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[[File:Sidequest.png]][[Warrior Quests|Warrior Job Quest]]
{{Quest infobox
| title = When Push Comes to Shove
| QuestGiver = [[Broken Mountain]] - [[Lower La Noscea]] (x25.8, y35.2)
| description = [[Broken Mountain]] has lost his usual air of composure.
| Requirements = Level 65 [[Warrior]]
| image = Warrior Stormblood image1.png
| Items =  
| quest-giver = Broken Mountain
| Exp = 207900
| location = Lower La Noscea
| Gil = 1487
| location-x = 25.8
| Reward =  
| location-y = 35.2
| OptReward =  
| type = job
| PrevQuest = [[Field Training]]
| quest-line =
| NextQuest = [[Going the Distance]]
| organization =
| class =
| job = Warrior
| level = 65
| requirements =  
| req-items =  
| exp = 105000
| gil = 1487
| unlocks =  
| prev-quest = Field Training
| next-quest = Going the Distance
| release = stormblood
| patch = 4.0
#[[Eastern La Noscea]] (x21.3,y25.4)
#[[Eastern La Noscea]] (x18.5,y34.3)
#[[Eastern La Noscea]] (x17.3,y30.8)
#[[Lower La Noscea]] (x25.8,y35.1)
*Speak with [[Broken Mountain]] at the [[Raincatcher Gully Docks]].
* Speak with Broken Mountain [[Lower La Noscea]] (x25.8,y35.1)
*Survey the area for [[Mamool Ja]] fighters. 0/2
*Survey the area for [[Mamool Ja]] fighters. 0/3
* Speak with Broken Mountain in Raincatcher Gully Docks [[Eastern La Noscea]] (x21.3,y25.4)
*Survey the area for [[Mamool Ja]] fighters. 0/3
*Rendezvous with [[Broken Mountain]].
* Survey the sites for Amool Ja
*Search for [[Curious Gorge]].
*Speak with [[Broken Mountain]] at the [[Moraby Drydocks]].
* Speak with Broken Mountain at [[Eastern La Noscea]] (x18.5,y34.3)
* Speak with Curious Gorge at [[Eastern La Noscea]] (x17.3,y30.8)
* Speak with Broken Mountain [[Lower La Noscea]] (x25.8,y35.1)

* The Mamool Ja's defeat at the ruins of Nym was not enough to dissuade them, as Maelstrom Command reports indicate they have now set their sights on Wineport. It goes without saying Broken Mountain means to repel the Mamool Ja once more. It should also come as no surprise that he expects you to accompany him on this mission. Not wishing to waste time, he makes haste to Raincatcher Gully, asking you to meet him there when you are geared for battle.
*Broken Mountain has lost his usual air of composure.

* As Broken Mountain goes over his plan for defending Wineport, Dorgono is disappointed to hear she has been relegated to support. Though he fears the risk of her losing control, he admits that this decision leaves them wanting for muscle. How fortunate, then, that Curious Gorge should again happen upon your gathering in the middle of Raincatcher Gully. With the aid of his axe, Broken Mountain will lead his men on a westerly route past the Severed String, while you head due south dispensing with any enemies who stand in your way.
*The Mamool Ja's defeat at the ruins of Nym was not enough to dissuade them, as Maelstrom Command reports indicate they have now set their sights on Wineport. It goes without saying Broken Mountain means to repel the Mamool Ja once more. It should also come as no surprise that he expects you to accompany him on this mission. Not wishing to waste time, he makes haste to Raincatcher Gully, asking you to meet him there when you are geared for battle.

* As you make your way through Raincatcher Gully, you are assaulted by two Mamool Ja warriors. The odds are sadly not in t heir favor as a few heavy swings of your axe make short work of them. You continue along the path south, your axe at the ready.
*As Broken Mountain goes over his plan for defending Wineport, Dorgono is disappointed to hear she has been relegated to support. Though he fears the risk of her losing control, he admits that this decision leaves them wanting for muscle. How fortunate, then, that Curious Gorge should again happen upon your gathering in the middle of Raincatcher Gully. With the aid of his axe, Broken Mountain will lead his men on a westerly route past the Severed String, while you head due south dispensing with any enemies who stand in your way.

* Another gang of Mamool Ja fighters soon into view. Though greater in number, they are still no match for your combat prowess. Still clutching your axe, you venture deeper into the wilds. Yet another band of Mamool Ja dare to stand in your way. Yet there is little they can do to stand against your terrible might. As you continue along the path, you see a familiar figure in the distance.
*As you make your way through Raincatcher Gully, you are assaulted by two Mamool Ja warriors. The odds are sadly not in their favor as a few heavy swings of your axe make short work of them. You continue along the path south, your axe at the ready.

* You find Broken Mountain and his men, battered and beaten. As he explains it, they were ambushed and Curious Gorge was the first to fall. Dorgono, also unable to escape, is likely fighting for her life against the Mamool Ja. He bids you find them before it is too late.  
*Another gang of Mamool Ja fighters soon come into view. Though greater in number, they are still no match for your combat prowess. Still clutching your axe, you venture deeper into the wilds.

* You find Curious Gorge wounded, Dorgono towering over the mangled bodies of the Mamool Ja. She turns to look at you with what seems to be murderous intent, but suddenly her eyes soften. Lowering her axe she realizes she has managed to suppress her inner beast. Curious Gorge, bearing witness to this mastery of self, sees her accomplishment as a source of ignominy. As he takes leave of the scene, too embarrassed to face the others, Broken Mountain and his men stagger over to congratulate Dorgono. They then return to Moraby Drydocks to bid her a final farewell.  
*Yet another band of Mamool Ja dare to stand in your way. Yet there is little they can do to stand against your terrible might. As you continue along the path, you see a familiar figure in the distance.

* Dorgono, now able to control her inner beast, means to return horne and win back the trust of her people. However, there is still the matter of Curious Gorge and his now dormant inner beast. Broken Mou ntain is convinced his brother now faces a crisis the likes of which he has never known: he has fallen in love. Dorgono has left him a whirlwind of emotions, but time heals all Broken Mountain suggests giving his brother space to cope with these emotions on his own.  
*You find Broken Mountain and his men, battered and beaten. As he explains it, they were ambushed and Curious Gorge was the first to fall. Dorgono, also unable to escape, is likely fighting for her life against the Mamool Ja. He bids you find them before it is too late.

*You find Curious Gorge wounded, Dorgono towering over the mangled bodies of the Mamool Ja. She turns to look at you with what seems to be murderous intent, but suddenly her eyes soften. Lowering her axe she realizes she has managed to suppress her inner beast. Curious Gorge, bearing witness to this mastery of self, sees her accomplishment as a source of ignominy. As he takes leave of the scene, too embarrassed to face the others, Broken Mountain and his men stagger over to congratulate Dorgono. They then return to Moraby Drydocks to bid her a final farewell.

[[Category:Warrior Quests]] [[Category:Patch 4.0 Quests]]
*Dorgono, now able to control her inner beast, means to return home and win back the trust of her people. However, there is still the matter of Curious Gorge and his now dormant inner beast. Broken Mountain is convinced his brother now faces a crisis the likes of which he has never known: he has fallen in love. Dorgono has left him a whirlwind of emotions, but time heals all wounds. Broken Mountain suggests giving his brother space to cope with these emotions on his own.
**※The next warrior quest will be available from Broken Mountain upon reaching level 68.

Revision as of 08:31, 1 January 2022

Feature Quest icon.png

When Push Comes to Shove

Warrior Stormblood image1.png
Quest giver
Broken Mountain
Lower La Noscea (X:25.8, Y:35.2)
Experience 105,000
Gil 1,487
Previous quest
Feature QuestField Training
Next quest
Feature QuestGoing the Distance

Broken Mountain has lost his usual air of composure.

— In-game description


  1. Eastern La Noscea (x21.3,y25.4)
  2. Eastern La Noscea (x18.5,y34.3)
  3. Eastern La Noscea (x17.3,y30.8)
  4. Lower La Noscea (x25.8,y35.1)



  • Broken Mountain has lost his usual air of composure.
  • The Mamool Ja's defeat at the ruins of Nym was not enough to dissuade them, as Maelstrom Command reports indicate they have now set their sights on Wineport. It goes without saying Broken Mountain means to repel the Mamool Ja once more. It should also come as no surprise that he expects you to accompany him on this mission. Not wishing to waste time, he makes haste to Raincatcher Gully, asking you to meet him there when you are geared for battle.
  • As Broken Mountain goes over his plan for defending Wineport, Dorgono is disappointed to hear she has been relegated to support. Though he fears the risk of her losing control, he admits that this decision leaves them wanting for muscle. How fortunate, then, that Curious Gorge should again happen upon your gathering in the middle of Raincatcher Gully. With the aid of his axe, Broken Mountain will lead his men on a westerly route past the Severed String, while you head due south dispensing with any enemies who stand in your way.
  • As you make your way through Raincatcher Gully, you are assaulted by two Mamool Ja warriors. The odds are sadly not in their favor as a few heavy swings of your axe make short work of them. You continue along the path south, your axe at the ready.
  • Another gang of Mamool Ja fighters soon come into view. Though greater in number, they are still no match for your combat prowess. Still clutching your axe, you venture deeper into the wilds.
  • Yet another band of Mamool Ja dare to stand in your way. Yet there is little they can do to stand against your terrible might. As you continue along the path, you see a familiar figure in the distance.
  • You find Broken Mountain and his men, battered and beaten. As he explains it, they were ambushed and Curious Gorge was the first to fall. Dorgono, also unable to escape, is likely fighting for her life against the Mamool Ja. He bids you find them before it is too late.
  • You find Curious Gorge wounded, Dorgono towering over the mangled bodies of the Mamool Ja. She turns to look at you with what seems to be murderous intent, but suddenly her eyes soften. Lowering her axe she realizes she has managed to suppress her inner beast. Curious Gorge, bearing witness to this mastery of self, sees her accomplishment as a source of ignominy. As he takes leave of the scene, too embarrassed to face the others, Broken Mountain and his men stagger over to congratulate Dorgono. They then return to Moraby Drydocks to bid her a final farewell.
  • Dorgono, now able to control her inner beast, means to return home and win back the trust of her people. However, there is still the matter of Curious Gorge and his now dormant inner beast. Broken Mountain is convinced his brother now faces a crisis the likes of which he has never known: he has fallen in love. Dorgono has left him a whirlwind of emotions, but time heals all wounds. Broken Mountain suggests giving his brother space to cope with these emotions on his own.
    • ※The next warrior quest will be available from Broken Mountain upon reaching level 68.