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{{NPC Infobox
{{Special character|Merchant & Mender (Observatorium)|symbol=&}}
| image =  
{{NPC infobox
| Type = [[Vendor NPC]]
| name = Merchant & Mender
| Subtype = [[Merchant]]
| description =
| Gender = Male
| image = merchant and mender observatorium.PNG
| Race = [[Elezen]] - [[]]
| title =  
| Affiliation = [[Ishgard]]
| location = Coerthas Central Highlands
| Description =  
| coordinates = 26.2,27.8
| Extra =  
| gender = Male
| age =
| race = Elezen
| clan = Wildwood
| class =
| job =
| birthplace =
| relatives =
| organization =
| level =
| aggression =
| service = merchant, repair
| goal =  
| patch = 2.0
| release = a realm reborn
[[Merchant and Mender (First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena)]] is a Male [[Elezen]] [[Vendor NPC]] introduced in patch 2.0.
==Items for Sale==
==Locations and Quests==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
! Location
! Coordinate
! Started Quests
! Involved in Quests
|[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||(x26,y27)|| ||
==Items For Sale==
===Purchase Weapons===
===Purchase Weapons===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Vendor table header|section=Purchase Weapons|showLevel=true|showRarity=true}}
{{vendor table row|item=Walnut Macuahuitl|cost=3622 Gil}}
! Item
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Bhuj|cost=5927 Gil}}
! Icon
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Zweihander|cost=5813 Gil}}
! Price
{{vendor table row|item=Heavy Steel Lance|cost=5927 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Boarskin Himantes|cost=4752 Gil}}
|[[Walnut Macuahuitl]]||[[file:walnut macuahuitl icon1.png]]||3,622
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Baselards|cost=3457 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Oak Longbow|cost=5616 Gil}}
|[[Boarskin Himantes]]||[[file:boarskin himantes icon1.png]]||4,752
{{vendor table row|item=Steel-barreled Musketoon|cost=5350 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Fire Brand|cost=3890 Gil}}
|[[Steel Bhuj]]||[[file:steel bhuj icon1.png]]||5,927
{{vendor table row|item=Toothed Goathorn Staff|cost=5350 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Book of Silver|cost=5515 Gil}}
|[[Heavy Steel Lance]]||[[file:heavy steel lance icon1.png]]||5,927
{{vendor table row|item=Budding Yew Wand|cost=3539 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Oak Radical|cost=5616 Gil}}
|[[Oak Longbow]]||[[file:oak longbow icon1.png]]||5,616
{{vendor table row|item=Silver Star Globe|cost=5227 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Decorated Buckler|cost=4527 Gil}}
|[[Budding Yew Wand]]||[[file:budding yew wand icon1.png]]||3,539
{{vendor table row|item=Decorated Iron Scutum|cost=6786 Gil}}
|[[Oak Radical]]||[[file:oak radical icon1.png]]||5,616
|[[Fire Brand]]||[[file:fire brand icon1.png]]||3,890
|[[Toothed Goathorn Staff]]||[[file:toothed goathorn staff icon1.png]]||5,350
|[[Book of Silver]]||[[file:book of silver icon1.png]]||5,515
|[[Decorated Buckler]]||[[file:decorated buckler icon1.png]]||4,527
|[[Decorated Iron Scutum]]||[[file:decorated iron scutum icon1.png]]||6,786
|[[Steel Baselards]]||[[file:steel baselards icon1.png]]||3,457
|[[Steel Zweihander]]||[[file:steel zweihander icon1.png]]||5,813
|[[Steel-barreled Musketoon]]||[[file:steel-barreled musketoon icon1.png]]||5,350
|[[Silver Star Globe]]||[[file:silver star globe icon1.png]]||5,227
===Purchase Tools===
===Purchase Tools===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Vendor table header|section=Purchase Tools|showLevel=true|showRarity=true}}
{{vendor table row|item=Crosscut Saw|cost=4033 Gil}}
! Item
{{vendor table row|item=Wrapped Steel Claw Hammer|cost=3283 Gil}}
! Icon
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Crowsbeak Hammer|cost=3869 Gil}}
! Price
{{vendor table row|item=Steel File|cost=2900 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Doming Hammer|cost=3951 Gil}}
|[[Crosscut Saw]]||[[file:crosscut saw icon1.png]]||4,033
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Pliers|cost=2822 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Ornamental Hammer|cost=3869 Gil}}
|[[Wrapped Steel Claw Hammer]]||[[file:wrapped steel claw hammer icon1.png]]||3,283
{{vendor table row|item=Siltstone Grinding Wheel|cost=3292 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Round Knife|cost=3786 Gil}}
|[[Steel Crowsbeak Hammer]]||[[file:steel crowsbeak hammer icon1.png]]||3,869
{{vendor table row|item=Wrapped Steel Awl|cost=3110 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Worm Fang Needle|cost=2460 Gil}}
|[[Steel File]]||[[file:steel file icon1.png]]||2,900
{{vendor table row|item=Walnut Spinning Wheel|cost=3280 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Silver Alembic|cost=3539 Gil}}
|[[Steel Doming Hammer]]||[[file:steel doming hammer icon1.png]]||3,951
{{vendor table row|item=Heavy Steel Mortar|cost=3542 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=White Skillet|cost=3622 Gil}}
|[[Steel Pliers]]||[[file:steel pliers icon1.png]]||2,822
{{vendor table row|item=Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife|cost=3283 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Dolabra|cost=3869 Gil}}
|[[Steel Ornamental Hammer]]||[[file:steel ornamental hammer icon1.png]]||3,869
{{vendor table row|item=Wrapped Steel Sledgehammer|cost=2900 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Plumed Steel Hatchet|cost=3786 Gil}}
|[[Siltstone Grinding Wheel]]||[[file:siltstone grinding wheel icon1.png]]||3,292
{{vendor table row|item=Wrapped Steel Scythe|cost=3283 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Horn Fishing Rod|cost=4641 Gil}}
|[[Steel Round Knife]]||[[file:steel round knife icon1.png]]||3,786
|[[Wrapped Steel Awl]]||[[file:wrapped steel awl icon1.png]]||3,110
|[[Worm Fang Needle]]||[[file:worm fang needle icon1.png]]||2,460
|[[Walnut Spinning Wheel]]||[[file:walnut spinning wheel icon1.png]]||3,280
|[[Silver Alembic]]||[[file:silver alembic icon1.png]]||3,539
|[[Heavy Steel Mortar]]||[[file:heavy steel mortar icon1.png]]||3,542
|[[White Skillet]]||[[file:white skillet icon1.png]]||3,622
|[[Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife]]||[[file:wrapped steel culinary knife icon1.png]]||3,283
|[[Steel Dolabra]]||[[file:steel dolabra icon1.png]]||3,869
|[[Wrapped Steel Sledgehammer]]||[[file:wrapped steel sledgehammer icon1.png]]||2,900
|[[Plumed Steel Hatchet]]||[[file:plumed steel hatchet icon1.png]]||3,786
|[[Wrapped Steel Scythe]]||[[file:wrapped steel scythe icon1.png]]||3,283
|[[Horn Fishing Rod]]||[[file:horn fishing rod icon1.png]]||4,641
|[[Honey Worm]]||[[file:honey worm icon1.png]]||8
|[[Wildfowl Fly]]||[[file:wildfowl fly icon1.png]]||432
|[[Stem Borer]]||[[file:stem borer icon1.png]]||9
===Purchase Battle Gear===
===Purchase Battle Gear===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Vendor table header|section=Purchase Battle Gear|showLevel=true|showRarity=true}}
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Turban|cost=2721 Gil}}
! Item
{{vendor table row|item=Mythril Spectacles|cost=3099 Gil}}
! Icon
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Barbut|cost=4475 Gil}}
! Price
{{vendor table row|item=Mythril Elmo|cost=4679 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Heavy Steel Armor|cost=8348 Gil}}
|[[Linen Turban]]||[[file:linen turban icon1.png]]||2,721
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Shirt|cost=3369 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Robe|cost=3528 Gil}}
|[[Mythril Spectacles]]||[[file:mythril spectacles icon1.png]]||3,099
{{vendor table row|item=Heavy Steel Gauntlets|cost=4233 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Fingerless Boarskin Gloves|cost=3024 Gil}}
|[[Steel Barbut]]||[[file:steel barbut icon1.png]]||4,475
{{vendor table row|item=Boarskin Ringbands|cost=2533 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Steel Mitt Gauntlets|cost=3978 Gil}}
|[[Mythril Elmo]]||[[file:mythril elmo icon1.png]]||4,679
{{vendor table row|item=Heavy Steel Flanchard|cost=6480 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Sarouel|cost=2592 Gil}}
|[[Linen Shirt]]||[[file:linen shirt icon1.png]]||3,369
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Tights|cost=2375 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Boarskin Crakows|cost=2764 Gil}}
|[[Linen Robe]]||[[file:linen robe icon1.png]]||3,528
{{vendor table row|item=Toadskin Duckbills|cost=2764 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Horn Scale Greaves|cost=4753 Gil}}
|[[Heavy Steel Armor]]||[[file:heavy steel armor icon1.png]]||8,348
|[[Fingerless Boarskin Gloves]]||[[file:fingerless boarskin gloves icon1.png]]||3,024
|[[Boarskin Ringbands]]||[[file:boarskin ringbands icon1.png]]||2,533
|[[Heavy Steel Gauntlets]]||[[file:heavy steel gauntlets icon1.png]]||4,233
|[[Steel Mitt Gauntlets]]||[[file:steel mitt gauntlets icon1.png]]||3,978
|[[Linen Longsash]]||[[file:linen longsash icon1.png]]||1,894
|[[Boarskin Satchel Belt]]||[[file:boarskin satchel belt icon1.png]]||2,160
|[[Reinforced Steel Plate Belt]]||[[file:reinforced steel plate belt icon1.png]]||3,024
|[[Linen Sarouel]]||[[file:linen sarouel icon1.png]]||2,592
|[[Linen Tights]]||[[file:linen tights icon1.png]]||2,375
|[[Heavy Steel Flanchard]]||[[file:heavy steel flanchard icon1.png]]||6,480
|[[Boarskin Crakows]]||[[file:boarskin crakows icon1.png]]||2,764
|[[Toadskin Duckbills]]||[[file:toadskin duckbills icon1.png]]||2,764
|[[Horn Scale Greaves]]||[[file:horn scale greaves icon1.png]]||4,753
===Purchase Field Gear===
===Purchase Field Gear===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
{{Vendor table header|section=Purchase Field Gear|showLevel=true|showRarity=true}}
{{vendor table row|item=Mythril Magnifiers|cost=2953 Gil}}
! Item
{{vendor table row|item=Angler's Hat|cost=2721 Gil}}
! Icon
{{vendor table row|item=Velveteen Doublet Vest of Crafting|cost=3634 Gil}}
! Price
{{vendor table row|item=Apprentice's Doublet|cost=4410 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering|cost=3024 Gil}}
|[[Mythril Magnifiers]]||[[file:mythril magnifiers icon1.png]]||2,953
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Shortgloves|cost=2773 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Sarouel of Gathering|cost=2592 Gil}}
|[[Angler%27s Hat]]||[[file:anglers hat icon1.png]]||2,721
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Bottoms|cost=2971 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Boarskin Crakows of Gathering|cost=2764 Gil}}
|[[Velveteen Doublet Vest of Crafting]]||[[file:velveteen doublet vest of crafting icon1.png]]||3,634
{{vendor table row|item=Linen Gaiters|cost=3169 Gil}}
|[[Apprentice%27s Doublet]]||[[file:apprentices doublet icon1.png]]||4,410
|[[Linen Shortgloves]]||[[file:linen shortgloves icon1.png]]||2,773
|[[Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering]]||[[file:fingerless boarskin gloves of gathering icon1.png]]||3,024
|[[Linen Half Apron]]||[[file:linen half apron icon1.png]]||1,980
|[[Boarskin Shepherd%27s Belt]]||[[file:boarskin shepherds belt icon1.png]]||2,368
|[[Linen Bottom]]||[[file:linen bottom icon1.png]]||2,971
|[[Linen Sarouel of Gathering]]||[[file:linen sarouel of gathering icon1.png]]||2,592
|[[Linen Gaiters]]||[[file:linen gaiters icon1.png]]||3,169
|[[Boarskin Crakows of Gathering]]||[[file:boarskin crakows of gathering icon1.png]]||2,764
===Purchase Items===
{{Vendor table header|section=Purchase Items|showLevel=false|showRarity=false}}
{{vendor table row|item=Saltwater Boilie|cost=15 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Freshwater Boilie|cost=15 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Honey Worm|cost=8 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Wildfowl Fly|cost=432 Gil}}
{{vendor table row|item=Stem Borer|cost=9 Gil}}
[[Category:NPCs]] [[Category:Vendor NPCs]] [[Category:Merchant & Mender]] [[Category:Patch 2.0 NPCs]] [[Category:Merchant]]

Latest revision as of 19:55, 13 October 2024

The correct title of this article is Merchant & Mender (Observatorium). The substitution or omission of the & is because of technical restrictions.

Merchant & Mender

Merchant and mender observatorium.PNG

Male ♂
Elezen (Wildwood)
Coerthas Central Highlands (26.2,27.8)

Merchant & Mender is an Elezen in Coerthas Central Highlands.

Items for Sale

Purchase Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Walnut macuahuitl icon1.png   Walnut Macuahuitl Gladiator's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 3,622
Steel bhuj icon1.png   Steel Bhuj Marauder's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 5,927
Steel zweihander icon1.png   Steel Zweihander Dark Knight's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 5,813
Heavy steel lance icon1.png   Heavy Steel Lance Lancer's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 5,927
Boarskin himantes icon1.png   Boarskin Himantes Pugilist's Arm ABasic 35
Gil 4,752
Steel baselards icon1.png   Steel Baselards Rogue's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 3,457
Oak longbow icon1.png   Oak Longbow Archer's Arm ABasic 35
Gil 5,616
Steel-barreled musketoon icon1.png   Steel-barreled Musketoon Machinist's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 5,350
Fire brand icon1.png   Fire Brand One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ABasic 36
Gil 3,890
Toothed goathorn staff icon1.png   Toothed Goathorn Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 5,350
Book of silver icon1.png   Book of Silver Arcanist's Grimoire ABasic 34
Gil 5,515
Budding yew wand icon1.png   Budding Yew Wand One-handed Conjurer's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 3,539
Oak radical icon1.png   Oak Radical Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ABasic 35
Gil 5,616
Silver star globe icon1.png   Silver Star Globe Astrologian's Arm ABasic 34
Gil 5,227
Decorated buckler icon1.png   Decorated Buckler Shield ABasic 34
Gil 4,527
Decorated iron scutum icon1.png   Decorated Iron Scutum Shield ABasic 36
Gil 6,786

Purchase Tools

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Crosscut saw icon1.png   Crosscut Saw Carpenter's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 4,033
Wrapped steel claw hammer icon1.png   Wrapped Steel Claw Hammer Carpenter's Secondary Tool ABasic 35
Gil 3,283
Steel crowsbeak hammer icon1.png   Steel Crowsbeak Hammer Blacksmith's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,869
Steel file icon1.png   Steel File Blacksmith's Secondary Tool ABasic 33
Gil 2,900
Steel doming hammer icon1.png   Steel Doming Hammer Armorer's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,951
Steel pliers icon1.png   Steel Pliers Armorer's Secondary Tool ABasic 33
Gil 2,822
Steel ornamental hammer icon1.png   Steel Ornamental Hammer Goldsmith's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,869
Siltstone grinding wheel icon1.png   Siltstone Grinding Wheel Goldsmith's Secondary Tool ABasic 33
Gil 3,292
Steel round knife icon1.png   Steel Round Knife Leatherworker's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,786
Wrapped steel awl icon1.png   Wrapped Steel Awl Leatherworker's Secondary Tool ABasic 35
Gil 3,110
Worm fang needle icon1.png   Worm Fang Needle Weaver's Primary Tool ABasic 32
Gil 2,460
Walnut spinning wheel icon1.png   Walnut Spinning Wheel Weaver's Secondary Tool ABasic 32
Gil 3,280
Silver alembic icon1.png   Silver Alembic Alchemist's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,539
Heavy steel mortar icon1.png   Heavy Steel Mortar Alchemist's Secondary Tool ABasic 35
Gil 3,542
White skillet icon1.png   White Skillet Culinarian's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,622
Wrapped steel culinary knife icon1.png   Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife Culinarian's Secondary Tool ABasic 35
Gil 3,283
Steel dolabra icon1.png   Steel Dolabra Miner's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,869
Wrapped steel sledgehammer icon1.png   Wrapped Steel Sledgehammer Miner's Secondary Tool ABasic 33
Gil 2,900
Plumed steel hatchet icon1.png   Plumed Steel Hatchet Botanist's Primary Tool ABasic 34
Gil 3,786
Wrapped steel scythe icon1.png   Wrapped Steel Scythe Botanist's Secondary Tool ABasic 35
Gil 3,283
Horn fishing rod icon1.png   Horn Fishing Rod Fisher's Primary Tool ABasic 37
Gil 4,641

Purchase Battle Gear

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Linen turban icon1.png   Linen Turban Head ABasic 35
Gil 2,721
Mythril spectacles icon1.png   Mythril Spectacles Head ABasic 35
Gil 3,099
Steel barbut icon1.png   Steel Barbut Head ABasic 37
Gil 4,475
Mythril elmo icon1.png   Mythril Elmo Head ABasic 38
Gil 4,679
Heavy steel armor icon1.png   Heavy Steel Armor Body ABasic 35
Gil 8,348
Linen shirt icon1.png   Linen Shirt Body ABasic 35
Gil 3,369
Linen robe icon1.png   Linen Robe Body ABasic 36
Gil 3,528
Heavy steel gauntlets icon1.png   Heavy Steel Gauntlets Hands ABasic 35
Gil 4,233
Fingerless boarskin gloves icon1.png   Fingerless Boarskin Gloves Hands ABasic 35
Gil 3,024
Boarskin ringbands icon1.png   Boarskin Ringbands Hands ABasic 36
Gil 2,533
Steel mitt gauntlets icon1.png   Steel Mitt Gauntlets Hands ABasic 37
Gil 3,978
Heavy steel flanchard icon1.png   Heavy Steel Flanchard Legs ABasic 35
Gil 6,480
Linen sarouel icon1.png   Linen Sarouel Legs ABasic 35
Gil 2,592
Linen tights icon1.png   Linen Tights Legs ABasic 36
Gil 2,375
Boarskin crakows icon1.png   Boarskin Crakows Feet ABasic 35
Gil 2,764
Toadskin duckbills icon1.png   Toadskin Duckbills Feet ABasic 35
Gil 2,764
Horn scale greaves icon1.png   Horn Scale Greaves Feet ABasic 38
Gil 4,753

Purchase Field Gear

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Mythril magnifiers icon1.png   Mythril Magnifiers Head ABasic 34
Gil 2,953
Anglers hat icon1.png   Angler's Hat Head ABasic 35
Gil 2,721
Velveteen doublet vest of crafting icon1.png   Velveteen Doublet Vest of Crafting Body ABasic 32
Gil 3,634
Apprentices doublet icon1.png   Apprentice's Doublet Body ABasic 35
Gil 4,410
Fingerless boarskin gloves of gathering icon1.png   Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering Hands ABasic 35
Gil 3,024
Linen shortgloves icon1.png   Linen Shortgloves Hands ABasic 38
Gil 2,773
Linen sarouel of gathering icon1.png   Linen Sarouel of Gathering Legs ABasic 35
Gil 2,592
Linen bottoms icon1.png   Linen Bottoms Legs ABasic 38
Gil 2,971
Boarskin crakows of gathering icon1.png   Boarskin Crakows of Gathering Feet ABasic 35
Gil 2,764
Linen gaiters icon1.png   Linen Gaiters Feet ABasic 38
Gil 3,169

Purchase Items

Item Type Cost
Saltwater boilie icon1.png   Saltwater Boilie Other Gil 15
Freshwater boilie icon1.png   Freshwater Boilie Other Gil 15
Honey worm icon1.png   Honey Worm Other Gil 8
Wildfowl fly icon1.png   Wildfowl Fly Other Gil 432
Stem borer icon1.png   Stem Borer Other Gil 9