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This is a list of [[arcanist]] [[trait]]s.
== Overview ==
Since arcanists branch into two roles – [[DPS]] and [[healer|healing]] – the traits provide a basic DPS feel to the class, while assisting with HP and HP recovery for the character and their [[pet]].
== Traits ==
== Traits ==
<onlyinclude>=== PvE traits ===
<onlyinclude>=== PvE traits ===
{| class="dps-role traits table"
{| class="dps-role traits table"
{{trait table header}}
{{trait table header}}
{{trait table row|Aetherdam}}
{{trait table row|Maim and Mend}}
{{trait table row|Maim and Mend}}
{{trait table row|Aetherdam II}}
{{trait table row|Enhanced Intelligence}}
{{trait table row|Corruption Mastery}}
{{trait table row|Corruption Mastery}}
{{trait table row|Enhanced Intelligence II}}
{{trait table row|Aetherdam III}}
{{trait table row|Maim and Mend II}}
{{trait table row|Maim and Mend II}}
{{trait table row|Enhanced Intelligence III}}

Revision as of 09:46, 17 August 2019


PvE traits

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
Maim and Mend.png  Maim and Mend Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ
Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Red Mage frame icon.png RDM
Sage frame icon.png SGE
Astrologian frame icon.png AST
Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM
Pictomancer frame icon.png PCT
20 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Arcanist: Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%
Corruption Mastery.png  Corruption Mastery Scholar frame icon.png SCH 26 Upgrades Bio to Bio II.
Maim and Mend II.png  Maim and Mend II Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ
Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Red Mage frame icon.png RDM
Sage frame icon.png SGE
Astrologian frame icon.png AST
Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM
Pictomancer frame icon.png PCT
40 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Arcanist: Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 30%