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Revision as of 20:59, 2 July 2024


The Skydeep Cenote

The Skydeep Cenote.png
95 (Sync: 96)
Item Level
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (Dawntrail)
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest Road to the Golden City
Yak T'el (X:4.9, Y:38.8, Z:0.0)
Duty Support, Trust, Explorer
Trust EXP

Having successfully collected all seven keystones, Wuk Lamat now faces her final challenge as a claimant: finding the city of gold. All clues point to Yak T'el, whose only uncharted terrain lies in the Skydeep Cenote. Long before the Mamool Ja converted it to a cenotaph for children lost to the dream of blessed siblings, the Yok Huy quarried its depths and witnessed dreams of their own. Now you must tread this path of ancient awe and endless sorrow to discover for yourself what lies glimmering in the deep...

— In-game description

The Skydeep Cenote is a level 95 dungeon introduced in patch 7.0 with Dawntrail.

Duty Support

  • Party member selection is available.
Wuk Lamat Alphinaud Krile Alisaie
DS Wuk Lamat.png DS Alphinaud3.png DS Krile.png DS Alisaie3.png
Class Warrior frame icon.png Intrepid Sage frame icon.png Sage Pictomancer frame icon.png Pictomancer Red Mage frame icon.png Red Mage
Role Tank or DPS Healer DPS DPS


  • Arrive in Unsung Elegy.
  • Clear Unsung Elegy.
  • Arrive on Vurgar Mettlegrounds.
  • Clear Vurgar Mettlegrounds.
  • Arrive on Gatekeep's Anvil.
  • Defeat Maulskull.



Note that failing any mechanics in these fights will result in the player who failed them receiving a 1 minute stacking Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Feather Ray

  • Immersion: Party-wide magical damage.
  • Troublesome Tail: Gives each player a Nuisance icon.png Nuisance debuff with the combat message: You are cursed to be a nuisance to the party.... This debuff causes each player to mirror the boss's next attack.
  • Worrisome Wave: A telegraphed frontal conal AoE on a random player. Nuisance will cause each player will shoot a narrow untelegraphed conal AoE in front of them once their overhead timer expires. Players should avoid facing others.
  • Hydro Ring: Telegraphed donut AoE that spawns a dangerous AoE at the edge of the arena, compressing it to a smaller circle.
  • Blowing Bubbles: Feather Ray produces copious bubbles... Numerous bubbles will originate from the boss and slowly move out, requiring players to dodge. The arena will return to normal when this attack ends.
  • Bubble Bomb: Spawns multiple floating bubbles in a grid formation, leaving some empty spots.
  • Rolling Current: A current from the east will shift all bubbles west by one position. Players will need to identify the empty spots considering the shift, because each bubble will explode in a late telegraphed point-blank AoE.
  • Hydro Bomb then Troublesome Tail are used again, giving everyone Nuisance icon.png Nuisance.
  • Trouble Bubbles: Each player will periodically shoot two slow-moving bubbles in front of where they are facing. Players must avoid being hit by others' bubbles.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Firearms

  • Dynamic Dominance: Party-wide magical damage and spawns a dangerous AoE at the edge of the arena.
  • Mirror Maneuver: Spawns a blue mirror on one wall and a yellow orb on one corner. The boss will jump to a corner adjacent to the yellow orb and aim a telegraphed line AoE (Thunderlight Burst) at the mirror. This will cause it to be reflected (with a late telegraph) and hit the orb, causing it to explode as a massive late telegraphed point-blank AoE. Players can avoid by standing directly opposite the orb.
  • Ancient Artillery: Spawns an orange arrowkey-like glyph on two tiles. These indicate plus-shaped AoEs originating from them.
  • Emergent Artillery: The glyphs will expand in the direction of the arrows and explode.
  • Pummel: Telegraphed physical tankbuster.
  • Mirror Maneuver: Now spawns two blue mirrors and three yellow orbs. Thunderlight Burst will now be reflected twice. Players will need to identify the orb that will be hit and move away from it.
  • Ancient Artillery: Now spawns three glyphs instead of two, leaving only one tile safe. In addition, each player will be given a spread marker (Thunderblight Flurry) that will resolve after the tiles explode.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Sculptor of Silence: Maulskull

Please note that players may fall off the arena to their death. As the boss has multiple knockback attacks, this may be problematic for less experienced parties.

  • Stonecarver (Maulskull draws power from its fists!): One of the boss's fits will begin glowing and make a sound effect, followed by the other one, indicating two sequential late telegraphed half-room cleaves.
  • Skullcrush: Spawns a blue knockback AoE circle at the north or the arena. Also gives each player a spread marker. Players will need to be knocked back leaning towards the southwest or southeast to avoid being knocked off. Note: The knockback is fairly long, so stand as close to the blue circle as possible. Afterwards the spread AoEs will resolve (Destructive Heat).
  • Maulwork: The boss summons a large purple cube and punches it, telegraphing three sets of circle AoE. During the third set, either one two green arrow telegraphs will appear, indicating the location of wide line AoEs. This leaves either the sides or middle of the room safe.
  • Deep Thunder: A tower with a multi-hit stack marker appears. The entire party should soak the tower, causing three hits of physical damage.
  • Ringing Blows: A combination of Stonecarver half-room cleaves and Skullcrush knockback AoE (without the spread markers). Players will need to be knocked back safely then avoid the half-room cleaves.
  • Wrought Fire: Telegraphed AoE magical tankbuster.
  • Colossal Impact: A blue knockback circle will spawn near a lower corner of the arena. In addition, a stack marker will spawn on a random player. The party will need to be knocked back to the opposite corner while remaining stacked (Building Heat)
  • Colossal Impact is used again, but this time, each player will receive a spread marker instead.
  • Ashlayer: Party-wide magical damage.


See also: Skydeep Weapons, Skydeep Armor and Skydeep Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Feather Ray

Silver Coffer (small).png Firearms

Gold Coffer (small).png Maulskull

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Lost in the deep orchestrion roll icon1.png  Lost in the Deep Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Paladins skydeep arms (il 666) icon1.png  Paladin's Skydeep Arms (IL 666) Other N/A BGreen 1
Skydeep blade icon1.png  Skydeep Blade Samurai's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep cane icon1.png  Skydeep Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep claws icon1.png  Skydeep Claws Pugilist's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep coat of aiming icon1.png  Skydeep Coat of Aiming Body 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep coat of scouting icon1.png  Skydeep Coat of Scouting Body 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep codex icon1.png  Skydeep Codex Scholar's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep composite bow icon1.png  Skydeep Composite Bow Archer's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep daggers icon1.png  Skydeep Daggers Rogue's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep flat brush icon1.png  Skydeep Flat Brush Pictomancer's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep greatsword icon1.png  Skydeep Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep grimoire icon1.png  Skydeep Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep hanger icon1.png  Skydeep Hanger Red Mage's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep labrys icon1.png  Skydeep Labrys Marauder's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep lamp icon1.png  Skydeep Lamp Other N/A ABasic 1
Skydeep mail of fending icon1.png  Skydeep Mail of Fending Body 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep mail of maiming icon1.png  Skydeep Mail of Maiming Body 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep mail of striking icon1.png  Skydeep Mail of Striking Body 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep manatrigger icon1.png  Skydeep Manatrigger Gunbreaker's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep milpreves icon1.png  Skydeep Milpreves Sage's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep partisan icon1.png  Skydeep Partisan Lancer's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep pistol icon1.png  Skydeep Pistol Machinist's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep robe of casting icon1.png  Skydeep Robe of Casting Body 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep robe of healing icon1.png  Skydeep Robe of Healing Body 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep rod icon1.png  Skydeep Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep star globe icon1.png  Skydeep Star Globe Astrologian's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep tathlums icon1.png  Skydeep Tathlums Dancer's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep twinfangs icon1.png  Skydeep Twinfangs Viper's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Skydeep war scythe icon1.png  Skydeep War Scythe Reaper's Arm 666 BGreen 1
Speaking stone icon2.png  Speaking Stone Minion N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X:? Y:?)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X:? Y:?)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X:? Y:?)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X:1? Y:?)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm the skydeep cenote icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Skydeep Cenote 10 Discover every location within the Skydeep Cenote. - 7.0


Gear Images

Dungeon Images