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| level = 50  
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Latest revision as of 02:55, 28 April 2024

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Volunteer Dragonslayers

Quest giver
Minfilia Warde
The Rising Stones (X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 2,340
Gil 901
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestCommitted to the Cause
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAn Allied Perspective

Main Scenario Progress: 230 / 960 (24%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 230 / 241 (95.4%)


Minfilia would have you assist with the preparations being made for the defense of Ishgard.

— In-game description


Minfilia is in The Solar.
Location of the adventurers:

  1. Accomplished Adventurer (22.4, 7.7)
  2. Adventurous Frontier Hand (23.5, 6.6)
  3. Angular Adventurer (22.1, 5.6) in The Diamond Forge
  4. Austere Adventurer (22.8, 5.9) atop Rowena's House of Splendors



  • Minfilia would have you assist with the preparations being made for the defense of Ishgard.
  • Hoping to rally support for Ishgard, Minfilia has once more dispatched your comrades to every corner of the realm. The tasks she has in mind for you, however, will keep you close to Revenant's Toll. In addition to recruiting volunteers from among the adventuring population, the Antecedent wishes you to consult with Slafborn regarding the town's state of readiness. Speak first with Tataru, and invite the receptionist to join you and the Adventurers' Guild representative in discussing the troubles that might spill over the border from the conflict in Coerthas.
  • You explain Minfilia's request to Tataru, who immediately begins to plan for every possible eventuality. Follow in the enterprising young receptionist's wake, and join her in consulting with Slafborn.
  • Though Slafborn readily acknowledges the importance of elevating the Toll's state of readiness, he is unwilling to make any formal commitment to assist in the coming conflict. Consult with Tataru regarding the possibility of approaching adventurers directly.
  • You have approached a number of adventurers, and been greeted with responses ranging from cautious interest to barely concealed hostility. After being rebuffed by a particularly reluctant Roegadyn, you are suddenly pulled aside by Riol, who proceeds to explain the suspicious circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Wilred, the youth from Little Ala Mhigo. With battle looming on the horizon, however, there is little time for you to delve into this latest mystery. Return to Tataru and inform her of the results of your recruiting efforts.
  • You compare notes with Tataru, and are pleased to find that her recruitment efforts have met with similar results. Should those who expressed an interest be true to their word, the forces of Ishgard will soon be bolstered by a small-but-experienced contingent of adventurers...


Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Minfilia: I have bid the Archons travel to their assigned nations.
Minfilia: Should the members of the Alliance agree to pledge Grand Company soldiers to Ishgard's cause, our comrades will be on hand to act as intermediaries for the duration of the conflict.
Minfilia: ...The small matter of persuading the Alliance leaders to grant such support I leave to Alphinaud.
Minfilia: For you, my friend, a different task awaits: I would have you reach out to your fellow adventurers, and gather what allies you may for the coming siege.
Minfilia: I would also have you consider the matter of our own security. Revenant's Toll is but a short flight from the snowfields of Coerthas─it is not unimaginable that the fighting may spill across the border.
Minfilia: Pray brief Slafborn on the brewing conflict, and discuss potential contingencies. The frontier settlers must be prepared for aught that might wing its way over our walls.
Minfilia: I only hope that such precautions prove unnecessary...
Ah, before you leave─might I suggest that you have Tataru accompany you? She has a talent for administration, and a firm grasp of the practical challenges we may encounter.

Optional Dialogue

Minfilia: 'Tis impossible to predict how many will rally to Ishgard's call for reinforcements...
I do not envy those responsible for planning the city's defense.
F'lhaminn: So, Minfilia has committed the Scions to Ishgard's cause, has she?
F'lhaminn: Though she makes her pronouncements with unshakeable confidence, I can only imagine how agonizing it was for her to arrive at this decision. So many lives at stake...
Higiri: The threat of war sows panic and confusion, and routine tasks can offer a calming stability—being sure the larder is properly stocked, for instance.

Speaking with Tataru

Tataru: Hmm... We are rather close to Coerthas, aren't we? We'd best see to our own defenses and take stock of our supplies.
Tataru: Oh, and we'll also need to have beds and bandages laid out just in case.
Tataru: A good receptionist is ready for any eventuality! Let's go, [Forename]─I've a hundred and one things to discuss with Slafborn!

Optional Dialogue

Tataru: ...And so I'd like you to spread the word to the settlers and adventurers in town.

Speaking with Slafborn in Revenant's Toll

Slafborn: I appreciate the warning. If war is coming to Coerthas, then the Toll must be made ready.
Slafborn: I'll increase the number of patrols and lookouts immediately. I'll also see about finding room for an infirmary, as well as temporary housing for victims of the conflict. Ishgard has done well by us in the past and I would return the favor.
Slafborn: But as for rounding up volunteers for the fighting itself, I'm afraid I must disappoint you. I will not send my fellow guild members to die on Ishgardian soil, and I am certain headquarters will say the same.
Slafborn: There will be no official Adventurers' Guild presence at this siege. That said...each adventurer is of course free to do as he or she will.
Slafborn: ...I shall have a word with some of my more capable colleagues on your behalf, and you might try your luck here in Revenant's Toll. I daresay there are a few stout souls about town who will answer your call to arms.

Optional Dialogue

Slafborn: I'll see if I can't persuade a few friends to join the cause. While I do that, why not try asking around for volunteers here in the Toll? I daresay you'll find a few who are willing to help. But do make sure they're up to the task, will you? You want to fight the dragons, not feed them.

Speaking with Tataru

Tataru: Let's get started, shall we? We have a town to rouse!

Optional Dialogue

Tataru: Attention, adventurers! Ishgard is in peril and has need of heroes! If you've ever dreamed of battling a Dravanian, then now is your chance!

Recruiting adventurers in Revenant's Toll

If ye know of any payin' work, lass, I'm all ears. Us adventurers should look out for each other, eh?
Ah, the freedom to roam where I will... Would that I had quit the stifling confines of my homeland sooner...
Revenant's Toll continues to grow, as does the number of travelers who pass through its gates. Between you and me, I'm having a hard time keeping an eye on them all.
Adventuring is, by its nature, an unpredictable business. With planning and preparation, you can mitigate some of the risks...but if you don't trust your instincts, you won't last long.
Austere Adventurer: Sell me blade to the Ishgardians? Well...them dragons are a fearsome lot, but I'd slay me fair share if the coin was good.
Austere Adventurer: I've worked for one o' them knights before, ye know. Watched me like a bloody hawk, he did. Still, I'd put up with worse than that for a heavy purse.
Angular Adventurer: Volunteer my services in the defense of Ishgard? I think not.
Angular Adventurer: Dragons claimed the lives of every one of my brothers─I do not mean to offer them mine. 'Twas to escape such a fate that I took up the mantle of adventurer in the first place. I would sooner die in the pursuit of fortune than huddled behind an icy wall.
Adventurous Frontier Hand: So Ishgard seeks sellswords to bolster its ranks, eh? Though I'm not sure I like the sound of this siege, those nobles will surely be generous with their rewards...
Adventurous Frontier Hand: Ah, but I have pledged myself to guard Revenant's Toll. Modest work though it is, I am loath to break the terms of my contract. What to do, what to do...


Accomplished Adventurer: Spare me your talk of glory and fame─I'm not in the habit of volunteering for lost causes.
Accomplished Adventurer: I've survived this long by trusting my instincts, and my instincts tell me to stay well away from Ishgard.
Riol: Ishgard sounds like she's in a right mess...but that ain't what I wanted to talk to ye about.
Riol: I need ye to cast yer mind back to that scuffle with the Empire out by the processin' plant. A lad from Little Ala Mhigo by the name o' Wilred was there with the 4th that day, an' I want to know if ye've seen him since. Have ye?
Riol: Godsdammit, I feared as much... No one's bloody seen him. It's like the ground opened up an' swallowed him whole.
Riol: But that ain't all. Around the time Wilred stopped turnin' up for duty, them black market weapons went missin' from our vault in Ul'dah...
Riol: So now, o' course, half the Braves suspect the lad o' makin' off with the goods.
Riol: Folk like to believe our company's a disciplined fightin' force, but as you an' me both know, it's no more'n a motley collection o' mercenaries, adventurers, an' Grand Company veterans.
Riol: The only thing as binds us together is some vague oath about fightin' for the freedom of all. That an' the steady pay.
Riol: Now, compared to most others in this crew, Wilred's a fresh-faced novice─a bleedin' whelp amongst wolves.
Riol: But the boy's got passion. When he talked about bein' a guardian of Eorzea, he bloody well meant it. A lad like him wouldn't rob us blind an' bugger off like that. He ain't the type.
Riol: An' then─an' this is just between you an' me, mind─there's the fact that the lad wanted to tell me about somethin' queer he'd noticed in the ledgers. Somethin' about the Braves' numbers not addin' up...
Riol: Aye, there's a villain at the end o' this trail I've stumbled on, an' I'll bet me good eye it ain't young Wilred.
Riol: Anyroad, ye've got a war to wage, so I'll let ye get on. I just thought someone should know... I'll be seein' ye, [Forename].

Speaking with Tataru

Tataru: There you are, [Forename]! So? Did you sway any hearts?
Tataru: One or two, eh? Well, added to mine, that makes three or four, not including Slafborn's friends! We won't have the largest company in the army, but I'd say one Revenant's Toll veteran is worth a dozen clanking knights at least!