Endwalker content

Difference between revisions of "Restricted Reading"

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(5 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 5: Line 5:
| quest-giver = Montichaigne
| quest-giver = Montichaigne
| location = Old Sharlayan
| location = Old Sharlayan
| location-x = 9
| location-x = 9.3
| location-y = 11
| location-y = 11.2
| type = main scenario
| type = main scenario
| quest-line = Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
| quest-line = Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Line 13: Line 13:
| req-items = 1 Epiphanies of House Daemir, 1 Astral-aspected Water
| req-items = 1 Epiphanies of House Daemir, 1 Astral-aspected Water
| requirements =  
| requirements =  
| exp =  
| exp = 49728
| gil = 1432
| gil = 1432
| unlocks =  
| unlocks =  
Line 24: Line 24:
| release = endwalker
| release = endwalker
| patch = 6.1
| patch = 6.1
}} __NOTOC__
| id-edb = 3facd3b15f3
| id-gt = 70069
| msq-index = 814
* Speak with the [[Index Page|index page]] while [[Y'shtola]] is accompanying you.
* Speak with the [[Index Page|index page]] while [[Y'shtola]] is accompanying you.
Line 36: Line 40:
* Montichaigne is waiting to offer you further instructions.  
* Montichaigne is waiting to offer you further instructions.  

Search for House Daemir's research notes:
Leather-bound Log: X: 6.0, Y: 6.3

Y'shtola: I'd like to set out as soon as you're ready.

Montichaigne: You'll be heading directly to the archives from here, I presume?
Montichaigne: You'll be heading directly to the archives from here, I presume?
Y'shtola: You presume correctly.
Montichaigne: Then you'll want to speak with the index page when you arrive. It's been instructed to grant you access to the restricted section.
Y'shtola: Excellent. Once again, we thank you for all your help.
Montichaigne: Oh, it was my pleasure, believe me. May you find the knowledge you seek!
Y'shtola: Shall we?
Y'shtola is now accompanying you. Keep her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
You can leave Y'shtola behind by entering a different area, or by speaking with her and selecting the option to part ways.
If you wish to have Y'shtola accompany you again, return and speak with her at the original location.
“Restricted Reading” accepted.
Y'shtola: Come along, [Forename]. Noumenon and its forbidden wisdom awaits.
Orchestrion: Now playing The Nautilus Knoweth.
Y'shtola: To think the set of instructions I laughingly imagined may actually exist but yalms away from where you found me napping...
Y'shtola: If I had known of Alzadaal III's exploits sooner, I could well have saved myself days of research. Even a children's book might have pointed me in the right direction.
Y'shtola: To achieve the impossible, one must needs be flexible of mind and look beyond conventional wisdom. A lesson I had already learned, but clearly not taken to heart.
Index Page: ArChOn Y'sHtOlA aNd GuEsT iDeNtIfIeD. dO yOu WiSh To PrOcEeD iNtO tHe ReStRiCtEd ArChIvEs?
Index Page: FoLlOw Me, If YoU wOuLd. WaTcH yOuR sTeP, aNd PlEaSe NoTe ThAt ThE uSe Of NaKeD fLaMeS iS dIsCoUrAgEd.
Orchestrion: Now playing Ink Long Dry (Piano Collections).
Y'shtola: If House Daemir's notes are to be found anywhere, it will be here. Let us begin.
“Restricted Reading” objective fulfilled!
You have left the sanctuary.
Y'shtola: So many books I've yet to read...
Y'shtola: Yes, yes, we are here for one specific volume. You needn't remind me.
Index Page: No SmOkInG! nO tHrOwInG bOoKs! AnD nO yElLiNg OuT “eUrEkA!” iN aN oBnOxIoUsLy LoUd VoIcE!
Untitled Goldsmith's Journal: ''Today, in a world not my own, I met the most beautiful voidborn creature. She was so unlike her ravenous brethren. Eyes blazing not with hunger, but trembling─like a candle's flame, threatening to flicker out at any moment.''
Untitled Goldsmith's Journal: ''I wonder if “she” is even the proper word. Such distinctions seem inconsequential. Insignificant, even.''
Untitled Goldsmith's Journal: ''All that matters is the love I feel for this exquisite, transcendent being!''
''Though you are tempted to read more, this does not seem to be the volume you are seeking...''
Primal Disquisitions: ''In the year 1564 of the Sixth Astral Era, the Amalj'aa summoned Ifrit, their patron god. Accounts describe the being as a gigantic, lizard-like being with a potent command of fire-aspected magicks.''
Primal Disquisitions: ''If we consider that primal summoning is an act fueled by faith and prayer, it is unsurprising, if not expected, that the resulting deiform entity should manifest the appearance and powers with which it is attributed by its worshipers.''
Primal Disquisitions: ''What, then, might emerge from the aether should one who believes in an almighty omniscience attempt the same ritual? Would the Scholar Himself grace us with His presence? Some other embodiment of divine sagacity?''
Primal Disquisitions: ''Could this man-made god truly be all-knowing? And if it were, whence would such knowledge arise?''
Primal Disquisitions: ''I myself have many questions concerning the nature of the ancient world. With no spell to transport me back to the days of old, could I instead summon a being possessed of encyclopedic wisdom of every age? Yet with no means to verify its pronouncements, how could one be certain they were true?''
Though your mind spins with the possibilities discussed therein, this does not seem to be the volume you are seeking...
Epiphanies of House Daemir: The following pages detail an advanced method for manipulating rift-spanning apertures as devised by Nuhashahn, the ninth patriarch of House Daemir.
Epiphanies of House Daemir: We present these research notes to the faculty of Sharlayan's Studium as both a token of our friendship and an expression of our boundless admiration.
You appear to have located the forbidden volume you seek. Y'shtola will need to make the final confirmation...
“Restricted Reading” objective fulfilled!
Y'shtola: Have something you'd like to show me, do you? My apologies─I flipped open but a single book and was completely absorbed by the contents...
Y'shtola: Well done, [Forename]. I think you may have found our prize.
Orchestrion: Now playing Ink Long Dry.
Y'shtola: Yes, the aether signature is unmistakable. I've felt the traces of House Daemir's resonance many times at the Great Work.
Y'shtola: Time to see what all the fuss was about...
Y'shtola: “Among the ranks of the voidsent, there exist entities with the power to call forth their brethren from beyond. The species known as ”Atomos,“ however, is uniquely prodigious in this regard.
Y'shtola: “From its distended maw, it can expel an endless procession of voidborn creatures─a talent which sorely tested the Radiant Host in its battles against these abominations.
Y'shtola: “Surmising that the entity itself was acting as a voidgate, we endeavored to capture a small specimen and subsequently examine its physiological structure.
Y'shtola: “Our findings revealed that the Atomos had absorbed a planar fissure into its own flesh, which it could expand at will into a functioning gate.
Y'shtola: “Upon further analysis, we identified an aetherial wave pattern emitted during this process─a pattern we were able to emulate by passing crystal-stored aether through a specially designed prism.
Y'shtola: “We proceeded to embed said prism into an arcane simulacrum, thus completing what we have dubbed our 'artificial Atomos.'”
Y'shtola: How could I have been so blind to the possibilities? This species, not to mention its ability to summon voidsent, has been discussed among academics for years now.
Y'shtola: Just before the advent of the Seventh Umbral Calamity, we received reports of Atomos sightings from every corner of Eorzea. Surely you've at least heard the tales?
Y'shtola: And still House Daemir went and built a mock Atomos of their very own. I'm not surprised the Archons consigned their work to a restricted archive.
Y'shtola: 'Twas no easy task, but at last we've unearthed the volume we've been searching for.
Y'shtola: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to stay longer. See what other forbidden titles might be lurking on these shelves...
Y'shtola: Ah, but that would be abusing the very special privilege we've been granted now, wouldn't it? Better not.
“Eorzea” has been added to the Unending Codex.
“The Seventh Umbral Calamity” has been added to the Unending Codex.
“Restricted Reading” objective fulfilled!

Orchestrion: Now playing The Ewer Brimmeth.
Y'shtola: You presume correctly.

Index Page: CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS oN lOcAtInG tHe ObJeCt Of YoUr SeArCh. PlEaSe MoVe AlOnG.
Montichaigne: Then you'll want to speak with the index page when you arrive. It's been instructed to grant you access to the restricted section.

Y'shtola: As much as I would love to start crafting the Atomos, I'm afraid this is far outside my field of expertise.
Y'shtola: Excellent. Once again, we thank you for all your help.

Y'shtola: Fortunately, we know a Hannish alchemist who would be delighted to involve herself in our House Daemir project.
Montichaigne: Oh, it was my pleasure, believe me. May you find the knowledge you seek!

Y'shtola: Our business here is concluded, for the moment. Please pass on our regards to the Forum.
Y'shtola: Shall we?

Index Page: YoUr MeSsAgE wIlL bE cOnVeYeD. sHoUlD yOu WiSh To InDuLgE iN mOrE fOrBiDdEn LiTeRaTuRe, I wIlL bE hErE. pAtRoN mOdE dIsAbLeD. sEcUrItY mOdE eNgAgEd.
System: Y'shtola is now accompanying you. Keep her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
System: You can leave Y'shtola behind by entering a different area, or by speaking with her and selecting the option to part ways.
System: If you wish to have Y'shtola accompany you again, return and speak with her at the original location.

Y'shtola: If anyone can help us, Nidhana can. I say we return to Thavnair and look for her at the Great Work.
Y'shtola: To think the set of instructions I laughingly imagined may actually exist but yalms away from where you found me napping...
Y'shtola: If I had known of Alzadaal III's exploits sooner, I could well have saved myself days of research. Even a children's book might have pointed me in the right direction.
Y'shtola: To achieve the impossible, one must needs be flexible of mind and look beyond conventional wisdom. A lesson I had already learned, but clearly not taken to heart.

“Restricted Reading” objective fulfilled!
Q1: What will you do?
A1: Talk.
Y'shtola: Come along, [Forename]. Noumenon and its forbidden wisdom awaits.

Index Page: CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS oN lOcAtInG tHe ObJeCt Of YoUr SeArCh. PlEaSe MoVe AlOnG.
A1: Part ways.
System: Are you sure you wish to part ways with Y'shtola?

Y'shtola: All these sallow, sleep-deprived faces, but their eyes still burn with fiery zeal. Some things never change.
Y'shtola: Very well, but please do hurry back. I shall await you at the annex.
Y'shtola: All set this time? No forgotten chores or errands to call you away? Good─the forbidden tomes await!

Orchestrion: Now playing The Last Stand.
A1: Nothing.

Nidhana: Y'shtola tells me you are pursuing a most fascinating study! And that you want me to be a part of it.
A1: Discuss Noumenon.

Y'shtola: I have no doubt you will be interested. This research log should speak for itself.

Nidhana: Will it now...?
Index Page: I aM iNsTrUcTeD tO pErMiT yOu EnTrAnCe. YoU aNd ArChOn Y'sHtOlA. pErMiSsIoN iS nOt ApPlIcAbLe FoR sEpArAtE eNtRy.

Nidhana: By the Sisters! This is the mark of House Daemir! I never even knew such a work existed...
System: You must be accompanied by Y'shtola and have her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
System: Y'shtola has yet to arrive. Be sure she is at your side before attempting to continue.

Y'shtola: Few should. It was sequestered in Noumenon's restricted archives, after all.
Index Page: ArChOn Y'sHtOlA aNd GuEsT iDeNtIfIeD. dO yOu WiSh To PrOcEeD iNtO tHe ReStRiCtEd ArChIvEs?
Index Page: FoLlOw Me, If YoU wOuLd. WaTcH yOuR sTeP, aNd PlEaSe NoTe ThAt ThE uSe Of NaKeD fLaMeS iS dIsCoUrAgEd.
Index Page: Do YoU wIsH tO pRoCeEd InTo ThE rEsTrIcTeD aRcHiVeS?

Nidhana: It was!? But...that means every word within is ''forbidden knowledge''!
Q2: Enter the restricted archives?

Nidhana: A forbidden tome filled with forbidden research, and you put it right into my unsuspecting hand!?
Index Page: No SmOkInG! nO tHrOwInG bOoKs! AnD nO yElLiNg OuT “eUrEkA!” iN aN oBnOxIoUsLy LoUd VoIcE!

Nidhana: I can hardly wait to read it!
Y'shtola: So many books I've yet to read...
Y'shtola: Yes, yes, we are here for one specific volume. You needn't remind me.

Orchestrion: Now playing None.
(-Untitled Goldsmith's Journal-): ''Today, in a world not my own, I met the most beautiful voidborn creature. She was so unlike her ravenous brethren. Eyes blazing not with hunger, but trembling─like a candle's flame, threatening to flicker out at any moment.''
(-Untitled Goldsmith's Journal-): ''I wonder if “she” is even the proper word. Such distinctions seem inconsequential. Insignificant, even.''
(-Untitled Goldsmith's Journal-): ''All that matters is the love I feel for this exquisite, transcendent being!''
System: Though you are tempted to read more, this does not seem to be the volume you are seeking...

Orchestrion: Now playing Canticle.
(-Primal Disquisitions-): ''In the year 1564 of the Sixth Astral Era, the Amalj'aa summoned Ifrit, their patron god. Accounts describe the being as a gigantic, lizard-like being with a potent command of fire-aspected magicks.''
(-Primal Disquisitions-): ''If we consider that primal summoning is an act fueled by faith and prayer, it is unsurprising, if not expected, that the resulting deiform entity should manifest the appearance and powers with which it is attributed by its worshipers.''
(-Primal Disquisitions-): ''What, then, might emerge from the aether should one who believes in an almighty omniscience attempt the same ritual? Would the Scholar Himself grace us with His presence? Some other embodiment of divine sagacity?''
(-Primal Disquisitions-): ''Could this man-made god truly be all-knowing? And if it were, whence would such knowledge arise?''
(-Primal Disquisitions-): ''I myself have many questions concerning the nature of the ancient world. With no spell to transport me back to the days of old, could I instead summon a being possessed of encyclopedic wisdom of every age? Yet with no means to verify its pronouncements, how could one be certain they were true?''
System: Though your mind spins with the possibilities discussed therein, this does not seem to be the volume you are seeking...

Nidhana: To think the Daemir were developing such marvelous techniques so long ago. How many innovations have been lost over the centuries, I wonder...
(-Epiphanies of House Daemir-): ''The following pages detail an advanced method for manipulating rift-spanning apertures as devised by Nuhashahn, the ninth patriarch of House Daemir.''
(-Epiphanies of House Daemir-): ''We present these research notes to the faculty of Sharlayan's Studium as both a token of our friendship and an expression of our boundless admiration.''
System: You appear to have located the forbidden volume you seek. Y'shtola will need to make the final confirmation...

Y'shtola: Now that you've glanced over the notes, what say you to helping us build a new mock Atomos?
Y'shtola: Have something you'd like to show me, do you? My apologies─I flipped open but a single book and was completely absorbed by the contents...
Y'shtola: Well done, [Forename]. I think you may have found our prize.

Nidhana: I say yes! A thousand times yes!
Index Page: CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS oN lOcAtInG tHe ObJeCt Of YoUr SeArCh. PlEaSe MoVe AlOnG.

Nidhana: Work on a Daemir project that had even the redoubtable scholars of Sharlayan trembling in their sandals? No alchemist of the Great Work could resist!
Y'shtola: As much as I would love to start crafting the Atomos, I'm afraid this is far outside my field of expertise.
Y'shtola: Fortunately, we know a Hannish alchemist who would be delighted to involve herself in our House Daemir project.
Y'shtola: Our business here is concluded, for the moment. Please pass on our regards to the Forum.

Y'shtola: You are a woman after my own heart.
Index Page: YoUr MeSsAgE wIlL bE cOnVeYeD. sHoUlD yOu WiSh To InDuLgE iN mOrE fOrBiDdEn LiTeRaTuRe, I wIlL bE hErE. pAtRoN mOdE dIsAbLeD. sEcUrItY mOdE eNgAgEd.

Nidhana: Oh, I suppose I should ask: what do you mean to do with this big-mouthed simulacrum once we've built it?
Y'shtola: If anyone can help us, Nidhana can. I say we return to Thavnair and look for her at the Great Work.
Y'shtola: All these sallow, sleep-deprived faces, but their eyes still burn with fiery zeal. Some things never change.

Nidhana: So, there's a secret voidgate...and it's sealed in the ruins at the bottom of the Bounty? Today is a day of revelations indeed.
Nidhana: Y'shtola tells me you are pursuing a most fascinating study! And that you want me to be a part of it.

Nidhana: If the purpose of our man-made Atomos is to expand this hidden portal, then I will need to see it for myself, I think. Manipulating rift-spanning apertures is not the sort of thing you want to attempt without first taking into account every single factor.
Y'shtola: I have no doubt you will be interested. This research log should speak for itself.

Y'shtola: Then by all means, accompany us to the vault. I plan to lead us back there shortly...once we've finished gathering the components I require.
Nidhana: Will it now...?
Nidhana: By the Sisters! This is the mark of House Daemir! I never even knew such a work existed...

Y'shtola: Sharlayan's markets provided the raw aquamarine and pure water crystals...
Y'shtola: Few should. It was sequestered in Noumenon's restricted archives, after all.

Y'shtola: But I might need help obtaining a small quantity of astrally infused water.
Nidhana: It was!? But...that means every word within is ''forbidden knowledge''!
Nidhana: A forbidden tome filled with forbidden research, and you put it right into my unsuspecting hand!?
Nidhana: I can hardly wait to read it!
Nidhana: To think the Daemir were developing such marvelous techniques so long ago. How many innovations have been lost over the centuries, I wonder...

Nidhana: For such a liquid, you need go no further than the Font of Maya─the ascetics of old once favored the place for their meditations, and the water which pools there now is known to enliven the flow of aether.
Y'shtola: Now that you've glanced over the notes, what say you to helping us build a new mock Atomos?

Y'shtola: That sounds perfect. If you would be so kind as to fill a flask at the pool, I will petition Vrtra to join us. The idea I have in mind won't amount to much without his authority to command the voidgate.
Nidhana: I say yes! A thousand times yes!
Nidhana: Work on a Daemir project that had even the redoubtable scholars of Sharlayan trembling in their sandals? No alchemist of the Great Work could resist!

Y'shtola: Shall we be about it, then? We meet back here anon.
Y'shtola: You are a woman after my own heart.

“Restricted Reading” objective fulfilled!
Nidhana: Oh, I suppose I should ask: what do you mean to do with this big-mouthed simulacrum once we've built it?
Nidhana: So, there's a secret voidgate...and it's sealed in the ruins at the bottom of the Bounty? Today is a day of revelations indeed.
Nidhana: If the purpose of our man-made Atomos is to expand this hidden portal, then I will need to see it for myself, I think. Manipulating rift-spanning apertures is not the sort of thing you want to attempt without first taking into account every single factor.

Orchestrion: Now playing Those We Can Yet Save.
Y'shtola: Then by all means, accompany us to the vault. I plan to lead us back there shortly...once we've finished gathering the components I require.
Y'shtola: Sharlayan's markets provided the raw aquamarine and pure water crystals...
Y'shtola: But I might need help obtaining a small quantity of astrally infused water.

Nidhana: Ah, there is no greater joy than having a new puzzle to ponder...
Nidhana: For such a liquid, you need go no further than the Font of Maya─the ascetics of old once favored the place for their meditations, and the water which pools there now is known to enliven the flow of aether.

Varshahn: Archon Y'shtola requested that I join you, but of her plans she offered scant detail...
Y'shtola: That sounds perfect. If you would be so kind as to fill a flask at the pool, I will petition Vrtra to join us. The idea I have in mind won't amount to much without his authority to command the voidgate.
Y'shtola: Shall we be about it, then? We meet back here anon.

Estinien: The boy Mehrahd was glad to hear the news of the foundation. It means a new life for him and his sister.
Nidhana: Ah, there is no greater joy than having a new puzzle to ponder...

Nidhana: Oh, I forgot to mention! The Font of Maya attracts aggressive wildlife, and you should watch out for them when, uh...you go there next time. My apologies.
Varshahn: Archon Y'shtola requested that I join you, but of her plans she offered scant detail...

Y'shtola: Do you have that flask for me?
Estinien: The boy Mehrahd was glad to hear the news of the foundation. It means a new life for him and his sister.

Y'shtola: Yes...this should suffice. Thank you, [Forename].
Nidhana: Oh, I forgot to mention! The Font of Maya attracts aggressive wildlife, and you should watch out for them when, uh...you go there next time. My apologies.

“Restricted Reading” complete!
Y'shtola: Do you have that flask for me?
Y'shtola: Yes...this should suffice. Thank you, [Forename].

Revision as of 19:10, 11 September 2024

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Restricted Reading

Quest giver
Old Sharlayan (X:9.3, Y:11.2)
Quest line
Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Epiphanies of house daemir icon1.png  Epiphanies of House Daemir
1 Astral-aspected water icon1.png  Astral-aspected Water
Experience 49,728
Gil 1,432
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestBridging the Rift
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestVoid Theory

Main Scenario Progress: 814 / 960 (84.8%)


Endwalker Progress: 116 / 155 (74.8%)


Montichaigne is waiting to offer you further instructions.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Montichaigne is waiting to offer you further instructions.


Search for House Daemir's research notes:

Leather-bound Log: X: 6.0, Y: 6.3


Y'shtola: I'd like to set out as soon as you're ready.
Montichaigne: You'll be heading directly to the archives from here, I presume?
Y'shtola: You presume correctly.
Montichaigne: Then you'll want to speak with the index page when you arrive. It's been instructed to grant you access to the restricted section.
Y'shtola: Excellent. Once again, we thank you for all your help.
Montichaigne: Oh, it was my pleasure, believe me. May you find the knowledge you seek!
Y'shtola: Shall we?
System: Y'shtola is now accompanying you. Keep her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
System: You can leave Y'shtola behind by entering a different area, or by speaking with her and selecting the option to part ways.
System: If you wish to have Y'shtola accompany you again, return and speak with her at the original location.
Y'shtola: To think the set of instructions I laughingly imagined may actually exist but yalms away from where you found me napping...
Y'shtola: If I had known of Alzadaal III's exploits sooner, I could well have saved myself days of research. Even a children's book might have pointed me in the right direction.
Y'shtola: To achieve the impossible, one must needs be flexible of mind and look beyond conventional wisdom. A lesson I had already learned, but clearly not taken to heart.
Q1: What will you do?
A1: Talk.
Y'shtola: Come along, [Forename]. Noumenon and its forbidden wisdom awaits.
A1: Part ways.
System: Are you sure you wish to part ways with Y'shtola?
Y'shtola: Very well, but please do hurry back. I shall await you at the annex.
Y'shtola: All set this time? No forgotten chores or errands to call you away? Good─the forbidden tomes await!
A1: Nothing.
A1: Discuss Noumenon.

Index Page: I aM iNsTrUcTeD tO pErMiT yOu EnTrAnCe. YoU aNd ArChOn Y'sHtOlA. pErMiSsIoN iS nOt ApPlIcAbLe FoR sEpArAtE eNtRy.
System: You must be accompanied by Y'shtola and have her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
System: Y'shtola has yet to arrive. Be sure she is at your side before attempting to continue.
Index Page: ArChOn Y'sHtOlA aNd GuEsT iDeNtIfIeD. dO yOu WiSh To PrOcEeD iNtO tHe ReStRiCtEd ArChIvEs?
Index Page: FoLlOw Me, If YoU wOuLd. WaTcH yOuR sTeP, aNd PlEaSe NoTe ThAt ThE uSe Of NaKeD fLaMeS iS dIsCoUrAgEd.
Index Page: Do YoU wIsH tO pRoCeEd InTo ThE rEsTrIcTeD aRcHiVeS?
Q2: Enter the restricted archives?
Index Page: No SmOkInG! nO tHrOwInG bOoKs! AnD nO yElLiNg OuT “eUrEkA!” iN aN oBnOxIoUsLy LoUd VoIcE!
Y'shtola: So many books I've yet to read...
Y'shtola: Yes, yes, we are here for one specific volume. You needn't remind me.
(-Untitled Goldsmith's Journal-): Today, in a world not my own, I met the most beautiful voidborn creature. She was so unlike her ravenous brethren. Eyes blazing not with hunger, but trembling─like a candle's flame, threatening to flicker out at any moment.
(-Untitled Goldsmith's Journal-): I wonder if “she” is even the proper word. Such distinctions seem inconsequential. Insignificant, even.
(-Untitled Goldsmith's Journal-): All that matters is the love I feel for this exquisite, transcendent being!
System: Though you are tempted to read more, this does not seem to be the volume you are seeking...
(-Primal Disquisitions-): In the year 1564 of the Sixth Astral Era, the Amalj'aa summoned Ifrit, their patron god. Accounts describe the being as a gigantic, lizard-like being with a potent command of fire-aspected magicks.
(-Primal Disquisitions-): If we consider that primal summoning is an act fueled by faith and prayer, it is unsurprising, if not expected, that the resulting deiform entity should manifest the appearance and powers with which it is attributed by its worshipers.
(-Primal Disquisitions-): What, then, might emerge from the aether should one who believes in an almighty omniscience attempt the same ritual? Would the Scholar Himself grace us with His presence? Some other embodiment of divine sagacity?
(-Primal Disquisitions-): Could this man-made god truly be all-knowing? And if it were, whence would such knowledge arise?
(-Primal Disquisitions-): I myself have many questions concerning the nature of the ancient world. With no spell to transport me back to the days of old, could I instead summon a being possessed of encyclopedic wisdom of every age? Yet with no means to verify its pronouncements, how could one be certain they were true?
System: Though your mind spins with the possibilities discussed therein, this does not seem to be the volume you are seeking...
(-Epiphanies of House Daemir-): The following pages detail an advanced method for manipulating rift-spanning apertures as devised by Nuhashahn, the ninth patriarch of House Daemir.
(-Epiphanies of House Daemir-): We present these research notes to the faculty of Sharlayan's Studium as both a token of our friendship and an expression of our boundless admiration.
System: You appear to have located the forbidden volume you seek. Y'shtola will need to make the final confirmation...
Y'shtola: Have something you'd like to show me, do you? My apologies─I flipped open but a single book and was completely absorbed by the contents...
Y'shtola: Well done, [Forename]. I think you may have found our prize.
Index Page: CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS oN lOcAtInG tHe ObJeCt Of YoUr SeArCh. PlEaSe MoVe AlOnG.
Y'shtola: As much as I would love to start crafting the Atomos, I'm afraid this is far outside my field of expertise.
Y'shtola: Fortunately, we know a Hannish alchemist who would be delighted to involve herself in our House Daemir project.
Y'shtola: Our business here is concluded, for the moment. Please pass on our regards to the Forum.
Index Page: YoUr MeSsAgE wIlL bE cOnVeYeD. sHoUlD yOu WiSh To InDuLgE iN mOrE fOrBiDdEn LiTeRaTuRe, I wIlL bE hErE. pAtRoN mOdE dIsAbLeD. sEcUrItY mOdE eNgAgEd.
Y'shtola: If anyone can help us, Nidhana can. I say we return to Thavnair and look for her at the Great Work.
Y'shtola: All these sallow, sleep-deprived faces, but their eyes still burn with fiery zeal. Some things never change.
Nidhana: Y'shtola tells me you are pursuing a most fascinating study! And that you want me to be a part of it.
Y'shtola: I have no doubt you will be interested. This research log should speak for itself.
Nidhana: Will it now...?
Nidhana: By the Sisters! This is the mark of House Daemir! I never even knew such a work existed...
Y'shtola: Few should. It was sequestered in Noumenon's restricted archives, after all.
Nidhana: It was!? But...that means every word within is forbidden knowledge!
Nidhana: A forbidden tome filled with forbidden research, and you put it right into my unsuspecting hand!?
Nidhana: I can hardly wait to read it!
Nidhana: To think the Daemir were developing such marvelous techniques so long ago. How many innovations have been lost over the centuries, I wonder...
Y'shtola: Now that you've glanced over the notes, what say you to helping us build a new mock Atomos?
Nidhana: I say yes! A thousand times yes!
Nidhana: Work on a Daemir project that had even the redoubtable scholars of Sharlayan trembling in their sandals? No alchemist of the Great Work could resist!
Y'shtola: You are a woman after my own heart.
Nidhana: Oh, I suppose I should ask: what do you mean to do with this big-mouthed simulacrum once we've built it?
Nidhana: So, there's a secret voidgate...and it's sealed in the ruins at the bottom of the Bounty? Today is a day of revelations indeed.
Nidhana: If the purpose of our man-made Atomos is to expand this hidden portal, then I will need to see it for myself, I think. Manipulating rift-spanning apertures is not the sort of thing you want to attempt without first taking into account every single factor.
Y'shtola: Then by all means, accompany us to the vault. I plan to lead us back there shortly...once we've finished gathering the components I require.
Y'shtola: Sharlayan's markets provided the raw aquamarine and pure water crystals...
Y'shtola: But I might need help obtaining a small quantity of astrally infused water.
Nidhana: For such a liquid, you need go no further than the Font of Maya─the ascetics of old once favored the place for their meditations, and the water which pools there now is known to enliven the flow of aether.
Y'shtola: That sounds perfect. If you would be so kind as to fill a flask at the pool, I will petition Vrtra to join us. The idea I have in mind won't amount to much without his authority to command the voidgate.
Y'shtola: Shall we be about it, then? We meet back here anon.
Nidhana: Ah, there is no greater joy than having a new puzzle to ponder...
Varshahn: Archon Y'shtola requested that I join you, but of her plans she offered scant detail...
Estinien: The boy Mehrahd was glad to hear the news of the foundation. It means a new life for him and his sister.
Nidhana: Oh, I forgot to mention! The Font of Maya attracts aggressive wildlife, and you should watch out for them when, uh...you go there next time. My apologies.
Y'shtola: Do you have that flask for me?
Y'shtola: Yes...this should suffice. Thank you, [Forename].