Clockwork Solus
Revision as of 13:18, 23 August 2022 by JohnnySolas (talk | contribs)
Clockwork Solus
“Summon your clockwork Solus minion. No lands must remain beyond its grasp. Go forth. Conquer. Rule.
— In-game description
“Designed in the likeness of Solus zos Galvus, founding father of the Garlean Empire, this automaton was created in the royal workshops to commemorate the ninth anniversary of his ascension. Several units were dispatched to the provinces as a show of the nation's technological prowess.
— In-game journal description
“I should be the one to sigh. - Solus zos Galvus
— In-game tooltip description
Clockwork Solus is a poppet minion.