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{{see also|Allagan Tomestones}}
{{#set:Has context=Currency}}{{Retired Tomestone
{{NoteBox | The information in this article may have changed in a recent update}}
| replacementTome1 = Poetics
[[file:mythology icon1.png]]Previously, Allagan Tomestone of Mythology could be used to purchase iLevel 90 gear and various other endgame items from [[Auriana]] in [[Mor Dhona]] (x22,y6).
| altRewardSource = Level 50 [[Job Quests]] for armor, and [[Snowcloak]], [[Sastasha (Hard)]], and [[The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)]] for accessories
| patch = 2.4
{{see also|Allagan Tomestones|Level 50 Gear Guide}}
{{tomestone|mythology}}[[Allagan Tomestone of Mythology]] was a type of [[Allagan Tomestone]] released in [[Patch 2.0]]. They dropped from level 50 [[dungeons]], [[trials]] or [[raid]]s. They could not drop before the player's class is at level 50.

==Armor and Accessories==
Allagan Tomestones of Mythology were discontinued in [[Patch 2.4]]. They could be exchanged with [[Auriana]] in [[Revenant's Toll]] for [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]] until [[Patch 3.0]] with the launch of [[Heavensward]].
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
* Players could carry a maximum of '''<big>2,000</big>''' Allagan Tomestones of Mythology.
*Players could only receive Allagan Tomestones of Mythology after reaching level 50 with at least one class or job.
*Speak with [[Auriana]] in [[Mor Dhona]] to exchange Allagan Tomestones of Mythology.
{{tomestone|mythology}}[[Allagan Tomestone of Mythology]] were used to purchase '''ilvl <big>90</big>''' gear in Mor Dhona. They were used to purchase:
*'''[[Mythology Armor]]'''
:::{| {{STDT|sortable align-center}}
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Argute Boots]]||[[File:argute boots icon1.png]]||90||[[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Feet||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Mind]] +18, [[Piety]] +16, [[Spell Speed]] +15,
|Helm || 495 {{tomestone|mythology}}
|[[Argute Culottes]]||[[File:argute culottes icon1.png]]||90||[[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Legs||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Mind]] +29, [[Piety]] +26, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +24,
|[[Argute Gloves]]||[[File:argute gloves icon1.png]]||90||[[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Hands||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Mind]] +18, [[Piety]] +16, [[Spell Speed]] +15,
|Chest || 825 {{tomestone|mythology}}
|[[Argute Gown]]||[[File:argute gown icon1.png]]||90||[[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Body||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Mind]] +29, [[Piety]] +26, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +24,
|[[Argute Mortarboard]]||[[File:argute mortarboard icon1.png]]||90||[[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Head||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Mind]] +18, [[Piety]] +11, [[Determination]] +15,
|Gloves || 495 {{tomestone|mythology}}
|[[Bard's Chapeau]]||[[File:bards chapeau icon1.png]]||90||[[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Head||61||61||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +21,
|[[Bard's Ringbands]]||[[File:bards ringbands icon1.png]]||90||[[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Hands||61||61||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +21,
||Waist || 375 {{tomestone|mythology}}
|[[Bard's Sandals]]||[[File:bards sandals icon1.png]]||90||[[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Feet||61||61||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +15, [[Skill Speed]] +21,
|[[Bard's Shirt]]||[[File:bards shirt icon1.png]]||90||[[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Body||86||86||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Accuracy]] +24, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +34,
||Legs || 825 {{tomestone|mythology}}
|[[Bard's Tights]]||[[File:bards tights icon1.png]]||90||[[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Legs||86||86||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +34, [[Determination]] +17,
|[[Cleric's Boots]]||[[File:clerics boots icon1.png]]||90||[[White Mage|WHM]]<br />Level 50||Feet||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Mind]] +18, [[Piety]] +11, [[Determination]] +15,
||Feet || 495 {{tomestone|mythology}}
|[[Cleric's Circlet]]||[[File:clerics circlet icon1.png]]||90||[[White Mage|WHM]]<br />Level 50||Head||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Mind]] +18, [[Piety]] +16, [[Spell Speed]] +15,
*'''[[Mythology Accessories|Hero's Accessories]]'''
** All Accessories - 375 {{tomestone|mythology}}
{| {{STDT|sortable align-center}}
|[[Cleric's Culottes]]||[[File:clerics culottes icon1.png]]||90||[[White Mage|WHM]]<br />Level 50||Legs||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Mind]] +29, [[Piety]] +26, [[Determination]] +17,
|[[Cleric's Gloves]]||[[File:clerics gloves icon1.png]]||90||[[White Mage|WHM]]<br />Level 50||Hands||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Mind]] +18, [[Piety]] +16, [[Spell Speed]] +15,
|[[Cleric's Robe]]||[[File:clerics robe icon1.png]]||90||[[White Mage|WHM]]<br />Level 50||Body||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Mind]] +29, [[Piety]] +26, [[Spell Speed]] +24,
|[[Hero's Belt of Aiming]]||[[File:heros belt of aiming icon1.png]]||90||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Waist||53||53||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +13, [[Vitality]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Determination]] +8,
|[[Hero's Belt of Casting]]||[[File:heros belt of casting icon1.png]]||90||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Waist||38||68||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +14, [[Intelligence]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +11, [[Spell Speed]] +16,
|[[Hero's Belt of Fending]]||[[File:heros belt of fending icon1.png]]||90||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Waist||98||98||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +13, [[Vitality]] +15, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Determination]] +8,
|[[Hero's Belt of Healing]]||[[File:heros belt of healing icon1.png]]||90||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Waist||38||68||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +14, [[Mind]] +13, [[Piety]] +8, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16,
|[[Hero's Belt of Maiming]]||[[File:heros belt of maiming icon1.png]]||90||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Waist||68||38||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +13, [[Vitality]] +15, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +11,
|[[Hero's Belt of Striking]]||[[File:heros belt of striking icon1.png]]||90||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Waist||53||53||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +13, [[Vitality]] +15, [[Accuracy]] +11, [[Skill Speed]] +16,
|[[Hero's Bracelet of Aiming]]||[[File:heros bracelet of aiming icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Skill Speed]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Bracelet of Casting]]||[[File:heros bracelet of casting icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +13, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Determination]] +8, ,
|[[Hero's Bracelet of Fending]]||[[File:heros bracelet of fending icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Parry]] +16, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Bracelet of Healing]]||[[File:heros bracelet of healing icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +13, [[Piety]] +12, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Bracelet of Slaying]]||[[File:heros bracelet of slaying icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +11, [[Determination]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Earrings of Aiming]]||[[File:heros earrings of aiming icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +11, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Earrings of Casting]]||[[File:heros earrings of casting icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +13, [[Determination]] +8, [[Spell Speed]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Earrings of Fending]]||[[File:heros earrings of fending icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Parry]] +11, [[Skill Speed]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Earrings of Healing]]||[[File:heros earrings of healing icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +13, [[Piety]] +8, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Earrings of Slaying]]||[[File:heros earrings of slaying icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Skill Speed]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Necklace of Aiming]]||[[File:heros necklace of aiming icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +13, [[Determination]] +11, [[Skill Speed]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Necklace of Casting]]||[[File:heros necklace of casting icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +13, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Determination]] +8, ,
|[[Hero's Necklace of Fending]]||[[File:heros necklace of fending icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Parry]] +11, [[Skill Speed]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Necklace of Healing]]||[[File:heros necklace of healing icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +13, [[Piety]] +12, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Necklace of Slaying]]||[[File:heros necklace of slaying icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +11, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Ring of Aiming]]||[[File:heros ring icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +13, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Determination]] +8, ,
|[[Hero's Ring of Casting]]||[[File:heros ring icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +13, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Spell Speed]] +11, ,
|[[Hero's Ring of Fending]]||[[File:heros ring icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Parry]] +11, [[Accuracy]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Ring of Healing]]||[[File:heros ring icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +13, [[Piety]] +8, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, ,
|[[Hero's Ring of Slaying]]||[[File:heros ring icon1.png]]||90||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +13, [[Determination]] +11, [[Skill Speed]] +11, ,
|[[Melee Boots]]||[[File:melee boots icon1.png]]||90||[[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Feet||61||61||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +15, [[Skill Speed]] +21,
|[[Melee Circlet]]||[[File:melee circlet icon1.png]]||90||[[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Head||61||61||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +21,
|[[Melee Cyclas]]||[[File:melee cyclas icon1.png]]||90||[[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Body||86||86||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Accuracy]] +34, [[Skill Speed]] +24,
|[[Melee Gaskins]]||[[File:melee gaskins icon1.png]]||90||[[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Legs||86||86||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Accuracy]] +34, [[Determination]] +17,
|[[Melee Gloves]]||[[File:melee gloves icon1.png]]||90||[[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Hands||61||61||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Determination]] +15, [[Skill Speed]] +15,
|[[Sorcerer's Coat]]||[[File:sorcerers coat icon1.png]]||90||[[Black Mage|BLM]]<br />Level 50||Body||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Intelligence]] +29, [[Accuracy]] +34, [[Spell Speed]] +24,
|[[Sorcerer's Crakows]]||[[File:sorcerers crakows icon1.png]]||90||[[Black Mage|BLM]]<br />Level 50||Feet||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Intelligence]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +21,
|[[Sorcerer's Gloves]]||[[File:sorcerers gloves icon1.png]]||90||[[Black Mage|BLM]]<br />Level 50||Hands||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Intelligence]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Spell Speed]] +21,
|[[Sorcerer's Petasos]]||[[File:sorcerers petasos icon1.png]]||90||[[Black Mage|BLM]]<br />Level 50||Head||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Intelligence]] +18, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +15, [[Spell Speed]] +21,
|[[Sorcerer's Tonban]]||[[File:sorcerers tonban icon1.png]]||90||[[Black Mage|BLM]]<br />Level 50||Legs||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Intelligence]] +29, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +24, [[Spell Speed]] +34,
|[[Summoner's Doublet]]||[[File:summoners doublet icon1.png]]||90||[[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Body||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Intelligence]] +29, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +34, [[Determination]] +17,
|[[Summoner's Horn]]||[[File:summoners horn icon1.png]]||90||[[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Head||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Intelligence]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +21,
|[[Summoner's Ringbands]]||[[File:summoners ringbands icon1.png]]||90||[[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Hands||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Intelligence]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +21, [[Spell Speed]] +15,
|[[Superior Enchanted Ink]]||[[File:Superior enchanted ink icon1.png|25px|link=]]||[[Reagent]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|500}}
|[[Summoner's Thighboots]]||[[File:summoners thighboots icon1.png]]||90||[[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Feet||44||78||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Intelligence]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +21, [[Spell Speed]] +15,
|[[Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil]]||[[File:Radz-at-han quenching oil icon1.png|25px|link=]]||[[Reagent]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|225}}
|[[Summoner's Waistclout]]||[[File:summoners waistclout icon1.png]]||90||[[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Legs||62||110||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +29, [[Intelligence]] +29, [[Accuracy]] +34, [[Determination]] +17,
|[[Thavnairian Mist]]||[[File:Thavnairian mist icon1.png|25px|link=]]||[[Reagent]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|300}}
|[[Valor Coronet]]||[[File:valor coronet icon1.png]]||90||[[Paladin|PLD]]<br />Level 50||Head||113||113||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Accuracy]] +21, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +15,
|[[Petrified Log]]||[[file:petrified log icon1.png|25px|link=]]||[[Lumber]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|500}}
|[[Valor Cuisses]]||[[File:valor cuisses icon1.png]]||90||[[Paladin|PLD]]<br />Level 50||Legs||158||158||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Parry]] +34, [[Accuracy]] +24,
|[[Scheelite]]|| [[file:scheelite icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Stone]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|500}}
|[[Valor Gauntlets]]||[[File:valor gauntlets icon1.png]]||90||[[Paladin|PLD]]<br />Level 50||Hands||113||113||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Parry]] +21, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +15,
|[[Raziqsand]]|| [[file:raziqsand icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Reagent]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|500}}
|[[Valor Sollerets]]||[[File:valor sollerets icon1.png]]||90||[[Paladin|PLD]]<br />Level 50||Feet||113||113||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Parry]] +15, [[Accuracy]] +21,
|[[Saurian Skin]]|| [[file:saurian skin icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Leather]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|500}}
|[[Valor Surcoat]]||[[File:valor surcoat icon1.png]]||90||[[Paladin|PLD]]<br />Level 50||Body||158||158||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Parry]] +34, [[Determination]] +17,
|[[Cashmere Fleece]]|| [[file:cashmere fleece icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Cloth]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|500}}
|[[Warrior's Breeches]]||[[File:warriors breeches icon1.png]]||90||[[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Legs||158||158||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Parry]] +24, [[Determination]] +24,
|[[Emery]]|| [[file:emery icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Stone]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|500}}
|[[Warrior's Burgeonet]]||[[File:warriors burgeonet icon1.png]]||90||[[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Head||113||113||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Determination]] +15, [[Skill Speed]] +15,
|[[Tawny Latex]]|| [[file:tawny latex icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Reagent]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|150}}
|[[Warrior's Cuirass]]||[[File:warriors cuirass icon1.png]]||90||[[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Body||158||158||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Parry]] +34, [[Accuracy]] +24,
|10x [[Star Anise]]||[[file:star anise icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Ingredient]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|100}}
|[[Warrior's Gauntlets]]||[[File:warriors gauntlets icon1.png]]||90||[[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Hands||113||113||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Parry]] +15, [[Accuracy]] +21,
|10x [[Dalamud Popoto]]||[[file:dalamud popoto icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Ingredient]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|100}}
|[[Warrior's Jackboots]]||[[File:warriors jackboots icon1.png]]||90||[[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Feet||113||113||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Parry]] +15, [[Accuracy]] +21,
|10x [[Royal Kukuru Bean]]||[[file:royal kukuru bean icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Ingredient]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|100}}
|[[Wyrm's Armet]]||[[File:wyrms armet icon1.png]]||90||[[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Head||78||44||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Accuracy]] +21, [[Determination]] +11,
|10x [[Canard Breast]]||[[file:canard breast icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Ingredient]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|100}}
|[[Wyrm's Breeches]]||[[File:wyrms breeches icon1.png]]||90||[[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Legs||110||62||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +24, [[Skill Speed]] +34,
|[[Wide-eyed Fawn]]|| [[file:Wide-eyed fawn icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Minion]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|30}}
|[[Wyrm's Gauntlets]]||[[File:wyrms gauntlets icon1.png]]||90||[[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Hands||78||44||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Determination]] +15, [[Skill Speed]] +15,
|[[Dust Bunny]]|| [[file:Dust bunny icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Minion]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|30}}
|[[Wyrm's Greaves]]||[[File:wyrms greaves icon1.png]]||90||[[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Feet||78||44||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +18, [[Vitality]] +20, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Skill Speed]] +21,
|[[Fledgling Dodo]]|| [[file:Fledgling dodo icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Minion]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|30}}
|[[Wyrm's Mail]]||[[File:wyrms mail icon1.png]]||90||[[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Body||110||62||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +29, [[Vitality]] +33, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +24, [[Determination]] +24,
|[[Mysterious Map]]|| [[file:Mysterious map icon1.png|25px|link=]] ||[[Miscellany]]|| {{tomestone|mythology|800}}

{{Allagan Tomestones}}
{{Allagan Tomestones nav}}

Latest revision as of 03:13, 21 September 2023

See also: Allagan Tomestones and Level 50 Gear Guide

Allagan Tomestone of MythologyAllagan Tomestone of Mythology was a type of Allagan Tomestone released in Patch 2.0. They dropped from level 50 dungeons, trials or raids. They could not drop before the player's class is at level 50.

Allagan Tomestones of Mythology were discontinued in Patch 2.4. They could be exchanged with Auriana in Revenant's Toll for Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery until Patch 3.0 with the launch of Heavensward.

  • Players could carry a maximum of 2,000 Allagan Tomestones of Mythology.
  • Players could only receive Allagan Tomestones of Mythology after reaching level 50 with at least one class or job.
  • Speak with Auriana in Mor Dhona to exchange Allagan Tomestones of Mythology.


Allagan Tomestone of MythologyAllagan Tomestone of Mythology were used to purchase ilvl 90 gear in Mor Dhona. They were used to purchase:

Slot Cost
Helm 495 Allagan Tomestone of Mythology
Chest 825 Allagan Tomestone of Mythology
Gloves 495 Allagan Tomestone of Mythology
Waist 375 Allagan Tomestone of Mythology
Legs 825 Allagan Tomestone of Mythology
Feet 495 Allagan Tomestone of Mythology


Item Icon Type Price
Superior Enchanted Ink Superior enchanted ink icon1.png Reagent Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 500
Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil Radz-at-han quenching oil icon1.png Reagent Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 225
Thavnairian Mist Thavnairian mist icon1.png Reagent Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 300
Petrified Log Petrified log icon1.png Lumber Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 500
Scheelite Scheelite icon1.png Stone Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 500
Raziqsand Raziqsand icon1.png Reagent Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 500
Saurian Skin Saurian skin icon1.png Leather Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 500
Cashmere Fleece Cashmere fleece icon1.png Cloth Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 500
Emery Emery icon1.png Stone Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 500
Tawny Latex Tawny latex icon1.png Reagent Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 150
10x Star Anise Star anise icon1.png Ingredient Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 100
10x Dalamud Popoto Dalamud popoto icon1.png Ingredient Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 100
10x Royal Kukuru Bean Royal kukuru bean icon1.png Ingredient Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 100
10x Canard Breast Canard breast icon1.png Ingredient Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 100
Wide-eyed Fawn Wide-eyed fawn icon1.png Minion Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 30
Dust Bunny Dust bunny icon1.png Minion Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 30
Fledgling Dodo Fledgling dodo icon1.png Minion Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 30
Mysterious Map Mysterious map icon1.png Miscellany Allagan Tomestone of Mythology 800