Difference between revisions of "Eyes on Me"

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m (fixed unlocks)
Line 16: Line 16:
| reward-opt2 = 1 Toadskin Duckbills
| reward-opt2 = 1 Toadskin Duckbills
| reward-opt3 = 5 Allagan Silver Piece
| reward-opt3 = 5 Allagan Silver Piece
| unlocks = ot Mount Speed Increase
| unlocks = ms Mount Speed Increase
| prev-quest = Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
| prev-quest = Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
| next-quest = He Who Waited Behind
| next-quest = He Who Waited Behind

Revision as of 02:31, 11 June 2021

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Eyes on Me

Eyes on Me Image.png
Quest giver
Eastern Thanalan (X:10, Y:21)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Required items
1 Imperial Shortsword Icon.png  Imperial Shortsword
Experience 36,080
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestBury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestHe Who Waited Behind

Marques believes he is being watched.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in Eastern Thanalan.



  • Marques cannot shake the feeling that he is being watched. Apparently, the sensation comes and goes, but he felt it quite strongly not long ago. Put his fears to rest by searching the surrounding area for hidden onlookers.
  • While patrolling the lichyard, you come under attack from an unknown assailant. After slaying the man in self-defense, you note that his sword is unlike any you have seen before, and retrieve it in the hope that it might serve to identify him. Inform Marques that his fears were justified.
  • Marques has no idea why the man would be monitoring his activities, but he suspects it may have something to do with his past -- a past which he still cannot recall, despite his best efforts. As this may not be the last time dangerous men come in search of Marques, he asks that you inform Father Iliud of everything that has transpired. Perhaps you should show him the unusual sword you discovered as well.
  • Recognizing the sword you found to be Garlean steel, Father Iliud concludes that the man observing Marques was an imperial soldier. Before he can dispatch you to inform the authorities, Alphinaud Leveilleur strides into the church an declares Marques to be none other than Master Cid Garlond, who has been missing since the Calamity five years ago. While he has yet to recover his lost memories, Cid senses that the boy speaks the truth, and decides to join him. Resigned, Father Iliud produces Cid's belongings, which the priest had stored for safekeeping. Alphinaud then reveals that the Ixal have summoned Garuda, and that Cid's lost airship, the Enterprise, will be required if they surviving Scions are to reach the Primal. Together with Cid and Alphinaud, make for Gridania, where the Enterprise was last seen.