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[[Party Finder]] is a system that allows the players to [[cooperation|form groups]] and tackle [[duties]] and other challenges. It was introduced in [[patch 2.1]] and exists as a separate menu from [[Duty Finder]]. Party Finder allows players to form a group for [[dungeons]], [[trials]], [[FATEs]] and other activities. After forming a party, players queue for [[duties]] through the [[Duty Finder]] as normal. This means that '''any quests that state "using Duty Finder" can also be completed via a pre-formed Party Finder group'''.
{{otheruses|the manual party forming tool|the interface to enter duties and the automatic matchmaking tool|Duty Finder}}
[[File:Party finder icon2.png|link=]]  
'''Party Finder''' is a system that can allow players to [[cooperation|form groups]] with specific people, for a variety of purposes which may include socialization or tackling [[duties]] and other challenges. In the "main menu", this function can be accessed through [[File:Party overview icon1.png|link=|16px]]Party → Party Finder.

When players are creating parties, they can specify certain criteria such as [[Item Level]], roles needed or playstyle etc.
==Forming Parties==
Please note that players on the [[Free Trial]] cannot form/create parties using Party Finder, but can still ''join'' listed parties. While the criteria menu can still be opened, attempting to click the confirmation button for "Recruit Members" will warn the player that the function is not available, and not result in listing the party.
[[File:Party finder alliance raids1.png]]{{clear}}

When players are searching for parties, they can also specify objective, roles, playstyle etc.
When creating a new group, the party leader (recruiter) chooses all the settings, which include but is not limited to:
* Specific duty, [[Roulette]], or other activity
==Private Parties==
* Duty objective - None/Practice/Duty Completion/Loot
[[File:private parties1.png|350px|right]]
**'''None''': Default/no objective set
Introduced in [[patch 3.5]], players will be required to set a four-digit number as their password if they wish to form a private party.
**'''Practice''': For high-end duties, indicates that the goal is still to practice the encounter mechanics with no intention of clearing. The specific point in the encounter to practice is usually indicated, e.g. "fresh prog" = practice from the start; "phase 2 prog" = practice from phase 2, with the expectation that the player is comfortable with phase 1.
***In general, players should avoid joining parties whose advertised progression points are much further than their own.
**'''Duty Completion''': The goal is to clear the duty once. Each person is expected to understand the encounter fully and cause minimal wipes. This setting is ''not'' the same as "Duty Complete" (see below), which restricts people who can join the party.
**'''Loot''': The goal is to farm the duty for loot. Multiple clears may be expected, so each person should be experienced with the fight. This setting does ''not'' prevent players who have not previously completed the duty from joining, which needs to be specified with "Duty Complete".
* Detailed written description of what is the group's objective - e.g., "unsync mount farm, dps only", practicing duty from a specific mechanic, completing duty with specified tactic, etc.
** Players often use various terms, [[acronyms]] and names of specific strategies. The strategies sometimes vary by data center, so players will have to refer to third-party sites, video guides, or raiding Discord servers to understand what they mean.
* Group composition - players can assign only specific jobs/classes/role to each party slot, or omit slots completely. Maximum number of slots is determined by the selected duty and cannot be exceeded.
* Limit recruiting to your home server
* Create private party - only people with 4 digit password can join
* Completion status
** Duty Complete: will only allow players who have completed the duty at least once to join. Generally used for farm or reclear parties.
** Duty Complete (Weekly Reward Unclaimed): will only allow players who have completed the duty at least once, but have not completed the duty for the week, to join. Only relevant for current [[Raids#Savage Raids|savage raids]]. Generally used for weekly reclear parties to ensure that the maximum amount of loot ("2/full chest") will appear.
** Duty Incomplete: will only allow players who have not completed the duty to join. Should not be enabled if you are willing to accept help from more experienced players for clearing a duty for the first time.
* Minimal average [[Item Level|item level]] required to join party. Can be set higher, lower, or equal to the minimum item level needed to queue through Duty Finder or Raid Finder without a full premade party.  
* Unrestricted Party ("unsynced") / Minimum item level / Silence Echo (see [[Duty Finder#Duty Finder Settings|Duty Finder]] settings)
* Loot settings (Normal / Greed Only / Lootmaster)
* Language options

Players will then be able to join the party by inputting the private party password.
After the party is formed, the party leader can register through [[Duty Finder]] or [[Raid Finder]] as normal. This means that '''any quests that state "using Duty Finder" can also be completed via a pre-formed Party Finder group'''.

Private parties can be formed with players from other Worlds as well.
NOTE: Players on non-Japanese servers nearly exclusively use '''Party Finder''' for finding groups for Extreme, Savage and other high-end duties. Matchmaking through Duty Finder or Raid Finder is used very rarely, and as a result, attempting to queue for duties without using an unrestricted party, or with a non-fully premade party, on non-Japanese servers can take a very long time.

The Event & Party Recruitment section of the Lodestone will now display parties recruiting within data centers and allow players to check the passwords for private parties they have created. Read on for [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/event/?utm_source=lodestone&utm_medium=patchnote&utm_campaign=partyrecruit details].
[[File: party finder example.png|400px|right]]
'''Party Finder's''' main menu lets the player select a party to join. It is divided into 3 main parts:

[[File:private parties2.png]]
'''1. Data Center:'''
* This is the most used section
* Players from all servers on single logical [[Data Center]] can create and join groups in this section.
* Players who used [[Data Center Travel]] can join these groups even if their home server is on a different logical [[Data Center]].
'''2. World:'''
* Visible only for players on the player's specific world (server)
* Most often used for [[Treasure Hunt]], [[FATEs]] farm or other server-specific activities
* Players from world A cannot see groups from server B, however they can use world visit function to join these groups
'''3. Private:'''
* Private groups meant only for specific people who know 4-digit password

Private parties will have their own icon in the Party Finder.
Each of these sections is further divided into categories like Dungeons, Trials, Raids, High-end Duty and so on:

[[File:private parties3.png]]
* [[Duty Roulette]]
* [[Dungeons]]
* [[Trials]]
* [[Raids]]
* High-end Duty: Includes all high-difficulty duties (e.g., extreme and unreal trials, savage and ultimate raids) that are currently accessed through [[Raid Finder]] instead of Duty Finder. Usually the most populated section of Party Finder, although this varies by data center (see Notes section below).
* [[PvP]]
* [[Gold Saucer]]
* [[FATE]]s
* [[Treasure Hunt]]s
* [[The Hunt]] (usually A-rank "trains" and S-ranks)
* Gathering Forays - [[The Diadem]] and [[Ocean Fishing]]
* [[Deep Dungeons]] - [[Palace of the Dead]], [[Heaven-on-High]], and [[Eureka Orthos]]
* [[Field Operations]] - [[Eureka]] and [[Save the Queen]] areas
* [[Variant and Criterion Dungeons|V&C Dungeon Finder]] - Variant and Criterion Dungeons
* Other - for miscellaneous activities (e.g., social events)

==Alliance Raids==
Up to '''50''' listings are displayed on the first page per category. If there are more than 50 listings, players can use the arrows at the bottom center of the Party Finder UI to switch between listing pages.
[[File:party finder alliance raids1.png|350px|right]]
Introduced in [[patch 4.1]].
To begin, select the Alliance tab in the Recruitment Criteria window.

You may recruit as an individual player, or as a preformed party. The three parties of eight players are recruited simultaneously. The player recruiting for the alliance raid will always enter as a member of Alliance A.
==Using Search Filters==
'''Party Finder''' allows players to filter out all unwanted duties and/or requirement.

While recruiting, you can check the status of the other members from the Party Members menu, under Party.

===Filter Settings===
When searching for an alliance raid to join, the roles of each member will not be displayed in the Party Finder. The number of players in each of the three parties will be displayed instead.
Allow you quickly filter out selected tags. E.q. disabling "Loot Rule: Lootmaster" will hide all groups with Lootmaster enabled. If filter is active, icon turns yellow.

[[File:party finder alliance raids2.png]]
Sorts group by duty, either ascending or descending. Ascending means that level 90 duty will closer at top, while level 20 duty near bottom.

Selecting an alliance raid from the Party Finder will display a list of participating parties which you may choose to join.
===Display Settings===

[[File:party finder alliance raids3.png]]
====Display Settings====
* Allows you to hide and unhide locked duties
* Show blacklisted recruiters
** If someone who you blacklisted is recruiting in '''Party Finder''', by default this group is hidden from you
** Additionally, people from recruiter's blacklist cannot join his party, however the ''same does not apply regular members''

==Custom Matches==
====Notifications Settings====
[[File:party finder custom matches1.png|350px|right]]
* Turns periodical notification on/off
Introduced in [[patch 4.1]].
* Sets notification interval
Players by default periodically receive notifications of number of parties that that fulfill all specified requirements in '''Advanced Search'''.

===Advanced Search===
To begin, select the Custom Match tab in the Recruitment Criteria window.
Whenever filters from '''Advanced Search''' are active, icon turns yellow.
Function allows player to specify in detail all the requirements, like specific duty, if the group has free spot for selected class/job, average item level and so on.
While advanced search is active, and notifications are turned on, player periodically receive notification of found group.

The Claws, Fangs, and spectators are recruited simultaneously. The player recruiting for the custom match will always be a member of the Claws. It is possible to recruit for a custom match without any spectators.

While recruiting, you can check the status of the other members from the Party Members menu, under Party.
===Recruiter Name Search===
Finds recruiters (party leaders) of groups that are currently looking for players. Searches every single group that is visible to you, including from World and Private section.

==Party Size==
When searching for a custom match to join, the roles of each member will not be displayed in the Party Finder. The number of Claws, Fangs, and spectators will be displayed instead.
Party size is determined by duty. This size cannot be increased but can be lowered by omitting party slots. Some duties however, do not allow undersized parties, these are usually the current expansion's duties. [[Alliance Raid|Alliance raids]] always require atleast 1 player per alliance to enter.

[[File:party finder custom matches2.png]]
With the advent of [[Data Center Travel]], players looking to participate in high-end duties, especially savage and ultimate raids, have started congregating in one data center per geographic region. These are
* North America: Aether
* Europe: Light
* Japan: Mana

Selecting an alliance raid from the Party Finder will display a list of participating parties which you may choose to join.
Players on other data centers who wish to participate in current high-end content through Party Finder may find it necessary to travel to their region's primary "raiding" data center in order to form a party in a reasonable timeframe.
==Cross-World Party Finder==
===Cross-World Parties===
[[File:cross-world party finder1.png|right|350px]]
In [[patch 3.5]], the Party Finder has been expanded to include players from all other Worlds on the same data center. Players will now be able to recruit characters from any of these Worlds and form cross-world parties. Players will be able to use the party chat and register for duties in cross-world parties, as they would normally.
The following features can be used while participating in a cross-world party:
*Party chat
*Registering for the Duty Finder
*Registering for the Raid Finder
*Ready Check
The following features cannot be used while participating in a cross-world party:
*Forming alliances
*Registering for custom matches
*The Sort Party List function
*Actions and functions such as Protect and Teleport Offer, which affect any nearby party members.
**Spells and other effects will function normally once the duty commences.
A special icon will be displayed above party members from a different world.
Upon the commencement of a duty, the party list will revert to the normal display.
[[File:cross-world party finder2.png]]
* Subcommands cannot be used from the cross-world party list before a duty commences.
* Player characters cannot be targeted from the cross-world party list before a duty commences.
Players can be recruited from other Worlds by doing the following:
Recruit players from other Worlds by checking the "Recruit Members Across Data Center" option
[[File:cross-world party finder3.png]]
*This option is checked by default.
Please note that cross-world parties cannot be formed for the following duties:
*[[Quest]] Battles
*[[Treasure Hunts]]
*[[The Hunt]]
*[[Exploratory Missions]]
*[[Deep Dungeons]]
===Cross-World Alliance Raids and Custom Matches===
Cross-World Party Finder was released in [[patch 4.1]] for [[Alliance Raids]] (24-man raids) and [[Custom Matches]].
Recruitment for all alliance raids and custom matches will be handled in the same manner as cross-World parties.
* You may select "Recruit Members Across World Server" or "Recruit Members Across Data Center" in the search area, but alliance raids and custom matches will be treated as cross-World regardless of this selection. If recruitment begins with the "Recruit Members Across Data Center" selected, it cannot be changed to "Recruit Members Across World Server."
When first joining an alliance raid or custom match, only alliance chat will be available. Party chat can be used once the duty or match has begun.
It is now possible to register and join alliance raids and custom matches via the Duty Finder directly. As a result of this change, the previous functions for applying for alliance raids and custom matches have been removed from the Duty Finder.
When recruiting for an alliance, Undersized Party and Minimum IL can be selected for the following duties:
* When selecting Undersized Party for an alliance raid, a minimum of one player is required for each of the three parties.
*[[Labyrinth of The Ancients]]
*[[Syrcus Tower]]
*[[The World of Darkness]]
*[[The Void Ark]]
*[[The Weeping City of Mhach]]
*[[Dun Scaith]]
*[[The Royal City of Rabanastre]]
*[[The Ridorana Lighthouse]]
*[[The Orbonne Monastery]]

[[Category:Social]] [[Category:Game mechanics]] [[Category:Patch 2.1 Features]] [[Category:Patch 3.5 Features]] [[Category:Patch 4.1 Features]]
[[Category:Social]] [[Category:Game mechanics]] [[Category:Patch 2.1 Features]] [[Category:Patch 3.5 Features]] [[Category:Patch 4.1 Features]]

Latest revision as of 23:06, 21 January 2024

Disambig icon.png This article is about the manual party forming tool. For the interface to enter duties and the automatic matchmaking tool, see Duty Finder.

Party finder icon2.png Party Finder is a system that can allow players to form groups with specific people, for a variety of purposes which may include socialization or tackling duties and other challenges. In the "main menu", this function can be accessed through Party overview icon1.pngParty → Party Finder.

Forming Parties

Please note that players on the Free Trial cannot form/create parties using Party Finder, but can still join listed parties. While the criteria menu can still be opened, attempting to click the confirmation button for "Recruit Members" will warn the player that the function is not available, and not result in listing the party.

Party finder alliance raids1.png

When creating a new group, the party leader (recruiter) chooses all the settings, which include but is not limited to:

  • Specific duty, Roulette, or other activity
  • Duty objective - None/Practice/Duty Completion/Loot
    • None: Default/no objective set
    • Practice: For high-end duties, indicates that the goal is still to practice the encounter mechanics with no intention of clearing. The specific point in the encounter to practice is usually indicated, e.g. "fresh prog" = practice from the start; "phase 2 prog" = practice from phase 2, with the expectation that the player is comfortable with phase 1.
      • In general, players should avoid joining parties whose advertised progression points are much further than their own.
    • Duty Completion: The goal is to clear the duty once. Each person is expected to understand the encounter fully and cause minimal wipes. This setting is not the same as "Duty Complete" (see below), which restricts people who can join the party.
    • Loot: The goal is to farm the duty for loot. Multiple clears may be expected, so each person should be experienced with the fight. This setting does not prevent players who have not previously completed the duty from joining, which needs to be specified with "Duty Complete".
  • Detailed written description of what is the group's objective - e.g., "unsync mount farm, dps only", practicing duty from a specific mechanic, completing duty with specified tactic, etc.
    • Players often use various terms, acronyms and names of specific strategies. The strategies sometimes vary by data center, so players will have to refer to third-party sites, video guides, or raiding Discord servers to understand what they mean.
  • Group composition - players can assign only specific jobs/classes/role to each party slot, or omit slots completely. Maximum number of slots is determined by the selected duty and cannot be exceeded.
  • Limit recruiting to your home server
  • Create private party - only people with 4 digit password can join
  • Completion status
    • Duty Complete: will only allow players who have completed the duty at least once to join. Generally used for farm or reclear parties.
    • Duty Complete (Weekly Reward Unclaimed): will only allow players who have completed the duty at least once, but have not completed the duty for the week, to join. Only relevant for current savage raids. Generally used for weekly reclear parties to ensure that the maximum amount of loot ("2/full chest") will appear.
    • Duty Incomplete: will only allow players who have not completed the duty to join. Should not be enabled if you are willing to accept help from more experienced players for clearing a duty for the first time.
  • Minimal average item level required to join party. Can be set higher, lower, or equal to the minimum item level needed to queue through Duty Finder or Raid Finder without a full premade party.
  • Unrestricted Party ("unsynced") / Minimum item level / Silence Echo (see Duty Finder settings)
  • Loot settings (Normal / Greed Only / Lootmaster)
  • Language options

After the party is formed, the party leader can register through Duty Finder or Raid Finder as normal. This means that any quests that state "using Duty Finder" can also be completed via a pre-formed Party Finder group.

NOTE: Players on non-Japanese servers nearly exclusively use Party Finder for finding groups for Extreme, Savage and other high-end duties. Matchmaking through Duty Finder or Raid Finder is used very rarely, and as a result, attempting to queue for duties without using an unrestricted party, or with a non-fully premade party, on non-Japanese servers can take a very long time.


Party finder example.png

Party Finder's main menu lets the player select a party to join. It is divided into 3 main parts:

1. Data Center:

  • This is the most used section
  • Players from all servers on single logical Data Center can create and join groups in this section.
  • Players who used Data Center Travel can join these groups even if their home server is on a different logical Data Center.

2. World:

  • Visible only for players on the player's specific world (server)
  • Most often used for Treasure Hunt, FATEs farm or other server-specific activities
  • Players from world A cannot see groups from server B, however they can use world visit function to join these groups

3. Private:

  • Private groups meant only for specific people who know 4-digit password

Each of these sections is further divided into categories like Dungeons, Trials, Raids, High-end Duty and so on:


Up to 50 listings are displayed on the first page per category. If there are more than 50 listings, players can use the arrows at the bottom center of the Party Finder UI to switch between listing pages.

Using Search Filters

Party Finder allows players to filter out all unwanted duties and/or requirement.

Party finder filters.png

Filter Settings

Allow you quickly filter out selected tags. E.q. disabling "Loot Rule: Lootmaster" will hide all groups with Lootmaster enabled. If filter is active, icon turns yellow.


Sorts group by duty, either ascending or descending. Ascending means that level 90 duty will closer at top, while level 20 duty near bottom.

Display Settings

Display Settings

  • Allows you to hide and unhide locked duties
  • Show blacklisted recruiters
    • If someone who you blacklisted is recruiting in Party Finder, by default this group is hidden from you
    • Additionally, people from recruiter's blacklist cannot join his party, however the same does not apply regular members

Notifications Settings

  • Turns periodical notification on/off
  • Sets notification interval

Players by default periodically receive notifications of number of parties that that fulfill all specified requirements in Advanced Search.

Advanced Search

Whenever filters from Advanced Search are active, icon turns yellow. Function allows player to specify in detail all the requirements, like specific duty, if the group has free spot for selected class/job, average item level and so on. While advanced search is active, and notifications are turned on, player periodically receive notification of found group.

Party finder notification.png

Recruiter Name Search

Finds recruiters (party leaders) of groups that are currently looking for players. Searches every single group that is visible to you, including from World and Private section.

Party Size

Party size is determined by duty. This size cannot be increased but can be lowered by omitting party slots. Some duties however, do not allow undersized parties, these are usually the current expansion's duties. Alliance raids always require atleast 1 player per alliance to enter.


With the advent of Data Center Travel, players looking to participate in high-end duties, especially savage and ultimate raids, have started congregating in one data center per geographic region. These are

  • North America: Aether
  • Europe: Light
  • Japan: Mana

Players on other data centers who wish to participate in current high-end content through Party Finder may find it necessary to travel to their region's primary "raiding" data center in order to form a party in a reasonable timeframe.