Difference between revisions of "When the Worm Turns"

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Line 16: Line 16:
| reward-opt3 = 1 Velveteen Dress Gloves
| reward-opt3 = 1 Velveteen Dress Gloves
| reward-opt4 = 3 Allagan Silver Piece
| reward-opt4 = 3 Allagan Silver Piece
| unlocks = ot Mount Speed Increase (Southern Thanalan)
| unlocks = ot Mount Speed Increase
| prev-quest = The Perfect Prey
| prev-quest = The Perfect Prey
| next-quest = There and Back Again
| next-quest = There and Back Again

Revision as of 22:21, 26 April 2018

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

When the Worm Turns

Quest giver
U'odh Nunh
Southern Thanalan (X:14, Y:29)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Required items
1 Rotting Angler Icon.png  Rotting Angler
1 Wellwick Worm Meat Icon.png  Wellwick Worm Meat
Experience 15,200
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Perfect Prey
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThere and Back Again

U'odh Nunh is finally willing to tell you of the ingredient you seek.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • The ingredient you seek is the meat of a Wellwick worm. The creatures are exceedingly rare and must be lured out before they can be slain. To this end, U'odh Nunh suggests you slay an angler and use its carcass as bait.
  • You have obtained the requisite angler carcass. Place it atop the sand ridge to the east in the midst of Wellwick worm territory.
  • The trap is set, and now all that remains is for you to wait. When the Wellwick worm appears, slay it and collect its meat.
  • Thought the beast was indeed fearsome, it was no match for you. Return to Forgotten Springs and present your prize to U'odh Nunh.
  • U'odh Nunh must first prepare the meat, but he promises to send it toWheiskaet in time for the banquet. Because he does not know the location of the third ingredient, you must return to Costa del Sol and speak with the former captain for more information. However, before you can depart, U'odh Nunh has one final favor to ask.