor]] || 380 || Crafted, level 70★★★★ recipes  ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Dai-Ryumuaku Armor]] || 370 || Exchange [[Ryumyaku Armor]] and [[Ryumyaku Weave]] for Head, Chest, Gloves, Legs and Feet. ([[Ryumyaku Polish]] for Belt) to [[E'bolaff]] (x13.6,y12.2) in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]
|[[Omicron Armor]] || 380 || Exchange [[Omega: Alphascape#Item Exchange|Alphascape Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Omega: Alphascape}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
|[[Diamond Armor]] || 370 || Dropped in [[Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)]], [[Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage)]], [[Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)]], [[Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)]]<br>Exchange multiple [[Sigmascape Datalog v1.0]] / [[Sigmascape Datalog v2.0]] / [[Sigmascape Datalog v3.0]] / [[Sigmascape Datalog v4.0]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0)
|[[Eureka Elemental Armor]] || 380 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros}} for 40 {{Item icon|Pyros Crystal}} + 50 [[Logos Action]]s unlocked.
|[[Alliance Armor]] || 375 || Drops from [[The Ghimlyt Dark]]
|''[[White Oak Armor]]'' || ''385'' || ''Crafted, level 71 recipes & [[Shadowbringers]] materials. Also purchased from [[Muto]] in [[Kugane]] (X:11.9 Y:12.2) for gil''
|[[Omicron Armor]] || 380 || Exchange [[Omega: Alphascape#Item Exchange|Alphascape Tokens]] obtained from [[Omega: Alphascape]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0).
|[[Yama Armor]] || 390 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 12-21 {{Item icon|Rakshasa Token}}, 2-5 {{Item icon|Doman Reiyaku}}
|[[Rakshasa Armor]] || 380 || Created by lv.70 **** [[Crafters]]
|[[Scaevan Armor]] || 390 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Genesis}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Genesis|Allagan Tomestones of Genesis]]<br>Existing armor can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[Scaevan Armor]] || 390 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Genesis]]
|[[Ivalician Armor (IL 390)]] || 390 || Drops from alliance raid {{questlink|araid|The Orbonne Monastery}}
|[[Yama Armor]] || 390 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for [[Rakshasa Token]], [[Doman Reiyaku]]
|[[Eureka Elemental Armor 1|Eureka Elemental Armor +1]] || 390 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos}} for Eureka Elemental Armor and 50 {{Item icon|Hydatos Crystal}}.
|[[Ivalician Armor (iLvl 390)]] || 390 || Drops in [[The Orbonne Monastery]]
|[[Eureka Elemental Armor 2|Eureka Elemental Armor +2]] || 390 || Acquired in {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos}} for Eureka Elemental Armor +1 and 35 {{Item icon|Eureka Fragment}}.
|[[Augmented Scaevan Armor]] || 400 || Exchange [[Scaevan Armor]] and [[Scaevan Weave]] for Head, Chest, Gloves, Legs and Feet. ([[Scaevan Shellac]] for Belt) to [[E'bolaff]] (x13.6,y12.2) in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]
|'''[[Augmented Scaevan Armor]]''' || '''400''' || '''Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280-510 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]].'''
|[[Omega Armor]] || 400 || Dropped in [[Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)]], [[Alphascape V2.0 (Savage)]], [[Alphascape V3.0 (Savage)]], [[Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)]]<br>Exchange multiple [[Alphascape Datalog v1.0]] / [[Alphascape Datalog v2.0]] / [[Alphascape Datalog v3.0]] / [[Alphascape Datalog v4.0]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0)
|[[Omega Armor]] || 400 || Dropped in {{questlink|raid|Omega: Alphascape (Savage)}}<br>Exchange multiple [[Omega: Alphascape (Savage)#Exchange|Alphascape Datalogs]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0)

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
|[[Arhat Accessories]] || 300 || Obtained in [[The Temple of the Fist]], [[Kugane Castle]] and [[Ala Mhigo]] dungeons.
|[[Imperial Jade Accessories]] || 290 || Crafted, level 70 recipes
|[[Arhat Accessories]] || 300 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Temple of the Fist}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Kugane Castle}} and {{questlink|dungeon|Ala Mhigo (Duty)}} dungeons.
|[[Ala Mhigan Accessories]] || 310 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity]].
|[[Ala Mhigan Accessories]] || 310 || Purchased from [[Billebaut]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for {{Centurio seal|25}} [[Centurio Seals]].<br>Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Verity}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity|Allagan Tomestones of Verity]]
|[[Skallic Accessories]] || 315 || Dropped in [[The Drowned City of Skalla]]
|[[Skallic Accessories]] || 315 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Drowned City of Skalla}}
|[[Emanation (Extreme)#Accossories|Lakshmi's Accessories]] || 320 || Dropped in [[Emanation (Extreme)]]
|[[Torreya Accessories]] || 320 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] V)
|[[Genta Accessories]] || 320 || Exchange [[Omega: Deltascape#Item Exchange|Deltascape Tokens]] obtained from [[Omega: Deltascape]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0).
|[[Lakshmi's Accessories]] || 320 || Dropped in {{questlink|trial|Emanation (Extreme)}} / Exchange 5 {{Item icon|Bliss Totem}} at [[Eschina]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
|[[iLvl 320 Crafted Accessories]] || 320 || Created by Level 70** [[Goldsmith]]
|[[Genta Accessories]] || 320 || Exchange [[Omega: Deltascape#Item Exchange|Deltascape Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Omega: Deltascape}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
|[[Lost Allagan Accessories]] || 330 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Creation]].
|[[Farlander Accessories]] || 325 || Obtained in {{questlink|dungeon|Hells' Lid}} and {{questlink|dungeon|The Fractal Continuum (Hard)}} dungeons.
|[[Lost Allagan Accessories]] || 330 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Creation}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Creation|Allagan Tomestones of Creation]]<br>Existing accessories can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[Augmented Lost Allagan Accessories]] || 340 || Exchange [[Lost Allagan Accessories]] and [[Lost Allagan Glaze]] to [[E'bolaff]] (x13.6,y12.2) in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]  
|[[Augmented Lost Allagan Accessories]] || 340 || Purchased from [[Billebaut]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for {{Centurio seal|55}} [[Centurio Seals]].
|[[Genji Accessories]] || 340 || Dropped in [[Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)]]<br>Exchange 4 [[Deltascape Datalog v1.0]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0)
|[[Genji Accessories]] || 340 || Dropped in {{questlink|raid|Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)}}<br>Exchange 4 {{Item icon|Deltascape Datalog v1.0}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
|[[Bonewicca Accessories]] || 345 || Dropped in [[The Swallow's Compass]]
|[[Bonewicca Accessories]] || 345 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Swallow's Compass}}
|[[Carborundum Accessories]] || 350 || Dropped in [[Omega: Sigmascape#Item Exchange|sigmascape Tokens]] obtained from [[Omega: Sigmascape]] to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0).
|[[Black Willow Accessories]] || 350 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Ryumyaku Accessories]] || 360 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity]]
|[[Carborundum Accessories]] || 350 || Exchange [[Omega: Sigmascape#Item Exchange|Sigmascape Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Omega: Sigmascape}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
|[[Dai-Ryumuaku Accessories]] || 370 || Exchange [[Ryumyaku Accessories]] and [[Ryumyaku Polish]] to [[E'bolaff]] (x13.6,y12.2) in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]
|[[Royal Volunteer's Accessories]] || 355 || Dropped in {{questlink|dungeon|The Burn}} and {{questlink|dungeon|Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)}}
|[[Diamond Accessories]] || 370 || Token Dropped in [[ Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)]]
|[[Augmented Black Willow Accessories]] || 360 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 3 {{Item icon|Resistance Token}}, 2 {{Item icon|Thavnairian Rain}}
|[[Alliance Accessories]] || 375 || Drops from [[The Ghimlyt Dark]]
|[[Ryumyaku Accessories]] || 360 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Mendacity}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity|Allagan Tomestones of Mendacity]]<br>Existing accessories can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|[[Omicron Accessories]] || 380 || Dropped in [[Omega: Alphascape]] obtained from [[Omega: Alphascape#Item Exchange|Alphascape Tokens]] traded to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.7,y12.0).
|[[Dai-ryumyaku Accessories]] || 370 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]].
|[[Rakshasa Accessories]] || 380 || Created by lv.70 **** [[Crafters]]
|[[Diamond Accessories]] || 370 || Dropped in {{questlink|raid|Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)}}<br>Exchange 4 {{Item icon|Sigmascape Datalog v1.0}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
|[[Scaevan Accessories]] || 390 || Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (x13.8,y11.6) for [[Allagan Tomestone of Genesis]]
|[[Alliance Accessories]] || 375 || Drops from {{questlink|dungeon|The Ghimlyt Dark}}
|[[Yama Accessories]] || 390 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for [[Rakshasa Token]], [[Doman Reiyaku]]
|[[Rakshasa Accessories]] || 380 || Crafted, level 70★★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Augmented Scaevan Accessories]] || 400 || Exchange Scaevan accessories and [[Scaevan Shellac]] to [[E'bolaff]] (x13.6,y12.2) in [[Rhalgr's Reach]]
|[[Omicron Accessories]] || 380 || Exchange [[Omega: Alphascape#Item Exchange|Alphascape Tokens]] obtained from {{questlink|raid|Omega: Alphascape}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
|''[[White Oak Accessories]]'' || ''385'' || ''Crafted, level 71 recipes & [[Shadowbringers]] materials''
|[[Yama Accessories]] || 390 || Purchased from [[J'tandhaa]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 9 {{Item icon|Rakshasa Token}}, 2 {{Item icon|Doman Reiyaku}}
|[[Scaevan Accessories]] || 390 || Unavailable. Formerly bought with {{tomestone|Genesis}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Genesis|Allagan Tomestones of Genesis]]<br>Existing accessories can be upgraded with {{tomestone|Poetics}} 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]] at [[E'bolaff]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
|'''[[Augmented Scaevan Accessories]]''' || '''400''' || '''Purchased from [[Enna]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for {{tomestone|Poetics}} 280 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics|Poetics]].'''
|[[Omega Accessories]] || 400 || Dropped in {{questlink|raid|Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)}}<br>Exchange 4 {{Item icon|Alphascape Datalog v1.0}} to [[Gelfradus]] in [[Rhalgr's Reach]] (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
|[[Omega Accessories]] || 400 || Token Dropped in [[Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)]]

==Crafting and Gathering==
==Crafting and Gathering==
===Primary Tools===
{{see also|Shadowbringers level 71 Crafting and Gathering Gear|Deepgold Tools}}
{| class="wikitable"
====Primary Tools====
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
|[[King's Tools]] || 300 || Yellow Gatherers' Scrip Exchange (Lv. 70)
|[[Molybdenum Tools]] || 290 || lvl 70 normal craft
|[[King's Tools]] || 300 || Unavailable
|[[Ala Mhigan Tools]] || 325 || ??????
|[[Ala Mhigan Tools]] || 325 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] V)
|[[Augmented King's Tools]] || 330 || ??????
|[[Augmented King's Tools]] || 330 || Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low crafter|225}} {{Scrip/low-crafter-text}}
|[[Nightsteel Tools]] || 345 || ??????
|[[Nightsteel Tools]] || 345 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes  ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[Handking Tools]] || 350 || ??????
|'''[[Hand and Landking's Tools]]''' || '''350''' || '''Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low crafter|225}} {{Scrip/low-crafter-text}}'''
|[[Blessed King's Tools]] || 350 || Acquired from [[Crafting Achievements]], after crafting certain number of unique recipes.
|[[Blessed King's Tools]] || 350 || Acquired from [[Crafting Achievements]], after crafting certain number of unique recipes.
Line 220: Line 270:

===Secondary Tools===
====Secondary Tools====
{| class="wikitable"
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
|[[Nightsteel Offhand Tools]] || 325 || ??????
|[[Molybdenum Tools]] || 290 || lvl 70 normal craft
|[[Nightsteel Tools]] || 325 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|[[King's Offhand Tools]] || 330 || ??????
|'''[[King's Tools]]''' || '''330''' || '''Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low crafter|225}} {{Scrip/low-crafter-text}}'''

{| class="wikitable"
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! iLvl
! IL
! Obtained
! Obtained
|[[King's Armor]] || 300 || Yellow Gatherers' Scrip Exchange (Lv. 70)
|[[Twinsilk Crafting and Gathering Gear]] || 290 || lvl 70 normal craft
|[[Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear]] || 300 || Unavailable
|[[Ala Mhigan Crafting and Gathering Gear]] || 320 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] V)<br>Armor only, no accessories.
|[[Augmented Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear]] || 330 || Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low crafter}} 75-225 {{Scrip/low-crafter-text}}<br>Specific sets for each class<br>Armor only, no accessories.
|[[Onishi and Yamashi Armor]] || 340 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|'''[[Handking and Landking's Gear]]''' || '''350''' || '''Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low crafter}} 75-225 {{Scrip/low-crafter-text}}'''
====Primary Tools====
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! IL
! Obtained
|[[Molybdenum Tools]] || 290 || lvl 70 normal craft
|[[King's Tools]] || 300 || Unavailable
|[[Ala Mhigan Tools]] || 325 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] V)
|[[Augmented King's Tools]] || 330 || Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low gatherer|250}} {{Scrip/low-gatherer-text}}
|[[Nightsteel Tools]] || 345 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes  ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|'''[[Hand and Landking's Tools]]''' || '''350''' || '''Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low gatherer|250}} {{Scrip/low-gatherer-text}}'''
|[[Blessed King's Tools]] || 350 || Acquired from [[Gathering Achievements]], after gathering certain number of unique items.
====Secondary Tools====
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! IL
! Obtained
|[[Molybdenum Tools]] || 290 || lvl 70 normal craft
|[[Nightsteel Tools]] || 325 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|'''[[King's Tools]]''' || '''330''' || '''Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low gatherer|250}} {{Scrip/low-gatherer-text}}'''
{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! style="width: 220px;" | Gearset
! IL
! Obtained
|[[Twinsilk Crafting and Gathering Gear]] || 290 || lvl 70 normal craft
|[[Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear]] || 300 || Unavailable
|[[Ala Mhigan Crafting and Gathering Gear]] || 320 || Crafted, level 70★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] V)<br>Armor only, no accessories.
|[[Augmented Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear]] || 330 || Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low gatherer}} 75-150 {{Scrip/low-gatherer-text}}<br>Specific sets for each class<br>Armor only, no accessories.
|[[Onishi and Yamashi Armor]] || 340 || Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes ([[Master Recipes]] VI)
|'''[[Handking and Landking's Gear]]''' || 350 || '''Purchased from a [[Scrip Exchange]] for {{scrip|low gatherer}} 75-150 {{Scrip/low-gatherer-text}}'''

{{End Game Progression}}
{{End Game Progression}}

Latest revision as of 01:38, 2 February 2025

See also: Content Unlock and Leveling Gear Guide

Level 60 Gear Guide << >> Level 80 Gear Guide
New players should directly purchase Augmented Scaevan Magitek Weapons and Gear, giving IL 400, with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. This gear is bolded in the tables below.
Poetics gear becomes available in Rhalgr's Reach and at Sundry Splendors.pngRowena's Representative in Kugane (X:12.2 Y:10.8) after Main Scenario QuestStormblood.
Alternatively, ABasic-rarity crafted gear made with Shadowbringers materials can be had HQ HQ icon.png off the Market Board, giving IL 385, with Gil Gil. This gear is italicised in the tables below.
Scrips exchange unlock quest Feature QuestReach Long and Prosper requires only Main Scenario QuestLyse Takes the Lead.
For a gear guide within The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka, see here.


Gearset IL Obtained
Primal Glamour Weapons (lvl 70) 290 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Antiquated Weapons (Artifact Armor) 290 Acquired from coffer obtained after level 70 Job Quests.
Crimson Lotus Weapons 300 Obtained in Dungeon The Temple of the Fist, Dungeon Kugane Castle and Dungeon Ala Mhigo dungeons.
Ala Mhigan Weapons 310 Purchased from Billebaut in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for Centurio Seal 70 Centurio Seals.
Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Verity Allagan Tomestones of Verity
Torreya Weapons 320 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes V)
Susano's Weapons 320 Dropped in Trial The Pool of Tribute (Extreme) / Exchange 10 Revel totem icon1.png  Revel Totem at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
Receive Susano weapon coffer (il 320) icon1.png  Susano Weapon Coffer (IL 320) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Lost Allagan Weapons 330 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Creation Allagan Tomestones of Creation
Existing weapons can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Shinryu's Weapons 335 Dropped in Trial The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain / Exchange 10 Shinryu Totem Icon.png  Shinryu Totem at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
Receive Shinryu weapon coffer (il 335) icon1.png  Shinryu Weapon Coffer (IL 335) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Eureka Artifact Weapons 335 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Antiquated Weapons and 100 Protean crystal icon1.png  Protean Crystal.
Augmented Lost Allagan Weapons 340 Purchased from Billebaut in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for Centurio Seal 140 Centurio Seals.
Eureka Artifact Weapons +1 340 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Eureka Artifact Weapons and 400 Protean crystal icon1.png  Protean Crystal.
Ultimate Dreadwyrm Weapons 345 Exchange 1 Dreadwyrm Totem Icon.jpg  Dreadwyrm Totem dropped from Ultimate Raid The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.8).
Genji Weapons 345 Acquired from completing Raid Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)
Receive Genji weapon coffer (il 345) icon1.png  Genji Weapon Coffer (IL 345) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Exchange 8 Deltascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png  Deltascape Datalog v4.0 to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
Eureka Artifact Weapons +2 345 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Eureka Artifact Weapons +1 and 800 Protean crystal icon1.png  Protean Crystal.
Black Willow Weapons 350 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Byakko's Weapons 355 Dropped from Trial The Jade Stoa (Extreme) / Exchange 10 Byakko Totem Icon.jpg  Byakko Totem at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
Receive Byakko weapon coffer (il 355) icon1.png  Byakko Weapon Coffer (IL 355) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Anemos Weapons 355 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Eureka Artifact Weapons +2 and 3 Pazuzus feather icon1.png  Pazuzu's Feather.
Augmented Black Willow Weapons 360 Pruchased from J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 9 Resistance token icon1.png  Resistance Token, 7 Thavnairian rain icon1.png  Thavnairian Rain
Ryumyaku Weapons 360 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity Allagan Tomestones of Mendacity
Existing weapons can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Pagos Weapons 360 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos for Anemos Weapon and 5 Frosted protean crystal icon1.png  Frosted Protean Crystal
Empyrean Weapons 365 Reward from Heaven-on-High
Tsukuyomi's Weapons 365 Drops from Trial The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain / Exchange 10 Lunar Totem Icon.png  Lunar Totem at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
Receive Tsukuyomi weapon coffer (il 365) icon1.png  Tsukuyomi Weapon Coffer (IL 365) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Pagos Weapons +1 365 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos for Pagos Weapon and 10 Frosted protean crystal icon1.png  Frosted Protean Crystal and 500 Pagos crystal icon1.png  Pagos Crystal
Dai-ryumyaku Weapons 370 Purchased from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600 Poetics.
Elemental Weapons 370 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos for Pagos Weapon +1 and 16 Frosted protean crystal icon1.png  Frosted Protean Crystal and 5 Louhis ice icon1.png  Louhi's Ice
Ultima Weapons 375 Purchased from Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7) for 1 Ultima totem icon1.png  Ultima Totem dropped from Ultimate Raid The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate).
Diamond Weapons 375 Acquired from completing Raid Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage)
Receive Diamond weapon coffer (il 375) icon1.png  Diamond Weapon Coffer (IL 375) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Purchased from Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0) for 8 Sigmascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png  Sigmascape Datalog v4.0
Elemental Weapons +1 375 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros for Elemental Weapon and 150 Pyros crystal icon1.png  Pyros Crystal and 10 Logos Actions unlocked
Rakshasa Weapons 380 Crafted, level 70★★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Elemental Weapons +2 380 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros for Elemental Weapon +1 and 200 Pyros crystal icon1.png  Pyros Crystal and 20 Logos Actions unlocked
White Oak Weapons 385 Crafted, level 71 recipes & Shadowbringers materials or White oak weapon coffer (il 385) icon1.png  White Oak Weapon Coffer (IL 385)
Suzaku's Weapons 385 Dropped from Trial Hells' Kier (Extreme) / Exchange 10 Suzaku totem icon1.png  Suzaku Totem at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
Receive Suzaku weapon coffer (il 385) icon1.png  Suzaku Weapon Coffer (IL 385) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Pyros Weapons 385 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros for Elemental Weapon +2 and 300 Pyros crystal icon1.png  Pyros Crystal and 5 Penthesileas flame icon1.png  Penthesilea's Flame and 30 Logos Actions unlocked
Yama Weapons 390 Purchased from J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 27 Rakshasa token icon1.png  Rakshasa Token, 7 Doman reiyaku icon1.png  Doman Reiyaku
Scaevan Magitek Weapons 390 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Genesis Allagan Tomestones of Genesis
Existing weapons can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Hydatos Weapons 390 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos for Pyros Weapon and 50 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
Seiryu's Weapons 395 Dropped from Trial The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) / Exchange 10 Seiryu totem icon1.png  Seiryu Totem at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
Receive Seiryu weapon coffer (il 395) icon1.png  Seiryu Weapon Coffer (IL 395) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Hydatos Weapons +1 395 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos for Hydatos Weapon and 100 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Weapons 400 Purchased from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600 Poetics.
Base Eureka Weapons 400 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos for Hydatos Weapon +1 and 100 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
Omega Weapons 405 Acquired from completing Raid Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)
Receive Omega weapon coffer (il 405) icon1.png  Omega Weapon Coffer (IL 405) Using this item transforms it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job
Purchased from Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0) for 8 Alphascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png  Alphascape Datalog v4.0
Eureka Weapons 405 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos for Base Eureka Weapon and 100 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal and 5 Crystalline scale icon1.png  Crystalline Scale
Physeos Weapons 405 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos for Eureka Weapon and 100 Eureka fragment icon1.png  Eureka Fragment from The Forbidden Land Eureka The Baldesion Arsenal


Gearset IL Obtained
Antiquated Armor (Artifact Armor) 290 Acquired from coffer obtained after level 70 Job Quests.
Arhat Armor 300 Obtained in Dungeon The Temple of the Fist, Dungeon Kugane Castle and Dungeon Ala Mhigo dungeons.
Ala Mhigan Armor 310 Purchased from Billebaut in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for Centurio Seal 25-60 Centurio Seals.
Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Verity Allagan Tomestones of Verity
Skallic Armor 315 Dropped in Dungeon The Drowned City of Skalla
Torreya Armor 320 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes V)
Genta Armor 320 Exchange Deltascape Tokens obtained from Raid Omega: Deltascape to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
Farlander Armor 325 Obtained in Dungeon Hells' Lid and Dungeon The Fractal Continuum (Hard) dungeons.
Lost Allagan Armor 330 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Creation Allagan Tomestones of Creation
Existing armor can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Ivalician Armor (IL 330) 330 Dropped from alliance raid Alliance Raid The Royal City of Rabanastre
Eureka Artifact Armor 335 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Antiquated Armor and 50 Protean crystal icon1.png  Protean Crystal.
Augmented Lost Allagan Armor 340 Purchased from Billebaut in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for Centurio Seal 55-120 Centurio Seals.
Genji Armor 340 Dropped in Raid Omega: Deltascape (Savage)
Exchange multiple Deltascape Datalogs to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
Eureka Artifact Armor +1 340 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Eureka Artifact Armor and 150 Protean crystal icon1.png  Protean Crystal.
Bonewicca Armor 345 Dropped in Dungeon The Swallow's Compass
Eureka Artifact Armor +2 345 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Eureka Artifact Armor + 1 and 400 Protean crystal icon1.png  Protean Crystal.
Black Willow Armor 350 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Carborundum Armor 350 Exchange Sigmascape Tokens obtained from Raid Omega: Sigmascape to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
Eureka Artifact Anemos Armor 350 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos for Eureka Artifact Armor +2 and 150 Anemos crystal icon1.png  Anemos Crystal.
Royal Volunteer's Armor 355 Dropped in Dungeon The Burn and Dungeon Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)
Augmented Black Willow Armor 360 Purchased from J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 4-8 Resistance token icon1.png  Resistance Token, 2-5 Thavnairian rain icon1.png  Thavnairian Rain
Ryumyaku Armor 360 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity Allagan Tomestones of Mendacity
Existing armor can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Ivalician Armor (IL 360) 360 Dropped from alliance raid Alliance Raid The Ridorana Lighthouse
Dai-ryumyaku Armor 370 Purchased from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280-510 Poetics.
Diamond Armor 370 Dropped in Raid Omega: Sigmascape (Savage)
Exchange multiple Sigmascape Datalogs to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
Alliance Armor 375 Drops from Dungeon The Ghimlyt Dark
Rakshasa Armor 380 Crafted, level 70★★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Omicron Armor 380 Exchange Alphascape Tokens obtained from Raid Omega: Alphascape to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
Eureka Elemental Armor 380 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros for 40 Pyros crystal icon1.png  Pyros Crystal + 50 Logos Actions unlocked.
White Oak Armor 385 Crafted, level 71 recipes & Shadowbringers materials. Also purchased from Muto in Kugane (X:11.9 Y:12.2) for gil
Yama Armor 390 Purchased from J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 12-21 Rakshasa token icon1.png  Rakshasa Token, 2-5 Doman reiyaku icon1.png  Doman Reiyaku
Scaevan Armor 390 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Genesis Allagan Tomestones of Genesis
Existing armor can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Ivalician Armor (IL 390) 390 Drops from alliance raid Alliance Raid The Orbonne Monastery
Eureka Elemental Armor +1 390 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos for Eureka Elemental Armor and 50 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal.
Eureka Elemental Armor +2 390 Acquired in The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos for Eureka Elemental Armor +1 and 35 Eureka fragment icon1.png  Eureka Fragment.
Augmented Scaevan Armor 400 Purchased from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280-510 Poetics.
Omega Armor 400 Dropped in Raid Omega: Alphascape (Savage)
Exchange multiple Alphascape Datalogs to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0)


Gearset IL Obtained
Imperial Jade Accessories 290 Crafted, level 70 recipes
Arhat Accessories 300 Dropped in Dungeon The Temple of the Fist, Dungeon Kugane Castle and Dungeon Ala Mhigo dungeons.
Ala Mhigan Accessories 310 Purchased from Billebaut in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for Centurio Seal 25 Centurio Seals.
Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Verity Allagan Tomestones of Verity
Skallic Accessories 315 Dropped in Dungeon The Drowned City of Skalla
Torreya Accessories 320 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes V)
Lakshmi's Accessories 320 Dropped in Trial Emanation (Extreme) / Exchange 5 Bliss totem icon1.png  Bliss Totem at Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.7).
Genta Accessories 320 Exchange Deltascape Tokens obtained from Raid Omega: Deltascape to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
Farlander Accessories 325 Obtained in Dungeon Hells' Lid and Dungeon The Fractal Continuum (Hard) dungeons.
Lost Allagan Accessories 330 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Creation Allagan Tomestones of Creation
Existing accessories can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Augmented Lost Allagan Accessories 340 Purchased from Billebaut in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7) for Centurio Seal 55 Centurio Seals.
Genji Accessories 340 Dropped in Raid Deltascape V1.0 (Savage)
Exchange 4 Deltascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png  Deltascape Datalog v1.0 to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
Bonewicca Accessories 345 Dropped in Dungeon The Swallow's Compass
Black Willow Accessories 350 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Carborundum Accessories 350 Exchange Sigmascape Tokens obtained from Raid Omega: Sigmascape to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
Royal Volunteer's Accessories 355 Dropped in Dungeon The Burn and Dungeon Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)
Augmented Black Willow Accessories 360 Purchased from J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 3 Resistance token icon1.png  Resistance Token, 2 Thavnairian rain icon1.png  Thavnairian Rain
Ryumyaku Accessories 360 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity Allagan Tomestones of Mendacity
Existing accessories can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Dai-ryumyaku Accessories 370 Purchased from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280 Poetics.
Diamond Accessories 370 Dropped in Raid Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage)
Exchange 4 Sigmascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png  Sigmascape Datalog v1.0 to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0)
Alliance Accessories 375 Drops from Dungeon The Ghimlyt Dark
Rakshasa Accessories 380 Crafted, level 70★★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Omicron Accessories 380 Exchange Alphascape Tokens obtained from Raid Omega: Alphascape to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0).
White Oak Accessories 385 Crafted, level 71 recipes & Shadowbringers materials
Yama Accessories 390 Purchased from J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach (X:9.6 Y:11.6) for 9 Rakshasa token icon1.png  Rakshasa Token, 2 Doman reiyaku icon1.png  Doman Reiyaku
Scaevan Accessories 390 Unavailable. Formerly bought with Allagan Tomestone of Genesis Allagan Tomestones of Genesis
Existing accessories can be upgraded with Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Poetics at E'bolaff in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.2)
Augmented Scaevan Accessories 400 Purchased from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.9 Y:11.6) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280 Poetics.
Omega Accessories 400 Dropped in Raid Alphascape V1.0 (Savage)
Exchange 4 Alphascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png  Alphascape Datalog v1.0 to Gelfradus in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7 Y:12.0)

Crafting and Gathering

See also: Shadowbringers level 71 Crafting and Gathering Gear and Deepgold Tools


Primary Tools

Gearset IL Obtained
Molybdenum Tools 290 lvl 70 normal craft
King's Tools 300 Unavailable
Ala Mhigan Tools 325 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes V)
Augmented King's Tools 330 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Crafters' Scrip 225 Purple Crafters' Scrips
Nightsteel Tools 345 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Hand and Landking's Tools 350 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Crafters' Scrip 225 Purple Crafters' Scrips
Blessed King's Tools 350 Acquired from Crafting Achievements, after crafting certain number of unique recipes.

Secondary Tools

Gearset IL Obtained
Molybdenum Tools 290 lvl 70 normal craft
Nightsteel Tools 325 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
King's Tools 330 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Crafters' Scrip 225 Purple Crafters' Scrips


Gearset IL Obtained
Twinsilk Crafting and Gathering Gear 290 lvl 70 normal craft
Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear 300 Unavailable
Ala Mhigan Crafting and Gathering Gear 320 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes V)
Armor only, no accessories.
Augmented Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear 330 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Crafters' Scrip 75-225 Purple Crafters' Scrips
Specific sets for each class
Armor only, no accessories.
Onishi and Yamashi Armor 340 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Handking and Landking's Gear 350 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Crafters' Scrip 75-225 Purple Crafters' Scrips


Primary Tools

Gearset IL Obtained
Molybdenum Tools 290 lvl 70 normal craft
King's Tools 300 Unavailable
Ala Mhigan Tools 325 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes V)
Augmented King's Tools 330 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Gatherers' Scrip 250 Purple Gatherers' Scrips
Nightsteel Tools 345 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Hand and Landking's Tools 350 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Gatherers' Scrip 250 Purple Gatherers' Scrips
Blessed King's Tools 350 Acquired from Gathering Achievements, after gathering certain number of unique items.

Secondary Tools

Gearset IL Obtained
Molybdenum Tools 290 lvl 70 normal craft
Nightsteel Tools 325 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
King's Tools 330 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Gatherers' Scrip 250 Purple Gatherers' Scrips


Gearset IL Obtained
Twinsilk Crafting and Gathering Gear 290 lvl 70 normal craft
Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear 300 Unavailable
Ala Mhigan Crafting and Gathering Gear 320 Crafted, level 70★★ recipes (Master Recipes V)
Armor only, no accessories.
Augmented Tradecraft and Fieldcraft King Gear 330 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Gatherers' Scrip 75-150 Purple Gatherers' Scrips
Specific sets for each class
Armor only, no accessories.
Onishi and Yamashi Armor 340 Crafted, level 70★★★ recipes (Master Recipes VI)
Handking and Landking's Gear 350 Purchased from a Scrip Exchange for Purple Gatherers' Scrip 75-150 Purple Gatherers' Scrips