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==Future Skysteel Tool Quests==
==Future Skysteel Tool Quests==
Skysteel tools can be enhanced further by completing the story quests that will be added in future patches. Please note that enhancing these tools may require players to invest a significant amount of time.
Skysteel tools can be enhanced further by completing the story quests that will be added in future patches. Please note that enhancing these tools may require players to invest a significant amount of time.
{{End Game Progression}}
[[Category:Shadowbringers]] [[Category:Patch 5.25 Features]]

Revision as of 13:50, 7 April 2020

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png
See also: Ishgardian Restoration Sidequests and Resistance Weapons

By crafting or gathering specified items, players can obtain class-specific tools for Disciples of the Hand and Land which can be enhanced in future updates.


Obtaining Skysteel Tools

Upon completing the quest Mislaid Plans, players will receive a Skysteel Prototype Coffer. Using this item transforms it into a tool corresponding to the user's current class.

Subsequent Skysteel prototype coffers can be obtained from Denys in the Brume (X:8.0 Y:10.0).

Enhancing Skysteel Tools

Each Skysteel tool requires a certain number of items to be delivered to Denys in the Brume (x:8.0 Y:10.0) before it can be enhanced. Please note that the items required will vary depending on the tool.

Disciples of the Hand

After completing the quest "Mislaid Plans," new recipes will be added to the Crafting Log which can be used to enhance your Skysteel tools.

  • Skysteel tools must be equipped when crafting with these new recipes.


After completing the quest "Mislaid Plans," materials required to upgrade your Skysteel tools can be gathered from specified gathering points.


After completing the quest "Mislaid Plans," players will be able to purchase Signature Skyballs, a special lure used to catch fish required to upgrade your Skysteel tool from specified fishing locations.

Future Skysteel Tool Quests

Skysteel tools can be enhanced further by completing the story quests that will be added in future patches. Please note that enhancing these tools may require players to invest a significant amount of time.