Stonehard Water
Revision as of 12:08, 18 December 2021 by LoulouZzzz (talk | contribs)
Stonehard Water
“Water so replete with minerals that drinking it unboiled is inadvisable, regardless of how appealing that may seem.
— In-game description
- Level 90 Mining - Ilsabard - Garlemald - (X32 ; Y 34.8) - Aetheryte : Camp Broken Glass - Time : 00AM - 02AM & 12PM - 14PM
- Level 90 Quarrying - The Sea of Stars - Mare Lamentorum - (X9.2 ; Y23.2) - Aetheryte : Sinus Lacrimarum - Time : 02AM - 04 AM & 14PM - 16PM
- Level 90 Quarrying - The World Unsundered - Elpis - (X13.4 ; Y7.3) - Aetheryte : Poieten Oikos - Time : 04AM - 06 AM & 16PM - 18PM