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{{Dungeon Infobox
{{Duty infobox
|name= The Drowned City of Skalla
| description = Long ago, in the dawn of the Fifth Astral Era, the modest nation of Skalla was founded in the land of Gyr Abania. Over the span of several centuries, its people constructed a grand city of stone at the bottom of a steep-walled ravine, but even this natural defense could not protect Skalla from destruction during a terrible age of war. When the great flood of the Sixth Umbral Calamity later swept across the realm, the hollow ruins of the city were lost to sight, its remnants submerged beneath a raging sea.<br> Haunting the depths of what is now Loch Seld, Skalla's silent walls lure adventurers into the salt-laden waters with the promise of mysteries unsolved and treasures unclaimed.
|image= [[File:header the drowned city of skalla.jpg]]
| image = y
|type= dungeon4
| type = dungeon
|patch= 4.1
| level = 70
|level= 70
| level-sync = 70
|ilevel= 300
| ilvl = 300
|player= 4 (1 Tank / 1 Healer / 2 DPS)
| ilvl-sync = 370
|time= 90 Minutes
| size = light
|roulette= expert
| time-limit = 90
|tomestone= {{Tomestone Reward|Verity|80}} {{Tomestone Reward|Creation|50}}
| duty-finder = Dungeons (Stormblood)
|entrance= [[????]] ( ??  , ?? )
| roulette = High-level Dungeons
|questtype= main
| tomestones = 30 Poetics
|quest= [[?????]]
| entrance = The Lochs
| entrance-coordinates = 26.5, 21.2, -2.8
| req-quest = The Mad King's Trove
| modes = duty support, explorer
{{Quote|Long ago, in the dawn of the Fifth Astral Era, the modest nation of Skalla was founded in the land of Gyr Abania. Over the span of several centuries, its people constructed a grand city of stone at the bottom of a steep-walled ravine, but even this natural defense could not protect Skalla from destruction during a terrible age of war. When the great flood of the Sixth Umbral Calamity later swept across the realm, the hollow ruins of the city were lost to sight, its remnants submerged beneath a raging sea. Haunting the depths of what is now Loch Seld, Skalla's silent walls lure adventurers into the salt-laden waters with the promise of mysteries unsolved and treasures unclaimed.|Game Description}}
| patch = 4.1
{{TOC limit|3}}
| release = stormblood
}} {{TOC limit|3}}
==Duty Support==
*'''Quest:''' [[?????]]  
{| {{STDT|pve align-left}}
*'''Quest-giver Location:''' [[???]] - [[?????]] ( ???  , ??? )
*'''Prerequisites:''' Main Scenario Quest [[?????]]
! [[Arenvald]]
! [[Alphinaud]]
! [[J'moldva]]
| [[File:DS Arenvald1.png]]
| [[File:DS Alphinaud1.png]]
| [[File:DS J'moldva.png]]
| '''Class'''
| {{GLA}} [[File:Red gladiator.png|Gladiator|20px|link=]] [[Gladiator]]
| [[File:Green Arcanist.png|20px|link=]] {{ACN}} Academician
| {{LNC}} Lancer
| '''Role'''
| Tank or DPS
| Healer or DPS

#Arrive at the Green Screams: 0/1
#Defeat [[Kelpie]]: 0/1
#Arrive at a Door Unopened: 0/1
#Defeat [[the Old One]]: 0/1
#Arrive at the Golden Walls of Ruin: 0/1
#Defeat [[Hrodric Poisontongue]]: 0/1

{{#ev:youtube|hG1GYi2kk44|350|right|The Drowned City of Skalla}}
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[Kelpie]]===
* '''Torpedo''' Moderate tank damage.
* '''Rising Seas''' Group AoE.
* '''{{action icon|Hydro Pull}}''' Move '''away''' from Kelpie to avoid outer edge damage.
* '''Hydra Push''' Move '''to''' Kelpie to avoid outer edge damage.
* '''Bloody Puddle''' Target players for AoE and tethered orbs. Spread puddles to avoid damage and debuffs and kite orbs away.
Flash outside platform will damage and debuff any player standing in it.
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[The Old One]]===
* '''Mystic Light''' Large Frontal Cone on random player.
* '''Mystic Flame''' Large Circle AoE under random players.
* '''Shifting Light''' Turns Players into Spriggans with Action ability.

===The Old One===
'''Round 1:''' Spawns 4 adds that must be destroyed ASAP to avoid self destruct.
'''Round 2:''' Spawns 6 adds that must be destroyed using your Spriggan action ability to destroy adds. Spam action as necessary.

===Hrodric Poisontongue===
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Hrodric Poisontongue]]===
* '''Rusting Claw''' Raise Right arm - Move away from front.
* '''Tail Drive''' Raise Tail - Move away from rear.
* '''The Spin''' Crouches down for Proximity AoE- Move Away.
* '''Ring of Chaos''' Selected player move to boss to allow party to move to safe area.
* '''Eye of the Fire''' Look away from boss to avoid confusion.
* '''Cross of Chaos''' Cross shaped AoE attack from affected player - stop moving to allow other players to dodge.
* '''Circle of Chaos''' Circle AoE attack from affected player - Move away from party.
* '''Words of Woe ''' Faces random player for Column attack.

===Kelpie Loot===
{{see also|Skallic Armor|Skallic Accessories}}
*15 [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity]]
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Kelpie]]===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
*{{Item reward|5|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Kelpie}}
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Skallic Belt of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic belt of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[MCH]]||Waist||340||340||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +112, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +78
|[[Skallic Belt of Casting]]||[[File:skallic belt of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Waist||248||433||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +105, [[Intelligence]] +112, [[Determination]] +112, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +78
|[[Skallic Belt of Fending]]||[[File:skallic belt of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Waist||619||619||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +112, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Tenacity]] +78
|[[Skallic Belt of Healing]]||[[File:skallic belt of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Waist||248||433||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +105, [[Mind]] +112, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Piety]] +78
|[[Skallic Belt of Maiming]]||[[File:skallic belt of maiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]||Waist||433||340||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +112, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Determination]] +112, [[Skill Speed]] +78
|[[Skallic Belt of Scouting]]||[[File:skallic belt of scouting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Rogue|ROG]], [[Ninja|NIN]]||Waist||340||340||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +112, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Skill Speed]] +78, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +112
|[[Skallic Belt of Striking]]||[[File:skallic belt of striking icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[SAM]]||Waist||340||340||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +112, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Determination]] +78
|[[Skallic Boots of Fending]]||[[File:skallic boots of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Feet||714||714||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Skill Speed]] +149, [[Tenacity]] +104
|[[Skallic Boots of Maiming]]||[[File:skallic boots of maiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]||Feet||500||393||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +149, [[Determination]] +104
|[[Skallic Shoes of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic shoes of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[MCH]]||Feet||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +149, [[Determination]] +104
|[[Skallic Shoes of Casting]]||[[File:skallic shoes of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Feet||286||500||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +139, [[Intelligence]] +149, [[Determination]] +149, [[Spell Speed]] +104
|[[Skallic Shoes of Healing]]||[[File:skallic shoes of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Feet||286||500||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +139, [[Mind]] +149, [[Critical Hit]] +104, [[Spell Speed]] +149
|[[Skallic Shoes of Scouting]]||[[File:skallic shoes of scouting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Rogue|ROG]], [[Ninja|NIN]]||Feet||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Determination]] +104, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +149
|[[Skallic Shoes of Striking]]||[[File:skallic shoes of striking icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[SAM]]||Feet||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Determination]] +104, [[Skill Speed]] +149

===The Old One Loot===
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[The Old One]]===
*25 [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity]]
*{{Item reward|10|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{{Drops list|The Old One}}
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Skallic Armguards of Casting]]||[[File:skallic armguards of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Hands||286||500||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +139, [[Intelligence]] +149, [[Critical Hit]] +149, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +104
|[[Skallic Armguards of Fending]]||[[File:skallic armguards of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Hands||714||714||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +104, [[Determination]] +149
|[[Skallic Armguards of Maiming]]||[[File:skallic armguards of maiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]||Hands||500||393||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Determination]] +104, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +149
|[[Skallic Armguards of Scouting]]||[[File:skallic armguards of scouting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Rogue|ROG]], [[Ninja|NIN]]||Hands||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +104, [[Determination]] +149
|[[Skallic Cap of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic cap of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[MCH]]||Head||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Determination]] +104, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +149
|[[Skallic Cap of Casting]]||[[File:skallic cap of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Head||286||500||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +139, [[Intelligence]] +149, [[Critical Hit]] +104, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +149
|[[Skallic Cap of Healing]]||[[File:skallic cap of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Head||286||500||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +139, [[Mind]] +149, [[Critical Hit]] +149, [[Piety]] +104
|[[Skallic Cap of Scouting]]||[[File:skallic cap of scouting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Rogue|ROG]], [[Ninja|NIN]]||Head||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +104, [[Determination]] +149
|[[Skallic Cap of Striking]]||[[File:skallic cap of striking icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[SAM]]||Head||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Determination]] +104, [[Skill Speed]] +149
|[[Skallic Gloves of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic gloves of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[MCH]]||Hands||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +104, [[Skill Speed]] +149
|[[Skallic Gloves of Healing]]||[[File:skallic gloves of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Hands||286||500||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +139, [[Mind]] +149, [[Critical Hit]] +104, [[Piety]] +149
|[[Skallic Gloves of Striking]]||[[File:skallic gloves of striking icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[SAM]]||Hands||393||393||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Determination]] +104, [[Skill Speed]] +149
|[[Skallic Goggles of Fending]]||[[File:skallic goggles of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Head||714||714||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +149, [[Tenacity]] +104
|[[Skallic Headgear of Maiming]]||[[File:skallic headgear of maiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]||Head||500||393||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +149, [[Vitality]] +155, [[Critical Hit]] +149, [[Determination]] +104

===Hrodric Poisontongue Loot===
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Hrodric Poisontongue]]===
*40 [[Allagan Tomestone of Verity]]
*{{Item reward|15|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*50 [[Allagan Tomestone of Creation]]
*{{Item icon|Hrodric Poisontongue Card}} (Drops at a fixed rate.)
*[[Salt & Pepper Seal]]
{{Drops list|Hrodric Poisontongue}}
*[[Hrodric Poisontongue Card]]
*[[Far From Home Orchestrion Roll]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Skallic Bottoms of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic bottoms of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[MCH]]||Legs||550||550||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Critical Hit]] +242, [[Skill Speed]] +169
|[[Skallic Bottoms of Healing]]||[[File:skallic bottoms of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Legs||400||700||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +227, [[Mind]] +242, [[Determination]] +169, [[Spell Speed]] +242
|[[Skallic Bottoms of Striking]]||[[File:skallic bottoms of striking icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[SAM]]||Legs||550||550||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Skill Speed]] +169, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +242
|[[Skallic Coat of Fending]]||[[File:skallic coat of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Body||1000||1000||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Critical Hit]] +242, [[Skill Speed]] +169
|[[Skallic Coats of Maiming]]||[[File:skallic coats of maiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]||Body||700||550||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Critical Hit]] +169, [[Skill Speed]] +242
|[[Skallic Jacket of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic jacket of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[MCH]]||Body||550||550||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Skill Speed]] +242, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +169
|[[Skallic Jacket of Casting]]||[[File:skallic jacket of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Body||400||700||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +227, [[Intelligence]] +242, [[Determination]] +242, [[Spell Speed]] +169
|[[Skallic Jacket of Healing]]||[[File:skallic jacket of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Body||400||700||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +227, [[Mind]] +242, [[Critical Hit]] +169, [[Piety]] +242
|[[Skallic Jacket of Scouting]]||[[File:skallic jacket of scouting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Rogue|ROG]], [[Ninja|NIN]]||Body||550||550||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Skill Speed]] +242, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +169
|[[Skallic Jacket of Striking]]||[[File:skallic jacket of striking icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[SAM]]||Body||550||550||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Skill Speed]] +242, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +169
|[[Skallic Sarouel of Scouting]]||[[File:skallic sarouel of scouting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Rogue|ROG]], [[Ninja|NIN]]||Legs||550||550||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Determination]] +242, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +169
|[[Skallic Sarouels of Casting]]||[[File:skallic sarouels of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Legs||400||700||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +227, [[Intelligence]] +242, [[Critical Hit]] +242, [[Spell Speed]] +169
|[[Skallic Trousers of Fending]]||[[File:skallic trousers of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Legs||1000||1000||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Critical Hit]] +169, [[Tenacity]] +242
|[[Skallic Trousers of Maiming]]||[[File:skallic trousers of maiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]||Legs||700||550||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +242, [[Vitality]] +252, [[Determination]] +169, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +242

===Additional Treasure Coffers===
===Additional Treasure Coffers===
====Treasure Coffer 1====
For [[Stormblood]] [[dungeons]], it's possible for any additional coffer to be random materials from the [[#Miss List|Miss List]] instead of gear.
Coordinates: (X: 7.5 Y: 10.5)

====Treasure Coffer 2====
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 13.3 Y: 9.9)====
Coordinates: (X: 13.3 Y: 9.9)
{{Drops table header}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{{Drops table row|Skallic Boots of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Boots of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Shoes of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Shoes of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Shoes of Aiming}}
!Item Level
{{Drops table row|Skallic Shoes of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Shoes of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Slaying}}
!Magic Defence
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Aiming}}
!Materia Slots
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Casting}}
!Stats and Attributes
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Fending}}
|[[Skallic Earring of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic earring of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Rogue|ROG]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[Ninja|NIN]], [[MCH]]||Earrings||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +112, [[Determination]] +78, [[Skill Speed]] +112
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Aiming}}
|[[Skallic Earring of Casting]]||[[File:skallic earring of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Earrings||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +112, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +78
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Healing}}
|[[Skallic Earring of Fending]]||[[File:skallic earring of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Earrings||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +39, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Determination]] +112, [[Skill Speed]] +78
{{Table footer}}
|[[Skallic Earring of Healing]]||[[File:skallic earring of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Earrings||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +112, [[Determination]] +78, [[Piety]] +112
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 14.6 Y: 11.7)====
{{Drops table header}}
|[[Skallic Earring of Slaying]]||[[File:skallic earring of slaying icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Lancer|LNC]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[Dragoon|DRG]], [[SAM]]||Earrings||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +112, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +78
{{Drops table row|Skallic Goggles of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Headgear of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Cap of Striking}}
[[#Additional Treasure Coffer Items|Additional Treasure Coffer Items]]
{{Drops table row|Skallic Cap of Scouting}}
====Treasure Coffer 3====
{{Drops table row|Skallic Cap of Aiming}}
Coordinates: (X: 14.6 Y: 11.7)
{{Drops table row|Skallic Cap of Casting}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{{Drops table row|Skallic Cap of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Armguards of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Armguards of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Gloves of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Armguards of Scouting}}
!Item Level
{{Drops table row|Skallic Gloves of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Armguards of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Gloves of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Fending}}
!Magic Defence
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Slaying}}
!Materia Slots
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Aiming}}
!Stats and Attributes
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Healing}}
|[[Skallic Necklace of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic necklace of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Rogue|ROG]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[Ninja|NIN]], [[MCH]]||Necklace||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +112, [[Determination]] +78, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +112
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Slaying}}
|[[Skallic Necklace of Casting]]||[[File:skallic necklace of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Necklace||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +112, [[Determination]] +112, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +78
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Casting}}
|[[Skallic Necklace of Fending]]||[[File:skallic necklace of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Necklace||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +39, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Critical Hit]] +78, [[Skill Speed]] +112
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}
|[[Skallic Necklace of Healing]]||[[File:skallic necklace of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Necklace||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +112, [[Determination]] +78, [[Piety]] +112
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 9.9 Y: 11.4)====
|[[Skallic Necklace of Slaying]]||[[File:skallic necklace of slaying icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Lancer|LNC]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[Dragoon|DRG]], [[SAM]]||Necklace||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +112, [[Determination]] +112, [[Skill Speed]] +78
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Coat of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Coat of Maiming}}
[[#Additional Treasure Coffer Items|Additional Treasure Coffer Items]]
{{Drops table row|Skallic Jacket of Striking}}
====Treasure Coffer 4====
{{Drops table row|Skallic Jacket of Scouting}}
Coordinates: (X: 9.9 Y: 11.4)
{{Drops table row|Skallic Jacket of Aiming}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{{Drops table row|Skallic Jacket of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Jacket of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Trousers of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Trousers of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Bottoms of Striking}}
!Item Level
{{Drops table row|Skallic Sarouel of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Bottoms of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Sarouel of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Bottoms of Healing}}
!Magic Defence
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Fending}}
!Materia Slots
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Slaying}}
!Stats and Attributes
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Casting}}
|[[Skallic Amulet of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic amulet of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Rogue|ROG]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[Ninja|NIN]], [[MCH]]||Bracelets||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +112, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +78
{{Drops table row|Skallic Amulet of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Fending}}
|[[Skallic Amulet of Casting]]||[[File:skallic amulet of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Bracelets||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +112, [[Critical Hit]] +78, [[Spell Speed]] +112
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Aiming}}
|[[Skallic Amulet of Fending]]||[[File:skallic amulet of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Bracelets||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +39, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Determination]] +112, [[Skill Speed]] +78
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Ring of Healing}}
|[[Skallic Amulet of Healing]]||[[File:skallic amulet of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Bracelets||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +112, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Determination]] +78
{{Table footer}}
|[[Skallic Amulet of Slaying]]||[[File:skallic amulet of slaying icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Lancer|LNC]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[Dragoon|DRG]], [[SAM]]||Bracelets||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +112, [[Determination]] +112, [[Skill Speed]] +78
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 12.2 Y: 10.5)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Earring of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Slaying}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Skallic Necklace of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}
=====Miss List=====
{{:SB Dungeon Miss List2}}
This duty is associated with the following [[achievements]]:
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Skalla}}
[[#Additional Treasure Coffer Items|Additional Treasure Coffer Items]]
====Treasure Coffer 5====
Coordinates: (X: 12.2 Y: 10.5)
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Skallic Ring of Aiming]]||[[File:skallic ring of aiming icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Rogue|ROG]], [[Bard|BRD]], [[Ninja|NIN]], [[MCH]]||Ring||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +112, [[Critical Hit]] +78, [[Determination]] +112
|[[Skallic Ring of Casting]]||[[File:skallic ring of casting icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]], [[RDM]]||Ring||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +112, [[Determination]] +78, [[Spell Speed]] +112
|[[Skallic Ring of Fending]]||[[File:skallic ring of fending icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[DRK]]||Ring||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +39, [[Vitality]] +116, [[Critical Hit]] +112, [[Tenacity]] +78
|[[Skallic Ring of Healing]]||[[File:skallic ring of healing icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]], [[AST]]||Ring||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +112, [[Spell Speed]] +112, [[Piety]] +78
|[[Skallic Ring of Slaying]]||[[File:skallic ring of slaying icon1.png]]||70||315||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Lancer|LNC]], [[Monk|MNK]], [[Dragoon|DRG]], [[SAM]]||Ring||1||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +112, [[Skill Speed]] +78, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +112
[[#Additional Treasure Coffer Items|Additional Treasure Coffer Items]]
====Additional Treasure Coffer Items====
*[[Halgai Mane]]
*[[Manzasiri Hair]]
*[[Gagana Skin]]
*[[Gyuki Hide]]
*[[Tiger Skin]]
*[[Marid Hide]]
*[[Gazelle Hide]]
*[[Muud Suud Horn]]
*[[Gazelle Horn]]
*[[Dzo Horn]]
*[[Rhino Beetle Carapace]]
*[[Moth Scales]]
*[[Fire Shard]]
*[[Ice Shard]]
*[[Wind Shard]]
*[[Earth Shard]]
*[[Lightning Shard]]
*[[Water Shard]]
*[[Fire Crystal]]
*[[Ice Crystal]]
*[[Wind Crystal]]
*[[Earth Crystal]]
*[[Lightning Crystal]]
*[[Water Crystal]]

===Gear Images===
===Gear Images===
[[File:the drowned city of skalla gear1.jpg|450px]]
<gallery heights=225px widths=400px mode="packed">
File:the drowned city of skalla gear1.jpg
File:Skallic gear contest entry.jpg|contest submission
All Skalla Sets.jpg

===Dungeon Images===
===Dungeon Images===
<gallery mode="packed">
<gallery mode="packed">
File:the drowned city of skalla1.jpg
File:The Drowned City of Skalla.jpg
File:the drowned city of skalla3.jpg
File:the drowned city of skalla3.jpg
File:the drowned city of skalla2.jpg
File:the drowned city of skalla2.jpg

===Remnants Of The Fifth Astral Era===
Long ago, in the dawn of the Fifth Astral Era, the modest nation of Skalla was founded in the land of Gyr Abania. Over the span of several centuries, its people constructed a grand city of stone at the bottom of a steep-walled ravine, but even this natural defense could not protect Skalla from destruction during a terrible age of war. When the great flood of the Sixth Umbral Calamity later swept across the realm, the hollow ruins of the city were lost to sight, its remnants submerged beneath a raging sea.
Over a thousand years later, the city of Ala Mhigo would be built atop Skalla’s forgotten grave in the salt-laden depths of Loch Seld. Yet some few remembered, among them the last king of Ala Mhigo, Theodoric. Towards the end of his brutal reign, growing ever more paranoid over imagined threats to his crown, he had his own family members imprisoned on invented charges. Their wealth was seized and hidden away within the ruins of Skalla, while they themselves were put to guarding it—as abominations transformed by court thaumaturges.
These dark truths were brought to light following Ala Mhigo’s liberation, in the course of an investigation by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Braving the horrors that lurked Skalla’s crumbling halls, they discovered a veritable mountain of riches: the mad kings legendary trove. In a heartwarming tale with which no few readers will already be familiar, the treasure was placed in the hands of Ala Mhigo’s interim government to be used to rebuild the nation and provide relief to the poor.
===The Old One===
Encountered within the halls of Skalla, this animated guardian’s clay body is somehow evocative of the Far East. While its actual origin is unclear, it was likely borne to Ala Mhigo during the city-state’s days as a waypoint for trade.
===Hrodric Poisontongue===
Cousin to Theodoric, the last king of Ala Mhigo, the noble-born Hrodric was fifth in line to the throne. Compelled by an unwavering sense of justice, he made frequent attempts to counsel and calm the volatile monarch, but such efforts were construed as an act of treason. For this imagined crime, Hrodric suffered a terrible punishment, and was cursed to forever inhabit the form of a monstrous beast.
Suspicious of his own countrymen, Theodoric invited eastern mages to his court. The distinctive brands of enchantment observed throughout the ruins of Skala are suspected to be their handiwork
===Duty Dialogue===
'''The Old One:''' ×△sACriFicE△×◎WHIR◎×▼sUBserViEntS▼×
BooM, bOOm, BOom, boOm...
'''The Old One:''' ×△AcTivatE△×◎CLUNK◎×▼TRaNsfoRMatiOn▼×
HeX, hEx, HEx, hEX...
'''The Old One:''' ×△sACriFicE△×◎WHIR◎×▼sUBserViEntS▼×
BooM, bOOm, BOom, boOm...
'''The Old One:''' ×△AcTivatE△×◎CLUNK◎×▼TRaNsfoRMatiOn▼×
HeX, hEx, HEx, hEX...
'''Hrodric Poisontongue:''' Graaaaaah!
Kill! Kill you all!
'''Hrodric Poisontongue:''' <snarl> Death!
Death comes for you!
===Duty Support===
'''Alphinaud:''' Good to see you found a way in too, [Forename].
'''Arenvald:''' Right, then! Let's go and get our treasure!
'''Arenvald:''' Up for some spearfishing, J'moldva?
'''J'moldva:''' Always.
'''Arenvald:''' What is that? Some kind of horse?
'''Alphinaud:''' It's the Kelpie! I've heard legends of it!
'''Alphinaud:''' I'm drenched from head to toe...
'''Arenvald:''' No more than you'd expect on an adventure, eh?
'''Alphinaud:''' I daresay this was a place of worship.
'''Arenvald:''' And I have a feeling it's crawling with “worshipers”...
'''Alphinaud:''' Quite well guarded, that door.
'''Arenvald:''' Does that mean we've already reached the treasure!?
'''Arenvald:''' If that's the treasure, then consider me disappointed.
'''Alphinaud:''' Fortunately for you, it's another guardian. Be on your guard!
'''Arenvald:''' What in the seven hells!?
'''J'moldva:''' Wh-What's happened to my body?
'''Alphinaud:''' Ye gods, what magick is this!?
'''Arenvald:''' Grrr, just you wait!
'''J'moldva:''' A truly vexing spell...
'''Alphinaud:''' Ugh, not again!
'''Arenvald:''' Hmph, troublesome piece of clay...
'''Alphinaud:''' Indeed. Its magicks were not to be underestimated.
'''J'moldva:''' Prison cells...
'''Alphinaud:''' Relics of the mad king's reign.
'''Arenvald:''' That was a person? Seven hells...
'''Alphinaud:''' So the dark rumors of this place were true...
'''Alphinaud:''' It seems that fellow won't let us have the treasure without a fight.
'''Arenvald:''' Wouldn't be much of an adventure if it didn't end on a climax, eh?
===Post–dungeon Pop–ups===
'''J'moldva:''' Arenvald has gotten stronger, hasn't he?
'''Arenvald:''' Piles upon piles of treasure... I can scarcely imagine how much there is.
'''Alphinaud:''' To think that monster used to be a man...

{{Duties nav|dungeon}}

Latest revision as of 04:06, 5 November 2024


The Drowned City of Skalla

The Drowned City of Skalla (image).png
70 (Sync: 70)
Item Level
300 (Sync: 370)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (Stormblood)
High-level Dungeons
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest The Mad King's Trove
The Lochs (X:26.5, Y:21.2, Z:-2.8)
Duty Support, Explorer

Long ago, in the dawn of the Fifth Astral Era, the modest nation of Skalla was founded in the land of Gyr Abania. Over the span of several centuries, its people constructed a grand city of stone at the bottom of a steep-walled ravine, but even this natural defense could not protect Skalla from destruction during a terrible age of war. When the great flood of the Sixth Umbral Calamity later swept across the realm, the hollow ruins of the city were lost to sight, its remnants submerged beneath a raging sea.
Haunting the depths of what is now Loch Seld, Skalla's silent walls lure adventurers into the salt-laden waters with the promise of mysteries unsolved and treasures unclaimed.

— In-game description

The Drowned City of Skalla is a level 70 dungeon introduced in patch 4.1 with Stormblood.

Duty Support

Arenvald Alphinaud J'moldva
DS Arenvald1.png DS Alphinaud1.png DS J'moldva.png
Class Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator Gladiator Green Arcanist.png Arcanist frame icon.png Academician Lancer frame icon.png Lancer
Role Tank or DPS Healer or DPS DPS


  1. Arrive at the Green Screams: 0/1
  2. Defeat Kelpie: 0/1
  3. Arrive at a Door Unopened: 0/1
  4. Defeat the Old One: 0/1
  5. Arrive at the Golden Walls of Ruin: 0/1
  6. Defeat Hrodric Poisontongue: 0/1


The Drowned City of Skalla

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Kelpie

  • Torpedo Moderate tank damage.
  • Rising Seas Group AoE.
  • Hydro Pull.png  Hydro Pull Move away from Kelpie to avoid outer edge damage.
  • Hydra Push Move to Kelpie to avoid outer edge damage.
  • Bloody Puddle Target players for AoE and tethered orbs. Spread puddles to avoid damage and debuffs and kite orbs away.

Flash outside platform will damage and debuff any player standing in it.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png The Old One

  • Mystic Light Large Frontal Cone on random player.
  • Mystic Flame Large Circle AoE under random players.
  • Shifting Light Turns Players into Spriggans with Action ability.

Round 1: Spawns 4 adds that must be destroyed ASAP to avoid self destruct. Round 2: Spawns 6 adds that must be destroyed using your Spriggan action ability to destroy adds. Spam action as necessary.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Hrodric Poisontongue

  • Rusting Claw Raise Right arm - Move away from front.
  • Tail Drive Raise Tail - Move away from rear.
  • The Spin Crouches down for Proximity AoE- Move Away.
  • Ring of Chaos Selected player move to boss to allow party to move to safe area.
  • Eye of the Fire Look away from boss to avoid confusion.
  • Cross of Chaos Cross shaped AoE attack from affected player - stop moving to allow other players to dodge.
  • Circle of Chaos Circle AoE attack from affected player - Move away from party.
  • Words of Woe Faces random player for Column attack.


See also: Skallic Armor and Skallic Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Kelpie

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Skallic amulet of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Aiming Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of casting icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Casting Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of fending icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Fending Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of healing icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Healing Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Slaying Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic boots of fending icon1.png  Skallic Boots of Fending Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic boots of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Boots of Maiming Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Aiming Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of casting icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Casting Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of fending icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Fending Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of healing icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Healing Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Slaying Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Aiming Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of casting icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Casting Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of healing icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Healing Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Scouting Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of striking icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Striking Feet 315 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png The Old One

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Skallic armguards of casting icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Casting Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic armguards of fending icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Fending Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic armguards of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Maiming Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic armguards of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Scouting Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Aiming Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of casting icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Casting Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of healing icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Healing Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Scouting Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of striking icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Striking Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Aiming Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of casting icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Casting Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of fending icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Fending Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of healing icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Healing Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Slaying Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic gloves of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Gloves of Aiming Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic gloves of healing icon1.png  Skallic Gloves of Healing Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic gloves of striking icon1.png  Skallic Gloves of Striking Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic goggles of fending icon1.png  Skallic Goggles of Fending Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic headgear of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Headgear of Maiming Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Aiming Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of casting icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Casting Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of fending icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Fending Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of healing icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Healing Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Slaying Necklace 315 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Hrodric Poisontongue

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Far from home orchestrion roll icon1.png  Far From Home Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Salt & pepper seal icon2.png  Salt & Pepper Seal Minion N/A ABasic 1
Skallic bottoms of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Bottoms of Aiming Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic bottoms of healing icon1.png  Skallic Bottoms of Healing Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic bottoms of striking icon1.png  Skallic Bottoms of Striking Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic coat of fending icon1.png  Skallic Coat of Fending Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic coat of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Coat of Maiming Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Aiming Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of casting icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Casting Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of healing icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Healing Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Scouting Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of striking icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Striking Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic sarouel of casting icon1.png  Skallic Sarouel of Casting Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic sarouel of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Sarouel of Scouting Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic trousers of fending icon1.png  Skallic Trousers of Fending Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic trousers of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Trousers of Maiming Legs 315 BGreen 1

Additional Treasure Coffers

For Stormblood dungeons, it's possible for any additional coffer to be random materials from the Miss List instead of gear.

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 13.3 Y: 9.9)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Skallic boots of fending icon1.png  Skallic Boots of Fending Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic boots of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Boots of Maiming Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of striking icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Striking Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Scouting Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Aiming Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of casting icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Casting Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic shoes of healing icon1.png  Skallic Shoes of Healing Feet 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of fending icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Fending Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Slaying Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Aiming Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of casting icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Casting Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of healing icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Healing Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of fending icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Fending Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Slaying Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Aiming Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of casting icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Casting Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of healing icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Healing Ring 315 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 14.6 Y: 11.7)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Skallic goggles of fending icon1.png  Skallic Goggles of Fending Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic headgear of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Headgear of Maiming Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of striking icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Striking Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Scouting Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Aiming Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of casting icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Casting Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic cap of healing icon1.png  Skallic Cap of Healing Head 315 BGreen 1
Skallic armguards of fending icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Fending Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic armguards of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Maiming Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic gloves of striking icon1.png  Skallic Gloves of Striking Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic armguards of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Scouting Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic gloves of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Gloves of Aiming Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic armguards of casting icon1.png  Skallic Armguards of Casting Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic gloves of healing icon1.png  Skallic Gloves of Healing Hands 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of fending icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Fending Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Slaying Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Aiming Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of casting icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Casting Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of healing icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Healing Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of fending icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Fending Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Slaying Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Aiming Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of casting icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Casting Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of healing icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Healing Necklace 315 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 9.9 Y: 11.4)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Skallic coat of fending icon1.png  Skallic Coat of Fending Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic coat of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Coat of Maiming Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of striking icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Striking Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Scouting Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Aiming Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of casting icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Casting Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic jacket of healing icon1.png  Skallic Jacket of Healing Body 315 BGreen 1
Skallic trousers of fending icon1.png  Skallic Trousers of Fending Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic trousers of maiming icon1.png  Skallic Trousers of Maiming Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic bottoms of striking icon1.png  Skallic Bottoms of Striking Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic sarouel of scouting icon1.png  Skallic Sarouel of Scouting Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic bottoms of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Bottoms of Aiming Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic sarouel of casting icon1.png  Skallic Sarouel of Casting Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic bottoms of healing icon1.png  Skallic Bottoms of Healing Legs 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of fending icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Fending Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Slaying Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Aiming Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of casting icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Casting Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic amulet of healing icon1.png  Skallic Amulet of Healing Bracelets 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of fending icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Fending Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Slaying Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Aiming Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of casting icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Casting Ring 315 BGreen 1
Skallic ring of healing icon1.png  Skallic Ring of Healing Ring 315 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 12.2 Y: 10.5)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Skallic earring of fending icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Fending Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Slaying Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Aiming Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of casting icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Casting Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic earring of healing icon1.png  Skallic Earring of Healing Earrings 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of fending icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Fending Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of slaying icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Slaying Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of aiming icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Aiming Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of casting icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Casting Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Skallic necklace of healing icon1.png  Skallic Necklace of Healing Necklace 315 BGreen 1
Miss List
Name Type Rarity Quantity
Steppe milk icon1.png  Steppe Milk Crafting material Basic 1
Dzo chuck icon1.png  Dzo Chuck Crafting material Basic 1
Hornbill tenderloin icon1.png  Hornbill Tenderloin Crafting material Basic 1
Jhammel haunch icon1.png  Jhammel Haunch Crafting material Basic 1
Gagana egg icon1.png  Gagana Egg Crafting material Basic 1
Worsted yarn icon1.png  Worsted Yarn Crafting material Basic 1
Halgai mane icon1.png  Halgai Mane Crafting material Basic 1
Manzasiri hair icon1.png  Manzasiri Hair Crafting material Basic 1
Gagana leather icon1.png  Gagana Leather Crafting material Basic 1
Gyuki leather icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Crafting material Basic 1
Tiger leather icon1.png  Tiger Leather Crafting material Basic 1
Marid leather icon1.png  Marid Leather Crafting material Basic 1
Gazelle leather icon1.png  Gazelle Leather Crafting material Basic 1
Gagana skin icon1.png  Gagana Skin Crafting material Basic 1
Gyuki hide icon1.png  Gyuki Hide Crafting material Basic 1
Tiger skin icon1.png  Tiger Skin Crafting material Basic 1
Marid hide icon1.png  Marid Hide Crafting material Basic 1
Gazelle hide icon1.png  Gazelle Hide Crafting material Basic 1
True griffin hide icon1.png  True Griffin Hide Crafting material Basic 1
Muud suud horn icon1.png  Muud Suud Horn Crafting material Basic 1
Gazelle horn icon1.png  Gazelle Horn Crafting material Basic 1
Dzo horn icon1.png  Dzo Horn Crafting material Basic 1
Rhino beetle carapace icon1.png  Rhino Beetle Carapace Crafting material Basic 1
Bombfish spine icon1.png  Bombfish Spine Crafting material Basic 1
Growth formula eta icon1.png  Growth Formula Eta Crafting material Basic 1
Beetle glue icon1.png  Beetle Glue Crafting material Basic 1
Moth scales icon1.png  Moth Scales Crafting material Basic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm skalla icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Skalla 10 Discover every location within the Drowned City of Skalla. - 4.1


Gear Images

Dungeon Images


Remnants Of The Fifth Astral Era

Long ago, in the dawn of the Fifth Astral Era, the modest nation of Skalla was founded in the land of Gyr Abania. Over the span of several centuries, its people constructed a grand city of stone at the bottom of a steep-walled ravine, but even this natural defense could not protect Skalla from destruction during a terrible age of war. When the great flood of the Sixth Umbral Calamity later swept across the realm, the hollow ruins of the city were lost to sight, its remnants submerged beneath a raging sea.

Over a thousand years later, the city of Ala Mhigo would be built atop Skalla’s forgotten grave in the salt-laden depths of Loch Seld. Yet some few remembered, among them the last king of Ala Mhigo, Theodoric. Towards the end of his brutal reign, growing ever more paranoid over imagined threats to his crown, he had his own family members imprisoned on invented charges. Their wealth was seized and hidden away within the ruins of Skalla, while they themselves were put to guarding it—as abominations transformed by court thaumaturges.

These dark truths were brought to light following Ala Mhigo’s liberation, in the course of an investigation by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Braving the horrors that lurked Skalla’s crumbling halls, they discovered a veritable mountain of riches: the mad kings legendary trove. In a heartwarming tale with which no few readers will already be familiar, the treasure was placed in the hands of Ala Mhigo’s interim government to be used to rebuild the nation and provide relief to the poor.

The Old One

Encountered within the halls of Skalla, this animated guardian’s clay body is somehow evocative of the Far East. While its actual origin is unclear, it was likely borne to Ala Mhigo during the city-state’s days as a waypoint for trade.

Hrodric Poisontongue

Cousin to Theodoric, the last king of Ala Mhigo, the noble-born Hrodric was fifth in line to the throne. Compelled by an unwavering sense of justice, he made frequent attempts to counsel and calm the volatile monarch, but such efforts were construed as an act of treason. For this imagined crime, Hrodric suffered a terrible punishment, and was cursed to forever inhabit the form of a monstrous beast.


Suspicious of his own countrymen, Theodoric invited eastern mages to his court. The distinctive brands of enchantment observed throughout the ruins of Skala are suspected to be their handiwork


Duty Dialogue

The Old One: ×△sACriFicE△×◎WHIR◎×▼sUBserViEntS▼×
BooM, bOOm, BOom, boOm... 
The Old One: ×△AcTivatE△×◎CLUNK◎×▼TRaNsfoRMatiOn▼×
HeX, hEx, HEx, hEX...
The Old One: ×△sACriFicE△×◎WHIR◎×▼sUBserViEntS▼×
BooM, bOOm, BOom, boOm... 
The Old One: ×△AcTivatE△×◎CLUNK◎×▼TRaNsfoRMatiOn▼×
HeX, hEx, HEx, hEX...
Hrodric Poisontongue: Graaaaaah!
Kill! Kill you all! 
Hrodric Poisontongue: <snarl> Death!
Death comes for you!

Duty Support

Alphinaud: Good to see you found a way in too, [Forename]. 
Arenvald: Right, then! Let's go and get our treasure!
Arenvald: Up for some spearfishing, J'moldva? 
J'moldva: Always.
Arenvald: What is that? Some kind of horse? 
Alphinaud: It's the Kelpie! I've heard legends of it! 
Alphinaud: I'm drenched from head to toe... 
Arenvald: No more than you'd expect on an adventure, eh?
Alphinaud: I daresay this was a place of worship. 
Arenvald: And I have a feeling it's crawling with “worshipers”...
Alphinaud: Quite well guarded, that door. 
Arenvald: Does that mean we've already reached the treasure!?
Arenvald: If that's the treasure, then consider me disappointed. 
Alphinaud: Fortunately for you, it's another guardian. Be on your guard!
Arenvald: What in the seven hells!? 
J'moldva: Wh-What's happened to my body? 
Alphinaud: Ye gods, what magick is this!?
Arenvald: Grrr, just you wait! 
J'moldva: A truly vexing spell... 
Alphinaud: Ugh, not again! 
Arenvald: Hmph, troublesome piece of clay... 
Alphinaud: Indeed. Its magicks were not to be underestimated.
J'moldva: Prison cells... 
Alphinaud: Relics of the mad king's reign.
Arenvald: That was a person? Seven hells... 
Alphinaud: So the dark rumors of this place were true...
Alphinaud: It seems that fellow won't let us have the treasure without a fight. 
Arenvald: Wouldn't be much of an adventure if it didn't end on a climax, eh?

Post–dungeon Pop–ups

J'moldva: Arenvald has gotten stronger, hasn't he? 
Arenvald: Piles upon piles of treasure... I can scarcely imagine how much there is.
Alphinaud: To think that monster used to be a man...