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{{see also|Allied Society Quests|Side Quests}}
{{see also|Daily and Weekly Checklist}}
== Unlocking Intersocietal Quests ==
==General Information==
Players can undertake Intersocietal Quests (known as "Allied Tribe Quests" prior to [[patch 7.0]]) after completing all the Main Quests for all the relevant [[Allied Society Quests]] as listed under each section below. This refers to a chain of quests made available after you reach the maximum reputation status with all allied societies in a given expansion, that result in giving the Allied reputation status with all of them.
[[File:ixal daily quests2.jpg|400px|right|thumb|[[Ixal Daily Quests]]]]
[[File:amaljaa daily quests1.jpg|400px|thumb|[[Amalj'aa Daily Quests]]]]
[[File:sylph daily quests1.jpg|400px|thumb|[[Sylph Daily Quests]]]]
[[File:kobold daily quests1.jpg|400px|thumb|[[Kobold Daily Quests]]]]
[[File:sahagin daily quests1.jpg|400px|thumb|[[Sahagin Daily Quests]]]]
Beast Tribe Quests are daily [[quests]] that require the players to perform tasks dictated by various Beast Tribes. Beast Tribe Quests for [[Sylphs]] and [[Amalj'aa]] were added in patch 2.1. Quests for the [[Kobolds]] and [[Sahagin]] were added in patch 2.2. Quests for the [[Ixali]] were added in patch 2.35.  Players will not only earn experience, gil, [[items]], Tomestones and [[ventures]] for completing these quests, they will also earn [[Reputation]] points. By increasing your reputation, you will gain access to the Beastmen tribe vendor which sells unique [[mounts]], [[minions]], [[Housing Items|furnishings]] and other items.  

*'''Beast Tribe Quests don't unlock until you reach level 41 of the Main Scenario Quests, even if your character is over level 41.''' Once unlocked via the Main Scenario Quests the Beast Tribe Quests become dependent on character level and not Main Scenario Quest level.
== A Realm Reborn ==

*Players can perform 12 daily quests per day. At neutral reputation rank (Rank 1) players can only accept 3 quests from any individual faction.  
To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the [[Allied_Society_Quests#A_Realm_Reborn_Allied_Societies|A Realm Reborn Allied Societies]]: Amalj'aa, Sahagin, Kobold, Sylph and Ixal.

*Each Quest gives you a certain amount of Reputation points, depending on the rank of the quest, starting with 5 points for the initial three except for Ixali and Vanu Vanu. See [[Reputation]] for more on ranking up
After completing all of the entire quest chain, players will obtain the [[Sable Death Mask]] and the reputation rank for each of these five Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.

*The quests available to you on a given day are random, from a selection of up to 10 quests, each of which also has some randomness to them in terms of objective locations and such. In general, completing a set of 3 quests from a faction will usually take around 15 minutes, but this can be up or down by an additional 5-10 minutes depending on which quests you end up with. Some quests will require an item from participating in specific FATEs in the general area, and waiting for these can take a long time. However, you can participate in them without the quest and will still be rewarded with the item, making it possible to save them up for later.
{{quest list header
| unlocks = y
| item-rewards = y
{{quest list row|Call of the Wild (Twin Adder)}}
{{quest list row|Call of the Wild (Maelstrom)}}
{{quest list row|Call of the Wild (Immortal Flames)}}
{{quest list row|Little Sylphs Lost}}
{{quest list row|Clutching at Straws}}
{{quest list row|Digging for Answers}}
{{quest list row|Rattled in Ehcatl}}
{{quest list row|Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You}}
{{quest list row|Friends Forever}}
{{table footer}}

==Stormblood Beast Tribes==
== Heavensward ==
===[[Kojin Daily Quests]]===
[[File:FFXIV PUB Patch3.5 70 png jpgcopy.jpg|right|350px]]
Kojin Daily Quests are located in Tamamizu of [[The Ruby Sea]] (x29.3,y16.8), and unlocked in Isari (X:6.8 Y:13.3).
To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the [[Allied Society Quests#Heavensward_Allied_Societies|Heavensward Allied Societies]]: Vanu Vanu, Vath and Moogle.

'''Notable Rewards'''
Additionally, the player must have completed the Main Scenario Quest, {{questlink|main|Heavensward (Quest)}}.
*[[Wind-up Kojin]] (Sworn)
*[[Striped Ray]] (Sworn)

==Heavensward Beast Tribes==
After completing all of the entire quest chain, players will obtain the [[Moonlift Dance]] [[Emote]] and the reputation rank for each of these three Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.  
===[[Moogle Daily Quests]]===
Players can find [[Moogle]] quest-givers at [[Bahrr Lehs]] in [[The Churning Mists]] (x15.7,y28.8). Similar to [[Ixali Daily Quests]], these quests are for [[Disciples of Hand]]. Players will mainly [[craft]] [[items]], not battle enemies, in order to complete the Moogle daily quests.

*To complete The Moogle Daily Quests, players must complete level 50 quest [[Tricks and Stones]]. Players can start the quest in by speaking to [[Seething Stonemason]] in [[The Churning Mists]] (x27,y34). They need to complete the [[Main Scenario Quests]] [[Into the Aery]] and [[Laying the First Brick]].
{{quest list header
| unlocks = y
| item-rewards = y
{{quest list row|When Good Dragons Go Bad}}
{{quest list row|Who Was That Masked Man}}
{{quest list row|Lift Me to the Moon}}
{{quest list row|Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty}}
{{table footer}}

Introduced in patch 3.3.
== Stormblood ==
[[File:FFXIV PUB Patch4.56 05.png|right|350px]]
To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the [[Allied Society Quests#Stormblood_Allied_Societies|Stormblood Allied Societies]]: Ananta, Kojin, and Namazu.

====[[Moogle Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
Additionally, the player must have completed the Main Scenario Quest, {{questlink|main|Stormblood (Quest)}}.
*[[Meandering Mog Slippers]] (Honored)
*[[Wind-up Dragonet]] (Sworn)
*[[Cloud Mallow]] (Sworn)

===[[Vath Daily Quests]]===
After completing the entire quest chain, players will obtain the [[Gratuity]] [[Emote]] and the reputation rank for each of these three Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.  
Players can find [[Vath]] quest-givers at [[Loth ast Vath]] in [[The Dravanian Forelands]] (x24,y20).

*To complete The Vath Daily Quests, players must complete level 50 quest [[The Naming of Vath]]. Players can start the quest in by speaking to [[Vath Storyteller]] in [[The Dravanian Forelands]] (x24,y20).
{{quest list header
| unlocks = y
| item-rewards = y
{{quest list row|The Ananta Maid's Tail}}
{{quest list row|Ruby Seas under Ruby Skies}}
{{quest list row|Fish in a Barrel}}
{{quest list row|What a Wonder-full World}}
{{table footer}}

Introduced in patch 3.2.
== Shadowbringers ==

====[[Vath Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
No intersocietal quests were added for [[Shadowbringers]].
*[[Wind-up Vath]] (Trusted)
*[[Wind-up Gnath]] (Sworn)
*[[Kongamato]] (Sworn)

===[[Vanu Vanu Daily Quests]]===
== Endwalker ==
Players can find the [[Vanu Vanu]] quest-givers at [[Nakki Island]] in [[The Sea of Clouds]] (x6,y14).
[[File:FFXIV PUB Patch6.55 01.jpg|right|350px]]
[[File:EW Allied Tribal Quests2.jpg|right|350px]]
To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the [[Allied Society Quests#Endwalker_Allied_Societies|Endwalker Allied Societies]]: Arkasodara, Omicron, and Loporrit.

*To unlock Vanu Vanu Daily Quests, players must complete the level 50 quest [[Three Beaks to the Wind]]. Players can start the quest in [[Ok' Zundu]] by speaking to [[Sonu Vanu]] (x11,y14).
After completing all of the entire quest chain, players will obtain the [[Lop Hop]] [[Emote]] and the reputation rank for each of these three Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.  
{{quest list header
| unlocks = y
| item-rewards = y
{{quest list row|Dinner and a Show}}
{{quest list row|A Dream Worth Chasing}}
{{table footer}}

Introduced in patch 3.1, Vanu Vanu Daily Quests are the first Beast Quests in [[Heavensward]].

====[[Vanu Vanu Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
[[Category:Allied Society Quests]] [[Category:Sidequests]] [[Category:Patch 2.3 Features‎]] [[Category:Patch 3.5 Features‎]] [[Category:Patch 4.5 Features‎]] [[Category:Patch 6.5 Features‎]]
*[[Wind-up Gundu Warrior]] (Trusted)
*[[Wind-up Zundu Warrior]] (Sworn)
*[[Sanuwa]] (Sworn)
===[[Allied Heavensward Beast Tribe Quests]]===
==A Realm Reborn Beast Tribes==
===[[Amalj'aa Daily Quests]]===
Players can find the Amalj'aa quest-givers at [[Ring of Ash]], [[Southern Thanalan]] (x23,y14).
*To unlock the Amalj'aa daily quests, player must complete the level 43 quest [[Peace for Thanalan]]. Players can start the quest by talking to Swift in [[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]].
====[[Amalj'aa Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
*Special [[Dyes]] - unlocked at Recognized and Friendly reputation levels (rank 2 and 3)
*[[Wind-up Amalj'aa]] [[minions|minion]] - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation
*[[Cavalry Drake (mount)|Cavalry Drake]] [[Mounts|Mount]] - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation
===[[Ixali Daily Quests]]===
Players can find the [[Ixali]] quest-givers and vendors at [[North Shroud]] (x24,y22). Unlike other Beast Tribes quests, players will mainly [[crafting|craft]] [[items]], not battle [[enemies]], in order to complete the Ixali quests. Players will also obtain a special [[currency]], named [[Ixali Oaknots]].
Because of this, the daily quests can only be accepted and completed as a crafting class of the required level or higher, starting with level 1 and going up to 18. Some dailies also involve gathering, but don't require more than level 1 in the gathering class. If any combat is involved, the quest description will state a recommended combat class level.
*To unlock Ixali Daily Quests, talk to [[Scarlet]] in [[New Gridania]] (x9,y11) to begin the quest titled [[A Bad Bladder]]. Players must have previously completed the quest [[In Pursuit of the Past]].
====[[Ixali Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
*Special [[Dyes]]  - unlocked at Friendly and Respected reputation levels (rank 3 and 5).
*[[Wind-up Ixal]] - available after obtaining Allied (rank 7) reputation.
*[[Ehcatl Smithing Gloves]] - available after obtaining Allied (rank 7) reputation. (Use Oaknots to purchase).
*[[Direwolf]] - available after obtaining Allied (rank 7) reputation.
===[[Kobold Daily Quests]]===
Players can find the [[Kobolds|Kobold]] quest-givers at [[789th Order Dig]] in [[Outer La Noscea]] (x21,y18).
*To unlock Kobold Daily Quests, players must complete the level 41 quest [[Highway Robbery]]. Players can start the quest in [[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]] (X:12,Y:12).
====[[Kobold Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
*Special [[Dyes]] - unlocked at Recognized and Friendly reputation levels (rank 2 and 3)
*[[Wind-up Kobold]] [[minions|minion]] - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
*[[Bomb Palanquin]] [[Mounts|Mount]] - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
===[[Sahagin Daily Quests]]===
Players can find the [[Sahagin|Sahagin]] quest-givers at [[Novv's Nursery]] in [[Western La Noscea]] (x17,y21).
*To unlock Sahagin Daily Quests, players must complete the level 44 quest [[They Came from the Deep]]. Players can start the quest in [[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]] (X:13,Y:12).
====[[Sahagin Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
*Special [[Dyes]] - unlocked at Recognized and Friendly reputation levels (rank 2 and 3)
*[[Cavalry Elbst]] [[Mounts|Mount]] - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
*[[Wind-up Sahagin]] [[minions|minion]] - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
===[[Sylph Daily Quests]]===
Players can find the Sylph quest-givers at [[Little Solace]], [[East Shroud]] (x22,y26).
*To unlock the Sylph daily quests, player must complete the level 42 [[quests|quest]] [[Seeking Solace]]. Players can start the quest by talking to [[Vorsaile Heuloix]] in [[New Gridania]] (x9,y11).
====[[Sylph Daily Quests#Rewards|Notable Rewards]]====
*Special [[Dyes]]  - unlocked at Recognized and Friendly reputation levels (rank 2 and 3)
*[[Wind-up Sylph]] [[minions|minion]] - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation
*[[Laurel Goobbue]] - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation
===[[Allied Beast Tribe Quests]]===
Players can undertake Allied Beast Tribe Quests after completing all the Main Quests for the following beast tribes: [[Amalj'aa Daily Quests|Amalj'aa]], [[Ixali Daily Quests|Ixali]], [[Kobold Daily Quests|Kobold]], [[Sahagin Daily Quests|Sahagin]] and [[Sylph Daily Quests|Sylph]].

Latest revision as of 21:45, 23 November 2024

See also: Allied Society Quests and Side Quests

Unlocking Intersocietal Quests

Players can undertake Intersocietal Quests (known as "Allied Tribe Quests" prior to patch 7.0) after completing all the Main Quests for all the relevant Allied Society Quests as listed under each section below. This refers to a chain of quests made available after you reach the maximum reputation status with all allied societies in a given expansion, that result in giving the Allied reputation status with all of them.

A Realm Reborn

To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the A Realm Reborn Allied Societies: Amalj'aa, Sahagin, Kobold, Sylph and Ixal.

After completing all of the entire quest chain, players will obtain the Sable Death Mask and the reputation rank for each of these five Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Call of the Wild (Twin Adder) Sidequest 50 Scarlet
Call of the Wild (Maelstrom) Sidequest 50 Trachraet
Call of the Wild (Immortal Flames) Sidequest 50 Mimio Mio
Little Sylphs Lost Sidequest 50 Gavin
Clutching at Straws Sidequest 50 Voyce
Digging for Answers Sidequest 50 Novv
Rattled in Ehcatl Sidequest 50 Skaetswys
Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You Sidequest 50 Tataramu
Friends Forever Sidequest 50 Hamujj Gah Sore thumb icon1.png  Sore Thumb 1 Sable death mask icon1.png  Sable Death Mask


FFXIV PUB Patch3.5 70 png jpgcopy.jpg

To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the Heavensward Allied Societies: Vanu Vanu, Vath and Moogle.

Additionally, the player must have completed the Main Scenario Quest, Main Scenario QuestHeavensward.

After completing all of the entire quest chain, players will obtain the Moonlift Dance Emote and the reputation rank for each of these three Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
When Good Dragons Go Bad Sidequest 60 Drydox
Who Was That Masked Man Sidequest 60 Master Mogzin
Lift Me to the Moon Sidequest 60 Vath Deftarm
Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty Sidequest 60 Vath Deftarm Moonlift Dance.png  Moonlift Dance
Hey now you're an all-star icon1.png  Hey Now, You're an All-star


FFXIV PUB Patch4.56 05.png

To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the Stormblood Allied Societies: Ananta, Kojin, and Namazu.

Additionally, the player must have completed the Main Scenario Quest, Main Scenario QuestStormblood.

After completing the entire quest chain, players will obtain the Gratuity Emote and the reputation rank for each of these three Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
The Ananta Maid's Tail Sidequest 70 East Aldenard Trading Company Assistant
Ruby Seas under Ruby Skies Sidequest 70 J'olhmyn
Fish in a Barrel Sidequest 70 J'olhmyn
What a Wonder-full World Sidequest 70 Kabuto Gratuity.png  Gratuity
West meets east icon1.png  West Meets East


No intersocietal quests were added for Shadowbringers.


FFXIV PUB Patch6.55 01.jpg
EW Allied Tribal Quests2.jpg

To begin this quest chain, you must have completed all of the main quests for the Endwalker Allied Societies: Arkasodara, Omicron, and Loporrit.

After completing all of the entire quest chain, players will obtain the Lop Hop Emote and the reputation rank for each of these three Allied Societies will be listed as 'Allied'.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Dinner and a Show Sidequest 90 Jammingway
A Dream Worth Chasing Sidequest 90 Jammingway Lophop.png  Lop Hop
Space race icon1.png  Space Race
1 Hyper hustle trophy icon1.png  Hyper Hustle Trophy