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|[[Goblin Jig]]||[[file:goblin jig icon1.png]]||58||align = "left"| [[Goblin Jig#Crafting Recipe|Level 58 Goldsmith]] ||align = "left"|  || || align = "left"| ??  
|[[Goblin Jig]]||[[file:goblin jig icon1.png]]||58||align = "left"| [[Goblin Jig#Crafting Recipe|Level 58 Goldsmith]] ||align = "left"|  || || align = "left"| ??  
|[[Goby Ball]]||[[file:goby ball icon1.png]]||10||align = "left"| [[Goby Ball#Crafting Recipe|Level 10 Culinarian]] ||align = "left"| [[Merchant & Mender]] || Ocean || align = "left"| [[Harbor Herring]], [[White Coral]], [[Pebble Crab]], [[Lominsan Anchovy]] , [[Moraby Flounder]]
|[[Goby Ball]]||[[file:goby ball icon1.png]]||10||align = "left"| [[Goby Ball#Crafting Recipe|Level 10 Culinarian]] ||align = "left"| [[Merchant & Mender]] || Ocean || align = "left"| [[Harbor Herring]], [[Finger Shrimp]], [[White Coral]], [[Pebble Crab]], [[Lominsan Anchovy]] , [[Moraby Flounder]]
|[[Gold Salmon Roe]]||[[file:gold salmon roe icon1.png]] || 80 || ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  
|[[Gold Salmon Roe]]||[[file:gold salmon roe icon1.png]] || 80 || ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"| ||align = "left"|  

Revision as of 10:35, 19 March 2022

See also: Fisher and Other
Item Icon Level Crafted By Purchased From Used For Used to Catch
Baitbugs Baitbugs icon1.png 80 Scrip Exchange, Sanana ???
Balloon Bug Balloon bug icon1.png 50 Merchant & Mender Skyfishing - Big Catch ??
Bass Ball Bass ball icon1.png 25 Level 25 Culinarian Encampment Clothier & Tailor,Merchant & Mender, Arms Supplier, Arms Supplier & Mender Freshwater Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish, Bluebell Salmon, Brass Loach, Dark Bass, Four-eyed Fish, Jade Eel, Maiden Carp, Pond Mussel, River Crab, Striped Goby, Copperfish, Warmwater Trout
Bladed Steel Jig Bladed steel jig icon1.png 60 Level 60 Goldsmith ??
Bloodworm Bloodworm icon1.png 10 Merchant & Mender Freshwater Brass Loach, Dusk Goby, Dwarf Catfish, Maiden Carp, Rainbow Trout, River Crab, Striped Goby
Blue Bobbit Blue bobbit icon1.png 70 Scrip Exchange ???
Brass Spoon Lure Brass spoon lure icon1.png 23 Level 23 Goldsmith Junkmonger, Arms Supplier Freshwater - Lake Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish, Dark Bass, Dark Sleeper, Faerie Bass, Maiden Carp, Warmwater Trout
Bream Lure Bream lure icon1.png 68 Scrip Exchange ???
Brute Leech Brute leech icon1.png 60 ??
Butterworm Butterworm icon1.png 20 Junkmonger, Encampment Clothier & Tailor, Merchant & Mender, Arms Supplier & Mender Freshwater Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish, Brass Loach, Copperfish, Crimson Crayfish, Dark Sleeper, Faerie Bass, Four-eyed Fish, Maiden Carp, Pond Mussel, Rainbow Trout, River Crab, Striped Goby
Caddisfly Larva Caddisfly larva icon1.png 50 Merchant & Mender, Independent Merchant Freshwater - Big Catch ??
Chimera Worm Chimera worm icon1.png 90 Diana, Scrip Exchange, Anna, Sanana
Chocobo Fly Chocobo fly icon1.png 27 Level 27 Goldsmith Merchant & Mender Freshwater Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish, Brass Loach, Faerie Bass, Four-eyed Fish, Jade Eel, Rainbow Trout, River Crab, Warmwater Trout
Crab Ball Crab ball icon1.png 20 Level 20 Culinarian Merchant & Mender Ocean ??
Crayfish Ball Crayfish ball icon1.png 5 Level 5 Culinarian Syneyhil Tool Supplier & Mender, Admiranda, Yoyobasa, Merchant & Mender Freshwater - River Bone Crayfish, Brass Loach, Dusk Goby, Maiden Carp
Crow Fly Crow fly icon1.png 20 Level 20 Goldsmith Junkmonger, Arms Supplier & Mender Freshwater Dark Bass, Dark Sleeper, Four-eyed Fish, Jade Eel, Maiden Carp, Pond Mussel, Warmwater Trout
Desert Dessert Frog Desert dessert frog icon1.png 70 ???
Diadem Balloon Bug Diadem balloon bug icon1.png 80 Merchant & Mender ?? ??????
Diadem Crane Fly Diadem crane fly icon1.png 80 Merchant & Mender ?? ??????
Diadem Hoverworm Diadem hoverworm icon1.png 80 Merchant & Mender ?? ??????
Diadem Red Balloon Diadem red balloon icon1.png 80 Merchant & Mender ?? ??????
Fiend Worm Fiend worm icon1.png 58 Aetherfishing ??
Floating Minnow Floating minnow icon1.png 22 Level 22 Goldsmith Merchant & Mender Freshwater, Ocean - Surface ??
Freshwater Boilie Freshwater boilie icon1.png 15 Tool Supplier & Mender, Arms Supplier & Mender, Junkmonger, Yoyobasa, Evrardoux, Encampment Clothier & Tailor, Arms Supplier, Independent Merchant, Syneyhil, Admiranda, Merchant & Mender ???
Fruit Worm Fruit worm icon1.png 70 ???
Giant Crane Fly Giant crane fly icon1.png 60 ??
Glowworm Glowworm icon1.png 45 Merchant & Mender, Independent Merchant Any - Big Catch ??
Goblin Jig Goblin jig icon1.png 58 Level 58 Goldsmith ??
Goby Ball Goby ball icon1.png 10 Level 10 Culinarian Merchant & Mender Ocean Harbor Herring, Finger Shrimp, White Coral, Pebble Crab, Lominsan Anchovy , Moraby Flounder
Gold Salmon Roe Gold salmon roe icon1.png 80
Grey Worm Grey worm icon1.png 84
Heavy Steel Jig Heavy steel jig icon1.png 37 Level 37 Goldsmith Ocean ??
Herring Ball Herring ball icon1.png 35 Level 35 Culinarian Merchant & Mender Ocean ??
Honey Worm Honey worm icon1.png 35 Merchant & Mender, Junkmonger Freshwater ??
Hoverworm Hoverworm icon1.png 45 Merchant & Mender Skyfishing ??
Jerked Ovim Jerked ovim icon1.png 77 Scrip Exchange, Sanana ???
Krill Krill icon1.png 1 Merchant & Mender ???
Krill Cage Feeder Krill cage feeder icon1.png 40 Merchant & Mender Ocean ??
Leech Leech icon1.png 83
Live Shrimp Live shrimp icon1.png 62 ???
Lugworm Lugworm icon1.png 1 Syneyhil Ocean Lominsan Anchovy
Mackerel Strip Mackerel strip icon1.png 90 Diana, Scrip Exchange, Anna, Sanana
Magma Worm Magma worm icon1.png 55 ??
Marble Nymph Marble nymph icon1.png 73 ???
Mayfly Mayfly icon1.png 90 Diana, Scrip Exchange, Anna, Sanana
Metal Spinner Metal spinner icon1.png 55 Dadden, Junkmonger, Blue Merchant, Independent Merchant ???
Midge Basket Midge basket icon1.png 15 Merchant & Mender, Tool Supplier & Mender Freshwater Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish, Faerie Bass, Rainbow Trout, River Crab, Striped Goby
Midge Larva Midge larva icon1.png 65 ???
Moth Pupa Moth pupa icon1.png 1 Syneyhil, Merchant & Mender, Admiranda, Yoyobasa Freshwater Bone Crayfish
Moyebi Shrimp Moyebi shrimp icon1.png 71 ???
Mythril Spoon Lure Mythril spoon lure icon1.png 41 Level 41 Goldsmith Merchant & Mender Freshwater - Lake, Marsh ??
Nightcrawler Nightcrawler icon1.png 64 ???
Northern Krill Northern krill icon1.png 50 Merchant & Mender Ocean ??
Panic Jig Panic jig icon1.png 89 Diana, Scrip Exchange, Anna, Sanana
Pill Bug Pill bug icon1.png 5 Syneyhil, Merchant & Mender Ocean Coral Butterfly, Finger Shrimp, Harbor Herring, Lominsan Anchovy, Malm Kelp, Merlthor Goby, Ocean Cloud, White Coral, Vongola Clam
Plump Worm Plump worm icon1.png 1 Merchant & Mender ???
Purse Web Spider Purse web spider icon1.png 55 ??
Ragworm Ragworm icon1.png 1 Merchant & Mender ???
Rainbow Spoon Lure Rainbow spoon lure icon1.png 46 Level 46 Goldsmith Freshwater - Lake ??
Rat Tail Rat tail icon1.png 15 Merchant & Mender Any Harbor Herring, Navigator's Dagger, Pebble Crab, Rothlyt Oyster, Tiger Cod
Red Balloon Red balloon icon1.png 53 Blue Cloud Coral, Buoyant Oviform, Mahu Wai, Mitre Slug, Starflower
Robber Ball Robber ball icon1.png 75 Scrip Exchange, Sanana ???
Rolling Stone Rolling stone icon1.png 45 Merchant & Mender Dunefishing ??
Salmon Roe Salmon roe icon1.png 60 ???
Saltwater Boilie Saltwater boilie icon1.png 15 Tool Supplier & Mender, Arms Supplier & Mender, Junkmonger, Yoyobasa, Evrardoux, Encampment Clothier & Tailor, Arms Supplier, Independent Merchant, Syneyhil, Admiranda, Merchant & Mender ???
Sand Gecko Sand gecko icon1.png 40 Merchant & Mender Dunefishing ??
Sand Leech Sand leech icon1.png 35 Merchant & Mender Dunefishing ??
Short Bill Minnow Short bill minnow icon1.png 78 Scrip Exchange, Sanana ???
Shrimp Ball Shrimp ball icon1.png 80
Shrimp Cage Feeder Shrimp cage feeder icon1.png 25 Merchant & Mender Ocean ??
Signature Skyball Signature skyball icon1.png 80 Denys Skysteel Tools Thinker's Coral, Dragonspine, Petal Shell, Allagan Hunter, Flintstrike, Pickled Pom
Silkworm Silkworm icon1.png 68 Scrip Exchange ???
Silver Spoon Lure Silver spoon lure icon1.png 32 Level 32 Goldsmith Merchant & Mender Freshwater - Lake ??
Sinking Minnow Sinking minnow icon1.png 34 Level 34 Goldsmith Freshwater, Ocean - Surface, Floor ??
Sky Spoon Lure Sky spoon lure icon1.png 86 Diana, Scrip Exchange, Anna, Sanana
Snurble Fly Snurble fly icon1.png 43 Level 43 Goldsmith Freshwater ??
Spinner Spinner icon1.png 39 Level 39 Goldsmith Freshwater, Ocean ??
Spinnerbait Spinnerbait icon1.png 47 Level 47 Goldsmith Freshwater - River ??
Spoon Worm Spoon worm icon1.png 30 Merchant & Mender Ocean - Big Catch ??
Squid Strip Squid strip icon1.png 80 Scrip Exchange, Sanana ???
Stardust Stardust icon1.png 90 Diana, Scrip Exchange, Anna, Sanana
Steel Jig Steel jig icon1.png 32 Level 32 Goldsmith Merchant & Mender Ocean - Big Catch ??
Stem Borer Stem borer icon1.png 40 Merchant & Mender Freshwater ??
Stonefly Larva Stonefly larva icon1.png 70 Scrip Exchange ???
Stonefly Nymph Stonefly nymph icon1.png 51 ??
Streamer Streamer icon1.png 48 Level 48 Goldsmith Freshwater - Floor ??
Suspending Minnow Suspending minnow icon1.png 68 Scrip Exchange ???
Syrphid Basket Syrphid basket icon1.png 30 Merchant & Mender, Arms Supplier Freshwater Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish, Brass Loach, Faerie Bass, Rainbow Trout, Striped Goby
Topwater Frog Topwater frog icon1.png 44 Level 44 Goldsmith Freshwater - Big Catch ??
Versatile Lure Versatile lure icon1.png 1 Merchant & Mender ???
Wildfowl Fly Wildfowl fly icon1.png 36 Level 36 Goldsmith Junkmonger, Merchant & Mender Freshwater ??
Yumizuno Yumizuno icon1.png 48 Level 48 Goldsmith Ocean - Floor ??