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| bgcolor="#D8BFD8" width="120px"|Reward:
| bgcolor="#D8BFD8" width="120px"|Reward:
| bgcolor="#f5ffff"| Manderville weapon, depending on job  
| bgcolor="#f5ffff"| Amazing Manderville weapon, depending on job  

{{End Game Progression}}
{{End Game Progression}}
{{Manderville Weapons Quests}}
{{Manderville Weapons Quests}}

Revision as of 21:18, 10 March 2023

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png

Manderville Weapons
iLvl 615
Amazing Manderville Weapons
Item Level 630 Patch 6.35
Starting Location Gerolt - Radz-At-Han (X:12.0, Y:7.1)
Notable NPCs House Manderville Artisan - Radz-at-Han (X:12.0, Y:7.2)
Quests Feature QuestWell-oiled
Repeatable Feature QuestThe Next Mander-level
Reward Amazing Manderville weapon, depending on job
- To be continued -


Before beginning to create your Amazing Manderville Weapon, you must:

Upon completing these quests, players will receive one Amazing Manderville weapon based on the job with which they progressed through the quest. The first quest is only done once and do not need to be repeated; further weapons will start from the repeatable quest Repeatable Feature QuestThe Next Mander-level.

Feature QuestWell-oiled

Starting NPC: Gerolt
Starting Location: Radz-At-Han (X:12.0, Y:7.1)
  1. Wait at the designated location.
  2. Obtain chunks of complementary chondrite. 0/3
  3. With [your Manderville Weapon] in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver the chunks of complementary chondrite to Gerolt.
Reward: Amazing Manderville weapon, depending on job

Repeatable Feature QuestThe Next Mander-level

Starting NPC: House Manderville Artisan
Starting Location: Radz-at-Han (X:12.0, Y:7.2)
  1. Speak to House Manderville Artisan (X:12.0, Y:7.2) in Radz-at-Han
  2. Travel and obtain x3 Complementary Chondrite
Zone Vendor Price
Radz-at-Han Jubrunnah ( x22.7, y6.7) 500 Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy
  1. Deliver the chunks of complementary chondrite to the House Manderville artisan. 0/3
Reward: Amazing Manderville weapon, depending on job