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Line 67: Line 67:
| [[Muscle Memory]]|| [[file:muscle memory icon1.png]] || 54 || [[Name of Earth]]|| [[file:name of earth icon1.png]] || 54 || [[Name of Lightning]]|| [[file:name of lightning icon1.png]] || 54
| [[Muscle Memory]]|| [[file:muscle memory icon1.png]] || 54 || [[Name of Earth]]|| [[file:name of earth icon1.png]] || 54 || [[Name of Lightning]]|| [[file:name of lightning icon1.png]] || 54
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
!colspan="5"|[[All Specialist Classes]]
! Action
! Icon
! Level
!  CP
!  Description
| [[Satisfaction]]|| [[file:satisfaction icon1.png]] || 55 || 0 ||  align = "left" |Use 1 Whistle to restore 15 CP. Available only when Whistle stack size is a multiple of three.
| [[Whistle While You Work]]|| [[file:whistle while you work icon1.png]] || 55 || 36 || align = "left" |Grants a Whistle stack of 11. One Whistle used for each step that material condition is Good or Excellent. Increases the effectiveness of certain crafting actions when the stack size is a multiple of three. Progress increases significantly when stack size reaches 0 and effect wears off.
| [[Innovative Touch]]|| [[file:innovative touch icon1.png]] || 56 || 8 ||  align = "left" |Increases quality. Additional Effect: Innovation Efficiency: 100% Success Rate: 40%
| [[Nymeia's Wheel]]|| [[file:nymeias wheel icon1.png]] || 57 || 18 ||  align = "left" |Restores item durability. Amount determined by current Whistle stack. Whistle effect ends upon use. Success Rate: 100%
| [[Byregot's Miracle]]|| [[file:byregots miracle icon1.png]] || 58 || 16 ||  align = "left" | Increases quality. Inner Quiet stack is halved upon use. Efficiency: 100% plus 10% for each bonus to control granted by Inner Quiet Success Rate: 70%
| [[Trained Hand]]|| [[file:trained hand icon1.png]] || 59 || 32 ||align = "left" |Significantly increases both progress and quality. Efficiency: 150% Success Rate: 80% Available only when Inner Quiet and Whistle stack sizes are identical.
| [[Specialty: Reflect]] || [[file:Specialty Reflect.png]] || 69 || 0 || align = "left" | Increases [[Inner Quiet]] stack by three (up to 11). Can only be used when [[Initial Preparations]] is active.
| [[Specialty: Refurbish]] || [[file:Specialty Refurbish.png]] || 69 || 0 || align = "left" | Restores 65 [[CP]]. Can only be used when [[Initial Preparations]] is active.
| [[Specialty: Reinforce]] || [[file:Specialty Reinforce.png]] || 69 || 0 || align = "left" | Restores item [[durability]] by 25. Can only be used when [[Initial Preparations]] is active.

Revision as of 19:34, 13 August 2019


"Goldsmiths work precious metals and stones into a multitude of accessories that appeal to the Eorzean aesthetic. Their wide-ranging finery, painstakingly fashioned from delicate metals and gemstones, can be see adorning the ears, fingers, and necks of the distinguished everywhere.
Ul'dahn goldsmiths always have a ready supply of raw materials, owing to the vast mineral resources of Thanalan. Due to the high value of these resources, however, most artisans also make it their business to stay abreast of market trends." — Game Description

Goldsmith's Guild

General Information

Goldsmith is a crafting or disciples of hand class that uses metals and gems to create accessories such as rings, earrings and necklaces. Goldsmith is reliant on miners for ores and gemstones. Goldsmiths can craft staves and scepters for thaumaturges and hora for pugilists. They can also make needles for weavers, accessories such as rings, earrings and bracelets for all classes and head gear such as circlets and spectacles for casters and crafters.

  • Tiers: Copper, Brass, Silver, Mythril, Electrum

The Goldsmith's Guild is located in Ul'dah.

  • To become a goldsmith, talk to the goldsmith's guild receptionist when you're level 10 or higher on another class.

Goldsmith Tools



Regular actions

Action Quest requirement Level CP Description
Basic Synthesis (goldsmith).png  Basic Synthesis 1 0 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 120%
Success Rate: 100%
Basic Touch (goldsmith).png  Basic Touch 5 18 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Master's Mend.png  Master's Mend 7 88 Restores item durability by 30.
Hasty Touch.png  Hasty Touch 9 0 Increases quality and requires no CP.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 60%
Additional Effect: Grants Expedience for 1 step
Rapid Synthesis.png  Rapid Synthesis 9 0 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 500%
Success Rate: 50%
Observe.png  Observe 13 7 Do nothing for one step.
Tricks of the Trade.png  Tricks of the Trade 13 0 Restores 20 CP.
Can only be used when material status is "Good" or "Excellent".
Waste not new icon.png  Waste Not 15 56 Reduces loss of durability by 50% for the next four steps.
Veneration DoH ability.png  Veneration 15 18 Increases efficiency of Synthesis actions by 50% for the next four steps.
Standard Touch (goldsmith).png  Standard Touch 18 32 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 125%
Success Rate: 100%
Combo action: Basic Touch
Combo bonus: CP cost reduced to 18
Great Strides.png  Great Strides 21 32 Increases the efficiency of next Touch action by 100%.
Effect active for three steps.
Innovation.png  Innovation 26 18 Increases efficiency of Touch actions by 50% for the next four steps.
Final Appraisal.png  Final Appraisal 42 1 The next action that would complete item synthesis will instead leave one progress point remaining.
Effect active for five steps.
Waste not ii new icon.png  Waste Not II 47 98 Reduces loss of durability by 50% for the next eight steps.
Byregot's Blessing.png  Byregot's Blessing 50 24 Increases quality. Inner Quiet effect ends upon use.
Efficiency: 100% plus 20% for each count of your Inner Quiet stack, up to a maximum of 300%
Success Rate: 100%
Requires at least one stack of Inner Quiet.
Precise Touch (goldsmith).png  Precise Touch 53 18 Increases quality.
Additional Effect: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Efficiency: 150%
Success Rate: 100%
Available only when material condition is Good or Excellent.
Muscle Memory.png  Muscle Memory 54 6 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 300%
Success Rate: 100%
Additional Effect: Efficiency of your next Synthesis action is increased by 100%
Available only on the first step.
Additional effect is active for five steps.
Careful Synthesis.png  Careful Synthesis 62 7 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 180%
Success Rate: 100%
Manipulation.png  Manipulation 1Quest: Manipulation unlock quests 65 96 Restores 5 points of durability after each step for the next eight steps.
Prudent Touch (goldsmith).png  Prudent Touch 66 25 Increases quality at half the durability cost.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Unavailable when Waste Not or Waste Not II are active.
Advanced Touch (goldsmith).png  Advanced Touch 68 46 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 150%
Success Rate: 100%
Combo action: Standard Touch or Observe
Combo bonus: CP cost reduced to 18
Reflect DoH.png  Reflect 69 6 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 300%
Success Rate: 100%
Additional Effect: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Availabe only on the first step.
Preparatory Touch (goldsmith).png  Preparatory Touch 71 40 Increases quality at greater cost to durability.
Additional Effect: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Efficiency: 200%
Success Rate: 100%
Durability Cost: 20
Groundwork GSM.png  Groundwork 72 18 Increases progress at greater cost to durability.
Efficiency decreases by half when durability is below durability cost.

Efficiency: 360%
Success Rate: 100%
Durability Cost: 20
Delicate Synthesis (goldsmith).png  Delicate Synthesis 76 32 Increases both progress and quality.
Synthesis action efficiency: 150
Touch action efficiency: 100
Success Rate: 100%
Intensive Synthesis (goldsmith).png  Intensive Synthesis 78 6 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 400%
Success Rate: 100%
Available only when material condition is Good or Excellent.
Trained Eye.png  Trained Eye 80 250 Increases quality by 100%.
Available only on the first step. Recipe level must be at least 10 levels below yours. Cannot be used with expert crafting recipes.
Prudent synthesis (goldsmith) icon1.png  Prudent Synthesis 88 18 Increases progress at half the durability cost.
Efficiency: 180%
Success Rate: 100%
Unavailable when Waste Not or Waste Not II is active.
Trained Finesse.png  Trained Finesse 90 32 Increases quality at no cost to durability.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Available only when Inner Quiet stack size is 10.
Refined Touch (goldsmith).png  Refined Touch 92 24 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Combo Action: Basic Touch
Combo Bonus: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Daring Touch.png  Daring Touch 96 0 Increases quality and requires no CP.
Efficiency: 150%
Success Rate: 60%
Can only be executed while under the effect of Expedience
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Immaculate Mend.png  Immaculate Mend 98 112 Restores all item durability.
Trained Perfection.png  Trained Perfection 100 0 Reduces durability loss of next action to 0.
Can only be used once per synthesis.

Specialist actions

Action Quest requirement Level CP Description
Careful observation specialist.png  Careful Observation 1Quest: Beloved of the Builder 55 0 Do nothing for one step, preserving the status of any actions presently in effect.
A crafter's delineation is used upon execution.
Can only be used up to three times per synthesis.
This action does not increase step count.
Heart and soul icon1.png  Heart and Soul 1Quest: Beloved of the Builder 86 0 Allows the execution of Precise Touch, Intensive Synthesis, or Tricks of the Trade regardless of material condition.

Effect ends if the aforementioned actions are executed when material condition is not "Good" or "Excellent".
A crafter's delineation is used upon execution.
Can only be used once per synthesis.
This action does not increase step count.

Quick Innovation.png  Quick Innovation 1Quest: Beloved of the Builder 96 0 Grants Innovation for 1 turn.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Innovation.
A crafter's delineation is used upon execution.
Can only be used once per synthesis.
This action does not increase step count.

Cross Class Actions

Alchemist Armorer Blacksmith Carpenter
Action Icon Level Action Icon Level Action Icon Level Action Icon Level
Tricks of the Trade Tricks of the Trade.png 15 Rapid Synthesis Rapid Synthesis.png 15 Ingenuity Ingenuity.png 15 Rumination Rumination.png 15
Brand of Water Brand of Water.png 37 Brand of Ice Brand of Ice.png 37 Brand of Fire Brand of Fire.png 37 Brand of Wind Brand of Wind.png 37
Comfort Zone Comfort Zone.png 50 Piece by Piece Piece by Piece.png 50 Ingenuity II Ingenuity II.png 50 Byregot's Blessing Byregot's Blessing.png 50
Name of Water Name of Water.png 54 Name of Ice Name of Ice.png 54 Name of Fire Name of Fire.png 54 Name of Wind Name of the Wind.png 54
Culinarian Leatherworker Weaver
Action Icon Level Action Icon Level Action Icon Level
Hasty Touch Hasty Touch.png 15 Waste Not Waste Not.png 15 Careful Synthesis Careful Synthesis.png 15
Steady Hand II Steady Hand II.png 37 Brand of Earth Brand of Earth.png 37 Brand of Lightning Brand of Lightning.png 37
Reclaim Reclaim.png 50 Waste Not II Waste Not II.png 50 Careful Synthesis II Careful Synthesis II.png 50
Muscle Memory Muscle Memory.png 54 Name of Earth Name of Earth.png 54 Name of Lightning Name of Lightning.png 54


Trait Icon Level Description
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance.png 63 Slightly increases chances of material condition becoming good.
Stroke of Genius Stroke of Genius.png 70 May increase maximum CP on the second step of synthesis. Increase guaranteed when a specialist.|-


Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10 Level 11 - 15 Level 16 - 20
Level 21 - 25 Level 26 - 30 Level 31 - 35 Level 36 - 40
Level 41 - 45 Level 46 - 50 Level 51 - 55 Level 56 - 60
Level 61 - 65 Level 66 - 70

Goldsmith Quests

Quest Level NPC Zone Area Coordinates EXP Gil Items Needed
My First Chaser Hammer 1 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 100 0 Copper Ingot
Gorgets Rising 5 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 560 194 3 Copper Gorget
Throw Some Rings on It 10 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 1,710 289 12 Copper Rings
Objectively Speaking 15 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 3,360 382 Fang Earrings, Brass Gorget
A Melding of the Minds 20 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 4,060 470 Materia-enhanced Staghorn Staff
Or Ever the Silver Cord Be Loosed 25 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 4,760 557 HQ Silver Ingot
Serendipity Now 30 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 7,460 639 HQ Malachite Earrings
Mammets on Fire 35 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 9,020 0 HQ Fire Brand
The Horns of the Green 40 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 11,270 0 HQ Horn Staff
The Fox in the Hen House 45 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 12,420 0 HQ Electrum Circlet (Zircon), HQ Electrum Circlet (Amber), HQ Electrum Circlet (Spinel)
Jaded 50 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 0 0 HQ Black Pearl Ring melded with Piety Materia III
Elegance and Artistry 53 Marcel Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y12) 230,400 538 Hardsilver Bangle of Casting
Double Trouble 55 Marcel Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y12) 322,560 2156 Hardsilver Ingot
A Masterclass 58 Marcel Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y12) 489,600 570 Aurum Regis Cylinder
Two Hearts Beat as One 60 Marcel Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y12) 878,850 680 Star Sapphire Music Box, Star Ruby Music Box
A Royal Request 60 Serendipity Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 83,700 1000 Nothing
Gemworks in Progress 63 Jemime Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah (x10,y13) 1,725,300 1650 HQ Sample Silver Ring
Blindsided 65 Emeloth Rhalgr's Reach Gyr Abania (x9,y12) 2,079,000 855 HQ Precision Spectacles
The Perfect Tribute 68 Emeloth Rhalgr's Reach Gyr Abania (x9,y12) 2,902,500 2334 HQ Sample Chronometer
Sultana Dreaming 70 Emeloth Rhalgr's Reach Gyr Abania (x9,y12) ?? ?? HQ Tribute Orchestrion
