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{{see also|Borderland Ruins (Slaughter)}}
[[File:Grand Company Icons.png|thumb|The Three Grand Companies: The Maelstrom (left), the Twin Adder (center) and the Immortal Flames (right)]]
[[File:frontline map1.jpg|400px|right|thumb|Frontline Map]]
[[File:warsteed1.jpg|400px|thumb|[[Warsteed]] [[Mounts|Mount]] reward]]
Frontline or [[Borderland Ruins (Secure)]] is a [[PvP|large PvP battleground]] featuring 3 opposing forces composed of the members of 3 [[Grand Company|Grand Companies]]. Up to 72 players will be able to battle for supremacy. Each of the 3 teams can have up to a [[Party|full raid]] of 24 players. It is located in [[Carteneau Flats]] near [[Mor Dhona]]. Frontline was released in patch 2.3.

*Players are required to be level 50 to participate. Players' item levels are synced to level 80.
[[Frontline]] challenges are daily challenges found in the [[Duty Roulette]] which pit teams of players fighting under the banner of each [[Grand Company]] in training exercises that test the strategic planning and combat prowess of each participant.
==The Basics==
Frontline is a [[PvP]] challenge, first added in [[patch 2.3]], in which players battle for territorial dominance. The teams are randomly assigned to a [[Grand Company]]<ref>This change was made in [[Patch 5.18]] to eliminate any PvP advantages for being in a specific [[Grand Company]]. [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/36ab41b81c81a289336f63c1b9d40f6ed444ca9c Patch 5.18 Notes]</ref> and consist of 24 players in an [[Party|Alliance]], allowing for 72 total combatants on a single map. Players must not only work hard as individuals, but must also work together as a team in order to prevail. Although players participate in the match with a random [[Grand Company]], [[achievements]] tracking [[PvP]] progress '''will count''' towards the [[Grand Company]] the player is currently pledged to.

*Each battle will have a time limit of 30 minutes.

In patch 2.5, [[Borderland Ruins (Slaughter)]], a new mode for Frontline was introduced.
*Players must have completed the Main Scenario Quest {{questlink|main|Sylph-management}}, which unlocks the ability to receive [[Soul Crystals]].
[[The Maelstrom]]: complete level 30 quest [[Like Civilized Men and Women (Maelstrom)]] by talking to [[Trachraet]] in [[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]] (x12,y12)
*Players are required to have completed the first Level 30 [[Job Quest]] for their respective base class, or have already unlocked a [[Job]], in order to obtain a Soul Crystal.
*While not required for Frontline campaigns, it is very strongly recommended for new players to also unlock [[mounts]] via the {{questlink|feature|My Little Chocobo}} questline, as all Frontline maps make heavy use of mounts to traverse the vast terrain.

[[The Order of the Twin Adder]]: complete level 30 quest [[Like Civilized Men and Women (Twin Adder)]] by talking to [[Scarlet]] in [[New Gridania]] (x9,y11)
*Frontline campaigns (and the Frontline Daily Challenge) are unlocked via {{questlink|feature|Like Civilized Men and Women}} from your respective [[Grand Company]]. Players must be at least level 30, as a Soul Crystal must be equipped in order to queue for Frontline campaigns.

[[The Immortal Flames]]: complete level 30 quest [[Like Civilized Men and Women (Immortal Flames)]] by talking to [[Mimio Mio]] in [[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]] (x8,y9)
==Zones and campaigns==
Only one particular campaign is available on a given day, but the currently active campaign rotates on [[Daily Reset|daily reset]]. The naming scheme for '''Frontline''' is technically ''Zone Name'' (''Campaign Name''), though with retirement of the (Slaughter) mode on [[Carteneau Flats|The Borderland Ruins]] there is functionally no distinction anymore. Zone/Campaign combos are commonly referred to by either separate part by the player base.

==Match Making==
===Current zones===
Players can queue to enter Frontline alone, or in a party of up to 8 players. Although there are no role restrictions when queuing as a party, all party members must be affiliated with the same Grand Company.
*[[Seal Rock (Seize)]]
*[[The Fields of Glory (Shatter)]]
*[[Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam)]]
===Inactive/retired zones===
*[[The Borderland Ruins (Secure)]] - Marked "temporarily unavailable" and removed from rotation as of [[patch 6.4]]. Set to be re-added in [[Patch 7.2]]
*[[The Borderland Ruins (Slaughter)]] - A deathmatch version added in [[patch 2.5]] and retired in [[patch 4.0]]

To improve matching efficiency, 72 (three teams of 24), 48 (three teams of 16), or 24 (three teams of eight) combatants may be matched together depending on the number of available participants.
Each alliance is divided into three full parties of eight players, and each Frontline match lasts for a maximum of 20 minutes.

==Objective and Mechanics==
The primary goal is to destroy objectives (Shatter), retrieve data (Seize), or conquer designated points (Danshig Naadam). A secondary goal is to KO members of opposing teams, as this awards '''Battle High''' (explained below). Earning Battle High makes it easier to gain even more, creating a snowball effect and allowing for greater chances at victory. The successful team will coordinate strategy in the pursuit of both goals.
Players will be tasked with defending outposts established by their respective Grand Companies, as well as locating and laying claim to key Allagan ruins, holding them safe from opposing teams.
===Landing Platform===
* The landing platforms are three Grand Company-specific safe zones where jobs may be changed freely and where players are revived after being KO'ed. These platforms may be revisited at any time by casting {{action icon|Return}}.
* At the beginning of the campaign, each Grand Company will be confined to their landing platform and given 45 seconds to prepare.
* Players who leave the landing platform receive a ten-second '''Invincibility''' buff that serves to discourage spawn camping by opposing teams.
* Chat is unrestricted and should be used to coordinate strategy. Enemies cannot see chat. Emotes are unrestricted, but excessively emoting at downed opponents is considered a Prohibited Activity that may result in account sanctions. [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/fe029a4ac87236b4b1d11138064efa39f992435a]
* [[Performance Actions]] are disabled.

Each team will be awarded points upon completing various objectives including occupying locations of interest, defeating players from opposing teams, and defeating enemies that spawn on the field.
* Players may freely ride mounts during Frontline campaigns. However, being attacked in any form will result in being forcibly dismounted and gaining the '''Hoofing It''' debuff. This debuff must be waited out, it cannot be cleansed with {{action icon|Purify (PvP)}}.
* Flying and pillion riding are disabled.
* The current state of all objectives is marked on the standard map.
* In addition to showing the positions of all friendly players, the map also shows all enemy players (indicated by colored triangles) that are within sight range of any friendly players.

'''Points needed to Win:'''
KDA (Knockout, Defeat, Assist) is the scoring system used in Frontline matches. If a player deals the finishing blow, they receive a Knockout, and 10 points to their '''Battle High''' gauge. If they themselves are defeated, they receive a Defeat, and lose half their Battle High Gauge. If they help knock down an opponent, they receive an Assist, and gain 2 points to their Battle High Gauge. Additionally, players who are knocked out lose points for their team, while points are awarded to the victorious team.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
==Battle High==
Battle High is a status that increases damage dealt and HP restored by healing actions according to a player's knockouts and assists. The healing potency buff also applies to abilities that generate barriers such as {{aicon|Burst (PvP)|Burst}}. The maximum rating is 100, and for every increment of 20, the status increases in strength. Being incapacitated will reduce the rating by half.
{| {{STDT|mech1}}
| Battle High I || 20 to 39 || Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 10%.
| Battle High II || 40 to 59 || Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 20%.
!Players per Team
| Battle High III || 60 to 79 || Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 30%.
| Battle High IV || 80 to 99 || Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 40%.
| Battle High V || 100 || Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 50%.

'''Occupying Locations of Interest:'''
Each player's Battle High gauge indicates their current rating.
Locations of interest such as outposts and Allagan ruins can be identified by flags, indicating the Grand Company that currently controls them. By remaining in close proximity to these flags, players can occupy these locations to earn points for their team.

Teams will receive a fixed number of points upon claiming locations of interest, and will also accrue points over time for every location that remains occupied by their Grand Company.

The number of flags on the field will depend on the number of participants matched for combat. A maximum of 6 flags will be up for grabs in a 24v24v24 match.
A player's Battle High status is indicated with an icon on their nameplate, which changes according to the rank of their Battle High.

*Maelstrom Outpost (Southwest)
*Twin Adder Outpost (North)
*Immortal Flames Outpost (Southeast)
*Allagan Markets (Northeast)
*Allagan Manors (Northwest)
*Allagan Sun Temple (South)

Each points is marked with a flag and a circle on the ground.
{| {{STDT|mech1}}
Occupying locations of interest will prove key to victory, as this yields points in great quantities.
! Role !! Damage Dealt !! Damage Taken !! LB Gauge Fill Time
*Your team will gain more points the more flags you control.
| {{Paladin}} [[Paladin]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| -
10 points are awarded for neutralizing a flag, another 10 points are awarded for capturing one.
| {{Warrior}} [[Warrior]] <br> ||align = "center"| -10% ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| -
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
| {{Dark Knight}} [[Dark Knight]] <br> ||align = "center"| -15% ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| +15s
| {{Gunbreaker}} [[Gunbreaker]] <br> ||align = "center"| -5% ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| -
| {{White Mage}} [[White Mage]] <br> ||align = "center"| -10% ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| +15s
| {{Scholar}} [[Scholar]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| -
| {{Astrologian}} [[Astrologian]] <br> ||align = "center"| -5% ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| -
| {{Sage}} [[Sage]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| -
| {{Monk}} [[Monk]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| -
| {{Dragoon}} [[Dragoon]] <br> ||align = "center"| -10% ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| +15s
| {{Ninja}} [[Ninja]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| -
!Flags Held
| {{Samurai}} [[Samurai]] <br> ||align = "center"| -10% ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| +15s
!Points per 3 seconds
| {{Reaper}} [[Reaper]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -50% ||align = "center"| -
| {{Bard}} [[Bard]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| -15s
| {{Machinist}} [[Machinist]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| -
| {{Dancer}} [[Dancer]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -35% ||align = "center"| +15s
| {{Black Mage}} [[Black Mage]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| -
| {{Summoner}} [[Summoner]] <br> ||align = "center"| -15% ||align = "center"| -25% ||align = "center"| +15s
| {{Red Mage}} [[Red Mage]] <br> ||align = "center"| - ||align = "center"| -35% ||align = "center"| -

'''Defeating Opposing Players:''' Earns the player's team 3 points.
{{see also|Series Malmstones}}
When a Frontline match has ended, players will receive the following rewards:

'''Defeating Monsters:''' Defeating an [[Interceptor Drone]] awards the player's team with 20 points while defeating an [[Interceptor Node]] awards the player's team with 200 points
{| {{STDT}}
Incapacitated players will be returned to their Grand Company's landing, where they will be allowed to rejoin combat after a short delay. Returning to your landing after being incapacitated will not incur a weakness penalty, but the delay before you can rejoin the battle will lengthen each time you fall.
!  !! Reward !! 1st Place<ref>Also applies in the case of a draw.</ref> !! 2nd Place !! 3rd Place !! Condition
| {{pvpexp}} || [[PvP EXP]] || 1000 || 750 || 500 ||
Players are free to use mounts on the Frontline. However, players taking damage while mounted will be inflicted with the [[Heavy]] status effect.
| {{seriesexp}} || [[Series]] EXP || 1500 || 1250 || 1000 ||
There is no role restriction in Frontline. Teams can have as many or few of the tank, DPS and healer [[classes]] and [[jobs]]. Players can also change their classes or jobs when they are in their team's Outpost.
| {{wolf mark}} || [[Wolf Marks]]|| 1000 || 750 || 500 ||
===Staging Area===
You start in your Grand Company's staging area. You'll have 2 minutes to prepare before the match begins.
*Use this time to buff everyone and check roles, make sure that you have all of your [[PvP Actions]] equipped (and that you used your latest PvP points to level them up), talk about strategies with your teammates, and get on your mount.
You can change roles in your staging area (without cooldown if it's the preparation time). Once you leave the staging area, you can't come back, unless you die.
===Controlling Flags===
Stand in the circles to take control of the flags and defend them.
If the flag is not controlled, the team with the most people in the circle will start capturing it. Capture speed becomes faster if the player difference is large. The player count is maxed at 4. If there are 4 people from one team and 8 from another team in the circle, it will count as if both teams have the same number of players
If a flag is controlled by your team and your enemy team has more players in the circle, the enemy team will start neutralizing it, resetting it to a non-controlled state.
Your team receives more points the more flags your team controls. Additionally Flags rewards your with more points the longer you keep them.
===Heliodrome: Defeating Monsters===
At the middle of the map stands the Heliodrome. Enemy NPCs named [[Interceptor Drone]]s and [[Interceptor Node]] spawn in the area regularly. Interceptor Drones spawn 1 minute after the match has begun and respawning occurs once every 4 minutes. The Interceptor Node spawns 10 to 12 minutes after a match has begun. The drones do a laser AOE easily dodgeable; the nodes do periodical damage over the whole Heliodrome. The team dealing most damage gets the credit. The heliodrome can really give an edge in Tactical Rating, so don't neglect it!
===Defeating Enemy Players===
Players will earn their team 5 points for every enemy player kill.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
| {{exp}} || [[Experience|PvE EXP]]<ref>PvE experience will only be awarded to the job used to queue into Frontline.</ref> || 12% of a level || 11% of a level || 10% of a level || Below the level-cap
|Rank 1||400 [[PvP EXP]], 600 [[Wolf Marks]], 40 [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]], 20 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics]]
| {{tomestone|Poetics}}|| [[Allagan Tomestones of Poetics]]|| 50 || 50 || 50 || Above level 50
|Rank 2||300 [[PvP EXP]], 450 [[Wolf Marks]], 40 [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]], 20 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics]]
| || [[Allagan Tomestones]] (uncapped type) || 50 || 50 || 50 || Level-capped
|Rank 3||200 [[PvP EXP]], 300 [[Wolf Marks]], 40 [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]], 20 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics]]
| || [[Allagan Tomestones]] (weekly capped type) || 20 || 20 || 20 || Level-capped
While many will remember the Calamity for the destruction it wrought upon the realm of Eorzea, that destruction was not without its blessings─one of those being the uncovering of ancient Allagan ruins hidden underneath the war-scarred Carteneau Flats and heretofore unseen for several Astral Eras. When an attempt by the Grand Companies of Eorzea to determine the control of these ruins, and more importantly the secrets they contain, through peaceful negotiations ended in failure, the city-states instead elected to solve the issue of dominion using a form of civilized warfare dubbed Frontline.
''Main article: [[Frontline Achievements]].''
Frontline is associated with several [[achievements]].
{{PvP nav}}
[[Category:Frontline]] [[Category:PvP]] [[Category:Patch 2.3 Features‎]]

Latest revision as of 13:59, 7 February 2025

The Three Grand Companies: The Maelstrom (left), the Twin Adder (center) and the Immortal Flames (right)

Frontline challenges are daily challenges found in the Duty Roulette which pit teams of players fighting under the banner of each Grand Company in training exercises that test the strategic planning and combat prowess of each participant.

The Basics

Frontline is a PvP challenge, first added in patch 2.3, in which players battle for territorial dominance. The teams are randomly assigned to a Grand Company[1] and consist of 24 players in an Alliance, allowing for 72 total combatants on a single map. Players must not only work hard as individuals, but must also work together as a team in order to prevail. Although players participate in the match with a random Grand Company, achievements tracking PvP progress will count towards the Grand Company the player is currently pledged to.



  • Players must have completed the Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestSylph-management, which unlocks the ability to receive Soul Crystals.
  • Players are required to have completed the first Level 30 Job Quest for their respective base class, or have already unlocked a Job, in order to obtain a Soul Crystal.
  • While not required for Frontline campaigns, it is very strongly recommended for new players to also unlock mounts via the Feature QuestMy Little Chocobo questline, as all Frontline maps make heavy use of mounts to traverse the vast terrain.


  • Frontline campaigns (and the Frontline Daily Challenge) are unlocked via Feature QuestLike Civilized Men and Women from your respective Grand Company. Players must be at least level 30, as a Soul Crystal must be equipped in order to queue for Frontline campaigns.

Zones and campaigns

Only one particular campaign is available on a given day, but the currently active campaign rotates on daily reset. The naming scheme for Frontline is technically Zone Name (Campaign Name), though with retirement of the (Slaughter) mode on The Borderland Ruins there is functionally no distinction anymore. Zone/Campaign combos are commonly referred to by either separate part by the player base.

Current zones

Inactive/retired zones


Each alliance is divided into three full parties of eight players, and each Frontline match lasts for a maximum of 20 minutes.

The primary goal is to destroy objectives (Shatter), retrieve data (Seize), or conquer designated points (Danshig Naadam). A secondary goal is to KO members of opposing teams, as this awards Battle High (explained below). Earning Battle High makes it easier to gain even more, creating a snowball effect and allowing for greater chances at victory. The successful team will coordinate strategy in the pursuit of both goals.

Landing Platform

  • The landing platforms are three Grand Company-specific safe zones where jobs may be changed freely and where players are revived after being KO'ed. These platforms may be revisited at any time by casting Return.png  Return.
  • At the beginning of the campaign, each Grand Company will be confined to their landing platform and given 45 seconds to prepare.
  • Players who leave the landing platform receive a ten-second Invincibility buff that serves to discourage spawn camping by opposing teams.


  • Chat is unrestricted and should be used to coordinate strategy. Enemies cannot see chat. Emotes are unrestricted, but excessively emoting at downed opponents is considered a Prohibited Activity that may result in account sanctions. [1]
  • Performance Actions are disabled.


  • Players may freely ride mounts during Frontline campaigns. However, being attacked in any form will result in being forcibly dismounted and gaining the Hoofing It debuff. This debuff must be waited out, it cannot be cleansed with Purify (PvP).png  Purify (PvP).
  • Flying and pillion riding are disabled.


  • The current state of all objectives is marked on the standard map.
  • In addition to showing the positions of all friendly players, the map also shows all enemy players (indicated by colored triangles) that are within sight range of any friendly players.


KDA (Knockout, Defeat, Assist) is the scoring system used in Frontline matches. If a player deals the finishing blow, they receive a Knockout, and 10 points to their Battle High gauge. If they themselves are defeated, they receive a Defeat, and lose half their Battle High Gauge. If they help knock down an opponent, they receive an Assist, and gain 2 points to their Battle High Gauge. Additionally, players who are knocked out lose points for their team, while points are awarded to the victorious team.

Battle High

Battle High is a status that increases damage dealt and HP restored by healing actions according to a player's knockouts and assists. The healing potency buff also applies to abilities that generate barriers such as Burst (PvP).png  Burst. The maximum rating is 100, and for every increment of 20, the status increases in strength. Being incapacitated will reduce the rating by half.

Status Rating Effect
Battle High I 20 to 39 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 10%.
Battle High II 40 to 59 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 20%.
Battle High III 60 to 79 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 30%.
Battle High IV 80 to 99 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 40%.
Battle High V 100 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 50%.

Each player's Battle High gauge indicates their current rating.


A player's Battle High status is indicated with an icon on their nameplate, which changes according to the rank of their Battle High.



Role Damage Dealt Damage Taken LB Gauge Fill Time
Paladin frame icon.png Paladin
- -50% -
Warrior frame icon.png Warrior
-10% -50% -
Dark Knight frame icon.png Dark Knight
-15% -50% +15s
Gunbreaker frame icon1.png Gunbreaker
-5% -50% -
White Mage frame icon.png White Mage
-10% -25% +15s
Scholar frame icon.png Scholar
- -25% -
Astrologian frame icon.png Astrologian
-5% -25% -
Sage frame icon.png Sage
- -25% -
Monk frame icon.png Monk
- -50% -
Dragoon frame icon.png Dragoon
-10% -50% +15s
Ninja frame icon.png Ninja
- -50% -
Samurai frame icon.png Samurai
-10% -50% +15s
Reaper frame icon.png Reaper
- -50% -
Bard frame icon.png Bard
- -25% -15s
Machinist frame icon.png Machinist
- -25% -
Dancer frame icon1.png Dancer
- -35% +15s
Black Mage frame icon.png Black Mage
- -25% -
Summoner frame icon.png Summoner
-15% -25% +15s
Red Mage frame icon.png Red Mage
- -35% -


See also: Series Malmstones

When a Frontline match has ended, players will receive the following rewards:

Reward 1st Place[2] 2nd Place 3rd Place Condition
PvP PvP EXP 1000 750 500
Series Malmstones Series EXP 1500 1250 1000
Wolf Mark Wolf Marks 1000 750 500
Experience PvE EXP[3] 12% of a level 11% of a level 10% of a level Below the level-cap
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestones of Poetics 50 50 50 Above level 50
Allagan Tomestones (uncapped type) 50 50 50 Level-capped
Allagan Tomestones (weekly capped type) 20 20 20 Level-capped


Main article: Frontline Achievements.

Frontline is associated with several achievements.


  1. This change was made in Patch 5.18 to eliminate any PvP advantages for being in a specific Grand Company. Patch 5.18 Notes
  2. Also applies in the case of a draw.
  3. PvE experience will only be awarded to the job used to queue into Frontline.