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{{See also|Red Mage}}
#REDIRECT [[Useful Combat Macros]]
==Neutral Magic Macro==
* /macroicon "impact"
* /macroerror off
* /ac "Impact" <t>
* /ac "Jolt II" <t>
* /ac "Jolt" <t>
<br />
This macro uses Impact when ever its available other wise it will use Jolt/Jolt II.
==Black Magic Macro==
* /macroicon "Verfire"
* /macroerror off
* /ac "Verfire" <t>
* /ac "Verthunder" <t>
<br />
This macro uses Verfire if avaiable other wise it will use Verthunder. Both of these spells boost the black magic gauge and lets you not worry about if you are verfire ready or not.
==White Magic Macro==
*/macroicon "Verstone"
*/macroerror off
*/ac "Verstone" <t>
*/ac "Veraero" <t>
<br />
This macro uses Verstone if avaiable other wise it will use Veraero. Both of these spells boost the white magic gauge and lets you not worry about if you are verstone ready or not.
==Alternative to the Black/White/Neutral Macro==
*/micon "Jolt"
*/ac "Verfire"
*/ac "Verstone"
*/ac "Impact"
*/ac "Jolt II"
*/ac "Jolt"
<br />
Essentially, it casts [[Jolt]] to start, but then as you use Thunder/Aero and get procs, it will use those in place of Jolt, since thats what you wanna do anyhow. I personally would not use the two listed above, as that would require you to still pay attention to your buff bar to see if you would instead hit Aero/Thunder to use the procced Stone/Fire. With it on your Jolt instead, you do not need to know if its up or not, you can just hit the Jolt, and if Fire/Stone are ready, they will cast instead. And since they share the same cooldown as Jolt, you wont need either one on your hot bar to see if they are off Cooldown. Ive included Impact into this as well, as you will likely always use impact just before casting jolt again anyhow, so having it after Fire/Stone but before Jolt will prioritize that, should the proc be up for it. Otherwise it will pass to [[Jolt II]] on keypress. Essentially, this removes 3 skills from the hotbar, as they all have the same Cast time and CDs.

Latest revision as of 00:35, 4 February 2024