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Aloalo Island uses '''personal loot''', so players have to be sure to click and loot each chest themselves. If the party chooses the same portal that the NPC suggests at the start of the dungeon, an additional treasure coffer will spawn later on the path, immediately prior to the second boss.
Aloalo Island uses '''personal loot''', so players have to be sure to click and loot each chest themselves. If the party chooses the same portal that the NPC suggests at the start of the dungeon, an additional treasure coffer will spawn later on the path, immediately prior to the second boss.

===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[???]]===
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Quaqua]]===
{{Drops list|???}}
{{Drops list|???}}

===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[???]]===
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Ketuduke]]===
{{Drops list|???}}
{{Drops list|???}}

===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[???]]===
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Lala]]===
{{Drops list|???}}
{{Drops list|???}}

===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[???]]===
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Statice]]===
{{Drops list|???}}
{{Drops list|???}}

===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[???]]===
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Loquloqui]]===
{{Drops list|???}}
{{Drops list|???}}

Revision as of 22:21, 31 October 2023

See also: Another Aloalo Island and Another Aloalo Island (Savage)

Variant Dungeon.png

Aloalo Island

Aloalo Island.png
Item Level
605 (Sync: 665)
Party size
1-4 man 1-4 Any class frame icon.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
V&C Dungeon Finder
Req. quest
Feature quest Stranger from Paradise

In a seldom-traveled corner of the south sea isles lies Aloalo, an island filled with lush vegetation and teeming with vibrant wildlife. Yet the survival of this paradise hinges on a delicate natural balance which has only grown more precarious since the island's stewards departed a century ago. Answering the plea of a messenger most peculiar, you must join Matsya on a journey to restore order to Aloalo, and in the process uncover secrets long forgotten.

— In-game description

Aloalo Island is a level 90 variant dungeon introduced in patch 6.51 with Endwalker.

The dungeon's rewards are cosmetic in nature: the Free Spirit's Glamour Set, as well as other glamour items, can be acquired for the currency obtained in the dungeon, while the Spectral Statice mount is obtained for completing all 12 Aloalo Island Conservation Records (i.e., different endings depending on the dungeon mechanisms activated and paths taken).


The party may unlock up to one entry in the Aloalo Island Conservation Record per instance.

# Icon Name Path Solution
1 AloaloSurveyReportIcon1.png A Not-quite Deserted Island Left Decline Matsya's request to fish. Do not assist the Lalafell NPC and let them die.
2 AloaloSurveyReportIcon2.png The First Settlers Of Aloalo Island Left Decline Matsya's request to fish. Heal the Lalafell NPC or prevent them from dying.
3 AloaloSurveyReportIcon3.png God Of Heaven And Sea Left Allow Matsya to fish. Use the bait from the sand pile (right).
4 AloaloSurveyReportIcon4.png A Noxious Gift Left Allow Matsya to fish. Use the bait from the stone piile (left).
5 AloaloSurveyReportIcon5.png The Roots Of Arcanima Middle Go straight through, ignore any interactions.
6 AloaloSurveyReportIcon6.png Under The Boughs Of The Great Tree Middle On both the second and third groups of enemies after the first boss, go into the red-flowered bushes and scare off both sets of rats.
7 AloaloSurveyReportIcon7.png A Dear Friend Middle After the first boss, kill the treant first, then kill all the caterpillars on the sigil. During the last group of enemies, do not damage the Mi'qote behind the left wood golem.
8 AloaloSurveyReportIcon8.png Fish For The Mind Middle After the first boss, kill the treant first, then kill all the caterpillars on the sigil. During the last group of enemies, also defeat the Mi'qote behind the left wood golem.
9 AloaloSurveyReportIcon9.png A Familiar History Right Ask the fairy for secrets.
10 AloaloSurveyReportIcon10.png The Remnants Of Faith Right Deny the fairy's request three times. Do not interact with the treasure boxes.
11 AloaloSurveyReportIcon11.png A Lalafell Or A Fish? Right Deny the fairy's request three times. Interact with the middle treasure and defeat the mimic.
12 AloaloSurveyReportIcon12.png Wellspring Of Golden Memories Right Deny the fairy's request three times. Place the statues and complete the rituals correctly:

(1) Whale: Say "O messenger from beyond the horizon, hear me." (don't forget the period) > Circle once around the statues, first passing the sparrow, turtle, and then the turtle, before circling once in reverse. > Dance.png  Dance (/dance) before the whale.

(2) Turtle: Say "O wayfarer of land and sea, hear me." > Circle twice around the statues, first passing the sparrow, whale, and then the turtle. > Bow.png  Bow (/bow) before the turtle.

(3) Sparrow: Say "O dancer of the skies, hear me." > Circle once around the statues once, first passing the turtle, whale, and then the sparrow. > Dance.png  Dance (/dance) before the sparrow.


Failing any boss mechanic will result in a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Quaqua

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Soul of the South Seas: Ketuduke

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Timeless Guardian: The Lala

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Long-lost Faerie: Statice

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Forgotten Figure: Loquloqui


Aloalo Island uses personal loot, so players have to be sure to click and loot each chest themselves. If the party chooses the same portal that the NPC suggests at the start of the dungeon, an additional treasure coffer will spawn later on the path, immediately prior to the second boss.

Silver Coffer (small).png Quaqua

No item drops found that match the constraints of the query.

Gold Coffer (small).png Ketuduke

No item drops found that match the constraints of the query.

Gold Coffer (small).png Lala

No item drops found that match the constraints of the query.

Gold Coffer (small).png Statice

No item drops found that match the constraints of the query.

Gold Coffer (small).png Loquloqui

No item drops found that match the constraints of the query.

Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Lord of the skies icon1.png  Lord of the Skies 5 Defeat Ketuduke in the Aloalo Island variant dungeon. - 6.51
Number cruncher icon1.png  Number Cruncher 5 Defeat the lala in the Aloalo Island variant dungeon. - 6.51
A prank too far icon1.png  A Prank Too Far 5 Defeat Statice in the Aloalo Island variant dungeon. - 6.51
The frailty of words icon1.png  The Frailty of Words 5 Defeat the Loquloqui in the Aloalo Island variant dungeon. - 6.51
Good-willed hunting icon1.png  Good-willed Hunting 10 Unlock all conservation records on Aloalo Island. Spectral statice whistle icon1.png  Spectral Statice Whistle 6.51
Mapping the realm aloalo island icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Aloalo Island 10 Discover every location within the Aloalo Island variant dungeon. - 6.51


Gear Images

Dungeon Images