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* Before parting ways with you to study [[Rogues' Guild|the secret fraternity's]] [[Rogue|combat techniques]], the ever-courteous [[Yugiri]] bids you relay her gratitude to [[Minfilia Warde|Minfilia]]. For want of anything better to do, return to [[the Rising Stones]] at [[Revenant's Toll]], and convey her sentiments to [[Minfilia Warde|the Antecedent]].
* Before parting ways with you to study [[Rogues' Guild|the secret fraternity's]] [[Rogue|combat techniques]], the ever-courteous [[Yugiri]] bids you relay her gratitude to [[Minfilia Warde|Minfilia]]. For want of anything better to do, return to [[the Rising Stones]] at [[Revenant's Toll]], and convey her sentiments to [[Minfilia Warde|the Antecedent]].

* You arrive at [[the Rising Stones]], resolved to pass on [[Yugiri]]'s words of thanks, but before you are able to do so, [[Minfilia Warde|Minfilia]] proceeds to externalize her thoughts with regard to recent events. Based on the phenomenon she observed in the moments prior to [[Leviathan]]'s summoning, [[Minfilia Warde|the Antecedent]] is convinced that the true nature of the [[Echo]] and the secret to defeating the [[Ascian]]s now lie within reach. Even as she resolves to take action, however, [[Urianger]] bursts into [[The Solar|the solar]] bearing grim tidings: the [[Isle of Val]], home to the [[Students of Baldesion]], has been destroyed by a spell like in power to [[The Porta Decumana|Ultima]]...
* You arrive at [[the Rising Stones]], resolved to pass on [[Yugiri]]'s words of thanks, but before you are able to do so, [[Minfilia Warde|Minfilia]] proceeds to externalize her thoughts with regard to recent events. Based on the phenomenon she observed in the moments prior to [[Leviathan]]'s summoning, [[Minfilia Warde|the Antecedent]] is convinced that the true nature of the [[Echo]] and the secret to defeating the [[Ascian]]s now lie within reach. Even as she resolves to take action, however, [[Urianger]] bursts into [[The Solar|the solar]] bearing grim tidings: the [[Isle of Val]], home to [[the Students of Baldesion]], has been destroyed by a spell like in power to [[The Porta Decumana|Ultima]]...


Revision as of 15:54, 30 August 2023

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Through the Maelstrom

Through the Maelstrom.png
Quest giver
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:8.9, Y:14.3)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era
Experience 2,340
Gil 7,000
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestWhen Yugiri Met the Fraternity
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Great Divide
Feature QuestWhorl of a Time

Yugiri has the air of a woman bursting with gratitude.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


You are now getting as quests rewards Item Level 110 gear that was formerly purchased with Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery Allagan Tomestones of Soldiery. For this set Noct = Fending, Gloam = Slaying, and Auroral = Aiming.



  • Yugiri has the air of a woman bursting with gratitude.


Yugiri: Much and more has occurred since first I beheld Eorzea from the galleon's deck. Suffice it to say, I did not envisage being invited to play a part in your noble struggle.
Yugiri: But forgive me, I have kept you overlong. Doubtless you have pressing business of your own. Rest assured that I no longer require an escort in this land.
Yugiri: When next you meet Lady Minfilia, pray relay to her my humblest thanks. Would that I could do so in person, but I must needs fulfill my promise to the Admiral. Till we meet again, Warrior of Light.
Inconspicuous Man: Cor, it's been ages since Thancred up and left the Sisters. What I wouldn't give to run with the old scoundrel again, just like back in the old days...
Shadowy Woman: Far Eastern combat art, eh? I must say, my curiosity's fairly piqued!